What did Microsoft mean by this, Yea Forums?

What did Microsoft mean by this, Yea Forums?

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They're probably going third party like Sega. I don't blame them, given the position they're in.

it means that no one gives a shit about xbone and switch so they have to make crossplay work in order to gain some form of market significance

Is having an xbone the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having an xbone. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying and beta-testing games for at least 5 years solely so they can go and get played on other platforms. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little console - buying exclusives, subscribing to Microsoft services, console-warring on Yea Forums, letting it collect data for MS, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: It's exclusives are more enjoyable for the men that will eventually play them on other platforms.

Raised the perfect console? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up. He gets to play it's games every night. He gets the benefits of it's kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised it.

As a man who has a xbone, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 5 years of your life simply to beta test games for people on other platforms to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

are Microsoft literal cuckholds?

>going third party
dont you need games to do that

I hope they bring Rare Replay, also.

I have a ONE X for multiplats and a PS4 for everything else

Im not a virgin incel so I dont need game on PC

>Hey Nintendo please fuck my wife

They're trying to learn Switch technology so they can be prepared for their own hybrid console

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the incels on this board are incredible, always making everything about sex and bbc
it takes a special mind when this is always the first thing you think of

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>They're trying to learn Switch technology
I'm pretty sure they already know how to work with ARM

Man this kind of makes me want to molest my daughter. Why should I raise the perfect girl only to give her away?

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>my daughter
You wish
You're never going to reproduce for a reason

Literal fucking cuckolds.
They don't get publishing rights.
They let them sell it anywhere in Microsoft Windows.
They allow Mac and Linux ports.
Now, they fucking asked them to do a port for a console of the competition.

Hell, I'm starting to think isn't a bad idea to license the older Microsoft Flight Simulators from them. Hell, maybe they give me the IP for free.

But I'm a girl

add me on discord

they figure getting casuals from nintendo and being buddy buddy will help them against sony
honestly it might


If Cuphead's on every platform BUT PS4, Xbox looks good by comparison.

See, this is just basic good business practices. MS doesn't need to compete with Nintendo. They have completely different audiences. MS DOES need to compete with Sony. If MS can position themselves on PC + Xbox vs Sony on PS4, and keep Nintendo satisfied, then MS thinks they can win by basically suffocating Sony, same way Sony beat MS with their "sharing games" thing at the start of this gen. "Oh, another game PS4 isn't getting, what's wrong with Sony?". That sort of thing.

Microsoft is buying Nintendo
My dad works at Sony and said so.

It's shitposting, you fucking retard.
please be my wife

the xbox one is the last xbox console

Despite what Xdrones here will tell you, Microsoft is 100% gearing up to leave the console business, Consoles just aren't profitable anymore unless your Nintendo, Microsoft knows this and they know they can still make bank on consoles without actually making one which is why they've started porting all their games and Xbox Live to non-xbox devices, since Xbox Live and their games division are the only thing that makes them money with the Xbox, but it will be long since they have to plan and port everything and work out the kinks of Xbox Live on the Switch and shit, and it probably won't be until the next generation is over that they announce it.

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I think Microsoft knows they lost at this point and are just trying to fuck over Sony at this point by throwing their hat in with Nintendo

Or Microsoft is remembering they're a software company

Fucking top lel


To continue the analogy analogy, letting your wife sleep with your quirky tomboy lesbian BFF isn't being cucked. There's no danger here. There is danger if your wife keeps hearing that your arch-rival Chad Thundercock fucks better and starts asking you to "open up the relationship". If you let your wife sleep with your quirky tomboy lesbian BFF, but not Chad, then people start going "whoa what's wrong with chad? There's this hot lesbian twosome going on and Mr. Soft might be in on it, but Chad's nowhere near it. What's wrong? Is he GAY?"

and that's why you always let your wife sleep with lesbians.

>Halo on the switch

I would unironically love this.

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>I'm j-just pretending to be retarded I swear
Fucking spineless incel

Why wouldn't you have a threesome?

>Consoles just aren't profitable anymore unless your Nintendo
they arent even profitable for nintendo.

have sex

they know theres only room for two big swinging dicks in the console space and they want Sony's spot.

they published for game boy advance newfag
back to neogaf you go

>Halo with gyro aiming

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Because Cuphead is a single-player game. But you start introducing your quirky tomboy lesbian BFF to games with online and innocently mention crossplay and THAT'S when you get to fuck your wife while your quirky tomboy lesbian BFF sits on her face.

The very next day, your wife divorces you and marries the quirky tomboy lesbian BFF.

That didn't turn out really good for Ross Geller


They have no games currently, but with all the studios they bought, they can have some and publish them on other consoles as a third party publisher.

you spoiled the pasta on the last sentence faggotera

*hits pipe*

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It's coming to pc, gyro isn't necessary

being a hardware company before being a software company is not a position anyone wants to be in
even when you're someone known for hardware, like cisco


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nah because she's your bff see that's the great part, she'd never do that to you

Ross and Susan weren't friends

>she'd never do that to you

dude your bff sounds like a jackass i don't think they're really your bff

They're boxing in Playstation. Why get a PS4 when you could have a PC/Switch?

