>>455667491 Thanks for taking the bait, chump!

Thanks for taking the bait, chump!

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Other urls found in this thread:


can we go one thread without people screeching tranny all day
fucking patch can't come any sooner, maybe the stories will make you faggots shut the fuck up with this "BTFO!!!!!!" shit

Fun this fanfest.

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Making Dancers DPS was the best thing to ever happen in this expansion. I want to dance my way through the story~

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Old dude on the stream sounds kind of like Gosetsu

Yes, I am finding it fun

I hope you have fun user, I might go Dancer if it's really fun.

It's going down as I expected. The 4 days before fanfest will be filled with BTFO posting. 26th will be shitposting about MSQ. Complete void until May, with some chatter about the XV event and datacenter changes I guess. Shitposting about job changes in May. Void. Shad.

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this sucks man

Reminder to unsub and cancel your preorder, do not support this game and it's alt-right developers. Square Enix should be ashamed.

This Live letter is fucking shit

>wanted to unsub for April and May
frig. Guess I have to sub for at least April

what's bad about it?

lalafells are the perfect height to give blowjobs while standing up

t. Seething tranny

for you

Have they talked about job changes yet?

This is it. This is Final Fantasy XIV's "Let's own the libs! MAGA!" moment. Yoshi P and his old, straight, privileged team are so out of touch with reality it's unreal.

FFXIV had everything there to be a progressive game for a modern era but time and time again these developers have squandered each and every opportunity.

This game is already dead as far as any intelligent person is concerned. This fanfest was just the final nail in the coffin.

they're going to talk about it and show gameplay for 4 hours in may

Attached: lala.png (939x1920, 393K)

Wait until May. Liveletter will just be dad of light.

the quality of these threads are making /xivg/ look dignified lately

Shut the fuck up tranny


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The problem is people think Yea Forums is a shitposting zone where you only go to troll and falseflag and this thread is no different.

Whatever happened to that dancer healer roe that kept spamming his shitty webm of him dancing on every FFXIV thread?

I hope he's seething right now

I thought trannies all played Au Ra though


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Trannies what whatever you want to push your argument.

>it's over
i'm going to resurrect kublai khan and send the mongol army to japan
a hurricane isn't gonna save you this time you fucks

true, but that poster is invading the sanctity of the hugbox

I wish I had a lala gf for my futa miqo'te

another male bunny faggot BTFO

>conviniently forgets about what happened at Tsushima some years later
I dare you to pull a rez on Kublai

Fuken trannies, they're the ones stealing my lures. Trying to catch goblin perches? They're in the water eating my fish those fish fuckers.

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I pooped today

The level of savage shouldn't be possible

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Stop posting your forum posts.

i can't tell if this was copy pasted from twitter or the OF


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Too many characters for twitter no?

>Orator healer
>Microphone stand / loudspeaker as a weapon
>Heals you by giving you pep talks
>Applies AoE damage debuffs to enemies, has various defense buffs / resource regen buffs
>Uses sonic waves for its attacks

Attached: FFT_Mediator.jpg (227x327, 17K)

I honestly don't know why people are so mad or even at what anymore. This seems like such an incredible non-issue.

Isn't it time to dilate?

I’m fat. I will probably always be fat. Call it genetics, call it social pressure, call it whatever you want, but the reasons for being fat are as many and varied as there are fat people. It is not simple for most of us to become not-fat, and we deserve care and consideration as human beings regardless of our body size, body type, or whether we are trying or even planning/wanting to become non-fat or not.

And yet, in popular culture, again and again, fat people are almost universally presented as little more than dopes or comic relief at best, and usually as gluttons and bad people. Fat people are often, or even usually bad, evil people who’s body size is either a punishment or an indication of a corrupt, greedy person who consumes and takes. Even good fat people are often small-minded and weak gluttons who talk of nothing but food, are picked on or made the butt of jokes because of their size, never get a spotlight or even a break, and are often shown as gluttonous to the point of actively endangering themselves and others in pursuit of more food.

That is not who we are. Fat people are fat for a variety of reasons. Fat people can be healthy or unhealthy. Fat people can be good or evil. And yet we always fall within a few negative stereotypes in fiction. And now FFXIV is carrying those forward, front and center on the main advertising for their new expansion.

But the fact that the only time fat people get paraded out is as shorthand for greed and corruption is demoralizing at best, and speaks to a lack of understanding and compassion.
Fat people deserve to see heroic fat people. They deserve to see brave fat people. They deserve to see kind fat people. They deserve to see fat people of all walks of life, not just corrupt villains and lazy comic relief. I hope at the very least FFXIV’s devs realize this and give us fat people populating other villages and cities, being as visible and varied as thin people.

He's also gonna get blasted to the Shadow Realm but he's doing it in style

Ignore this homosexual and keep posting these gems

I don't know what happened that suddenly made this happen, Heavensward threads were never this shit.

Now THIS is how to murder someone

I think people just wanted something that basically canonically doesn't exist.

EU fanfest happened.

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The Genderlocked races thing speaks to toxic attitudes about gender that we, as a people, should have gotten over long ago, specifically about how so much of gender is wrapped up in wrongheaded views and fantasies of the cis hetereosexual men who still hold most of the power in most modern societies. Viera being kept as woman-only seems to be both a clear concession to male sexuality with a slight nod to gender roles (making male Viera who shared the female viera perchant for skimpy clothes and lithe sinuous bodies would make homophobic straight men uncomfortable). Hrothgar very clearly fulfill stereotypical straight cismale fantasies of being big buff powerlifter types. Strength and power over any other type of depiction of men. Hrothgar are also suspiciously underdeveloped compared to Viera. No examples in the trailer, and their models in their preview video are very obviously not created with the same care and attention to detail as the Viera examples we’ve seen, say, in the dancer reveal video. I’m not saying the Devs chickened out on male Viera and threw together Hrothgar as a very weird peace offering/attempt to deflect criticism at the last minute, but also, very obviously putting more work and care into the fetishy male-gaze lady-only race is a little much, don’t you think? The lore excuse holds no water. If the lore excuse was valid, we would have no playable WHMs, no playable BLMs, no playable male miqote, and no playable viera at all. I could probably go on, but I’ll stop there. Point is, lore hasn’t stopped the dev team before, and even if the lore was rock solid here... Yoshi is the head designer. He could change it. They have already made this mistake in the past. Multiple races were genderlocked in 1.0, and they deliberately fixed that in 2.0. It was clearly a mistake. Returning to that same mistake now is a clear backslide.

