totally not a saturday thread

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn,wn

space station 13

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>that kid who can double jump at recess thread
>170 replies, 78 images
>Weekend thread with bros
What absolute faggots.

Arkham city and fallout 4
Some YouTube shit probably MK11 shit and maybe some free shit on Amazon prime
Eminem and classic rock
Cooking BLTs for dinner
Black cherry sparkling water
Meh could be better and could worse
>TFW no bf to cook for and play vidya with

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Tekken 7 when my friend gets here. Sonic games after.
True Stories now. Happy! later
Talking Heads apparently
Yea Forums
Double Quarter Pounder. Gonna make a pizza later.
White Horse Whiskey with a splash of coke
Prone Bone Tomboys
It's only 4, and I'm a bit tipsy. But at least I can talk about this movie with my coworker now. I really like her Yea Forums. Wish I met her somewhere else.

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sekiro again
cops and robbers
nothing again
the subtle art of fucking a person who cleans up threads on a internet imagine board
finished my pasta
still gfuel
to the thoughts of a person who moderates internet discussion violently being mutilated
mad at that one person who is in charge of dialogue that takes place on the internet for being a homosexual person

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God tier FAPPAN

it didnt get auto saged

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Let's see what happens to this thread

Just play it natural, user.

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I personally get tired of all the blatant /e/ threads, dumping lewd is still grounds for 'flagrant fanboy thread'
Sea of Thieves (comfy cargo runs)
Halo MCC (working through CE campaign)
Wan Piss, maybe Venture Bros
my Sea of Thieves playlist since it has no memorable BGM similar to BotW (not trying to hate, just best example). Any reccomendations for good vidya sailing music? Wind Waker's The Great Sea is a great example
Yea Forums, this thread, hello anons
dunno yet, probably something cheap off Doordash
Budweiser (I'm from St Louis, it's booze of my people)
dunno yet, I'll probably find something here later
Gud, I don't have to work tonight which is a gift from the heavens, we just got Us and literally every Jamal Lamar and Andre in the city showed up last night

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dota 2, mlb the show 17, i need to play metro exodus and rdr2 at some point this weekend
dreamleague dota 2, ncaa march madness, spikevegeta momam4
malazan book 8 toll the hounds
steaks for dinner and some chicken i think
good, hung out with friends. sometimes when i do this i would rather be at home comfy playin games but i need to socialize sometimes too. i usually go out like once a month cuz i have problems. many many mental ones

League of Faggots. What are some actually fun games to play with friends or solo ?
Nothing except Supernatural earlier
Septic Flesh, Light the Torch, Kalmah etc
Spaghetti with beef, earlier i had chicken fillet
coke and an ice cream milkshake

Don't forget to reply, anons.

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dark cloud for nostalgia
dragon ball and man vs food when sufficiently drunk
dylan, time out of mind
mythology and plain clothes naked
fried bologna sandwich and veggies
local ipa's and whiskey
titty fucking

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>dark cloud
mah nigga
what mythology are you reading, user?

Board games with friends, then Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 when I get home
March madness
Host of board games likes electronic
War of 1812 historical fiction
Sharing from local pizzeria with board friends
Angey orchard because I finaly finished my Southern Comfort last night
(Pregnant) Marble loving scenes in CoCmod
Was up to 5am playing sven co-op with friends and then tf2 party van, which was a pretty good time, though that means I woke up at noon and I'll be lethargic for the rest of the day.

Rimworld and Disgaea 3
Reflections on Violence. One user posted it some time ago and I wanted to check it out. I'm far from any form of anarchism though
Strong beer, I also found a bottle of vodka
and Belle Delphine
Drunk and very comfy
Have a good weekend bros

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Blaster Master Zero 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Talking Heads apparently, thanks to earlier post in this thread
Self-help book on overcoming perfectionism
Five Guys
Trying to start no-fap for awhile
Bleh. I really gotta make it a point to move out this year. Would love a little privacy on the weekends.

Hi user!

Nothing yet, but pull up the WWE Network and watch a past PPV
Protein Shake
Don't masturbate

Finished grinding orbs to buy everyone's moves in DMC5 (not counting the super expensive taunts), now I just wait for Bloody Palace in a week.
Been going through Gun x Sword before I play Super Robot Wars T, just hit the halfway point and its pretty alright so far. The characters themselves aren't super likable but they all got revenge boners so I can deal with it. Also started watching The Sopranos last night, 5 episodes in and its pretty good so far.
Found this song the other day and can't stop listening to it, makes me feel maximum comfy.
Finished reading Rosario + Vampire the other day, it was good enough but the main appeal was seeing how much better the art got over the course of 10 or so years.
Just had a burger.
Oreo milkshake to go with the burger.
Too early in the day, maybe later.
Pretty good, just got a little homework to do later but besides that I'm free to do whatever. Might finally play something thats not DMC5 later.

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the book written by edith hamilton, quite good

Watch "A Cold Day in Hell" In Your House. It was My first Pay Per View.

Thinking about resubbing to FFXIV
Starting my new class
Not sure yet
I have no sexdrive anymore
Ok, sitting at the tire place getting some tires on my GFs car.
Don’t drink too much.
You seem mad
Share man
Stop playing assfaggots
>dark cloud
Which season of PR

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Sekiro, God Eater 2
Pete Dorr playing FFXI
rain sounds
Pot Pie
Woke up with a pounding headache and I threw up, which resulted in a nosebleed that got all over my shirt. I have no idea why. I'm alright now.
I'm looking into getting a cheap laptop around 400 bucks to play some games on steam. Any recommendations? It's mostly stuff on the lower end. I have a bunch of Vita games that got ported and stuff like that.

>Don’t drink too much.
It's all I got sometimes, user. But i'll take it easy.

You got us.

>You seem mad
because I am mad, or at least but since this one didn't get autosaged I can enjoy my comfy thread yet again

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I do look forward to these threads every week though, so yeah. There is that. and you.

this is me
I forgot to reply to people
How are you liking Disgaea 3? I really want to play these games but I just haven't got around to it.
How's Blaster Master? I really like the NES one but I haven't played either of the Zero games.
I don't have much to say but good taste my fren
Good luck with the class
I remember really liking what I played of Dark Cloud but I didn't get very far. How does it hold up.
I just played through the first Halo again for the first time in 10+ years, still pretty good.

Going to play some Space Junkies beta
Promised Neverland
The Eagles
The Chan
Boiled Chicken
Thick Latinas, like always

Pretty good, slightly drunk

FFXIV. Sekiro. I'm getting bullied really hard in it, time to git gud I guess ;_;
Aria the Animation.
Blasting future funk really loud so I wake up!
Yea Forums
Nothing yet. Skipping breakfast and getting some tacos.
Making some coffee in a bit.
>tfw no headpat giving bf
Really tired still. No rain today ;_;

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tsubasa boobs

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I'm at the very end of 3, at the Alien Rangers part. As a kid I stopped watching when Zedd/Rita got married so I'm binge watching from there until the end of the Zordon era.

In my opinion, the show got better after the wedding.

Oh did you make the last one?

Fucking MODS. That fucking thread full of edited personified consoles has been up all day full of console wars and bad Wojaks doesn’t get touched while this thread about vidya get autosaged or deleted.

but the alternative to assfaggots is screaming at children and sniffing cocaine in shooters.

man i really wish sc2 was the popular shit isntead of assfaggots

We will always be here every weekend for you.
It’s a hack that the best nut isn’t a nut.
I watched the first two seasons as a kid and like them but never watched after that and kinda forgot it exist until my GF who is a huge Sentai fan showed me that it’s still ongoing. Blew my mind.

