Healthy criticism Sekiro thread

Healthy criticism Sekiro thread.
There's more to this than the game sucking because you're bad, or the game being great because you can do it.
I want to hear if you guys think this is a good FROM title or not, and if so, what score you'd give it. If not, why?

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I give it a 0/10 it didn't even manage to get me interested enough to try it instead I went and replayed dark souls with a item randomizer.

Get good and have sex

Hard to criticise the game without having finished it and played a fair amount of hours. We will have to wait a few days to see anything constructive here.

It’s too hard and it’s not Dark Souls

I'm glad its finally killed FROM's current crop of garbage death punishment simulators. Maybe they can go back to making decent games.

It's a good From game but you kind of have to do a trial by fire to get a hold of how the game plays. You will be tempted to play the game under the assumption that dodging let's you invincibility through attacks if you time it right but that is in correct. The dodge is simply a fast movement to get away not to phase through attacks or enemy weapons like you would in Bloodborne. Once it's ingrained in you how to deal with these type of things, it's insanely fun to play and explore. It's so good to play an action game that is fun to move around in and with branching patches again.

9/10 some frustrating aspects like the camera sometimes

retards will defend it because its "hard" and youre not allowed to criticize it
fucking pathetic

Dark Souls games have been improving in gameplay and boss designs. Sekiro is a step back, reminds me most of Demons Souls where you constantly looked for ways to cheese the enemy. Almost every enemy in Sekiro can be cheesed and its the preferred method because it is more annoying to actually fight the enemy.

Personally I have never been a fan of the old school games where enemies block instantly and in all directions

every time someone gives their 'pro strats' or whatever its like 'just run away and reset their aggro then get a free healthbar off'
that's not fun, or difficult

I agree. This is the biggest problem I'm having, because of how ingrained dodging is into me. I'm also never sure of when I should be a ninja and when I should be a fucking blender.

bosses are more "qte" but also more interesting than dark souls ones
at least compared to ds3
yeah game is designed to just be cheesed, its not fun
they make you waste time on purpose and everyone is tanky as fuck but you get 1 shooted

The platforming is awful and incredibly inconsistent
Some of the miniboss fights are in such a tiny arena you're fighting the camera as well as the enemy
Not much variety in world design
Awful input lag making parries more difficult than they need to be
Too nonlinear to have any idea where you're meant to be going without looking at a guide half the time

Then you are playing the wrong game for you. This is not Dark Souls, this is a game with stealth elements and action elements. There are incentives for using stealth, if the action was super easy there would be no point in ever using stealth

I'm liking it so far.
Its annoying that the plunge attacks don't work sometimes
I can swing to far off roofs but I can't swing to one nearer to me?
Jumping and climbing walls doesn't feel as intuitive
The camera is a vast improvement from DaS3 and BB, but still has its moment of pure dickery

I just wish my 770 could run it better. Having to go low settings on 720p... Might need to buy the PS4 version

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Its a shitty stealth action hybrid, I don't want fucking dark souls, I want Tenchu.
The stealth sucks and there's no fucking consequence for fucking up, you can just rope the fuck out of there, wait for their aggro to reset and get a bunch of free kills on your return.

Dragonrot mechanic is pretty bad.
It should only happen when you revive midfight and die.

Right now the game just punish you for trying to get better, which is just bad design.

This, and I guess the AI/stealth mechanic are not great, other than that it's 10/10

parry one attack
dodge other
jump the third one
or sideways dodge into attack since ai is hard
I give it 5/5 for not being soulsborne series and -5/5 for not being tenchu

“Cheesing” things is literally how the game is designed, you’re supposed to thin the herd and win by any means necessary using your stealth and backhanded sneaky shinobi techniques

It’s the most well-done and polished game From has ever done, the gameplay is extremely tight and intuitive.

ah, the ancient shinobi technique of being so unremarkable that your enemies forget that you ever existed 30 seconds after losing direct eye contact with you

its pure jank and has nothing on the precision of armored core or otogi

I find that the classic fromsoft jank from the souls games causes a lot of problems to harm this game.
A lot of moves require a form of precision that isn't necessarily hard to get in the first place but ends up being fucked up when you try to implement them against later enemies where their difficulty is that sometimes they do what looks like a sweep but it's actually a thrust and other shit.
At that, sometimes enemies will track you in weird ways that can cause certain skills to just not work because fuck you (Thrusts move to a side so your step dodge doesn't work) (Characters grab snags you out the air for no reason)
I am not very far into the game I believe (Last boss I fought was the horse guy and last mini boss is the 7th spear man at the tower) but hopefully it doesn't get worse when I have to fight more supernatural shit.

>half of the game’s mechanics are bad but it’s still 10/10
Why is Yea Forums so bad at talking about games.

It’s not “cheesing”, you dumbfuck, you’re supposed to use stealth, tools and any other skills at your disposal, you’re a ninja not a bitch warrior

>dodge/run away from enemies till they leave an opening then go in and hit a few times
yep it's a fromsoft game, I was really hoping they would at least make bosses punish this strategy with some kind of insane tracking abilities

the camera sucks,

But that's... every fucking stealth action game that's ever existed

What's your point?

The problem is that the stealth mechanics are some of the worst I’ve ever seen in a game. It’s so barebones and braindead that it just isn’t enjoyable to use.

This is hardly a stealth game, oblivion is more of a stealth game, far cry is more of a stealth game.

Does dragonrot occur every time you die, or just die the second time?
I haven't resurrected myself yet

is it really a fucking real stealth game when the enemy have a memories of a gold fish?

you can resurrect
in fact it's even better to resurrect and go heal
it's retarded

It’s when you die for real and get sent back to an idol. You should revive yourself and if you’re not close to killing the enemy then teleport back to idol and start over


Bloodborne => Dark Souls 1 >>>>> Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro >>>>> Demon's Soul's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2

That's my assessment. Sekiro doesn't have enough memorability or truly outstanding bosses to be better than the kings. It's not even better than 3.

>And for a long time after, it was said a demon lurked the land...
So.. do the japs and the foreigners just steer clear of that area until someone invents machineguns?

It’s a decent action game once you get into it, and it looks and sounds great. But From have lost sight of why people liked Souls and Bloodborne. The big flaws in their design philosophy are a lot more apparent in a game that actually requires precise movement and timing, and it makes this a difficult game to enjoy.

I’ve only played a few hours and I already feel like cheesing my way to the end and never playing it again.

I agree with you but a lot of stealth game have this same problem.

I agree the stealth is shit. I wish the enemies would start spawning and become more and more aggressive and start using different weapons and tools against you the more you walk under alert status
But then the combat could have more depth as well. It's very exciting and fun to play but there's still very little to it.

After playing DMC5 this game feels like shit.

I love it. Not too difficult but enough to be rewarding. I actually die a few times on each boss unlike Soulsborne where most bosses are easy to one shot.

Everything that is not a boss or miniboss is laughably easy.

I think I'm halfway through game, and camera already killed me more times than in all Souls games combined.

Sekiro has a lot of elements that are just badly designed. Regular enemies on their own pose basically zero threat so they shove like 6-7 enemies at a time at you, but you have even less crowd control than DS characters because the combat system is built for 1v1. So it encourages really boring hit and run tactics with the horrible stealth mechanics. So everything is pretty easy, just really tedious.
This doesn’t even touch the problems with non-humanoid enemies (which break the combat system and are extremely unfun to fight), the level design, and the severe limitations in your moveset.
Sekiro should have just been a Furi-esque boss rush because the bosses are the only times where the challenge feels really fun and fair and not boring or tedious.

In the words of Terry Pratchett
>Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun.


the fuck do I do with samurai boy? he does his pewpew I can't even block or dodge it

It's a really disappointing game so far.

I love Souls but I wanted a Tenchu game, not a Souls game with all of the good stuff taken out.

All it's made me do is want to go back and play Bloodborne or Dark Souls with all their customisation, build diversity and exploration options.

Enemy too far?
>Can't lock-on
Enemy escapes too far from you?
>Lock-on disappears
Enemy so close it's raping the camera in the eye?
>Lock-on disappears
Enemy so badly damaged it loses 1 HP bar?
>Lock-on disappears

Remind me again why this was a good design decision?

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if by cheese you mean breaking the ai, running away, etc. then you are just being a major fucking pussy

I actually think the bosses and minibosses are easier than the other parts because they’re the only time the game’s combat mechanics actually work.

you can block it

if you cant block nor dodge it then welp. git gud.

why do people keep saying tenchu tenchu when it was denied it was gonna be like tenchu.

he eats up 80% of my posture and spams the thing twice in a row.

Also they shouldn't have made the roll so bad

Im getting the groove of it but I highly agree. Genichiro was the point where I realized parries are a stupid mechanic with how they work in this game.
>"parry" period for tapping L1 doesn't start on tap
>enemy attacks are parried mid-swing rather than right as they hit you
>for fast attackers like the swordmaster under Genichiro and the centipede guys, you can just mash parry and break their posture

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Agree with you there completely dude.

It also doesn't help that Sekiro still has that weird buffer/delay jankyness to the combat that the souls engine games have. It worked for Dark Souls because the games slowness and strategy was designed around that. But Sekiro is fast as fuck and intense like a character action game sometimes and it feels clunky and odd as fuck.

For instance, you can cancel into guard at the beginning of an attack animation, but under no circumstances are you allowed to parry at the end of an attack animation in case another attack is coming at you while you are fighting a singular person.

This game in general would benefit from a lot quicker animations for the player and a bit more opportunities to break out of attacking and into parrying so you can properly deal with groups of enemies.

I got my fucking shit pushed in when I played Demons Souls for the first time, yet there was something there, something satisfying about killing enemies in that game that made me keep coming back to try again.

This game for me just lacks all that satisfaction. When I beat an enemy I just feel like "welp I did it I guess. Whatever"

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It started out as tenchu and became its own game, aka Activision said they wanted them to use their branding as LE HARD GAME MAKER or they wouldnt publish it.

the grapple is rarely utilized in combat it seems like it's mostly just useful for traversing the map faster, why can't we grapple to an enemy to close the gap aside from a few specific enounters or do a plunging attack mid grapple?

the stealth also feels tacked on, the only time I find myself being stealthy is to get the drop on a group of enemies to remove one from the fight at the start or when I get to a new area to go around killing the enemies that are completely stationary like props, only to just say fuck it and fight them normally on the next run through because it's faster

Give it to me straight, is this game worth buying? Or should I just go and start NG+ in nier?