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i'll take it

shouting at things to kill them as a minstrel in LoTRO was both hilarious and satisfying

The cool thing to do is be an obnoxious faggot on Yea Forums for its own sake nowadays because you're (possibly) making somebody mad in the process, combined with Yea Forums losing its fucking mind about transsexuals lately. I haven't had to think about transsexuals or anything even remotely related to them after leaving Tumblr in 2015 so it's kind of really fucking annoying but nothing filters won't solve

Stop sharing your posts, mouthbreather

I suppose a good chunk of it is people wanting something, and when they don't get it, and for some reason it REALLY upsets them, Yea Forums (I would argue rightfully) rubs it in their fucking faces all day
TRANNIES BTFO am i right guys? nevermind the fact that trannies will be playing female characters anyway.

I for one am glad all these people are going to quit, makes people who actually like the game and not just a superficial chat room.
Roe exists,

MCH is gonna be saved in Shad.

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You're more obsessed over the trannies than the trannies are about ronso

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>He can't make sexy into tough or cute
Did that motherfucker never play Mabinogi?

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Were female highlanders and roes deleted without me knowing

did they announce when the benchmark will release?

Welcome to Yea Forums. Over 50% of the posts have something to do with trannies or incels.

I suppose I should get some filters in place, but even then I don't feel like that will get rid of all of it.


a mix of leaks and autistic shitposters spurred on the whole shotafag and barafag nonsense and the it plagued so many threads
the tranny shit has been unending and is so fucking tired at this point, the fags who screech tranny at everything are worst when it comes to derailing threads

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T. ranny

t bunny fag

>People who RP as bara lion men are more closely associated with wearing used diapers and male pregnancy than they are being heroes of the world

Remember when Yea Forums didn't leak onto every site?

Will there be a grind to get the regalia?

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>As for the healers, it is difficult to balance them, so I would like to focus on balancing the existing jobs in 5.0 before adding new ones.
>The same fucking excuse that in SB.

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If you want to be tough and manly, then wear tough and manly armor? It's not rocket science.


Sad that all the tranny crying is taking away from the absolute kino that was the full trailer:

Fanfest stream said all you have to do is complete the quest to get all the rewards.

Trannies getting BTFO left and right lately, holy shit

I like my bunnies, but I don't feel the need to make OF posts and share them just for peer approval on Yea Forums

dunno man but it can fucking fly. I'm gonna grind that shit out. Not sure if I can give up my flying sabotender mount though.

If it keeps up might get wordfiltered like kikkoman. Still mad onions is based instead of kikkoman

No, actually. Yea Forums has always been very notorious for dragging Yea Forums into every website.

I don't play this game. I just come to threads for witnessing autism speak. Thank you user

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Member when every other site didn't leak onto Yea Forums?

>Melee ability without any movement skills
Sure is saved.

Stupid fuck

I imagine it'll be a totem grind against XV Garuda + very low drop rate. Pretty much Rathalos V2.

The leaks were whatever, it was "believe them or don't" and well I personally didn't believe the ones about Hrothgar. Does that mean I'm disappointed in no bunny boys? nah I don't really care. Do I think both sides are being faggots about it? Yes, absolutely. You didn't get them, oh well. They didn't get them, shut the fuck up about it.
And the whole "everything I don't like is tranny" has definitely gotten out of hand, you can basically completely ignore someone's post if they fling it at you.

>Fags who fill the thread with drama and BTFO posting don't even play the game
Why am I not surprised?

plot twist, guns are being replaced with chainsaws

new healer is biochemist, which requires level 50 alchemist to unlock, and they use long rifles for dps

>implying its not going to get even worse

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Absolutely ruined

What's up with all the yelling in the background?

It's crazy how hard they dropped the ball in just a few months. Everyone was stoked for Shadowbringers when it was first announced but then just about everything they've revealed since then just deflates the hype more and more. The craziest part is that for once it wasn't because the users had unreasonable expectations. All they had to do was not deliberately make the wrong choices, but they did.

chill dude. I just came here to laugh at a post
I don't actually add anything to the conversation; just like your post

a large portion of FFXIV players don't even play the game, It's just a glorified chatroom.

>requires level 50 alchemist to unlock
for what purpose?

And some girls like being sexy. If you don't like it don't play it, fucking simple.

>Everyone was stoked for Shadowbringers when it was first announced but then just about everything they've revealed since then just deflates the hype more and more.
For you, maybe, but I've had months of defeatist/pessimistic shitposting to deal with already and I liked what I saw. I can only handle so many fucking samey "Yoshida is a hack" tier posts before they all blend into one another.

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Just like the bunnycuck ERPfags

I still am hyped, why would I not?

Again, just a vocal minority upset over either gender lock races or DNC not being a healer.
This fanfest solidified my opinion as the best upcoming expansion pack.

>didn't cater to me? you made the WRONG choice!
Yikes, you entitled homos are the worst.

You just let yourself get hyped up over rumors and leaks.

I wasn't really bothered by anything. I wasn't planning on playing a dancer or switch to a new race. BLU kind of stung though but it doesn't really have anything to do with shadowbringers.
I'm mainly concerned with how DRK is going to get reworked but I'll have to wait until May for that.

Nah man, my excitement has only increased.

Name a more fucked up vidya community than FFXIV

I'm hyped, I preordered after the keynote. I could not give less of a shit about male bunnies or dancer healing. I think dancer as ranged would be even better for the game, since there are only 2 ranged.
Too bad you won't get your twinky little bunny boi.

This. Nothing matters at all until we find out how job will change and how the new ones will play.

>recently picked up MCH again and am actually having a lot of fun with it

There's just nothing worse than getting cucked with an aoe during your flamethrower or missing the final gcd in a WF window. Am I supposed to be getting 2 cooldowns at the end before overheat expires because 90% of the time I can only get the 1.

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It's easy to see what you were excited for.

>what are mmos?

Yea Forums

>tfw last night made my hype through the fucking roof

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dont worry user
I watched the trailer 10 times today
I am excited as fuck
Hrothgar need a clean but they could look really good
No headpiece is shit, but whatever if we get really good head customization. I always hide helmet 90% of the time anyway. Hats will be sorely missed though
Viera and Dancer look great
Music sounds even BETTER somehow this xpac
Zones look ok but they are growing on me

Glad they were able to top heavensward's one after how shit stormblood's was

it was odd that they didn't have anything hard to showcase at the JP fanfest, and they just brushed aside all the game-related stuff to get that movie ad presentation on.

Sonic? Less trannies, more autism.

Nothing is worse than 1 second before WF explodes, the boss goes invuln.

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>Join date: March 2019
>That name
>Literally only joined to get banned and get epic posted in Yea Forums

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Tranny game for tranny shitters.


Grats, you shared another one of your posts. Just a FYI, you sound like a conceited little shit in due process trying to be "hardcore"

Delicious flat chest is a self-hating tranny?

Nobody cares about your tryhard attempts.

upset you didn't get underaged boys to fap to? it's ok

why is every person buttblasted about no male viera a faggot male miqote or hyur?

the fucking trailer music man. Soken makes me excited. I wonder if he'll pick up the legacy for other SE games after uematsu.

