Do you agree Yea Forums? Did DMC 5 ruined Sekiro and its shitty combat for you?
Do you agree Yea Forums? Did DMC 5 ruined Sekiro and its shitty combat for you?
That’s how I’ve felt about all Souls games since the beginning.
A bit, yeah. It still feels better than souls, but not as good as nioh.
Not really. They're entirely different kinds of games.
No because unlike this faggot I can enjoy and adapt to different games
never played DMC, but is it basically like "RULES OF NATURE" ?
>The game isn't DMC 5, therefore I hate it.
Based retard, I wish my mind was that simplistic I'd enjoy life a lot more.
>I hate it.
he didn't say that.
In DMC nothing you do matters, turn your brain off
Ninja Gaiden already ruined DMC for me.
DMC at base line is like MGRR, but can get ridiculously more complex, specially with dante weapon switching and style switching
Also tighter block windows, more intricansies like super armor, weapon clash, etc.
I didn't play DMC5 but I played all Soulsborne games and compared to those Sekiro is just mediocre in all ways.
Haven't played Sekiro but the best games in the "Souls" series have always been greater than the sum of their parts, not almost exclusively focused on combat like DMC. It would be like playing DMC after DaS and complaining that DMC doesn't have intricate and interconnected level design, they are vastly different games. If Sekiro is highly focused on combat (which I thought it wouldn't be due to the stealth option) then it's more understandable to compare it to DMC5.
That's like saying why don't I enjoy playing mario after playing donkey Kong
Different games that aim for different things
>10 minutes of juggling and the enemy doesn't fight back
Yup its DMC all right.
If anything DMC5 got me ready to deflect attacks in Sekiro with Royal Guard being so good.
they are completely different, sekiro is basically just a souls game with jumping
yeah, it's like training mode or something
>game where you have to carefully read your opponents and consider your options carefully vs a musou tier button masher
No? Why the fuck does this board pretend that DMC games have good combat?
This, anyone comparing them is just feeding shitty bait to Barry to shitpost with
Funny enough regular gameplay is the same.
He's right, also parrying with royal guard is far more satisfying than Sekiro parries. RG requires you to be frame perfect and has instant statup, whereas Sekiro takes a few frames to start the parry and is far more lenoemr, parrying blows that will connect around 10 frames after tapping the button
DMC is literally a no-think button masher, of course this noname "journalist" liked it better.
Not if you're fighting furies
It feels worse due to its inferior performance and i played worse due to DMC muscle memory.
are all soulsfag as retarded as you?
Doesn't look like it
man soulsfags are absolutely retarded. as expected of people which think soulsborne games have the best combat system
Fromdrones are so retarded
RG in 5 isn't as frame perfect as earlier games RG is.
Even at a basic design level. These games are meant to do different things and they have different aesthetics.
DMC5 is about enabling you to feel cool and pull off crazy attacks to have a good time. Sekiro is not designed to accommodate that interest, but instead force you to play a certain way to just win a fight.
No, the gameplay of both DMC and Souls worked for completely opposite reasons. The bigger problem apparently is that Sekiro is simply lacking in most kinds of variety and the grapple hook can't mask it, meanwhile DMC5 is (SE's-aside) the most-stacked DMC to date.
Souls are about surviving, if you beat a boss and use up all your estus with a tiny bit of health left you will still feel great, in DMC not so much.
The fromsoft control scheme works for slow clunky games like dork souls and bludbjorn but when the game tries to be le fast epic ninja game its a fucking nightmare.
I don’t compare the two games; however, DMC5 has superior optimization and you can really beat 4K 60 FPS. There’s no hitbox bullshit, either.
It's because the 'half guard' (aka not in the 7 frame window for perfect) still blocks full damage but costs you s DT gauge, whereas in 3/4 it just reduced damage and stopped you from being ragdolled
This makes it way more forgiving
Is this your gameplay? the way the judecca was RG'd was pretty sweet.
Looks like we'll need a tier chart.
Based and FGCpilled.
Sekiro looks like a PS3 game, its laughable anybody thinks it can compete with DMC5 at all
3 RG > 5 RG
prove me wrong
DMC will always be >>>>>>> any From game.
That being said, this guy is a dumbass. For example, if you play DMC3, then immediately afterwards play Tenchu 3 expecting DMC3-esque combat, you are likely severely retarded.
3's has stricter timing and eats away at your health if you only get a normal block, 5's is easier to use and only eats DT. In what way is 3's better?
I liked the way it actually made weaker enemies recoil but other than that, nah. I do miss that shield ability ngl. Was good vs beowulf feathers
I've never played DMC before, should I play them all in release order or should I play them in a different order?
Souls combat was always fucking trash
Release order, play at least a bit of 2 but it's ok if you can't get yourself to finish it.
If you care about the story, then the optimal way to go is:
DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC2 > DMC4 > DMC5
Keep in mind, 2 is god awful and its story is non-existent and has no bearing on the rest of the series, so you can skip it of you want.
Go try playing like that on a difficulty higher than the first two
>play the game for 20 hours and THEN you can stop button mashing
lmao ok
>muh graphics
Very rarely do I get to make fun of someone for being absolutely wrong, with no real excuse or crumb of truth for them to teeter on.
You are a dumb faggot
You don’t play DMC to button mash in the first place. The game is about being stylish, especially on the easier difficulties. If you want challenging enemies that require you to dodge a lot and that can kill you in a few hits, then you need to unlock higher difficulties, yes.