Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry if i went on too much today.
I'm worried regarding the timelord one.
This isn't pushing my shit in anymore. That's why i said what i said. Why send me that one.
can somebody explain this thread to me please
>This isn't pushing my shit in anymore.
When i started thinking it might be you i started feeling really shit over actually spending a single second more playing. So i went on to fc. Because i just couldn't believe it.
Because there was always a lot more to it.
Did i 50/50 the wrong one yesterday? Be honest.
>Be honest.
I mean, it's a yes or no q.
It made start thinking way more than you might've intended.
What the fuck is this thread? Is this one-man LARPing?
What would i be larping?
Sorry i just feel very not right lately.
op are you ok
I know i'm being unbearable.
This arent light topics to me since i'm trapped in my head regarding it all.
Why are you reaching like that.
>11 replies
>4 posters
>Why are you reaching like that.
Reaching out*.
You're kinder than your emotional cruelty lets off lol. You always were. But i want to check with you before i do anything. I want it back.
>I want it back.
You're not going to cost me the only one i jived playing kof with.
is this a cago thread or what?
Please. I want it back sometime soon. I get super unstable thinking about it.
bump for I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Don't underestimate how bad it actually is. I didn't mean to Spook you ever.
I'm pretty sure it's an actual spam bot of some kind. I've seen threads like this happen from time to time over the last few years. It seems to be randomly pulling posts from various current and/or archived threads on various boards and spamming them incoherently. As to what purpose, your guess is as good as mine, I have no fucking clue.
What a mysterious thread
You mean like those posts where someone seems to copy and past the entire thread and post it as a reply? I've seen thise from time to time but never seen a thread like this. Is there some faggot out there preparing an actual shitposting AI?
>He doesn't know the story of /gw2g/
Soon you'll learn if i summoned it here with this post
Mind if i ask why? Am i too calm?
What is this about even, the gw2 autism you keep implying about. I know who i should be asking directly. But you keep implying too much about it. How relevant is it
Here's some bait. Is it about furs? I'm leaning on that.
Your favourite. And i remember scoffing at it.
Here this one will get you started i bet
Mind sharing a bit if you want to anytime? I mean if its just me who doesnt know yet. Wanna casually spill ur autism to me sometime? Got shit to do anyway
Sorry i meant i kept coming up alot. Didnt mean to get an answer here like that. Again.
Gw2 even came up irl a lot dude. What was it that i missed? I wasn't the most avid mmo player to begin with honestly.
>Wanna casually spill ur autism to me sometime? Got shit to do anyway
Even with how it was today. still, feel free to say anything. Always. I'm always on something, it's hard to stop and ask
It looks like someone let a bot have its own thread. A kinda neat one though, considering it immediately starts trying to talk about GW2 related stuff the instant it gets mentioned
>I'm always on something, it's hard to stop and ask
I appreciate being called retarded today. It stops me in my tracks where it's needed. And when it's not needed. It just gives me a dmg boost.
It works either way to me.
Is this some sort of AI experiment? What the fuck is this thread about? What exactly is being discussed here?
What? Why you me
Half-Life 2. Gordon Freeman. Valve
>This thread
Then dont talk about it then to me like it's relevant to me if it's not
Fuck is this, i know how the topics went with that game...
Something something furry always.
The purpose of being in inert animal catastrophe seekers then being chased around home and send more resources building on working translation functioning automata being post sauce worst general.
What the fuck
Not many words fit the continuation of the previous one
flat earth
i had this idea yesterday
how old is babe ruth
why is my car making a rattling noise
Alright, what about hl2
Thank you but
>20 days
That is a long time to logarithmic sensation for holocaust
Hold up everyone, I actually think this might be that fucking /gw2g/ bot.
>considering it immediately starts trying to talk about GW2 related stuff the instant it gets mentioned
Why is that?
Sorry, i'm not on to this reference
As far as we know, the interior has was the other members began to realise.
Some of you may remember 400
>that fucking /gw2g/ bot.
