When is Peach going to stop being treated as an object of desire?

When Miyamoto finally dies? I'm so sick and tired of them rehashing the same kidnapped damsel in distress plot over and over again for Mario games. Every time I see a new Mario game or spin-off announced and I see Peach getting kidnapped and crying for help I roll my eyes. Why can't they come up with something better? It lowers the quality of Mario as a series.

Peach is a blank cardboard in terms of personality. She never tries to fight back.

>But what about Super Princess Peach?

Oh you mean that half-assed shovelware game made by a no name developer that still fucked up anywaus because they reduced her to an emotional wreck using the power of "emotions"? Seriously? What kind of weak shit is that?

Alright Yea Forums, so how do we fix this? What do you propose they use for a narrative in future Mario games? And how do we make Peach a better, more interesting character?

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can't fix what ain't broken

If Princess Peach got kidnapped and you had the chance to rescue her, you just wouldn't? Is that what I'm understanding user?
>She never tries to fight back
She's a fucking princess and Bowser's a god damn 10+ foot tall turtle dragon that breaths fire and has a fucking army.

What about pre-SS Paper Mario?

When Bowser loses all his testosterone

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t. tumblr

>There will never be a Super Princess Peach but with actually challenging gameplay

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Mario is about running and jumping, not breaking the glass ceiling

when people stop buying the games in masses because they are sick of that plot i dont play mario but imagine the people who do arent doing it or care about the story or about saving peach and just as a platformer or whatever

atleast Eggboi changes things up in each game

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This. I want Peach to be an evil queen who executed her enemies without mercy

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I don't have a problem with it and neither do the creators apparently. It's not your character, so fuck off. Write your own shit and do whatever you want with it, don't go taint other peoples work with your shitty idea. If anyone would do that then everything would blend together into one gigantic deviantart fanfiction.

literally kill yourself

When she actually ovaries up and asks Mario to marry her, instead of playing the hard to get bitch

a game with a new villain like Wario serving a villain role again like in Super Mario Land 2

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I'd rather Peach just fuck off. She's just an annoying mary sue that acts as a black hole for the Mario universe when there are better girls that could be focused on.

>expecting anything interesting to happen in Mario before Miyamoto dies

I can only see that stopping if bowser grows old or becomes disinterested in kidnapping peach likely because he finds someone else

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The original plot by miyamoto is that peach was a mage that had the power to revert bowser's evil magic and after miyamoto lost power she turned into a sex object so you actually have it backwards op

Also, she doesn't even like mario or bowser as mario odyssey confirmed.

She's actually a solid character in any other game aside mario adventures, specially on smash where she can kick your whiny ass

Literally just play Smash Ultimate she's the best character in the game

>expecting anything interesting to happen in Mario after Miyamoto dies

I beat Peach is actually a lesbian that loves either Daisy or Rosalina

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