>Hello, i'd like to make DMC5 and save action games/hack and slash industry
>After that, i'd like to make DD2 and maybe a new Rival Schools
Other urls found in this thread:
W-Well of course, Mr. Itsuno! We'll do whatever you want!
Reminder that Sparda was tired of their shit
That's kinda kino
Sorry boyz, Bayo wins.
Big N banked on the superior IP and game company/team.
Itsuno is fail compared to Kamiya
Eva is total MILF.
nth for Lady is a bitch and so are her fans.
>your wife tells you to greet the new neighbors
>you see these folks
What do you do
I always thought Sparda was just a similar build as Dante/Vergil because of the costumes from 4 and 3. It never occured to me that he could just be an absolute unit because his real power was in demon form
*judgement cut*
nothing personnel, inafune
I'm about to start DMD. I died about five times on M18 and seven or eight times of M19. How bad is the step up from SoS to DMD?
Hello neighbors. May I introduce you to pizza night? We have plenty
Move out.
t. Krillin
t. Kat
Go hide behind a trash can
>inertia doesn't exis-
is there any way to really stylishly do the urizen throne fights?
other than doing table hoppers or royalguarding the projectiles - if you go into melee range to hit the crystal he either blows you away or a projectile spawns right next to you
can you do any cool stuff like gerbera his shit back at him? on my 3rd playthrough now and i really hate the urizen fights desu
If you ever wanted to see how emotional Dan can get, here you go
9:13 especially
Who has that webm of that Dante player using Cerberus to drop to the next level while Nero just watches? I lose my shit everytime
If you DT, the wave won't knock you away
You can't parry anything he does, sadly
Literally beg and plea to be trained by these madlads. I want to learn the classy ways of Sparda. And how to obtain a woman like Eva.
It's funnier to imagine the Judgment Cut sound effects
Dude played 4 so much, he got into 5 and probably got butthurt because things changed a bit instead of learning about the new things
I want Lady to bully Kat.
It's because those costumes were never meant to be Sparda.
Anyone else have secret stuff that not many people know about?
so basically sit at range firing charge shot 3 at the crystal x 1000 then melee the boss once
most of the other bosses i feel like theres stuff to be dodged, parried, or some cool mechanics wheras urizen just feels like 'theres stuff absolutely fucking everywhere lmao'
Kek. Dan is qt
>never meant to be Sparda.
>DMC1 literally tells you you can play as Sparda
Holy shit.
everything hurts you die in about 3 hits or sometimes 3 enemies attack you at the same time with super armor and you just die
it's get gud mode and for long combos since once enemies DT they will last for a long time
So, do you agree that Subhuman was written for Urizen instead of dante? Because it fits perfectly
And here goes my tea
Aren't they labeled as Sparda or Legendary Dark Knight or something implying it's a Sparda cosplay? But that's pretty cool anyway
Dan is too good for this world. We should all draw him something for his Q&A stream on the 30th
i really need to come up with cooler nero combos
99% of me fighting enemies is just slash slash special move, jump cancel slash slash special move - cycling through the moves with charge shot and a punch here or there
i suck absolute ass with punchline though
Sparda also could have aged throughout the years. Im sure sparda in the 1400's could been fitter
yeah, he's not supposed to be beatable, trying beating mission 8 standing urizen on DMD if you want a challenge
I really need a mod that gives DMC5 DMC3 graphics. Its so fucking soulless. 5 Vergil feels nothing like 3 Vergil, its as if he was written by a 12 year old girl. To me, Vergil died on that cliff 15 years ago.
Photomode sure does love Vergil, and he loves it back.
>be me
>live normal life with wife in quiet neighborhood
>new family moves in
>me and wife go meet them
>about 7ft tall man opens door and says he's name is Sparda
>see his two sons fighting
>one scream something about power autistically
>one of them stabs other with a pen
>wound heals instantly not even enough time for anyone but me to notice
It’s called The Legendary Dark Knight. You also get Sparda’s guns, Luce and Ombra, and Yamato.
You can do some pretty fun shit as long as you are placing yourself right. The fireballs can be slowed by firing at them, which makes them easier to gerbera reflect or just slash at them. All of Urizen's attacks hurt the crystal if they are in range, so trying to move the crystal into the line of fire is a good strat. When you see the glyph light up, move the crystal over there for max damage to it.
He wanted daughters
I swear, this man has more testosterone than the whole Yea Forums combined
Dan needs a hug
You will regret being born useless and retarded
>The very foolish vergil
>on saturday he dunked on his son,opened a portal, became a tree, became an emo nerd,terrorized the human world,btfo his son and brother,came back,found out he pulled out to late,got btfo by his son and brother,went to hell
get a lbunch of gerberas
stay in the air
if you see blue or red spell gerbera away
relocate the crystal with snatch to the left7right sides of the arena so that you always have room to run left/right
as you as you stay in the air and have gerbera the only thing that can hit you is the ground explosions pretty much
That's a fantastic webm and I chuckled when I saw it, thank you
E&I being completely independent still blows my mind
Hold gunslinger on the D pad until Dante plants it.
To be fair with the big ass waiting gap people had years and years of inertia training.
V's normal cane attack actually deals ok damage vs bosses. big bosses you can jc into cane nonstop for good damage and you can still command the other 2 bastards
Dan Southworth is precious
Bros my PS4 controller fucking died. I won't be able to play Bloody Palace until the end of April
i S ranked missions 1-16 in 1 try in SoS, i'm getting my shit pushed in hard in DMD, had to even use a fucking revive against the horse and the worm parasite to not get completely tilted and go on with the missions
glitchy robe works atleast
Give your waifus to me.
