We're going back this summer, anons

What's the class they fucked the most in retail and you're willing to play again in vanilla?

Attached: bw_header_vanilla_paladin_entering_feralas_675_380_1_.png (675x380, 398K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shaman probably. What did they do in classic? Will I just be a healer and haste guy?

nah u'll just be a faggot as usual

Wow has always been trash and classic won't make it much better, but keep gobbling up the garbage Blizzard puts on your plate.


im so stuck picking a class

i was so certain i was gonna roll a human mage but then i thought about going dwarf hunter, i know mages are op and guaranteed slots for raiding and hunters are the best levelers but how are hunters for pvp and how hard will it be to get in a raid

For raids yes. Whirlwhind procs can be pretty nasty in pvp. But you're relying more on rng than skill.

>*stealth noise*

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you CAN make shaman tanking in 5 mans work but it's hard and requires good gear and a good team. windfury for pvp is strong but not reliabl
elemental is ok i guess in pvp but nothing specacular as far as i remember. healslut is your go-to for pve endgame

>hunters for pvp

fun but not the best class

> how hard will it be to get in a raid

Depends on how tryhard the guild is I guess

you won't be able to recapture the magic, for a very specific reason
there won't be anything to discover
part of the magic of launch classic was everyone talking together about the new areas and quests etc., sharing information
here, everything is already old hat and been documented to hell and back
it's dead, bros. let it rest

It hurts bros, I want to go back so badly but I can't

Attached: 1532292682219.gif (720x480, 1.37M)

>I don't know how to enjoy myself so you aren't allowed to have fun either!

Stay depressed, sad cunt

Human Retribution Paladin
Pure solo/pvp
Never joining a guild
Never setting foot in a dungeon
Oldschool MMO style

bro how do I farm epic gold money while also having to spend ~100g each week for raid mats (200g+ once flasking becomes mandatory)?

Attached: classic randomizer.png (1680x1050, 385K)

huh? roll i guess

I probably won't play but let's see...

as long as theyre fun i think il try one, and im not terribly bothered about raids, i cant wait to solo dm north though that should be fun

Gonna be great watching all the zoomer nostalgiafags freak out over how slow paced vanilla actually is.

guys i made a shaman spec for dps.
enchant it with lifesteal or spell power. enhance it with with windfury.
Use hybrid spellcaster/melee gear (so mostly AQ gear) but prioritize spell gear with spell crit.
A true hybrid. Wish me luck.

>want to try something new
>know I'll roll human rogue like always

>World of Warcraft
>Oh boi! Oh boi! oh boi!
>Blizzard invented everything ever made
>Oh boi Oh boi! Oh boi!
Fuck off Blizzdrone onions fags

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I bet you’ve masturbated to a cartoon character within the last 530 days.

I am going to be a night elf~!

>"paladin entering feralas"
>clearing leaving the zone and moving towards desolace

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Who are you quoting? Do newfags even understand greentext?

haste? shaman didnt had haste in classic they had windfury totem

no one here is your bro you fucking retail faggot


Played Horde warlock on Nost, now I want to try Alliance mage
Already suffered playing a warrior in actual vanilla

Male human warrior
Female human warlock


rolling thunder

I enjoyed the flexibility of the Druid class, but they were complete gimps

>What's the class they fucked the most in retail and you're willing to play again in vanilla?

All of them? There isn't one class now, that's more interesting or fun to play, than they were in Vanilla.

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Guess I'll be Human female rogue lul


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>16 debuffs from start
>loot trading
>still no info on PvP

And more Nu-Blizzard changes to come.

Dead on arrival.

based and truthpilled

Daily reminder that in vanilla WoW all these facts are objectively true:

Horde is better than Alliance
Shaman is better than Paladin
Shamans don't spec into mana tide
Warriors tanks as fury in fury gear
Warlocks are better than mages

This will break classic if it stays. Rest are debatable.

they're at least making it so leveling to 60 is quick right? I heard it takes forever to get to max level

idk but I also want an answer to this as well as an answer to how painful it will be to grind for mats/consumables while specced as a healer

>loot trading

They just announced yesterday that loot trading will now only be active in raid instances.

It will leave post-launch. It was never meant to be a permanent addition. Why do people always not know this?

In vanilla, levelling to 60 was half the journey.

cry more

By not joining a guild that wipes/takes so much time that u have to spend 100g/week

Reminder that even on supposed 1x servers like Nost and Elysium it was still faster than how vanilla actually was
And that's a good thing


I really hope that Blizzard goes back to the Vanilla, Crusade, Wrath, and Cataclysm areas and redoes the geometry and textures to match Mists and onwards Things like this always remind me of how outdated the older areas are.

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>warlocks better mages

you guys can bully me but i genuinely never played WOW

is the classic thing good or something?


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Is there a snopes for wow classic but actually good?

if you're Alliance, Savory Deviate Delight


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My grandpappy works for Blizzard and he says Bobby Kotty fired Classic WoW because he didn't see how they could monetize it enough to make billions of dollars.

>I don't know anything about vanilla
Thanks for confirming.