Random HITB episodes
Initial D
Hamburger and some fries
not with my greasy hand

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Fuck off meowie

>not with greasy hand
Wouldn’t that make it easier.

DCS World practicing carrier landings in the Hornet
Nothing, I might shove on stargate later though
Cider, wine, whatever I can get my hands on really
pretty good actually

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Once it passed "In Space" the Zordon era ended and the seasons became more and more standalone. I'd definitely recommend watching at least up to the end of that.

holds up great, just as good as i remember

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the thime i assume jannies will sage th thread is the time i dont use a cute boy

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You playing the new BR mode? A friend tried to get me to buy BFV but I feel like I dodged a bullet not getting it honestly

I'm not gay user, but i'd fuck anyone who greeted me like pic related.

I'm gonna have to play it again sometime soon, thanks user

>How are you liking Disgaea 3?
I only played D1 before and only just started D3, not even 10 hours in it.
I always liked tactics games ( FFT, FFTA, Fallout Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Nu-Xcom) and Disgaea is really something new and fresh. Adds its new spice to the genre. Try it, it's more complex than FFT with its unique mechanics, but you don't have to have autism for that, any player can jump in and enjoy it.
Also, Disgaea has cute lolis and cringy but enjoyable humor
Pirate D1 (PC, DS, PSP) to find out if you like it or not.

Maybe, but my GF keeps trying to get me into Sentai but outside of (ironically) Gokaiger and the dancing Dino one I just can’t get into them. Now Kamen Rider on the other hand.

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Popcap games
Team Unity
!!!, it's impossible to keep my head still when listening to them.
Yea Forums
mozzarella sticks with hot sauce
Bag-in-box mojito. A bit too sweet but not bad.
Nah. Might text a friend and ask if she wants to bang.
I need to go outside. Maybe get a beer at the pub. And hey, I haven't smoked a cigarette in weeks!

I could swear I know you but the guy I'm thinking of is at work.

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a-are you for real???
zoom zoom go away

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Honestly I got this same issue, theres a bunch of Kamen Rider and other toku shows I want to watch eventually but none of the Sentai shows I've looked up really grab my interest. Maybe its just the tone they have compared to others being different in a way I can't really explain but its something I've always been trying to figure out.

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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2
Red Letter Media
The audiobook of False Gods
Shadow Point by Gordon Rennie
Fried Cabbage with rice
Homemade grape wine
Fapped to my waifu, Isane
Pretty chill and getting comfortably drunk

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Your GF sounds really cool. Women I meet have no interests outside Harry Potter and capeshit.

Or Disney. Every fucking woman I meet is obsessed with Disney. I guess that makes sense considering when I grew up.

It has to be the tone. It’s all I can think of. I should have loved lupinranger vs patranger as I’m a thief fanboy, but it was so dull.

My Gf likes capshit and Harry Potter too, but neither is as wrong as her Toku love.

think i'm going to buy Baba Is You and play that all day. i'm getting to the point in monster hunter where my HR is too high for how shit i am
my friend stream sekiro
skeletons, antibalas, juana molina
2666 again after talkin to a friend about it a lot recently
nothing yet, pork chops later. 1 meal kinda day
didn't get to sleep til 7am and just got up at 1. still intense anxiety from last 2 days. weird to have some of my support structure flip really quickly, got let down by someone i trusted and helped by someone i didn't expect. plus my new doctor kinda went to bat for me so that's nice. trying to decide if i should reach out to friends or cocoon all day and night

congrats on not smoking, being a few days-weeks out was hardest for me; when the physical shit was done but it was still fucking with my mood. you seem pretty upbeat tho so sounds like you'll do good with it, good luck

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Sekiro. Is it just me, or are the actual BOSS bosses actually pretty easy, but the named mini-bosses much harder? I've one-shot all 3 actual bosses I fought, but the mini-bosses all push my shit in a few times before I beat them.
Compilation videos of leftist whack-job conspiracy theorists going Alex Jones about the Mueller report. It's a good laugh.
My frogs singan
This thread
A couple of grilled sirloin steaks
Cranberry juice
loli, always
Pretty good, all things considered.

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Playing resident evil 2 remake. I just finished my first S+ hardcore run so I'm bullying everything with the rocket launcher.
Reading House of Leaves, it's pretty great so far. Feeling pretty spooked.

BR mode will be out on the 28th
I like BFV. Shooting feels good, maps are better than in BF1 and teamplay works better as well.
But it kind of lacks content right now

I don't know, maybe some SMT Nocturne or some DMC3 or some Bayontta
Maybe a bit of cereal
Whatever good stuff I can find

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Decided to try Sekiro, not that impressed will probably go back to .hack in a bit
seasonal stuff
probably gonna order some barbecue in a bit was going to go out and get some but my favorite place is outdoor seating only and the weather can't make up it's mind if it wants to rain or not today
Kind of depressed and lonely, also a bit mad about being given the run around by a job I've been up for

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About to boot up XIV
Nothing yet, but holy shit I'm craving a burger so bad. And eggs. Holy shit I could really go for some eggs right now.
Link me your favorite h-manga.
Just got home from my wage cage. Really hoping I don't have mandatory overtime next Saturday too 'cause I'm beat.

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op come back pls thread is dying and we don't know if we will ever get another

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was cooking dinner chill

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Whatchya EATAN user.

Devil May Cry 5, is good
Videos about beekeeping
Point Omega by Don DeLillo
Nothing yet
muh dik
breddy gud, my oneitis was texting me while drunk last night, I think she might be interested

these threads are extremely sad, janny quite literally did you guys a favor

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sure buddy, now why don't you go back to your e-celeb and console war threads since they seem right up your alley

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Picross 3D on my 3DS
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Just ate some salad and drinking a massive cup of jasmine tea
Made a dumb decision to drink too much last night, so I feel like shit.

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XCOM 2, Deus Ex GOTY and Carmageddon

"The basics on Galvatron", Simpsons' golden age documentaries.

Camel, Dire Straits, Blue Oyster Cult.

Last steps for finishing my Blender homework.

Pizza of fucking course!

Bailey's after the pizza, just fresh water during it (fizz tastes like owl shit).

Beefy women.

A little depressed, but not as much as other days thankfully.

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I’m sorry we can’t all frogpost, start a thread with the word nigger, or tranny obesses. Some of us do talk about vidya.

Right here user

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>well better just assume he likes things i don't
sad indeed coming from a psuedo-general that operates like a discord group.

These threads are probably older than you, shitposting and attempting to derail them isn't going to make them suddenly go away after years no matter how upset you are, enjoy the (you)s I guess

How do you know how a discord group operates?

Super Mario Odyssey
March Madness
Iron Maiden
Golden Son
Baked buffalo wings
Ice water
Tired, long week

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Best season of the Simpsons?

>pseudo general
yeah this thread is clearly up every single day of the week at every possible hour
>discord group
you got us, its the same 10 people posting everytime LARPing as different people, what are you gonna do next? call this a non vidya related thread?

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DMC5, groovy as all hell.
Siddhartha, love me some Hermann Hesse
Chili, decided to mix up the chilis involved this time.
Vanilla Coke
Pretty alright. May draw some more, but I have a hard time finding a reference. How are you guys feeling on this fine Saturday?
My negro. What stage are you at relative to the end. Also, why are you feeling depressed man?
How is it compared to the main souls titles?
Take the plunge man, its really fun.