Well, at least then Dante's costume from 3 would have made more sense.
>or a projectile spawns right next to you
The trick is to always stay on the move. Do a couple of melee attacks on one spot then move somewhere else
Making a DMC3 Dante mod for 5,I already got the abs done, wish me luck.
If Vergil could have his Summoned Swords attack in a variety of ways (not just "straight projectile" and "spinning ring"), it would be much more hype. In fact, to make up for Vergil not having Beowulf and Force Edge anymore, his Summoned Swords moveset could be expanded severalfold if/when he becomes a playable character.
Imagine taking what Dante has gained with DSD Swords Formation, and then Vergil taking it several times further. Just the thing for someone who constantly needs to show up his brother.
A longbow that shoots bolts of energy would probably fit Vergil extremely well.
Something like a pair of curved blades (used with a rapid stab/slashing melee fighting style) that connect at the pommels to form a bow-shape, which Vergil then uses to propel a variety of powered up Summoned Swords (take some pages out of the Dragon's Dogma Mystic Archer's skill list).
OK but why would you want to do this?
I don't remember a mission with Dante and Nero in the same vicinity at all, the fuck
>i miss fighting demons
>i woke to justice not to this
>damn thick thighs
>damn thick thighs with thighs highs
>my back hurts
should've made a DMC2 Dante mod, so that design wouldn't be stuck in a shit game.
>Pretty deep and throaty voice for a woman
>Smells of booze, pizza and strawberries
>Cheerful and doesn't mind getting physical, hugs you just as much as she punches you
>Unaware of her sexappeal, hugs often have your face pushed deep between her tits
>Bad with men, feels a bit sad she's still single
>You'll never surprise Aunt Dante with a fresh pizza with no olives
>She'll never rub your head and thank you while unintentionally seeming like she's being condescending treating you like a kid.
I fucking hate devil may cry series
Why does the main characters, even the females, have to be such fucking whitest people on earth and then have just about the only black guy in the entire universe be in such a minor role
Why isn't dante or vergil black, or even nero? So fucking stupid baka they had the chance to do something new in the 5th god damn game but they botched it, it's just a big fucking whitewash
You're fast, 4k-kun
oh, I can't wait... hee hee
But it got stuck in Nocturne too, so it wasn’t a complete waste of a design.
very cool, very cool
i'm looking forward to the hair
btw can you confirm if it's possible to import the models from Re2Re to DMC?
You're doing God's work, user
Mission 13 is THE co-op mission with all three players in the same area.
There was also the one with Nero and V fighting the Angelo squad while the destroyed building was sliding downhill.
Monkey paw
Sparda just teaches you how to say "Fornicate thou" so hard it's like a Dragon Shout.
>V has a lightsaber
>Vergil wears a robe that makes him look like a star wars villain
Does the Demon Sword Dante do more damage than Rebellion? Actually, are there any actual gameplay differences between Rebellion or Sparda? I don't remember any off the top of my head. I just wanna use Rebellion
Because niggers have no hearts and thus cannot fight nor win against demons
shut up nigger
I finished Sekiro so now i'm back here
Did you get that from trannyera?
Lucia is black
I want to stick my devil sword sparda into artemis!
Try again
One thing I like to do is the uppercut (ground) and then uppercut (follow-through) since if you do the exceed 3 version he hedgehogs up super high
>forgetting about lucia
Where's the mod that turns yamato into a lightsaber.
What a beautiful man.
>Does the Demon Sword Dante do more damage than Rebellion?
IIRC yes
>Actually, are there any actual gameplay differences between Rebellion or Sparda?
Sparda deals more damage and has an even bigger range than DSD
>I just wanna use Rebellion
grab the DSD to rebellion model swap mod from nexus
I've never had a bad experience running into Dante in cameo. People don't pick Dante to not put on a show.
literal who
>I'm gonna go to the ice-skating rink.
>Wanna come with?
Why is he bathing in sewage
>Sparda just went to a hotel to watch the game
>never returned
Poor bastard just wanted to watch some tv, but his little shits just had to Judgement Cut the damn thing.
Welcome home
Is that oil?
based user
Verginia will never ever stomp on your gut and tell you that you're not worthy as her partner. Why even live, lads?
I hope DD2 get some animations from DMC5, i love how Nero and Dante run with the sword after attacking.
Also, some easter egg weapons would be nice too, i want to judgement cut shit or do some rainstorms
DMC 2’s 2nd character.
It's surreal how perfect the casting is for the characters except for Trish.
Any WIPs?
You really don't want cameo weapons. They'll just feel gimped.
>You should have given me Mountain Dew, not SPRITE
>Please Stinger me and fill my dark hole with LIGHT
THIS is what it means to be a fan of a series, you two are alright
>Try to play DMC5 on PC
>PS3 controller doesn't work
>PS4 controller doesnt't work
>download DS4 windows
>turn off a ton of nvidia shit
>PS4 controller finally works
>Immediately stops working between the loading screen and the title screen
>Keep trying and restarting pc and app several times
>Controller finally starts to work
>Play level
>Controller stops working regardless after awhile
>Controller meanwhile is still working in the background during all this
For real. What fucking troglodite program this crap? I don't want to buy the PS4 version since it's censored and the game runs perfectly on my pc it's just the stupid controller this thing's autistic over
I only remember Dante
It's not a perfect mod but ok
Has anyone model swapped orbs?
>those lips
>that jawline
>those eyes
It works fine here, try ticking "hide ds4 controller"
>BASED morrison
>minor role
>Vergil is always more kakkoii when he has his cloak on
>he even got the girl with it
Do you have the steam controller shit disabled/enabled?