>throwing daggers

holy shit I forgot about that

I should be able to get to 60 in under 20 hours or else it's a waste of my time

its babies first MMO
it was only fun when unintentional shit happened like kiting orld bosses into cities. ecerything like that is gone. ts just a slow slog levelling with boring combat and gear treadmill

Whats your favourite zone?
Desolace was comfy as fuck

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Leveling was only a slog from 30-40 and 58-60, I always had fun leveling to 60 even if I had done it before. The 30-40 isnt even really a slog it's just the mix of panicking to get lvl 40 mount money and STV shenanigans

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WPL followed by Barrens

I never played WoW. Is it worth it to play Classic?

play classic if you're interested.
do not play modern wow

What does "+5 to a trade skill" racial do for you in Classic? What is the benefit of having 305 Engineering or 305 Herbalism?

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Everytime i went to desolace my mind was like "level up fast so we can leave this fucking zone"


For gathering profs it gives you less of a chance to fail at gathering Herbs (you can fail to mine/gather herbs/or skin making you have to try again)
For production professions it just allows you to grind the skill faster

Just the average sentiments of Blizzard fans.

rolling for an orc shaman

don't see warlocks soloing ZG

>he didnt enjoy the atmosphere
>he didnt enjoy the kodo boneyards
>he didnt enjoy "WHERE IS REXXAR" every minute in general chat
>he didnt enjoy the twilight cult barracks where it was always a massive fucking pvp brawl over the cultists

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Great argument. I guess hunters, rogues and priests must be best classes of all time since they can solo tribute runs.

Nothing. But having 5 more at any point during the 1-300 leveling process can let you skip ahead a tier. It can be nice for particular level gaps where you have only really expensive green/yellow recipes to level on, but you get the next effective orange recipe 5 levels sooner than someone without it.

I really want to play a dwarf rogue but I dont feel like forming my own dungeon groups.
Guess I'll end up playing a druid/mage.

You need over 300 skinning to skin bosses like The Beast or Onyxia


>Will I just be a healer

they don't even have to redo geometry. Wow uses mostly painted textures right now, so they can retexture and it'd be enough.

King's honor friend.

Attached: Marshal_Dughan.jpg (305x567, 55K)

>FPS counter
>for vanilla
m8 how toaster is your PC?

Mages are for faggots
I fucking hate fight mages as any class, it's such a slog

Duskwood. Love the haunted, dead vibe it gave. The first time I saw Stitches I nearly shit myself. I was playing a rogue and went stealth in a bush off the roadway like I was a hobbit hiding from the Ringwraithes.

Is the AQ war effort a big way to make money? I have an idea to hoard materials needed and just flood the auction house with them.

Im curious now that people have become pros at the game through private servers etc. Do you think that the war effort will be completed quickly now that everyone knows alot about the game. And is it worth preparing for this event? need some veteran to tell me what I can expect.

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Look, shitter. Mages>Warcucks
deal with it.

Is there any real point to playing on a pvp server if I want to main healer? Like during leveling I'd probably just get ganked constantly and have my leveling slowed significantly. And at max level I'd just get bullied.

Yes, pvp server capture the anarchy and FUN of 2006 even in 2019

Should I level my warrior second so I can bankroll him?

Vanilla Shamans have AoE healing and totems, so they're pretty valuable.

This. Honestly could never see the appeal in WoW

I'm already home.

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Objectively not true. Learn to play the game.

what class was interesting to play in vanilla?
i played druid and it was borderline boring. it got better in naxxramas when i had the best gear out of all druids in the raid so i got assigned to be the rejuv-bot instead of spamming HT rank 4 while waiting to give innverate to one of the priests.
fishing was comfy though, i remember fishing the agi-squids in tanaris while they had season and staying up until 5 in the morning for the mp5 fishes in moonglade

Reminder that for every breath you take, somewhere on the internet a Blizzcuck makes a post claiming that Blizzard invented the RPG, RTS, and MMO genres.

At last we're going back to the game that ruined the MMO genre forever by being so shit.

Thats why you level as wand spec, you can do decent damage and defend yourself while still being able to heal in dungeons.
Honestly, as long as you class can heal, you can be a healer in under lvl 60. I healed >pvl60 in dungeons as a paladin and had all my points into prot

Dunno about retail, but I'm gonna roll a pvp resto drood.

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/Roll 100-100

game will be dead in a week.

Christ, seeing all those holes on your hot bar for level 28 is depressing.

This desu.

Oh hell yeah

t. retailfag

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I'm not actually picking whatever this gives me

Hek hek hek


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Dun Morogh, best Snow Zone and Winterspring was a disappointment in comparison.

>dueling out in front of IF
>getting raped by Yeti's and Troggs
>first time walking into Loch Modan

Dwarf lands, best lands.

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>Shaman is better than Paladin
>Horde cucks are still seething over how OP Paladins were.

>actually thinks classes were in any way, shape, or form better in Classic than they are in any expansion

you private server fags are just delusional, I can't wait for Classic to come out so you can just shut the fuck up already

yikes, paladins are pure garbage

Which faction has the comfiest zones?

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if anyone complained about allience it was alliance players claiming the class sucked even though it was a solid class

t. never played vanilla.
Holy paladins are the best PvE and PvP healers with AQ40 and Naxx gear.

>stitches is friendly with Horde for what ever reason
>RP walk with stitches and some friends and completely wipe Darkshire until Stitches despawns.
>Stitches clears out the civilians for you if you're a higher level.

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Played vanilla for the past 7 years. Holy paladins are trash in both pve and pvp.

Stay clueless, stay trash, never achieve anything.


