Is Final Fantasy unironically in a worse state then Sonic at this point?
Is Final Fantasy unironically in a worse state then Sonic at this point?
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Nah, XV isn't nearly as bad, and Ep Ignis is kino.
The story's fine, tho the gameplay's flawed.
Final Fantasy could easily be saved if SE would stop being faggots
Not quite. FFXV was disappointing and unfinished, but it doesn't have dozens of bugs at every corner or fucked physics like a lot of the recent 3D sonics. In addition, at least they tried something new with XV instead of just slapping on classic sonic like Sega does sometimes.
Final Fantasy will be forgiven the moment a new numbered entry arrives that redeems the franchise. It'll happen. Eventually. The nice thing about each game being its own thing is that each one is essentially a clean slate.
Better than Kingdumb hearts
>tho the gameplay's flawed.
thanks Tabata for ruining the combat so you could pander to casuals
Yes, if you asked the average Yea Forums user to bet on which of these two franchises will release another good game first, 90 % of them would pick sonic over Final Fantasy
So in other words it's going to be really hard to save Final Fantasy
FFXV isn't nearly as bad as autists make it to be, the game was pretty fun and has quite a lot to do, something the last three entrances (FFXIII to LR) didn't do.
As a game it's good, as a story... it's meh at best, it's unfinished. But we're talkig about a game, not about a piece of fiction or a book, FFIV's story is quite garbo and it's a fantastic game, and the second half of FFVI is quite bad compared to the first one in terms of story, but it stands up there as one of the best of the series.
Kill yourself Barry
if it was Barry, he would be saying that the story is not unfinished and the cancelled DLCs are not canon and other bullshit
*destroys your franchise*
If this was called Final Fantasy & didn't have to deal with the Wii's horrible graphics it would be considered a masterpiece. As long as Sakaguchi remains away from Square, they will continue to be shit
FFXV is good, can't wait for episode ardyn on tuesday.
FF is mediocre and still sells very well, honestly it only sells because of the name it has
People don't really have a strong dislike for FF like they do for Sonic, its more like they just don't care about FF because most of their stuff other than XIV has been boring
Besides, even if there are still people who hate Sonic, he looks like he's still hanging in there with Mania and his new racing game coming soon
No, it's not good but not terrible
>XIII sells well enough to harbor two sequels
>XIV makes money out of nothing after initially crashing and burning and has stood up as the flagship of the franchise for the better half of a decade now
>XV still sells fine despite barely being a step above MGSV and makes up for it even more by shoveling out DLCs
>franchise that wasn't even still considered great before it's developer left the console industry and produced nothing of merit since
They are a tasty food and drink. For this to make sense shouldn't it read healthiest? Also food analogy.
No FFXV was a big disappointment and was MGSV tier in terms of it's story the gameplay is not perfect either and you can feel how much they tried to streamline it. That being said it's not Sonic bad FFXV was at least functional with some polish the overall game design was just a mess. Modern sonic games are filled with fan fiction tier stories (Story should never have been a major focus of Sonic to begin with) and tend to very broken and buggy. Sonic Generations is one of the few exceptions in recent memory which was actually very stable and was light on story usually only having a few short cutscenes after every few levels.
It just kinda baffles me after the good reception compared to other games and decent sales they didn't take more inspiration from Generation although Mania kinda did making much of the game a nostalgia grab.
Here's hoping. After almost 20 years without a good game, I've given up on it. Actually, I gave up on it after FF XIII. But I still won't complain if they manage to get out of the rut they've been in like Capcom finally did.
I don't think Final Fantasy can ever be truly fucked because each game is a totally new setting and story. Which means even if you get 5 shit games in a row the next game can be completely different and good. Sonic is much more trapped in what it has to be whilst Final Fantasy can do anything.
Not yet. Give each series another game then we'll know for sure.
Pre-ordered the deluxe edition, placed 100 hours into it, and even double dipped in royal edition, and all of that I regret doing it at all
inb4 someone tries to discredit your post for having a food analogy
>Which means even if you get 5 shit games in a row the next game can be completely different and good.
The problem is how long it takes to get that good game.
What's the best way to dig dirt out of your nails?
with your teeth, faget
Thanks user. Hope you don't end up killing yourself when FFXVI comes out
i never get tired of seeing that image's thumbnail in any mention of FFXV in this board
XIII was pretty empty but I still put around 120 hours into it. 13-2 had a ton of stuff to do too, but I didn't fuck with it that much.
Was there anything you feel could’ve helped salvaged the gameplay?