How the fuck can I keep posting? What the fuck is up with this daily limit?

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I've seen plenty of female characters bitching though.

stop virtue-signaling to Yea Forums

>sexy boner inducing high heels in concept art
>trash flats in game


No one wants a furry lion as the new character and no one wants to be a tranny and play a female


OP here, stop being an attention whore in my thread kthnx

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those are the closest they can get to being a twink without being a stupid ass Lalafell

Listen, the idea of a Dancer Class at its base isn’t bad. I will play Dancer, and probably cap it before multiple other classes. However, I am a main healer at heart. Scholar is the first class I level in new expansions, and the class I take to do new content 9 out of 10 times. I love Scholar. Even if there was a new healer class, chances are I would still level Scholar first. But sometimes I get tired of Scholar and I want a little variety. But I’ve played WHM and AST a lot already. What if I want to explore another possibility? It is now very possible that I will not have that chance for over 6 years. When I get tired of my main classes in other roles, I have options. If I get tired of my BRD, I can switch over to NIN for a while, and in the most recent expansion, I had RDM and SAM to offer new ways to experience the role. If I get tired of my WAR, well, I WAS in the same boat as healer, but at least I get Gunbreaker this expansion, so that drought is SOMEWHAT broken.Listen, I understand that healers are technically a little more common than tanks judging by queue time, and most people play DPS, so you feel like you’d rather just pad out either the stuff that needs the most new players or the stuff most people play anyway, but that doesn’t make it any nicer for healers to be the neglected middle child. Given that I already had to stop playing Overwatch because they neglected their healer chars, I’d rather not one of my other beloved games do the same. It’s also kind of disconcerting that at the same keynote we learn FFXIV made some very weird male-focused genderlock choices, they also indirectly implied that the MMO role most commonly associated with women will have a lack of classes for at likely least 5 years in a row. I can keep my fingers crossed for a surprised reveal of a chemist or geomancer in a patch class, but at this point that is wishful thinking. We healers deserve some indication that the dev team hears us and wants us to feel wanted as players.

It's one thing to BTFO hypocrite trannies but another to just antagonize people who don't really care


Why are these people always degenerates?

I want a furry lion.

>not all girls wanna be attractive to men
Wait until they're 40 and still single kek.

One brings shadow one brings light

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maybe its time to stop posting?

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I'd be ok with ronso but their model looks low quality.

>playing a female is being a tranny
What the fuck happened to the internet?

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>Those favorites

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>tune into SE stream
>nintendo switch logo followed by splatoon ad

Block ads idiot.

>What the fuck happened
gay furries hit the jackpot with the fanfest, that's what happened

Shut up tranny. Everyone knows half of Yea Forums is on HRT

Genderlocked races are shit on principle, more options are always good, and the fact they are making these races unable to even wear headgear is such a low effort shitshow.

I'm glad dancer is DPS though. A venn diagram of "people who wanted dancer to be a healer" and "people who I do not trust to heal me in even casual content" is a circle.

these threads are going to be pure shit for the next few months

The one they showed with Viera that looked like a Ronso was pretty high quality.

>mfw I'm very hyped about just about everything shown for ShB
Norvrandt and Eulmore both look fucking great. The only thing giving me pause is the raid tease and the fact that some fag from Kingdom Hearts is doing art design for it

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I want to play in the salt mine, not the faggots here.

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I have ublock but it still showed.

Yea Forums did. Just look at the meme spouting faggots here and the turbo retard that keeps screencapping his official forum posts and samefagging

Surprised he isn't angry over fat miqote not being playable.

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I would rather not see rabbit ears clipping through every hat and helmet myself, though I expect that was the motivation for all the circlet and eyewear headgear.

That has nothing to do with what I said.

>Those favorites

Attached: 269+36284562.png (241x264, 152K)

the kimahri clone was kinda good yeah. the others, maybe it's the hair, or the chest fur, it didn't look as good.

>A venn diagram of "people who wanted dancer to be a healer" and "people who I do not trust to heal me in even casual content" is a circle.
Historically no matter what good ideas they add to healers shitters inevitably gravitate towards HULK SMASH of healers, WHM.

So how do you guys roleplay your characters abilities without making them come across as the "main character"? I enjoy playing a PLD but don't actually enjoy the asthetics of PLD so I dressed my character up to be more of a pit fighter who Uses a modifies aetherical conductor that she, her MCH friend, and the ironworks put together to allow her to control wind aspected aether to create shields for herself and allies. She doesn't use holy magic, it's just all fucking wind control.

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Does Invidious support YT streams?

>ywn live in a crystal tower apartment complex

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>and the fact that some fag from Kingdom Hearts is doing art design for it
Nomura's pretty involved with FF anyways spergtron, did character-art for Dissidia and designs for previous FF games as well

Isn't only bara cats having their helm disabled?

>some fag from Kingdom Hearts is doing art design for it
i mean i know you're joking but he's done design in every FF from V to XI. It'll be fine.

If more options are so important to you then go play a game with sliders in character creation instead of preset faces/hair etc. But you won't, because deep down you know it's just aesthetic which has no impact on anything.

I'd rather them just not add new races at all if they're not gonna put in the effort to properly integrate them. That's work that could have gone towards real content.

>when he destroys that giant enemy and cuts a slice of darkness through the cloud of light
My dick

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I don't roleplay at all

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I don't "roleplay." I follow the story and if the story tells me I'm the god slaying Warrior of Light, then I'm the Goddamn Warrior of Light.

My BRD is just really good at archery for the sake of self defense but wishes he could just play music instead so he runs around with a modified harp that can be used as a bow in a pinch.

Take the noose.

By using aether, like everyone who isn't Garlean does for any job or class in the game.
Even Garleans actually do use aether, they just need to have machines do it for them.

No it's because every other MMO on the market is even worse. Someone can be concerned with aesthetics and want better and still care about gameplay too, every single issue isn't an all or nothing ride-or-die kind of thing user.

How do you explain clemency as wind magic?

Are they showing the new housing district? I stopped watching a while ago.

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We are the shadowbringer

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you're the same autist who said he quit SB because mch was shit right

Not a big fan of Nomura's character designs in recent years, but monster design was what got him recognition at the company to begin with, so I'm pretty hype for the bosses we'll be seeing.

looks like a tacky hotel from the 70s

Male catfags confirmed for worst degenerates.

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>because deep down you know it's just aesthetic which has no impact on anything.
Yes thank you for agreeing with me.

Just fucking throw a potion at their head. Or, you know, it could just be a heal spell. You don't need to be a holy knight to use a heal spell.

I didn't hear anything about being able to live there, they're just showing off The Crystarium.

>roegadyn meat platter

SE sure knows their audience.