Haha, enjoy 2 months of leveling experience
I’ll be having a blast with my friends

human pala

Warlock. I'll farm my own goddam soul shards again. I just want to be able to cast Curse of Elements and fel armor again..

What classes? Every class has been pruned and homogenized beyond belief in retail, they're all the same. How are you enjoying your dungeon queue simulator with zero social aspect, by the way? May as well be a single player game.


One slot in raid for a hunter

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want to play right now, why are the pservers such chink infested shitholes

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Horde is 3/3 for starter zones
Teldrassil is sleep-inducingly dull

By not tryharding 10-year old content that no one cares about. You can auto-attack C'thun on live, no one gives a shit if your poopstock guild kills him.

>idiots who know nothing bout classic but think they are experts because they watched some shitty eceleb vid on youtube
>the only guy who knows

>>Played vanilla for the past 7 years.
>Muh Private server
Stay delusional, mate. You know nothing.


I got banned for two days the last time I rolled on this.

> claims to play for 7 years
> still doesn’t know shit about the game
Achieve nothing indeed

I hope you zoomers realize that it'll be ElvUI and most of other mods from the current retail instantly installed even before you hit level 5.
Also most certainly there'll be group matchmaking addons to make the game actually playable.

Can't wait for Yea Forums and the /vg/ classic general to become pink wojak boards. I'm waiting more for that than for the shit game itself.

Horde bitched day out and day in about Paladins back in Vanilla.

>combat doesn't exist anymore
>kewl pirate skills xDD for kids
>a literal hookshot
>slice and dice is RNG
>no skill that requires being behind the target anymore
Fuck this shit, I can't wait to be a real rogue again.


How easy is it to tank dungeons as a Prot Paladin? Is it really just Consecrate + Righteous Fury and Seal of Command active?

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what healer is most fun for classic?
no shaman because I'm an allianice cuck

Paladins were really good healers in PVP endgame. Shaman are still good, but most of their rep was because they destroyed everything just by spamming frostshock.

What kind of guild are you planning to join? Will you make your own maybe?

Post your favorite guild names.
>ominous latin noun
>and 3 rogues

Spamming frostshock in lower levels I meant.

> that one npc yelling about a monster in the loose when it spawns
> “wtf is this guy talking about”
> suddenly, wc3 abom
> run back to town to warn others
> wait for the inevitable as an elite wrecks our shit
> suddenly, 60 paladin comes in and kills it
Man, what an experience

I used to kill alliance just using frost shock shit was crazy

Hardcore raiding guild. I want AQ40 and Naxx gear as soon as possible.

Druid or disc priest hybrid.

Should I go warlock or shaman, boys?

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>correct talents
>correct gear
>mandatory for MC other than tanks

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dont even bother tanking anything out of scholo or strath
a warrior 5 level under you will steal aggro with a single sunder armor from you even after letting you tank for 10 seconds
damagedealers will hate your ass because they have to wait 10 seconds on every pull before doing damage since you cant taunt


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Its not easy at all since mobs will rape you and your threat on a main target is bad. Plus you'll go oom after every pull.
You can make it work though. You just need to bring a hybrid class like a feral druid or employ a rogue to stunlock the first target. Oh and a good as fuck healer. If you want to tank at 60 you need that defense gear more than anything.

Get shield spikes and holy shield and make big pulls
If your gear is shit, you might wanna let your party give you 3-5 seconds to gain aggro
Make sure your healer doesn’t use regens on pulls or you will lose aggro and won’t ever get it back as a paladin

No masterloot or FFA?
God damn...

>Dumb nigger rolls on epic item he doesn't need to give it to his friend
Dude loot trading lmao!

Shaman is always a blast if you can pull it off. Enhancement to 60 and then power your way through raids as resto. Meanwhile tuck away dps gear and go enhancement for pvp when you get a full set.

how does loot trading invalidate masterloot or give any implication that it won't exist? it's not a loot system like personal loot, it's just an option to trade looted shit with other participants of the fight.
Loot trading doesn't even make sense with masterloot turned on

You don't and get replaced by the Warrior who just has to hit sunder armor all day as everyone else tells you to put on cloth and switch to healing.

big posting

Hinterlands. So comfy, peaceful, good structured.
And a lot of involvement with Tanaris (add in ZF) and Feralas. I just enjoy the 43-48 experience so much.

Chances are that the AQ phase will be released far enough away from the opening that you may as well sell early

>This summer

Its purely for the instance where the loot timer is almost up and your still doing dkp 9r loot council or whatever the fuck.

Also that rare instance where the wrong guy got the loot. Its really a minor change in the large scope of things. People are trying to make it bigger than it is.

>Loot trading doesn't even make sense with masterloot turned on
Yes it does. You probably never played back then but it was incredible common for masterlooter to give the loot for the wrong person because the masterloot UI is pretty bad and misclicks happens, there are after all 40 people in a raid. The only way to get the loot for the right person in a situation like this was to contact GM and that could take hours, maybe even days.
Loot trading in raids completely eliminates this annoyance.

But it's a story a truck story.

>how does loot trading invalidate masterloot or give any implication that it won't exist?
Because of retail?
Why have loot trading if raids going to be using a ML or rolling system? (Or FFA if they trust each other)
Nowhere is it a need for loot trading in the first place, other then personal loot and all its implications...

There is none, classic fags are delusional.