Use the DSP Drivers you retard
Hi Guys
Does difficulty impact Red Orb farming? Should I do level 13 on Human mode for maximum speed? I have all the special taunts & a good amount of Busters to farm for H&H
Vergirl is uninterested in your seed unless it will grow power
When should I be using SDT's various moves? Like in what situations is the explosion good? And which moves are short enough to be used in Quad S?
Anyone have the DMC5 remixes for the nostalgia tracks?
But black people ARE the demons. Berial was black, don't you remember?
How come Dante's chest hair isn't white?
I'll be real, I rarely use SDT for anything but getting out of jail free. And for that I just air hike out of range of everything and spam The Luce until everything dies.
hey user can you take a screenshot of Dante where he looks concerned for Trish?
She was the second disc.
Morrison is Mundus
I want to see female Vergil in Sin DT form.
>tfw you still suck after many hours
Why do V's eyebrows remain black when he summons Nightmare?
Morrison is Mundus' dad
What second disc?
>not Girlgil
someone said killing Goliath when nightmare in M14 gets you a special animation, don't know if it's true or not.
go away frodo
It is true. Nightmare will lock fists with Goliath and then pummel him
Why do we exist? Just to suffer?
Did you not watch V's trailer? That animation is shown in the trailer
DMC 2 came with 2 discs. One for Dante’s campaign, and the other for Lucia’s campaign.
Nothings really wrong with her either. Eva is hot as hell and it's the same actor, obviously. Trish intentionally looks like she does and it's fine, honestly. Yeah some still looks weird but she was fine in motion
it makes me sad that I never see female demon characters that look half as cool as the designs dante and vergil have for their demon forms
>Did you not watch V's trailer?
Didn't watch any of the trailers.
Imagine the ass on that.
I think it fits, they finally realised that she's actually Trash
there should be more
It says LDK. Which is a title Dante shares at the end of DMC1.
Morrison as Dante's style announcer is so fucking great it should be the default.
Who's this Lucia you keep mentioning?
Something I figured out today was that if if you charge an enemy with Streak but use your mid animation devil punch as it's ending you can stop enemies from being launched away from you.
Part of me wishes we actually got this RE4 since it feels like it would have answered a lot of what Code Veronica built up.
sdt vergil in thigh highs when
>Fine in motion
Sasuga Trishfags. That goddamn nose looks bad no matter what.
Ladychads assemble.
But Morrison was white in the first place, they retconned him to be black for some reason, probably "muh representation" shit.
some one should draw that.
I mean,
Stop being an autistic in-series fighter.
Why is your post blank?
>A decade later
>Still awful at MAX-Acting with Nero.
>5 retcons blacks and asians and shit in
>cries about mah sjw too many whites
based retard
get out of here and just wait for TLOU2
I want to use Lady ass as a pillow
yes and make his booty very large
My bad user. I imagined being in your shoes for a second and the thought of having my waifu transformed into an ugly jew terrified me so I take back what I said, you guys have it rough.
Well it's uploading, vergil's face seems to break everytime it's not mission 19's cutscenes
>Ladychads assemble.
I wonder how DT Nero looks with Lady's mocap, or does his face not move at all?
w e w l a d
imagine missing out on 6 months of pure bliss just to avoid spoilers for a really basic story
you just don't give up, do ya
she looks like his sister and i would fuck both
say hello to Beethoven
>tfw jawlet
It's not even fair, can't change it
Yeah, it only works when I turn off the nvidia thing
That's just the hide controller thing isn't it?
>DSP Drivers
Wut? Google gives me nothing. Controller works fine for everything that isn't this game
Even better
Who is Whocia?
Something like this?
You're autistic and need to find genuine hobbies or things to use your time with, not waifu fagging against someone that already likes Lady more. All you do is ruin conversation.
I finally did it bros
Now Vergil
That's why she built him that well-functionin' arm.
brain fart, meant SCP, I apologize
wow now i like the game not because of the game itself or gameplay but the irony and discord surrounding it. i dont even play video games.
Yup, already have that
6 months of waifu spam and horrible fan theories versus the pure joy of not having Nero's DT and buster spoiled and not having Vergil's role in the story spoiled? yeah, I prefer the choice for those who actually enjoy vidya.
which cutscene was that
>DSP drivers
>plug controller in
>it doesn’t work
The original RE concept was Dante (who was initially Leon Kennedy) and Virgil were twin wesker like sons of Spencer and the old ass Sparda from portraits was Spencer himself and master of the castle. There was supposed to be some time skip shenanigans and the Sparda costume for Dante was actually supposed to be older Dante post beating Spencer and taking over Umbrella as a kind of like poetry thing. They just renamed enemies, replaced some of the blood and mutations on their bodies and added Mundus plus some more melee weapons then shipped the game as DMC, the rest of the game is an intact shape of its RE roots including the new action based combat and Dante being super human (now a demon). So the Legendary Dark Knight costumes may not be canon anymore and more of a Dante cosplay easter egg and Sparda may at least eventually looked like and his original DMC 1 spencer incarnations.
Prologue and Missions 1 & 2 aren't actually that bad on DMD, I did very well on them. Mission 3 was similar until Artemis tanked me hard. Mission 4 was the real blockade for me. You need to fight like 3 or 4 Behemoths and Nidhogg and has a new final phase and it's fucking nuts. I haven't even tried M5 DMD since I want to undo the D-Ranks I have 3 & 4 first.
well you can watch them now
What this user said, this only fuels my bisexual side
Dante looks so retarded with Nero's hair, wtf do you people see in it
My rage is one that cannot be described with words
I didn't have any of that spoiled either because none of that was in the trailers (except maybe the final since I haven't watched that)
What's wrong with his hand?