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I'm about to play Blood for the first time
Just some RLM garbage playing in the background
Just finished reading Jane Eyre - it was pretty good
Probably some pizza later on
Some putrid Dew
Not sure yet
Pretty good, slightly couch-locked, just enjoying taking the day slow and doing absolutely nothing with it. It's also the first day that's really felt like spring, so I'm feeling very warm / nostalgic

Please rec me some good board games, user. I'm in the market for some fun drunk party content

How are you finding 2666? I haven't read any Bolaño - is he just a Yea Forums meme?

Is the documentary any good?

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Housamo (gacha game), and Pathologic.
Bayonetta let's play and Yugioh GX.
Four Year Strong, TWIABP, and other emo music.
Yea Forums posts since the book I'm reading is boring.
Chocolate, fudge, chinese food, and curly fries.
Two bottles of wine.
Nothing for now.
Kind of okay but that's only because of the alcohol. Once I start playing Pathologic I'll probably have a panic attack or something. I might watch a horror movie again after the first bottle.

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Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, Darkwood
Love, Death & Robots
Probably some ASMR later on
The Thousand Orcs
Banana cake I baked earlier
Some sensual JOI perhaps
A bit worn out, but motivated

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Hollow Knight, I'm stuck on the last trial at the Colosseum of Fools
Bob Ross
"On Old Age On Friendship On Divination" by Cicero
I'm just about to, but not yet
Console-tans, it's a shame there's so little art of Xbox 360 though.
Okay I guess. Loneliness eats a little hole inside you, and even if you fight it the scars will never really go away. But it's nice knowing there's always Yea Forums. I love each and every single one of you anons, just know that.

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No More Heroes 2 or Skyward Sword
YouTube, One Piece
80's music
One Piece
nothing yet
Pepsi Vanilla
not yet
Tired. Stupid self left batteries in my Wii Motion Plus and they corroded. The remote seems to work but I couldn't tell while playing NMH2 since one boss denies your weapon clash depending on your beam katana.

>titty fucking
>Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Nice. I last watched from MMPR to Ninja Steel.

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The Terror
Oiseaux Tempête
Endymion by Dan Simmons
Kendra Lust

>bob ross
based tastes
>But it's nice knowing there's always Yea Forums. I love each and every single one of you anons, just know that.
and wholesome as fuck, I just gained +5 faith in humanity from that

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that webm made me want to die

Path of Exile
Dragged Across Concrete

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>that image
I wanna shake the hand of the user that made that.

> it's nice knowing there's always Yea Forums. I love each and every single one of you anons, just know that.
I love you too user.

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how is the new league user? worth picking up the game again?

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Dark Souls. Playing it for the first time and just beat Neato. It's a pretty good game so far. I can see why it's highly praised.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Downtempo stuff on
This thread.
Dominos pizza
Not sure yet.
bretty gud.

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what kind?

How can you ask me to choose between one of the good ones? That's like asking me in which foot I like my sock the most.

Pan pizza with extra cheese, mushrooms and pepperoni.

I just started another Commander ironman run. I've already passed the game (WOTC no mods) a bunch of times, but I like trying new mods with each new game.

>That's like asking me in which foot I like my sock the most.
Mine's the right foot. It's my stomping foot.

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It's a YT channel that talks about the classic seasons and analyzes plots, jokes and so on. Pretty good.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai
Dragon Ball Z
Yea Forums - Video Games
burg, fries
gud. Cheers

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damn that sound good mushrooms are the shit

apex legends, its with friends and they convinced me to try it. i'm probably going to hate it since i don't like battle royales. afterwards ill be replaying bayo
a friends stream on twitch
i recently finished after dark by haruki murakami
pretty depressed desu but it'll go away if i don't focus too much on it

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>How are you finding 2666? I haven't read any Bolaño - is he just a Yea Forums meme?
i'm not a Yea Forumsfag but i'm not surprised to hear that he's a meme over there. i love all his stuff though, and 2666 is kind of this huge ambling narrative that visits almost all of the the ideas and styles he worked with over his career. it's really impressive and totally entrancing. whereas savage detectives ends up being a lot more grounded and might be a better place to start if you don't want to jump into the guys unfinished magnum opus

i'm a retard though so don't listen to me

>many many mental ones
i know that feel user. it's like i have to force myself into social situations because i know i need them, and i enjoy them in the moment. but i always have to have plenty of solitude after to "recharge", if you will.
>Blaster Master Zero 2
how does it hold up to the first? i'm nearly finished with that and i've absolutely loved it so far.
sounds like a rough morning user. glad you're feeling better, now just take it easy with those cozy rain sounds.
nice job on no smoking! best choice you'll ever make.
man, i really need to read this. been on the list for years and it seems fascinating from what i know, but something about it seems so intimidating.
congrats on the S+ user, they certainly make you work for it. glad you're enjoying House of Leaves, it's a once in a lifetime experience.
nice READAN, Siddhartha's a wonderful read. any other Hesse recommendations? that's all i've read so far.
>Love, Death & Robots
how are you enjoying it so far? i've watched a little over half, and though there have been a few i wasn't crazy about, i've really enjoyed the majority of it. certainly more substance there than a lot of review outlets are letting on at.
nice taste user, and i love you too! hope you have a wonderful saturday.
>No More Heroes 2 or Skyward Sword
nice taste, friend, though NMH2 rubbed me wrong in a lot of ways.

Finishing up The Minish Cap, Blaster Master Zero, and Deltarune. Likely starting The 25th Ward if i have the time later.
Love, Death & Robots, The Orville. maybe a movie later.
Year of the Snitch.
Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer, Old Testament.
probably dat good ol chili mac.
coffee and water.
likely some degenerate shit.
pretty decent. have some family shit trying to wear me down, but i'm not letting it. happiness from within

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Garrys Mod

scott the woz and other eceleb trash

mr oizo

this site

just had some mac n cheese


watched some hentai last night, didnt jack off

like ass, back hurts and all

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Blaster Master Zero
Chicken Parmesan
Lemon tea

All good choices. I should really finish Bayonetta.

>No More Heroes 2
>One Piece
>Dr. Naomi
Absolute cool guy.

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What lofi music are you listening to? HANL is good, but I want more.

Hotline Miami 2 later


Whatever comes to my mind




Maybe later

Conflicted once again man what the hell, yesterday I had a dream of my ex casually talking to me again, grabbing my left hand and caressing her cheek with it. Then yesterday I saw her staring at me for the third time this week. I am sure she already moved on as well but the fact that she keeps staring makes me think otherwise, I dont know what to think now.
Thanks for reading bros

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a-user why don't you eat

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>reading and watching One Piece
Are you comparing the anime to the manga?
Sorry about your Wii Motion Plus, Skyward Sword is a bitch to play without it.
How is Sekiro? I've never played a Soulsbourne game before
Thank you for such kind words! I only have to read the Cicero book for a latin class but I'm enjoying it so much I'd probably read it regardlessI still prefer Lucretius though
>cutting it off there
noooo tell us more please
aw, shucks
Wish I could do more, I'd probably have committed hara-kiri long ago if not for all of you.
Are you watching the whole trilogy or just the Two Towers?
excellent taste far superior to my absolute garbage taste, I get a plain cheese pizza and scrape off all the cheese, I feel embarressed eating pizza in public for this reason.
plain burg or with lots of toppings?
lofi is reliably good. I hope you enjoy Apex Legends, I'm not much for battle royale either but from what I've seen it looks fun.
I hope your weekend is filled with happiness too user! Thanks for replying to so many people, it's something that not too many do but it's one of the best parts of these threads.
>House of Leaves
excellent taste!

