What will happen to my games if/when Steam shuts down?

What will happen to my games if/when Steam shuts down?

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You will lose them. Yea Forums fantasies a lot how how if Valve goes down they're going to patch all the games to not require Steam DRM but that's just that: a fantasy.
That's why you should pirate every game you buy so you don't lose them.

They can't make me lose them. I paid money for them. They're mine.

If the Ford factory shut down and stopped making cars, they can't just take my Ford away too.

You paid money to lease them. You don't own a thing.

>I paid money for them. They're mine.
>If the Ford factory shut down and stopped making cars, they can't just take my Ford away too.

That's the bad side of digital distribution. Hell, not even physical is free due to console games requiring day one patches.

You pay for a license to use the software.


You can always download a crack for the games you have downloaded on your PC though, download all the games you want to continue you playing and then delete everything but your save data.

>You pay for a license to use the software.
Wrong, read the TOS. You dont own shit on your steam account.

even if steamworks is patched out of every game that still leaves other DRM like denuvo in place
i seriously doubt steam will shut down in our lifetimes though, valve may go under but i'm sure there's someone who would want to acquire it

Let's say I buy a pizza, but before I can eat it, the pizza place is suddenly bombed by terrorists. Does my pizza no longer work? Does it disappear from existence? No, so why can't steam games be the same?

if the ford factory closed you would be an idiot for buying american cars

Before I answer that, I need to know your weight

if you have them downloaded, just get a crack
if not, you're 100% fucked my man
>valve shutting down in the next decade
they could live off of dota 2 and CS:GO skins without the steam store alone

350 pounds of muscle

>he doesn't know about the self destruction chip installed in every box of pizza

I heard something where if it ever shuts down then the games you have downloaded can still be played but if you have any games uninstalled your shit out of luck. Don't worry though despite what shills want you to believe Steam isn't shutting down any time soon

>pizza DRM

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Have in mind how losing your games isn't just a Steam thing: it applies to every videogame digital store except GOG. Unless you never did backups of the installers for every game you bought on GOG; then you're on the same boat as Steam / Uplay / Battlenet / Epic Store users.

Hell, even consoles aren't safe due to certain console exclusive games never getting a physical release, like the Scott Pilgrim beat-em-up or the Watchmen beat-em-up.

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This has to be bait

I have 1000 games on steam. You expect me to back up every single one of them?

>not having 10TB worth of hard drives on hand at any given moment
your loss fag

If Steam were to go down, that would imply all the multiplayer servers are down, the Achievement sections are down, the friends list is down...
In short the advantages Steam provides over a pirated copy would all be nullified.
So you could, one by one, find cracks and apply them to your games. Most of your games would lack a lot of functionality, but we're talking about a doomsday scenario where for some reason PC gaming basically ended

Physical games aren't safe either due to data rot.


beacause you physically own the pizza, you don't pyhsically own and game you bought on steam, the same goes for when denuvo will shut down

If that happens I wouldn’t care as I haven’t wasted tens of thousands buying day 1 games and I would just pirate games there on.

You can say that, but it would take AT LEAST 50 or 80+ years for my PS3 blueray disks to start failing, and it is VERT likely that they would last in perfect working conditions for more than a 100 years if properly stored.
I cant say the same for CDs and early DVDs, those really are prone to disc rot, much more than blue ray

No one asked you.
No one cares about pirates; they don't have any real impact on the industry.