The alternate style announcers are fucking great
>get hit
It's actually kind of neat how his whole back has the glowing blue look.
Maybe with some training and power leveling he could spawn more than 2 bringers from there.
Explain Luce and Ombra and Yamato then.
it's a dead link
How do I git gud with Dante on the Vergil fight? Had to use 2 gold orbs on that fucker in DH mode whereas with Nero it was stupidly easy.
Should I start learning how to RG?
Reminder for myself to not shitpost on the run. Corrected link.
Based and truthpilled
>3 Behemoths
Only two and that's only if you aren't skipping fights. One is required. The fight against the Judecca is the real problem, right before Nidhogg, but Nidhogg himself isn't that bad if you are using Griffon correctly. If you are charging level 3 blockades, then he can take out all of the mouths no problem and then you summon nightmare and wait until he's at 3 bars of DT before unsummoning him. The thing about V in DMD is always having Nightmare to summon. Never let yourself be without DT or else you'll just be sitting around with no pets constantly.
Accurate, I have played this mission probably 20 fucking times and still have not gotten the S
Hold up, you can parry with the cane?
you can trickster the fuck out of his attacks
Round Trip
>got the codex release of DMCHD collection
>it just doesn't launch after installing from the iso
I just wanted to be stylish
The fact that Code Veronica is a prelude to all this and it never gets resolved makes me salty to this day. It would have been a way cooler direction to go than the meandering they did with the RE universe during 4, 5 and 6.
> 82 MILLION orbs
Tell me your secrets
what cgi movie is he talking about?
Congrats on using a trainer!
Save money and buy it during a steam sale?
Nathan Drake + boomer dad copying the younger kid
When he gets the bike and catches Trish
This sounds so fun, is there any way to get these on steam if I bought the standard edition?
This is dope shit
There's no secret, once I got all upgrades I just cheated that shit in so I could have infinite faust
Go to the DMC thread on /cm/
Looks like jaime lannister.
It's the lighting
I know, sorry.
I remember the Nelo fight but don't remember M13 at all. I may be retarded.
Sorry, I don't take the opinions of racists seriously.
Oh that's better
Holy shit that's amazing, based user.
Cavalier Angelo mission with Dante
It's too bad that Dante always has those shadows on his face, otherwise I'd use the Nero hair too
It's all up for separate purchase now I think.
Honestly I redid the Mission so many times that it felt like more. I honestly just wasn't ready for Triple Nidhogg.
Hah, that's nothing. I once missed out on an S-Rank for a Mission by literally 4 Points. FOUR.
I'm in the same boat as you user. I'm legitimately scared of growing old because I'm worried I won't be able to play these games on higher difficulties any more.
Game loses inputs if you alt+tab for some reason. Just don't do it
So Leon was going to be a super human?
>lowest it's ever been is 20 bucks
>next steam sale won't even be until the end of may
>already have everything downloaded it just won't launch no matter what I do
RG absolutely wrecks him even without just guards. Don't bother learning the just timings, instead just royal revenge his ass
Just the lighting in that area apparently, the video is uploaded but as usual it takes a few for 4K to pop up
If you want normal dante i can switch to that
you can always emulate em
Grab Gerbera GP01, Mega Buster, and Cavaliere R while you're at it. They're worth playing around with. GP01 is just straight-up better than the original because Nero gets Up/Down Trick with a hitbox that can parry, Mega Buster is just fun to play with and gives you good style for popping the charge shot into lemons mid-combo, and Cav R's unique move is neat; the trick is to Jump Cancel it to remove the insane recovery time on it, using it like a very low-altitude launcher.
What do you think Wesker is?
meh after living with some Vietnamese rejects as neighbors I've seen worse
He literally looks like that guy from Scalebound
I'm just saying Leon being a super human would be unexpected
not that user but I'd like to request a normal Dante version of these scene. I am fascinated vy how good the hair is rendered.
Imagine female Dante and Vergil in Sin DT doing sexy poses drinking monster energy matching their colors.
Too fucking kakkoii
Yep, then they decided to make it a new guy; Tony Redgrave. It's why his early model just looks like a Leon recolour without the long coat.
Hold up, they actually after different moves?
That's kinda sketch, I get the Mega buster but having skins that actually have benefits over the regular as DLC is super lame.
I can draw that if you'd like
Well, DMC1 was basically Leon as Wesker's clone son something so, hey
Excuse you, Dante and Vergil are the sons of a Turkish noble, pic related.
Thank you, that would be so kind. Please do
Sin DT is fucking THICK as-is, a female Sin DT might be too much for us humans to handle.
Yeah I'd prefer normal hair if you don't mind, they look so gorgeous in 4K I'm big jelly
I’m still mad about this. Modern RE story is a fucking joke now
They're not significantly different GP01 only have a unique neutral, and Cavaiere R has only one unique move.
Damn, Nathan Drake looks like that?
That’s because Drew was inspired by Nero. They even have a weird arm and headphones.
Why even live
Sparda has more reach on some attacks since the scythe blade extends itself, the spear extensions on attacks like Stinger also add on extra bits of damage.
Rebellion may have some secret the way Kalina Ann has that discarding gimmick, but I've yet to find it. It is simply a weaker version of Sparda, since there is no spear extension nor extra hit.
looks like a jew to me
They look like the Turks From Final Fantasy VII
I want a father like Sparda. How would you all have turned out if your father was Sparda?
Any tips for DMD? I've been hacking away at it but I'm still getting my ass handed to me.