>People are trying to make it bigger than it is.
You're a retard. People made it a big thing because having loot trading outside raids would make people funnel gear for their friends. Imagine trying to get hand of justice in a party where four of the members are friends with each other. Good luck trying to get HoJ when all the four members will be rolling for their mate.

>no changes
>but please change how alterac valley worked
classic fags everyone

>Because of retail?
I told you already, personal loot is not loot trading
and for your other question see

How will blizzard sabotage classic because its doing better than retail?
>soulbound items work as transmog for your retail account

How would an orc enhancement shaman or fury warrior be for PvP? I started in WotLK and don't know much about vanilla...

It's pathetic that I'd trade my life with job and friends in an instant for Classic WoW.


Yeah nothing comes close to Tirisfal Glades. Truly a magical experience. The walk form Deathknell to Brill is some next level kino.

They already said that its raid only nigger. Loot trading in raids where you use masterloot is fine.

You can never go back home.

I can't wait

Attached: world of warcraft.jpg (1280x1024, 330K)

Currently fastest speedrun in every raid, what do you and your shitty paladins have to show for it?

Facts don't lie and your feelings do not matter. Stay mad, stay bad, stay clueless while shamans and horde wins.

>You probably never played back then but it was incredible common for masterlooter to give the loot for the wrong person because the masterloot UI is pretty bad and misclicks happens
Not true. Stop spreading fake news false information.

All of the classes now are more interesting than Vanilla, but

>that's not saying much
>this came at the cost of more extensive talent trees
>a lot of classes are 'build to spend' now
>BfA classes are a step down from earlier expansions

Enhance is a toss up between terrible white hits, earth shock and boom wtf get one shot bitch if windfury goes off.

Fury warrior is just a bad rogue without actual damage in pvp. Mortal strike is too good to pass up unless your just waiting for deathwish to burst someone down.

I would go either elemental or resto for pvp. Or Arms for warrior. The nice thing for warrior is you can get mortal strike and last stand. Doing so will let you tank and pvp in the same spec.

You just don't.

>F-fastest on private server!
I laughed. Stay mad.



Private server data is so different, might as well be a different game.

>I am right in my mind
You are clueless and bad. Stay seething.

>I promise x is really good but I have no proof
Just stop posting already, you got BTFO.

lets go

>fastest speedrun in every raid
Unironically wtf do you mean by this??

rolling for no reason

Farming Felcloth from the satyrs and fishing up stonescale eels was my go to money maker.

bring me home

Private server data is based on retail vanilla data, again spreading false information.

>this is the level of cluelessness you have
Just stop posting please.

>I know more than the Nost devs
Oh wow, private server fags are in for a surprise.

They were pretending?

Attached: WorldofWarcraft_Nostralius.jpg (1600x900, 349K)


>narrow my main down to resto druid or holy paladin

>versatile af and I could do just about anything and probably have easy time finding groups
>cat, travel form make pre-mount leveling way less painful for the travel time
>leveling itself though is probably pretty slow and attention-requiring with healing and shifting forms and whatnot and just general slow killing
>incredibly gimped for anything but healing at max level unless I want to blow a fortune on respecs to do literally anything but heal

>not as versatile, but a better healer so I could get groups as one easily
>leveling as I recall is pure agony, but at least in current year I have a 2nd monitor to alt tab while I auto stuff with SoC so it could be comfy
>also literally immortal while leveling
>great healers at max level that will always be welcomed in groups
>Probably less helpless at max level and can still kill things better than druid
>also have the option to go ret and fuck shit up in BGs or wpvp for fun which druid can't ever do

Wat do? Are there any other points that could tip the scales?

t. actiblizz employee



what's some cool shit hunters can do, think I'm gonna main one

Like do you have any proof for your claim or...?

>nost devs
Yikes. Nost didn't even know they had TBC experience rates, that's the level of their devs. Literally stock mangos.

Druid is actually pretty fast due to Feral. I think it's a matter of whether you're actually going to do endgame raids and stuff.

The only reason for the masterloot UI and misclicks happening were because resolution and monitors were complete ass back then. Imagine trying to master loot something by clicking a microscopic name out of 40 on an 800x600 display. This will be a complete non-issue in classic.

You lack vision.

If you had even the slightest amount of knowledge you would already know. But you are clueless and all you do is post your stupid fake news information in these threads so you don't.

Gnome Warrior again because fuck mages.
That isn't the reason why I went Gnome in 2004 but it ended up being a nice bonus

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Druid is for girls and hippies

>so mad he instantly posts again

I definitely want to do end game, its my main goal. I never got to experience it in true vanilla outside a very small taste of some ZG and MC. I have raided every expansion since and loved it.

Fuck everyone in wpvp, especially when leveling when they are the literal gods.

Frost mages will still fuck you

>keeps getting BTFO
Just stop posting and get good instead.

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Take your meds dude

Classic TBC.

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Stay seething, stay mad, stay bad, stay clueless.

Help me bros, Mage or Warlock or Hunter ?

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No they wont.

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Truly the best time to be alive

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Maybe, but it doesn't hurt.

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TBC 2.0
>keep level cap at 60
>include outland zones in the old world
>gain new class abilities by completing quests
>no flying
>Keep 40, 20 and 10 man raids
>no welfare gear


Warlock is my favorite, but I mained it in retail Vanilla through to Naxx so I'm a bit biased.