Why are there two different buttons for climbing up ledges? And why do I sometimes need to press X to pick up items and other times I have to hold X?

>Sekiro just keeps ripping and tearing until someone rips his asshole a new one with a shotgun
I feel sorry for the Japs

It's alright, but i found the OST really underwhelming

>it's supposed to be shit

No definitely not worth buying right now. Wait for a sale and if you have nothing else to play to see if you like it.

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I'm 29 and never had sex or gf. I'm not even fat or ugly as I look similar to my older brother and he has had over a dozen gfs.

The thing you think you should do (eat the death) is wrong.
The thing that seems to be evil forbidden magic that you should use sparingly, is actually what you are meant to be doing.

The game makes absolutely no effort whatsoever to give you a distinction between the two mechanics despite it being the most obvious point of confusion that a single playtester will bring up. If you assume you can just eat shit against mini-bosses to learn their patterns, it will punish you for being smart. If you just spam the revives with no consideration or thought like a retard, you will be rewarded. How's that for immersing yourself as a crafty shinobi.

Its one of the baffling aspects of the game where it sets up a perfect "power at a cost" mechanic, it even frames it that way, then ignores it.

>there are incentives for using stealth
But you can’t always use stealth and fighting multiple enemies is sometimes the only option. Like Juzuo or whatever his name is. Even with the other samurai, it’s too easy to get overwhelmed by the gangbang of enemies and shit like Ungo’s Sugar don’t last long enough or have enough of an effect to matter.

>the bosses are the only times where the challenge feels really fun and fair and not boring or tedious.
I take it you haven't reach the screen door monkeys, or the second(and third, technically) guardian ape(s), or fought the "apparition" type bosses like headlness and senchiro warrior which can't be dealt with unless you have confetti

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I like the combat but the damage values on (mini)-bosses are totally fucked. I'm like halfway through and fuckers will still gib you in two hits no matter what so it's like those health upgrades didn't even matter.

>button prompts on the screen constantly
fuck off with this shit, the game makes damn sure I know how to climb a ledge or talk to an npc but it makes it near impossible to find information about combat mechanics after the initial tutorial popup

>souls babbies can't do well without their r op meme builds

ps4 prob runs it at 30fps 1080p low
try capping to 30 fps and running high 1080, thats what ill be doing with my 750ti

>Tfw big brane moment with screen door monkeys

Made me feel the biggest brain for a minute.

Am I the only one getting the feeling that Sekiro is a game that doesn't know what it wants to be? Am I supposed to sneak or fight? It feels like the whole game is sneaking focused untill you reach a mini-boss that takes you 20 tries because all of a sudden you have to learn attack patterns and parrying, none of which you have to use when sneaking around.

It's okay, maybe a 7/10. I've gotten pretty far but i'm not really liking it too much.

Avoid it. Get it on sale.

You have to be have a very specific appreciation for games to not have major issues with this game. If you liked anything about the Souls series you'll likely find it's completely missing here.

You play how you want to play. You can stealth or be aggressive. Just two different play styles.

yeah after 18 hours the game is for me at least just not fun. Yeah its hard, but you can overcome the challenge, its just a fuckin slog fest.
nonmook enemies have far too much health and posture to be enjoyable, they hit like fuckin trucks. now i dont want an easy mode, I beat lady butterfly after my second try, but im just not enjoying myself. and I really dont want to throw the "aRtIfIcIaL dIfFiCuLtY" term around but fuck me it seems way more padded than it should be.
>nb5 git gud
i just beat the corrupted monk after my 3rd try.
game just feel arbitrarily hard, but if you get good at parrying and the timing the only thing that really ever fucks you over is getting stunlocked to death by 4+ mooks

But nearly every complaint is that the game is easy but tedious

>spend way too long trying to lure green monkey into waterfall room
>AI literally never goes that way
>get mad and chase him down
>actually kill him really fast this way
So fucking mad, fuck that gimmick fight

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3/10, combat is just tedious, expects you to royal guard everything without having even seen it before and kills you dead the second you fuck up
the dodge is also laughably short, just makes you feel gimped if you try to use positioning to evade
levels seem alright but there's fuckall to find so who gives a shit

don't think I'll be booting it up a third time desu

Maybe? I don't know, just pirate it first and see for yourself if you like it. I'm pretty disappointed with it, though it isn't a bad game. It's just kind of boring.

The only gameplay complaint I have is that fights with multiple enemies usually come down to spamming one into a death blow so that you can get invincibility frames and then lunging onto the next one

This game could really do with online coop or a PVP arena.

>From finally makes a game that isn't soulsborne
>whhhhaaa why isn't it like Dark Souls

Its pretty good but I feel like I'm not playing the right way so to speak. I beat juuzou my first try because, instead of trying to parry him, I sliced him once on his recovery frames and then just kept sprinting around him in a circle. Made him really easy when everybody said he was, probably because they were trying to parry him.

I'm enjoying it more than Bloodborne so far. It feels stripped down and arcadey compared to DS1 in the same way Bloodborne did, but it followed through with the idea completely and feels much more balanced/polished as a result. I'm still unsure on whether I prefer it to Nioh since Nioh has so many more gameplay options, but the open world structure and platforming mechanics balance that out.

It’s soulsborne with all the enjoyable elements sucked out of it and instead they made a game that’s just as cheesable but way more boring.

How would you even properly do this without breaking the game? It's built around 1v1 combat.

So am I just magically supposed to know what the counter to these unblockable attack thingies is? Or what? Perfect block doesn't work half the time so I suppose jumping would have been the right solution that time or idk what the fuck is going on, the first big guy is already raping me

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Where does the phrase royal guard originate? I've never heard of a perfect block referred to as that, is it from a specific series?

Anyone here got both the dragonrot items when they died?
I don't understand why

>Exploration isn't that good
>Lore is worse than in Soulsborne
>Music is average, meanwhile Soulsborne has a GODLIKE OST

This isn’t true. Why do you dumbasses keep saying this? This game was never a Ten hi game at any point through its development. Tenchu was only an influence and inspiration

>get to the screen monkey fight
>seems like it's going to be all about strategically using the environment to counter their abilities
>turns out you just run around and kill them like any other enemy
what the fuck was that? it seems like stealth was meant to be more more in depth but got fucked over somewhere in the development

DMC, 3, I believe
point is, having no means to learn enemies' attack strings without eating shit and run back 5-10 times in a row because there is no alternate means of defense is just not a good time.

I really don't understand all the argument about it being harder
you die much more easily, sure, but you can also kill everything in like 2-3 hits and they give you a bunch of methods to escape when you're in danger, even the homeward idol is spammable
if you don't want to play so aggressively (because you keep fucking up and dying), everything can easily be fought just by backing away and taking your sweet ass time with small hits

Game is boring to watch therefore not worth a pirate for me. The souls formula is stale as fuck at this point. Also coming from dmc5 on pc the technology looks old as fuck.

DMC, same as a perfect block

devil may cry 3-5

The level design really is shitty. It's built too much around the shitty rope prosthetic that you can't even barely use outside of those segments and it tends to glitch out frequently. I feel like this game would have been better without the prosthetic arm and wasn't built around it for traversal.

DMC3. Dante has a style called Royal Guard where perfectly timed blocks can lead to big damage and style.

Bloodborne was my very first FromSoftware game. Ever. I was absolute TRASH for a WEEK. A week. I literally told myself, “I really wanted to love the game, but it’s just not for me”. I hardly got passed Blood Starved Beast. After some days and cry rage, I restarted, finally grasped how I “should” play the game. Got through it. Now it’s my favorite game of all time and the only PS4 game I’ve platinumed.

You guys just got this game. You don’t know the areas, the enemies, the moves, the systems. It’s a From Soft game of course, but you’re treating it as if it’s a sequel to Dark Souls or Bloodborne. It’s new, and you must learn the game by its own terms.

Having problems with a boss? Don’t try to rush the fight and study the move set before you engage.

Same enemies keep killing you? Enforce some stealth kills or try out a different prosthetic.

Still stuck in a hard area? Branch elsewhere and return later.

You’ve done these things before. Don’t treat your day 1 Sekiro like your 1000 hour play through quality build. You’ve gotta learn the ropes first.

Drunk Fatty was really hard for me until I realized, “Hm wait a second. He doesn’t have more than 10 moves. How bout I try to memorize at least half of them and react accordingly” then I grazed by him.

And if it’s REALLY ramming your butt, TAKE A BREAK. That’s ok.

DMCturds fuck off this is not your thread

>muh Soulsborne

It's not meant to be a Souls game, faggot.

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>make action game
>action game is worse than other action game that came out 2 weeks ago
stay mad fromdrone

about 10 hours in, giving it a 7/10 so far. some of the environments look too samey and your character is like a wet noodle

been grinding out skill points in Hinada Estate but i'm getting diminishing returns now

is there a progression order yet?

I have the following unlocked
>Castle upper chamber
>Buddhist area
>Sunken Valley
>Lady Butterfly on Hinada estates (can only get to 2nd phase)

I've only beat the horse boss so far. What should I do?

sounds like people just wanted a better soulsbourne instead of a different game

>Royal Guard
after spending two weeks playing DMC5, Sekiro parrying is nothing at all like it. Not because it's fresh or interesting, but because it's a step backwards in design from a game that came out in 2005. In fact, trying to get the frame perfect parry will only get you killed. There's start up to your parry, and enemy attacks enter a "parry" phase midway through the animation, not right as they land.

Also you're a colossal shitter for thinking it's bad to try and parry them without having fought the bosses before

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To only thing I don't like so far is the special attack on L1 R1, every time I thought I got a party and press the attack h button to do the riposte, the fucking character does a norm attack leaving me open the enemy. The buttons layout are not great.

Maybe get to the castle area first

That doesn't make the exploration, music or lore any better

Thanks. DMC's been sat in my backlog for way too long, time to give it a shot. Is using royal guard a viable way to play the game? I'm enjoying Sekiro's parry approach a lot compared to the ADHD dodge attack spam in Bayonetta.

Pretty much this.
Having played for a while I can say that jumping feels a bit off though.

Get a better combat art then

the game is hard so what? take it slow it isnt a race. personally I spend maybe hour or two on each boss because I'm playing casually.

I can't parry for shit in Souls games but i'm finding it pretty easy in Sekiro. You have to parry just before they hit not right as they land.