In WoW I'd usually just go with lore friendly attacks instead of the literal abilities.
How insufferable is the non-erp RP community in XIV anyway?

I mean you're close. I did quit SB around 4.1 launch but it wasn't because MCH was shit it is. I just got bored.

You literally said your character doesn't use any holy magic and in fact uses some MCH invention to cast wind magic.


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That's a bit roundabout since part of PLD's storyline is anyone can become one, the Sultansworn opened up learning their techniques without being bound by their knightly oaths to keep the paladin from becoming a dying breed, and the lorebook mentions free-paladins often don't give a shit about the Ul'dahn pure-white armor. Definitely a neat workaround though, aetherial conductors and other low-magitek are pretty cool ways to try and lay claim to job abilities without saying you are that.

I bum around as a dragoon but I write it off as abandoning House Durendaire and the Order of the Knights Dragoon to become an adventurer since Ishgard doesn't need to slay dragons anymore, outside of uppity Nidhogg broodlings, and the Machinists gaining prominence are taking care of things back home anyways.

drink bleach

Really depends on which slice of it you bite into. There are a decent amount of reasonable and chill people with good grounded characters, a lot of people who claim to be "lore compliant" but are just full retard, and a handful of terrible deviant art tier OC nonsense that doesn't make any sense in the setting.

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>pet chickens confirmed

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>How insufferable is the non-erp RP community in XIV anyway?
On the whole it's basically still "an RP community" so there's all sorts in there. No way of knowing without fishing for RP whereever you are, time-of-day and environment are big factors.

Using aether is completely commonplace so it's not much of an issue besides the highly restricted jobs. Even shit like Summoner has been expanded in Stormblood to the point that there's organized groups of them utilized by the free companies despite needing to be a goddamn eikon Slayer (which also means the beast tribes must be chipping out at an ALARMING rate and poor fucks have to go and fight them sans echo immunity frequently)

Base class characters are easy to rp since there's a bunch of them and you don't need dumb mary sue justifications for everything. Rogue and gladiator are cooler than ninja and paladin anyway and it's not even close

>gameplay is more important to me than aesthetics
>this means that I don't care about aesthetics at all
Not quite user, re-read my post and try again I believe in you!

I play an Au'Ra girl and like Dragoon. Since that basically already slots me in on "Most like to contribute to how angry the Healers/Tanks are at DPS" pretty well I just double down and play her like a retarded gold digger.

She's strong and shit dies if she hits it hard enough. Other people will heal her. Other people will attract attention. All she's gotta be good at is ankle stabbing big monsters and each and every time she's paid a fine cut and walks out a little richer regardless of whether or not she spent part of the dungeon yamcha'd.

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B-but Anons, they are TRUE VIERA FANS™

Not too different from WoW then, figured the Anime aesthetic would draw more people who treat RP as their personal Shonen where they play the protag.

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WTF is with these people?

Nah, if anything people try to avoid that like the plague. I see more people RPing classes than I do RPing jobs, even though there's only a small handful of jobs that are actually off-limits to the common Joe in XIV's setting now.

>1.0 assets
Best res chickens in existance.

It's just a fucking heal spell you autist I can make exceptions. God, you go out of your way to learn ONE heal spell because wind can't mend wounds and suddenly you're the pope.

Attached: 1517809693581.gif (255x164, 939K)

Ironic. I didn't say you didn't care about aesthetics, I said you acknowledge that in this context it has no impact on anything, and so by extension you're just whining like a little bitch looking for attention.

There's plenty of those.

>the only class aside from DRK who didn't get completely btfo by the light being was DRG who knocked it off balance with a speed blitz

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How come JP community seems so much less mental?


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Most people who post on any Official Forum would be like that.

>Bunnies look nice but I wouldn't play one anyway
>Don't care about no males
>Lions are kinda cool but I wouldn't play one anyway
>Don't care about no females
>Main heals
>DNC would have been neat as a healer
>Still looking for a fun DPS I enjoy
>Maybe DNC will be fun
>Don't care that it's not a healer
>Only real disappointment is what happened with BLU
>But I wouldn't play it anyway
>Mfw everyone around me is seething

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>even though there's only a small handful of jobs that are actually off-limits to the common Joe in XIV's setting now.
It'd be what, DRG, WHM?
I personally fucking hate job stones as a lore point, but they're important in the HW BLM and SB DRK stories so I can't exactly ignore it.

>character is a special snowflake who happens to know whatever they need to know for convenience
Oh so you're basically a third-rate shonenshit author, makes sense.

Well gosh user that's not nice. Is there a reason you start arguments and call names over nothing? Do you want to talk about it bud?

Enjoy sharing gear with ARC/MCH

because you dont speak japanese


>make a post
>complain that you get replies
Like I said, a little bitch looking for attention.

DRG, possibly AST since Janneniqard didn't pass out job stones, possibly DRK since we know dark knights are a thing but not how widespread they are in Ishgard. Everything else is handed out like candy or it's possible to find a job stone, even if not probable.

>character learns a single heal spell
>instantly becomes a mary sue

Ok champ.

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I thought that was obvious from his first post about needing magitek instead of channeling his own aether into a shield

what is this

Did you freak out when Fray whipped out a conjury wand in DRK's beginning instance

>character doesn't use magic as part of their snowflake backstory except for this one instance where they need to know magic

I'm sorry that you are finding something in my posts so upsetting that you need to act this way, I hope that your attitude mellows out a bit when you get older.

Seeing classes fight inbetween lore is the coolest. I'm still fucking mad Blizz stopped doing that after TBC.

I'm so sorry...

No because Fray is never said to be unable to use magic and instead relies on machinist inventions to use one single type of magic.

that's you healing yourself with your unbridled hate, Fray isn't fucking real.

>Fat people deserve to see heroic fat people.
The fact that heroes aren't fat is the only thing that keeps me from gluttoning out and ballooning up like everyone else in my family.

new town stuff..... the new city is based on the 2005 tech demo for XIV 1.0 codenamed "Rapture"
and there's going to be chickens with egg nodes you can harvest

>lol who needs magiteck to channel aether into pratical use just use your willpower fuck mechinists they're shit tier for relying on aetherial conductors

Attached: 1515522960413.png (510x346, 195K)

>I get to unsub on March 27th
>was up for renewal on March 29
based Yoshi saving me $15. See you fags in mid-June

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Fray is later stated to know a bit of conjury and taught Rielle what she knows

>said to be getting a full rework
>DNC will now be competing for the ranged DPS slot as well

M-Maybe they'll over tune MCH like they did PLD at the start of 4.0?

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What the fuck was Samurai!WoL trying to accomplish by slashing the air anyway?
It looks like it's supposed to be some stupid anime bullshit slash but it doesn't have any visual effect other than a small gust of wind.