You don't own anything. They were very public about this a few years ago and there was a big stink on Yea Forums about it, but obviously Steamfags just bent over and took it like they always do.

steam will outlive you, don't worry

That applies to every single digital store.

only if you live in a super shithole will data rot actually happen
its more likely to get scratched all to hell from dust or something

It’s not that big of a deal. They will make your games still work indefinitely in offline mode, but you can just rebuy them somewhere else. You probably wouldn’t even care about most at that point anymore

You reach a certain age and become keenly aware of your mortality

Console owner here, I actually do hope you PC "masterrace" fags get fucked over steam shutting down, you'll lose any right whatsoever you could claim over the digital games.
Meanwhile, I'll be enjoiyng my full physical collection comprised by more than 150 games, mostly JRPGs and PS3 exclusives.
Also, the PSN services shutting down is no problem because PS3 natively allows PROXY downloads, so I can store all the patches in my PC (and they don't take much space because most of the content is stored in the blueray disk physical media).
PS3 is the pinnacle of video game collecting, PS4 is already going down the drain with forced PS+ subscription to use online functionalities. Consoles soon will be digital only like PC.

Quick tip

You're welcome

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won't happen, Steam is now too big to fail. It's 33% of the U.S. GDP for FY2019. If Valve were about to fail, a bipartisan bailout would be immediate and non-negotiable. Taxpayers would foot the bill.

>my full physical collection comprised by Demon's Souls, Metal Gear Solid 4 and nothing more.

I already bought an HDD and made backups.
Yes I downloaded my entire library and have it somewhere else placed, games that require steam to play are either pirated since I bought the game already so I am entitled to a working copy.

It's a shame considering how all MP games will die but meh, shit happens.

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dont you have to login once every few weeks to run offline mode constantly?

And the games relying on third-party DRM or SteamWorks?

>Valve goes down they're going to patch all the games to not require Steam DRM
>it's literally just one file you can copy-paste in every folder

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All of Steam is pirateable though
And rarely is a console game letting you play online directly

>if/when Steam shuts down?

I've been saying this since 2007, that shit will never happen. They literally dominate the entire platform.

Seen those epic store shill threads with their wojaks though?

>implying offline mode works in general
There are games on Steam that have no DRM and no significant Steam integration/dependencies. Yes, those will work.

However you are being disingenuous as fuck if you try to pretend they are even close to the majority of major titles. Tons of games on Steam are dependent on Steam being up long term. Offline Mode is only a temporary hack, for when you're temporarily offline. Not something expected to last decades if the service shuts down.

FWIW in the past Valve has said that if they ever shut down they'd try to make sure everything would still work, maybe some DRM-removal last hurrah type thing. But given how they treated Windows 7 I'd be somewhat suspicious about that.

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not him but what did they do to 7?

>my games
What do you mean your games user ? You were simply renting them.

>if stream goes under, lose all you're games
>people still think their best than epic
If steam not monopoly you know those counts wouldn't be able get away with that poop

You are right, BUT it is also possible to pirate any PS3 or console game ever. As a matter of fact, the PS3 is the EASIEST console to jailbreak if it is not updated past the OFW 4.82. It is entirely possible to jailbreak a OFW 4.82 PS3 with a pendrive and the necessary software (no hardware modifications required).
The most serious implication of STEAM shutting down is the fact that PIRACY could COMPROMISE the safety of youy operational system (WINDOWS).
Do you feel safe downloadin a warez torrent and installing it on you windows? If steam does shut down, you'd have to resort to piracy because there would be no other legitimate way to use the (revoked license) to download those games.
As is, piracy can be a serious threat for your personal security and for the safety of you OS.
Also, piracy on consoles DOES NOT implicate such a safety concern as it does on PC.

make a backup of your installed games and used hacked steam client.
Worst case scenario: will have to pirate stuff (which can be troublesome, especially with obscure indie titles only three people have played)

They would put out a thing where you could just use it online forever. If not, then someone online would.

>Do you feel safe downloadin a warez torrent and installing it on you windows?
are you fucking retarded? Just download from reliable sources and not random bait shit via google search.

Can I get that in english please?

steam is the last bastion of white identity in the gaming industry

>All of Steam is pirateable though
not all of them - some games are too obscure or have utterly dead links to be pirated)

Even if that's too concerning you could just use another PC

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Are you dumb? How can you guarantee it is in any way safe and not filled with malware? I'm referring to most of the users, they don't have the technical knowledge to be able to ascertain if it is safe or not, I'm 100% positive that piracy on PC is a serious threat to your own personal security, as much as you might trust your sources, it could contain malware.
It is also a big pain in the ass to get torrents with enought seeders to guarantee a decent download speed with how huge games are becoming.

