Why is the Arkham trilogy so hated on this board?

Why is the Arkham trilogy so hated on this board?

Origins doesn't count, it's a glorified DLC for Arkham City and a buggy mess

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The games were actually somewhat liked back when Arkham City came out. But then they released two bombs in a row and everyone started hating them. I don't blame them. Arkham Knight might be one of the biggest fall from grace I've seen from a series.

Asscreed syndrome, the games after Arkham Asylum were too similar

Fuck Yea Forums, I had fun playing all of them

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i'm actually angrier about arkham knight than origins

post the webm of her shaking her ass

But Origins is better than City

Arkham knight was a total fucking disaster, that’s why

It actually performed so poorly on PC that it was pulled from online markets for months until the bugs could be fixed

They're fine for what they were. Breezy bet em ups with detailed worlds to crawl around in and great production value. It's pretty damn impressive what they managed to wring out of UE3.

If you were fool enough to expect something hardcore out of a AAA superhero game you were bound to be disappointed

and not all of them were

posting some harleys

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I enjoyed all 3, casual but fun games.
Haven't played Origins

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Replayed them all recently
AA > AC > AO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AK

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harley is a THOT

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They aren't, they're just AssCreed style games in the sense that they relentlessly milk a couple half-assed systems. I loved Asylum and City and played them relentlessly growing up, but they're very flawed. Knight was a bizarre tone shift.

Origins had the best joker and the best story

Origins had the best detective mode and the christmas background was great. Also when they build this guy up and batman takes him down in one punch was funny as shit.

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because half of the fucking screen is batman at all times

Ass in this game was 10/10

Is Arkham Knights DLC worth getting?

I just finished the first one. Besides the combat which can be fun at times, my biggest problem were the constant breaks in the game, where Batman has to call in Oracle to get some incredibly obvious information, but could only walk at sanils pace around and not interact with anything. I hope City doesn't have it or at least not so much of it...

>bosses are just tank battles

thanks rocksteady

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Whenever Batman talks to Oracle or Alfred, they're secretly a loading sequence.

I can't believe they did this still. What a retarded idea. I would very much like to know who made this decision. I feel like it, and the whole tank idea in general came from some idiot higher up

That really is bamham's biggest problem, the system is just not suited to proper boss fights.

I don't like the art style or depiction of Batman, or the combat.

reminds me of parts of peacewalker

>World's Greatest Assassin
Let's put him in a tank. I'm still nuclear, Yea Forumsros.

Someone posted a video of himself playing on easy and pressing counter and taking no damage which resulted in a webm that everyone here spammed, making people here assume the game was some QTE shit

They're pretty great, except from the over abundance of Batmobile in Knight.

And Harley, but she's shit in everything.

Arkham Knight was kind of a let down and the PC port was abysmal.

Otherrwise the other games were well received except origins which felt mediocre but not bad


there was a good sale a while back

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Such a disappointment especially after Arkham City had nothing but godtier boss fights

Loved all of the games. The amount of detail was amazing and I doubt we will ever experience better batman games in our lifetimes.

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>hey guys, we are gonna temporally retire the game for sale to address the issues. We have all the team in rocksteady working hard! like really hard!
>1 week later...
>we realized fixing the game will require work (actually work) so... refund if you want but remember, if you complain too much no more 12-people ("rocksteady is working" lol) ports for you.

What rocksteady is doing now?

No one knows.

They're ultimately story games with a shitton of filler. Not very fun to replay, but pretty damn good on your first go. Asylum is the only that holds up on replays.

Blame Knight.

they said no more batman

and the superman game is just a bad rumor, soooo

god i want another cape game, i didn't like ps4 spiderman

>the nurse outfit harley had in arkham asylum
i came.

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You can have fun but also admit something was bad, I loved Knight when I played it for the first time but then as I kept playing it when I finished the story, it really got bland and boring,

>all the side missions that involved the batmobile where garbage
>Riddler Racetracks
>Deathstroke Boss was shit
>Story was a shitshow

Brainlet. Arkham Knight has the best gameplay in the series and a pretty solid story. Even the tank gameplay is fun, albeit disgustingly overused. The main issue is wasted potential in the side stories.

good games but ultimately not worth replaying because of the underwhelming combat.