Head canon is that they all dressed up like that solely for the photograph.
Eva running around in her outfit all day everyday kinda wrecks that idea, though.
please take more screenshots of vergil and dante
Dante was never going to be Leon, he was going to be a new character named Tony Redgrave who worked with Leon in his pursuit of trying to reclaim the Spencer family inheritance from his brother.
I'd be motivated.
>How would you all have turned out if your father was Sparda?
All of us?
San Andreas Multiplayer, probably.
The GP01 doesn't have the same moves as Gerbera exactly, I just think it's more useful. You lose out on some of the variations for the sake of the vertical ones, and the way the air breakage works is different (and honestly worse in my experience).
The Mega Buster is actually kind of basic but it's a lot of fun, and it makes your side dodge the megaman slide which I think travels slightly further than your regular non-Table Hopper dodge. Pasta Breaker is just a worse Punch Line that cycles through your magazine on every use which isn't all that helpful, and its Breakage is like Overture's but it detonates immediately (so less useful). Sweet Surrender is literally just a very slow passive heal that you turn on and off or a Breakage that gives you like 4 or 5 pips of life back.
more like, average Dante
Too much autism to handle
For what purpose?
My father is Sparda.
Sparda should have just summoned his Astral Dragon from DMC1's Mundus Shooter section.
>How would you all have turned out if your father was Sparda?
I probably would have tried to take over hell if I'm being honest, either that or become an Olympic gymnast.
Eh, it was worth it honestly. I went on a total blackout for DMC5 and tried to avoid even seeing screenshots of the game before launch. Game absolutely blew my away graphically because of this. Same with most of the gameplay systems, seeing Dante have multiple fucking stances for some of his weapons was mindblowing too, alongside Nero's Devil Breaker gimmick.
i think i posted so many with both of them that they're all over the archive by now
I NEED MORE images of Nero's mom.
It's hilarious how people are quick to blame CV for the current state of RE without realising it's a part 1 whose part 2 got cancelled. What I don't understand is, if they were afraid of the series ending in the context of the Tony RE4, couldn't they have just continued the series is the same way that RE4, 5 and 6 went anyway?
AS which character/mission, fuckboiy?
I’d make a living getting stabbed by my own sword.
i don't get it.
Assuming the same mother? I'd probably be a very spoiled kid and be even more autistic than I already am.
Absolute perfection
V Mission 9, such a trash heap
I only have pictures of Nero's aunt, sorry.
I'd be SSstylish
Also, Cavaliere R gets the new move but loses the super armor of the original, so R is more for 1v1s and combos while the original is better if you're outnumbered and really need to finish your string. I like how since damage doesn't directly affect your ranking outside of the No Damage multiplier, they gave Dante and Nero moves with super armor outside of DT so you can eat attacks from enemies and damage them anyway.
Helps that I already love super armor in other games. Hard Way, Payline, and Cavaliere in general are fun as fuck.
You know how when Arkham and Dante used Force Edge/Sparda's power for the first time they took Sparda's form.
Think that Yamato and DSD are at the point now where if anyone tried to trigger with them they'd now take on Vergil and Dante's forms?
Manipulate the camera properly. You want to keep all enemies aside from the ones you're attacking out of your view so that they don't attack
For Nero, stay in the air as long as possible. This shouldn't be too hard with him since he can use Snatch and enemy step.
For V git gud at managing his DT meter. You always want to have it at hand if your pets are knocked out or to escape some bullshit attack since it offers iframes
For Dante, use RG. regular guards are really damn effective thanks to royal revenge and it's piss easy to build up DT. In particular it's a godsend against Furies, allowing you to just pull a revenge on their ass and finish them off with charged 2kalina once they're knocked down
Do you want motivation that bad?
Gimme me pics of her DT.
>You know how when Arkham and Dante used Force Edge/Sparda's power for the first time they took Sparda's form.
Fuck you made me remember how Arkham's fight should've been him in the form of Sparda using his attacks before breaking down into the blob monster afterwards, prompting the intrusion of Vergil.
Nigga Sparda was peak autistic. He’d probably create Yea Forums if he learned the ways of the internet.
>Manipulate the camera properly. You want to keep all enemies aside from the ones you're attacking out of your view so that they don't attack
IIRC 5 isn't as strict about having enemies act less aggressively when off-screen. Baphomets, Judeccas, and Lusachias can absolutely cast when not in view.
"some times you just need a little less gun" - engineer from tf2
For the lost user.
I can give you some nico at best, sorry user.
>ywn ride Vergil's dick and grab his thicc ass and pecs
What's the point of anything anymore.
ranged enemies were always an exception in that regard throughout the entire series. Which is why you want to target them first
>act less aggressively
They straight up can't initiate attacks from offscreen.
I only have pics of me using her "devil arm" to "reach a climax"
I miss the bird and cat, bros.
thank you!
At LAST!! I have returned!! Can some kind person tell me what has transpired throughout the years? Has Mundus returned? Where is my wife and children? I bet frollicking in the outside of our home.
Sparda, I...
Ultrawide fix doesn't work anymore since patch, think you could get the nero steppy in glorious 4k? Breakage/DT buster + don't move after doing it.
Can you do inertia rainstorm though?
We all do.
Your wife is dead. Mumdus sent his demons to kill her and your sons after you disappeared.
Am I autistic if I don't give a shit about combos and just wanna RG everything and spam my MJ hat?
I want a prequel game with sparda and I'm going to get it, I need it.
Man, did they use the model's body as a basis? V's torso looks all kinds of fucked up
Why isn't this an official costume aaaaaAAAAAAH literally zero effort to implement
His ribcage is all fucking wrong.
