This is how you beat snake eyes. You are welcome. Please stop asking

This is how you beat snake eyes. You are welcome. Please stop asking.

To clarifiy for the dumb dumbs out there.

1. Take a step back, far enough that he decides to tooty shooty you.
2. Merely run at him, simply run at him while slightly curving to one side or the other.
3. Slap him
4. if you are a spicy boy you can slap him with your poison tool instead of your sword, it'll to a bit more dmg and then some over time. Not really needed but w.e I know some of you are looking for EFFICIENCY.

Attached: Snake eyes Shirahagi.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

why does his hp go up when you hit him
what a retarded game

nice "game" soulsfags

why do you choose to talk about things you know nothing about?

>ask a question
>how dare you ask a question about something you dont know the answer to already
are you retarded

thats damage to posture threshold, dumbass

>getting baited this hard

"what a retarded game"
you can't claim that legitimately without knowing about the game, retard


this is how i beat snake eyes

Attached: refunds die twice.png (874x569, 136K)

this looks so boring.

thanks user
i love you (no homo tho)



>sprinting around and mashing dodge the instant the miniboss attacks, occasionally tossing an attack their way
How the fuck do people even play like this

Stop being so scared of the boss and get all up in their grill, you dingdong. Deflecting is your friend.

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I beat them just by mashing R1 and then jumping whenever I saw the kanji

the only user with a brain in this thread.

based as fuck

>i-it's not fun!!
>i-its not hard, it's j-just tedious
Peak normie comments.

damn this game looks hard as fuck wow

this is how you beat every enemy in this game

You cant deflect blunt weapons.

You should play more games, this one isn't hard.

You, of course, first have to kill the 15 gunmen taking potshots at you from the face of the cliff. Are you guys sure Miyazaki didn't make Shine of Amana?

>>i-its not hard, it's j-just tedious

The gunmen won't fire at you if you don't move past that big rock

Yes you can, I've been doing it all the fucking time. You can even deflect the fucking punches the monk dudes throw at you and if that doesn't count as blunt, I don't know what does.

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I am the person who made the video. No you don't.

As long as you fight him in front of the face they cant see you.

They start firing on you the instant you take 3 steps away from the idol.

>"I am the person who made the video"
>thinking anyone gives a shit

You're a cheap, unfun son of a bitch and you should be ashamed of yourself. Fight with honor or not at all.

>shinobi fighting with honor
a shinobi would hide in the toilet and shoot a poison blow dart up your ass while you take a shit if it was the easiest way to kill you


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An IMMORTAL Shinobi would fight with honor though.

>>this one isn't hard.
>proves my point

He didn't clip his nails.

Thanks for the image of wolf shooting a dart up someone's ass from inside the toilet.

Attached: 1375282669134.jpg (500x486, 70K)

I am an immortal samurai, I fight with dishonor, take your all true scotts and shove it up ur anus kid.

life imitates art

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There's two snake eyes? I fought a guy in the poison zone that looks exactly like this guy.

Is this guy harder than his swamp bro? You have way more room to fight here.

Well that is his natural habitat considering Sekiro is shit



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>snake eyes
you can just fucking spam r1 and parry you retard

She's easier since the mooks can't hit you while fighting, no option for a stealth hit afaik tho

Come on man have a laugh.

Please don't play like this and make it a habit. You will triple, if not quadruple, the time it takes to kill a boss if you just grew some balls and got up in their face

I don't see how people find this kind of playstyle fun.

So how are you supposed to play Sekiro? Honest question. There are attacks with 0 windup so the way I have been doing it is plant myself in front of my target, blocking constantly, and re-pressing block when I need to parry. Or brainless dashforward basic attack spam when I know their posture wont last.

Attached: 1413654466907.jpg (1024x768, 80K)

How many years in realtime would it take to fight the four monkeys like this?

I'm waiting for the game to download so in the meantime, what are some tips I should know about for early game? Any important items I may miss or any thing I should know about? I ain't no filthy casual so I don't need to know how to fight any bosses or anything like that, unless it's some gimmick bullshit.
If you ever want to give it another shot

R1 and time your L1s correctly.

It's that simple. You don't even have to learn the other parries/counters because you can just tank them as soon as you get more seeds.

hes easier here imo, but you can completely cheese the swamp version by letting him walk in the swamp to try and get you, it'll poison him to death.

What do i do with Serpent Visceras?

>You are only a casual if you quit

Ive got some bad news for you user

Fucking madman


You're a faggot, I died 10 times facetanking that fucker, and I killed her by facetanking.
These pussy strats are for pussies like you