I've beaten the game, retard. Ashina Outskirts, Ashina Castle, the Valley, Hirata Estate, and Senpou Temple are all like this.

If it was a Souls game it might actually be good.

And it clearly IS a Souls game because all the lazy souls shit is still there, just without the good stuff people liked.

>Also you're a colossal shitter for thinking it's bad to try and parry them without having fought the bosses before
you'd have a point if half the attack animations weren't "duuude, I am so fucking drunk right now" and look more like they're about to fall on their ass than perform any form of attack. I don't know why, the first souls games were exceptionally fair with their telegraphs while the latter, and this, are just completely fucking retarded.

>Implying dark soul shitters don't build ridiculous cheesy magic/tank builds to cheese the entire game

they kept saying it isn't a souls game but it sure feels a lot like one with a few new mechanics tacked onto it

Anyone else confused by all the optional little routes you can go that lead to literally nothing whatsoever?

just wait for matthewmatosis :D

Almost all of my complaints are about the Dragonrot mechanic disincentivizing attempting bosses or minibosses over and over again. The game is brutally difficult with these enemies one or two-hitting the player with actual rock paper scissors and mechanics where the symbols that denotes what attack is what is either the same or looks very, very similar to each other and attack tells can look similar (Shinobi Hunter does thrust most of the time, but has a sweep that looks very close to it, Drunk has a sweep and a grab that look close with him charging low).

The "git gud" mentality works on the foundation that the player is free to die and start from a checkpoint over and over again until they can beat the challenge. Sekiro actually punishes the usual gameplay loop and rewards the player for using the midfight revive.

Other than that, I really like the game so far.

Are you legit retarded? Every spear using enemy has broken hitboxes especially the fat general that you find when you get back to the starting area.

Are there any other counter kill animations? or stealth kill animations? its just the same stab through head animation for me. it gets old

This game is everything any decent PvE From fan always wanted
>Good boss fights
>Actual good gimmick fights, never seen after DeS
>A return to a massively nonlinear and complex DaS1-style world design (I never expected to see this again)
I don’t know why some people can dislike it beyond the lack of invasions.

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Healthy criticism
Spirit emblem capacity upgrade is fucking disappointing
>can carry 15 emblems
>hmm I might wanna upgrade it since most tools use 2-3 emblems
>ok here's ONE extra emblem
I want my skillpoints back.

I'm excited to see what the speedruns look like, they took away the RPG stuff from the game and went back to being a platformer

Too bad Dragonrot becomes literally irrelevant because every merchant stocks up on those fucking tears.

>I don’t know why some people can dislike it beyond the lack of invasions.

Yea Forums shits on anything , dont take it seriously.

Metal Gear Rising demanded parrying and it made the telegraphs super obvious.
Was MGR super easy as a result? No. Because games are about fun and you can't just fucking dump parry mechanics into everything without adjusting the game to match.

Bloodborne actually had the most interesting take because it removed the "miss parry and eat shit" thing from Dark Souls and gave you the pistols. It encouraged you to parry and made it possible to actually learn parry timings.

In this game if you miss a parry you eat shit, lose a ton of health and you may as well just start the level again. Would be fine if the parry timings were generous but i've played enough to notice the game is not reacting to my inputs in time.

It doesn't disincentivise, just resurrect then use your homeward bone back to the idol and retry. A ninja would escape when in danger, use the options you have available instead of just facetanking the problem.

I love it too but I can see why people would dislike it for the reasons listed here:

It's very viable, especially in 5. Good defense, great damage, and one of the easiest ways to bump up your style rating. A protip for 3 is that you can just guard while jumping or rolling and you'll still evade if you fuck up the timing slightly. Makes it no harder than regular evasion, and still shits out damage and style.

Dragonrot doesnt even fucking do anything who gives a shit if npcs cough a little bit

The only real downside to this game is the movement and traversing. Is really clunky. Why can't we grapple any point? Why can we only grab ledges marked with white paint?
It's annoying because there so many little things that can fix it. Make all terrain grapplable, make it so you can grab any edges that look like it should grabbed, smoother wall jumping and double jump, double jumping is really clunky, let you be able to jump from a hanging position, it's annoying trying to jump up from hanging for quick travel.

Fuck man why can't it just be like Titan Fall2. I want a damn ninja game that really uses movement and traversing like as a big focus. It's so close in this game but so clunky.

I am impressed by train stealth mechanics. I'm a huge fan of stealth games and it's nice knowing a stealth kill is the quietest deathblow. However, I like being able to have Ariel deathblows and running deathblows.

Is there a crack for the game?

Presumably a Ninja would be able to stealth kill his opponents but the game throws bosses at you.

This is the problem, people keep suggesting solutions to a fantastical alternative universe Sekiro which actually makes sense.

Dark Souls is fun though

The people who hate it either suck at it and just whine and complain that they can't cheese the game with nonstop rolling or magic/tank nonsense, or are just shitposting.

this. theyre exposed soulsbabies crying for attention.

It is viable, but the timing can be really hard to nail down.

The one thing that really annoys me is that bosses are usually surrounded by weaker enemies. Clearing them every time is a fucking chore.

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I know this isn't a Sekiro help thread, and I know /wsr/ is < that way, but:

Anyone else here playing the PC (Steam) version and are having noticeable input lag? I'm using an XB1 wireless controller (like 99% of my Steam library) and I'm noticing input lag. Normally I'd just turn off V-Sync and that fixes these issues, but I don't see a v-sync option anywhere. Anyone else have this input lag issue, and know of a fix?

A bit off topic but I'm surprised by how From keeps experimenting with the sort of soulsborne formula.
FPS started out as just doomclones because every game tried to imitate Doom. It only became an more refined genre after developers experimented with taking away certain elements to find the core of the gameplay. Same for GTA clones becoming open worlds.
What's interesting is that From are doing that to themselves, while other devs wear the Dark Souls influence on their sleeves. In Sekiro the Dark Souls comparisons are inevitable but they obviously do what they can to make it their own thing, like Bloodborne being much more fast paced and encouraging more aggressive plays with the way health is handled and the lack of shields.
This is just something I found curious.

This isn’t true you cannot continue quests if they are sick

For example you cannot give the sculptor the sake and you cannot tell that one guy what the ashina samurai want (which is salt)

On a side note, can someone drop the mark of the conqueror copypasta; it’s sorely needed right now

Lore videos when? I have no fucking idea who the monks after the castle are, why they're attacking me and how I'm supposed to find out. Unlike in DaS there are no items that explain the lore. Seriously, how am I supposed to find out?

>Instead of facetanking the problem

But that's exactly what's encouraged?

If dragonrot happened when you revived, the player using their revive as a "continue" because they got hit too many times and needed a second health bar, then it would punish facetanking.

But dragonrot punishes trying to defeat challenges with only one health bar instead of two. What you're describing, which is what I've been doing for the past two hours of play by the way, is just manually reinitializing the level by running to a checkpoint. It's not even hard in this game to escape back to a checkpoint because you can sprint forever much faster than enemies.

Sekrio should not have had input delay like the rest of souls

k, just beat the game, I'll start
>12-13 hours max
this is just way too short
>limited replayability
there are only 2 endings, even demon souls had at least 3
>80% of the power moves are total dogshit
seriously, what is the point of these skill trees if most of the time the abilities are so bad that r1 spam is a better strategy.
>false sense of freedom
let me elaborate on this, the game is essentially built around the idea that you have vertical movement, so logically you should feel more unrestricted and ready to come at areas from multiple directions.
But you can't, the geometry of levels is so fucking bad that you're basically railroaded into going in a singular direction with zero way to deviate, the rope itself is buggy as fuck and there are often times where being 2cm not facing the precise direction of the grapple point won't let you grapple to it.
My biggest gripe though
>established in the tutorial you can climb and jump off of walls to get higher
>you can only do this in very specific, clearly outlines situations.
You have essentially less freedom and less movement than dark souls, which constricts you to a 2d plane. That's how bad it is. In many ways it feels like a primitive action game you'd find on the ps2, not a modern game from a hit studio.
The worst part about sekiro is every idiot going "hurr it's not a souls game" but that's what it feels like, it feels like a shitty knockoff of a souls game set in japan. It's awful.
Biggest black mark, the final upgrades in the tree are locked till you're basically at the very very end of the game, so you get to use them for all of 10 minutes, barely.
Dreadful game design.
>b-but you can replay it
but the novelty will wear thin after an hour and it'll sink back in that I'm playing the same shitty game doing the same shitty thing, being railroaded into the same dead linear direction with zero fucking way to explore or deviate

>I can’t respond to any of the complaints so I’ll just make up a strawman instead
sekirofags are braindead

I hate it because it's not fun.

Strange though it sounds, my reference point is games other than Souls that also involve stealth or combat.
If it was more like Souls it would be an engaging experience. If it was less like Souls, it wouldn't have all the awful baggage from a Souls game.

The OST is pretty bad, but the game has good exploration in my opinion. And I think the lore is really good. Have you finished the game? The plot gets really nice. By the end I ended up feeling pretty bad for the land of Ashina and Genichiro.

So youre just fucking annoying?

are you playing big picture or something? I have the same setup and I have 0 issues

to add to this since I ran out of characters, I am thankful for one thing, FROM has always been trash at story, Miyazaki in particular has the writings of a freshmen college student.
So, I am thankful there is a full story this time because now the faggy youtube lore brigade can't spin this dumpster fire as having "omg so deep lore lmao"

>Game keeps crashing
>Nvidia drivers still haven't released yet

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Hey what did you guys think of the japanese boss? He was pretty tough!

That Steam thing? No, I'm not playing through that.

Hey how far am I from beating the game, currently fighting the second Guardian Ape, but also still doing some adventuring and trying to find other minibosses. Just found headless. Got both snake fruits and don't know what to do with them. Looking for the carp with red eyes for the dungeon sidequest with the surgeon.

Stopped reading this bait when you said there’s 2 endings. There’s 4.

>>A return to a massively nonlinear and complex DaS1-style world design (I never expected to see this again)
What. No it doesn't. You literally HAVE to use the teleporter to get around.

Grappling any point would defeat the point of level design unless you put roofs everywhere. Also it'd probably completely break combat with grapple chaining.
Movement definitely could be better though, the slide move is pathetically short and slow, and why is there no wallrunning whatsoever? I wonder if it'd be better if camera was over-the-shoulder.

