

Attached: pudding.png (482x347, 298K)

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Jew AM

It's four o'clock in the morning. Why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding?

because I've lost control of my life

kina third world shithole you livin in son?

i have purple hair

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Is this /v's version of /tv's Oval?

I'm gonna make a wager and say he's eastern yuropenis


i remember when this meme was fresh
good times

close enough

I’ve lost control of Brinstar.

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then you're from sweden

nope, but getting close

oh no no no no no
not a finn

benis :DDD

Raziel, it's four in the morning. Why are you making chocolate pudding?"

"Kain's question cut through my soul like a silver dagger enchanted with the darkest of magicks. In an instant, my mind was flooded with torturous visions of all that had led me to this abysmal state of torment, twisting that infernal knife with the unbearable knowledge that now, as ever, I was powerless to escape my terrible destiny. The stirs of my spoon mimicked the eternal and unchanging revolutions of the Wheel of Fate, binding me, and every other being in existence, to a single, immutable path. And while most of the wretched souls tied to that abominable wheel were blissfully unaware of their existential imprisonment, I was not so fortunate. No, I had been shackled with the burden of knowledge. It was all I could do to keep what remained of my spirit from falling into total despair as I turned to reply..."

"Because I've lost con..."

"Suddenly, I stopped, unable to utter the remaining words. Because I had *lost* control of my life? But how could I lose something that I had never truly possessed?"

"Suddenly, laughter, from the other room. Mocking me. Mocking all that I had endured, and all that I had yet to endure. Mocking existence itself. The rest of the world fell away. I could no longer perceive anything except that laughter. That horrible, horrible laughter..."

"I could not bear it. Despair overwhelmed me. The spoon fell to the floor, and I with it. I could only hope that this would be the final torment, that the sheer horror of my existence would finally prove too strong to withstand, and my mind would finally, mercifully, shatter, and disappear into final oblivion for all time."



Whats bothering you Yea Forums?

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i've pushed away all of my "friends" and now i'm completely alone and bored

I heard that Legacy of Kain is pretty much Zelda on PlayStation, is that true?

My friend. He always seems like he's surpressing his feeling and is sad. I play games anytime he asks but I still worry about him.
I'm happy he's trying so hard for his future but he can't handle interacting with people and that's his biggest fault.
Sadly I can't do anything about that. Still happy he talks to me though.

The first one is. The rest aren't. The series went through three or four different genres.

Being hit by the worst wave of depression at the worst possible time
And I feel like my only friend doesn't really like me and only talks to me because I'm available, while often ignoring me when I message him

I just finished an anime called Rose of Versailles and realized how I will never love/be loved/could never be loved or love as purely as Andre and Oscar loved one another. It might sound pathetic because it is but god damn, I am rotting away. Suppose I'll just have to come to terms with that.

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I’m eating healthy working out near daily and work only 3 days a week (12 hour night shift). Married with no kids in the foreseeable future. Waiting for an inheritance to come in to get a house.
Trying to get in shape to take some shaolin classes.
Oh this is for depressed losers. Nevermind.

Thank god I'm not you.

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>is married
>can't afford his own place without waiting for family to die
>works just 12 hour night shifts
>posts on Yea Forums
you're not any better

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Well, feel free to fuck off then.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. I go to work, come home and sleep. I have a bunch of vidya available that I've been meaning to play through but it's untouched. I went through a real bad relationship recently and it's still hurting me.

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Kek. I have some advice for you.
get gud

What does it feel like to be loved unconditionally by a woman?

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The inheritance part is kind of douchy but the rest seems nice. Idk why you can't make 30,000 on the side with your job. Even my little bro can do it and he's on the way of owning a home at 21.

Working graveyard shift, waiting for inheritance to buy a overpriced house, and not knocking up your wife is pretty loser to me, loser

Fuck if I know

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There's no one who could answer this question because that doesn't exist.

Not from women, anyway.

Kek. I have some news for you.
My cock is probably much bigger than yours.

New York City

I have some for you.

Nobody cares.

You don’t worry about shit man once someone loves you, you don’t waste your life pining over it.
Because I like my free time to meditate, exercise and play vidya. Also it’s my grandma, whom I loved dearly. The money is merely icing I did not even know I was getting it.
I chose my shift I do half the work of others, have time to study and don’t have to bosses breathe down my neck. But hey whatever makes YOU feel better my man.

whatcha wasting 40k on son?