Attached: 1551091028220.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

TBC was shit
>daily quests
>welfare badge gear
>welfare pvp gear
fuck off

please no nightelf

is that a dude?


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I only have a cow character and haven't subbed in 6 years. Rollan.

female night elf hunter
im gonna main one

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just give me the source dude

test test

big roll

gathering profession and make an active effort to farm

male any horde subtelty rogue


Stop responding to the trap, hes derailing the thread

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I really don't like healing in general on the current wow. Spam weak heals non-stop no real healing power outside of cooldowns and you have to deal some damage now too. I can't fucking stand my holy paladin on retail after playing priest on private servers.

What are the most necessary addons for vanilla? I've been thinking about a quest tracker, a map explorer and recount for pve. Anything else?

Will the twinking community come back?

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>warrior attacks me
>frostnova, blink, pew pew Warrior down
Heh, nothing personnel kid.


rollan lads

>Be retail redit shitter
>Cant even beat TBC
>help meeeee rediiiit hes coming after meeeeee

git gud reddit retail shitter

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Let's be honest for a second. If vanilla has the original spawn ratios farming herbs will be horrible and AH will become a mafia again. Do you think it's a good idea to learn to pick up Herbs as a secondary to earn some money?

it was the only fun thing to do once everyone hit level cap.

retbros where you at

Attached: chadret.jpg (1024x379, 46K)

omen for pve is a must

eternal kara pubber detected

Fingers crossed for something not healing

I’m going to roll shadow priest. I know my dps won’t top charts but they bring neat utility and the shadow damage debuff which I find cool, so I can support the lock bros and also bring some world pvp shenanigans.

I loved TBC too; kept the same vanilla leveling experience while bringing that exotic alien-like aesthetic via new races, armor sets, and mounts.

Orc get

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>use racial
>charge at mage because he used cooldowns
>you kill him
woah are you the guy who thought you can win as mage by just running away?

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I was going to play an undead mage in Classic again, but this post will decide my main and I will 100% commit to it. Even if its a shitty druid.

I'm gonna roll an undead warrior because I got into WoW after watching my friend's brother do ZG in full tier 3 with the tiger claws. Now the question is femdead or maledead?

Outland was based


undead spriest



kek, I've never lost against a warrior, because they're that lame



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Friendly reminder that the honor system is dogshit and no change fags need to capitulate on this issue so we can open discussion for some reasonable alternatives.

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not him, but there's a bug with the vanilla client on windows 10 (even ltsc) that won't let your framerate go above 50-60. Opening certain apps in the background fixes it. Battle.net is the one I use, I find it very ironic.

t. retail shitter


Fishing is the true patrician's way to farm gold.

Just delete the honor system entirely and replace it with nothing. PVP is its own reward in Vanilla.
Keep the BG rep rewards, those are reasonable to acquire.

t retail shitter from reddit

hell yea, I can never decide myself

Heal and drop mana tide for priests who are too fucking dumb to conserve their mana. Or if you a druid, heal and cast innervate for por priests who are too fucking dumb to conserve their mana.


Undead rogue regardless.

Frost Mage. Literally nothing of his core gameplay is left, shatter is shit, frostbolts hit like wet noodle, the only way to play it in PvP is to spam blizzard and orb which is literally nothing like the original frostmage was.

I'd probably play warlock. Was destro lock any good?

My Main:
Female Gnome Warlock

Alts (in order of priority):
Female Nelf Priest
Male Nelf Hunter (my very first WoW character)
Female Dwarf Paladin
Male Nelf Druid
Male Human Mage

Blizz said it's coming this Summer.

Just level a frostmage first and farm dire maul trash, if they said they won't touch anything it will give you like 60g per hour with chance of expensive epic item.

Paladins give useful buffs for any situation and are top tier single target healers
Druids have a great stat buff and extra threat buff in the form of thorns for the tanks as well as having the ability to sleep dragons in BWL (Which can be pretty useful) Their healing is also pretty good but they also have heals over time which can be nice on fights with AOE damage.
I have mainly played priest in Vanilla and they are well rounded and blizzard had an obvious bias in favor of priest healers so any Priest only item is fucking amazing.

I miss the rpg aspects they ripped from hunter (ammo, pet stuff)
really looking forward to it and killing all horde in wow youtube.com/watch?v=bUbdKOfKd_M

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SM/RUIN is only viable spec.


Will there be minor, objectively handy QOL changes like not getting dazed when hit off your mount and being able to stay mounted while swimming?

It's fine. Only the unemployed should be able to get R14. It's the only accomplishment they've had in their lives.

Polymorphs your path

but you aren't
hasn't it been proven they're making changes to the game? using newer item stats, etc.

Made me reply, have a (You)

>Smacks you mid cast
>2 shots you

>killing all horde in wow
thats based asf

>loot trading
Oh god oh fujk the game is ruined. Pack your bags this one feature is the nail in the coffin guys. I want to wait 100 hours for a GM ticket to get my gear that the retard raid lead gave to the wrong person.

Oh god, Horde is so cringe


i think vanilla would be better if they removed all battlegrounds, added arena, and made it the sole form of pvp progression. of course they should also disable all item and healing abilities in pvp, add % damage reduction resilience, force everyone to use premade specs and item sets with zero customization, and add a quick report hotkey for whenever someone says something mean to me.

rollin rollin

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>removed all battlegrounds, added arena, and made it the sole form of pvp progression

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>no rppvp servers
I have nothing to go back to. I want an endgame that doesn’t involve spending 20 hours a week grinding so I can raid naxx but if I pick either PVP or RP I would shut one half of what I want to do in the game out.