You're kidding. Rainstorm in this game doesn't function the same. Do you have a webm?
Is Distortion still in? I know you can't flicker DT as fast but I'm pretty sure you can still distort once. I'm a framelet so I can only pop DT during it for extra damage (975), not distort.
Devil May Cry 0? Just like Resident Evil 0?
I was having a blissful day filled with ignorance, why must you ruin it?
No but I've seen people do it in some void combo vids
No... Call it : The Legend of Sparda
It's treason then
He's just so skinny that you can see the outline of his ribcage. That would be the case if he were a bit fatter or more muscular. His ribcage itself is fine
It’s still in, and kills hard.
>mentally ill retard from trannyera
Based, thanks bro
No, that's based.
>FeMundus is now your mom
Don’t say that to your grandson.
Since i've got an actual twin brother i wouldn't expect anything good out of it
There’s an achievement for Royalgaurding everything and not using any weapons.
Yes? Speak kind sir.
That FIEND!!! Well it’s up to me to slay this demon once again. I’ll need to mourn before doing this. I’ll do this for justice and for my family. Thank you user. Will you join me in combating this tyrant of evil?
The tale of my legacy is quite an interesting one. Many stories are to be told. Boy that Nevan though. She was always a pushy one. But I have great stories of a demon named Beowulf
I beg your pardon? What sort of language is that?
I always forget to use this move.
I know that feel as well, father.
And make it a harder game than DMC3 and classic in style.
>People were calling Vergil ugly before the game came out
Where are those retards now?
Dante's Sword Formations are so much fucking cooler than Vergil's pithy little spinning swords. Vergil needs to step it up.
How about you tell daddy how you cut your own sons arm off?
LDK's battle themes in DMC1 are the two best battle tracks in the series and nobody ever talks about them.
Very funny Dante, now take off the monocle.
Your wife is trapped, and the only way to save her is to buy fifteen copies of this digital entertainment they call "Skyrim". It's part of an elaborate demon ritual, you see.
Oh, and your son has a foul-mouthed son.
Mundus is already dead too, sir. Slain by Legendary Dark Knight, Dante.
My honored brethren
Absolute truth!! I miss them so much
Correction: nobody ever talks about the first one, which is the better one.
Man I wish DMC1 had a proper B scenario.
He grew it back.
we cum together
t. Nero's mom
yikes and triple cringe
he's also been having a bit of a dispute with vergil for awhile but i think they're over it now
also vergil had a son
Amen to that.
to unite as one (and form a baby)?
Best Dante Battle Theme?
But he suffered a lot of pain in the process.
Nidhogg's battle theme is surprisingly great
Taste the blood.
Honestly, either of the two from DMC2. On the massive checklist of shit that game fucked up the music isn't on it.
>Trying to DMD easier difficulties
>Everything dies so quick that fights average around 4k
I’m new to dmc. How long did they do the family life before it all literally went to fire and hell?
if you believe this you are unironically autistic.
Unironically DMC2 Combat theme 2
Jesus fucking Christ user
Mister Sparda, your son is fucking your wife's clone.
I do
Until I play Mission 18 again then I want to real impact their fucking orbs
Both versions of Lock and Load.
Nero is a man, he should get used to it.
It is and it's fucking brutal. Nero might also have Distortion now as well due to his new DT.
I don’t have the slightest clue what you’re insinuating, but since you see me as my offspring, then I bet he’s a handsome fellow, just like his old man. I bet he has 2 wondrous children already by now
15 copies you say? Well if it’s to help out the world, then sure. Where do I make the purchases at? And what is your name good merchant? And does he? Dante should know better than to allow such language in his house. But I always knew he would have a rather disobedient offspring
Atta boy!!! You get a promotion for telling me this splendid news!! What Devil Arms would you like for me to create for you?
Blackened Angel
Divine Hate > Pubic Enemy > Lock & Load > Shoot the Works > Fire Away > Subhuman > Taste the Blood > Lock & Load (Faggot Mix)
>if you believe facts stated by developers you are autistic
Just like all those autists who believe Nero is Vergil's son, right?
Yamato i'm not sure, but DSD definitely
And his grandson fucks his mom's clone, SO WHAT?
The Eagles - One of These Nights
Absolutely pathetic. He should gather more power if he can't handle a simple amputation.
>mfw shitposting on Yea Forums instead of starting a new playthrough
How do I stop, bros?
Huh, I guess the intent changed.
Was this concept art from 3 or another book?
If it's from 3124 artbook we really need that full thing scanned and translated.
That or now that Dante has his family back he'll start embracing his dad's more classy appearance.
May I have a Cerberus, Sir?
Sparda, may I ask what your legend was like?
>devil hunter / SoS Riots are barely a threat
>mfw mission 3 DMD
I've been like this since 8th.
I'd want a cooler looking Yamato, mr Sparda
Silver Bullet is so good
I beg your pardon? Clone of my wife? May you produce such artistic evidence to me kind gentleman?
Vergil with a kid? Surely you jest. He was always about books and classical music. Every little girl Vergil he would across to her run away from. But he did have a lot of admirers
>tfw shitposting in Yea Forums when tired, draw between chapters/failures
Gotta know how to be productive user
He's your SON! You should at least have helped him stop the bleeding.
I'm almost buying a second monitor because of this. I can't get out of DMC threads
Shame that nobody told Nero that Trish is a clone of his grandma
I've cleared through Mission 7 on DMD, about to start Mission 8. I haven't died at all so far outside of that one encounter in Mission 3. They killed me like five fucking times.
