Japan has given us (so far this year):

Japan has given us (so far this year):
>RE 2 remake
>DMC 5
>Ace Combat 7
>Sekiro: Shadows die twice
>Kingdom Hearts 3

Western gaming has given us (so far this year):
>Overwatch Battle Royale (Apex Legends)
>A broken, literal hardware killer (Anthem)
>Tetris Battle Royale
>Cowaduty Battle Royale

Why do ANYONE still bother with western games?

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There’s a few decent small projects and indie games from the west but for the most part yeah we’re shit

someone needs to keep buying western games so that trannies can have a job

Im enjoying AC Odyssey though.


>those cheeks



Tetris 99 is probably the best out of the western gaming side.

Tetris 99 is developed by Arika, it's Japanese mate.

Tetris 99 is actually another game on the jap side

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>Tetris Battle Royale
That's not a bad game though. Western games are garbage, but Tetris 99 is a GotY candidate

Tetris 99 was made by Arika

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More like she became Bogpilled

>shitting on Tetris 99
Also it's developed by Arika, a japanese company, you ginormous faggot

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>No mention of Baba is You

Get out

Westacucks really can't compete these days.

indie games are the only thing you should look forward to from the west

You mean indieshit made by blue haired soi fags

Man The Guns DLC/Patch
New PoE League
Enderal: Forgotten Stories
(Upcoming Soon)
Imperator: Rome
Anno 1800
Steel Division 2
Tropico 6

DoA 6

That's how I see it.

not seeing an argument there

God, what the fuck happened to her to make her want to do that to herself. She used to have a cute, girl next door sort of look when she first came on Attack of the Show. The plastic surgery made her look worse in every way.

Western gaming hasn't been good since like 1998-2005.

Nobody fucking plays those games here on Yea Forums.

Women are really bad at knowing how to look good.

Hollywood happened.
It ruins people.
Alcohol abuse, drugs, unhealthy diets, their body constantly changing physique for different roles and cosmetic surgery in an attempt to improve their looks which also ruins them.

It's pretty funny how we are getting to the point where you constantly see girls that are cuter on the street than in movies.

The western games have made more money than the shitty japanese shit.

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What is wrong with women?

It always does, no women ever looked better after plastic surgery, unless her face was completely butchered after some incident. This includes boob surgery, a completely flat chested women is always preferable to one with fake tits, even if you're a boob man. They're mentally ill and are taken advantage of by the plastic surgery industry. Transgender people too.


best jap games release early in the year
best western games release at the end of the year

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>leaving out the fact that the 2 lowest rated games of this year are both from Japan
Left Alive dropped even lower, to 37, but I'm too lazy to update this image

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>Cowaduty Battle Royale
That was last year, dumb dumb.

time happened.

>westacucks only care about pozzed video game journalists scores/opinions and normie sales
way to out yourselves

What ever happened to that 'There's a helicopter' video by chobot? I can't find it anymore.

What the hell did she do to herself?

I am excited for 3 western games this year
Psychonauts 2
The Outer Worlds

Is that pic real? Google shows her with some high cheekbones sure but not a fucking FemBog.

Mortal Kombat 11
Metro Exodus
Trials Rising

Japan gave us:
Jump Force
DOA 6: Incomplete Edition
Catherine: Full Soi

Japanese game
>knows it's a game and that the point of a game is fun
>doesn't feel like pretentious Oscar bait
>finished product, and can be enjoyed years after release
Western game
>walking simulator with "mature" themes and forced diversity
>unfinished, needs patches and mods to function
>oh you paid $60 for my game user? Fuck you, you have to pay for microtransactions if you don't want to grind

Except Tetris 99 is developed by arika, a japanese game developer.

Thing is, these are low notoriety games so nothing is lost by them existing; just don't buy them. Anthem, CoD and Apex were all high profile titles and yet were crap

>Japanese game
>knows it's a game
Game? I believe the word you're looking for is 'movie'

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also was in a relationship with a gay man

80% of TloU gameplay is a glorified cutscene anyway

>he doesn't know about f2p cowadooty br mobile

The samurai fear the multiplayer.
Makes sense as they are the least masculine race

Absolutely based and bogpilled


Everything in the OP is shit, get fucked.

