we are going home amigos
We are going home amigos
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Fuck off to
I can already play Halo 2 on PC though
Last time I saw this must've been like in 2008.
retarded nigger
this image has been posted constantly over the last 10 years, dont bullshit me
dont talk to me like that boy, or ill kick the piss outta ya
>YWN shitpost on the Bungie.net forums and see people with these avatars again
I don't want "the original game bugs XD" I want a Halo 2 that plays as Bungie intended no bxr faggotry.
Time to bring back the old memes.
Go back to /vg/
Playing HW2 for the first time after playing HW on PC after only playing it on 360 years ago.
It feels about the same to play but somehow feels less reactive ad different in may different ways.
I feel like all the units are made of paper mache unless there's a bigger Rock Paper Scissors mechanic I'm missing here.
Also all the marine units sounds like they are teens or really heavily accented for no raisin.
That's a greater circle jerk.
I'm excited, I haven't felt this way since MGSV.
>Playing H2's campaign
Why are Sniper Marines so good
1v1 me Halo 2 see what happens
Remember to go to
And sign up for the Reach PC Flighting if you want to. No fucking idea when it's gonna happen though. Hopefully soon.
They just are. They never miss.
Everytime I played H2 or H3, I'd give my marines the most accurate and deadly weapons barring explosives because they often times shot better than I did.
Marines in H3 that had Rocket Launchers while in side seats were deadly as fuck.
>let the marines pilot and gun for the warthog instead of you
>they completely dominate everyone else even on Legendary while you go and do objectives
The time of legendary vidya releases is over, we'll never witness this ever again. We're not going back.
All we do is remember.
>Marines living in legendary
unheard of. I could have sworn everything was always against you in higher difficulties. Especially the marines.
if you can get sniper rifles in their hands or get them into vehicles then they can kick some serious ass. Without those they are gonna be goners though
t. just played through Halo 2 on Legendary yesterday
Would rather give them rockets since that shit is busted in H2 and they get infinite ammo, but Beamrifles on marines may as well be semi-godmode.
>They never miss
I tried playing through CE on Legendary but I stopped half-way through. I didn't mind my deaths as much as I minded the Marine's deaths.
Unless a wall is in their way or they just decide to stop shooting, then marines will often times never miss.
>be me
>playing Halo 2 in late 2005
>playing outskirts
>always feel bad about marine deaths and that they could never go through the levels with you
>decide to activate autism.exe and get every marine I could to the end of the level
>keep all of them alive up until I get the warthog
>drive through the beach episode until I get to the high way
>leave the warthog and the marines there
>Did you know that you can get two additional warthogs in that level by either being Warthog-less in specific checkpoints or by backtracking?
>got three full warthogs of marines by getting the new warthogs and pushing marines towards them to make them get in
>end the level with three warthogs full of marines
>estimated level completion: 1 hour.
Also did you know there are two hidden sniper rifles in Outskirts as well as a skull, AND a hidden sword in the sniper alley area?
>make th
Oh, I see. Very funny.
are you me? marines aren't allowed to die in my games
dont marines deal Friendly Fire in Halo 2? I swear I have taken hits to the back of the head from warthog gatlings before
there is friendly fire in H2, yess. If it hits you you will take damage. They're just usually pretty good about aiming where they need to unless you put a wall right the fuck in front of them and MENDOZA THINKS IT'S OKAY TO FIRE THE ROCKET LAUNCHER RIGHT AS IT HAPPENS
Marines are absolute bros, it always pained me to see them die. Especially in Reach, what a fucking bloodbath it was to witness this.
I was the fag that would kill marines in the very first level and see how long I could survive their onslaught
It was interesting that you could kill Keyes, then Cortana would freak out, make the marines lock the doors and have them kill you.
What about Cyberpunk 2077 or GOW 4 ?
>a new franchise that's chasing trends and an old franchise that's chasing trends
What about them?
>Jugando al Halo en 2019
¡El Yikes!