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I've pushed away all of my friends and I almost exclusively play TF2 by myself now. I'm incredibly stressed about school and am passing by on the skin of my teeth right now. My grades are always the worst this time of year as seasonal depression sets in at the end of winter. I fill the hole with TF2 and I can't stop doing it. None of my friends have shown any care or worry about my increasingly degrading mental state, and I seriously can't even do basic functions anymore without being overwhelmed with anxiety. I can't admit to anyone that there is something wrong, because my brain won't let me be vulnerable except to some of my friends, who don't even care anymore. TF2 is hardly working anymore and I feel like I have no reason to get out of bed.

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Why are you in a thread full of depressed people boasting about your "perfect" life? Can't you just let is wallow in our own self pity without disturbing us. Let us suffer in peace.

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No you're a douch for using your grannies money for a house. I mean I will inherent my parent's land once they are gone but I don't need it since I already have my own. It takes my bro like 2 hours a day after work to quickly get his side job done. Maybe you should actually try instead of waiting for someone to die

Better than going to a Uni and then have it destroy your faith in everything and almost break your soul

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been there, be bold user, it never goes away

Not vidya no culture isn’t a excuse

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26 y/o neet never had a job, virgin, flunked college and have no work skills, spent all my life playing video games and watching anime so I never developed into an interesting person, did some hard drugs and haven't felt the same since, I'm racist because I'm insecure about what I've ever done and rely on my races achievements to make myself feel superior in arguments, I got into philosophy and politics but I'm really very surface level and my favorite thing is using bullshit arguing tactics to get an advantage over a weak debater and declaring myself the winner of a pointless internet argument that I'm probably wrong about anyway. I've never loved or been loved other than by my mom, I don't even think I could love someone but I have a deep and unsated desire to be loved. I'm insecure about the size of my penis, at around 5 inches it's probably only just below average but I still feel like I'm worth nothing as a man, most nights I rock myself to sleep thinking about suicide and how worthless and pathetic I am. I often think back to cringey events that happened years ago and have weird PTSD flashbacks where I'll verbally curse and clutch my head until I will the thoughts to stop.

I don't know where I'm gonna go from here but statistically it is a successful suicide in a violent way. How's everyone else doing?

Let's just forget,
Everything said,
Everything we did,
Best friends and better halves,
And the autumn night when we realized...
We were falling out of love...
But we never did,
Not to be,
Overly dramatic,
I just think it's best,
'Cause you can't miss what you forget,
So lets just pretend,
Everything and...
Anything between you and me...
Was never meant...


Mods are gonna delete it anyway, let them vent

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Today I got a depression moment because I have no money to go outside or invite a friend who I haven't seen in over a year. I've been jobless for a whole year but I'm currently working with my family on some projects so hopefully I can finally start making some money. Still, it's kind of harsh being about to reach 30 years of age and still not have full independency.

Also, yesterday I met the cousin of an old classmate from elementary school. I don't want to have anything to do with them when I have nothing to be proud of at the moment.

On the bright side, I'm almost done with Etrian Odyssey V, so that's cool.

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There's a shotgun and ammo in my house, and for the first time in my life I'm considering suicide. It could all be over in a flash.

Order a pizza or something user, don't end it all

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I mean if you're a chicken shit jap then go on ahead but I wouldn't go out in a pussy way.

Eh, suicidal thoughts can come and go, but whenever that happened, I always reminded myself to never lose hope, that's what has been carrying me forward for over seven years of depression.

Hang in there user.

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I'd find a really tall building and do a flip wearing a cape or something.

I have a girlfriend, am getting fit, working in a field I'm happy in.

But I'm starting to fall for a coworker and I feel like a piece of shit, which is leading me to doubt my other life choices. Been trying to ignore it but then I see her at work and I feel better then feel like scum after

I think I just came to terms with the fact that I'm never going to be able to control myself to the degree that I need to. It's gotten to the point where I feel like my body and mind are completely separate entities, and that I'm subconsciously trying to sabotage myself to make things worse for myself to give myself a greater excuse to end it.

