Pick but one


Lets settle this shit once and for all

Attached: steamycyber.jpg (600x398, 98K)

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I hate hot places because I live in a tropical shithole so every setting that feels like it would be hot/steamy is fucking hell for me, so I prefer Cyberpunk because it seems way more comfy and cozy despite all the corporate insanity.
also VR orgies.

cyber, no contest

Cyberpunk for aesthetics and music
Steampunk for worldbuilding

where u live

>Steampunk for worldbuilding
but every steampunk setting is just VICTORIAN LONDON


i choose post-cyberpunk

Attached: Unification_Wars_Augmented_Techno_Barbarian.jpg (1200x1157, 430K)


I preffer that over NEO TOKYO MEGA CORPORATION PARADISE. Mostly because cyberpunk is way more popular than steampunk so you see more of it.

whoa thats alot of votes, how many times did you post this straw poll?

Both of them COMBINED

looks like blanche's 40k stuff
but unification wars are star trek?

That's not the definition of cyberpunk. CB2077 fits none of that description

nvm I'm retarded I was thinking eugenics wars.
its definitely 30k

there are people who try to view cyberpunk as more than that, there is a lot of infighting between fans who KNOW cyberpunk is a genre that is not ultimately defined by a single aesthetic, while others think its just bladerunner

when it comes to steampunk however, the people who think its more than london and gear hats lost

Attached: 81ID-Xon+FL._SX342_.jpg (342x433, 58K)


It's like hooking up with two hot chicks at the same time.

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I think we can safely say that Cyberpunk won.

>all those votes
How many anons did you say?

i think thats because ideas of the future always change so the genre of cyberpunk and science fiction always has room to grow

also steampunk and even fantasy got fucked over by people who think the genre should be 1 thing

Attached: cpunk.png (1254x1590, 2.44M)

GiTS movie had rougher aesthetics compared to SAC series if you recall. SAC looked a hell of a lot cleaner for the most part.

GiTS movie had a closer comparison to Akira's Neo Tokyo


What the fuck are these vote numbers?

>Hotline Miami
lol what?


none of the top are cyberpunk but are usually what people think cyberpunk is supposed to be

voted cyber but these numbers seem - skewed

steampunk is for faglords

Attached: Bwaah.gif (480x366, 278K)

what are even the central themes of steampunk? I've always just seen it as a shallow aesthetic more than anything else

It's images like these that are continuing to give people the wrong idea. Sadly there isn't a hint of irony to it and more people will save it and swallow it without thinking twice.

dieselpunk > actual steampunk = actual cyberpunk > trash > nu-cyberpunk > liquid shit > glue some gears on it steampunk

Attached: West, Tyler - flying boat.jpg (1178x736, 150K)

Post Industrial Revolution humanity advancing with the pure jank that is steam power.

i'd say the irony is very noticeable
i mean if you don't know anything on the top or most of the bottom

you should immediately recognize that of course ghost in the shell is cyberpunk

no, I mean the central themes, that's just a setting, cyberpunk for instance has heavy anti-authoritarianism as a big one

Not for someone just getting into the genre. They believe just about whatever you feed them. Such as it having to be dark all the time. You and I both know that it doesn't have to be dark and raining all the time for it to be cyberpunk but those little bastards don't know any better.

but NEO TOKYO MEGA CORPORATION PARADISE is the coolest thing ever...
i never get sick of it

That's just gritty cyberpunk. Post-cyberpunk is the realistic version

>not every single -punk simultaneously

i suppose
but ghost in the shell is as synonymous with cyberpunk as steven king is with horror

maybe i should add the matrix (which doesn't have any neon lights either) to the bottom

>steampunk below neither
I thought Yea Forums was the faggot board though? You queers should love steampunk


Attached: 24764.jpg (2560x1440, 645K)

that thing wouldn't keep upright after a single shot, why are the artists for these things so retarded?

Mein neger, I came here to post this


So basically an exaggerated WW2?

few times a year since 2016

It's fantasy nigger who cares

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brass goggles or augmented eyes that can see through walls

gee I wonder

I believe Matrix was added in on wiki so :)

>7% actually chose steampunk

Attached: cybersteamy.jpg (1096x1500, 763K)

That's one part of the aesthetic. Wolfenstein TNO is dieselpunk

Attached: nbcv.jpg (575x640, 122K)

is there one for steampunk?

Attached: cyber.jpg (764x5000, 2M)

SS2 is not Cyberpunk, Only SS1 is.

Dieselpunk can be either exaggerated WW2 or post apoc like Mad Max

What about kino regular urban Dieselpunk?

Attached: the_stacks.jpg (2000x1009, 2.31M)

Anything could be -punk if you think hard enough.
I prefer burgerpunk myself

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basically it's cogs and gears

Steampunk is reddit and gay as fuck so no.

I prefer cyberpunk. Steambunk is usually obnoxious.

Steampunk is literally the stupidest thing ever created.

Attached: Vivisector - Beast Within.png (684x684, 768K)

>steampunk below neither

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fuck we are so close to this

it takes place in a dystopian future on a coporate spaceship
not enough neon for your liking?

I like airships as much as the next guy, but gotta go with cyberpunk.

are you retarded?

What people don't understand is that the punk in cyberpunk means misfits, outsider or freak.
It doesn't have to be literal neon colored punk sub-culture crap every time.
I think that's where the confusion comes from.
Also Stephen King sucks.

For faggots who unironically like cowboys
Cool as fuck

I would love to hear your retarded reasoning for this wrong opinion

The problem with steampunk is that most of its fans are pussies who don't want to actually deal with the themes of classism, racism, and the growing fear of the working class becoming outdated in the face of rapid industrialization and automation
Cyberpunk fans tend to understand that it entails dark themes about rampant corporate oppression and the impact technological saturation has on society, and embrace it

This isn't to say there are shithead cyberpunk fan who think it's just neon lights and body augs, but generally speaking they're the minority. The victorian setting steampunk tends to come with heavily features corsets and tweed suits and top hats, so it's been taken over by literal fedoras who just think they look classy in bowler hats and monocles, so they only focus on the fashion and aesthetics

>This isn't to say there are shithead cyberpunk fan who think it's just neon lights and body augs, but generally speaking they're the minority.
Fucking Eidos Montreal.