Almost as powerful as current gen consoles now

>almost as powerful as current gen consoles now
>still not a single good game

Oh no no no no no

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Other urls found in this thread: emulators&oq=android emulators&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4200j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 emulators&oq=android emulators&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4200j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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>>almost as powerful as current gen consoles now

>>almost as powerful as current gen consoles now
based retard

RAM and CPU wise modern phones have been surpassing base PS4 and X1 for a while. GPUs are just getting there

>t. brainlets

There are plenty of benchmarks showing how high end phones are very close to consoles

lol what a fucking retard

>thermal throttles 5 minutes into the benchmark
on par bros look!

There many things to consider apart of just numbers user. Phones are not design for gaming.

The market is founded on f2p, p2w deals that exist to attract whales, how do you expect kino to exist in these realms? I'm not knocking those games or the mobile games market, I just think the target audience doesn't want anything more complicated than Fate/Lewd Order or Fortnite Abortnite.

Also touchscreen controls SUCK ASS

What I don't get is why normies are willing to shell out 1000$ for power they will never use on their phones but won't pay such for their consoles.

the cpu of the last iphone is on par with an i7 laptop, and is far, far, far superior to the cpu of even the ps4 pro / xbox x one

a phone does more than a console. u dumb nibba

lol retard

not an argument, shitposter

CPU is not what matters for gaming and you know it

how much better is the s10 compared to s9?

>ywn have real pokeman games on phone

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>emulate consoles
>huge screen
>Still has shit fucking on screen controls

>not a single game has come out that do the touch controls properly aside from ports of old pc games like roller coaster tycoon

it's a fucking travesty how much power we have in our pockets and no fucking decent games to use them.

Except it can't actually come close due to thermals. Really makes you think doesn't it? It's like it wasn't designed to compare to dedicated hardware.

Because muh giggahurtz is all that matter, right?

None of which needs top of the line CPUs and 12 gig of ram.

Are there any good MMOs or Diablo-clones for mobile yet or am i stuck waiting for diablo immortal and hoping its decent

>dedicated hardware
it's a bargain bin PC in a turbo shitty case, stop kidding yourself

S10+ is the best phone on the planet right now. Pretty much perfect
S10 comes second

>video game consoles aren't dedicated gaming hardware
You heard it here first folks.


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not anymore, they aren't.
Are they hardware backwards compatible?

Maybe if you play plugged in and inside a freezer

Drastic emulator for touch screen DS games (Ace Attourney, Professor Layton, Bejeweled, 999)

along with some button based games (Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Mario & Luigi)

Attached: feelsgoodman.jpg (630x630, 58K)

Mate, do you anything about electronics? if not, then stop posting.

This but with PCs
They complain about gaming PCs being super expensive but buy the newest 1000 dollar phone
And a PC can do more than a phone

nice trips

the difference is not great enough at the moment to justify the price of upgrading.

If you play mobile phone games kill your fucking self they will never be good and have never been good platform for shake games and if you play them you have garbage taste in video games

You are actually playing garbage games like what is on the phone instead of good games like Ace Combat 7 Devil May Cry 5 among others

Phone games aren't real games

Try doing some research before posting in a site other than facebook.

yeah you totally need a fucking octa core 2.5 ghz cpu and 12 gb of ram with the latest snapdragon bullshit for kikebook and instagram

Nice tiny dick sony fag

>garbage opinion
I should buy a switch instead, huh?

they make more money than real games

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that's a very american way to look at things

blame asia's gambling problem for that.
I wish we got controller shells and real games.

No argument i see

as if 60% of Yea Forums isn't addicted to gachashit

People that pay $1000 for a phone aren’t just using it for children’s toys such as videogames user.

Three inch penis

I'm actually curious, what do people use those phones for?
Most people I know that buy flagship phones just do normie shit, the phone is just an excuse to flex.

>touch screen
Nah m8 you can go fuck yourself. I don't care how powerful, how cheap, or how well a phone deals with thermal and battery limitations. I'm never gaming on a fucking touch screen with no tactile feedback. I can't even get into the DS or anything after that, I still think the GBA SP with the backlight variant was the best Nintendo handheld ever made. They nailed it then and everything afterward has just been a step down.

>no tactile feedback
The phone can vibrate when you press something you retard

They really need to start taking advantage of bluetooth controllers instead of on screen control bullshit. My phone is more powerful than the fucking switch yet every game is shit.

Even though it's been said, you're a fucking retard.

It takes nothing to emulate gb, gba, or even 3ds titles. Thermal issues would be noneexistant.

Nothing, because the whole point of a phone is convenience in which everything else is sacrificed. Nobody does real work on a phone, if they have to be mobile they use a laptop or at worst a tablet.

>vibration as replacement for actual buttons
Kill yourself, you are the cancer that is killing gaming. I bet you think shaking the phone is a legitimate input too. I can't even buy a car today without the center console being a shitty touchscreen that I can't even use while driving because they were too lazy to make dedicated buttons and a proper GUI that efficiently used them.

It's my favorite emulation device, with and without a controller.
Stadia could change things, too. At least SP games.

phones are like pc gaming, you just buy to show off but don't play anything decent on it

eat shit you dumb tripfag

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