If I were suicidal I wouldn't just end my life quietly. I'd infiltrate some gang hideout or human traffickers and murder them all going out in a blaze of glory.

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I'm scared that I'm slipping back into destructive habits which I thought were behind me. Repeating a year in college and it's been going great but I'm starting to fall behind with one month left. Fuck.

That actually be pretty based but at least land on some bitch. Still try seeing how life goes. Don't be a static cause that's some real normalfag shit


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i'm completely and utterly manic
i don't know what i want at any given time and as a result spend the majority of my free time procrastinating, shitposting and sleeping.
i just want some consistency

if you had the will power and skills to do that you wouldn't be suicidal

Not true. I'd go in fully aware that I would die.

I have no friends, I can barely go out in public, and the clock keeps ticking. I have no talents to speak of. I don't know what I'm going to do, or how to make it on my own.

“Get a clingy bf,” they said. “You’ll feel so loved,” they said. But now I don’t have any time to play video games. Fuck you guys.

I mean do you like him and tell him how you really feel?

for our friends who can't sleep or won't sleep

Holy shit, literally me.

kys redditor

tits or gtfo whore, there will always be another man for you, but for us guys, the first girl may be the last

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>It's gotten to the point where I feel like my body and mind are completely separate entities, and that I'm subconsciously trying to sabotage myself to make things worse for myself to give myself a greater excuse to end it.
Yeah, I definitely know what that's like.

gril I thought was goin really I thought then she completly just randomlys says shes busy all the time with work when shes not like

Do not get a clingy partner. It is a mistake.

did good on the asvab and got a nice job in the af reserves lined up (fulltime ART job) but gotta wait till september for basic/tech school. going to be stuck doing delivery till then, a job i was sick of 3 years ago. so close to finally making it, yet so far.

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Fuck off. I'm fine.

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Get a clingy bf who likes to watch you play video games.

>Oh this is for depressed losers. Nevermind.
You don't need to be like that.

This, I only ever had a single gf and that was by pure luck too


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In a marriage where my wife and daughter suck every dime out of my pocket. No money to upgrade my computer, just enough to be flat broke each paycheck.

Life's grand.

Nah you're not him.

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seymour, it's 4 in the morning. i've been waiting 16 hours for these "steamed hams"

I'm going to have to go to the bathroom fairly soon, which means enduring the twenty minutes of hand-washing my OCD will make me do.


Mental issues combine with stressors about the rough state of my family and friends, and my inability to help them due to their situations. Trying to step up the help could make everything fall apart and I don't know if I can take that yet. I also fear that one friend is trying to scuttle his life on purpose to spite his emotionally abusive parents and he might be suicidal. All of this constantly distracts and paralyzes paralyzes me from doing anything well, be it school or even beginning a video game, and I feel that time rockets past me to the point where selecting anything is a fool's errand.


yeah i am, fuck off ur not my dad. i stopped jerking of 6 days ago, im gonna be fine

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Nope. Still do hope you are happy though. I don't even know you but you are at least having fun so that makes me happy.


>all these (you)s
I got a lot of issues too bros.

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stop being a faggot and take control of your finances

Stuck in the fun post college catch 22 of job hunting since my job placement was with someone I can't reference/list as work experience so the hunt has been terrible so far

>Only response in field was one asking if I forget to mention experience
>Get rejected from data entry and call center as well


Thank god for autism bux, not enough to live on without living with parents and pirating but the only reason I'm not starving.

i had 3 beers and a can of olives, im fucking king of the world

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I don't give a shit
About anything really.
Just kinda coasting on by in apathy

Fuck. I'm losing my shit too. Hope you get the best out of this boring ass Saturday night. Good luck

Watcha drinkin' user? I'm loving Funky Buddha Hefeweizen right now, think I'm gonna grab another can

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niggy if you can werk a paint brush then you can be working. if you can cut grass, you can be working. if you can succ dicc, guess what, you could be doing something more productive.

get a shitty job so you can at least put something on paper

Yeah but he still needs too much attention.

I’m a guy lol. Take the rainbowpill, friend.

He does like to watch, but I hate doing that. Makes me feel like an asshole.