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It's a lot easier to make a broad magical shield than it is to infuse a small bullet specifically with lightning aether.

Woah kemosabe

>groups can only have one phys ranged DPS

>missing out on the Regalia

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enpi, you can see the effect if you watch in resolutions greater than 360p, though it goes straight through kuribu like nothing

Channeling aether into melee weapons and armor is incredibly commonplace and done by virtually every significant martial, it's more snowflake to use random magitek shit than it is to just be a normal fucking fighter you insufferable fag

He seems alot more autistic than a normal forumfag desu.

But really what is with male catfags and rampant furfaggotry.

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>You will never gain godlike powers and jump between worlds just to see what's different.

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it'll use scouting sets

Just wait for the going into games machine

it's funny because Yea Forums told me to pick a roe when i first started probably as a joke, you fucking fags and I picked marauder thinking it was a DPS class or something
turns out a hellsguard roe makes a pretty lore friendly warrior

It's not about just making a broad magical shield out of wind. An aetherial conductor ads a touch of finess that a persons willpower just can't apply. Things like forming a super-dense wind-wall in a concentrated area on the arm to completely subsitute an actual shield, to something like forming crystalised wind aether behind yourself to protect your raid from harm. Show me a gladiator that can do this through sheer willpower alone and I'll eat my hat.

>TFW don't care about the new races, just don't want to deal with the incessant bitching and shitposting that's coming for months now.
I feel you.

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You have no chivalry and no honor.

>probably as a joke, you fucking fags
Roes are chads. Play a roegadyn caster for best effect, lore-wise hellsguard make excellent mages while still being among the best in the physical department.

Imagine all the smells.

Nah. We learned about a shitty movie nobody cares about, though.

Tally ho fellow lalabros!

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What do you mean? DPS slots will be DRG/BRD/DNC/NIN (though NIN's pdps being so shit that it's barely offset by its utility and only in raidtranny coordination might see it drop off in 5.0 if it doesn't get some buffs).

Roes make lore friendly anything
>but ninja
Shadows can be any size

Disgusting, subhuman, beast tribe scum.

Back to the dirt you go

>Playing as a literal subhuman

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Did they say how the town is able to hold down the Sin eaters?

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mentally ill people in the west are the loudest people. if 2.5% of the people in your community are upset about something then 95% of the posts will be about it (from the same 30 mentally ill people)

Rally ho!

those domes

"You ever seen a roegadyn ninja?" is a legitimate question in-world No you haven't, they're right behind you

What sort or primal will the Lala beast tribe summon? Mr. Potato Head?

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Some sort of earth or metallurgy god seems appropriate since they're FF4 dwarves


The fat cats being rich and everyone else being paupers creates animosity which is darkness that repels the light. That's why there isn't an uprising by the poor against the rich despite the world ending, because they are purposely creating a rich/poor divide to stay alive.

Attached: consider the following.png (824x720, 223K)

giant of bab-il

just kidding no one on the dev team remembers the twelve

Girl here. I like being the tough fully clothed tank woman. Its why I play a highlander. Also got a roe alt. What is this bitch complaining about?

stop being racist

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It's not racist if it's beastmen

It's never enough for people like that. They constantly need to be catered to with new things even if already existing things fill their needs entirely.

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You guys ready to shad?

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How does it feel to be knocked down the social ladder below even the mhiggers?

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Enjoy the 90min queues on literally all content.

Can this game get any more pathetic

>playing mmorpgs to "express yourself"
They should blow up the world again to cleanse it of this scum.

user, they are probably called Sin Eaters for a reason


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I cant wait to see how absurd Rothgar looks in a lot of gear.

Youre only going to fight BRD for the armor pieces anyways

Lali ho, fuck face!

Truly monkey’s paw for every anticipated announcement except maybe GUN

>Live footage of DRK finally leaving the cuckshed

>There might be a place where its just pure sex and orgies and that repels the light
I'd say the fat cats do this but they cant get out of their chairs much less have sex

FFIX Hades
They'll obviously have crafting beast tribe quests

If you have a dick, you're not a girl.

Fuck off tranny

to be honest I'd fantasia my fem roe to a ronso if there was a female option

That's a long post, surprised you didn't eat your keyboard halfway through hitting ctrl+v.

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You know I was thinking after watching these trailers and the like.

The first shard looks pretty good and pretty normal for a place that is supposed to be completely engulfed in white-hot light.

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I'm surprised how many textures they produce manually instead of referring to some libraries or something.



the same response literally started with why he added a 4th tank, because it was too hard to balance tanks with only 3. (which is true)
they cant balance healers w/o a 4th fucking healer.
when u do 3, the 3rd is always this middle ground, leaving u to either pick the 2 opposites (best in each catagory) or the 2 closest to one category (because shields is best, or DPS is best, or direct heals is best, etc)

WAR+DRK was king, for DPS in HW.
PLD+WAR is best due to the combo of utility and DPS this expansion.

by having a middle ground version, u always have this problem.

and MH/OH is the way to balance it, if u refuse to make them equally function at a role, but with different playstyles.

>I went to Guam to take pictures of clouds.
Man I wish I could do that job.

QUICK! everyone itt thread post your 'bo

Attached: bo.png (395x284, 52K)

I've been trying to figure out the lyrics, here's what I've got so far:
>"One brings shadow, one brings light"
>"Two toned echoes, tumbling through time"
>"Three s-oh (souls?) wasted, then cast aside"
>"Four-" completely impossible to hear after
Then it loops.

And people thought we would be cucked out of posterboy status. We cut the fucking sky in half!

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>fucking Tsukuyomi
>slapping her ass alternatively
>forget to hit the dark cheek over the white cheek
worth it.

My understanding is most of the world is consumed with light, and only a few pockets remain where haven't been consumed by light.

>mch gets reworked into a melee engineer class
>uses tools instead of guns (besides shotguns) but keeps turrets

Mine is the same colour, but with the zurvahn barding

fk u

Tthey will put bard in the cuckshed r-right

yea sure why not.

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I don't have a dick, and never have.
They'd be a pretty cool female race, maybe, but they'd still just look like weird Roe reskins, like the males do. Square phoned it in hard with this expansion.

But MT/OT is a faulty design for this game, and they'll have to change a lot to try and strongarm tanks into those roles, since even without shirk vokeswaps were pretty easy and sharing responsibilities was normal in skilled groups. You can make it forced by making some abilities just straight up not work in one position or the other but since all tank jobs have to function as tanks in their own right in case they're just the one tank in the party, this is never going to work right. tl;dr main/off roles are bad for tanks and healers and will never work and the sooner they get over trying to create these dichotomies the sooner they'll be able to realize mechanics that actually separate jobs in gameplay.

DNC will but MCH will go nowhere

the last Starlight barding on my server went for almost 50m two years ago

What are the firsts Garleans like.

