Have you ever thought about how if goldenface ever opened his eyes fully he'd just be making the cockmongler grin?

have you ever thought about how if goldenface ever opened his eyes fully he'd just be making the cockmongler grin?

Attached: 1553147997723.jpg (1024x1024, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The pic that triggered Nintendies. Fuck are you guys autistic.

If he opened his eyes any wider he'd be blinded by his own residual golden radiance.

Now you're just begging for (you's [attention]) user.

Attached: 6xwe8uig0yl21.jpg (457x457, 24K)

It's so refreshing to see quality OC instead of wojaks.

Attached: 1553193377903.png (1024x1024, 736K)

Fuck off.

Best version incoming.

Attached: 657410A0-1A65-4043-AA63-9F49C0B7FAF9.jpg (1280x1244, 335K)



remove pantsu

Attached: scared stadia.png (180x186, 4K)

>No version where the dudes are frowning but stadia is smiling

imagine fucking her butt

why the dinosaur tho

Chrome Offline


Attached: 1553305950489.png (346x363, 21K)

>Other Sekiro thread dead for this decent but forced meme or wojaks edits

Fuck everyone who see any positive thing in Stadia or enjoy fanarts related tho this shit


you know everyone is just here because they think stadia-chan is hot
this is amazing i love you user

What do Sony and Will Ferrell have to do with each other ?

what does will Ferrell do for Sony?

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1553366481158.png (1073x939, 47K)

for years Talladega Nights was the only game on PS3

Im glad some of you guys are enjoying the artwork as much as I am!

Attached: Stadia2.png (985x785, 322K)

how new are you

Attached: stadd.png (1228x1359, 668K)



stupid ea fanboy get out

Attached: 1553370630565.jpg (1200x1344, 129K)

post a zip

cute feets!

this is to you user i cant actually draw but i put effort into it

Attached: 1529314393740.png (545x596, 19K)

i always presumed the stadia in the pic was a trap, I'm pleasantly surprised she isn't trapbait

can you link me 25B and 44 ? those are the only ones i havent saved

Attached: 1553380808999.png (1172x1135, 347K)

>black squares
go on...

I can’t believe so many zoomers don’t know of the first PS3 exclusive.

Attached: F56F81F9-4747-4F5F-B7EF-E7DEA4740C24.jpg (2634x3512, 1.92M)



jesus this is actually amazing

Attached: Pacha for free.png (557x605, 46K)

Now there's a name that I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

yea. same here, they're they only two I don't have

Attached: 1553301753549.png (736x900, 194K)


>Sonygroids trying to pretend this doesnt exist

Attached: IMG_20190320_234505.jpg (1024x1024, 495K)

biggest cringe yet

jesus that's a good lookin pussy id suck it

>that golden sonynegro
What happened to the actual nigger representing sony that was in this image?

I'll color it later

kek, based

Attached: google_cuck.png (898x511, 280K)

Forgot fucking picture

Attached: Stadia's input lag.png (1200x1200, 656K)

oh nevermind, this is way better

Attached: 1523593994109.png (292x223, 99K)

that was an edit, OP is the original


wojack shit is 100 times superior to unfunny consoletans aka discord tranny hugbox

Fuck off, literally kill youself.

I'm just saying

Attached: goldengrin.jpg (600x791, 126K)


Where's the Lag Porn?

The golden one is the original, you can tell by the lineart. The consoles are represented by the biggest associated meme, but for Switch it's a weird version of it because I guess the artist wanted to avoid using wojaks at all (which is based, fuck wojakposters).
>inb4 anons trying to say Goldface was originally a wojak

yours is also amazing user !

Attached: Natsuki.gif (595x600, 198K)

Don't be sad user, your drawing is very good!

Attached: 1553313386701.png (2048x1536, 881K)

I want to eat her asshole

artists are buffering, please hold

The only consoletan stuff worth anything is some of the old stuff with PC and the jadf porn of PS4.