I got rejected from Wawa even though I dressed professionally and I states that I had two years of retail experience
God help me when AA, Delta and United interview me

>St Pete
Two hours away but I have nothing better going on, you wanna hang out?



>I’m a guy lol. Take the rainbowpill, friend.
No way fag, I love the female form, whether it would be 2D or 3D

I don't live there anymore user, I'm back in South FL, which is worse, but at least Miami is decent for bars, airplane spotting, and Brightline

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>succ dicc
That's illegal.
>Makes me feel like an asshole.
Sounds like it's your problem, not his.

gay lol

Miami is also two hours away but I don't like going there.

me too thanks, watching kung fu hustle rn

bought 4 cans of miller lite off my roommate, not gonna be drinking fancy for a while. start work at jimmy johns on monday so hopefully im pounding hefe before the next month. next year will be much better though (im the af reserves dude that posted earlier)

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stop jerking off

It's fine for me because I speak spanish and latino women are just easier to talk to and approach than white women.
For the record I'm not a spic I'm Ibero-Germanic, so I'm white

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Aren't hispanic women all giant cunts though?

>Yes I am depressed how do you know that?
being sad is the reddit of depressed
Fucking selfish cunt

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It's been a few years now and I still can't get over her.
The handful of people that expressed interest in me I've had to turn down, and if I experience any sort of minor attraction to anyone else, it's because something about them reminds me of her, which reminds me that they are second to her.
I'm horrified that I'll never get over her, and she's just gonna dominate the rest of my life

Well that's sad. Try but once you know there is no hope then leave. I hope for the best


I feel like I know/knew you, what letter does your name start with?

Help them or help yourself by cutting them out of your life. Doing neither helps no one.

They can be but I'm a son of a bitch so it works

tsk, tsk, grow up son, life is gonna fuck you in the ass some way or another, we all go through it

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Before it got shut down I did surprisingly well with cuban chicks. Practically zero words spoken and I had a better success rate than anywhere else. If I don't speak spanish and she doesn't speak english she doesn't realize how fucking awkward I am.

Learn how to respond to somebody else post before you kill yourself emo

stop jerking off
stop beating off

>tfw younger
>more loved ones
>no drugs
>not racist
>bigger dick
>none of this is reassuring
I feel like if you can't talk to people, you're just screwed no matter what.

One of my friends and I are growing distant. He's always been a bit of a Nintendo fanboy, but it's getting nuts. He was super pissed off about the Persona 5 Royal reveal, saying how it needs to be on Switch, or else ATLUS will go out of business again. I explained to him that it was Index Corporation that went under. And he just said "I don't give a fuck. They should know like Bayonetta it will do better on Nintendo."
He also seems to hate that I have a PS4.

Before the spanish bar in town shut down*
I need to find the new spot.

Is Stu the most relatable character in animation history?

The other night I was just laying down and very vividly started hearing voices in my head, they were like whispers. It went on for a good while and I got very anxious until I had enough and got up and they disappeared.
I've got no history of mental conditions besides depression and can push it as just a one-time-thing that I expereinced but it was still unsettling as hell hope it's just that and nothing more.

>It's been a few years now and I still can't get over her
>and if I experience any sort of minor attraction to anyone else, it's because something about them reminds me of her, which reminds me that they are second to her.
>I'm horrified that I'll never get over her, and she's just gonna dominate the rest of my life
I'm the same, even after 3 years I just can't

make a game about it

I'm a closet fag that's so depressed that I'm leaning back into my neet life. I quit my job and i want to die. But i can't fuckng die yet my mom is sick and my dog still needs me

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Been helping my girl (female) friend with her mental issues so she doesn't feel like a piece of shit and turns off the ligths. At least I have a chance to talk with her again

Drowning in debt and poverty.

Damn bro that sucks. I was in a similar boat til i found a job that i liked. The financial independence was huge in fixing my mental state though i have a long way to go. Havent got laid yet either.

>I often think back to cringey events that happened years ago and have weird PTSD flashbacks where I'll verbally curse and clutch my head until I will the thoughts to stop.

I get the same shit, is there a name for this? I feel like this is some precursor to schizophrenia or some shit.

There's a lot of relateable characters in all fiction user

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My body wants a woman in my life, and my brain doesn't.