5 days until borderlands 3 is announced

5 days until borderlands 3 is announced
who else is hyped

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i played the original and i got really bored, it seemed like one of those games you have to play with friends

>five days until it's going to be an epic exclusive and Yea Forums is filled with shill threads for another week

No Siren girlfriend, no buy.

wtf Yea Forums
apparantly the siren isnt going to be a black chick
i literally cancelled my pre order because you guys said she was gonna be a niggress dyke

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I'm hyped, if it sells poorly enough randy might become bankrupt

Day 1 pirate

>chinkstore spyware exclusive
>randy pitchford

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you wish buddy

>Listening to anything Yea Forums says
>Letting the literal color of a character come in the way of a game
Change your ways, user, it'll be better for you in the long run

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Why can't this industry make a game like this but without all the cringe and libtard shit shoved down our throats? I'd fucking love that.

wtf Randy
I though GearBox had enough money to hire professional shitposters.
Borderlands is fucking boring.

>5 days until borderlands 3 is announced
>is announced
I don't get it, are you expecting them to go "We are making Borderlands 3! Also, it's on sale now!" or something?
What is there to get excited for at this point? Knowing the industry you could be looking at waiting another 6 years until release.

>walks into bathroom
>sees shit on the floor
what do?

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Sure why not

I just beat TPS. Story was okay though it made me remember why I hated Lilith. Is it worth working my way towards level 70 or should I just hold off for 3 so I don't burn myself out like I did on 2? Jack did nothing wrong except kill those scientists.

Given the ESRB leak for the Borderlands remaster I'm worried the announcement wil actually be that and BL2 for Switch.

Randy is definitely retarded enough to do this. But assuming they have enough of a brain to realize people will be livid if they pass over BL3 again so they reveal it, yes, I'm excited.


>all those piss stains on the floor
Fucking hell, you'd think Penn Jillette would have a cleaner bathroom for being a millionaire and all.

Feminism is awesome!

Jack was literally the good guy.

If you got nothing else to play, might as well. Likely a BL1 remaster will be announced and there have been rumors of upcoming TPS and BL2 DLC based on Steam DB shit for awhile now, so maybe that, too.

In short, might be a lot of upcoming reasons to play some Borderlands.

Can't wait for that Borderlands crossover expansion for Battleborn announcement.

>DLC for 5 and half year old game
please let this be true

So nothing changes.
How is it that a known scammer like Randy keeps getting retards like Epic to pay him?

Does TPS have gear as fun as early Conference Call or Unkempt Harold? And by fun I mean vastly overpowered. Half the enjoyment I get from these games is working towards a broken build ala Gunzerker's Chaotic Evil Monk.

for me its the ASS(axton super speed) glitch

Best I can recall is the Jakobs Luck Cannon (I think) especially on Nisha with dual-wield.

Outside of that, Moxxi's Vibra-Pulse is basically a shield wrecking Grog Nozzle, and some of the glitch weapons you can get are stupid broken, especially if you land 4's on every glitch stat.

>Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.
But that's even worse.

The games got worse over time.
BL1 - Fun, decently balanced, wacky, dark humor
BL2 - Starts off good but gets worse as the game goes on due to slag mechanics, fucked balance at higher levels, rare guns becoming useless even just 2-3 levels below current character/enemy levels and forced social commentary creeping in
TPS - Introduced low gravity sections making the game/combat extraneously slowed down and floaty. Full bore social commentary dialogue.
What Gearbox needs to do to make me care about Borderlands again is make it a balanced and quick paced loot and shoot like the first game and keep the balance from turning enemies into absurd bullet sponges and making 0.01% drop rate weapons become useless after leveling up twice.

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>tiny tina
>annoying bitch
>dried up roastie
>prime robo gf
gaige is best girl

Where's my Borderlands 1 remaster Randy.

I wanna fuck Lilith, Moxxi, Gaige, Maya, Nisha and Athena

>stand there for 20 minutes emptying magazines into bullet sponge enemies: the game



I actually want to play borderlands. i really hope it has the best parts of borderlands 2 and tps.

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>im bad
>so that must mean the game sucks

The cringe is unavoidable but the political shit is relegated to the DLCS, the most in the base game is a male character offhand mentioning they have a boyfriend iirc.

I'm gonna be excited if it plays/has writing more like a sequel to BL1, not like a sequel to 2

borderlands 1 is objective trash, everyone except for nostalgia blind retards like 1. its a clunky mess.

bl2 is a meme filled travesty, but the gameplay and gunplay is pretty fun.

not bait but what libtard or sjw stuff was in this game
other than characters being gay like there was nothing that came off as force fed politics

>at borderlands
Getting “Good” at borderlands just means grinding the right gear. The finest FPS players in the world can’t make a game this poorly balanced go much faster, even if they have the peternatural ability to never lose zero on the head.

