>trinity thread
Trinity thread
Have sex
more like cope thread
Pokemon is nothing anymore. They haven't had a good game since Gen 4, replace it with something else. The other two are correct.
>trinity thread that actually havs 3 things
Thanks user.
Ok, now this is based AND redpilled.
There's nothing wrong with Pokemon fans you retarded shitposter
>"sony fans bad because moviegames and resetera"
>says nothing about the furries and weebs from their non movie games because gravity rush and sly cooper are "nintendo-esque" so they're good and don't count trust me haha
trinity means four things you fucking dumbass
fixed that for you.
Found her(him)
>No Sonic
It has the most autism together with Pokemon. Just remember Christian Weston Chandler.
After that it's the fanfiction writer who wrote 4 million words about gay Formula One drivers on AAA (together with the people who read it) and after that it's Smash fags.
>splitting Nintendo into 2
Here I am in the place where I come let go
Miami the base and the sunset glow
Everyday like a mardi gras, everybody party all day
No work all play, okay
So we sip a little something, lay to rest the spill
Me an Charlie at the bar runnin up a high bill
Nothin less than ill, when we dress to kill
Everytime the ladies pass, they be like (Hi Will)
Can y'all feel me, all ages and races
Real sweet faces
Every different nation, Spanish, Hatian, Indian, Jamaican
Black, White, Cuban, and Asian
I only came for two days of playing
But everytime I come I always wind up stayin
This the type of town I could spend a few days in
Miami the city that keeps the roof blazin
As someone who has bought nearly every (mainline) pokemon game on release, the pokemon fanbase is a bunch of raving mouthbreathers that keeps eating up gamefreak's shit every fucking time
Why do people say this like its the end all goal of life? I mean its good and all but like everything else with regularity it becomes mundane. Being ruled by your baser instincts seems like a thing you ought not strive for or be proud of.
forced meme.
Playstation is the de-facto gaming system across the planet.
Nintendo didn't make a good choice regarding hardware since the SNES.
You're going the way of SEGA, baby.
pretty accurate desu
He's offering us sex, just accept it
Thank you user for your sacrifice
I don't really get this, most people I've met who play pokemon are fine, some lack a bit of self awareness but that's about it.
This isn't even a fanbase you subhuman
>This isn't even a fanbase
It's the worst fucking fanbase there is you dumb nigger.
I found Super Smash Bros shallow and pedantic
Pewdipie fans count?
Oh no user called me a nigger I'm literally shaking and crying right now
He's right
Did you even read what the image is about?
mustards, snoys, and nintendies are the worst
I would say Soulsfags are worse than Pokefags, but its still pretty accurate
Replace Pokemon with botw and smash bros with FIFA.
how much money have you blown on anime pngs? be honest.
I don't even like Pokemon, but their fanbase is fine. Switch that with Soulsfags
>Smashbros (to a extent Nintendo)
In just 2 years, they've proven how cancerous they are.
Fuck Persona and fuck Smash!
>Series of srpgs
>All discussion now centers on a gacha game and a waifu breeding simulator
If you had told me a few years ago it would be like this I would have laughed at you
>yfw xbox can't have a toxic fanbase because there is no xbox fanbase
>worst fanbase there is
>meanwhile tendies seethed a entire day over OC and terriby edited it
best post
Take off pokemon and smash bros. Add in Nintendo and Microsoft.
Add Xbox and Stadia to make it fair. Gamers are the problem with gaming, but then again, so are developers and publishers. Everyone is to blame.
>Xbox and Stadiafans
non existant
Yeah, cope that the generation is almost over yet the ps4 still has no games.
>needs it's own containment board
>still regularly leaks into Yea Forums
Ya sure
Nah, Sonyfags are so pathetic they get butthurt when people draw sony how it really is.
Get the fuck out, normal
>has to edit someones OC
>n-n-nah your butthurt
>Sony niggers are so delusional that when someone fixes their shitty MSpaint comic they get triggered
I have a PS4, it's complete shit by the way and it's fanbase is the worst Yea Forums has ever seen. Have funny being a tranny.
>has to edit someones OC
>n-n-no your triggered
stay seething
>Makes all the other systems look bad except his because he is so insecure
>Despite the fact that the ps4 is by far the worst system this gen
It's truly amazing how insecure sonyfags are. They have no games b-but they can make themselves look buff in an MSpaint picture! Bless the user for correcting it to what they actually are.
Take out pokemon put in the Pc master race and we have a winner.
He didn't edit it, he fixed it. He corrected an error.