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Good boys who got consumed by light instead of getting boners from tech

Ala Mhigo

Fighting for survival with everyone else, theres only 2 cities left out of the entire world.

Yeah they did. I'm just disappointed all around. I mean, I understand why they didn't put in male viera, and I'd never even play one, but I was a little hopeful for some bishounen eye candy walking around. Oh well.

I wouldn't say the game is pathetic. Just the vocal people that "play" it.

>SAM anime cut phases through the Kuribu
>DRK anime cut desintegrates the Kuribu, splits the ground open and cleaves the gigantic blanket of light filled clouds, revealing the night for probably the first time in a very long time on first shard

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what the hell is his fucking problem?

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Wait Dancer is DPS? Goddamnit how am I supposed to style on healslut WHM's and shithead SCH's as a flamenco lad now?

...would Garland be a boss on the first shard?

>hurr durr all the leaks have been true so far
>dancer is guaranteed and a healer!!! fuck you nasty user pointing out that the leaks were mostly incorrect
>you are WRONG! MY HAPPy please come ding dong bannu this nasty troll making solid arguments with facts and logic

They developed magitek mechas to fight the sin eaters

>Drg actually landed multiple hits, compared to all the other classes that didn't manage a single one

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By being a buffer and taking throwing weapons kicking and screaming from Ninjas

what game

>can we go one thread without people screeching tranny all day

Attached: we dont like your kind around here.gif (500x282, 1.64M)

>I don't have a dick, and never have.
Post T&V or you're lying out your ass and should fuck off.

let me spell it out for you.
Selfish vs Support.

Jesus christ you people always forget to apply logic from DPS onto tanks/healers sometimes.
Current WAR MTs and PLD supports with cover.

This doesnt stop them from handling mechanics.

just as a BRD whos support isnt a hindrance to a party as a DPS doing less direct dmg.

The game already has PLD as support, and WAR as DPS, and DRK trying to be this weird in the middle, but then WAR got buffed to have more utility, and now WAR was just as much of a middle ground as DRK was, but with the better DPS (until DRK fix)

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Dead. No evil allowed

LOL this is pretty pathetic attempt at fap material, especially talking to a femanon and not a tripfag

Only if you post your dick first.

Final Fantasy XIV

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I've been out all day. What's this whole "lefty salt of the day" thread about?

No male buns, people are crying as they always do. Mostly trans fags who wanted a twink race.

>WAR+DRK was king, for DPS in HW.
That wasn't even the main issue with paladin in HW. The things that made me switch off of pld were
>required stuns in Living Liquid and Manipulator cuck paladin out of all of its TP and break combos
>Reprisal + INT Down stacking with war's damage down buff made DRK better than Paladin for party defenses
>fucking Dark Arts Dark Dance could dodge boss special attacks and every retard on the forums thought it was bad
>most of the damage that could threaten a tank was magical, so DA Dark Mind was king
The DPS was just the cherry on top. Most of the hard fights in HW were tailor made for a dark knight tank.
I think I played paladin on brute justice though since my group's scheduling already set us way back on progression.


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Its not like theyll ever deliver anyways, thus proving me right. And I am ALWAYS right.

Light is evil, so is dark.

I named mine Bliss

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user posting le epic official-forums BTFOs was sharing his own posts and got a little too brazen/obvious about it


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>Its not like theyll ever deliver anyways
You're right, I'm not going to post any T or V on a Tibetan fencing forum, you got me.

Is this where the Dwarves summon their version of Titan?

>people post my Official Forum posts in this thread
>people think I'm attention whoring for Yea Forums credit
Fucking faggot.

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Gays and trannies were saying they wanted a male race to project their gay fantasies on, with them wanting sleek twink bunny bois. Yoship hears this, and in his all knowing compassion adds a male race for them, being buff bara cat men because in Japan that's what qualifies as "gay fantasy".
Now western fags are mad their fetish was ignored while some other fags were pandered to.

not after that "you've made too many posts" screencap on top of white-knighting yourself when made mention of

What color do you think her pusy is haha

>be me
>be straight white male
>get constantly pandered to
>fags and trannies run seething
Feels good

Is that what the guy is yelling? I can't understand shit in that song

I have a script ongoing to just hit the numpad to purchase a plot when it goes on sale. Should it be safe to leave on overnight? It's just Auto HotKey.

I miss the guy who was roleplaying as the gremlin from the shadowbringers trailer

Be a buffslut Lion

Stay based, nips. Stay based.

It feels good being the King, does it?

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SE literally doesn't permaban people who use exploits to get world first kills on bosses. You'll be fine.


There's art/screenshots from the original announcement that show most of the world consumed in literal crystal. We're just in the pockets that aren't.

Anything new?

actual fflogs show the dmg taken by PLDs wasnt as drastic as it seemed.
the difference in DPS was the main reason.
(Plus not all bosses were magical, plenty of physical bosses gave DRK trouble)
As for dodging boss TBs I remember seeing arguments about this, and supposed evidence it wasnt possible, but I could be remembering it wrong.
I alternated between all 3 tanks, and all 3 did just fine over all, but WAR had it best. DRK had it better on roughly 66% of the fights with DM, and the higher DPS made it win in the end, as the main factor my groups wanted me as DRK over PLD. (Honestly too many groups were afraid of double WARs, but double WARs did far better. less dmg taken, and more dps dealt. no real penalty to the LB. You'd get LB3 roughly 10 seconds later, but it was always in time for all mechanics you want to LB3. and it didnt stop u getting a final LB3 off, if the fight originally allowed it.)

>Male Roe and Baralion Dancers

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I dress to match as SAM.

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Any other not furries legitimately excited to play as a beast race?

t. seething healertranny. Get KEKED

I didn't do that though.

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Thanks, don't see any other way of getting a house without one with the stupid timer system.

Fuck you faggoth. Medics throughout most of human history have been men. Healing = Manly!

Trannies = Mental Illness

Jesus fucking christ that's horrifying.

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anyone got the webm of the dark knight on stage where his sword prop falls apart?
I can't find it for the life of me

Literally no one. The only people who will be playing these lions are bara gays and ftm trannies, just like male roes.

Attached: Dark Knight changes from 3.0 to 4.0.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

And don't forget the people who will play them just to spite Veirafags

thanks a million user

The way he just does the little Deadpool "oh no" thing was adorable.

>required stuns
easily just have the other party members do it.
theres no reason the PLD should be doing it. it only makes the fight harder, and more likely to cause a wipe...
INT down was like a 1% dmg reduction.
same with STR down from PLD.
the real mitigation was WARs.
reprisal was a replacement to DRKs lack of mitigation tools.
(cant stack with WAR when OTing)
So its used as a regular CD replacement.
w/o it, DRK would be shit out of luck on any physical fight, or for filler dmg in magical fights.
DA on Dark Dance was a waste of DPS.
It lowered dmg taken by way too little.
DA+DP was the 2nd best use of DA on single target.
(plus helps dark dance proc reprisal better, so yet again, the better DPS increase)

Reminds me of when the M'Kraan Crystal in X-men swallowed the Universe.