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Still deciding between Rainbow Six Siege or more Metro Exodus or finally starting Etrian Odyssey Nexus
Rewatching Freeman's Mind and Band of Brothers
SRW T music on youtube, whatever wasn't reused from the past two games anyway
Rainbow Six. God damn does Tom Clancy really drags things out. Yea Forums threads as well.
Pic related
Tea, no booze because I'm sick and shit
Maybe later
Sick but good otherwise. I guess the good part of being sick and taking something to calm the symptoms means it's easier to sit back and get comfy.

I'm retarded and forgot the pic.

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>Are you watching the whole trilogy or just the Two Towers?
The whole trilogy.

Not really sure. Might work on some Venom setups.
Missed a couple episodes of Doom Patrol, might catch up on that later. Either that, or start Stand Alone Complex again.
Bout to cook a steak
Blood and honey
Pretty good.

>Love, Death & Robots
Different guy, but I enjoyed it a ton. If they make a second season, I'm hoping that we can get something from China Miéville, Bas-Lag seems perfect for animation.

Is Siege fun/active?
>Packs laden with loot are often low on supplies

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Have a wonderful weekend user! I'm afraid I can't say much for your admittedly shit tastes in food, drink, and youtube, but that's still no reason to think less of you!
I started Bayonetta YEARS ago and I still haven't finished. I even bought Bayonetta 2 but haven't started it yet because I want to beat Bayonetta 1 first. A sad spot on my backlog, but it will have to wait a little longer, at least until I finish Hollow Knight and Mega Man 11
It's okay if you're feeling vague, you'll know what you should do when the moment strikes you.
You should probably ask her politely why she's staring, as long as you keep a humble and kind tone I'm sure she won't think you're being pushy.
You're welcome for reading, it's always a pleasure to see what other anons are up to!

>Are you comparing the anime to the manga?
I keep current on the manga and I wait for 100 episodes or a whole arc to be animated and then binge through it plus filler.
>Sorry about your Wii Motion Plus, Skyward Sword is a bitch to play without it
I didn't know you could play Skyward Sword without the Motion Plus

>Wish I could do more, I'd probably have committed hara-kiri long ago if not for all of you.

Hahahaha. I'm feel the same about you. I have some great friends that I wouldn't trade for the world, but even then I still threaten to kill myself at every possible opportunity.

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Why the hell did the original one get pruned earlier today? No fun allowed?


Maybe Super Mario 64?

Crew SC and some old golden age cartoons since I didn't last night. Maybe The Matrix now that I kinda got interested again?

The Beatles in chronological order

Yea Forums

Steak for dinner, popcorn later


Foot tickling if I'm up for it


Why do the faggot mods keep deleting these threads? At this point I consider them to be part of Yea Forums culture and it's nice to have a thread without all of the constant shit flinging.

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some assblasted new janny, op got past the autosage filter anyway

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It's Sunday morning and I'm trying to find a reason to get out of bed. Failing so far. God, why won't I just die in my sleep.

Maybe GTA SA or Twilight Princess
Breaking Bad a fuckin gin or Spartacus I dunno what I'm in the mood for.
Fuck I dunno
Maybe a Philly cheesesteak
Elinor Gasset
Glad my general manager wasn't at work today and work went by fast because I was laughing at this new guy I suspect is literally retarded so I was covering his slack while laughing my ass off.

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I'm glad Ross started up Freeman's Mind 2, I'm excited to see where he goes with it.
Looks like some fun waffles 9/10 would try
based, hope you have fun with your marathon!
>blood and honey
I require elaboration on this

From yesterday evening to today morning I've gotten super sick for no apparent reason and got raging diarrhea.
What do you guys play to take your mind off constant of physical pain and discomfort?

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Ace Combat Zero, Spyro Reignited, maybe gonna try Battle for Bikini Bottom for the first time
Dr Pepper
/ss/ and /gfd/
still lonely as hell, plus spring break is pretty much over so I won't have this much freedom until summer

Mods pls stop making me repost

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Just like 4 am threads but then again I've regained control of my life so I haven't seen one in awhile get deleted because they actually discuss vidya with undercurrents of depression and life minutiae.

One of the daily playlists Spotify made for me, currently on Don, Aman by Slint
Pretty good, first saturday night in a long time I spend at home and it's pretty relaxing.

OSRS, Tetris
Ayakashi Ko
Could be worse
Could be better

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Sekiro, Azur Lane and Bang Dream
Probably to curvaceous tag in sankaku
Pretty comfy

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I need to finish Deadwood but I just don't want it to end like Rome and feel empty. Fuckin GoT took those shows budgets.

Finished Everlasting Summer again. I'm thinking about making a translation and putting it on Steam workshop. Also finished main quest of Oblivion, and started shivering isles.
Nothing really
PLAYAN, since it's VN
Made me some pasta with chicken and leek
Trying not to
Okayish, kinda sad with 'post-game' feeling.
>Popcap games
I should replay Peggle, love that shit
>I'm about to play Blood
Enjoy it, user. It'a a great game.

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I'm not familiar with how Rome ended. Deadwood ended earlier than planned but there will be a film release this year that hopefully close the book. It's a great series regardless and to not watch it because you don't like the way it ends is to rob yourself of everything that's likeable about it, so just watch it, user.

damn, there's no way I could stand doing that if I was as passionate as you about One Piece. Impressive dedication!
Treasure those friends user, as long as you have them you'll still at least always be one step ahead of me in life.
'twas my first fetish when I was a teenager. I still indulge in it every now and then, though I think I liked it more for the bondage aspects.
Who says you can't just play video games in bed? Gotta break the rules sometimes and do something unexpected, that's what keeps life fresh and interesting.
Did he notice you were laughing at him? Was he aspie levels of retarded or a full-blown downie?

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>How is it compared to the main souls titles?
It's not great, the miniboss design ruins any sense of flow the game has and incentivizes you to just cheese every single encounter by backstabbing then resetting, I do enjoy the actual bosses though but I'm not sure if they're good enough to string me along through the inbetween bits for the rest of the game

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lofi hip hop/soundcloud stuff, i mostly find playlists and keep it on in the background. i really like [bsd.u]'s stuff.
im gonna give HANL a listen, need to branch out more too

>drunk party content
You looking for more simple games? How many people you have? I play with a group of 5-8 while drinking a bit, so we play a good amount, as our host likes putting his OT hours towards kickstarters--he'd got a full wall with 5 shelves
Subterra is a co-op vs board monsters
Dice Throne is competitive dice-rolling that can be played like MtG
Sushi Go is a drafting game for combos
King of Tokyo/New York is a dimple competitive dice rolling
Scythe is like a 4x but in board game board, so good for slow drinks and swapping shit
Power grid is resource and money management
Starfarers of Catan is like Settlers but with some more mechanics
Lords of Waterdeep is a Dnd worker placement
Between Two Cities is cooperating with your neighbors to build a table
Ticket to ride is competitive hand-building for placement
Pandemic is a co-op vs expanding diseases with a number of variants
Lost Cities is a 1v1 competitive number game
Smiths of Winterforge is worker placement
Cavern Tavern is as well, with more chaos elements
Xenoshift is a deckbuilder vs "board deck"
Codenames is a fun team based party game
One Nigjt Ultimate Werewolf is deception with quick turnovers of roles
Secret Hitler is also a deception game that can evaluate a few roles at a time
Machi Koro is a board builder "infrastructure" game

I want beer but I just had a heavy dinner

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Steins;Gate Elite
Black Mirror probably
Pretty good, bought a new hat. Very disappointed in the P5R announcement though.