It's not a bug, dipshit. The game is simply doesn't tax your CPU enough leave idle. So opening a flash or html5 heavy site is enough to wake it up.

>mommyyy they said my mage class suck
>stupid pvp i hate you guys
Woah you can win just by running away xD You can win by just playing the uninstall wizard. xD

Slippery slope my friend.

It is a sign of things to come. Mark my words: they will make more changes and I will be in these threads ripping and ridiculing you faggots over every single one.

Raid healing, totem buffer in melee or spellcast groups -- best and only AoE healer in game (chain heal)

Very efficient with right mix of tier sets


Those are kinda extreme. I was thinking more along the lines of loosing up the brackets a smidgen past rank 10 and only decaying to 0% of your highest earned rank.

Where is the confirmed summer release date?

Does anyone even think they're going to enjoy this? The magic is gone, you're never going to experience it for the first time again. You're not going to wander of for hour exploring. You've been there before and you know everything inside out. This game will flop.

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Roll. Please no alliance for the love of god.

show donk

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Femdead have some of the coolest animations in the game.

Isn't phasing still a thing as well as sharding?

Whats the point of playing a vanilla version of the current game?

woah we got new adbots in Yea Forums havent seen these for years

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Any of them, because they don't all feel like one homogenized class in Vanilla

elemental was god tier in pvp, especially in early vanilla

I was kind of leaning towards femdead because of the attack animations, I just can't recall how they'd look in full plate armor.

here we go

They're extreme because the Vanilla honor system was terribly designed.
If you leave it as it is people will kill themselves chasing the r13/r14 gear. If you make the gear easier to get like the TBC prepatch it removes the incentive to do a very large portion of the game for most classes.
Maybe they could add a new system once the game has stagnated post-Naxxramas if they ever complete a lot of the unfinished stuff they left behind when they started TBC like Hyjal, Emerald Dream etc. If you're going to have an honor system in Vanilla introduce it at that point and have it fit.

i love all of you friends, we will finally get this game back

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Who paladin here

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Fuck it, ROLLAN


>tanked, healed, and deeps'd pre nerf HM cata content
>the thought of tanking/healing in vanilla terrifies me
is it comparable at all?

So, what do you think the numbers will be on this in the first three months?

Vanilla raiding is the most easiest and braindead thing ever.
The only boss i ever remember to need have tank swap was four Horseman.

Are you still allowed to roleplay as an orc hooker in Orgimmar or is shit too pussy now?

>male human

Where is Mankrik's wife? Pls respond

Come on dorf

same difference

>tfw want to be shadow priest but biggest joke in classic wow
feels bad bros

let's go

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Just melt some faces, bro.

rollin rollin rollin

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dwarf mages weren't until cata

roll again because fuck you for giving me a 0

what about healing? I tanked 6/7 HM Firelands with my warrior and I healed 13/13 HM Dargonsoul with my priest which was so fucking fun holy fuck I loved solo healing ultrax

>best 1v1 class in the game that doesn't even need gear
>also capable of simultaneously tanking, healing, and topping the dps meters level 60 5-mans, allowing you to speedrun dungeons because you literally brought 5 dps
>biggest joke

>BC soundtrack > Wotlk soundtrack > vanilla > anything nu-wow shits out


Female humans are still better

remember the priority of moves of where to dump rage, have the right positioning, have appropriate spec/consumes/gear sets. 5 mans the same just remember to tab targets and hit adds with enough with autos/sunders/aoe threat (shouts) so healer doesn't get aggro.
remember assignment, predict incoming damage, bring consumes.

cant wait for vanilla to finally release this summer so me and my tranny bros can dab on all the wowfags while playing shadowbringers and engaging in erp furry orgies with cute bunny girls(male) and cute bara cats(manly)

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the entire challenge of vanilla raiding lied in fighting against the clunky interface



>17 bucks a month for a game in maintenance mode

fuck you, funcom.

I never tanked or healed for 39 other people you nigger, it was hard enough tanking ragnaros in FL when our fucking weeb offtank wouldn't taunt swap until I had 5 stacks


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bro just get 5 sunders and spam shield block when up and you're good to go, that's literally it

cata was almost 10 years ago, user

rolling arround

He said it again!

bro i love videogMES LIKE tihso ne

epic lit l33t dude my bro xD

wrath babies are mentally ill, I swear

Arthas is epic raid boss lmao invinceable theme!!!!

> literally no one
As a pala fag, I won’t be playing this shit again, maybe during bc if that ever comes out


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what is the most aesthetic race for a horde warrior?

female or female tauren. Gear looks great


Bottom one is moba healers, where is the one for mmo healers?

Based and redpilled

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As far as I recall, there was no skinning racial in vanilla. It wasn't introduced into the game until worgens. Funny that someone who didn't even know that tells others they don't know anything about classic.

i plan on being a dedicated Holy pally for both pvp and pve i enjoy playing support

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Release date is going to be announced next week at Pax East.
It's going to be July.
You're welcome, faggots.

