Do you think that Kowashitai is gonna get ported to Switch?

Do you think that Kowashitai is gonna get ported to Switch?

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It genuinely deserves a second chance.

Hopefully it stays buried with the WiiU

Was this game even good

I hope so, I wanna try it.

Probably not

Who gives a fuck about the switch.

It made the music studio tons of money in ticket sales so I do believe we're in store for a port or even a sequel announcement.

They still have yet to fully announce what the video game project they've been working on is after all.

Yes, it´s good, a little cringe at moments but it´s fun

A censored port to Switch would be a great marketing statement.

Yes. It was a proto-Persona 5 and it actually did S.Links better than any persona game has. The combat system was original and filled to the brim with features that you kept unlocking well after you assumed you now had all the combat mechanics done.

The only real 'problems' were pretty minor. You can't choose different romantic routes and are forced with the main childhood friend character, which probably turned off a lot of the waifu crowd that enjoys Persona; no demon fusion; comparatively short story line; and limited sidequests/things to do that aren't the main storyline.

I hacked my Wii U and finally got around to trying this
It's total shit

Not in the state that it was on the WiiU version

if it's going to stay censored then don't even bother

Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.

Who the fuck is going to buy it in that sorry state?
Well, at least the Switch is region free, so the DEKIRU could actually enjoy it.

The difference being that those SJWs wouldn't have bought the game even if it pandered to them, because they don't play games.

Who cares about casu games on casu consoles.

>A "little" cringe
Now post the scene where they all go super Saiyan while singing the Fire Emblem song.

Absolutely triggered. Unlike shitty feminists, or furrys or fags, autistic beta waifufags don't push an agenda to change games and actually buy games. That's why they sell. The industry caters to them because they are the buyers.

this sounds incredible

Enjoy user

they've literally censored a neck, a fucking neck

i'd rather waifufags be in charge of what gets released than shitty pretentious idiots like you who claim to want a game that's a game but then you never actually play it, and you spend more time dodging matches in fighting games via twitter bullshit than you do actually playing the games
at least waifufags aren't pretending that they're hardcore game players

>Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras
Nah, but when Senran Kagura games come out, I'd like for them not to be censored.

idc desu, only if they fix it
>better, actual storyline
>english voices or at least translate battle quotes
>toned down cringe and weeb/animu pandering
>more smt elements like at least law, chaos and neutral ending
>maybe some sort of rythm mini game for the musical numbers, atlus belongs to sega afterall
I didn't finish the game, it was just really boring

Strangely enough senran kagura has more gameplay than many other games.

It's really a shame the game got crippled for the West.
What the fuck was Nintendo thinking?

>It's really a shame the game got crippled for the West
How so?

I hope so. I genuinely had more fun with its goofy story than most of P5’s boring drama

Is this the best censorship ever made?

No, its got such a negative rep because it came out when all the anti censorship stuff was at its peak.