>thinking normies care about shit like input lag and latency
Thinking normies care about shit like input lag and latency
It's not a real video game if it depends on those things anyway.
They do, but they don't know what they're called. Instead they'll just say that its shit without explaining why.
I could actually see it working fine for old school MMORPGs though, since their gameplay is already slow and unresponsive. It could bring high definition waifu simulation to people with shit PCs.
>thinking normies care about video games
I doubt Stadia will really catch on. They just want to buy a "video game box" that plays some basic shit, while everyone else will just continue to buy / build PCs.
I forgot to mention they also want something that runs Netflix in their living rooms. Another reason why I think this shit won't take off.
>thinking freedomfags have capable internet
t. freedomfag
millions of people gladly play fortnite on their phone, i think they will be fine with stadia
>they also want something that runs Netflix in their living rooms.
tvs already have built in apps for that
>thinking normies play video games
Because that version of Fortnite was specifically built to be played on a phone (not to mention its free). Playing an unoptimized version of asscreed or some other multiplat garbage that also comes with latency and input lag is going to be a much harder sell.
>thinking i give a shit what normies buy/play.
>be me
>be normie
>"bro google console looks lit"
>"gotta check out to make sure the game list is fire"
>"cool Doom"
>"wait bro, only one game"
>"It doesn't even have multiplayer"
>"how am I gonna play call of duty or halo with my bros?"
>"better stick with xbro, bro"
They will when they can't jump that gap.
Or the stream stops when their internet dies.
>thinking normies won't notice or care about this shit
give it up, google shills, your product is utter garbage.
>thinking normies care about logging in on a stupid service
they only currently endure it because the consoles and phones do it automatically
>stadia is dead on arrival
>xbox 360
>even new 2ds xl
>built into tv
>the chrome usb sticks
>amazon fire usb
>bluray players
Literally almost everything now plays Netflix, Hulu, and often Amazon prime video
The performance gap between TVs and console for streaming is about as big as that between consoles and PCs for games. Except it doesn't take a videophile to notice the difference between 360@30 and 1080@60.
"normies" are a much wider and profitable market, what they buy will inevitably affect the direction of the industry. Just look at what happened to movies and music over the past 20 years.
stadia shitters are already cope enough that they're not even defending the input lag.
This is cope on a product that isn't even released yet.
OP, please buy a stadia controller and preorder whatever you possibly can, I want you to lose as much money as possible on this onlive, gaikai clone.
This is going to be like the fucking ouya all over again and I'm loving it.
normies care about videogames user, its just blackops, fortnite or sports games, and they arent part of this shitty cliche clique trope of "gamers"
you guys are retarded. the normies are YOU and US. anybody aged 20-30+ knows what the fuck lag and latency is. if you think they don't you need to get a girlfriend and go outside.
only poo people and jungle asians play mobile PUBG and fortnite, there's no way in hell they'll be able to afford a monthly subscription to "play" on a streaming service