Pull the trigger

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/pol/tards invade Yea Forums in the worst way possible. anything that supports women in any way is political infringement to them. best to ignore

Please be excited for my game and you can use my mouth as your personal toilet. Please we need that money or we will face insolvency.

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Because nobody gives a flying fuck about what your redneck ass wants, you cringey, whiny snowflake. Boycott it and STFU

i played the game some years ago, and i dropped it because enemies take 2 minutes to kill, and lets not talk about bosses... any tips? or is that intended? because then its just like skyrim in the hardest difficulty

How much do you wanna bet that Beastmaster, the most decent looking character in the whole series will be a woman?

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He looks 100% robot to me. it doesnt even appear to have a stomach.

Oh boy I can't wait to see which normie memes get crammed into this one!

headshots kill most things in 1 or 2 shots, might be underleveled so do a sidequest or two, siper rifles get a critical damage buff when scoped in. Play extremely aggressive. no enemy in the game should take more than 2 mins to kill unless maybe its a mini boss that can make itself invinvable to an extent. Bad maw is invincable form the front, basically, you gotta backdoor him or break his guard. body shots do damage to him, but his freakishly huge head emphasizes to go for his head.

>87 bazillion jews died during the holocaust
woah i thought gearbox was supposed to be sjw

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>playable fembot
Hell yeah, dude.

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Do you think we'll get melee weapons in this one
like ones that we have to equip and stuff
make it truly skyrim with guns

this looks like a "le epic gamur" shirt that middle schoolers wear

I want melee weapons and bows, I dont care that bows are a meme weapons. The draw back and arc of shooting arrows is incredibly satisfying

They're going to make borderlands 3 like destiny and division arent they?

is moze going to be like D-va ? i hope so
after she was my favorite hero in overwatch
even though i never played overwatch

Crossbows would be the most likely outcome since it has an actual body for parts.

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It's two "dudes" two females.

The gunner here, plus the reported black siren, then Zane and Flak will sound male while technically being an it.

Same as TPS was with Claptrap. Surprising, given Gearbox, but that's what I'm banking on.

>who else is hyped

Go fuck yourself, Randy. BL2 was a boring slogfest and TPS was unplayable garbage. You will never recapture the magic of the original Borderlands.

I love Borderlands but if >2019 starts rearing it’s ugly head and I get degenerate ERPniggers in my lobbies I’m gonna start importing server crashing guns

thanks, i want to give it another go, do you recommend playing the first one or skip it and just play the secuel?


I want to rape Tina.

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I could dig bows as well

its going to be an epic store exclusive
im sorry bros i tried to stop it

I think borderlands 1&2 gave me enough bullet sponge action for a lifetime

BL1 - Lilith
BL2 - Maya
PS - Athena
Rate my choices in characters in my first playthrough of each game.

>bad maw
you mean mad mike
that fucker has no chill

It's almost unplayable alone, you're basically dependent on second wind to carry your ass through

kill lilith
fuck maya
marry athena

BL1 - OK. Not Mordecai, and wrong given what a cunt she became, but OK at the time
BL2 - With DLC? If so, wrong for no Krieg. Otherwise fine.
TPS - Not Wilhelm? No.

Since when does Yea Forums like Redditlands

I'd say it'll be far closer to Anthem in terms of execution.

Not really, Borderlands 2 has a ridiculously small inventory size, so you can barely ever get to test all the different weapons and find the right one for you. Worse yet, ammo regen is not a thing, so weapons like snipers and rocket launchers are basically useless. I haven't touched the pre-sequel so I can't tell if they stopped walking in the wrong direction.

Or Apex Legends and others of it's ilk

Decent choice for 1. Somewhat unique playstyle and can change things up.
Lilith 2.0. Not even that strong in 2. Even Axton could've been a better choice.
It's not Nisha.

bl1 is clunky and has issue. if you have it, try it out. but otherwise skip it. no FOV slider unless you hack it in, cars drive like shit, bad performance on anything (I have a 1070 and still get very noticable frame drops)

if you still want to play it but dont have it, wait for the potential remaster coming out

Will we see him again?

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relics, skills, or some guns provide regen wtf you talkin about

There are two groups of Yea Forums that have opinions on borderlands.
The Yea Forums that likes playing video games and has friends likes Borderlands.
The Yea Forums that's more concerned with what other websites do and is a slave to outrage culture hates Borderlands.