The problem isn’t the difficulty it’s trying to figure out the limits of the combat system and then realizing it’s extremlty shallow. Deflecting isn’t fun or satisfying.

Deflecting was fun for the first hour. After the start it becomes extremely tedious and slow, yeah.

Why are you thankful?

It's just more proof this game sucks. What are the souls games good at? Vague lore that doesn't really specificy a chronology but does lend to the overall atmosphere and theme of the game. Your own experience isn't overshadowed by the demands of a story, your own actions form the "narrative" that you're spinning, i.e. that area you struggled in, the NPC you accidentally killed, the sunlight warrior that helped you overcome the boss you hated etc.

The game took that away but it barely replaces it with an engaging story. If you have a winning concept then don't replace it with something mediocre.

you have a good 2-3 hours left depending on how much exploring you do

No one fall for this baiting fag

I'm thankful because the story is always bad but this time I don't have to listen to retards pretend it's good

What is the point of the charge attack? It doesn't seem to do more damage and gets married easy.
Also, after you deflect, do you press light attack to get the "counter attack"? So many times ill party and then counter but then the enemy parries it. I was under the impression after a party, the enemy is stunned enough to get one hit in.

Whats the point in leveling up? My level says 6 but I have no idea what it means.

>Soulsborne has a GODLIKE OST
only Bloodborne has a consistently good OSt. DS, DS1 and 3 have a few good tracks, everything else is largely mediocre. but without the Sony budget they can't hire external composers so we're stuck with their staff. Kitamura is definitely better than Sakuraba though so at least there's that

Nioh is better

I don't like this game because the protagonist is asian and as we all know, asians can't really be heroes.

How do you fight the Great Colored Carp?

>attacking after parrying
>when half the attacks in the game go into a combo immediately

You know even if the Bloodborne OST is good, if Gascoigne's theme started blaring out every time a mook spotted me, i'd hate it.

I've actually turned the music completely off and it massively improves the game.

its better than any souls game because the combat is fun and it looks cool unlike ds and bloodborne where it feels like a fucking chore

there's 2, retard
>I don't want to face the fact that I made a bad purchase so it's bait
grow up

3 lets you cancel jump/roll into guard, and 5 is really lenient and sucks DT if you mistime it(generates 1000x as much when you do nail it though). It's great in both. Even if you're just absorbing the easiest to learn attacks to stock up meter, the damage is fucking phenomenal.

One of the main tutorials in the game says this so I assumed it was a special attack after but I can't seem to trigger it if it is

how come the dilapidated temple music is exactly the same as the firelink shrine music from ds3
it's so fucking grating to listen to

But I'm polite and mannerly to everyone.

To deal damage when there's an opening. Works especially well on targets that are health based like animals and drunk people

I pirated it and bought grand battle on steam instead. I actually enjoyed grand battle more.

>expects you to royal guard everything without having even seen it before and kills you dead the second you fuck up
this would not be as much of a problem if the penalty for death wasn't so severe. also you take ridiculous amounts of damage for even slightly missing your timing

Level design is bad and overall it's incredibly forgettable visually. Bosses are antifun since they deal very high damage, forcing players to play it incredibly safe and not experiment or resort to cheese tactics. R1 and countering appropiately completely beats Shinobi tools and Combat Arts which are pitifully weak. Too much tracking on certain attacks.

Definitely the weakest Soulsborne outside of DaS2.

Pretty much the issue Im having.

Hitboxes and tracking arent terribly impressive.
The movement is also a little janky.
The game seems to imply stealth is viable but it really isnt.

I finished my first playthrough today, here's some thoughts

What I liked:

- When the combat works, it really works. It feels great to use your sword and tools to break an enemy's posture and deliver a deathblow, and it can feel especially good to overcome an enemy that's been ramming your butt for a while
- I'm a sucker for the dark fantasy feudal japanese setting
- There's a lot of variety in how you build your character despite the removal of RPG stats, between tools, skills, and ninjutsu
- Story was pretty interesting

What I didn't like:

- The stealth mechanics are extremely half-baked, to the point where it really doesn't feel like you're playing as a ninja, just a samurai that can climb stuff. I would have liked more tools based around breaking line of sight, separating enemies, tricking them, etc. Slapping cones of vision on Souls AI does not a stealth-action game make. The fact that your only means for luring enemies is throwing a clay pot at their face is abysmal for a stealth game.
- Not NEARLY enough yokai and creature-type enemies for the setting. Far too many regular humanoids with swords, axes, and spears.
- The dragonrot mechanic is at odds with the theme AND gameplay of the game, since you are far better off resurrecting and escaping than eating a death and starting over. Resurrection should be the tradeoff between getting to keep your progress, but hurting those around you. Additionally, the mechanic is so poorly explained that most of Yea Forums still doesn't know what it does, how it's advanced, and when it occurs.

It was fine. There were parts where I had a lot of fun and parts where I thought about dropping the game, but I'm glad I finished it. I think a lot of people in Sekiro threads are ignoring its very real flaws because it's hard and it makes them tough and cool to LOVE HARD GAEM.

Its like it was designed as the opposite of BB. BB had it perfect where they clearly wanted you to get in there and hammer on people.

I cant tell what this game wants yet. Stealth sucks, frontal combat sucks, the shinobi tools are weak.

That doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. The game is extremely nonlinear and areas are well connected to each other. They also do something new which is that the world is dynamic and the areas change ad you progress the story, like a widespread Yahar’gul situation.

I both hate and like the lack of customization
in BB or DS when I would have trouble, I would just upgrade/change my weapon/armor and have different playstyle to solve it, but Sekiro kind of railroads you into either taking it slow and easy or being more aggressive (and not fucking up)
I want to see what a speedrun looks like, it feels like there's alot of potential to go really fucking fast compared to soulsborne but I'm not good enough to play it like that

The OST is bad. They need to get a new composer. Get the guy that did Tenchu. He knew his stuff.

>BB had it perfect where they clearly wanted you to get in there and hammer on people
I've literally just beat the Centipede miniboss and he perfectly exemplifies how fucking poorly Posture is implemented: you can deflect every barrage perfectly but he attacks way too fast while your Posture continues to go up. You're pretty much dependant on RNG if he decides to stop to do the sweep, giving you some breathing room to get back a bit of Posture before the next barrage.

The game wants you to deflect but at the same time it's pitifully weak and not any more rewarding than just dodging and sneaking in an attack.

I am about halfway through Sekiro and I have found the entire experience to be terrible. It's not because muh souls or muh difficulty, it's just not a fun game.

seriously, what the fuck NVIDIA? AMD had drivers already, fucking gooks

I've played all Souls games from start to finish including PvP and multiple playthroughs. I never expected Sekiro to be a soulsgame and I enjoy it. The only criticism I have for the game so far is that parry timing feels a little bit off because of the input delay and they rely a little bit too much on spamming lower tier enemies around generals to make the fight seem more challenging than it really is.

>try capping to 30 fps and running high 1080
Won't work. It barely reaches 30fps as it is.

I might just mute the in-game music and play the Shogun 2 Total War soundtrack

It's a good one
With improvements in some areas and downgrades in others.
Could have been a lot better. It's alright. Just good enough to be good.

The Genichiro and Lady Butterfly game really sells the combat. Every second is thrilling.

Maybe you’re just bad at the game. The prosthetics are great and stealth is invaluable.

>Additionally, the mechanic is so poorly explained that most of Yea Forums still doesn't know what it does, how it's advanced, and when it occurs.

This is true for several mechanics. Im not super far, but Im already confused about some stuff.

Does the game ever explain what the unseen aid is? I can kind of infer its purpose but I dont know what it does. Ive got the game on jap voice but Ive been reading everything I can.

So far the game seems good, only wondering if the enemies with more than 1 hp bar are what the game consider bosses in this

I would just mute the music altogether.

The only problem is the lack of music against bosses but it's not like they actually feel like bosses anyway.

I was going to say there's not much to work with in terms of "shamisen and shakuhachi are the only instruments in feudal Japan" but then I remembered how much I loved Nioh's soundtrack.

it's the same exact game for 6th time. you people are either stupid or blind.

>enemy general attacks from the top with his sword
>step dodge
>still gets me hit even though i dodge the sword entirely
What the fuck is this piece of shit?

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that track that goes during exploration early on is nice, everything else is usual from music

>everyone talking about how hard Lady Butterfly is
>beat her on the first try
>meanwhile I die 50 times to a spear mini-boss

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>can't refund my purchase of £49.99 because of 11 hours played

I guess it was time I learned.

Unseen Aid makes it so you don't lose money and skill point progress when you die. The lower the percentage, the less chance it has of activating upon true death. I believe the max chance if no one has dragonrot is 30%. It's really not much of a boon.

it's an rng chance to not lose experience on death, that's it
several mechanics influence your chances of getting it

>bosses do chip damage
>minibosses do 70% of your health in 1 hit
seems weird

The problem is the fucking over-the-top combat music kicks in and cuts off at every single encounter. Gets so repetitive.

>died like +50 times on lady butterfly
>finished this boss on my first try

Dunno whenever I should feel dumb or good or if lady butterfly kicked my ass so hard that I learned something

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To expand on this: fully gained skillpoints are permanent. Death only halves your progress towards your next point.


>have to clear out entire area slowly with stealth to fight miniboss

such a fucking pain in the ass.

creatively bankrupt composer. that what happens when Sony can't fund them to hire external composers

I just beat the bull mini-boss also i beat lady butterfly but i met only one merchant in the entire game (the guy near the ogre), did i miss someone? Also i have only 2 skill trees, the shinobi one and the one for the arm, did i also miss the rest?

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Anyone else?

Who /completed/ already and smugly reading other pain in these threads? Which ending did you get? Turns out I was the sculptor all along

Most prosthetic tools are almost completely useless outside of their one dedicated purpose and 99% of the combat arts are just shit because they are too fucking slow

Is there any point to buying the memos from the merchant? Can you get the treasures without them?

same. genchiro is murdering me for now, he is similar to her

There is a dumb autolock

Beat spear guy with horse on my second try. The mini-bosses are the hardest fucking part of the game and I don't understand.

>The fact that your only means for luring enemies is throwing a clay pot at their face is abysmal for a stealth game.
on top of not having any decent range options or anything. it's pretty crazy. it's like they wanted to make a stealth game but have no idea how to design stealth encounters

Git gud faggot

Stealth is most certainly invaluable because dealing with multiple enemies in this game is cancer. Too bad its not implemented well, which is what I was saying.