Healers are pretty decent 1v1, at least during early levels seeing as you probably level as dps spec anyway and heal in dps spec.

We've already known the release date since blizzcon, faggot.

You don't level in your healing spec. Pre 60, your role in dungeons is defined much more by the gear you have on than your actual spec.
Once 60 and gearing up to raid, then you can spec into a pve healing spec.
Take a good look at the trees for your class, especially the resto/holy tree - identify which talents actually are essential and which aren't. You can get away even at 60 and even in raids with a minimal amount of points in your healing tree depending on your class.
Respec fees cap at 50g in vanilla and you can hit that relatively fast if you're respeccing often. Once your guild is past the initial progression, it may be smarter to spec more hybrid oriented so you can still raid/dungeon heal but aren't gimped for absolutely everything else. No one in your guild is going to expect you to farm or pvp as a resto shaman, for example (shamans can still heal in pvp but dont go that deep in resto to do it)


Pretty much every blue post in the last year, are you serious?

We've known it was summer, faggot.

Everything is speculation
It's weird to me that they're not doing a beta

>Literally stock mangos.
That's what kronos and light's hope use too though...

fuck, should I give in a go to chink's hope or kr*nos for a bit

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No, we've known it's july 16th

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This is one of the most important things to me when it comes to these classes.

Druid ress: 30 min cooldown to ressurect one person.

Paladin ress: no cooldown.

>frost nova AND blink on the same charge
You wouldn't even win against a non gnome warrior, you fucked up the moment you wasted blink on nothing.

Druid ress can be cast in combat whereas paladin ress can't
Druid ress is super good in raids

>seething retail fags still cant cope

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it's boring don't worry about it

>nothing to play until classic

you can either spent time on chinks hope or kronos p2w

Lights hope is a literal gold selling server run by corrupt admins, the "top guilds" all have GMs in them so you're basically playing in a chinese hellscape sandbox for GMs, chinese, and their guilds to lord over you.
Kronos is closer to blizzlike pop, very few chinese, but is also essentially a raid-logging server at this point. AQ opens "soon" but no word on it yet, to give you an idea of the stage they're at in progression.
Playing now is a huge time investment and can potentially burn you out just in time for classic. And rest assured, both servers will empty of most NA/EU players when classic launches (tbc servers also even tho they will argue with you until their server is a ghost town of chinese and russians).

If you just want to try out classes and gear at 60, retrowow is an instant 60, and you can also use the kronos ptr to generate items/levels/whatever the fuck. Unsure if other servers have a similar ptr but that would work as well if they do.

If literally all you want to do is get high enough to harass redridge, then lights hope becomes the better option due to population alone. However, even tho you won't believe me, you won't get a lot of satisfaction out of it. Ganking chinese and then being eventually slaughtered and camped by their level 60 babysitters isn't nearly as rewarding as it may seem. They don't give you reactions, no rage whispers, they just silently spirit rez and continue their grind. They are an account waiting to be use for gold farming or character selling and not a lot more - like fighting literal bots.

Tanking 5-mans as bear is a nice bonus. Prot paladin works for 5-mans but need frequent manabreaks and a spec that will lock you out from some great holy talents, and you want those for raids

There is no announced release date yet. I could almost bet my life on it being released in late august, it wouldn't be unlike blizzard at all to drag it to the very end of what anyone considers summer and then point out that it's still within the frame of summer as they had promised all along.

Doing 5 mans with a druid healer sucks ass though, and will sometimes just straight up break up groups because they don't want to bother with running back through half of BRD.

Post your weird specs that can be viable because arena doesn't exist

Is there a server from vanilla to BC maybe wotlk era I don't have to level on? Or at least not 1-60. I just want to play some wow and dick around without committing to some massive time sink that will be pissed away the instant classic hits.



There's vengeancewow, you can get instant 58 and chose between 1x or 2x xp.

Better get the rope ready.

Tell me more about the spec, user. Why did you go with what you did? What do you feel are its strengths? Weaknesses? Who do you expect to do well against? Who would you avoid fighting?

>They don't give you reactions, no rage whispers
Oh they do, I ganked a chinese that was close to my own level a few times a little while back on light's hope and he logged on to a level 1 and told me in broken english that he was going to fuck me on his main because he was the guy in the video he linked.

He linked a vurtne video.

rolling for my picks

m-maybe they'll surprise us and it'll hit early june...

>male troll enh shaman
It hurts so right Yea Forumsros

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>What do you feel are its strengths?
I can get a lucky disarm and shit on other rogues
Literally everyone

Rawlin in epic bread

I wish, but blizzard loves taking their time.

rollin kinda late

Support > Tank > Heals > DPS
inb4 someone askes difference between Support and heals

>Kidney Shot, Frost Shock and Polymorph before DR and heartbeat

We can't go back


120% Warlock Support build for AV Premades : classicdb.ch/?talent#IE0bVorkLZZVV0trMz

>Rain of Fire
Stack with Mages Blizzard so you can easily immobilize lots and lots of people.
>Drain Mana to destroy healers.
Because kiling healers is easier when you suck them to OOM they become useless.
This is little bitch chihuahua build and you will never really kill any one but many premades will love it.

I wish he did one for hunter

I like the other one better.

So you want a level cap of 45 and no hunters?