>family visits mostly consist of Dauntie, Lady and Trish teasing you and speculating how pure Kyrie would be in bed
>Jokingly offers if you want to practice a little then scolds you for ever thinking you could get in bed with your auntie, and the clone of your grandmother!
>concept arts are canon
oof i bet you think V true form is fem-Mundus
"arguing" with headcanon tards is so pointless, fuck off
Dead probably. Who, in his right mind, would call pic related ugly?
Alright, lets get you a summary Sir Sparda....and take a seat, you´ll need it.
Now where to start....
>Vergil summoned a gigantic tower, caused a demon invasion, got clowned on along with Dante all to get more POWER.
>Vergil got as he and Dante tried to kill each other dropped into the Underworld and corrupted by Mundus.
>Dante got Force Edge, later stopped Mundus, its by the way the Demon Sword Sparda, but not like that name matters--
>He went to hell once, no big deal.
>By the way, Vergil did a hump and dump, causing a kid in Fortuna.
>Speaking of Fortuna, REALLY into worshipping you, they tried to take over the world using a gigantic statue powered by Sparda (The sword, not you, A demon looking like your wife gave them it.)
>Not a big deal though, Nero (Grandson) and Dante dealt with it, Dante styled on everyone.
>And now to the real kicker:
>Vergil came back from corrupted by Mundus, took Neros arm (Right, forgot, he had a demon arm.), split himself literally in two and his demon half...
>Well, he caused ANOTHER gigantic tower and demon invasion.
>All good now though, Vergil fused back together, Nero stopped him and Dante killing each other, they´re now being rivals down in hell.
I hope this wasn´t too much at once.
I use Rainstorm when jumping down.
I'll not acknowledge his existence until he beats me with one bare arm without DT and DBs. No guns allowed too, of course.
Vergil changed a lot after Eva’s death. Started wanting more power, no matter what the cost.
>you cant always have it your way
bullied vergil is the best
>Every little girl Vergil he would across to her run away from
someone has to draw this
Todd, how did you escape hell AGAIN.
Yeah, Riots pushed my shit in. Died twice to them. Had a much better encounter after I swapped out for Overture and started bouncing those shits off the ground. They wouldn't be so bad if the second fight with the three didn't also have a Luchasia to start with and then a fourth spawning as soon as it's killed.
wtf happened to /cgg/ on /vg/?
Wait, isn't that the regular animation?
The Riot/Chaos/Lusachia room on DMD was bonkers, but it was Artemis that tanked my score. I don't dare go beyond M4 until I learn to not die so much against DT'd Artemis and Nidhogg.
On the plus side, once I hit Mission 10 I've labbed out some Cavaliere combos in the Void that do insane damage, so I can tell DT'd enemies to eat a dick.
Mr. Sparda, please run while you can.
Scum snitches, all of you.
They would only post the same 2 awkward screenshots and people realized that once the full game came out. He looks gorgeous 95% of the time.
Thats a nice, strong jaw right there, good genetics.
Who in this series doesn't have mommy or daddy issues, or both at the same time? Or even weirdly borderline incestuous relationships? I can feel Freud rolling in his grave right now.
I am forgotten...
Dante raised him, guns are like his mother now.
It started up again the day DMC5 released. It's basically like these threads but slower and more focused on gameplay, with a few quick discussions of Platinum, God Hand, and Ninja Gaiden, but still mostly DMC5 talk right now.
how come he got not legs
Comparing him to old HD renders. He looks just like he should. Maxim was a good choice.
Some angles are pretty unflattering and I was expecting twins to look like twins. Wasn’t used to his look at first, but his autism really started growing on me. Now he looks pretty fantastic.
Will you spank us to obedience?
Never happened. His gun aren't even remotely as thicc as his mother's thighs.
Vergil, you can´t cause two demon invasions and giant towers and not be snitched on.
Dauntie sees Nero for the first time and hugs him mumbling something about her idiots sister and how cute he is while Nero is confused as to who this lady is and why is she so cuhrazy strong.
Meanwhile Kyrie is revving red queen in the background
>I woke to justice not to this
Artemis wasn't shit to me. Only thing to watch out for is the scream, but it's tell is pretty easy to spot. She just gets stunned too easily and then she does her big attack and it's a free buster. Even better if you know your timings and can buster her charge. Easy boss.
What is vergil trying to say here?
Post the edit of Kyrie as Credo.
>those anons in denial because he didn't have Dante's face model
rip in pepperonis
Why yes you may. How about a Cerberus Devil arm and a pet Cerberus as well? I can give you 3 devil armed Cerberus as well, each with its own element.
Kind sir, it was a roller coaster. Filled with death, bloodshed, tons of slaying demons, but making a lot of friends along the way. The human world was extremely kind to me. They even taught me the art of thigh highs. I have never went back on that philosophy the humans taught me ever since. Thigh highs on thick thighs are a marvelous sight, and my dicks demise.
You got it young lad. What color? Anything you want engraved in it?
Why kind sir? Is he a demon? A goblin demon who gets stronger with each treasure he holds? Do I need to slay him? He seems perfectly harmless.
Is that so? Well thank you kind user. I’ll have to teach him the old ways of tough love.
Why? What’s wrong user? Is there somewhere I need to be? Where justice must shine through my blade? For I apologize kind user, but I never run away from a battle where I need to be. Get behind me user, I’ll defend you with all my might!!
Pathetic retard
Shit that is better
He's been in hell for 30 years and is now trying to assimilate himself into society again.
>tell me what has transpired throughout the years?