They're just hints, you don't need to buy them

he's mentally ill.
Looks ain't shit if you're on the spectrum.

Genichiro is a pretty badass fight. I enjoyed it despite dying countless times.

thx m8

You missed a lot

Which isn't surprising. As much as everyone talks about how this isn't like Dark Souls, it's like Dark Souls. They just tacked on this stealth shit without doing anything with the AI besides adding cones and superhuman hearing. They had no idea what they were doing.

>No armor, even fashion stuff without stats
>Exploration isn't rewarding
>Combat arts tend to be worthless on mini bosses and bosses that constantly
>Can only equip 1 Combat Art at a time despite the game having a bunch of them, no swap button like your prosthetics
>Prosthetic tools have huge upgrade paths but instead of a Spear having a bunch of button combinations you have to equip the Thrust and Cleave one on different slots leading to most tools not being used because it would require a bunch of swapping

>Combat is engaging throughout because its not about finding that i-frame timing and spamming it
>Skill trees and prosthetic tree tend to offer choices at every junction versus mostly stat padding Health, Endurance, STR or Dex depending on what weapon in previous games
>Exploration is good because of the grapple points, ledge grabs, wall jumping etc
>once you finish the Outskirts the map opens the fuck up with like 4 different areas you can proceed down fairly far if not finishing whole other areas before the Castle
>Status Effect Gourds is a good addition
>Infinite use Homeward Bone is a good addition

The only one I use regularly is the firecracker because you can practically stunlock enemies with it. in fact that's literally how I beat that jinsuke asshole, just spammed firecracker and whirlwind and he could barely do shit about it

yeah it's pretty bad, i'm a little disapointed. like said, Nioh's was a lot better. From just needs new composers, all the internal stuff that isn't Armored Core is honestly pretty mediocre aside from a few exceptions. Bloodborne is the only good ost they have and it's because they hired external composers

is any tool useful on him? I tried raven, it's meh, spear -he counters spear for some reason.

I don't think the undead fishingtown is very interesting. It's pretty long, very bland environment, extremely fragile enemies that constantly respawn in waves, very subpar loot, recycled enemies and no bosses (atleast so far). I'm not sure what even the point of this zone is but it takes way too long to clear unless i'm missing something which I probably am.
Got told to go through a forest to find sunken valley but ended up here instead and it's been lame.

Nioh's OST wasn't really that good either. The real stuff was in the old Tenchu games. They diverged from the setting but who cares, it's not authentic either way.

I just did him with sword. Remember to dash forward when he does the thrust attack. But in the second and third phase, that becomes risky to act on.

What does whirlwind actually do?

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 were flukes. haven't played BB The direction Miyazaki has taken with his games strays further and further from what made them successful. Each game becomes more tedious to play through.

Only DS2 is bad. The rest are good you drama queen.

stealth is useful but it's also lower than MGS1 tier, the mechanics are barebones and the AI is legally deaf AND blind

>see giant snake skin on a tree branch

im finna have a panic attack

i love the presentation of this game. and thoroughly respect From for keeping that filesize small as fuck.

>Exploration isn't rewarding
>Exploration is good because of the grapple points, ledge grabs, wall jumping etc
Focus, nigga

this bugs me. There is no downside to running around for stealth and only reason ever to crouch is for the silent deathblow.

Sekiro is actually a return to DS1’s style with the combat stuff they learned from BB and DS3

>only two ninjutsu in the entire game
that's..........fucking awful, holy shit

It's a Frankenstein's monster of ideas that don't mesh

Axe plus the skill that lets you follow up with another axe+sword strike completely crumples his posture.

It's just the spinny combat art

You know it will happen.

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yeah From games have awful tracking. it's like how arrows literally follow you in the Souls games, or how the shinobi hunter's spear can turn 90 degrees and follow dodges. this was somewhat okay in Souls games but in a fast paced action game like this it's completely unacceptable. what the point of having a dodge if enemies can just follow you regardless. imagine if DMC did this every time you rolled in web, related

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To go with your two weapons that have no moveset differences

Actually moving around and finding things is good because the game has better tools than previously
Those tools and the time spent exploring isn't good because the payoff isn't worth it. They are both correct

In the past games, you have 4 ways to find shit. You slowly walk off an edge to a hidden edge right below, you jump a 5 foot gap since you can barely jump, you have a hidden floor when going up/down an elevator which so far doesn't seem to be in this game, and illusory walls. I think a ton of people wouldn't know about illusory walls without finding about it online

There is 3

this is what i mean, everyone just focuses on pure precise combat now and the games become less interesting. there was more to the games than that which made them successful

DSP just beat him on his 2nd try so he's officially the easiest boss in the game

It meshed just fine you retard.

There's three, but the point remains. A lot of the systems and mechanics in this game feel half explored.

what are your thoughts about no i-frames, because I like it alot

what the fuck? where's the third one, I literally beat the whole game and only got blood smoke and puppetry

you like the movement, not the exploration. they're not both correct.

but the thing is dark souls is less fun then sekiro is when sekiro 'clicks'. the roll in soulsborne is a one size fits all defensive maneuver that beats every move in the game. the number one complaint souls detractors have is that the game boils down to roll + r1. souls, once you figure out the godliness of the roll, is not tedious at all.
sekiro has around four defense types for you to use at any given time- deflect, block. jump, and step dodge. the game simply cannot be beaten by mashing step dodge and r1 because the step dodge has less iframes than souls. the game essentially requires you to have good hand eye coordination to both judge perfect deflect timing and which defensive maneuver to use against perilous attacks. so yes, the game is more tedious because there is more to learn. however, the game has been out for two days. the pains we see here are the growing pains of people who have not yet mastered the defensive options. once you do, the combat becomes so much more involved and fun than souls ever was.

i still admire them trying something different, and these new system would probably be useful for their future games. the NPCs are much better than their previous work for example. i'm curious how Armored Core will turn out

>you can't even use the mortal blade outside of a crappy weapon art that will immediately get interrupted anyway

The game is fun and hard and everything but but all it really makes me want to do is turn off and play through Bloodborne for the 80th time. Sekiro lacks the atmosphere of those other games because you get the immediate lay of the land looking down from a rooftop instead of walking around and taking it all in. I also miss the weapon variety. Maybe we’ll get English Civil War or something more interesting next time.

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It was fine for one run, but the worst invasions of all time(impressive, considering they didn't even exist in 2) and complete lack of replay value(linear as shit, all the fun stuff at the end, respecs) made it almost DS2 tier for additional playthroughs.

It's not bad, just fucking disappointing.

Are you willing to discuss it, or are you just going to call everyone who disagrees with you a retard who sucks at video games?

Speaking of OST, they should've opted for something outlandish and energetic like MGR. So many great boss fights that are untapped due to lame music. Fuck keeping it true to the setting.

It's the closest thing we'll get of a new Tenchu game so I'm forcing myself to like it even tho I think the SoulsBorne series is gutter trash except for Demon Souls and the first DS.

i hate how the games are just combat autism now. it's like a different version of how smashfags turned a party game into a "competitive" shitfest

Can't remember, you coat your sword in the blood of your enemies after doing a stealth deathblow. Which I assume makes you do more damage, or maybe bleed damage

>fighting the chained ogre guy at the beginning
>up on a ledge area
>he follows me up
>i run behind him
>he is facing literally the opposite direction, toward the edge of the cliff
>jumps in the air to do his drop kick
>literally, in mid air, spins 180 degrees and his kick hits me
>quit game

Ill come back to it later, that honestly pissed me off. I like the game so far but Ive played every souls game multiple times through and Im really over Froms fucking awful tracking.


>>Exploration isn't that good
well that's disappointing, that was the one thing I was looking forward to

are you referring to the mortal blade?

That's your problem. Nobody likes that shit because it feels forced and artificial.

well Okami still has a god tier ost and it's all traditional Japanese stuff. it's just a matter of getting a good composer and good direction my personal fav

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it's good, there's just no reason to do it

They needed Rei Kondoh. He made Okami's soundtrack with all the stereotypical classic Japanese sounds but it isn't fucking boring.

I don't agree with that, they are tied together. A side path that is a straight line isn't good exploration. Being able to jump off a cliff, ledge grab, and then from that ledge grab jump and grapple something else leading to an item is great exploration. The problem is the items always suck ass.

If you take a great hidden item in previous games, and replaced it with an item that gave you 200 souls, it would be the same situation as this game. Except in Souls and Bloodborne its typically an armor set or maybe a weapon that is dogshit or useless but neat because you got it.

so it's not good

I think it's shit like most of the decisions in Sekiro.

Dodging through enemy attacks in Bloodborne feels enjoyable because you get to combine your movement and defense and it creates a nice ebb and flow. Enemies have big swipes and deal lots of damage so it's balanced, and it encourages aggression since you can always get close.

In Sekiro you don't feel as mobile and you get punished massively for taking hits which means the game is not fun.

Nope, its a ninjutsu

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how do ninjitsu work in this game? are they like Nioh? nioh has better gameplay than this by a mile, hopefully Nioh 2 delivers

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So Im playing it with Japanese voice, because it just seems fitting, normally I put everything in english. Did they use the same shitty voice actors theyve been using in every Souls game for the english translation?

That makes it bad though. You remind me of the people who defend BotW exploration. If there's nothing to find, it's not fun no matter how good the movement is.


I like that they linked the world together like in dark souls 1, unfortunately you can warp right from the start so it doesn't really feel like it matters very much especially when there are shrines practically every 5 minutes once you get to ashina castle

Is it possible to beat Genichiro the first time you fight him?

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they replaced the i-frame with parry, and in situations where you can't parry you don't need i-frames because you can just jump or dodge away
it's the same idea, just done differently

well what would you rather have? i feel as though it has been the accepted design consensus that combat is king for satisfying interactivity for something like 20 years. and there's a good reason as to why that consensus was established, because it's true.

You are boring, and introverted to such an extent it becomes a chore to be around you.

>Being able to jump off a cliff, ledge grab, and then from that ledge grab jump and grapple something else
that's movement. all of that is still there on the main paths too.

Did they seriously not consider this when making the fucking game?

