B-but, graphics technology h-h-has been s-stagnant!

Top of the line tech demo from 8 years ago: youtube.com/watch?v=XgS67BwPfFY

Top of the line tech demo today: youtube.com/watch?v=9fC20NWhx4s

Yeah, I'm thinking we're hitting the point where real life and in-game graphics are going to be indistinguishable soon.

Attached: 1532526301375.jpg (1200x600, 131K)

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>Yeah, I'm thinking we're hitting the point where real life and in-game graphics are going to be indistinguishable soon.
People have been saying that since the Sega Saturn launched.

Attached: 1551957480761.jpg (406x364, 118K)

Yeah, but shit like this has been rednering in real time since last year or earlier.

Within 5 years we are going to have photorealism generated on the fly. I could see CGI movies being made entirely in game engines since it would be a lot cheaper and time efficient without costing on visual quality.

Attached: 1551307211913.jpg (1200x630, 339K)


I can't imagine movie studios voluntarily switching to worse renderers

yeah good luck simulating fluids fabrics smoke fire flesh and all that other shit as well as rendering hundreds of millions of polygons and tons of 8-16k textures all in realtime while also having to fucking ray/path-trace the lighting get real retard

Attached: 4691164E-F6CC-4AD1-950D-74A27702ECA8.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

but when will we get another good game?

>not showing any human faces/bodies
>bunch of geometric shapes everywhere

But the lighting is amazing.

Asking the real questions.

>don't need to pay actors big bucks
>only need to pay computer monkeys barely over minimum wage
>can create virtual A listers
>no expensive shooting on location or building sets
>once programs are created movies will cost a few hundred thousand to make generating millions in profits

Don't kid yourself in 20 years we'll look back on real movies like people used to look back on black and white and silent films. The future is gonna suck

>>>>tech demo

>I could see CGI movies being made entirely in game engines since it would be a lot cheaper and time efficient without costing on visual quality.
You have 0 fucking clue of what you're talking about mate. Stick to playing videogames.

>Characters + city vs scanned rocks
You are not even trying

Prove me wrong. We're on the cusp of a graphics revolution thanks to advances in deep learning and AI. Entire industries are going to be turning on their heads because of shit introduced by AI advancements. Nvidia has focused almost their entire company focus to AI over other tech because of this.

But all the most realistic graphics are done through motion capture...

IA its not that good. It can help on many tedius tasks, but it wont change industries.

IA cant do good games

And I won't give a single fuck about it outside of porn games.

Human render still need other 20 years.

We have a presidential candidate whose whole platform runs on the basis that AI is going to fuck society and the economy up very soon and very fast. Don't be dumb user.

Attached: 1524877326433.jpg (1410x640, 98K)

Graphics stagnant is because low performance CPU on consoles.

The argument "graphics stagnate technology".
Look at how shit some of the recent games are that focus on technological graphics > technological gameplay.

Making a movie in a game engine is actually more time consuming and less preferable than making a CGI movie normally. You're just an idiot. You have no idea how much time it takes to develop shit, you probably think developing am AAA game is something a studio can do in 2-3 years tops, same as movies.

>I would pay $60 just for a walking simulator of this environment. This is breathtaking.
People like that are the cancer that's killing the industry

>This is your brain on Yea Forums

>Making a movie in a game engine is actually more time consuming and less preferable than making a CGI movie normally.
This just shows you're the real retard here, thanks user.


It's getting there

Attached: UE4Game-Win64-Shipping_2019_01_19_15_03_09_218.jpg (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Where is the gameplay ?

Attached: 1543619999704.png (492x317, 17K)

I honestly don't see the point is improving graphics anymore than they are in this gen.

Far Cry 5 and Devil May Cry 5 look like CGI movies.

> Eating all that ue4 propaganda
You must be real dumb user

stagnant? technically no but the end product isn't any more effective in practice

Doesn't matter if Intel/Nvidia continue their chokehold on the industry. You'll realistically only see those graphics in games 10 years later.

DMC5, Sekiro, and Ace 7 all released within the past few months. What are you talking about?

FWIW, the Rebirth tech demo is not in real time -- its a "rendered in engine" showoff for the company. It's not representative of real graphics just yet, although in 5 years or so I think we'll probably get there.


This demo *is* real time, using raytracing and running at 30fps. In my opinion, it's damn impressive and a much better showcase of where next gens graphics might be when people start wrapping their head around the hardware and hitting the metal.

Attached: unreal.jpg (784x1024, 197K)

The first one looks better precisely because it's not photorealistic. Games shouldn't look indistinguishable from reality. I also think it's notable that the second demo specifically chose not to include any humans in it. I wonder why.

I hope people just rebel against that crap and refuse to see movies that are made that way.