>Everyone being nice to eachother ends the world
I fucking hate this game.

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Man its really clear how much more they go all out for fanfests in Japan, look at that tiny stage and compare it to the huge runway one they had in the Tokyo fanfest.

Pls give sauce

I'm just going off my own experience, mainly in Gordias early progression and Creator early progression. DRK just made things way smoother on Living Liquid and Manip (and Alexander iirc but he was easy). I'm also not really counting the first two bosses of each tier since they were pretty much all pushovers.
I seem to remember considering WAR/WAR but WAR/DRK was much safer for the whole party. Either way, the DPS wasn't the main reason I switched. That was just more incentive.


hey now, wol saved himself with a holmgang even though his axe broke eventually.

if elezenos doesnt get his body back we riot

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that's probably not the issue here, it's probably something like "light-aspected aether" being dominant, either caused by or causing the crystallization.

JP had about triple the attendees of the others.

boy howdy thats fuckin neat

literally who

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>She'll be a trust.

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>he doesn't have the noble barding
lmaoing at ur life
also I have 3 copies of them because I won the last housing design contest 3 times

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I'm hoping that after we kick the shit out of elidizenos as shown in the trailer, elezenos walks up to him all beaten and bloody and somehow steals his body back

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Zone concept art always looks a hundred times better than the actual zones.

mitigation of a PLD in the magical fights just means ur not tank swapping enough.
As long as you had a WAR or a DRK as yoru OT, you had enough CDs between the two of you, to handle all damage intake, out of tank stances.
If you ABSOLUTELY needed a CD, you have a CD that can be used at any time, at the cost of a GCD and dmg dealt. (tank stance)

Too many groups refused to tank swap more often to maximize CD, so no one was sitting on extra CDs, letting them go to waste.

Rhalgr's reach... home

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>fanart has to go completely offmodel to make lalas even the slightest bit sexy like other games shortstack characters
fucking pathetic, Lalas are abominations with literally no curves at all.

My guess is
>we fight elidibus
>banish him from the body since we can't kill him without magic blade
>we get soul called
>elidibus reclaim body
>won't see him til 6.0 as a crazy guy killing eorzea while we've been gone

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Me. I don't care if faggots cry.

our best friend you r-tard

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>>elidibus reclaim body
fuck meant zenos

>First Shard is in the process of turning into DS3s post time skip Ringed City
Who's going to be a Gael stand in?

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I am the main character though.

He better be a Trust.

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>watching cutscenes
big yikes

I doubt we get soul-called, Echo protects us from that. Plus we need to travel the multiverse using the crystal tower.

We'll be dragging Zenos through the first as we go full SMT on the Sin Eaters.

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zenos you fucking mhigger

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I'm talking about shit like Living Liquid's cascade getting really close to oneshotting healers and dps early on. Reprisal and int down gave the healers a lot more breathing room, which is the main reason I switched.
>INT down was like a 1% dmg reduction.
>same with STR down from PLD.
these are just wrong
>DA Dark Dance waste of DPS
it let you tank manipulator's big adds without using any other cooldowns and could make LL's swipes completely miss. It was worth the very slight hit to DPS.

>We get called along with Zenos, since his resonance makes him susceptible to Calling
>We're both dumped in the middle of a pack of Sin Eaters
>Forced to team up with Big Z to fight them off, starting a reluctant friendship that ends with Zenos Hauchfarting himself for us later on in the expansion
screencap this

I'm a simple man who just wants to fish, but they keep dragging me into these wars and rebellions.

I want to nakadashi inside that 40 year old woman.

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They wanted to be a "Cute" (Read: Anime 16-20 year old male protagonist) and bunnies promised the closest chance of it.

There is basically nothing to which an excess of it is not bad. This is the classic narrative of excessive order or light/holiness is a problem. Think of the classic problem of evil, now imagine that the only way for god or Hydaelyn here to get rid of the evil is to bathe the land in everlasting, unyielding light. What happens to man, a creature of crooked timbers who is sinner and saint all at once? Well, Sin Eaters seem like a pretty good approximation of what they have to look forward to. You are always at risk of doing a little evil if you have free will, if you exist as an independent entity. So the light is going to erase all that is not light in your heart. That doesn't leave much of you left. And since the aetherial elements of fire, wind, lighting, water, ice and earth are not light, that means they have to go too, as the Gaia raid illustrates.

As says Eorzea is so saturated in aether that basically everything they do is enhanced by it. I think Yoshi was saying some shit about how normal non-eorzean humans can't jump very high in the context of Garleans (No aether) and Eorzeans (aether). With the idea being the basic bitch Eorzean is basically a living superhero compared to the basic bitch Garlean with no magitek. Just they are a low level superhero.

I didn't encounter too much of it but more tumblry than wow but not so much that it's impossible to deal with. Lot of social scene stuff more than lofty plots, so think more Sims and less Lord of the rings. But I am sure there is more proper adventure narratives within guilds, it's just inter-guild or public that is social.


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been forever since i did the fight, but using DA+DD for the adds is far more reasonable, i give you that.
I remember tests showing what the INT down did to damage received, vs something like Virus INT down.
Forget, but i think virus was closer to a 5% dmg reduction, and DRKs being closer to 1%.
There were exceptions, as the enemies total INT and damage output had varrying effects on the results, making it harder to judge the total effectiveness.
(plus factors like yoru own magic defense. Foresight was close to a 5% physical reducer originally, but closer to a 12-15% reducer near the end of HW, with the exception of a few savage bosses making it a bit less potent than 12%)


I'm not sure I understand. Trannies don't want to be boys. They want to be girls. Which already exist. If anything, everyone who hates trannies should still be livid they turned the original concept of Aura in to teeny tiny cute things. Which is the epitome of tranny bait.

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She's so fucking hot still.

They were the people who argued against the genderlock and are now overcompensating by calling everyone a tranny.

Or at least it was before Lyse fucked everything up.

t. tranny

>Sin eaters are probably humans who were stuck in the light when it baked the world and transformed into terrifying abominations in some kind of purgatory function of cleansing themselves of their sins.

They said in the translated interview there'd be some other mechanic/narrative for what lets us go between the two worlds. So yeah probably Crystal tower.

What was that shit about the Allagans in the Friday night fanfest? Something about the crystal tower and the insinuation I swear was that our 14th shard didn't originally have a crystal tower? Or the 1st shard didn't originally have it? But it was something to the tune of a crystal tower existing where it shouldn't or not existing where it should.

See what I mean?

