Why do people on this very board defend this

Why do people on this very board defend this.

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literally does nothing to you if you're a legit buyer, never had a single issue with Denuvo and I have bought like 20+ games that use it

even the developer doesn't defend it, he didn't make the choice.

oh fuck i cant believe denuvo makes games 50 times larger across the board

>literally does nothing to you if you're a legit buyer
you realize Sonic Mania was always online at launch because of Denuvo right?

Imagine having a computer that's not always connected to the internet

>always online
I hate this with passion.

why even bother? it's a sonic game you know it won't be good

>t. kotaku "journalist"

Faggot Detected.

what “is” Denuvo though

the amount of people with no internet is probably lower than the amount of people that still run 32bit windows

No one defends it

>*blocks your argument*

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someone post the DMC5 one


The funny part is this was well over a year since the game had stopped working before someone actually reported this. That's how few people play games on macs it had not been working for well over a year and no one noticed.

>literally does nothing to you if you're a legit buyer

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I do NOT defend denuvo. But I understand why shareholders want it. If I were a shareholder or dev then I would want it.

PC gamers are scumbags and brought it on themselves. Pirates ruined PC gaming. Between Steam taking a third of you money from sales and pirates outright stealing I wouldn't even bother with making games for PC. I might shit out a half assed port 8 months to a year later if anything.

If you can't see how releasing games on PC is frustrating then you are a retard or liar.

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Meme image with made up numbers. Prove it's not propaganda.
Literally anyone can place words over an image.

that was the only person to ever play that game on mac.
no wonder the studio had to shut down.

like you couldn't pirate on consoles or buy cheap russian bootlegs


Harms performance (factual).
Rumoured to harm HARDWARE (simply not worth the risk).

Denuvo is a plague and should not be supported. There are lesser evils like Steam which have some give and take, but Denuvo is just a slap in the face. Denuvo and TAGES games I will not buy, ever again.

But most console gamers don't.

It's 1000000000 times easier on pc. Literally normies can pirate for pc.

If you think console piracy is anywhere even remotely close to as common as pc pirating is, you are fucking stupid.

PC gamers brought denuvo on themselves. Dnd of story.

You can also thank Steam for delayed PC releases. 30% is bullshit. Epic will kill Steam if they continue to be kikes.

If you for one second imagine being a dev then you'd hate PC gaming as well.

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If you believe this, then by all means make a game for pc.
Also the article lumps all media together.
And studies can be biased. Look at who funded the study and their motivation.

>look how it decreases performance!
>yet neither CPU or GPU are anywhere close to being fully utilized

Yeah I'm sure that's denuvo and not shit game coding.

>Pirates ruined PC gaming.
I stopped pirating video games once I was no longer a teenager and could afford to buy my own shit.
In the time since then, they've introduced mostly terrible DLC, lootboxes/other gachashit, not-so-microtransactions and, infrequently, in-game advertisements which all call into question the time investment required to progress normally as someone without brain damage or a gambling addiction.
On top of that, video games have become so creatively bankrupt that almost every AAA game is a reskin of one of three different games released 10 years ago with no meaningful improvement.
Now we're introducing a problem into the PC ecosystem that didn't exist before with retailers artificially limiting the distribution of games that they don't even own the intellectual property rights to.
I've recently decided to start pirating everything again. The truth is that there was no chance that being an honest consumer would ever save this dogshit industry from itself. Why would I give a shit what some other scumbags trying to fuck me over at every opportunity find frustrating? They can get fucked too.

Sorry your parents didn't buy you the superior console as a kid

Imagine shoving a suppository that does nothing, but it's written "Tyrone's BBC essence" in it.

It won't change a thing in your life.

But you're still a cuck.

Failed online DRM that doesn't stop pirates, but does require legit buyers to play online with more CPU usage.
So bad in fact that the recently rebranded as an anti-cheat because of how quickly it gets cracked.

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You're retarded. You want to use as little GPU/CPU as necessary, it's literally what optimization is

Oh word? You want to use as little GPU/CPU as necessary to get your desired framerate. If you can't and you don't use them either then what the fuck is the game doing?

Do you even know what you're arguing? In both examples the game is getting a good framerate while using a normal amount of processing power, that's not the issue.

Denuvo causing a 15fps drop on its own for no reason is the only thing wrong with those comparisons

>In both examples the game is getting a good framerate while using a normal amount of processing power

OOOOOOOOH I see. Then I guess Denuvo doesn't matter then.

Glad to see that the anti Denuvo Defense Force is still spreading baseless lies such as IT HURTS YOUR HARDWARE.

15fps is significant, it makes the game run strictly worse while using the same amount of processing power. Having Denuvo on your game makes it objectively worse.

I don't know how this is so hard for you to understand with all the numbers there directly in front of your face, you complete fucking mongoloid retard


fucking trannies destroying everything

Name one (One) speed-based platformer series. 2D or 3D

This. Even Bubsy was better than Sonic 3.

Mohawk and Headphone Jack

Are you pretending to be retarded?
Because if you are, that makes you actually retarded.

>literally could download any game for free from nintendo servers with my hacked 3ds
>i can do the same now but with a extra step (rip freeshop ;_;)
>PCfags are the black sheeps of gaming and nobody wants to develop games for them

Overlord Gaming tested a bunch of games.

there are more franchises getting ported and released on PC than ever lately

You pass

Literally 8 months up to 10 years after though.
And they are all shittily done.

With a shit methodology not even they could replicate.

>literally does nothing to you if you're a legit buyer
You're a legit retard.

Because Denuvo is capping 1 core at 100%.
The % used is litterally every other core waiting for this crap.