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MGSV and Ape Out
Down the Rabbit Hole on Youtube
Grilled cheeze
Peach squash
Nostalgic. First time on Yea Forums in years. Really hasn't changed.

Sekiro. Havent found it hard at all yet but Ive only beaten Drunk guy, Ogre, and some Generals
Youtube tattoo videos
Lofi streams
Ground venison and mixed sauteed greens
Kombucha. Im hungover.
Did to the thoughts of some IRL girl with /gif/ in background
Ive been on a bender for like 4 weeks thanks to work stress, wich came to a head yesterday after I lamented the loss of my business and had one very, very weird night that ended at 5am after a female and male friend of mine tried to rope me into a threesome, but I was very far gone from a bottle of whiskey, ketamine, mushrooms, and some other stuff.

So my bender is done and Im going sober for a month and all that. Time to get my shit straight again. Best of luck anons.

based janny hater
fun coop night user
sounds like a full day of good stuff
>boiled chicken
but why not spice it up a notch with sautee or baking
som very comfy choices user good for u
good luck wih that lass or lad user
not him but if plays pretty different from Soulsgames, closest to BB in the necessity for parry.
Atmosphere is lacking, I like humanoid enemies so thats great, mobs are piss easy, lot more button mashing but its more my speed
ive really been enjoying doom patrol so far, although the actor for cyborg is prety bad

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Nice! It was the first fetish I ever had and still my favorite. I don't know what I really like most about it anymore, as I really didn't really get off onto the bondage stuff until last year (mainly because this girl I was seeing was into it. we never got that far though). I know some people like the hardcore torture part of it, but I think I like the innocence of it more.

I usually play something that requires a lot of concentration to the point where if you let your mind wander for even a moment you'll die. Battletoads is one of my absolute favorite games ever for that reason.
You don't have any internships planned? I'm not doing one this summer but my mother keeps nagging me about it, I suppose I'll just have to do one and get it over with next summer. Maybe I can get my driver's license this summer instead. And a gun license, too.
I never manage to stay awake for 4AM threads sadly. Maybe if I go on vacation to some country in a different time zone I could catch one.
The original tetris or tetris 99? or Nyet 3?
>pretty comfy
good to hear!
aaaah I miss Poptropica back when it first came out and there were only 2 islands

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>Is Siege fun/active?
Active, for sure. It's showing no signs of slowing down at this point. Fun depends on what you're willing to put up with in terms online matchmaking multiplayer shooters. It's nowhere near the level of tactical capabilities of the older Rainbow Six games but I do suggest looking up various videos to get a rough idea of how the game goes. Also be aware that they continuously pump out new operators which either requires in-game currency or real money to obtain.

I do personally enjoy it but I can see where a lot of frustration and legitimate criticism come from with this game.

>I'm glad Ross started up Freeman's Mind 2, I'm excited to see where he goes with it.
I love that he actually did decide to go through with it. There's just something about how Ross does things that makes it easy to just listen to him ramble about shit.

I only eat once a day boyo

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>plain burg or with lots of toppings?
lettuce, onions, cheese, pickles, tomato, ketchup
standard stuff but I enjoyed it. the meat was slightly not up to par to enjoy on its own, imo.
you seem like a cool guy. enjoy, Hollow Knight..
that's def on my list to play.
and uh,.. I love you too mane.. c: ..the lot of you.

Civ VI on Switch
Trying to get into One Piece. On Ep 278
Been listening to some Last Podcast on the Left
Gonna reread my Scott Pilgrim Collection
Eating Mcdonalds for the first time in like half a year and I already feel bloated
Big tiddie asian bitches
Pretty content, nothing crazy. Wanna make some more friends soon since my main friends live 40 minutes away and my roommates are always out doing their own shit

I'm trying to I really am. It's just that once I don't see someone daily it's like they don't exist anymore. I know they're alive and well, but I just can't care about them. I feel like something is wrong with me because I think like that. I'll cherish them more for sure now. Looking back I don't know if I'd meet anyone else like them. At worst anons will always be here for me.

Thnaks. Have A Nice Life is more shoegaze that falls into lofi. If you listen to DeathconsciousnessI recommend reading the booklet that came with it. It provides a lot of backstory to the album and made it more enjoyable. Some of their demos are better than their official albums in my opinion. They can be hit or miss, but I hope you enjoy. Here's two demo songs I like.

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go for a pleasant evening stroll to speed digestion then relax with your beer! I find it works wonders for me. Or at least the dinner and evening walk part, I don't drink.
Black Mirror is a good show but I find it too depressing to watch most of the time, the dystopian social aspects feel too real.
Oh I used to love grilled cheese when I was very little but now I can't stand it. To this day I wonder what happened.
>Did to the thoughts of some IRL girl with /gif/ in background
Unless she's your gf, I'd recommend 2D over 3D, doing it to IRL people just makes you feel lonely and jealous in my experience.
That was probably the reason I got into it in the first place, before tickling most pics I did it to were of fully clothed 2D girls that looked cute.

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>The original tetris or tetris 99?
Tetris friends sprint and 2p battle, I'd be grinding away at tetris 99 if i had a switch though
I really hope they port it to PC even though theres no signs of them even thinking about doing it

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Dirt Rally 2.0
Take out hotwings and burger
Some weird alcoholic soda
Miserable desu

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quick question, how often do you bump Nellie?

>started taking anti depressants a few weeks ago
>want to jerk off
>cant get fully hard anymore
>cum soft after jerking off furiously for 15 minutes
>still feel depressed

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to my high friend on discord
Yea Forums
some french chicken dish
Dead inside, no motivation for anything

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Pretty decent beer.

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>You don't have any internships planned?
My mom's also nagging me about it but I really don't feel like doing one (or if I do, making it a brief one). I already did one about a year and a half ago

Euro Truck 2 (FIA event)
Beans and rice
Cranberry tea
On the fence whether to go to the gym tonight or just crack a beer.

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>FIA event
Whats that? I haven't played ETS2 in a long time but I didnt know they did events

>I hope your weekend is filled with happiness too user!
thanks friend, so far so good! and agreed on replying to people. it's easy to get lost in the mix, but it's just as often that i have a bit of good conversation.
>Bas-Lag seems perfect for animation.
i agree completely, plenty they could work with there. really hoping it does get a second season, though. phenomenal animation, and despite the length i think there's a lot of interesting philosophical/sociological commentary there.

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>based, hope you have fun with your marathon!
thanks, user. hope your weekend is a 10/10 as well!

They take a long time, user. If they still don't work, try another. Once you have a few unsuccessful ones under your belt you could try Esketamine which I heard is game changing in the depressionboys game

Fightan gaemes like Melty and BBTag in an effort to improve excution. also FGO. I've been in the mood to play PSO2 aswell.
Sweat Potato
Yuri IncestI'm writing it.

>Very disappointed in the P5R
Why? I didn't look anything special but it didn't seem like anything to get down about?
>/ss/ and /gfd/
Sweet first time through or replaying? Also One piece is good too but I'm pretty far behind.

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I feel you user. It slowly gets better. For me I didn't realize how much they helped until I got off of them. Best of luck for everything.