I enjoyed Origins. It had plenty of rough edges but the atmosphere was great and I actually enjoyed the Joker story (though I had it spoiled partially for me so maybe my opinion would differ if I'd gone in expecting Black Mask).

>Liking arkham
>Not liking spiderman
They're close enough combat wise, the city is more visually pleasing and it actually seems lived in with people walking around

Arkham never produced a single good boss in 4 games. I never understood the Mr Freeze praise when its literally just a checklist of every Takedown you can do. Its a fucking tutorial boss like 7 hours into the game

Brace yourself for the Court of Owls game that they should be announcing in the next few weeks.

It was a tense fight with great atmosphere.

>Best gameplay
Yeah sure, it improved on the previous games to a point where it was pretty impressive

>Solid story
That's where you're wrong kiddo, Scarecrows plot was fucking retarded, the Jason being the Arkham Knight was retarded too since everyone already thinks Batman killed joker, he's got no leg to stand on

>Tank gameplay
If it were in a different game and used far more sparingly it'd be fun but how it is isn't good

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My theory is that it's going to be a World's Finest game. It would technically fulfil the criteria of both being not a Batman game and not a Superman game, so that they can keep up the secrecy with half-truths. Plus Schreier, if we're to take his word for anything, said it was a superhero team people haven't speculated much about. People have speculated the Teen Titans, Suicide Squad and Justice League to death, and besides those all sound extremely ambitious. Most other superhero teams however would just be a massive step down from Batman as an IP, so I don't see them using them. A Batman-Superman game just seems the most plausible.

Of all of them the only ones I've replayed are City and Blackgate.
Blackgate only because at the time I didn't have the actual games to play

I found Scarecrow pretty compelling, be fair. The horseshit with 'oh he's totally not Jason guys' was silly, it was a pretty predictable twist, but I didn't think it was a bad narrative point. Jason wasn't after Batman because he didn't kill the Joker, he was after him for apparently abandoning him. And besides, Jason would know that he didn't kill Joker.

Arkham is one of my favorite franchises and Knight was better than people said it was. Fuck Yea Forums and internet hiveminds in general

Sure, but it handles crowd fights better than almost any other system

Scarecrow was overly convoluted honestly, he wanted to rule over the empty city using fear toxin which only consisted of mostly his men and the fear gas was a complete back up plan

Also the ending is almost as bad as BVS's martha moment,
>The fucking Batman is beaten by Scarecrow with 2 hostages and a handgun

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>nuDeus Ex style Batman Beyond videogame
Give me money and a studio I'll make it happen

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Gotham was a test. His main goal was to gas the whole east coast.

>Justice league exist in the arkham universe
Large scale stuff doesn't work for batman villains

Yeah, with Batman you kinda have to pretend theres no life outside Gotham.

This is why Batman having to be part of a larger DC Universe sucks.

The only particularly good game was Asylum. Arkham City was actually bad by comparison, taking the same gameplay but spreading the content paper thin over a big area with ridiculous traversal methods.

Arkham Knight at least got travel right by giving you the Bat Mobile, but it got a ton of other shit wrong.

If Rocksteady confirmed it was just Batman then that wouldn't be an issue but they have advertisements for Central city showing the flash and shit

He can work in a larger universe, it's just you need better writers

Personally I disagree, City was fun and had neat boss fights which was something Asylum lacked. But I can definitely see your point about it

Still a damn shame they never worked out how to do a proper co-op. Beating up thugs with friends would've been neat.

watching SHG make me wanna play more DC games

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The lighting in this game is top notch I don't give a fuck what Yea Forums says

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There was a website that had a bunch of photos from Arkham Knight that were really touched up. Had great atmosphere but I forgot who that person's name was. A damn shame as they did some good shit. Had pics of Batgirl and Catwoman if I'm not mistaken.