If in the contract of your car purchase, Ford stated that you were simply "renting" your car no matter how long you owned it and that you will no longer be "renting" your car when the company is defunct, of course they could come and take it away when they go under. You agreed to it when you "bought" that car.

Ride cleans up well, but he doesn't look any less noided

I'm sure you'll either be dead or have moved on from games by the time Steam shuts down

They'll get rid of Steamworks before all of Steam's servers go down
Other DRM measures aren't Valve's and their fate is unpredictable

I'm only afraid the niche ones will get lost and f2p games that not get cracked because you can get it now for free.

>I go to elementary school
>I learn multiplaction
>my elementary school gets demolished
>I still know how to multiply
Wtf? You guys said if I don't physically own it it just disappears.

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Pirates will save Steam, just like they saved every other defunct console.
Paying for games is good in the short term, but piracy is the only real long-term solution. When was the last time you actually payed for a retro game?

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>ow can you guarantee it is in any way safe and not filled with malware?
by downloading it for decades and not having a single virus / OS lockdown / credentials theft from those downloads (also, hundreds of comments from other users).

Come back when you're 18 years or older or when you drop the habit of shitposting.

>Valve going under
>when they're about to create the first human hivemind

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Another mass shooting.


that's how they want it to be

>I go to play vidya
>I play vidya
>my vidya platform gets demolished
user something doesn't add up, you can play video games in your head, sure, but they are not information so if their physical form is no more, you no longer have acess to them

If steam servers go down then no more DRM. someone will make a hack to unlock your games

You've never owned these games but paid for the right to use them
>Digital fags BTFO!

What, so your personal subjective experience that is completely worthless and proves nothing is an absolute truth? Just because it never happened to you or to other people who commented on the internet kek, it must mean piracy entails no security risks?
You should get out of your mancave and study epistemology. Here's what how an actual adult reasons piracy:

"The results were clear. The more our users visited piracy sites, we found, the more often their machines got infected with malware. Specifically, whenever they doubled the time they spent on piracy sites, they increased the number of malware processes running on their machines by 20 percent. And those who visited pirate sites more heavily, we discovered, were no more careful about protecting themselves from malware.

These results strongly suggest that if we want to evaluate the harm done by piracy, we need to consider how it degrades the health of users’ computer security—and what the ultimate cost of that degradation is. There’s an important lesson here. Many users, of course, don’t worry about the harm that piracy does to content creators, but they should still be concerned about the harm it can do—to themselves. Piracy, once again, turns out not to offer the free lunch that it appears to."


buyfag shills are not welcome - fuck off

Video games are literally nothing but information. It's all just code. They don't have a physical form. I assume you mean something like a disc or a cartridge when you say that. Those are nothing more than shells that house the information for convenience. You could really say the same about human thoughts.

Seriously what the fuck was that though? I know Valve wants to be ambitious but that's some cyborg shit. Luckily it will probably just end up like Steam VR and flop. I don't think game developers know a whole lot about neurological science.

according to your data, my computer shouldnt even be able to turn on from malware. Im active on 8 warez site and will do whatever it takes to get additional copies of everything out there.

you're subscribed to steam for those games. they don't belong to you.

It's 2020 it's about time
We know it will work

>dude your personal experience is just anecdotal read this other guy's story instead it's correct

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Sorry to disappoint you user but CD/DVD games also have an expiration date. My oldest shit that is like 15+ years old no longer works. Though, surprisingly, MoO2 is still good to go.

HDD storage is better if you keep them in a dry place.

so when steam says "your friend now owns game X" in your activity feed, does this count as misleading advertisement?

