
Just heard about this game. Seems pretty neat and comes out next week. Anybody want to talk about it?

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Please respond


Please respond

Bump. Already bought it for steam via key selling website. Waiting for 26th. Game looks interesting, especially death mechanics and split screen co-op.

Looks interesting. I'm going to try it out.

Ok I’ll be serious now, the game looks looks and reminds me of a more polished elex which is a good thing. The features are more reminiscent of morrowind/gothic than some piece of shit like modern Beth games

I think this might be a sleeper hardcore rpg hit bros. I really hope it doesn’t run like shit though

I hope it ends up being good.

Man, Deep Silver hired some bargain bin shills this time.

i hope so too man but unfortunately i can only play on base ps4 since my pc is ass now

>wtf a few anons are looking forward to a game? On MY watch!???? Heh fucking shills


I have nothing really to say other than I will definitely be getting it.

I literally didn’t know this game existed up until about an hour ago and now ill probably get it. Reminds me of how niche and under the radar Kenshi was up until not too long ago

I laughed

And yeah, I'm probably going to buy it when it releases on Steam.

>reminds me of a more polished elex which is a good thing
This is actually partially why I'm interested in it. Like I was really looking forward to Elex, and then it released and the game looked like trash so I ended up never buying it.

Gonna keep my eye on it and see how it shakes out after launch.

I loved Elex, don’t let the shit graphics turn you off man

Jank rpgs give me great pleasure.

You should consider self mutilation, helps for being retarded. Thanks for a (you), fag.

not that user but downloaded elex ages ago but haven't played it yet. is it better to go with keyboard and mouse or controller?

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I did 2 play throughs on pc/xbox. Both work fine

Going to dump some impressions

>I'm 12 hours into fantasy RPG Outward when I travel to its second region, visit the city of Berg for the first time, and buy my first proper backpack. Strange to say that buying a backpack feels momentous, but dammit, it really is. I feel triumphant to discard my primitive satchel and shoulder a real pack on my back. Not only does it fit more loot, but I can hang a lantern from it too, so I can have both hands free and still see in the dark. That's the kind of game Outward is, one where the things you take for granted in other games feel like a real accomplishment.

>I've also been humbled repeatedly in those 12 hours. I've been battered unconscious by large birds and angry deer, gouged by hidden spike traps, and pummeled senseless by scruffy bandits. One time I even ran into the wrong castle and was imprisoned in a mining colony beneath it, from which I only escaped by first convincing the guards to let me work in the kitchen, stealing back my precious backpack from the fort's storage room, then leaping into a pit and washing up later on a beach, freezing, confused, wracked with pain, and dying of thirst. I had to build a fire for warmth, chow down on some dried mushrooms, tear my hood into linen scraps to use as bandages, and brew a potion with my alchemy kit to regain my senses. Outward is a fantasy game with monsters and wizards, but it's also a completely engrossing survival experience.

>I tend to enjoy the beginning of RPGs more than the endings. I love to start Oblivion or Skyrim over with a new character, penniless and talentless, relishing the early hours of play when every rusty dagger and basic leather boot is a treasure. I find the hardscrabble life more satisfying than hours later when I'm dumping complete sets of armor out of my inventory because I simply don't need them and can't even be bothered to sell them, that's how damn rich and powerful I've become. I also love games like Stalker and DayZ where no matter how many hours I put in, and no matter how much great gear I collect, I'm essentially no stronger or sturdier than the average person. I remain fragile and mortal, where the slightest misstep can leave me inches from death. It makes every encounter a tense and memorable one.

>I find those same feelings pervade in Outward. You play as an ordinary, common person who can contract a cold and suffer from indigestion and can easily lose a fight to a large crab. I get genuinely excited at every piece of new gear I find or buy, even knowing they won't turn me into a superhero. And this feeling of being a common mortal is especially interesting here, because you don't actually die in Outward.

Looks like some weird ass Outcast + Daggerfall + Ultima built in the Unity engine. Will probably pirate to try out if it's more than 20bux

>Similar to games like Mount & Blade, losing all your health in a fight results in you falling unconscious to the ground. You'll wake up again, bruised, battered, often hungry and thirsty and suffering other negative effects. Sometimes you'll be thrown in a bandit's camp or fort and have to find your gear and make an escape. Other times a mysterious, unseen benefactor will have dragged you to safety and you'll awaken next to a burning campfire with a helpful potion and a friendly note. Sometimes you'll be unceremoniously dumped outside the dungeon you were defeated in, other times you'll wake up in in the safety of the nearest big city so you can put yourself back together.

