Gaming Setups

post them up family

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Fuck, I miss winter.

r8 don't h8

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It's comfy I guess.

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>making sure the prescription pills are visible

ya, i might need to cleanup a little

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why would i spend the time and effort to move my pills, take a picture, then move them back instead of just taking the picture?

wait, wrong one. i updated it.

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imagine being such a pasty NEET faggot that you need to take supplements to darken your casper the ghost skin

Your pillows look nice and comfortable, I like it

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Fuck man, I really hope you didn't lose too much from that

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video game wise i lost the FV310, my ps2 games are now disc only, and the cardboard box to my steel battalion. rest i managed to save.

lost a bunch of non-video game stuff though like all furniture and several items i had in the storage room like keepsake items.

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Owo what wristwatch


>PC dead
>staying at my boyfriend's family's house
>my birthday is coming up
>dropped hints that i want a new gaming PC
>pic related arrives in the mail
>it's for my boyfriend's little brother

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and people laugh at me for not wanting to own a house

that melatonin, not melanin you fucking retard

this was a majorly freak thing to happen in this area, been well over 50 years since the last thing remotely close to this happened and i am hearing people call this the most widespread flooding this state has EVER seen.

look up Flooding in Nebraska and look for articles within the last week or so.

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Worst loss of them all, sorry to hear that user

good game taste

>bathroom is to the right by the door
>small space for a twin sized bed behind me
>215 sq feet total
>$3,500 rent a month

I'd move to Oakland but I don't want a fucking 90 minute commute

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it's become even messier than this, that's literally all the space I have but I can't move out because I decided to go back to school for another 4 years

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a similar thing happened where I live almost a decade ago. half of the city went under. a very unsual, once in a lifetime event. the problem with home ownership is it only takes one unsual, once in a lifetime event to ruin everything and they seem to happen more often than people realize. I always live on the second floor or higher now.

>parents tell me i need to clean up my room

it's not that bad, right?

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are those fucking diapers?

Nah you're fine just throw some paper over the heater and it'll take care of itself.

That looks comfy as fuck. You Pacific Northwest?

>$3,500 rent a month
??? are you living right in the downtown core or something.
I don't think even Toronto is that bad, are you renting like a whole apartment for yourself in the city or something? Can you just move a bit farther away from downtown but still be 5 minutes away from a subway station?

>no room
>"as long as my lungs continue to draw breath, that piano is coming with me!"

i'm in a situation where even with this happening i'm better off with the home than without as it is cheaper than renting.

furnace did get knocked out so i'm using a space heater for now.

for reference my mortgage is around $492 per month including my home owners insurance

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No, it's just a bulk of disposable underwear


I thought I was bad when I had like 5 empty cans on my desk for a couple week since i was somehow too lazy to put it straight in the recycling bin (pick-up every 2 weeks)

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Clean your room user, that's disgusting

I'm in downtown San Fran right by the financial district. ~600 square foot apartments are going for $4,500-$8,000

Not bad. Looks pretty comfy.

>3,500 a month
I literally pay 2000 a month (actually I pay 400) for a 3k sq ft house with a giant backyard and 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, which I share with my roommates.

Got a friend who lives in Nebraska and said it was very bad.
One of the nice things about living in Appalachia is if you look at maps and pic a place that’s up a hill you don’t really have to sorry about flooding.

Please bully

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>$492 for a mortgage
I fucking wish prices were that good where I live, I'd have my own place with loads to spare. Fucking Chinese ruining the housing market in Canada

i curse you with lich

Buy your own gaming pc you tranny faggot.

>it's not that bad, right?
I'll say it is. judging by the diapers, I would say that full grown man has been there for a while. it's time to throw him out.

>protip it’s not the (insert race here) that is fucking you over it’s the rich.

>protip it's the race + wealth class fucking you over

>little bro is 13 years old
>plays and streams fortnite all day
>barely leaves his room
>room is fucking trash
>it smells
>me and his friends told him to clean it up
>tell my parents he has a problem
>they don't think so
>think it's perfectly normal

fuck man. i'm afraid he's going to end up a 300 pound neckbeard by the end of high school

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well check out the brains on this fucking guy. finally somebody in the wild has figured it out. congrats.

Buy your own then

they're not diapers you fucking retard. they're disposable underwear

It’s not the race, many of them are just trying to live the same as you.

melatonin is to help people sleep

if you plan to move, pick a house that's slightly uphill of everyone else.

In my neighborhood, a bunch of houses had their basements flooded after heavy rainfall, but our house stayed dry because it was on the inclined side of the street. Maybe other factors played in to it, but that's what I attributed our fortune to. I store a lot of memorabilia in the furnace room so i'd be pretty depressed if it got flooded.

Get a job you fucking loser. Your fagfriend shouldn't be spending 800+ dollars on a leech

You cook your food with a hair dryer?