Some people enjoy eating shit, doesn't make it right

TLoU is American

Is that bitch out of a job yet?

what's your GOTY so far user

word, except the 'japan' section and tetris 99 which belongs in the japan section

Japan so far:
>Ace Combat 7
>Tales of Vesperia: Definitive edition
>Travis Strikes Again
>God Eater 3
>Jump Force
>Tetris 99
>DoA 6
>Left Alive

West so far
>Metro Exodus
>Crackdown 3
>Far Cry: New Dawn
>Apex Legends
>Division 2

This is pretty much everything released that isn't irrelevant indieshit and it's clear which is better.

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>7 games for boomer autists
>1 fanservice game

You don't win any category with these games

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She's already made millions, she won. It's over.

Europe has some pretty interesting upcoming companies, CDprojekt red, Larian, paradox. Of course American studios now sucks, crazy country where everyone is obsessed with identity politics. Plus the rich Jews have taken over the industry over there

That isn't out yet dumb dumb. The OP clearly says so far this year.

>This is pretty much everything released that isn't irrelevant indieshit
something just does not add up

Fine. Let her. Just stop putting her in stuff.

what's Yea Forums opinion on metro exodus again? I know metro 2033 is highly praised and last light not so much, I think they're both pretty much the same

Can "Japanese games good Western games bad" posts be considered unoriginal? Like tfwnogf posts on /r9k/. It's not adding anything and you people are a huge pain in the ass.

hit the surgery, get mixed results. Could be a lot worse desu and there are definitely a lot worse in Hollywood.

girls often look cuter at street level.

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>these are low notoriety games
Dude, the premise of Jump Force means it was pretty hyped for

When they're horny, they're like cringey waifufags, but society enables them.


Literally the only game of worth you listed is RE2 and that’s a remake. Gaming is dead and I’m just waiting on a few select releases at this point.

japan is better at action games, but western devs make better rpgs

What a horrendous post. These threads are at least discussing video games, unlike the 300 threads that hit the bump limit reeing about some literally who's politcal opinions.


Tropico 6 is the worst one yet. Broker is garbage and should have been scrapped.

no it was the potatoes

excuse me?

Its also funny how society is often blamed for these problems, when really its all Hollywood.

You missed Tetris 99?

literally everyone in california will tell you to get plastic surgery.
Co workers
Homeless people
dead people

Everyone wants you to get plastic surgery no matter how good you looked before.

The Hollywood lifestyle is absolute cancer.
This will always be the best example for me.
Pic related, the Olsen twins (they are the ones on the side) and their younger sister Elizabeth in the middle.
Literally the same family, same blood.
Guess which ones grew up doing drugs, drinking themselves to death, living in constant stress and gettng endless surgery.

The so called "wall" is something that people build on their own.

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Good boob jobs exist but women have no clue how to pick a size that works for them and neither do the doctors so it's all random luck

>be me
>just chilling on the couch
>hear a knock on the door
>grandma gets up
>"who is it?"
>person starts POUNDING on the door
>I stand up
>pounding stops
>"shit this isn't a house it's a car!"

And that's how I saved my grandma by pretending to be a car

so why do weebs keep this west vs japan she going

>>Cowaduty Battle Royale
that didn't come out this year dumb ass

True patricians always preferred Sarah Lane.

sits in the middle of 2033 and LL for me.
Large maps add little to the experience but the gameplay/visuals make it worth a playthrough.

Doesn't really do anything special but its a solid experience.

Is she turning into a B O G?

Both sides are guilty of it. It's Yea Forums regular tribal mentality at work.

The twins are prime examples of why child stars are a bad thing. They arent able to grow up into normal people.

Maybe if you're too dumb to remember that J Stars Victory came out a few years ago already.