Put in exploration and then forget there are no equipment, armor or spells to make it worthwhile. Jesus christ this game is a fucking masterclass in incompetence.

yeah, you get a different cutscene

you backstab someone and then do something lame

>a fucking western developed strategy game had a better Japanese soundtrack/atmosphere than this game

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You've already made it clear what you think, if I gave a shit about it I'd butt into your conversation with the other guy. The levels are well-done. The loot isn't.

you can only use ninjutsu immediately after doing a backstab deathblow, it sucks

The best you get is a prayer bead or a gourd seed, which in case is a pretty big deal but not immediately interesting as a new fashion set

It's fucking glorious witnessing how Yea Forums is going through a collective meltdown because the game is too hard for them.
Holy shit, nigger.

Git fucking gud.

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the corrupted monk is a late game boss that you don't have to worry about finding. she's required for a certain story path.

>tfw spend the entire day trying to defeat Genichiro
Guess finishing the game will take me a while..

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First thing someone better mod in is an option to turn off that fucking deafening backstab sound effect

I don't get it, I read all of the threads and people made it out to be DS3 tier (pretty good, but nothing special) and it's fucking amazing. The difficulty is great, combat is finally skill reliant and not stat check bullshit that you can just bypass through grinding (DSP). Lore seems interesting as fuck, exploration is better than ever and the bosses are great.

What the fuck am I missing, is it just similar to Bloodbornes release where people were spamming copypastas about all of the features it lacked (customization, builds etc) while ignroing what makes it so fucking good?

Game is legit great, my favorite game this year so far and I loved DMC5

I hope Nioh 2 delivers too.

>no i-frames
>enemies can LITERALLY rotate on their axis and follow you dodges to ensure their attacks lands
it's shit and makes the game worse in every way

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Don't bother, all you get is a different cutscene where you guy still gets his arm cut off.


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>Never played a game of this genre
What should I start with? This? DS-1?

It's not just loot, it's that there is pieces of lore everywhere to find in Soulsborne meanwhile there is literally nothing interesting to find in Sekiro except from optional bosses which always existed in From games.

there used to be more of a balance of combat, atmosphere, music, characters, i don't really like using this word but...lore, and build variety. sekiro leans too far on combat and the rest kinda takes a back seat.

Get Fang and Blade from the skill tree, equip axe, and you obliterate his posture.

What the fick are you talking about dodge still has iframes as does jumping

no idea, i'm playing japanese too. what does that have to do with my previous post though

>I refuse to hear any opinions but my own, but I don't understand why people disagree with me.
Is it possible your opinions aren't as universal as you think?

>Stealth sucks, frontal combat sucks, the shinobi tools are weak.
You are awful at the game if you actually think this. The shinobi tools make some of the hardest encounters in the game easy, same with stealth. This game is seriously one of the greatest brainlet filters I've ever seen.

so do you guys go through each area really slowly as well?

I find it really frustrating that each encounter takes me ages cause I don't want to rush in and start fighting like I would in Bloodborne when one slash to my back will take off 75% health from a random mook and stagger me for everyone else to take a swing.

feels like the game wants me to take like 10 minutes using long grass and shit to reduce the number of dudes and then go in for the last few in the open.

I mean the 2nd fight
Thanks, I'll do that

lmao please record these things, they're hilarious. but yeah, these rotating on axis stuff is some dogshit design for a game like this

I dont like to give any serious statements on games before finishing them and then some but so far the only thing that im iffy on is the need for consumable items to take down certain enemies (and to an extent bosses?)

the headless fight was for the very least skippable so you can wait it out until you get more divine confetti but im currently on lady butterfly and after using my one snap seed I havent been able to figure out where to get more

otherwise I think at least so far the game really plays to from softwares strengths and I hope it doubles down on that further in, I dont know who does dark fantasy better than from in 2019

The absolute state of bloodborne iFrame babbies

I can’t spam GIT GUD hard enough

Plunge always works when it's meant to. It doesn't work on aggro'd enemies

Dark Souls 1 is probably the best starting point.

>Sekiro's level design barely has any rope prosthetic mobility
>Sekiro uses the prosthetic arm a lot

And this is why nobody takes your opinions seriously, Yea Forums.

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play Dark Souls 1 or Demon's Souls if you have a PS3

this isn't really like those games.

i-frames became a staple of action games for a reason, and leaving them out while still having tracking sure doesn't make for an enjoyable experience

Yeah no shit idiot, Sekiro isn't meant to be a stealth game

Everyone has different opinions. You can easily pull up the archive on launch day for DaS3 and Bloodborne and see the reactions. Bloodborne has some very big shitposting going on, part of it was patched out after a week which were the load times being ludicrously long and the framerate being even worse than it is now

>moaning about getting two shotted
Most bosses in Souls games will two shot you unless you have a meme build

N-no it’s just not a-as satisfying without invulnerability frames and farming to use a stronger build I googled, t-that’s all!

>Is it possible your opinions aren't as universal as you think?
Clearly are, 90+ metacritic, good user scores and rave reviews across the board.

Cry about it

just the abuse the retarded AI if you're going to do that
>stealth kill some fuck
>alert the entire nation of nippon
>kill one or two other guys
>spiderman away so they deaggro
>do it again

yes areas do take kinda long the first time around since you're exploring and looking for items so you end up killing everything. second time around you can just bullrush to the boss or whatever with some exceptions (like the fucking monkey mountain and it's sixteen miles between shrines)
if you're big dick enough you can go in guns blazing but stealth is objectively easier even if it's time consuming.

Bloodborne is fun.
Sekiro is not fun.

Difficulty doesn't matter, one game is fun and the other is not.

nice strawman

That user was wrong btw. Best exploration since DS1.

This game plays completely different from Dark Souls. Regardless, I would start with Dark Souls 1.

it's clear that they tried to punish the equivalent of rolling since that was the answer to almost everything in the soulsbourne games
now it's either you parry it (and you are rewarded by being able to get more hits in immediately) or you jump completely out of the way from it (and you are punished by having to reset)

remastered or prepare to die?

> forcing players to play it incredibly safe and not experiment or resort to cheese tactics
fucking this. all I did was sprint around juuzou the drunk and get a hit in every now and then after he attacked. I killed him but that was not fun. Fighting him full frontal is shit though, because you die in two hits and deflecting takes just as much posture out of you as it does him.

>it's only fun if it is easy

Except that's literally what you're saying.

You are aware of the fact that fun is extremely subjective?

I feel really cramped playing the game, the camera should have zoomed out a bit more

oh and that the stealth mechanic is very undercooked in some ways, I didnt expect this to be a stealth game and I think it works fine otherwise because its just one aspect of the general "ninja" gameplay (and far better than other hybrids like TLOU that put stealth into the mix) but the fact that enemies dont react to fresh corpses or debris breakage sounds at all is jank as fuck

Just fix those hitboxes on the Ogre's grab. The rest is OK.
People need to git gud. It's not that hard.

I'm sure six months down the line everybody's gonna be looking back to it and feel like a fucking idiot having struggled with this game, the same way we now look back at Demon's Souls and Dark Souls with amusement.

KYS weeb faggot, I hope you get banned.

>why nobody like [game]
>you're opinion
>everybody like [game]!
what in the fuck are you doing?

I get the feeling if you put 500 hours into Sekiro and you’re no longer an absolute shitter you might actually get to enjoy fast paced deflect centric combat. Or you could just quit and keep playing easy games that works too. Heard DMC5 is really ’fun’

Complete lie. It started as Sekiro, a completely original idea by Miyazaki. They literally said this in interviews half a year ago.

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souls bosses are like 3-4 hit kills at worst while also giving you more / better healing, even counting the resurrection

Uh I've been rocking stealth my whole playthrough so far. I've been able to take half hp off two minibosses so far by sneak attacking them.
Every time I see a pack of enemies, I wait to pick them off one by one while hidden. It's fucking amazing

He's being combative because he's 16.

Totally worth. Goty 2019

You mentioned that the NPCs were better. I assumed you meant in character and also in their voices.

I think it's awesome, don't listen to the Dark Souls shitters.

Play the original if you can. If you're gonna play old games, play them in all their scummy glory.

the blazing bull is fucking bullshit, just pure aggression and non stop attacking

I think its pretty fun, I can't think of any gaping flaws other than enemy variety but I'm not super far

Sparklers is a get out of gang rape free card.

It feels like the game allows you to come in with your dick swinging on everything if you're good enough, but allows you to stealth most of it if you aren't. Since there's no armor/weapon build to worry about, anyway.


Is playing this with keyboard and mouse a bad idea?

Why would I need to spend 500 hours playing a shit game to enjoy it when I can start up a good game and instantly enjoy it?

Keep in mind that Sekiro is also contending with Nioh which is the same concept but better. When you throw in games like Metal Gear Rising or Ninja Gaiden it looks even shittier.


An okay game, but not as good as any of the previous "Souls" titles From has made.

Setting is rather uninteresting and it's very lacking in atmosphere, level design is poor given the ability to fly around with your grapple and there's zero online in the game (invasions etc.) meaning replayability will suffer, especially since there's zero weapons and armor you can find in this game.
Oh, you also can't create your character, everyone plays the exact same Wolf.
And this is incredibly subjective but I personally prefer the more deliberate and slower gameplay of previous Souls compared to the parry spam and rockpaperscissors of Sekiro.

Sekiro just doesn't really do it for me. Feels a bit like it was made by the C team.

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Talk to the zombie


Except you can't really block or consistently parry on your first run. You can block with impunity till your posture breaks in Sekiro, and parrying seems way fucking easier since its not with a shield

I beat this guy and I've never seen a lady butterfly. Did I miss something?

how the fuck are we supposed to know what you think of playing action games with kb&m? It works and it feels like ass to anyone sane, as fucking always.

He's an idiot, it's great

>hit hit hit parry hit hit hit parry hit hit hit parry hit hit hit parry hit hit hit parry until 2 posture bars are filled
>go afk if she does a jump into air move instead of the kick after hit hit hit

Who designed this absolute fucking garbage boss

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remastered, I don't give a shit about what PtD niggers say.

No fucking way. I'm normally against people shitting on good but hard games, but this game is so unpolished it's not even funny. It needed another year in the oven to polish hitboxes and animations IMO.

So much bad design choice. Even aside from mechanics the camera can be horrid. The bull fight for example gets the camera stuck in the wall constantly, and there are multiple times later in the game where you get gang banged into walls. Just beat the shitty game but holy fuck was I mad by the end. I can't believe Miyazaki spent 4 years since BB developing this? Or did he assist in DkS3?

progression isn't linear

What souls formula, it doesn't have that

it's the first fromsoft game I've played and I thoroughly enjoyed it, aside from some seriously questionable design like the monkey boss spamming a giant aoe scream that can destroy your health and stacks terror so you're forced to constantly hit and run or you'll die no matter what, plus most tools being pretty much useless given how slow they are and costing consumables to use, firecracker is also op as shit and cheeses most bosses.

