Get within 10,000 GSP of elite smash

>get within 10,000 GSP of elite smash
>lose match
>game takes away 1,100,000 GSP from ONE FUCKING MATCH
>now sitting at 3.9, striggling to get out of it because for some reason the lower the GSP level, the more skilled the opponent is

Does Ultimate have the worst online of any game this generation?

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Git gud

Overwatch has a worse ladder, but ultimate is pretty bad

You hardly lose any GSP when you're above 4 million. I gain like 30k per win and lose around 40k per loss.

Yes it does

Just stop losing bro, if you cant handle everyone below elite why would you want to fight people at elite?

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GSP is determined by win/loss ratio. Uou might just be having some bad matchups. I main Pac-Man and Ganondorf and can't stand Lucina or Wolf.

You* shit

I did too, and I’m suspecting it was a glitch, because I was an arm’s reach away from elite, and then I lose to a fucking bomb spamming mii gunner and the next thing I know my GSP was 3.9

>losing to mii gunner

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Because people in elite are easier than lower GSP opponents. The lower the GSP level, the harder the opponent is. Every fucking time.

I’ll fight someone that’s a few thousand points under elite and they’ll be no problem, but for some reason when I fight someone who’s a couple hundred thousand under elite, they play like they’ve been playing melee since they were born.

>playing for virtual participation award points
so much for video games

Mii gunner is regarded by almost everyone as at least being A tier.

the only time I ever notice this is Snake mains that seem to have better mastery of the tech the less GSP they have, unfortunately all of my mains counter him so into the trash he goes

>Mii gunner is regarded by almost everyone as at least being A tier.
then why are they not at tourneys when DDD and Duck Hunt are? The only Mii's I ever see are Swordfighter and faggots that are super sandbagging with Brawler, never seen a gunner before

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You fight more annoying players in elite though. Why is it so important getting there?

Brawler and his bullshit specials are the most common, but I’ll see mii gunner pretty damn frequently too.

I was talking about tourneys, not quickplay

So I can say I did it and then never touch that character in quickplay again. It’s a way of proving to myself that I’m good at a character.

So is there any actual reason why Smash can't just use an Elo system like literally everything else?

Snake could easily beat your main though.

Who have you guys gotten into Elite?

Megaman is my most recent.

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Just Pac-Man.

No he cant

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because Sakarui still has a great big stick up his ass over tourneyfags and will fight them till his dying breath

Only ROB. I was trying to get K. Rool into Elite, but OP shows how that fucking went. I have to go back to my shitty apartment internet too, where it’s NAT Type D and take 30 minutes to find a match, PER match. It’s safe to say that I’ve blown any chance of ever getting him in elite.

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Wut’s that.

based anti pac poster

it might hurt people's feelings

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Is GSP-hell a thing in this game?

Ive been playing pichu for 2 weeks and i cant break past 200k pts no matter how well i do anymore. i will admit that i did a lot of losing the first week, as i only went to online and never did any training or CPUs with pichu, but only because i wanted to learn vs real people and not an AI.

all my other mains are between 2-3.5 mill, but pichu, who i win matches against similarly skilled opponents with, is stuck between 80-200k

You see, the problem with K. Rool is, his worst fucking nightmare is fighting Yong Link, and it just so happens that everyone who has ever used and ever will use ultimate’s online main’s Young Link. He is by far the most used character online.

Getting K. Rool into elite is a nightmare to say the least.

I have no idea how to help you friend. Maybe look up youtube videos? GAP hell DOES exist, but it’s in the “sub 100,000 points from Elite” range, not there.

If you end up with a 50% winrate your GSP growths go down the shitty unless you can pull a 5 win winstreak or something of that magnitude

How the fuck does GSP even work gos I hate sakurai

>only using the Hydrant

What the fuck

how many pts for elite these days?
yeah maybe i just need to start playing just for points. i have a habit of always hitting yes to a rematch

You basically lose slightly more GSP than you win.
But the lower your GSP is, the bigger the jumps in both. Once you approach elitehood, and currently it seems to be like 4,176,000. Gains/losses slow to a crawl.