>This sounds like an extremely forgiving system—and some might say it's not a true survival game if you can't actually die—but at times it can feel pretty punishing. Typically, upon losing a fight in a game, I want to reload my last save and plunge back in. Outward auto-saves for you constantly, meaning there is no going back. Make a choice and you're stuck with it. Lose a battle, and you'll have to pick yourself up and find your way back to it to try again. After a defeat I've woken up clear on the other side of the map, so it can take ages to pick up where you left off (and there's no fast-travel, either). I failed a timed quest because some monsters beat me up and I woke up too far away to return to the quest giver in time, which was a considerable setback. The lesson is clear. Don't start fights unless you need to. Flee when you have to. Make choices carefully. Always be prepared. Losing isn't fatal, but it can certainly be a headache

>I also acquired my first magic spells in those dozen hours, after a considerably tricky journey to the center of a mountain to meet some wizards. And even using spells is a bit of a survival challenge. To begin with, you need to permanently trade some of your maximum health and stamina to even acquire the mana needed to cast spells, making yourself physically weaker in order to become more spiritually powerful.

>And as for the spells I learned, one is called Spark. It's weak. It's wimpy. It does a bit of damage, and burns enemies a little over time, but it's like flicking a lit match at someone and hoping it overwhelms them. To really put it to use, I need physical components. I can mine Mana stones from glowing mineral deposits with a pickaxe, and then use an alchemy kit (purchased) over a campfire (crafted) to mix oil (found or purchased) with those magic rocks to create fire stones. With those fire stones in my inventory, I can cast a flaming sigil on the ground, and as long as I'm within that burning magic circle, my wimpy Spark spell will now burst with power.

>I tend to enjoy the beginning of RPGs more than the endings. I love to start Oblivion or Skyrim over with a new character, penniless and talentless, relishing the early hours of play when every rusty dagger and basic leather boot is a treasure
literally me with dragons dogma

>It's a lot of work to cast spells, in other words, and that work makes it enjoyable. In Outward, spellcasting is a process, one of preparation and crafting and ritual. It makes spells feel weighty, makes you deliberate before using them, and having used them, feels like an accomplishment (or a waste, sometimes, if you use them on creatures that perhaps didn't justify it). And all this for a simple fireball spell, which most RPGs give you as a matter of course so you're not out in the wild with empty hands.

>That design follows through with just about everything you do in Outward. You need to keep yourself fed and hydrated and sleep regularly or begin to suffer negative effects on your stamina and health. You can lay down a simple bedroll at night, but you won't rest as well as you do in a tent or a bed, and you may be ambushed in the wild unless you devote some hours to standing guard—meaning less replenishment from sleep. You can get too warm and too cold, depending on the weather and circumstances, meaning you'll want fur clothing for cold climates and desert gear in arid ones.

>Want to visit another region? Prepare travel rations by cooking meat and salt in a pot, carry any number of restorative potions, bring anything else you think you might need because it's a long, slow trip back if you forget something. And all of that gear weighs you down, right down to how much water is in your waterskins and how much money you have on you. Sure, it's great to have a few hundred pieces of silver to spend in the next city, but the more silver you carry, the less you can carry of everything else.

>I haven't even talked about the story! There is one, and I'm enjoying it, though I'm not far into it yet. There are lots of NPCs, a main quest, side quests, plus dungeons, forts, and caves to explore. I haven't talked about weapon skills: you can learn them by helping NPCs with quests or purchasing them from experts (I can throw my lit lantern at someone for a makeshift fireball if I'm desperate and can't cast my Spark spell). You can increase your health and stamina and mana, usually by visiting trainers and plying them with silver. There's dozens of recipes for cooking and alchemy and the crafting of weapons and armor. There's a lot going on in Outward. There's even local and online co-op, which I have yet to try.

>ARK but with even worse visual design
How is this genre still a thing?

>For now I'm mainly taking pleasure in the survival elements, the preparation that I perform before stepping outside the safety of city walls, my lovely backpack filled with potions I've brewed and food I've cooked and weapons I've crafted and repaired, and maybe some silver to spend in the next city. If I make it there in one piece.

anyway, I'm wondering if it's gonna get much traction. I've watched a bit of latest, early March, dev stream of the game. It does look promising. Kenshi was a similar case, and it got some threads in here post launch.
What I'm not too excited about are the survival mechanics I just want a toned down survival mechanics, not a caricature like in most Rust clones. Also magic, while it looks interesting on paper, in the streams seemed kinda flat.

Ark is a single player rpg? This game is more like kingdom come deliverance mixed with gothic than ark

Mechanically it looks actually interesting.
Such a shame that the world looks like ABSOLUTE.

Seriously. Why is it so god damn fucking hard to make an interesting fantasy world? It's in the fucking name: Just be fucking imaginative. This shit his hideous, brain-dead, ugly as fucking sin. What the fuck.

Outward isn't strictly single player, though, and you could just as well play Ark solo as well.