>Yeah no shit idiot, Sekiro isn't meant to be a stealth game

>first mechanic introduced to the player, after jumping, is the stealth mechanic


It really is bad compared to Soulsborne where you'll find interesting stuff around every corner.

They're different directions. On the way to Ashina, you can meet an old lady who gives you a little bell. You take it back to the dilapidated temple and pray to a buddha statue, and get transported back in time to Hirata Estate. Grandma is there.

Delusional. This game is far better than Dmc5 could ever hope to be.

I’m convinced no one actually enjoys this colossal shitfest of a game and is only pretending to like it for ecred. The game is that fucking bad.

>forced to grind Confetti
Just let me buy that shit

He's right though. There's next to nothing to find because the game has zero weapons and armopr.

I'd wait for a 50% off and maybe a patch that introduces some sort of polish

is there any incentive to replay this game for those that have finished it? is there even NG+?

feels like a super limited game

Change Dragon Rot to trigger off of revives instead of death and respawning at an idol.

Thats my biggest complaint with the system by far

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Defend your position like a grown-up right now or admit that you're a braindead fanboy scumbag.

I dont know. I think sekiro is unfun precisely because its so hard
I want to play but Im so tired of getting my ass handed to me

There are multiple skill trees with emblems upgrades

This is by far the worst part. Why the fuck is there an input delay + action queue in this game? It should play more like DMC if anything where you can instantly pull out a move when you hit a button instead of shit queueing up in an annoying way.

>It needed another year in the oven to polish hitboxes and animations IMO.

My biggest complaint so far. Even the movement doesnt feel great. The jump has a weird ass arc. Movement just feels odd.

The game has multiple endings. Theres also NG+.

when do I unlock an iaido strike

there's NG+ and multiple endings
If you chose a certain ending you basically get cucked out of 4 bosses cause it ends the game early.

does FROM even like making these games? sekiro plays like a dying simulator flash game, it has nothing beyond dying a bunch

Nioh > Sekiro

it's bad, i feel like im playing a dark souls-lite with even more awkward combat

A game base around parying what could posible go wrong.

THIS!!!!!!!!!! DKS3 and BB had outstanding soundtracks. I can't remember a single theme from Sekiro and I just beat it. Are Jap instruments just fucking boring or what?

>It's a good From game but you kind of have to do a trial by fire to get a hold of how the game plays
And the game punishes you for dying, potentially permanently losing access to quests and items.

If Sekiro has accomplished anything, it's making me far, far more excited for Nioh 2. I hope it delivers.

Its retared difficult. sure you can feel acouplisment when killing a dificult boss. But after dieng 50 times you only feel glad its over

Too much RNG takes away some of the victory for me. Like when I beat a harsh ass boss or mini-boss I feel like it's because the AI let me, not because I got better.
>Oh you didn't deflect 80% of my attacks this time, that's cool

and "stealth with Fromsoft AI" is just as FUN as I expected. and the grappling hook is underutilized. and fuck the lock-on breaking. and fuck the camera in tight spaces. and it takes Wolfie too long to attack. I press attack and feel like he swings 1.5 seconds later. and there should have been better cancelling out of moves.
Other than that the game is really great.

The game is pretty generous of how many droplets you get. You get 4 from Vendors, 1 from Emma.

>tfw fucking assassin's creed has better stealth mechanics
At least enemies investigate and patrol in that.

Funnily enough, Wrath of Heaven actually allowed you to use your grapple as an offensive tool; it was a learned skill from playing well. It also had parries, and parrying gave you a solid reward, because you could actually do really good damage before the enemy regained their position (whereas with this, you land 1 or 2 hits and have to retreat).

You could even use grapple hook cancels to juggle enemies for a while if you really wanted to get into it.

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there are other games set in japan with great soundtracks

I think it's unfun because the parry mechanics feels shitty with the delay. If I could just hit the parry at the same time a blow is about to land itd be fine but you have to predict .5 secs or so beforehand and it feels bad

I don't see this happening honestly. Sekiro is way harder at default as an action game than those games. It requires precise timing windows and the enemies attack extremely fast and about triple to quadruple the damage typical souls game enemies do. It'd be like if you were dropped into BB on NG+2 as a level 1 character

lol same here, sadly. at least Nioh's gameplay is actually well designed and not as retarded as what i'm being put through with Sekiro

go play bloodborne, fast paced souls can be done, but this game is a shit show

>game states reviving causes dragonrot
>it actually doesn't matter and all that matters is if you die or not, so there is LITERALLY no reason not to revive

It's not bad though. Sekiros soundtrack is decent meanwhile Soulsborne is godlike

I keep hearing about a delay but I always get my parry off unless I panic. I haven't noticed it.

Is it just my controller, or does the jump have a fucking delay to it? I hit the button and he feels like he jumps a second later. Instead of just immediately doing it like every other game.

When I played ds1 I had no problem parrying. But dodging and blocking is way more fun.

But here they make a whole freaking game around it.

Game is boring janky shit, glad I didn't buy this trash lol.

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>the ogre just one hit kills you
Who the fuck designed this piece of shit?

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hes fucking retarded, the world is the most impressive in any souls game aside from the first half of DaS1

theres plenty of secrets and cool design, the problem is that you get the same thing every time you find a secret

I've heard there's some settings you need to make some controllers work properly. I'm using a cheapo Logitech and it works perfectly.

If this were a different Souls game you would have options to deal with the difficulty.

But since it's not, you probably don't. It's not difficulty as much as the game doesn't give you a chance to attack it in different ways. You have to use the sword, you can't change your armour, your skills are limited, you certainly can't get an NPC or other player to help you.

I can't believe I wasted £49.99 on this shit game, and to add insult to injury you made Jesus fucking dab on me. This isn't my weekend.

>"parry" period for tapping L1 doesn't start on tap
This right here.
What the fuck were they thinking? If you want to reward reflex don't have the fucking parry only work a second into a block

>can't parry too early
>can't parry right on time
>have to parry just a little bit too early
It's fucking stupid.

all this game did was make me want to play a proper ninja stealth game and a samurai sword fighting game, not a sad combination of both

You mentioning MGR really puts it into perspective how... Not great the combat in Sekiro is. Getting proper parries wasn't incredibly difficult, but it was hard enough that it felt rewarding. They built the combat heavily around parrying, just like Sekiro, but they did it so much better. The VR missions were really fun and got quite difficult, new game+ was a good challenge, Sam was great DLC. Overall, the package was just SSS.

Sekiro is a mish-mash of Tenchu, Way of the Samurai, MGR, Onimusha and Dark Souls and never reaches any of the great parts of any of those games.

How absolutely, fundamentally retarded do you have to be to think the lvl design here is better than ANYTHING in DS3

If you want Tenchu, check out Shinobido. Made by the Tenchu devs.

you get a lot of options in the form of tools, people complaining about difficulty need to unlock aerial prosthetics and upgrade their tools, they're actually really strong

you're retarded that the world is impressive, but you are right about the secrets being the same boring shit

go swinging like spider-man off to the side of the level to find some item on some cliff edge, and it's a fucking clay pot shard or whatever the fuck.


i recently just realised this and its honestly pretty retarded. especially since you need to learn bosses movesets so it's somewhat unavoidable. i thought i was saving people by not reviving but apparently i was just making it worse

by playing the game, DS3 has pretty average levels.

so people domt die from the dragonrot? since i have like 4npc infected

Didn't Miyazaki say this game was gonna have exploration on the level of DkS1? It felt even more linear than Dark Souls 2, was there even a big optional zone at all? What a lying hack, I'm not even sure I'd be looking forward to another Souls game after this.

Also did anyone notice how weird the cutscenes are? The writing by the end of the game was kinda bad too? I expected more since I thought he was a bit smarter with writing, based on the stuff in Dark Souls. But I guess you can meme lore really easily unlike an actual story.

Not him but thanks for that. I'll look into it after I'm done with Sekiro.

this is my only complaint
all of the secret hidden loot is just trash instead of cool stuff

>exploration options
Maybe the first Dark Souls but 3 and BB are fairly limiting in places to go at any time.

How/when do I get the ability to dive underwater?

>you're retarded that the world is impressive

>most vertical levels in the series
>separate entry routes that actually make you feel like a fucking ninja
fuck off

i think they do but it's the actual dying that causes it, not using revives. so basically, revive as much as possible

bloodborne also used a real orchestra and wasn't le epic midi shit

I had almost all npcs up until Ashina castle infected and I used a drop after beating Genichiro and only the mother and son died.
But I heard that people who didnt have those to contract dragonrot also had them die, so I guess it's part of their questline.

Tell From that.

>no possibility of finding a cool hidden weapon
>suddenly everything you pick up is just trash

yeah no shit

Really, this isn't a new concept. You can make perfect blocks hard as nails if you want to, by making the timing stricter. But delaying it just feels like absolute ass. Make them frame fucking perfect if you want to, but they have got to be instant. Pressing half a second before you get your shit pushed in is never going to be as satisfying as waiting until the absolute last second. And for combos, the audio-cues just mess with your timing something fierce since they're on-hit here, and so offset from the actual parry rhythm by the startup length.

What exactly is the point of the ash item? Shit seems useless.

I think six months down the line nobody will think about this. It's DS2 levels of bad but without the PvP fanbase, the build variety and the environment variety.

Once you beat Gascoigne in Bloodborne you can go to four different areas, and you can go straight to him from the beginning and ignore Cleric Beast.

It does have some bottle necks but they always open up into lots of places afterwards.

>input lag
How to tell when someone's really shitty at a game.

parries are delayed, jackass

Never played any of these games. Is it that it becomes easier by mastering the controls or by getting gear that makes it easier?

Throw it at an enemy and they get stunned for a couple seconds.

>tfw thought I'd be smart and save 20 bucks by buying the game on a third party site
>ended up not enjoying the game
>can't refund it now

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Emma says that it's reviving when the body has no power that causes dragonrot, so it has to take the energy from somewhere else. It kind of clicked for me that it works that way.

it's all fucking useless

this game feels like a prank

Nobody is going to talk about this game in 6 months unless a patch massively overhauls the game.