Only among shounen animu watchers which is a small fraction of the video game market

Hnnng, I love Liz

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>tfw they were so fuckable in their teens that countless countdowns existed for when they would finally become legal
>18 hits and they turn to shit almost overnight

Strategy games are the only games which the west is better at

Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest say hello.

normally I would say 'god I wish I were her' but damn she is lovely

Tetris 99 is the best game that’s come out this year

So? it's like saying that reggaeton is good beacause a lot of people hear that shit

games for children
baldur's gate, icewind dale, elder scrolls, etc are way way better

You know one of them had Lyme disease right? That shit will absolutely wreck you more than a lot of drugs will.

First 2 are OK, but The Elder Scrolls is overrated shit. Too buggy.

Single player is superior to multiplayer

Damn right.

Both are undeniable truths tough, /rk9/anons don't have gf and Japanese games are superior

J Stars had fuck all marketing and was only on Sony platforms
Bamco put in more effort this time round
Shame a spotlighted turd is still a turd

>overrated shit. Too buggy
it's not overrated at all
i played oblivion on ps3 and never encountered any bugs
elder scrolls is max comfy

>baldurs gate, icewind dale
You had me
>Elder scrolls
You lost me

I thought it was trying to entice the fighting game community as well
Not with those fucking animations

Because of women, cucks, and trannies.

elder scrolls are flawed, i admit, but the open world gameplay in them is one of a kind
they have balance problems but there is no game which simulates living in a fantasy world as good as this

Coudl've at least said something like KOTOR or Fallout 1-2 instead of Elder Scrolls. I don't think Western RPGs are bad per se, but I like Japanese ones better, like the ones the guy you responded to mentioned, also the Persona and Xeno series. I don't think games made for children are bad, that's why Mario and Zelda are still fun.

>I don't think games made for children are bad
yea sure, if you are a manchild they can be still fun.. all the toys to you kevin

>Japan mainly making sequel rehashes
>A good thing

So did Avril Lavigne.

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>Because of women, cucks
I like how you blame all women, but make a distinction for men, when everyone knows that political autists themselves are a minority.

Tetris 99 is unironically the only good game on that list.

This girls still looks completely amazing nowadays, I guess she stayed out of all the LA garbage "lifestyle"

Compared to what exactly from the west?

Good anecdotal evidence user, that surely proves your point. Like any disease it works differently on different people.

Has she always had the derp eyes?

Nothing. Gaming is shit

Only one I've played is Ace Combat and it was pretty boring desu
Story sucked and wasn't even so bad it was cool. Mission were repetitive. Planes weren't varied enough.

>Metro Exodus
>the West
mate, have you checked a map recently?


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Tropico 6 is the most souless piece of software l have experienced in my life

>Tetris Battle Royal
That was made by Arika and commissioned by Nintendo, both japanese companies, they just paid royalist to whoever owns the Tetris IP

>game sequel looks noticeably worse

Elder scrolls needs a lot of things a few of them would be:
>Far better combat like the Dragon Dogma game
>Better AI for companions, enemies and guards
>More interactions and map changes that would give you the feeling of having change the world
>Less bugs
>Regarding Skyrim it needs to recover the arena, the secondary mision of assassins and thieves guild quality anddon't do anything again as dissapointing las dragons

>weeb is a spic
Of fucking course

Xenoblade games have far better worlds.

she's in

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>Tetris 99
Uh... user?

>ignoring that the japanese themselves eat up gacha and their actual industry is the same bullshit different packaging.
One day, one day perhaps you'll see

And that's really sad

Exactly. Japan actually cares about video games, while the west only cares about money. Anyone can see that.

>listing a patch

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>Japan has been irrelevant for 8 years
>Everyones gearing up for next gen
>Japan slips in some 7‘s and 8‘s
>OMG the west is done! Based Japan!

>Far better combat like the Dragon Dogma game
Combat in Dragons Dogma is garbage. It's just flashy hack n slash with damage sponge enemies
With the right mods Elder Scrolls combat is awesome
>Better AI for companions, enemies and guards
I agree with that. I wished elder scrolls woudl try to be more like Baldurs Gate, ie make it about party based gameplay. You can achieve similar gameplay with mods tho
>More interactions and map changes that would give you the feeling of having change the world
I don't really care about this. I actually dislike being the centre of the world in games. I prefer just being some random nobody most people don't know about

she took the bogpill

Left alive looks like is has passable scores all things considered. I know they put all their marketing into the yoji shinkawa basket, but it's like metal gear fighting or something?