It surprised me that he said Freeman's Mind was more difficult to make than Game Dungeon considering how in-depth Game Dungeon can get at times, it shows how much effort he puts into those videos.
wait a minute, that pose...
Highly recommend Hollow Knight if you enjoy metroidvanias even a little bit. Or heck, even if you don't enjoy metroidvanias it might surprise you. I'm glad you enjoyed your burger, may your next one be even better!
>Big tiddie asian bitches
Because you've been watching One Piece?
>Eating McDonalds
I don't understand how anyone stands eating their food, it always makes me feel sick within a few bites and tastes awful. But too each their own, I'm sorry you're feeling bloated. McDonalds can do that to you.
If you feel like you can trust them you can tell them you feel this way and ask for help. It's not something to take lightly, I can testify to how hard it is to trust anyone when you feel that way. Heck, I still don't trust anyone I know IRL, not even my own family. But if you feel daring enough to confide this with them, you might be surprised.
Ironic since the original tetris was a PC game. But with the Switch starved for non-indie exclusives at the moment I'd also be surprised if they made a PC version, hoo baby 2018 was a dry year for Switch fans.
Please do not frogpost in the nice thread
prone masterbation can be dangerous user, you don't want to end up with a dick like Chris-chan's do you? Just use it as an excuse to exercise or do something you love.
I'm sorry, I understand how hard it can be lacking that sense of drive. All I can offer is that you do something you want to do anyway despite that lack of drive. It won't get better right away and it requires a lot of patience, but the spark does exist and is attainable, I promise.
ah. A mundane reality but that's how it is sometimes. I hope you enjoy your beer!

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Like he just seems off and it was his first day on that station but the dude was like talking back to one of the managers and I was having to quit doing what I was doing to help out in the kitchen. Like he just seems dumb as homemade shit and the manager he was talking back to offered me a free meal but I didn't want it because of reasons. Everyone was laughing at him even the other new guy when it was his second day.

>Sweet first time through or replaying? Also One piece is good too but I'm pretty far behind.
First time after letting NMH2 sit for too long in the dreaded backlog. One Piece is good but it is a hell of a dedication.

they've got a kind of online hub now called world of trucks, if you connect to that they do events now and again. the current one is just custom contracts delivering racing trucks for some racing championship.

I personally don't a lot but I respect the hell out of the man, Country Grammar and Must Be The Money were my childhood.
Also not really related to anything but my buddy's coming over to watch the Blues game, I do enjoy how us StL folk are all mildly Yea Forums when we gather, it's kinda like an ork WAAAGH

space sounds
red baron pepperoni
bud ice, it was only 99 cents for the 25oz
wearing girls clothes

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>First time after letting NMH2 sit for too long in the dreaded backlog.
I'm not going to spoil anything but I hope your enjoying it. It's pretty controversial among fans but I still love it.
>One Piece is good but it is a hell of a dedication.
I know I stopped reading at whole cake island because I burnt myself out trying to catch up. I heard the recent arcs have been absolute KINO though.

That's okay. Make your summer the best it can be!
Go to the gym! Even if you only do one set, you'll enjoy it much more than just getting a buzz.
thanks, user! I'll do my best!
Try breaking up the work if it seems overwhelming! A 5-page paper becomes surprisingly manageable once you break pages into paragraphs and paragraphs into sections.
>talking back to the managers
Oof, remind me of my diagnosed retard uncle, he got fired from every job he ever had despite doing better work than most of his coworkers, because he talked back to all his bosses and spied on everyone so he could tattle on them to those same bosses.
>space sounds
absolutely god-tier taste user, you're all right,wn

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I'm from Central Missouri and was engaged to a girl from STL for 2 years and so I was down there quite a bit

Ace Combat 4 and random freware shit I haven't played in a while, might play some Flash games too.
Gonna dick around on youtube maybe.
Yea Forums
Made shepherd's pie for dinner.
Soda mixed with some ginger drink my mom made.
Butcha-U later

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>tfw you've been following OP since Gaimon
I was in 8th grade, Jump was in the grocery store magazine aisle.
I'm fucking 27

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>Ace Combat 4
Hell yeah motherfucker. First run or replay?

From what I've gathered from his video chats and Freeman's Mind itself, I would think a lot of that difficulty comes from working with the game itself. I've heard of instances where he had to pirate different versions of the game just to ensure some behaviours and other shit worked as he wanted.

First time. Figured I'd finally play these games since lots of people seemed hype for 7.

Gravity Rush
new jojo ep
I dunno maybe some ambience in the background and Gravity Rush OST
Making some homemade pizza with a couple of friends
Was feeling pretty bad a couple of hours ago but it's all good now

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havent played ETS2 in years, been playing ATS lately though
>found vodka
>Five Guys
i always get A1 and jalapenos there, but i never get that anywhere else
me too user, had the same job for 8 years and its not enough to move out. really need to find something else but the longer i stay the harder it gets, wish they would fire me desu
what beer?
try it out
good choice again, just like last night
what build/class

I've asked them for help so many times at this point it has become "The Bow Who Cried Wolf". To ask for help again would be to acknowledge all previous attempts have been failures. They have not been, and yet they feel as if they are. I've realized the problem is with me. To drag them in is to ask the crew to stay aboard the Titanic. I can't do that, no matter how cold the water is, or how much I want their warmth. They have done more than their fair share. I will talk to them again tonight, but for it to be my final conversation is insulting.

I know my way of speaking is odd, but it is because of how drunk I am. Please excuse it. I like to think myself as a writer, but truth be told I haven't written much worth reading. All you need to know is that for tonight it is certain that we are friends. If any of this makes sense (and I'm sure not much of it will) just know I will reply as much as you reply to me. i wish i had more images to convey my feeling, but I do not.

>what build/class
Imperial warrior since I'm no fun/creativity faggot.

might join the Yea Forums TF2 server and wreck their shit with a sniper till i get bored
looking for comfy twitch stream or YT videos
this thread
shitty frozen delissio pizza (the good kind), doritos jaleopino cheddar.
almost bought a "mikes" stuffed crust frozen pizza but my fuck I'd end up eating all 850g of it
just drank a red bull. got some captain morgan and rum later
havent fapped in 3 days since havnt had any caffeine for 3 days straight except for today.
little sore but getting comfy now, my weekend starts NOW MUTHA FUKKA

>ctrl+f :dr. pepper

i have started that game like 5 times but never finished the main story, it gets so fucking boring doing those stupid oblivion gates.

I'm lowkey just trying to put on weight and need cheap food so I can make sure I make rent / extra bills at the end of this month. I've gotten up from 103 back to my regular weight of 113 pretty recently

Nothing. They took away all my consoles
Catching up on One Piece
Pretty soon a YouTuber named Smizzle will be interviewing me. So I'll be listening to him, I guess
Boku no Hero Academia. Apparently this got real popular while I was in prison?
I just ordered pizza
Some come with the pizza
Recently I got ED so I get it up to anything anymore.
Big mix of bad and good.
will any of you newfags recognize me?

me too, last time i played through i did sneak archery but at higher levels the level scaling makes bow damage worthless
just wear speed/athletics enchantments and skip all the enemies and grab the sigil stone at the end, i always have a oblivion gate speedrunning "outfit", makes it fun

I'm now on Ep 284 of One Piece. Is shit gonna start getting fucking wild soon?

Yeah, especially in quest 'Aid for Bruma', when there's one in almost every city in the province. They're fairly easy and quick, once you learn how they're built though.

Shit. Forgot to post the pic.
This is what I look like now.