All 4 of my Imperium Galactica 2 cd from 1999 still work without any hiccup, and I dont really payed too much attention to storing. I think cd/dvd data rot is just a meme.

no, they own it in their steam library, which is owned by steam

>my games
Someone didn't read the EULA.

you're full of shit

what motivation would steam have for causing what would likely be a massive class action lawsuit against them? how would they benefit from pissing millions of people off. the people who make this decision wouldnt profit and not have hate mobs follow them around for the rest of their lives?

You must realize that the people around you have the capacity to murder you, but you dont worry because they dont have a reason to. In fact they have reason NOT to.

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tell me how am I wrong tho? if steam suddenly decides you can no longer play one of your games on steam you can do nothing about it, in the worst case, get a refund for it which will not be the case if steam ever shuts down

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i'm not talking about Steam ToS - it's just you, as a person, are full of stinky shit and should probably hang yourself to end your misery.

What happens when the last xbox stops working? Who cares, its not like I play a game for more than a month these days, let alone 5 or 9 year old games. There are so many few new classics I wouldn't mind buying them again or not at all. Not every game is Doom or Mario 3.

how to transfer information from one brain to another?

Not GoG. Too bad they have no games.

>being this assblasted about the reality of video game platforms and marketplaces that you have to result to using ad hominem
you seem to be the one in misery here, get over it, you don't own your games anymore and never will

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Because every steam agrees to using the service. It's literally in the terms of service and user agreement. Go ahead and read it.

at least they don't have that many bad ones

fuck off, shitposter

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>this fucking thread
How many of you fell for this shit? 2 seconds on google answers the OP. You don't lose the games, straight from the Steam devs

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Not GOG. My DRM free installers are on my hard drive(s) and nothing that happens to GOG could possibly change that.

Yeah but did you know "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?

Never buy digital.

>what would likely be a massive class action lawsuit against them?
Would it matter if they've gone bust?

>"I paid money for them. They're mine."

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The ToS states you do not directly own the games. Nowhere in any legal wording do they state you'll own your games forever, that's just word of mouth which isn't as binding as a contract.

It's not data rot, just the fact that plastic can deform. You can partially deal with it through polishing but that depends on how lucky you are.

I looked it up and it's there

There's games on Steam right now that don't work at all because of DRM and are still being sold, but you think Gabe is gonna wave a magic wand and magically make every game you leased from him work with 1 file.

I think it was Gaben who said that Steam has implemented a system that would let you play all the games offline in case they fail but how true that is I don't know. I remember what Activision did with Tony Hawk.

>You wouldn't download a car

Steam is the most profitable company in the US because they staff so few people compared to other companies. Theyll live.

there are also games on Steam that can run without Steam - moot point.
The ones that don't run with Steam have third-party DRM solutions that are causing the trouble - surely they can make a patcher for a steam_api.dll

Worst case scenario (if they don't patch anything) - it will be the NOCD/NODVD era all over again with some site, dedicated to posting patched NoSteam exe files

By the time Steam shuts down, you'll not be able to play 9/10 of the games you currently own.

>a bakery in Germany is 700 years old
>a company that invented digital distribution for video games on PC will go down soon

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>steam ever going down
I highly doubt that'll ever happen unless there's a fundamental shift in distribution in the industry. STD is not that shift btw

Nothing, you can start steam offline and they all work just fine.

>recommended because you played titles with action, adventure, indie

Not my nor steam's fault your recommendations are ass you fucking queer

>Steam is the most profitable company in the US

Their fault for letting that horseshit in - as for the recommended by tags, my most played games at that time, with Action tag, was Crimsonland and for Adventure - Machinarium/Botanicula marathon. All of which are great games and are developed by independent teams.

Recommendation system sucks balls and you're a faggot if you think otherwise.

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>OI! Did you pay for that game's loicense?

Yeah, per employee. Go ahead and check it out.