>because for some reason the lower the GSP level, the more skilled the opponent is
This. I have 3 characters in Elite and now I'm trying to enter Marth (holy shit this characters is hard but landing tippers is satisfying as fuck) I've being around the 3m mark, right now over 4m. But I remember that in one lose streak I dropped all the way down to 1m something and was getting paired with people with low gps and holy shit, some of those matches were genueily harder than some people in Elite smash. Most players were awful but I was genuinely surprised to see some really good players in shitters hell. My theory is that they just don't care about winning but learning, most people don't rematch better players for not losing gps, I always rematch when I lose until I win (though it's annoying to lose all your points not gonna lie) so I think that's why you can always find really good players with low gps.

But yeh the ranking system, if you can even call it that, fucking sucks, they should just get the Splatoon team to help them make an actual ranking system, Elite smash being the equivalent to rank x , with an actual leaderboard. Right now is all over the place and it's not by any means an accurate measure of skill.

I think its almost exclusively based on winrate and your distance from the very center of the bell curve
if you start out at 2.5 mil you can reach the current elite cap at around 4.15 mil in 4-5 wins if you have a 100% win rate, it would take 4-5 wins to get from 4.09 to 4.15 if you have a 56% winrate

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It was actually a rather even match and I cut out most of it.
It was just that every time this NERD pulled out a hydrant I made sure he ate it. I dislike hydrants, as I had a bad experience.

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Huh. I figured it took away more. This system is so fucked. Sakurai genuinely made the online with scorn on his heart.

Is ultimate online really that bad?

I just keep seeing hate threads and everyone saying that they miss the for glory mode, even if that was the "git gud" heaven

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Yeah, it seemed really close. I feel like too many Quickplay Pacs rely on trying to uproot their own hydrant. The reason I use Pac is because of his fruit. There's just so much shit you can utilize with all of them. He never gets boring to play.

Nice Mega Man btw


It's fine ya fuckin goob.

One thing I'd say is definitely fucked though, is when you say NO to a rematch, and you'll get one with them anyway. Why? I guess because THEY said yes to a rematch? Well I fuckin said no, and I said it for a reason. Fuck off, game!

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>well i fuckin said no
Sakurai made it clear he doesn’t gove a fuck. I have my settings to FD, no items, 6:00 min, 3 stocks, yet the game decides I need to play on regular stages (hazards on), items on, 3 stock and 3 fucking minutes.

I gave up somewhere around Christmas. I play Isabelle exclusively.

>Play with friends
>Really good against them
>Play with friends online in arenas
>Not destroying them but not doing badly either, even fun matchups
>Enter local tourney
>Don't win but always get into semifinals or the set before semifinals
>go into quickplay
>get raped by random people with 1 million gsp
>can't get gsp above 500,000
I don't get it what am I doing wrong?

who are you playing?

Isabelle was one of my easy elites, most people completely crack if you just camp them out the first minute and lose all ability to think rationally which leaves them open to stupid shit like using the fishing hook to bounce them off the bottom of the stage

I play a variety of characters, Incineroar, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Roy, etc. but my main is Bowser Jr

every single character you play is garbage but Roy, good job with those picks user


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It's fine, I make do, and I'm playing to have fun. It's just frustrating to me how I do well to great when playing with people I know and even in tourneys but get eradicated by quickplay

>tfw 4,280,224 gsp

It's embarrassing there are actual "adults" playing this game that can't even reach elite smash.

Easy elite = played 10 matches with favorable matchups and got into elite.

Most people won't let themselves get outcamped by fucking Isabelle unless they're stupid. Basically all other characters with camping options outclass her in that regard. And nigga spiking ppl off the bottom of the stage with fishing rod was basically my invention, I was the one that made the first webm.

>And nigga spiking ppl off the bottom of the stage with fishing rod was basically my invention, I was the one that made the first webm.

I got matched exclusively with zoners though, every time I play quickplay I get awful matchups
If I pick DDD I get Fox and Palutenas
If I pick Incineroar I get Belmonts and Link
If I pick Megaman I get nothing but rats
If I pick Puff I get Snake and Snake, nothing but fucking snake god I fucking hate Snake
everyone on quickplay is either a fucking zoner or a top 8 tier character

If your losing that much from 1 match it's because you have less than 5 games on that characters, stop being a faggot and just win

I haven't been paying attention to GPS, just grinding out the the trophy. What's the limit to unlock elite?

You probably don't have enough experience fighting cheese and spam, which most good players don't rely on to play competitively but is all over online.

its around 4.15 right now

Simple, the people are those tournyes are bad too

Wait you have to unlock elite for every character? To hell with that noise, I've already leveled up every spirit and sent them all the every gym, I've spent overly long on this game already

For the achievement you only need to get one character into elite and then play an elite match.