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Pokemon Sun. Game sucks, but I got it for free so whatever
Papa John's

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>thad in 2019

>Why? I didn't look anything special but it didn't seem like anything to get down about?
I'm mostly pissed that they only announced another announcement AGAIN, but I'm also mad that it's just on PS4 again and all they showed was a new millenom girl. I just hope she's actually a femc at least.

Oh shit how was your stay in prison Thad daddy.

It was actually amazing. I did an interview with this guy a couple months ago and I talked about it.
Today he's interviewing me again.

>Flash games
Do you happen to know anything about Realspace 3? I played it back in 2008 or so I think, but I've never been able to find it again. Same for Realspace 1 and 2, I miss those games.
With every passing decade we seem to feel older and older at younger and younger ages. I feel fucking ancient, fearing for my future, and I'm only 20.
damn, I knew he used a source engine and mods but I didn't know he went that far.
Always wanted to play Gravity Rush but I've never had a Playstation before. Now it seems like the franchise is dead from what I've heard because it's not a multimillion dollar AAA title, and Sony doesn't like that.
I will talk to them again tonight, but for it to be my final conversation is insulting.
If you feel it would be insulting to them you don't have to talk to them, I've withheld critical information from people who would want nothing more than to help me simply because I knew there was nothing they could do. I had to move past my problems that I had then by myself, and I have to move past the problems I have now by myself too. But you CAN triumph over yourself, I promise that it's possible. It's hard because you have to hate yourself with a burning passion and at the same time love yourself enough to know that you don't have to be that person you hate, and muster the drive to overcome it. It's unbelievably hard and painful beyond belief but if anyone can do it I know it's you, user.
>Please excuse it.
No problem, I hadn't even noticed.
>I like to think myself as a writer, but truth be told I haven't written much worth reading.
goddamnit I'm the same, but I've never written anything worth anything aside from a few MSpaint comics on Yea Forums and /bant/. I don't know, if there's hope I found it in Tails Gets Trolled, it's such an absurd plot but the pacing, the dialogue and everything surrounding it is phenomenal. It gives me hope.
Ran out of room, sorry, I'll continue replying to you next post

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FFX, just started Kilika so finally the game will pick up. Maybe OSRS or MonHun GenU later
Random people cleaning old vidya on Youtube
Nothing tonight
Had Dominos
Black Cherry Sparkling Water/Cola
Can't complain to be honest.

Could you post one with timestamp?

I started Dark Cloud but I really dislike the weapon degratation system. Does it get to the point later where Repair Powders are more frequent? Right now it's kinda dull

>Clear a floor
>Leave for powder
>Clear a floor
>Leave for powder

>All you need to know is that for tonight it is certain that we are friends.
Thank you user, that really means a lot to me. The feeling is reciprocated.
> If any of this makes sense (and I'm sure not much of it will)
Before I came here I thought that what I felt would never make sense to anyone and that I was completely alone in the world. Knowing that that isn't true gives me strength to keep going.
> just know I will reply as much as you reply to me
I'll keep replying as long as you want to talk, user.
> wish i had more images to convey my feeling, but I do not.
Feel free to borrow some of mine, then
I think there was an user that had Dr. Pepper ITT but he might have spelled it wrong.
/fit/ has a guide on how to get healthy food for less than what Mcdonalds and the fast food places charge.
>Pretty soon a YouTuber named Smizzle will be interviewing me
Cool! What's the interview about?
Oh shit Thad I remember you. I hope prison wasn't too rough on you.
What a shame that they came up with an idea of mega-bosses to replace gyms but kept the retarded type matchups for the island trials.

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shit I didn't quote , I'm sorry, the last half of that post is for you

Today's the fifth right?

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>Do you happen to know anything about Realspace 3?
No, sorry.

Motherfucker. Timestamp bitch. Shoe on head too if possible.

I-it's true...

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Bayonetta 2 and HeartGold. Fun stuff

Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Showing it to my gf for the first time

City Pop playlist on Spotify

A Closed and Common Orbit. Neat sci-fi

Me and my gf made a giant rice cooker pancake and devoured it, then conked out like the carb-filled gluttons we are

Water, probably Golden Monkey later

Not sure, probably weightgain or something. Got blue balls something fierce. Gotta drop the load

Comfy. Kind of wish I could have sex with gf, but she's sleepy and when I'm blueballed it kind of takes the fun out of it

What was on the pizza?

Yeah, Sun and Moon really disappointed me, which bummed me out. What's your team?

I really want to try Gravity Rush. Gotta get a PS4 if I ever see one secondhand for cheap or anything.

I've been revisiting Scott Pilgrim too. I first read it when I was 18/19, but rereading it now when I'm the characters' ages or older is a lot different. Really puts into context how unlikeable Scott etc is.

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Goddammit user I know it's stupid, but nights like this is for nothing else. Thank you for your companionship. I walk alone in the dark in hopes of something bad, but you are the light. I'm phoneposting but don't fret it is so I can show my love for you in the instant. I have not abandones you nor will I ever. This form is so I can better show my appreciation for you. My mind and body may be eschewed by alcohol but my feelings are not.
Godspeed to you an all of your endeavors. Should the writer of "Tails gets trolled" have eternal fame then so should you. It is only my wish to witness it. No matter what will happen to us this thread I will see you in another. My still half conciouss self promises this.
I will see you on the other side of paradise.

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Dirt Rally
People V. OJ Simpson
rando threads
nachos with quac and salsa
cheap wine

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old school rs, then probably some bayonetta
eurobeat baby
the usual shitposts
sandwich and a nature valley bar
water and la croix, im tryna diet I miss soda so much
not yet
comfy, no longer in debt to my college so im straight chillin

Postal 2. Maybe System Shock 1
The Sopranos S1.
>it's a "Junior hires the mulignan to do a job and gets surprised at the outcome" episode
R. Kelly and Michael Jackson
This thread
Ate a chicken bowl with chips and queso
Sparkling Water
bears and chubs
Cozy but I wanna cuddle with the bf

Do they have you doing counseling for the Pedophile stuff?

I'm promising that which I can not keep. Please pay no heed to me user.

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Some new civ 5 mods and the /int/ reversi game
Bookseller Honda-san
Comfy Moroccan music from the cowboy bebop movie
Yea Forums threads
Feet threads on /e/, convincing myself that it's not porn
pretty comfy overall

>the cowboy bebop movie
great choice


Sekiro, Devil May Cry 1. Sekiro is pretty good, just beat Chained Ogre.
Some NCAA basketball here and there.
Was reading Acté by Alexander Dumas, but haven't in a couple days.
Leftover Domino's
Water, Pepsi
Not today
Could be worse. Been unemployed living at home while trying to get a consistent study routine, but finally cracked and decided to look for a job. Going to work in a warehouse for a bit to make some money and brush elbows with society some, before I become even weirder than I already am.