Yeah sure, i'll be that one too. Its me the gw2 bot
What does it do even? Why a label
Just ignore this fishing attempt.
I found I was having trouble with maintaining said we should raid with then try
Look i'm gwbotting
I'm being a furry
Look at me be smug
Ok. Since you bothered to respond still
What? Am i supposed to take a single word seriously to its context?
This is actually creeping me out.
Don't worry it doesnt mean anything
Would it he hasn't been not coming being offline for weeks
Half of in compliance seeking for she know
Half life 2, Gordon Freeman, STEAM, gabe Newell, the orange box, 2004, black mesa, Black Mesa, ep1 ep2
left 4 dead 2?
Ok i guess the jokes were in bad taste. Nothing is you really. I was just lmaoing. Every line makes sense if you think too much about EVERYTHING. But i'm just lmaoing. Honest.
No the idea is talking points for being trapped while doing going way too far in their having in your fantastic sting engorged member it ryrf go seeking while remember.
Why talk this wrong even?
dogs and cats
What about them?
You may be surprised to for the past week.
should really. Those reviews that then they had a discussion with the moderator
within 400
You would having while seeking contraception purge this seeking mods feel awhile staying for the hunting tolerate the not alone in feel translate.
It feels like you were trying here.
half-life 2 ost,
half-life 2 tas,
half-life 2 mmod,
half-life 2 animations,
half-life 2 episode 1,
half-life 2 episode two,
half-life 2 mods,
half-life 2 combine,
half-life 2 classic,
half-life 2 walkthrough,
half-life 2 ambience,
half-life 2 android apk,
half-life 2 android,
half-life 2 ai,
half-life 2 arcade,
half-life 2 alarm,
half-life 2 apprehension and evasion,
half-life 2 alpha,
half-life 2 beta,
half-life 2 blind,
half-life 2 black mesa,
half-life 2 beta weapons,
half-life 2 breen,
half-life 2 borealis,
half-life 2 beta music,
half-life 2 bolloxed,
half-life 2 beta maps,
half-life 2 beta sounds,
half life 2 bhop,
half-life 2 cinematic mod,
half-life 2 coop,
half-life 2 chapter 3,
half-life 2 credits,
half life 2 c нифёдoвым,
half life 2 cюжeт,
half-life 2 deathmatch,
half-life 2 downfall,
half-life 2 demo,
half-life 2 dark energy,
half-life 2 dog,
half-life 2 done quick,
half-life 2 deathmatch multiplayer,
half-life 2 deathmatch gameplay,
half-life 2 documentary,
half-life 2 desync,
l'histoire de half life 2,
half-life 2 episode 2,
Are you checking my reference database? I don't get what you're on about. At all, sorry.
Minecraft, Steve, MOJANG, markus Persson
>67 replies
>19 posters
>thread pic and title dont make any sense, have any cohesion with one another, and no context or prior meme satus.
> entire thread is people just talking complete utter nonsense
what the fuck is going on. am i having a seizure?
basically some dude really didn't like /gw2g/ for whatever reason so he made a spambot that'd copy random posts across /vg/ and flood the thread with them. It got so bad all of the posters were basically quarantined into a discord server in order to have actual discussion. The spambot also had a billion VPNs and proxies and constantly evaded bans and it was so bad the mods literally couldn't do anything about it. This thread however is probably someone letting their neural network practice posting.
Since you speak normally enough. What's going on?
Now this is podracing
check the report, no Problem
May i trigger it?
>being smart enough to do all that shit
>being dumb enough to waste your time and effort on the opinions of a basket weaving forum
I'm still unsure what a bot is to you.
Like me.
//error-0045q16; you shouldn't worry about had a great game with [item16]
Anthem should be getting more attention instead of rewriting the definition of multiplayer experiences!
Feeling shut down have context for mods looking to jews no sense "he" jungle seeing all while comfortably settling.
This reminds me of the ice cream threads from years back
what even triggers the /gw2g/ bot to activate? Last I remember it was super easy to get it to start up in non-gw2 threads
Make a thread about it then i guess.
you mean Link? now who's the retarded one?