Somethings never change

Attached: 1445785326245.png (1142x471, 45K)

I'm realizing that I want the Xkeleton to reference Spinal more, since Killer Instinct was just about the only good exclusive it had until Cuphead.

you did great dude it's a 10/10, don't feel bad

They absolutely change. Just because one user that made that is based doesn’t mean that if you’re original image was made in 2019 it would be 2 wojaks and a pepe.

the fact that so many people raged at this only proves it right

only sonybros nintendo bros hated their representation

pc and xbox knew it was a joke

Attached: 1499325414138.png (640x480, 461K)

post the bundle faggit
it's on my other computer

I unironicly got harder to yours.

this gave me a hearty kek
stick to plebbit kid

You just know some fat Mexican 13 year old made this

original requester here. I love it!

not the one with simpsons face and the epic store guy retard

Attached: 41274262-A408-4254-89B3-FC70AD1EA2BB.jpg (400x1000, 251K)

OG drew them too

Attached: Stadia.png (1200x1200, 632K)

I mostly dislike it for fucking up the art style. There's something charming about the original, even if it doesn't jab at Sony quite as hard.

I love this pic. It should've gone as a Yea Forums banner

Attached: 1553297061825.jpg (3024x3024, 1.34M)

why does this look like it was traced from actual cp


Attached: 1540542018124.png (496x800, 292K)

cool it with the threads you niggers, dont overextend

Attached: 1547051870731.jpg (540x540, 20K)

Mods during that time were big Sony fans. It had no chance.

Accurate image.

Well obviously zoomers and newfags will keep posting wojaks and pepe cancer but knowing that there's still anons that know about the legendary 3 mascots of the videogame industry fills me heart with hope for the future.

Yeah, its still a timeless pic and a good reminder of simple times in the console war posting.

Attached: hello-my-name-is-freddy-francesco-im-rich-enough-to-1578570.png (500x436, 83K)

Glad you liked it


Attached: 1496675900051.jpg (536x375, 33K)

Attached: 1522860441748.png (400x300, 60K)

I wouldn't know, I've never seen actual CP... Have you?

Attached: 1553284767919.png (395x567, 158K)

stay salty sonygro


Everyone keeps forgetting to draw her XL ass.

idk how to draw lewds

Attached: 1540394954356.png (420x700, 235K)

but she's petite


yeah right, ps3 shitposting was more than switch/xbone combined now

>new non pepe/wojak meme
>immediately gets ruined by attention whoring drawfags with porn edits

every time.

Attached: 2px26b59pelz_2.jpg (436x392, 28K)

seething nincel

Attached: 1510306239295.jpg (1199x1199, 128K)


Found this on deviantart. We already lost her

Attached: stadia_chan_by_rizzyda_dd2le1a-pre.jpg (752x1063, 96K)


Not what he was talking about, he's talking about the goldface vs nintendies seemed like it had a bias and people raged at it
That said you are still right, wojak is absolute cancer.

the reason the OP's image is lame is because all the characters are negative stereotypes of themselves, except sony

the sony guy should be this one
the niggers are all angry

Attached: 1520885318033.png (1200x800, 688K)

Looks like Sony wins again.

>Not the switch-dog


the artist is a resetera trannie
what would you expect

I don't know why ninteniggers try to post other platform owners in an attempt to discredit them when shit like this exists

Attached: malos laugh.png (564x594, 483K)

I’m cool with the porn. It’s the wojaks I can’t stand.


I though she was flat and petite but also had the thiccness downstairs. Maybe I've been drawing her wrong, not that there's a set way.

holy shit i forgot rizzy made a drawing of her before the original Yea Forums meme

could be a coincidence, she looks different enough.

>big tits
Stadia-tan is flat! FLAT!

Attached: 1553307356002.png (404x499, 119K)

Yea Forums
deviantart/discord tranny shit. Fuck off from this board


neither of those are exclusive

Fuck off...

>Big tits

the dog isn't top heavy henceforth it is the homosexual choice

idk, you do you.

not in Trump's AmeriKKKa

Attached: thLFL0XSS3.jpg (474x355, 23K)

I hate you so much.