>Japan has been irrelevant for 8 years

Fuck are you on about?
They dominated 2017.


You're right, this bait is pathetic.

Western Indies are good but in general you're right western AAA gaming is shit and AA is non existent. Japan has been a reliable source for both good AAA and AA games this entire gen. I mean in March alone they released 2 games that are now tied as my GOTY.

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>Mutt is dumb and believes only Mexicans talk spanish
As always

>Like any disease it works differently on different people.
Doesn't that actually counteract what you said in ? You're basically saying "this disease will wreck absolutely everyone except for that girl you said because it affects everyone differently except for this person I'm cherry picking because it will wreck her the exact same way that I say it will".

Spaniards aren't white and they are useless, this will forever remain like that
You wish

(You) Have it, I'm bored too user

I think that tetris game is also Japan, dude.

Why do you guys feel the need to shit on Western games so much - you know you're from "the West" right?

Honestly it seems like a self-esteem thing, where you identify yourself with something then prop it up as being flawless and incredible and something else as being terrible and irredeemable. It's the same as /g/ hating Mac users or iPhone users shitting on Android. It's just a pathetic way to make yourself feel part of the "winning" team when you haven't done anything and your opinions don't matter.

Japanese and "the West" both make great and shitty games. Maybe on average you have a preference for games from one region or the other. But congratulation, it doesn't fucking matter because you didn't make any of them.

Original Tech TV girls were better than the G4 replacements.

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dear god, those legs are fucking perfect

God, Olivia Munn is fucking annoying to look at (and listen to).

G4 basically became Olivia Munn's personal promo vehicle.

>you know you're from "the West" right?

I'm not, though.

>japan gives us shit remakes, boring sequels, and other bullshit
>us gives us boring kiddie games
Gaming is dead. Can't we just all fucking accept this? Holy fuck, Yea Forums. Let gaming die. Play old games.


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>RE 2 remake
Great game
>DMC 5
obnoxious weebshit
>Ace Combat 7
who cares?
>>Sekiro: Shadows die twice
good game
>Kingdom Hearts 3
obnoxious tumblr and weebshit
>Overwatch Battle Royale (Apex Legends)
good game
>A broken, literal hardware killer (Anthem)
>Tetris Battle Royale
fun game
>Cowaduty Battle Royale
fun game
>Why do ANYONE still bother with western games?
I have motor skills, enjoy competition instead of beating up AI, and have had sex.

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So just because I'm from the West, I'm not allowed to dislike low quality Western games? How does that make any sense?

Yes, but japanese games are funnier in general terms, I love XCOM and Total war though

Western gaming has been saved

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They get horney too?

follow the hivemind and become part of the collective! else you are SHIT

BTW why did Japanese games suddenly become
Aside from Nintendo, they have been irrelevant for a couple of decades and the production scale shrinking were serious.
How did they recover like this?

Name a single Japanese FPS game on the same level as Metro Exodus or Far Cry New Dawn.

I'm glad Japan doesn't make FPS games as its such a stale and bland genre.

A pre-requisite to prefer japanese games is to dislike or be indifferent towards FPS games

They didn't, Capcom returned to it's popular western based franchises (RE is irrelevant in Japan) and is seeing the benefits, Soulsfags and Squeenix fags buy anything either company shits out. All actual Nip games are gacha shit or moeblob titty jrpgs that sell 5k copies and still make profit because they're made on a budget of $300.

Well first you'll have to name an actual good FPS game, cause the only one coming out in 2019 is Doom Eternal

>I'm bad so [thing] is bad!

Yeah Japan has made a huge come back, feel like the first time since the PS2 era that Jap devs are getting the budgets they need. On the Wests side devs have been virtue signaling for so long now that the actual talent has fucked off and now they're left with a team of diversity hires and buddies of the old dev team.

the fuck did she do to her face?

>only good game on the western list is actually Japanese

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nice stretch

I simply stated that FPS games are all identical.

I see now what OP meant by this.