Stop posting battleborn, bara birdfag.

Randy made this didn't he.

The worst part of TPS is that there isn't any endgame content, so there's not much to do after hitting max. DEFINITELY play through Claptastic Voyage though

No I'm pretty sure Memelands has always been disliked for valid internal reasons and criticisms, are you sure you're not conflating the first group with newfriend kids who grew up with the series and didn't know better

>5 days until gearbox fucks up and puts the final nail in the coffin

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>do you recommend playing the first one or skip it and just play the secuel?

Not him, but BL1 is fun enough for at least one full playthrough. I suggest playing one of the completely broken Siren builds that abuse SMGs.

Like another user said, BL2 starts off fun but very very quickly degenerates into bullshit that you'll have to force yourself to keep playing. If you absolutely feel like you must do a full playthrough, I HIGHLY suggest that you do so either as Kreig or Gaige. They're the only two characters with fun and interesting enough mechanics to make the experience enjoyable.

The Pre-Sequel can just straight up go fuck itself. It's all the worst aspects of the previous two games combined with a bunch of extra bullshit that largely just slows the experience down.

BL3 is written by Mikey Neuman, who is awesome and was part of the writing team of the original.

>EGS exclusive


How many dated memes is this one gonna spew?

>its the only game with flaws

They could still find a way to make it work. They could have parts of a bow like string, arms, grip, sights and such.

jakobs could be long bow designs for instance, while bandit could have a compound design for insance. dahl bows could shoot three arrows at once, jakobs could have a standard bow effect, maliwan could have fire arrows, lightning arrows, etc. Bandit arrows could splinter because they are cheap makeshift arrows or whatever lore you wanna say. Think fibber gameplay. Vladof could have fast draw times. There is potential there.

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>5 days until borderlands 3 is announced
The state of corporate dick sucking zoomers

I wouldn't be surprised


I'd be kinda interested to see them take Borderlands in a more serious direction and a less wacky direction.

dont tell me im gonna have to download steam in order to play this game

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You know, thinking that we waited so long for a new borderlands game but everyhing was delayed because of Blunderborn only make me hate it even harder.

Fuck everyone who ok'ed Blunderborn.

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ok, i will try it out, but if i dont see anything good or get bored i will just skip it and play the second one
thank you, anons.

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its always been 50/50 love hate

It's going to be EPIC

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I genuinely enjoyed BL2 for it's gameplay and themepark like sandbox. The story wasn't funny and the memes were shit but there was a decent game under it.

The soundtrack was great apart from the wubz.

Paradox says hi

for me its Ice

I just can't handle the "humor". . . it's so fucking bad.

what, you don't like seeing/hearing the word 'badass' every 20 seconds?

Mute the dialogue volume and turn off the subtitles, you fucking crybaby.

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any examples? the only one that I find really bad is the bonerfart mission and the torgue mission in the beginning of the pre-sequel

>mfw female ejaculation is real

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Guns feel better and dont have so many trash variants in BL1
Meanwhile BL2 you get an infinite fire rate, but semiautomatic shotgun with 8 ammo capacity per reload but it uses 5 ammo per shot and has a 10x scope on it whose aiming reticle is 10 rectangles stacked on top of each other

BL1 is better than BL2 in every way.
>M-MUH Handsome Jack!
Pre-Sequel made him an actual character and was a better game than 2. Borderlands 2 sucks dick. Prove me wrong.

The shit I hate most are the scopes that zoom in so much
especially the smgs

female asuras wrath in borderlands?
that was a good movie. sign me up.
sounds like fire sacs in wakfu.

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the presequel was shit and full of plotholes, they revealed in 2 jack had planned all of bl1, which means in the first game he had already trapped his daughter in the computer room and used her to trick strangers into releasing the vault monster and eridium. then AFTERWORDS where supposed to believe he's a naive nice guy on a spacestation?

mate, just shut the fuck up, that nostalgia dick is too far up your ass.

the UK banned porn depicting female ejaculation.

prepare for bad memes and identity politics

I don't care what plebs play
Noice argument
The only real response, decent points
It still stands that if 2 is better than 1 then it's just a shitty series all around

I like TPS but there's nothing to do one you hit 70. Only 2 real bosses. I really hope the scaling in BL3 is more linear like 1 and TPS.