>this shitty attempt to advertise his patreon

Attached: 1529859676073.png (565x540, 19K)


kill yourself

it doesn't look traced desu, real kids in cp are a lot more like autistic girls. They blindly follow orders, don't enjoy it much because they can't understand shit, and probably don't make great fucks other than for the mere fact that you're highly attracted to them

t. someone who fucked an autistic chick and also looked at CP on limewire when I was a kid and didn't realize what the fuck I was doing

>far left
oh how things have changed

>big boobs

If you look like this, you sometimes want to cure your inferiority complex somehow.

Attached: 1510303015164.jpg (2448x2448, 787K)

Learn how to draw, trannies, this shit belongs to deviantart/tumblr, not here

>t. someone who fucked an autistic chick and also looked at CP on limewire when I was a kid and didn't realize what the fuck I was doing
uh... I hope that's the truth user.

>makes sonygro muscular
>totally not a trannie/sony/dsicord/faggortera shill

kill yourself

i'm an idort and i think xbox skelly is the cutest
we need more skelebro
another user already pointed this out but there's something really goofy and charming about a backwards-cap skeleton. very 90's and rad

you are mentally ill, seek help.

Attached: 1546631312942.png (1080x1068, 54K)

don't reply, its just a shitposter looking for (You)'s.

not clicking

oh shit it's sachikofag

How new?

He himself said he's more of a nintendofag but keep sperping out bud

ok retard

Well guess I'm on an FBI watchlist now

Attached: 1522156774928.jpg (1016x1024, 83K)

go back to resetera

He uploaded his one day after the og meme picture, actually

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1179282193791.png (1142x471, 42K)

Reminder not to fall for falseflagger bait, nobody with two braincells cares about the shit they talk about.
Don't feed the trolls

Attached: chin chong.png (631x471, 273K)

why do you only post malos reaction images you faggot

Attached: Ahem fuck you.jpg (640x463, 36K)

>any negative opinion is a bait
No, I do really hate the shit in the OP. it's terrible, it's everything that's wrong with western """"artists""""

Never been to neofag in my life lol

Attached: DAd7jQ8.png (1303x1023, 399K)

They were happy to ban everyone. They were happy enough to do their job.

Attached: 1230330173731.jpg (1002x945, 404K)

you are part of the problem

Hey sachikofag, haven't seen you in a long time, how's it going?

Attached: 1452737511983.jpg (509x501, 115K)

what is it?

Attached: f39f840d12b18277f21ec3b0bafe824e.jpg (931x948, 75K)

UM BROS??? I I tried to open a link and something downloaded what do I do now?? I never done this before and I'm scared to touch anything

Attached: 823608.png (1346x672, 120K)

Probably illegal porn

the Christchurch shooters manifesto

kill yourself trannie
don't wait to be 40

Can't you fags wait until Tuesday?
Why do you have to draw the porn RIGHT NOW?

Delete it, it's legit CP

>119 games
>14mm is the height of each game
>1666mm total
>5'4'' if you don't consider deformation from gravity pushing on the cases

Attached: 11.png (56x56, 7K)

Questionable cheese pizza


purge it
This thread is going down the shitter so don't worry

Attached: thinking.png (170x296, 107K)


nice to know
I didn't count

Bros where the fuck did that file get downloaded to?!



you mean weight above them, pseudobrainlet

Fuck you dude now im gonna get buttfucked by the government

this is a real person that actually exists

Hey here's some new Stadia OC

I might do an actual NSFW next but don't expect it to be good

Attached: movie.jpg (1200x800, 157K)

Tell me your home address and phone number and I can come over and delete it for you.

please dont ffuck the dinosaur

Master Chief is coming to Steam though.

>imagine buying physical in this day and age just to post on resetera how your favorite console is doing good

fuck it's real. Simply deleting it is enough right?

You will want to clean your system thoroughly. I wouldn't stress about it you seem innocent enough.