- crazy person
>Get's so mad at another persons drawing they edit it
>"y-you mad"
>has to edit OC because he got triggered
Wowee sonegros are mad today.
Microsoft fans don't exist. It's just shitposting. Steamdrones are a better choice.
Actually I changed my mind, replace FIFA with fire emblem, those fucks ruined any chance of future Nintendo mobile games bring anything but Gacha garbage.
>made a shitty drawing that doesnt fit the artstyle
>h-h-he fixed it
U mad bro
>He actually thinks FE has a fanbase
Nintendo's plan worked
>t. an actual tranny nigger
It's still not fixed, there is nothing wrong with the smash fanbase, autists just hate that the games get so many threads on Yea Forums
>begs for P5 for years
>keeps getting BTFO
>n-n-no you mad
d e l u s i o n a l
>t. actually fuming ATM
>This isn't even a fanbase
You're right, what we call Sony fans are really just Nintendo haters.
>People are still arguing over that Stadia image
If consolewars mattered, this would be the moment Nintendo lost.
>not sonic the hedgehog or kingdom hearts
Smash bros. is spot fucking on though. Playstation fandom as a whole isn't that bad, it's mostly just the subhumans that hopped on during the PS4 announcement/launch.
>a-a-an-anyone who laughs at sony is a nintendie
>Sonyfags think i'm the one who edited it
Lol, this thread only proves that sony is in fact the worst fanbase. They get this triggered that someone fixed an image, they should be thanking them.
>Gets BTFO on a conatant baises
>"G-Golly they sure are m-mad huh?"
Jesus Christ just kill yourself
By who?
>implying anyone even said that
>tries to deflect after getting BTFO so hard
There are probably no more than 20'000 steam drones in existence, everybody else are just epic haters.
>Backpedaling this hard
See Butthurt sony dronies.
Calm down, Barry.
I am seething that I wasted money on a shit console.
>there is nothing wrong with the smash fanbase
kek, good one.
Just look at this thread and realize how mad OP's image made sonegros.
Take your meds Barry.
God I love watching Nintencentimeters try to spin it like Sony has the shit fanbase.
No, honey, we may not like Snoyfags, but you're 100x worse.
Loling at Sony niggers. They are the worst fan base with the worst console
With Loli Cunny!
FE does actually belong on the worst list, but not because of or . For some reason Fire Emblem has the most negative fanbase I've ever seen. If you were to pop your head into a FE with no prior knowledge of the games you'd come out thinking that some of the girls are cute and all of the games in the series are shit.
It's strange to see a fanbase hate its own subject matter so much, never seen it on that scale before.
*If you were to pop your head into a FE thread
Fuck off sonyfag newfag.
That’s because Pokémon is also
Trading cards
Video games and literally the world’s biggest franchise
Would POGO was big it literally shut down both boards for about a week straight
Nigga they all look the same
Learn to code
You're adorable. Like a chihuahua barking at nothing.
why is everyone fighting, can't we get along?
might as well just put Nintendo twice desu.
Why is this always posted again? I don't get it. Literally every company sponsors pride events.
>lists the single most popular and profitable franchise in the history of everything as "shit"
It's not the end goal but it helps you be more well-adjusted and less of a faggot.
playstation isn't a franchise
a new challenger approaches
Sony fans are annoying on the internet.
Nintendo fans are annoying on the internet and real life.
Ever notice how 2/3 shit fan bases are from Nintendo
Guess I'm the triple threat
Why do fun things have eldrich demons for fans?
Imagine being who this image is referring to
Notice how the shittiest fanbases think that they aren't shit
Cause it feels really good, means you probably know who to interact with people in real life and is a good stress reliever that makes you more well adjusted.
Shit vidya fandoms:
>Sony-only fags
>Kirby fans
>Smash fags
>Fire Emblem trash
>Animal crossing beggers
>Metroid meth heads
any other list is wrong.
Luigi's mansion chads rise up, pikmin bros where you at?
>Kirby fans
Say that to my face boyo, not online.
cute and funnypilled
you've proven my point.
your platformers are worse than 2D nu-mario when it comes to generic floaty garbage
Sonic led to Chris-chan
I don't think it counts as a platformer when your character can fly all over the place. I call Kirby games "eat'em ups".
Replace Smash with Persona.
I like Kirby, but he's right. It's almost Sonic-tier autistic. Instead of furfags, it has trannies and borbfuckers. They treat every game as a perfect 10/10 and screech if you criticize any of them.