I dont know but with ssd prices falling sharply im tempted to buy an ssd a month and start backing up specific series of games to their own backup ssd. some 120gb ssds from brands like sandisc/crucial/kingston are like

>Shut down

Valve's so completely unfazed by what Epic is done that they aren't even giving them the time of day. Epic's the only one actually seeing there as being a war of storefronts

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data on a computer is nothing but patterns of physically stored stuff that the computer knows how to read. i don't think thoughts are the same because consciousness comes in and adds a layer of unknowable fuckery to the process


Ignore AAA games, ignore DRM, ignore all the bullshit. Rediscover your joy for small games that focus only on your desire for gameplay and FUN. Never join a server that isn't run by the community, and never give money to the AAA juden.


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Lol, steam has been in death spiral since epic came out. Better get ready tp lose you're games by next year steamcel

>he doesn't know about magicdweedoo

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if you want good niche stuff, use curators

Obviously you're not going to fit

GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
GTA 4 Lost and Damned
GTA 4 Ballad of Gay Tony

On a single 120gb ssd, i bet gta5 barely fits on one, but you might fit all those on a 250gb

There will be plenty of game series of publishers/dev catalogs that you can fit 10 games on a 120gb ssd.

>this is what digicucks actually believe

>epic shills

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>Nex Machina is informational because he's not good enough at twin-sticks to beat it
This feels weird coming form someone that considers themselves a twin-sticks curator

not him, but I have 283 games in 68gb, so im not sure what crack you smokin, maybe the AAA type. You can get a shitton of games just on 120 gb

You could almost fit the last three tomb raider games on a 60gb ssd, probably get every tomb raider game ever made on a 120gb.

If steam went down then I would just pirate the games I lost access to that I still felt like playing. For preservation purposes I'm glad piracy exists, even if I rarely pirate these days.

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If this actually happens, can we all agree to file a class action lawsuit on gabes fat ass?
can Yea Forums ever pool together to do anything at all?

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Yeah, thats what im saying, apart from the odd few fuckhuge 100gb games like gta5 a lot of games average what 5-25gb for new AAA games.

5 or 6 120gb ssds organized perhaps by genre or something and you could probably backup your entire game collection

Could get an external sata dock and use the ssds like game carts, drop one in when you want to play a specific game.

>wagecucks actually use this analogy

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>neo-nu/v/ doing anything but being angry and maybe sending an angry e-mail at a CEO nowadays

Final Fantasy 15 = 148gb
Black ops 3 = 113gb
Infinite Warfare = 101gb
Shadow of War = 95gb

Its not uncommon now for games to be >50gb

Would that even be worth the effort if they company goes bust?

I'll simply pirate the games I still want to play
I've already supported the developers I've wanted to support

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You probably can't actually because he's a tencent slave

>my games

well if you want to fill your ssd with junk, i wont stop you, but you can get a ton of other games in the same year for 1% of that space. You have to be clever about it, i know thats kind of hard

>what will happen to my games when my system gets too old?
>what will happen to my games when my house burns down?
>what will happen to my games when the electrical grid stops working?
>what will happen to my games when we all fucking die eventually?


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wtf even is this nigger of a format I've been seeing?

You should have just said the last one. The rest are stupid.

Post this in every epic shill thread:

As for whether Epic will continue grabbing exclusives in general, the panel said that its current strategy is about getting the 88/12 revenue split out there—a way to get off the ground—and that EPIC WON'T BE NEGOTIATING EXCLUSIVITY DEALS AT THIS RATE FOREVER.

"We could go to zero, or we could go to very very few major exclusives within a given year," said Allison. "WE WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE DOING THEM ON THE SCALE WE'RE DOING THEM NOW."

You are right, and those games are pretty shitty, just examples of large installs, im just saying 90% of games you could probably backup on a few ssds, but a couple of games might require their own drive. so having a couple of backup ssds might actually be a valid option if you can buy like 3x 120gb ssds for about 50bux.