That actually looks fun

ok in that case maybe its worth it. In my experience ganking china on there i got very very very few reactions. That's fucking funny.

i bet you do faggot

>Affliction Warlock spams Unstable Affliction
No, not like "uses it every once and a while." I mean once you get your instant dots up, you literally spam it until you run out of Soul Shards, and generating Soul Shards is RNG.

Feels so fucking bad man. All of the secondary resources on live feel FUCKING AWFUL.

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Is there any other MMO with dungeons and raiding that is not named WoW or FFXIV?

I just need something to keep me busy until classic is released

It's not false, light's hope and elysium literally just pulled nost code straight up.

>suck them to OOM
you will waste more mana than they will just sucking them
Drain Mana is for when they are low on mana and you can keep them oom not to just drain mana from people
This isn't priest drain

rolling in

rogue wpvp

I'll probably just go druid again but we'll see..

Actually, let me correct myself. You definitely can't go back since polymorph never existed during a time when DRs weren't a thing. DRs were introcued in beta patch 0.8. In the same patch, polymorph was added.

>All of the secondary resources on live feel FUCKING AWFUL.
They just gave combo points to every class

>Affliction Warlock spams Unstable Affliction
>you literally spam it until you run out of Soul Shards
>generating Soul Shards is RNG.
what is this retailfag mumbling?

I'm ready motherfuckers

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Woah there cowboy i guess you dont understand what supporting means.
Back to retailfag.

Druid is the one I feel they fucked the most, and I'll be playing it in vanilla.

Its not "bad" at its roles in retail. But they completely murdered the hybrid ability it had in vanilla/bc. I remember maining resto in BC and our tank went down and I threw a brez out then went bear form and taunted to keep it off the group while they rebuffed and topped off the tank then he took it back and we downed him. You could NEVER pull shit like that in retail.

want to be my warrior's twink bf?

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I'm not a healslut sorry I'm a support
cute gnome though

>warlocks going OOM
life tap twice and keep going. this is group pvp, you have a healer.

These are soulshards on retail, some abilities generate them, others consume them.

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Those are combo points

gimme gimme

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go fuck your panda somewhere else :D

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Yes, paladins have them too.

Was shadow priest any good?

Ding ding what’d I roll

The only QoL feature I want is multi-looting mobs

sorry m8 i don't do that whole Healslut stuff, i used to play only support classes in Everquest and pally is the only thing that is close to one in wow.
I'm sure you will find someone else

stop being a neet

Yeah its the best class in the game! You should totally run one and everyone who says otherwises should be ignored. :DDD

yes you can 1v1 anyone but you go OOM fast

>want to get hyped by watching classic videos
>all classic "personalities" are absolutely awful

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Brehs it's seems so tempting to roll druid cause you have freedom to do anything you want

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Thinking on rolling a Warlock or a Priest. Should I go with Tailoring/Enchanting or Herbalism/Alchemy?



oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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As a shaman, how do you deal with rogues? with warriors? with locks?


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welcome back bro lvl cap is 45 now, i suggest mp for soloing the shit out of temple and som

Then fucking do it it’s fun as fuck.

>Shits on vanilla because MUH retail is better
>Classic gets popular so he switches to TEAM CLASSIC!

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i know you REALLY want to just say back to retail but you're actually retarded
it's sad

I think part of what made classic so good is that it was the primative youtube era and before streaming. There weren't really that many personalities for the game. There was like a guy or two people looked up to on a server or that made some epic pvp vid but they didn't even have personalities really that people were aware of.

And it doesn't help that all the "classic" ""personalities"" are horrifying boomers that I don't even want to associate with.

lads, you gotta start putting "classic wow" or something, in the OP, or I will NEVER be able to find the threads.





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>true, unfiltered chaos
Also at least post jevil.

Im not but it's a game that isn't being worked on and is the most expensive MMO on the market.

Which is why I don't play on such garbage servers.



bippity boopity here goes my roll. ity

fucking roll

none of them played retail vanilla, and while that doesn't mean to imply there's anything cool or "street cred" about being a 40 year old, it's still something to consider.
There's also a particularly obnoxious form of autism that is prevalent on private servers and these "personalities" are going to emulate that for better or worse. Think twitch memesters mixed with lisping euroshitter nonsense.
No matter what happens with classic, one big big big bonus is that it destroys most of the vanilla pserver "community" overnight, even the "top guilds", as they are a mixture of north american teenagers and 20something euro neets. Regional servers is literally the game's savior.

t mudhut dweller
Back to retailfag

Tailoring/Engineering is BiS for clothies. Nothing else gives you things you can't just buy. I'm going to start Tailoring/Enchanting for wands, hopefully can find some randoms to give me cloth. Then dropping enchanting whenever I get some money to leveling engineering.

You don't blink to create distance against a warrior. Save blink for their intercepts man, don't waste it.

As a tank I've only saw two kind of people playing healers in WoW:
>Absolute bro's playing holy paladins
Attention whoring women
That's it. No middle ground.
I've never meet a male healer player who wasn't a competend and decent guy, and they always consituted about 5-10% of healer population.
The rest were always bitchy women.

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suck my cock dude


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>joins your dungeon group

well it sucks but i can easily afford it. never reached endgame btw so has stuff in store for me i haven't seen yet and the game is miles better than any new shit. if you don't support it it will die and that would suck even more.

What can a Lock/Priest get with engineering?

really strong in pvp for a few seconds before they go OOM. bad in raids for the same reason.