Literally could be true

>tfw got miniscat the first time I did a level 70 raid roulette

Isn't physical Zenos still Elidibus though

>Roll a 96 on the Ramza minion
>Lose to a 99

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They mentioned that the Crystal Tower was constructed during the Allagan era, which was after the worlds split, so they posed the question of "how/why does the first also have one?" but left it at that.

>Lamimi was a hairy ass dwarf who wanted Hume dick.

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The reflections have a lot of the shit we do. Here are the possibilities
>Allagans did it, probably have one in the void too
>First world has Allalikes that made it
>Firsters made it out of desperation to get the fuck off the world
>It isn't FROM the first world but was instead just planted on there.

Thank for the clarification. Wouldn't surprise me if the Allagan niggers built a crystal tower for dimensional travel. I know the Allagan Emperor built it to contact the darkness or some such, but I'd not be surprised if it was also to conquer other worlds for the darkness. That or the tower maybe houses some shard of Hydaelyn related to the fracturing, thus it has a resonance that can exist across shards. Who knows.

welcome to the club user

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I thought the Crystal Tower was originally constructed to absorb solar energy, then later used as the relay point for the power Dalamud provided

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Yeah this is fucking retarded. Not that twink bunnies was going to happen anyway. Doesn't the lore say they are forest chads? It was always and only ever a pipe dream.

What everyone should really be mad about are the lion men. There were a million other more interesting beastfolk they could have used in other ffxiv. It's such a weird choice to pick such a boring one that might as well be a headswap.

Whatever, not like it concerns me. I'm a femroe.

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Whatever it is that makes it exist on multiple shards probably comes from the tower itself see: stephen king's dark tower series

Indeed it was
The Crystal Tower that we know was constructed well after the sundering
Meaning that the Allagans did not construct the Crystal Tower in the source (probably) or if they did it was for a different reason (would not be surprised if the alagans were capable of inter dimensional travel)


>pants instead of underwear like the og outfit
my disappointment is immeasurable

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And my boner is ruined

Allagans were humans from the Nier world who traveled to our dimension to escape White Chlorination Syndrome.

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And Drakengard expands further

It gathered that fuckton of energy for the purpose of tearing open a hole in reality to travel to the Void, IE the Thirteenth. Remember it had enough stored power that when it blew up, it cracked the entire continent and destroyed the globe-spanning Allagan empire in a single day.

Hell, we use it to travel to the World of Darkness. Allagans probably tried taking over the other dimensions too.

>We go to shard 1 via crystal tower
>Elezenos follows us without us knowing
>We raise hell and darkness in shard 1
>Zenos about to fight us until he sees us causing hell
>So, you found a whole new playground for us huh?
>He tears shit up along with you to spread darkness everywhere
Look forward

>Nomura is designing a raid boss for Eden
I hope you are all ready for even more DARKNESS.

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>XIV connects to Monster Hunter World as well as every other FF setting.
>MHW connects to the witcher
>Witcher connects to our own world if I recall right with Ciri visiting via dimensional travel
>Witcher and Nier Automata connect to Soul Calibur 6, but it's a reboot so only SC6.

I think that's it.

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Fagcat got a point, but he is missing the fact actual furries despise this game, and only a small (yet noticeable because they are obnoxious as fuck) percentage are furries.

I thought Ciri only visited Cyberpunk world.

If you want to go further, SC has crossed over with tons of other things too, like Zelda, Star Wars, Spawn and others.

I was thinking "oh I guess they went with lion guys because their heads are a bit closer to human shape, easier to fit headgear on them" but then nope, headgear doesn't even show up on them because. May as well have added Bangaa or Lupin or any of the myriad races we've already been introduced to. What a joke.

as he said, SC6 is a reboot so the previous crossovers dont have a connection

There's claims they are made of unique assets, but that devolves in to a trust thing with how easily they could reskin existing shit. Hell, they look like they should be reused assets.

Picking these over so many other option feels so weird.

>modder degenerate
>thinking his opinion matters

MHW has a connection to DmC since you can get Dante's coat.


2B isn't canon in Soulcalibur. Only Geralt

Que te jodan

Ah so you're a coward and a landwhale. Gotcha. Enjoy your vacant uterus

Not to mention MH in general has a ton of crossover shit, from DMC to metroid, animal crossing, and shounen jump

Heels are for viera models, they only wear heels

i'm still sad we never got that Dark Magician palico armor

Mexican Donte can not be topped i've never seen something so shit become so great with such a simple twist on it.

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Who else excited for DNC?

I like the idea and think it looks good but I play a male character so it'll just look retarded.


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The Chakrams look cool, I hope I can replicate the salsa dancer Bartz ingame.

Not entirely excited, but not hating it, I wish it was melee instead but I see why its ranged and not melee. Still will try it regardless.


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I really like the throwing weapons concept as a callback to FF3-6. Those games all had boomerangs/chakram that the characters would throw an have return to them, letting them do full damage from the back row. I'm all for bringing in a class of weapons that feel more generalized and were actually in classic FF than having to come up with really specific stuff like the AST globes or RDM's weird rapier/staff.

I've started really liking this guy, I hope he helps us fight the possessed zenos and maybe we do a rematch.

Much more excited for GUN just to have another tank in my pocket

>Mostly trans fags who wanted a twink race.

no trans fags want this... they just play the sexy girl races, they dont WANT to be male at all

>Enjoy your vacant uterus
>thinking any femanons on here actually want children

>Yoshi: "Fuck we don't have a hammer class
>Battle Combat director. "Yeah we can make hammers work"


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>tfw have autistically spammed HMR WHEN every time I get to this part of Praetorium in story roulette
>tfw meme magic might be working in my favor

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Honestly it looks really generic, probably because the AF is almost the same shit as the thavnairian slut glam.

I forgot about that. I like the tools but I'd really be blown away if the hammer cheekery was actually about engineer.

you're all fags, who cares

Alright I'm coming back but until the expansion just going to make a new character to redo the story. Someone pick which class I do it with.

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GLD/PLD for the true Warrior of Light experience.

How does this shit get through?

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just wait for NG+

Not a bad idea. I've never actually tried tanking in 14

>instead of trying for something different, fanartists go for nearly the exact same pose

Why does this happen all the time?

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I want to bury my face in her thighs and just die.

There are hundreds of masculine things that female characters can wear. FAR more than feminine things guys can wear. What the fuck is this fag talking about?

>I want to bury my face in her thighs and just die.
Me too.

Lack of originality regardless of how good/bad their art-style is.

Then I'd have nothing to do between now and July

20 posts per day is the max for any account. People with trial accounts or who haven't reached level 50 have even lower post caps.

Twitch ads have been going through adblock recently.

I agree with being glad DNC isn't a healer, but not because of player skill, I just don't trust SE to make a healer DNC that isn't terrible.

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you using ublock?