>linear scaling good
even though the scaling in 2 was exponential i always felt that most weapons still didnt do enough damage to enemies that were your level

linear scaling helps combat the issue you just stated. The enemies health is exponential meaning most guns in BL2 are unusable when only slightly under leveled. In TPS and 1 a good gun would be adequate for quite a while.

dont care, you are objectively blinded by nostalgia.

profficiency is a shit stat, driving cars is shit, the dlc is shit and even the dlc everyone praises, general knoxx fort of whatever, consists mainly of driving around an empty shit hole. people only like the dlc for crawmerax and the looting vault glitch.

leveling is retarded, you p much have to do all the side quests available up until you kill bone saw. It is literally designed that way. you find level 20+ gear in the same place you also find your first gun, about 20 meters away from it actually. its optimized like shit, feels clunky due to bad animations, and most if not all bosses are dog shit. mini bosses lkie mothrakk are irredeemable bullet sponges for, again, no good reason. The only good thing I can saw about bl2 is that elemental relics for your action skill is a cool idea.

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bullshit drop rate for guns made sure the game needed that linear scaling. Im level 14, I kill a level 14 enemy with my level 8 gun that is still the best gun I have and cannot find a replacement despite playing for 3 hours. surrprise surprise, the enemy drops a level 6 gun. its dogshit retarded

1 > 2

Story, atmosphere, and gameplay wise.
Claptrap wasnt annoying in 1

People cant talk about this game if they didnt play with friends

I 100% 1 and the DLC.

And remember...if it took more than one shot, you wernt using a jakobs.

i typed bl2, but meant bl1

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>Claptrap wasnt annoying in 1

I admit you got some thing right, but say whatever you want, BL1's scaling and weapons are way better than BL2's infinite numbers and notunkemptharoldsorgrogs

>most weapons still didnt do enough damage to enemies that were your level

>Borderlands 1, you'd hold onto a weapon because it had a good effect and was useful for multiple levels and even when you were finding better stuff that now weak weapon had situational applications
>Bordelands 2, you'd hold onto a weapon because literally everything else that has dropped has been shittier that the garbage you have even though the enemies just keep getting stronger and stronger and even when you find a .01% unique you toss it in the garbage almost immediately because it becomes painfully useless within a level or two (if it was ever useful to begin with)

he already stated that we wont wait long after they show it.

but seriously
i love the game but i tried a new playthrough and its almost unplayable after being spoiled by the very smoothe and fine gameplay of BL2 and TPS
i still play it though

who are they going to embezzle money from to finish this one?

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I will say, end game bl2 is shit. The journey to it is more fun to me though. I think the first playthrough is the most fun though because slag is not required, if you find a good ass blue, it will carry you for a good 4 or 5 levels. get into UVHM mode? you have to do top notch dps strats just to progress. it is shit, and most borderlands youtubers even agree with it.


duke nukem 2 and battleborn 2

>I will say, end game bl2 is shit
i dont know how to respond to such bait

yea it's shit but in an awesome masochist kinda way

bl2 is dogshit in UVHM, i dont know what you even think I am baiting about. Endless enemy regen and such incredible defense is lame. Slag is almost a requirement, its why they changed the damage multiplier to 3x only when playing the UVHM mode. Hell, i dont know if they ever fixed it, but krieg was litterally broken in OP modes. Not broken in a good way either, you just could not use him in certain playstyles. it was a death sentence.

This isnt a case of git gud, I can play UVHM. it just is not fun. The poor balancing of the base game is highlighted to an extreme level here. a majority of the fanbase agrees on this.

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>a majority of the fanbase agrees on this.
and get goood

Yup. Kriegs melee damage doesn't scale in OP levels. For each class there are only like 10 usable guns.

borderlands 2 is my favorite game. Please dont be that way, see the flaws.

>10 usable guns

which are mostly the same for all classes anyway

>TPS - Introduced low gravity sections making the game/combat extraneously slowed down and floaty.

What? Did you actually play it? The low gravity lets you fly all over the place to change position extremely quickly instead of being stuck sprinting between pieces of cover next to each other, and lets melee and close range characters get straight up in everyone's grill with the slam move for safety. It was a great mechanic in an otherwise mediocre spinoff.

One of the few games that actually had a great sequel which improved on the original. Plus Handsome Jack is probably the best villain in recent years for vidya, don't know how they'll top him.

>tfw Gearbox will never let us choose TPS characters in 2
I don't even care if it doesn't make sense lorewise, no one plays it for the story but I mean there was actual effort put into these characters why not put them in an actual good game

screen-cap this, the villain in Borderlands 3 is Sexy Mark, Jacks gay cousin and the CEO of Maliwan

Randy talked about the possibility of releasing an SDK that would allow this to happen on his podcast thingy