No, because FFXV at the end of the day, is just very mediocre incomplete game thats more famous for the time it took to make than the actual game itself. It should be noted that at least FF is only going through major troubles since 2009 with FFXIII but Sonic has been in the dumps since Sonic Heroes came out in 2004, with Unleashed, Colors, Generations, and Mania being the only exceptions
What booze did you drink to feel better?
KH3 is superior to FFXV so
FFXV has one (1) playable character, KH3 has three (3) playable characters. FFXV literally unfinished and has a lower metacritic than KH3.
Barry, what do you have to say in response?
thats a very valid point, the issue though is that FF games take so fucking long to make and Square isn't really putting efforts. I mean look at their recent games released, all mediocre shit that took 5+ years to make yet a game made by Platinum is by far the best game they published this gen
>It should be noted that at least FF is only going through major troubles since 2009
Eh, more like 2006. But you hear a lot more praise for XII these days since it's now in nostalgia territory.
>inb4 he pops up to say that Comrades instantly redeems this aspect even though the gameplay is still incredibly brain dead
Granted, KH3 was too easy for my liking, but I actually had fun playing it.
Yeah, like getting rid of the dogshit combat system. I honest to god feel like making it into a 100 hour VN with exploration would have improved it
No amount of alcohol will make me forget this
Well from what I have heard from the net XII was OK, but better than XIII or XV
No, 14 and mania are decent. Everything else is shit. Same state
completely disagree, I would rather play XV than Forces, in fact I completely skipped out on it
FFXV is bad because it was in development hell for so long and pretty much had a "too many cooks" thing going on
Final Fantasy as a franchise has kinda taken a dive, i mean 6th gen would be considered oversaturated if the games weren't so good
its nowhere near as bad as how sonic is though
at least you can move to Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler
>Is Final Fantasy unironically in a worse state then Sonic at this point?
If being the best and fastest selling game in the franchise considered being as bad as Nu-Sonic, then you're retarded
Disagree, forces is shorter and the suffering ends quicker
You see a lot more positivity on the internet about it now. Back in 2006 and 2007, I'd even say 2008 probably, there was a lot more hate. But as much as I dislike it, I have to say it's certainly better than XIII, and probably XV as well. Only played the first chapter of XV, but I doubt it gets amazing later.
also, no it was a flop and got the season pass 2 cancelled and Tabata fired
I was so close to being you but I didn’t get the Royal edition and never downloaded any of the dlc passed Gladio’s.
All companies report shipped numbers user
>also, no it was a flop and got the season pass 2 cancelled and Tabata fired
Because they restructure Luminous studio to focus on AAA games and Tabata decided to leave
He's here.
The second season pass being outright cancelled should tell you that it wasn't a success.
Nobody knew how bad things could get back then.
>tfw get to replay my favorites on the switch soon
At least these are still good. I don't think XV was as bad as people here make it out to be either, the problem is how long we waited for it and it wasn't amazing. 10 years a game should be amazing, otherwise that's wasted time.
No, although XV was a fucking dumpster fire.
Sonic has more consistent failures or outright shit games.
>The second season pass being outright cancelled should tell you that it wasn't a success.
How? They are releasing the Ardyn DLC, a short anime and a novelization of the upcoming DLC also like I said, Tabata decided to leave on its own
>How? They are releasing the Ardyn DLC
and cancelled the other three dlcs which would have made the second season pass
>a short anime and a novelization of the upcoming DLC
they did this before and it never worked. It won't work now
>Tabata decided to leave on its own
I doubt it but I'll leave it to that.
Also, you're obviously avoiding certain words, as if you're trying to prevent something to spike you under mods' radars
what the hell is the buster sword's golden hilt and why did it magically disappear again?
>and cancelled the other three dlcs which would have made the second season pass
Because Tabata left and they decided to focus on their new studio
>>a short anime and a novelization of the upcoming DLC
>they did this before and it never worked. It won't work now
It doesn't need to "work", fans are going to love this content
>>Tabata decided to leave on its own
>I doubt it but I'll leave it to that.
Yeah, no argument here
>Also, you're obviously avoiding certain words, as if you're trying to prevent something to spike you under mods' radars
No idea what're you talking about
lol no
I'm hoping that Ardyn's DLC will be just as good as Episode Ignis.
Fuck them for not giving us an Episode Aranea. I don't want her story in novel format.
>The second season pass being outright cancelled should tell you that it wasn't a success.
Having one at all would tell you the opposite.
Sonic isn't in that bad of a place right now really. Sure Forces was shit but Mania was fantastic.
>Sonic isn't in that bad of a place right now
Every game after Generations has been mediocre or shit
The Novel is better than nothing at least. I really wanted Episode Aranea too.