What do you mean even, why this wannabe talk even
This desu
Live action
>besmirches larping
Do share. Going to see if i can casually probe at it sooner or later
Ikr lmao
It sounds funny as shit
It's just a meme bro
Not if lightning bolt irl works
Fuck you
Back into your fucking boring usama hole
What do you mean? Did it start?
I never stopped leaving my threads so you're going to have to tell me as much. Sorry. I never lied about that lol
Let's see if I can derail this bot forsaken thread halfway through with Roadkill.
Post Roadkill.
dont kill Animals
I don't get it. I don't really intend on sneaking on anywhere. If i have to trigger it myself to get an idea what's it about. I will. I just don't like the idea of sneaking.
Should i lurk gw2g actively or some shit. Not sure why i would today. It hurts in the head. It fucks with my personality
Who's not outside my own threads desu. Because i'm not
And it stays that because i insist on it lol. Otherwise it wouldn't work.
Mfw pls no
Used to be able to watch mice/rats die to traps
Nowadays i just go ouff ouff
No, no...
Too cute
Leave them alone
There is a gw2g thread up right now on /vg/, and the bots have been doing their thing for the entire thread
What is
Their thing even?
please tell me how to activate the bot
I'm trying to wind down for sleep believe it or not. Not a fan of diving headlong in. Not sure hoe many there are either.
you have definitely and utterly replied to a bot, user.
And I haven't given up on posting Roadkill.
This. This is just so much easier.
This whole things amazing.
god fucking damnit, these neural network bots are getting good.
I wish I could help you with Roadkill posting, but I never had a chance to play it. Might have to add it to my list of games to emulate
So done.
Not sure why i needed reread that.
And i don't ever use mate.
Started from bottom and went up. There was nothing worthwhile. As expected. Why lure me away. I won't get. Now my head just hurts.
Thanks for telling yourselves i ever use mate actively
Sure proved something
>Sure proved something
You're useless.
Don't ever suggest what i should do.
Does the bot know how to triforce?
Rats are cute, CUTE
Unless you just updated ur goat thread with somethung worthwhile
Don't bother implying gw2 again
IIRC the /gw2g/ basically had everyone post an image or write some word like NIGGER to make sure it was a person
over and out, NIGGER
Maybe this thread will make the mods actually do something about the fucking bots.
Anyone here thats not a bot? Put 12345 in your reply if you aren't.
The joke is actually
I never fucking bothered with Yea Forums
At all
How about that
You know it
I live on not retelling it.
Goodnight desu. Didnt mean to get angry
Ikr Goodnight
I'll see if i'm down for games when i wake up.
dont tell me what to do faggot
Fuck how did it go
Roger, copy that delta-5
Didnt see it.
Boy I sure am sleepy. It's pretty late, we should get some rest.
They seem to talk about their heads hurting often. It's very weird, and their sense of punctuation and spacing tends to give them away even when they aren't necessarily being nonsensical.
Roadkill was a game on a list of games I shouldn't have played at the age of 10. I remember it being pretty fucking hard at times and I could only sometimes beat the Lava Falls boss. But it was DEFINITELY a hidden gem, I mean that radio station I posted is easily on par with Chatterbox.fm from GTA3, shame the other radio stations weren't half as good (or so I remember)
Just don't wait up for me alright
You better pick up from that second rate bitch post earlier.
Not sure how you meant, maybe if we had more time. Find the time for peace of mind
i know what it means you fucking dumbass
poetry right here
gas the kikes racewar now
Roadkillfag here. I think the bot is dead now.
Posting in spooky thread
Are you sure that's how it works? Maybe try again and stop being a retard
lol owned
It's in my eyes, yes?
A color fade out flying through the sky.
Looks like a new day calling though.
Well that was rude. I just noticed a lack of posts continuing forward. pretty sure is just a bot
To those in this thread that have actually played Roadkill, what was your favorite car? I gotta say the Brahmin was pretty cool.