Howdy user, how 'ya been?

Howdy user, how 'ya been?

Good, I hope.
Flying the Dora, I hope.
You do have Bodenplatte, right?

Attached: il2edit18.png (1920x1080, 3.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope. Devs are jews. 90% of players play singleplayer. The AI is fucked. They don't address various bugs. They only release more maps and planes to milk their boomer-aged fan boys for shekels.

>Don't address various bugs
>planes and maps are only to milk
>AI is fucked
The only one that's even somewhat right is the third point, and even that improves with almost every patch. Give it time, user, you'll have your perfect singleplayer yet. I want it too.

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>give it time
>game has been in development since 2012
I worked with the devs for a short time creating content. I am involved in the community as well. For starters the design decision that the ai has to fly against the same forces that the player has to sound really cool on paper, in practice however this causes many issues, is costly/time consuming and takes up a lot of cpu cycles.

oh and 90% of players DO play singleplayer. Jason said it himself on TS.

The AI using the same FM as players is only a good thing in my eyes - No unfair advantages like the absurdities in 1946 or DCS World, the only problem is they don't take advantage of what they CAN do with the FM.
And I wasn't arguing against that point, I know how many singleplayer players there are. Hell, I'm one of 'em.

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Planes can't even make like a 30 degree change in course without BUTT FUCKING a formation. It's complete trash. CO-OP is the last chance for this game. Thank fuck they gave us that.

Agreed. If only people would start hosting some fucking servers for it.

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You have to check the co-op/events on the official forum.

Yeah that's just it -
No 24/7 servers with decent missions or public access. It pisses me off, I just wanna fly with my buds and not have to fly against wanna-be-hartmann #3678

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We weren’t talking about Eagle Dynamics

well if you're unaware co-op is one life per mission. So having spawn points at multiple locations doesn't work, so a dedicated server also wouldn't work too well... i mean you could set it up to wait for X amount of players to fill before launching the mission...however, i find co-op events are great because it weeds out the retards. I've been flying missions with people, full staffel strength, everyone on comms. It's awesome. The worst aspects of Dogfight servers and singleplayer are avoided.

Aw shit, that sounds like a good time. I'll have to look out next time one's running.

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check out friday night bomber flight (little bit of everything), netscapes co-ops (bomber/ground attack)and the eagles nest co-ops (campaign generator).

Much obliged, user. I do hope that AI rework comes sooner rather than later though, as real life often prevents me from partaking in stuff like that.

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Actually when I think about it the devs put almost no effort into promoting CO-OP. I think most players click multiplayer, check CO-OP, see that 0-3 servers are there (usually locked) and leave never to return. CO-OP game mode should be clearly explained in a promo video or text when you hover over the menu button or something.

Doesn't help that the server hosting tools are ultra, mega ass to get going.

On a side note, been working on my edits. This is one of my favorites. What do you think, Anons?

Attached: il2edit4v5.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

CO-OP can use d-server shit as you describe, but really normal CO-OP is 1 player hosting the mission. All that person needs to do is open up the proper ports and not have shite internet speeds.

That edit looks a lot more realistic than the others.

This pic is from a recent CO-OP... full 129 Staffel! (all humans)

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God fucking DAMN that looks awesome. I want in on that shits.

And how about this user? What's the trick to getting this old timey stuff right?

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It can turn into quite a cluster fuck. Pic related. A guy had the idea to take off with the full staffel at once instead of schwarm by schwarm... comms can also get overwhelming. People are using separate channels for each kette or schwarm now. The flight leaders of those groups are all on whisper list to communicate with eachother. Command and control becomes critical with that many humans flying together. I still suck at formation flying, it's a work in progress I suppose. I don't hit people but it's still not perfect.

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I'm not sure. I gained basic image editing skills when I was a kid, like 20 years ago.

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>playing rb wt on a sabre
>alright boys we gotta sideclimb so we get a chance agaisnt those t2
>a random t2 notices us from 15km
>closes the gap almost instantly and the rest follows
>get rocketed

Thanks gaijin

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tfw no game lets me fly the Hs 132

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