Yep, if you get a knock just be honest and say you had no clue unless you have a history with it then you're fucked

Not him, but how do you recommend doing so?

Absolutely based and, dare I say it? Redpilled as fuark.

oh god what did I just click

>oc that's basically a fotm waifu attracts actual fucking pedoposters
not surprising

Attached: 1545774698971.jpg (1024x576, 67K)

why are sony ponies so ass blasted about the gay nigger version?

Attached: 1553318341839.jpg (820x919, 188K)

How many times are we going to make this thread and have the same exact console war faggotry?

Killer Instinct was Exclusive until Season 3

it definitely is. Don't get me wrong I'm still a pedo probably, but I prefer not living a life in prison so I stopped doing that shit after my teen years and now I just enjoy loli like a normal person

How bad is it

probably ccleaner or system recovery. i'm not sure if cleaning the recycle bin is enough.

Attached: ..jpg (960x744, 55K)

it's the trannie artist sperging here with his discord army

Screencap this thread as evidence

>the console that broke Yea Forums

>he doesn't know Sachikofag
nearly everytime somebody posts legit pizza on Yea Forums it's him that did it. He probably has some very tight security measures so he doesn't get vanned since he's been doing it for ages

Thanks, my guy. I just wanted to shitpost about consoles not get fucking arrested due to some fuck linking that shit with no warning

its ok, welcome to Yea Forums. There are some real sick fucks on here.

>Downloading random videos off Yea Forums
Come on user

i clicked on it but i didnt downloaded it, am i still in trouble?

watch it, nigger
good shit
i am just tired of falseflags fucking this place up
might as well fuck with the newfags's first cp

if you wanted more porn you just had to ask
heres two good ones

Attached: 1536811076237.gif (180x156, 1.01M)

Very good

OG drawfag here. Keep the threads down, guys. Please? I promise I'll draw porn if you slow them down.

Attached: 2347383434357.png (513x411, 96K)

not to my knowledge if you don't do that shit on a regular basis. maybe clean your browsing history.
Actually kill yourself you disgusting fag.

>Stadiafag wanting to slow down
fitting and also no

ever gotten so mad you started spamming cheese pizza?

don't be that guy

Fuck off, cancer.

Based and unironically triggers insecure sony faggots. Learn to take a joke like fucking Xbone of all things

Reminder: Google is single handedly responsible for the corruption of the phone game market and its slide into 100% monetized games

>also no

Attached: 23627463627.png (500x475, 35K)

sorry user, it maybe out of your hands now.

literally the switch dog all over again, and it's your fucking fault

im gonna 1v1 you in rock paper scissors online and win
hows that feel bitch

Attached: 1549294034690.jpg (1200x973, 410K)

draw pc tan bullying std chan for being slow

no need to rush it dude, relax, let the anons have fun for a bit

Not funny

I wouldn't worry too much to be honest, afternoon shitposters will be shitposters.


>it maybe out of your hands now
That's why I'm asking please.

Where did you get this picture of me?

children are getting abused and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT

Attached: 71a.png (600x450, 267K)

>tfw your favorite pizza is associated with child pornography
fucking degenerates, I can't even enjoy simple things anymore

Give it till tuesday, everything will calm down by then

>pc and std chan race each other
>pc runs a mile the second the race starts while stadia trips on the first step

where did it go so wrong

>editing someone's oc because you're so buttblasted by sony dudes

holy fuck

but the onions albino nintendo faggot is better

not him fuck you the Switch Dog is awesome an creative

Attached: 93f073640af3e5ed78a4e60474414d96.png (733x1089, 133K)

It's your fault too, user. We are all to blame
This is my 10th request today
I'm just worried this will turn into Bowsette 2.0. And I'd be the one to blame

It's out of your hands now creator, step aside.

Amazing the savior of Yea Forums

what can i say exept...
you are welcomed

switch doggo is fine so long as it's not porn

I requested it in the previous thread too.