I only get this shit because I've already seen all the good games on the platform

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Your undownloaded games will be lost but downloaded are fine. Same as GoG.
With epic though you can't play your games if epic has server problems lmao.


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I can literally turn off my wifi and play any of my steam games that aren't multiplayer, what the fuck is this thread about

holy seethe

Google's media service. The very popular Fandom wiki site forcibly converts images to it nowadays.

oh we'll find immortality
10 minutes after you die

What would a 700 year old loaf of bread taste like?

>They're mine

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What will happen to your physical discs if/when Sony/Nintendo/Xbox shuts down?
They can send out an automatic update to brick all consoles and prevent you from playing games. Developers can send out updates to stop people from playing their games. Games can be taken off the online marketplace, too.
You don't own any of your video games except for consoles with no internet connection like the NES, SNES, etc.

This is why pirating is good and important.

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They will, and you'll be too poor to afford it

It's estimated that nanomachines will be available that can prevent aging and cure any illness by the 2050s. Just hold out until then and you're good.
Unless you're old like me and won't even come close

RIP grandpa user

If they do not make the games drm free after they close down the lawsuits would never end. Idk about the u.s. but in europe user agreements are not above the law. If you buy a game in a store and there is nothing but a steamcode in the box you bought the game is yours no matter what steam says.

Quantum immortality is real I will live forever and you will die deal with it nerd

My money's on the retroviruses
We can actually get those to do things to mice right now (cure for bald anons on the way very soon)
It's going to be so fucked up for the proto-zoomers reading about how we used to just die because an arbitrary amount of time had passed

If quantum immortality is real then everyone is immortal in their own time stream.

Stop playing videogames
Get a job
Have sex

Not from my point of view senpai

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I only have sex with anime girls

lol what a fag

I've already found immortality, just waiting for you to die now

well that's because your point of view is a different time stream, OBVIOUSLY.

I bet you kiss girls fag

considering you can already play any steam game offline via third party steamapi.dlls I'm not too worried about it.

If steam shuts down people will switch to GoG/Epic/whatever client is available
It will suck for people who have a bunch of steam games that they can no longer play,but PC gaming will continue on like regular

I would argue that these posts were made by the same person.

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>people think steamworks is some kind of hardcore DRM
All you have to do is copy and paste a file into the folder for the game. You don't need to fucking redownload all of your games from notavirus.ru. It's not even intended to be anti-piracy, it's just for stupid shit like steam achievements, if you can't figure out how to copy and paste shit into a folder then you deserve to lose your games.

ur moms pussy rofl

You don't have any games. You have leased the right to play some games through Valve's service.
That's the world we live in, technically it applies just the same to games on discs too. Just hope they never switch to streaming only or invent any DRM that actually works, because then games will just be gone forever once they're not supported.

Considering you already don't have to be online to play your steam games you can probably safely assume that that wouldn't change if it were steam that went offline.

>prevent aging and cure any illness
>thinking anyone on Yea Forums will be affluent enough to afford that

>Implying that from all the NEETs here some of them couldn't be from rich as fuck families which have allowed them to fail spectacularly at life

Estimations on when technology will advance mean literally nothing if the ideas don't already exist and you're not just waiting for prices to reach a point to make the invention feasible. You can't predict when a breakthrough like that would happen.

>not making your slaves all immortal and then just not giving a fuck when they starve
Imagine playing any strategy game and you can just choose to increase your city populations

you can copy and paste the same crack for every single steamworks game. you won't lose shit.

Same thing that happened to people at the Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

>implying the gobberment won't tax your family all the way to the homeless shelter

but user what if he's a nigger


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Got to post anti government websites these days gweilo

Plenty of countries do that, user. Just a matter of time

It’s because you put not interested. It starts to hide other games related to those. I’d suggest removing some from not interested every other day and skipping if you aren’t interested while in queue.