Have Ridley and Samus there currently, around 4.2 gsp for both so just barely in there. Used to have K. Rool there too but he was slightly lower so he got kicked when the elite cutoff rose

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But the grey boxes, man, all those grey boxes

Its not worth it dude
t. failure that gave up with putting the entire cast into elite after getting hallway there

If you're struggling, like legitimately struggling to get the character you're best with to get into Elite, you're both outright bad and don't deserve the title of "Elite".
Go into training mode, learn your character proper, watch the How to Play series by Izaw, study your losses, stop whining.

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everyone except plant cause I haven’t bothered buying him

>t. guy who plays a sword character

Nearly half the cast. Started with the mains, then the new mains, and now just characters that I find fun.

I planned to get everyone in elite, but I'm finding myself playing/hosting lobbies and brushing up my Daisy. It's just more fun over there when you find a couple people who actually just want to play the fucking game and not grind up a shitty ranking system.

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I ended up giving up at like number 50 because I just hated that EVERYONE in quickplay is either a zoner or top 5 character. I dont have the energy to play 90 more matches against campy faggots as characters I have never played before

I agree with him and my mains at launch were DK and Krool

It's usable, but not what I'd call acceptable in 2018/19. Your choice of match is very limited in Quickplay and tedious in Lobbies. Your choice has a chance of not being respected in Quickplay and you could get sucked into a mode you don't want to play. You're stuck with the one character in QP, and lose your place in line in Lobbies if you do anything asides from waiting in queue. SC5 back in fucking 2011 has a better online system than this game in 2018.

I know Smash's appeal is local play, but Sakurai or someone at Nintendo needs to get with the times. The buddies we played with on couch are probably cities, states, or countries apart. This should've been better.

Played some Smash online for a few hours yesterday and literally 90% of all matches were against Ganondorf, Lucina, Cloud, or Ike. Sometimes there'd be an Inkling or another Marth clone too. I just want to fight more different characters, for fucks sake.

>Get a character into Elite
>Never play them again for fear of them dropping out of Elite
I only ever use my main now, because Lucas is the only character I can safely say I should be able to get back in if he were to for what ever reason get knocked out.

At this point, I have like 6 or 7 characters in.

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>Because people in elite are easier than lower GSP opponents.

No they aren't, anyone not in elite isn't very good and just spams 90% of the time.

If you're close to elite but isn't in elite, you get matched with players who are in elite a lot of times.

any time I see a Snake main in quick-play they have a mastery of b-reversals, not something I see from anyone else at sub elite ranks but them

>Final Destination
Actually pathetic

I can't believe I forced myself to go through 200 online matches to get that achievement
I hated them all except when I was fighting a Snake player which is only 3 matches

>It's just more fun over there when you find a couple people who actually just want to play the fucking game
This. Just let me play with people online, flesh out my gameplan more. No I don't want to play your cheese ruleset jfc

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I was enjoying bowser too much. Now I can't drop the bad habit of dair from high above.
I have a lot of the basics down, but until I learn to setup bair better either with rar or just keeping my back to the opponent, I don't think I can get him to elite ever

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Just spam side smashes and fairs at random like everyone else in quickplay does, it worked for me

Down smash is superior in most cases, and fair is good, but bair kills much earlier. It takes 110% for fair to kill jiggly puff on stage but 75% for bair

It was obvious the online was going to be ass the moment they announced it. A real shame people immediately bought into the subscription regardless.

If you know bowser so much better than why aren't you in Elite?

I think it has to do something with your opponents gsp.
my general gsp is 4million but my Mario was still at 2m, played him around launch, lost 2 times.
when I got him back up the first guy lost around 1.5m, the next lost 0.5m and I just absorbed those points, from 3.5m to 4 it took like 5 matches though.

Do people actually care about Elite or anything related to quickplay?

I hate the points system. I want to be able to switch characters between rematches and I hate the retarded cheese strats people go for just to try scumming up points. People care about their precious points too much to rematch after a fun, close game too.

I understand the ruleset stuff. A lot of people play the game in different ways, some people truly, genuinely want to play 1v1 with stocks and items and they don't care about tournament accuracy. But I still miss the more rigid way Smash 4 did it, because then you at least knew for certain what you were getting into.