People will still talk about Bloodborne but this game is already dying a slow death as people realise it has no mileage.

controls, there's no gear, only stat upgrades that basically just do nothing since the enemies scale up to counter it

in the previous games, a combination of getting good and leveling up

in this game? lmao just learn which rock paper scissors parry/dodge/jump you need to do by heart per enemy or we'll take 70% of your health off

Ashina Castle links to like 4 areas, and some of them loop back into each other. You can go down to the Ashina Depths and progress that entire way before doing the Castle. Ashina Castle being the second area of the game, versus going down the extremely linear Walls and Undead Settlement in DaS3 to a fork at the Road of Sacrifices to two other areas one of which is a hard dead end.

>up to the Cathedral to fight Vicar
>down to Old Yharnam to fight BSB
>past Vicar to the Witches
What is the fourth? I believe you need to kill Vicar so the bag guys spawn to take you to Paarl

This is weird. I've been reading all of these threads so far and no one has actually defended anything positive about this game aside from 'I'm having fun' or 'some of the bosses are good,' or 'you need to git gud.'

I've seen many criticise it though with pretty well thought out and rational ideas. Is this going to be a game Yea Forums hates after the dust is settled?

A little bit of both, but mainly it's about learning how the enemies fight and applying your own technique and the equipment/items you have to make that experience easier. You have stats, items with stat requirements and also other players or NPCs that can help you.

The context of how this is done shifts greatly in every game but the logic is the same.

It's a pretty forgettable game all things considered, yeah.

Of course play it right now because it's new and all but eh... I can already tell I like it quite a lot less than all other Soulsborne.

no because we already hate it. with ds and bb you just had to git gud. wit this game you just have to uninstall it

I'd put money on it being another Phantom Pain

game with massive amount of hype ends up being a pretty mediocre, limited experience. everyone who was hyped plays through the entire game, possibly multiple times, trying to find all that depth they were expecting, but in the end we'll all be disappointed.

there is a great deal of From fanboy denial going around, by next week it will be gone and this game will be openly displayed as trash

i wasnt fully feeling it until genichiro

There is no reason to. Its a different game than the past ones, and none of these games are perfect. I'd like this game to have armor and a few more weapons, but it doesn't. I'd like the launch Nioh I played to have more than 7 weapon types, but it didn't. I'd like Magic/Archery to be more mobile in Dark Souls 1-3, but it isn't.

Can't sprint and move the camera at the same time as both are done with the right thumb. I know you can rebind it but you kinda want dodge on circle so I dunno.

Some enemies have these annoying 3-second wind-up animations then instantly unleash their attack, so it's impossible to anticipate when it'll land short of maybe hours of trial and error. This is common with From however.

Lots of things are cheesable or gameable which is kinda immersionbreaking. One example being letting minibosses reset to get a sneak attack in on them. Kinda takes you out of the game.

Poisebreaking an enemy's swing can never be relied on. This is a perennial problem ever since DaS. I guess you could argue it's intended and I shouldn't be playing poisebreak-roulette and that may be fair to say.

Some boss attacks have insane tracking. DeS once again got it right here. DaS and on degenerated in that regard. They went away from the "bosses stop tracking a splitsecond before swinging" gameplay of DeS, where you actually roll out of enemy swings and instead opted for mandatory i-framing of everything, where you roll through giant swords and shit. DeS3 was probably worst on this. Once again it can be argued to just be muh opinion man.

Spirit Emblems should not be a farmed or bought item, but in infinite supply, functioning just like the estus flask.
Expending a finite resource to do something as vital as a shieldbreak is gay.

Combat Arts or whatever the L1+R1 move is called could probably have functioned more like the prosthetic weapons, that you can equip three of them and flip through them (Down on the d-pad goes unused anyway).

The camera often works against you and could probably be zoomed out a bit more. But this is an eternal problem with action games.

Cramped maps where you get stuck on ground clutter.

I want fashion souls. Are there more outfits later on?

Still, I enjoy it a lot, none of the things mentioned are exactly gamebreaking.

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>the problem is that you get the same thing every time you find a secret
so exploration is shit

>multiple endings
ONE it has ONE other ending

>complete lack of replay value
>~10,000 playing on steam every day
3 is the best one and it honestly isn't even close. Maybe BB if it didn't have all the gem and chalice shit dragging it down


does anyone have any recommendations for a good stealth action game to scratch the itch this thing caused?

this ain't cutting it.


no, there's more

The fourth is Yahargul as you expected, you just have to get bagged in Lower Yharham. Thinking about it, you can't actually get to Lower Yharnam without beating BSB so perhaps three is more accurate.

But I also forget that you get Chalice Dungeons with BSB, so either way I stand by the point that Bloodborne's choice of areas is usually pretty high. Central Yharnam/Lower Yharnam/The Workshop also form a pretty gigantic area when combined.

>still have at least 3 "was dark souls 2 really THAT bad?" threads a day
no, this is going to be consigned 100% to a trolling game

Press circle with your index and control the camera with your thumb

>nuh uh
How about you make an argument instead?
Where's the replay value? You'll be doing all the same things in the same order and the same way, because all the interesting build-enabling shit is at the end of the game and you can't just rush to an area in a linear game.

I'm loving it, gameplay is fun, visceral, I like how there are clear counters like splitting shields in half with an axe, stomping on thrusts, and whatever. I like that in boss fights you actually feel as powerful as the boss, being able to clash with them by parry feels extremely satisfying. The verticality is real nice with the prosthetic arm, plenty to see and paths splintering off into different platforming. Game is pretty gorgeous as well; cutscenes and in game. Part with the snake was awesome as well, I'm only at the 2nd boss now but I can definitely see myself going for a no death run. I've gotten a lot better since starting and think I could do it, as long as I can beat the bosses without dying I would be fine.

To me that's more replayability than souls, I can just respec in souls, don't care about CaC, and there is always a handful of "best weapons" in it anyways. Or one weapon I use for a majority of the game, this complaint means little to me I see nothing wrong with one weapon that has more options and dynamic gameplay.

9/10 so far maybe a 10 depending on how the rest of the game is.

I like the game but I'm not a fan of combat arts. I was struggling against a normal samurai miniboss until I unequipped them because I couldn't counterattack properly after deflecting. And otherwise they don't even seem good against normal enemies

Pretty funny seeing this game go through the exact same cycle as Bloodborne did.

Pre release
>[insert irrelevant feature here] IS MISSING FROM THE GAME

Post release
>Rave reviews
>Great user reviews
>"I WAS HAVING FUN UNTIL [insert boss that this casual Yea Forums shitter is stuck on]"
>HOLY SHIT, IT DOESN'T HAVE [insert feature here]

Literally the exact same cycle. Game's great, got great reviews..

Attached: come ons on.jpg (422x422, 28K)

22 hours in, just finished the game, I think I killed all hidden headless including the ones underwater, I also killed the great carp, the giant monkeys in the cavern, the snake and the bonus red eye killers that swarm the castle in the castle when the assault strikes, I also killed the beast of hatred or whatever that flaming faggot was

I really want to like this game but I simply cannot, the beginning is really good but after the flaming bull the game becomes an excercise in frustration so I'll just lay down the biggest problems.

- stealth is either broken or doesn't work most of the time, enemies are completely deaf to 90% of your sounds except sprinting and their eyesight is extremely inconsistent with certain enemies flat out ignoring executions in front of them and other spotting you from a mile even though there's no indication of them doing so (no talking about the sniper ladies, those make sense)
- I'm not sure why they bothered to give you a dodge button, 99% of the bosses will trace your movement even with the biggest and longest wind up moves, dodge will work exclusively with ONE kind of perilous attack and those can be deflected anyway so 99% of enemies boil down to deflecting which is a big problem in variety
- the story is nonsensical bullshit that fails to motivate you to give any damn about anything, there's talk of coups, of redemption and of betrayal but 90% of will fly past your head as character spout shit about honor, codes, immortality, muh ashina, muh fate, muh ching and muh chong, nobody fucking cares unless you are an hardcore lover of japanese dramas, the "twist" is also "huh?" and typical
- apparitions are severely underused and 80% of them are completely optional
- the boss fights are bad, simply bad and constantly reused, especially the fat guy at the end of the Estate "memory" will get reskinned and reused multiple times throughout the game using the same exact moveset and changing the status effect of his "spit" instead

they kinda suck dick but they're good for style points, especially some of the later ones that have cool ass effects

play Shinobido.

Without spoiling, is it obvious what will make you miss out on 4 bosses?
I'm enjoying the hell out of the game right now but I'm so paranoid about Dragonrot that whenever I have to resurrect I run back to a checkpoint so I don't actually die for real.
I don't mind missing a few side npc's storylines but missing 4 entire bosses would really annoy me.

Your points were immediately discarded the moment you posted a spic.

I've just gotten to the glaive wielders that run around with the monks. They have shitloads of posture and health. Am I missing something or are they supposed to be that bitchy?

>a PS2 game

why not just recommend a Tenchu game at that point?

it's not super obvious, you'll have to make a choice at one point and choosing one makes you kill a couple people and ends the game, look it up when you get there if you don't know which is which.

yeah they are hard as balls i just cheesed them with stealth

Explain to me again, why the fuck did they decide it was a good idea to only be allowed ONE equipped combat art at a time?

Im just up to the part with the ogre or the thrusting boss in hirata estate as choices.

I kind of think the setting is a little boring and the dragon rot would be good were it not for the fact that i know use up my revive then run for a latern.

Though i desperately need to get good, i admit that. I just dodge everything.

I'm honestly shocked this game was made by the same miyazaki that gave me demon's souls, this game feels like a western cuck's copy of souls including the weeb setting

*i now

>it's not super obvious
really nigger? they literally ask you to betray the kid, how fucking more obvious can you get

It's a shitshow, man. I dunno how people got into the groove, because every time I try parrying Wolf won't fucking do it when I press.

Maybe MGR spoiled me, because I learned to perfect parry there.

How does the counter slash work exactly? I can't seem to get it triggering. Is it just a normal attack after a deflect?

Well fuck, I expected there to be some more conventional way of beating them. They just seemed like such a difficulty spike, especially since there's usually 2 at a time

I think parries just do massive posture damage to enemies, so their bar tends to max out from a parry and they become open for a deathblow

It's obvious which is good / bad choice, but it's not obvious that one choice has more content.