>Star Wars: The Clone Wars
the movie or the animated series?
have a good rest, user, sleep is important for happiness.
>old school rs
such as?
>no longer in debt
based, I hate the thought of being in debt so I didn't take out any student loans and manage my finances carefully, if I manage to keep my scholarship even my family may not have to pay all that much.
"Thriller" is one of those albums that will last forever.
>convincing yourself that pics in a thread on a porn board are not porn
you could try out for the olympics with mental gymnastics like that. I hope you have a good fap
No problem at all. I hope you sleep well, user. If you haven't read Tails Gets Trolled I highly recommend it, especially if you like shonen

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Nothing at the moment. I did play a little bit of GGXXAC to practice some rr cancel dash splitting stuff with Bridget which is pretty cool.
The Smiths
Had a small can of tuna for lunch.
Water, gotta stay hydrated.
Nothing right now but I have some stuff planned I ordered another Dollfie and I've got a bottle of cum lube from bad dragon to make a bukkake / cum-bath lewd photo shoot with the doll. I also have an extra large horse cock dildo with a cum tube that I might try and setup so it leaks some cum on the doll while she's worshipping it. I also want to try and get a gf but I think I need some better hobbies.
Nervous since my like has basically done a positive 180 in the space of a week and I'm terrified of letting things slip up.

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"Tails gets trolled" is one of those comics I've always wanted the read, but just haven't. I'll do it as I watch the first season of "The Simpsons", where episodes have a melancholy undertone and end on an uplifting attitude.

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We already watched the movie. Right now we're watching the Padawans arc

She loves Gungi

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>episodes have a melancholy undertone and end on an uplifting attitude.
"Bart Gets an F" is one of my favorite episodes for that reason.
I'm pretty tired now, but I got my laptop in bed with me so if you still want to talk I'll be here as long as I haven't fallen asleep.

Worms Armageddon
Miami Vice (TV Series)
99 Luftballoons
Just ate a fucking pizza
Get the wutah nigga
Aborted fetuses

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Was playing DMCV, but I'm not in the mood for it right now.
Rewatching Twin Peaks
American Football's new album
Had Chick-fil-A
Debating whether or not I want to
We'll see what I find
For some reason the weather and time of year is giving me flashbacks to my senior year of high school and the times I spent with my ex and our group of friends. 7 years went by really fast. Too bad she's literally a different person now and went from a short and slender kinda weeby girl into an opinionated, fat, Tumblr stereotype. I want to turn back the clock so bad. I'll probably go on another night drive tonight

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Fucking around in CSGO
Hall and Oates
Yea Forums
not today
Alright. Cleaned up around the place and found some old nasal snuff I ordered years ago due to my autistic impulses

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>Had Chick-fil-A

Frosted Lemonade is like crack to me

The entire season is comfy in a way that Bojack Horseman misses. There is still sadness that premits through every episode. It does it without being overbearing. My favorite episode so far is when the family gets Santa's little helper. The impact of Homer lying to his family so they wouldn't worry is something I could heavily relate to.

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Everything they make is like crack

Fate Extella Link
World Order
Yea Forums
Breyers Neapolitan ice cream
Mtn Dew Baja Blast
Gay chubs
Saving up for AX and debating quitting my job at the end of the year

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Sekiro, making slow progress but digging it. I have a feeling it'll be like some of the earlier soulsborne games I played in that it'll take some persevering to git gud before it all clicks. Maybe some Apex Legends with the bois later, too.
Saw Us in theatres today, thought it wasn't as good as Get Out and a bit heavy handed with its message, at least what I interpreted it to be.
Bob Dylan, The Beatles
I'll Be Gone in the Dark, real spooky non-fiction.
Had some good homemade chicken and a nice potato skillet thing with some other veggies.
10/10. I have the next week off and I plan to grind Sekiro, watch a fuckton of sports, read, and game with the boys.

>categories ending in -ING
Huh, so that's why CTRL+F showed nothing earlier. Whoops. Gotta step your game up, OP, but I'll let it slide because these threads rule.
>The Sopranos S1.
Excellent taste. First time through or a re-watch? I binged it all this summer and loved every second of it, man do I miss good TV instead of what we normally get.

>Saving up for AX

How much was the ticket? I feel like going next year

>First time through or a re-watch?

Re-watch. I got hooked again after watching all these clips on YouTube.

Dirt Rally 2.0
Dragon Ball Super English dub
Prism - You Walked Away Again
Kraft Dinner
Labatt Blue
Did earlier to Rouge the Bat
Kinda shitty. One of m y co-workers that I am friends with had a heart attack a week ago (he's fine and out of hospital today!) but i have to pick up some of his hours and now i am working six days a week. It's gonna be fuckin rough.

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It’s currently $117. Getting my pass on my next check, in case the con gets capped (I know it’s unlikely, but I ain’t taking any chances)

Just go this year, it might not be in the same location next year

Destiny 2
nothing atm
Yea Forums
Cookies n Cream Ice Cream
DDLC Cosplays
Good, going to college in September and started investing in Crypto, turnt 20 bucks into 60 bucks, might do some more.

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I would go but my budget isn't exactly as good as it should be for AX plus I wanna go with the bf

Fuckin digging that music man. Never heard of powerwolf before. Love this kinda power metal, reminds me of Gloryhammer.

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fire emblem warriors
>diamond is unbreakable
>english paper i wrote for improvements
>tfw no gf

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was planning on halo reach, but I just saw the tf2 party van thread
trippy shit
cringe waterguzzler

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Turok on Switch. Looking for a mindless shooter and never played it on 64 but heard good things.

Super Market Sweep

New JoJoLion chapter

Pork Rinds

Raspberry Seltzer mixed with THC

Probably something POV

Tired. Long day and I can finally relax.


>7 Habits of Highly Effective People
>frozen meal of some sort
>Yeungling tall boys
>not at all
>Existential Crisis, wondering if there's a point to anything at all, thinking about leaving my fiancee for a 20-something at my work but wondering if she's just setting me up for a harassment suit

what are you going to college for?

My ex got me into the Beatles, so they always make me nostalgic but a little sad, even though honestly she didn't deserve me.

damn, every once in a while i get a craving for Chef Boyardee

based Yuengling posters every time, I went with the 99 cent special this time though

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>My ex got me into the Beatles, so they always make me nostalgic but a little sad, even though honestly she didn't deserve me.
Hope you've recovered, user.

>Drinking alcohol.
Yo̸u̴'̸r̵e̶ ̸f̴u̸c̶k̷i̵n̶g̵ ̶u̵p̸

Honestly I totally have. She and I broke up like 6 years ago, and I've been with my current amazing gf for over 3 years and it's like night and day. Sometimes you just remember old stuff and feel indignant, you know?

>Sometimes you just remember old stuff and feel indignant, you know?
Most definitely. Oldfag here with a wife and kid and despite being happy as hell with life I still get those pangs of nostalgia and wonder what could have been, even with girls I dated that I know would probably have made me miserable had we stuck it out. I think it's just human nature, glad you're with a better chick now, friendo.

My local Kroger was selling the tallboys for a dollar a piece, dunno why they're cheaper than PBR right now. I actually got a six pack of tall boys for one dollar because the cashier only scanned the one and I guess assumed that it was for the whole quantity. Mind this was the same store that I found a 24 pack of Miller Light in the bottom of a cart in one of the returns so I'm not about to knock the sacred cow of cheap alcohol I have here.

>I still get those pangs of nostalgia and wonder what could have been, even with girls I dated that I know would probably have made me miserable had we stuck it out

All the girls I know now that were into me, all the girls that got teen pregnant that I could have been with and stopped them from ruining their lives, all the girls that I know would make me miserable but would have been fantastic fucks WHY

nice, ive never seen any can bigger than a pint in a 6 pack here, usually bud ice is way overpriced in 12 pack form even the big cans are usually around $2 in most stores

Don't do it to yourself, brother.

>I have no sexdrive anymore

I’m waiting to get to this stage. Thinking about sex is giving a huge headache lately.

Yuru Camp
Galileo Galilei
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /vg/
instant ramen

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