Go offline for longer than 2 weeks and see what happens when you try to play

Dont fucking talk to me

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>Not having a Z:\ drive

>If the Ford factory shut down and stopped making cars, they can't just take my Ford away too.
They might as well, considering how difficult it would be to find parts. The last few years I had my Saturn, I routinely had to schedule two shop visits: one to diagnose the problem, and one to install the parts, when/if they were found.

s-sorry, this pc only has 6 sata slots :(

Steam will offer to archive your entire collection so you can download the ISOs and licences later.

did you see all the other replies to that post? why did you think it was necessary to answer it seriously?

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the real question is what happens when gaben retires (not long now) and valve gets completely taken over by SJWs

>class action lawsuit
>defunct company
The only scenario this works is if Valve gets bought out by EA or someone else that just kills Steam outright.
And that's after the anti-lawsuit shit in the EULA manages to get argued as invalid bullshit.

You can arbitrarily assign a letter to any drive in Windows. Why do you care about a Z: drive though?

1) That involves a company taking an action to STOP US from playing games, rather than an action to LET US continue to play the games.
2) The moment it happened, it'd be all over the news, and people would know to not connect their consoles to the Internet anymore.
3) Automatic updates are just another way that digital distribution is bad, and the problem in your example isn't physical games, but the fact that they're tied up in digital bullshit too now.
I agree with you on the piracy bit though. It's bad for the marketplace in the present, but in the long run, pirates do more for preserving games than companies do.

wh-what happens if you have 27 hard drives?

>sales are final
>steam refund policy

Attached: skeleton thinking.jpg (572x303, 144K)

Why do you think he's working on brain interfacing?

Do you have no sense of time or probability? The house burning down is probably the most reasonable thing you listed, and even then you're talking about something you have more control over (preventing fires) than something you don't (how Valve runs as a company).

I will finally be free

Attached: 1361386215967.jpg (1024x768, 451K)

I mean to be fair, those 10tb hdds were MEANT to be a raid 1 array, but then I decided i'm a storage brainlet and just want MAX STORAGE. you could have 27 HDDs and arrange them in a raid config.

Windows can't assign more than 26 letters to drives (the new drive will simply not appear), so you have to use volume mount points to mount the new drive to an existing drive letter.

They will probably just refund you for all your games or release a patch that allows you to play them without steam.

But I guess considerng their TOS they arent really obligated to do anything like that.

>go under
>refund a gorillion dollars

you beat Too Human yet, user?

Nope, you own a license. It cannot be broken except by the methods stipulated in the contract. If they terminate the contract unlawfully you can sue them for breach of contract.

Good point.
Good thing steam will never go bankrupt then.

The support team is on the record saying that as far back as 2013, shitposter-kun

On the other hand...

Sekiro = 25 GB
DMC 5 = 35 GB
MonHun World = 20 GB
Resident Evil 2 = 26 GB

None of them had any significant bugs or performance issues on launch iirc.


>Muhhh my games
Digitalfags will never understand.

Attached: 1449449712465.png (978x972, 397K)

>wishing immortality

another nail in the western AAA dev coffin

>"accepting" mortality

you'll die before valve runs out of steam

Steam is not going down for a long long time, it's so cheap to maintain a store like Steam and Valve makes big money just to have a solid easy platform for devs to sell their games on.

If Valve went tits up Steam would either be bought by Microsoft, Amazon, EA, Google, basically think of any big digital company.

The day Steam dies will be the day no one plays PC games.

well done op got a lot of people

I thought you were bullshitting about MHW, but I just checked and it really is only 21 gigs
thought it'd be like 40 at least

Chinks don't believe in meme bloatware

That doesn't actually give companies the legal immunity you think it does.

>Go offline for longer than 2 weeks
If there's already a set in limit it makes sense that they could just extend that to "indefinitely" doesn't it?

So if steam goes down for good you have a month to download and it becomes drm free. They also said they would giveaway stuff to get people to spend money to keep them in business longer