Attached: file.png (774x1031, 544K)

She pees acid!

bowsette blew up and died because of twitterfags, as long as she stays with uncle Yea Forums, she's gonna be safe

Where’s the Switch dog with a fat ass?

switch doggo and xbox skelly are BEST FRIENDS!!!!

Attached: nintendoMS.png (852x611, 135K)

Yeah I’d personally wait until /ctt/ for this shit, don’t want to get burned out on this when it’s just started

Attached: 77B6B330-8EA4-4F6E-AFB0-363BE3034828.jpg (768x1024, 104K)


As a degenerate who regulars erotic role play sites I can tell you that Bowsette is alive and well

Well, Bowsette was literally all over the web, Stadia-Chan is just a Yea Forums thing right now. I don't think it's gonna get THAT big. Yeah, what said.

Attached: comfy.jpg (480x360, 14K)


Other than that pretty spot on

>No Cunny line

>somebody got so fucking mad about console-wars not being to their specifications that they dumped cp to try and kill it

Attached: 1545740784423.jpg (617x444, 46K)


dogs like bones.

Autism is real.

nowhere because the dog is actually frowned upon in /ctt/ since it didn't originate from there

What was yours?

Sometimes I'm glad my autism isn't as big as other people here.

>to their specifications that they dumped cp to try and kill it
why do yall keep making up shit that never happened, uh?
why must you nigga always thinks its about you! its not about you or videogames

its about sending a message

Attached: 1532428041918.png (600x382, 302K)


oh no that's cute
imagine switch doggo totally latched on to skelebro's arm while he's all "uhh someone help me?"

>its about sending a message
"(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)" is all i really got out of it

Don't force the Jannies to press the range button.

>its about sending a message
the message that you're a butthurt little bitch, or what

fuck sake, mods just delete the thread. I'll wait patiently until Tuesday.

Goodness me you’re retarded. Here you go user

Attached: 322D39B4-06E1-43DB-BC39-C942938C294F.jpg (1024x576, 88K)

anime brainrot

Compromise? Honeslty I think making him look fat is just ugly and not really funny like the steam and nintendo

Attached: 1553293463001.png (1024x1024, 926K)

it already got pressed though, i am unkillable

i just hate it when other people get more attention than me

Attached: 1526620053835.jpg (620x456, 102K)

Great fucking message there user, real high iq stuff

i'm not interested in a (You) from somebody using a fucking iphone

They can't do shit, he's been doing it for ages and still hasn't been caught be the popo

>nintendo bros hated their representation
They did?

but why, it's not a competition

needs cameltoe

how come no one has ever done honda-san edits for skelebro

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.30.982.jpg (1920x1080, 805K)

What would you suggest me, PCman?

Attached: 346262477336263.png (539x335, 67K)

honda is too niche for Yea Forums

Attached: honda.jpg (482x619, 54K)

Is this supposed to be a family photo or that one pic from blacked.com video?

Steam and epic made me kek



Attached: LISTEN.png (344x289, 3K)

Why are mods OK with this shit?
Hello this is console war!

Attached: 1553337644490.jpg (640x735, 31K)

good advice from hazbro

Attached: 1550638781457.jpg (634x482, 110K)

>wanting normalfags to touch Honda

Attached: 1523777803909.jpg (480x360, 18K)

this image has never felt so relevant

Attached: console wars.jpg (1080x1096, 166K)

just killing time here, i dont care much for what you have to actually say
i have a life too you know, heres a clue, even if i get jail time i will get out instantly

Attached: 1550813879197.jpg (600x658, 79K)

I agree with moltar here, you need to take a break.

How much's "A BIT"?

Hey Sachikofag, how big is your collection actually?

but user, it's the coveted (You) that everyone desires, how could you not want such a thing

Attached: 1550521365628.gif (225x249, 808K)

what, with a spoon?

my fucking sides
y’all on a watchlist by the way

lmao i dont know
it aint even mine to begin with


What happens if it blows up and Google notices? A Yea Forums created Google mascot
Good god we're still fucking with moot

Attached: 1553323463192.png (1279x520, 239K)


also true
i take it back