Mission 5 doesn't get enough shit
>first fight is against 6 riots (4 at a time) which devil trigger almost instantly in a dark, enclosed space
>next fight is against a couple of standard enemies then a hell judecca
>next fight is a queen empusa with green empusas healing her
>next fight is a room with standard enemies then 2 nobodies with green empusas
>then geryon
even if you get good enough to deal with all this in one life how are you meant to maintain a decent style rank in this mission? the hell judecca, empusa queen and boss will just drain all your style points by running away or throwing hyper armor attacks at you
You’re gonna get it now. Daddy’ Going to give you a spanking later.
I had trouble with her on DH, SoS, and DMD for some reason. Even on DMD when I started getting into a groove of dodging her screams and doing Exceed Split JCs after Roulette, she just kept fucking me over once she hit DT. It's really weird because DMD Goliath was a cakewalk until I got cocky and mistimed a Punchline Breakage. DT'd Goliath was even easier than the DT'd Roots boss (since you have a DT'd Antenora running around and less room to dodge).
>assimilate into society
Who do you think he is
Should we tell him that Dante swallowed his sword?
>You got it young lad. What color? Anything you want engraved in it?
Looks really good when you can't see his hair
Of course, Sir. It would be my honor.
>...you wanna read poetry together Dante?
>Basic story
Not him but I did the same not for the story, but for everything else. The bosses, the weapons, even V's playstyle completed surprised me. Well worth missing months of shitposts.
Adam Vergil seemed perfect, but that was only because we hadn't seen Maxim Vergil yet.
This was meant to be a quick edit but it's already taken me hours so I'll just pretend the dreamland setting is part of the joke and say it's done.
Those dead weight posters were a lot of fun, though.
How the fuck has nobody used V's DT hair yet? It would look almost perfect.
The level design reminds me of the berserk ark with the underworld. Shit is awesome, I dig it a lot, Capcom is high tier in my book at this moment they can do no wrong.
Good point. Dante is probably forcing him to assimilate. Vergil has no idea where to even begin.
Sweet, sweet eyefucking.
I hope that they make a video game about your legend to be honest, sir.
Seeing you in action would be rewarding.
That is like 2 shots and 1 scene in game so yeah not so much. I understand about the fact that they are not identical but honestly it did not really bothered me. But overall I agree with you user.
You know I watched the tokotoko vid and he was saying something along the lines of
>I'm getting old now, I hit 48
What the fuck does that matter? Keep making the games you want to play until you're old enough to not be able to pick up a controller Itsuno-san.
I've seen people saying Nero became a complex character before I got to play the game myself. He's still ridiculously simple to master and I became quite good with him without the need to open the void once. Was fun for a short while. became boring quickly. Devil trigger honestly doesn't add that much
Dante however is a different story
I think the boss that is going to kick my shit in the worst on DMD is going to end up as Nightmare. Unless I get better at no hitting the entire level and just forgo style. Faust damage is just too good.
prolly just a throwback to dmc2 where trish could do this to switch movesets
new thread and keep the Sparda roleplay going
>Hey, Nero honey, lemme introduce you to one of Lady's little students
>She's from some other demon hunting school, Lady isn't really showing letting her out much
>**sounds of Red Queen revving from the other room**
Still not feeling it and don't think I ever will but at least I now know it's a taste thing and not a modeling problem.
holy shit I unironically want this really badly now
>Kyrie will never have a DLC campaign where she has to clean up some lesser demons in Fortuna while Nero/Nico/the whole gang are out taking out the next worldly threat
>She'll never have to fight a formation of Angelos, being forced to confront the lie that was her religion
why even live bros
Someone was full of shit ind one of the other threads. They said you couldn't just stand in the corner with V and face the camera away from all enemies and spam nightmare Shadow and Griffon on Dante Must Die for easy SSS. I just easily S ranked all but one of V's missions doing this.
Nero can get "difficult" if you are using a variety of breakers. Unleashing a charged up overture requires quite a bit of setup.
Of course, "difficult" only in the context of showing up as much the character allows. He's by far the easiest character to play as otherwise.
Not like that! You make it sound gay.
Would she have gained a DT as a side effect of being in the Saviour or would she get some custom Angelo armor to summon?
Are enemies not active if you aren't looking at them?
By divinity statue!!!! There’s so much here that I must take in!!! Why would my own son, the bookworm, partake in such a horrible idea? He had all the power he needed in life, and that was his humanity. I am saddened that he threw that away, and I should of been a better parent to him for that. Bless Eva, that soft woman. But I am glad all is well now. And this Nero sounds like a fine chap. I’d love to meet him. What’s his color of choice if I may ask you? And I see Vergil has gotten into his crazy mix of females after being so shy with them. Has my other son finally settled with a woman? I hear she is a clone of my wondrous wife. Does anyone have a photographic or artistic piece of her that I may gander at? And does anyone anyone know where my trusty sworCOME AGAIN!?!? ELABORATE KIND SIR RIGHT THIS INSTANT PLEASE
I shall fetch the finest material and gold for you!! And as a bonus, would you like the Yamato to also produce golden like Judgement Cuts? I can do that for you if you wish?
Excellent! From now on, my weapons, and home that I shall buy, is now yours as well.
I don’t know what a video game is, but it sounds quite splendid! I too hope they make a video game about me, and I hope you enjoy said game.
How would you explain the Devil May Cry ass fighting style she would probably have all of a sudden
I don't think there's any way she could have gained DT, most likely would be something akin to Devil Breakers, provided by (read: grabbed up hastily from her workshop in the garage) Nico
>Kyrie revving Red Queen while riding a Punchline
He looks good when you can see them too actually.
I remember the last time they tried to do stand alone DLC with a separate campaign. It didn’t go so well.