>tfw my 12 year old nephew said he wants to be a professional YouTuber when he grows up.
>tell him it’s unlikely as he is not in a rich family and had no idea how to even upload videos to YouTube.
>looks at me confused
>try to explain that most YouTube stars come from rich family’s where thier parents can supply them with equipment needed to make videos and make money from it.
>looks even more confused

My nephew is going to have trouble in life

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user you got the setup I wish I had

>diet A&W
didn't even know that was possible/reasonable

Haha holy shit what the fuck. I pay 600 a month for a nice 2 bedroom apartment right near literally everything. Fuck big cities are disgusting

>TV in front of window
Hire an interior designer jesus fucking hell

my house is on quite high up for where it is located. the center of the intersection had water probably 4-5 foot deep and it only went over my first step of my house as you can see in

even houses in town here where water never reached the outside still had their basements flood, the sewer drainage system became over strained and backed up.

It’s just A&W with aspartame instead of HFCS or Cane Sugar

I'm confused too user, it's not like you need to be rich to set up a streaming setup considering even poorfags will buy $1000 headphones. It's more a matter of luck/charisma, and I guess having a family to support you as a NEET while you try to win the lottery.

Based and Front Range pilled.

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>moved into a new place
>didn't ask about the trash service
>they only pick up trash once a week
>town provided the trash can
>it's a tiny like 20 gallon trash can
>they won't pick up anything that's not in the trash can
>been stuffing all the bigger/less smelly pieces of trash in a closet

what the fuck do i do? all the tissues/food refuse/other trash takes up the entire trashcan so i literally have no space for these boxes

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They're the rich ones that are fucking everything user, that's the same excuse the government tried to give because the truth was seen as "racist"

for starters, stop buying beer and pizza you fucking retard

If you look at every fucking famous youtuber they came from at least a middle class family where there parents had disposable income. My family is not that especially my brother who is divorced. I am the most well off in my family and I currently just make 18 and hour.

Drive to the recycling center and give them all the plastic, and glass, bottles, boxes and shit like that.

Take it to the dumb like a normal person?
Not every Chinese is rich and not every rich person is Chinese you dumb faggot.

drive to whatever waste disposal center in your area, like the ones where people who renovate their homes drop off their trash. It's pretty cheap.
maybe there's a place that probably takes recyclable material for free too, depends on your area.

You cant recycle pizza boxes, the grease has tainted them.

i don't have a car

>Take it to the dumb


Tear them up, retard. It's fucking cardboard.


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Isn't that what a diaper is?

You know what I mean, Dont make fun of me because I have a learning disability.

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Based clown

>supplements to darken your casper the ghost skin
>its melatonin

holy shit v

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>i don't have a car
time to look like a homeless dude and walk across town with it
or I dunno, just stop eating pizza all the time

it actually is the chinks, though, especially in london

chink property investors buy up fucking everything here and now the cost of houses/apartments are near half a million

same, not ready for normies outside my window

But the Chinese are rich

Post a hand pic.

Once again, your beef is with the rich not chinks...

Poorfag edition

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>that view
god i wish that were me

mods, autosage the thread for i have already won

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How the fuck are people wanting this set up, the fuck is wrong with you people

pic related, its you trying to play fucking games in this abomination

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Sure is reddit in here

Weakest bait of all time

>Eagles bandwaggoner
>Shitty no name latin america country flag

I want to blind that Toff.

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if i ever become rich, I'd just build a house where the most important windows face north so there's never direct sunlight in those rooms. You could probably just have a big enough overhang for the south windows if you wanted to minimize sunlight there too

If he's alluding to the point of having big ass windows behind your tv that fuck up the dynamic range of the scene, then he's correct.

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What on your Nokia?

He's right you know. Why the fuck out you put your tv/monitor in front of the window?

is it really that difficult for you faggots to keep your room clean?

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Imagine being such a nigger you don’t know the difference between melanin and melatonin

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>Sup yall it's me your boy, anons little brother living in my pile of filth

today, i will remind them

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>All that ambient light in the background
Absolutely disgusting

Does he cum it its mouth?

Enjoy your sterile cuck corner.

have fun rolling around in your own filth you digusting NEET fuck

why do you have a single can of tizer on your floor

>facing your desk against the wall

God damn, do you want to be both tasteless AND vunerable to an attack from behind?

My room is pretty clean, and I intend to clean tomorrow. Getting out that Datavac son.

it's so if anyone barges in they don't see me beating my meat

Boi or grill? If latter, you know the rules. If former, show boipussy.


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If youre asking about the tablet is is the weather.


Comfy. Holo is life

Then I got my Trinitron and a couple older consoles behind me. Bedroom has a PS3, PS4 and a WiiU hooked up to the big screen.

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oh wow

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Just glare my shit up son

>watching s o y poppin

you have to be 18 or older to access this website

how big is that fucking mug?