Really makes ya think

Really makes ya think

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based SthenoCHAD

why is charlemagne so weak lorewise

Cause everyone should be weak to let artoria win

where does this sit on the timeline?

What? Can't you just make threads about the games you want to discuss like a normal person? What's wrong with you?

I actually liked Fate Extra when it came out. What the fuck went wrong? Anime got announced, I get hyped but it's a pretty bad readaptation/sequel of the game.

Why the fuck would you make the anime it's own original story but have the exact same thing twists and servants as before?

Then I got excited for the musou game only to realize the tournament arc component was thrown out and none of the humans showed up. The gameplay is also really fucking boring too.

between ubw and hf

now i know thats not true


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It's the EX spinoff timeline. The order is Fate/Extra(PSP), Fate/Extra CCC(PSP), Extella and then Extella Link.

Attached: fate timeline.jpg (706x1131, 188K)

Extella comes after Extella Zero

Do traditional grail wars even exist in Prisma Illya?
I thought it was an entirely different timeline.
I only read some of the manga.

What the hell is Extella/Zero? Never heard of it.

Also, mandatory post begging for Extra CCC translations. It's in the hands of literally the slowest group possible.


Why is the resolution so damn low?

Zero is the prequel to original fate.
Dunno what the fuck Extella is.
I think Extra is some distant future shit, don't remember much from playing it.

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a blogpost. some kind of alternative of Extra that leads into Extella
based brainlet

Wasn't CCC ALREADY an alternate Extra?

yes. its a multiverse, so there are tons of alternatives

CCC was an extension to Extra

Extella Link was fun but I wish these games went back to bing JRPGs. I actually loved Extra.

>>Do traditional grail wars even exist in Prisma Illya?
They used to.

Ok, so maybe I'm forgetting something, but wasn't Elizabeth still corrupted by Velber particles or something at the end of the last game and pretty committed to being evil? Why is she baack to normal in this game with nobody even acknowledging anything? I thought they were going somewhere with it when they make a point to say that they've never met Archimedes but it does.

This except both Extella games are shit. I love the boss fights in Extra so much, but the generic enemy battles do get annoying.