I am interested in concept but I am fairly sure if I do buy it I will never play it.

The survival mechanics don’t seem that bad after further reading. Apparently you can go 4 hours (4 in game days) without eating drinking or sleeping and even then you won’t die but you’ll just randomly pass out

It only features coop, ark is more of an mmo. I wasn’t aware it had an sp mode my bad.

Same. That beginning struggle is my favorite part

Do you have any family? Please kill them before offing yourself

It wasn't the graphics that turned me off, it was everything I was hearing about the combat.

Not to mention I really wanted to make a mage character in the game. Which turned out to be pretty useless as far as the gameplay goes.

>and there's no fast-travel, either

>play Ark solo
Not that anyone would, game is a grindfest without story and the combat looks boring.

Been watching it for a few months now, glad to see other anons see it's coming out too.
Looks kind of janky, which I was hoping they would improve in the months leading up to release. Now I'm relying on the atmosphere and depth of mechanics to make up for it.
Also tfw Generation Zero releases on the same day


have sex pls
also rip thread, we'll see y'all after 26th, when the game releases. stay hydrated faggots.

literally had no clue it was being released that soon

looks fine faggot

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>have sex pls
that's what I'm planning if this game has romance


Look, you guys can do better than this, even if Deep Silver is paying you shit wage.

Fuck off bethesda shill

>deep silver
inb4 they announce epic exclusivity deal within the next 24 hours

Devs already confirmed it’s not exclusive

then I'll just play the codex edition

>buying games

game art looks like something from the early 2000s
not that that's a bad thing, but a strange choice

the game is on epic store too, but also on steam. idk about gog tho. the difference is that on steam you can't prepurchase, unless you're fine with going for some key selling website like humblebundle or fanatical, gmg... also on epic you get preorder bonus. BUT! devs themselves said that since you can't preorder on steam, they will give preorder bonius for everybody who buys the game on steam in the first week of release. anyway the bonus is shit, just some flightless bird pet, like a dodo or something.

>no npcs outside of large cities
>load times to enter cities/dungeons
>map smaller than Skyrim
>looks empty as fuck
>dev team is 10 people

[citation needed]

not him, but...
>no npcs outside of large cities
on streams I haven't seen any
>load times
indeed, for dungeons you have loading screens, again - check stream
>map smaller than skryim
>looks empty as fuck
again, on stream you can see that the world is rather empty, but! given the nature of combat it's not a bad thing, you can die in this game easily
>dev team is 10 ppl
yep it is, check their website

>no player bounties
>can’t kill npcs
>no romance options
>no deep character creation
>can’t be a thief
>no mounts
>no mod support
>weapon degradation
>can’t jump
>no swimming
>barely any interaction with environment

A combination of comments from the devs and Youtube videos

This happening would just make the game free for me, ultimately. So I'm not that worried.

Just a reminder that small backpacks are for the thinking man who understands what to bring. Large backpacks are for autistic indecisive hoarders.


You can romance your backpack.

I like some of the things it's doing in terms of the magic system and the whole bag/inventory thing, however the game as a whole doesn't look that enticing. The combat especially looks really dull and while I get that they're going for slower, more methodical encounters - at the end of the day, it has to be fun to interact with.

>sleeper hardcore rpg
It's not even an RPG, it's a souls clone with survival elements.

It has skilltrees mate.

So does Far Cry. Is that a sleeper hardcore rpg as well?

this shilling is getting out of hand

is there actually going to be a end goal?

The way this game has been advertised here has made me actually want to avoid it. If you are going to shill a game do it with some guise of stealth or sincerity for fuck sake.

Why is there a nigger on the cover? Pass.

Main quest is tied to which faction you join, I assume that means an end goal yeah.

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>hurr wanting to talk about a game your interested in is shilling

This is EXACTLY how Elex was shilled. And that game was irredeemable trash. It's shilled by a bunch of germans and they circle jerk on it for a whole summer while everyone else pokes at the game from afar and laughs.

I know you are germans because NO ONE defends eurojank harder than germans. You also shilled that Skyrim mod too, which is also eurojank.

>Deep Silver
And it's a pirate and still won't play it.

SO TALK ABOUT IT. every fucking thread is the same images and "what do we think fellow gamers?".

Here, Ill start, there is a heavy focus on laying traps in this game, there is also a stamina system where you have to attack an enemies stamina to stagger them and actually hit their weak spot. Noone ever fucking mentions this shit because the OP makes the thread and then fucks off to make another thread to get word of the game around, but not talk about it, the point is to get the name noticed, its why its the same image used, its the cover of the goddamn game with the games title on it.

He's already moved on user.

if its risen with open world survival and less quest following i'll be into it

Looks like I'll have to pick this up in a week or two