I'd rather just get PS4/Switch, since the PS4, PC and Xbox One overlap with a lot of their games, and I prefer console, and the Xbox One sucks.

How would you change it?

Have any of you fucking idiots ever heard of embrace extend extinguish? I mean come on are you this fucking stupid retarded and useless?

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>PCs absolutely massive library of games vs PS4s 3 exclusives worth playing.
You could just admit your poor you know.

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Is Microsoft a cyberpunk company?

No you absolute assclown go look it up they where using it in the 90s and are still at least trying to use it today I wouldn't be surprised to see them try to buy Nintendo of America in the next few years


Microsoft and nintendo desperately trying to form an alliance against sony, sony is just too powerful

I am going to say here, the DLC characters were finalized a long time before Nintendo and Microsoft began working together.
The characters you can expect are as listed:
Prince of all Cosmos
Minecraft Steve/Alex

based pedophile

They're not doing this out out kindness. Maybe Microsoft sees a re-entry into the Japanese market by cuddling up to Nintendo? Considering that Sony is bombing in the country right now, it sounds plausible

Microsoft literally produces laptop/tablet hybrids you fucking mongoloid

So does sony and they aren't porting their games the Xbox one.

Eat shit Nintendork.

Needs to show emotion to be a character, buddy.

I have an xbox one because my dad won it at an office raffle this past christmas. It came with fallout 76. So i just traded that in and got a pacman amiibo with that.

And with Sony you eat S O Y so you're fucked either way really.

That doesn't even make sense, nintendo was born 1889

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Not even incels are this retarded. It's Sonyfags.

This, Xbox competes with PS4. It does not compete with PC. It does not compete with Switch.

You will never pass tranny

You're not bright if you honestly believe this after all the investment in hardware, back compat, and gamepass

You can argue that they don't compete with switch because of the lower power, but they do compete with pc

>Considering that Sony is bombing in the country right now,
How come? Xbonepill me

MS owns the most popular operating system in the world. They're trying to leverage that into a position on PC. Whether they'll succeed or not is another story, but I think it's accurate to say PS4 is a bigger competitor than PC. Hell, you could say that MS already gets a slice of PC from every OS sale, they don't even NEED to get a cut from each game sale.

They're an objectively shitty company already that was only tolerated because xbox fucked up and sony has the "muh also nihon" card to play. Recently, sony has been shitting on weeb games hardcore which crossed a line and the otaku are fucking pissed.

Why is anybody surprised?

>Microsoft have been the "good guys" who work well with others as far as vidya goes for a long time. They bought Rare when Nintendo fucked them over and left them without anywhere to go and half their staff. The remaining staff members said they had more freedom and better work environment than they had at Nintendo.

>Microsoft has tried multiple times to help out other console devs by getting popular games crossplay for them.

>They make all of their "exclusives" also on windows so you dont need to buy an xbox if you prefer to play on your pc.

>hire as many compentent or promising devs to try and form a team capable of making the best games

>always been nice to indies, regardless of how you feel about indie games

They fucked up with the xbox one, but they recovered and haven't done anything fucked since. I don't undertand why everyone associates MS with big greedy corporate power in the games market when that has 100% always been Sony and at one point Nintendo.

The RARE thing is interesting, because the mistakes are on RARE and RARE alone. Because why else is their output so shitty at Microsoft DESPITE what Microsoft did for them?

Everyone good had left by time Nintendo sold them. Remember hearimg about Nintendo demanding unreasonable deadlines, going radio silent without paying them, forcing them to change things in game, etc. There was a big article about it from the yooka laylee guys.

dat's a funny joke nigga although you're kinda right in that they didn't right off the bat, but have been pretty much since the initial product run

that's why gamepass and live is getting ported over
and why they bought like 10 fucking game studios

>buy nintendo of america
are you fucking daft

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>the yooka laylee guys
lmao why would i trust a bunch of butthurt liars

>Halo 3 multiplayer on switch

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There are accounts of former Rare employees too, not just them. People who left during the Nintendo era.

As far as I know, Grant Kirkhope is the only one who thinks it's Microsoft's fault Rare sucks now. And he wasnt even hands on since the Banjo games and rarely in the studio to see the conditions anyways. Plus grabbed by the ghoulies wasnt bad and that's an original xbox game.

Memes and buzzwords the post.

>Recently, sony has been shitting on weeb games hardcore which crossed a line and the otaku are fucking pissed.
I thought the censoring only happened in America or is there something else that's happening?

>because xbox fucked up
I remember this, 360 could have been the one, they had idolmaster, but they messed it up.

>P-Please be our friend
Anyway it's an indie game but MS probably ripped up the no other console clause in their marketing deal contract

Lurk moar

>console-warring on Yea Forums
If you consider this a part of your console hobby, you're the ultimate cuck