VtMB 2

Only for people that actually played the first one

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Cain is now a taxi driver

Second for Tzimisce is best clan

>tfw no Werewolf game
>tfw no Hunter game

that was just a dumb Malk, not Caine

What's your favourite secret from the first game?
>throwing the severed head from the downtown murder scene into the basketball hoop triggers the noise of a crowd cheering

Werewolf game is on its way
Various Hunter games exist
And there's another Vamp game on the way
The real fucking tragedy is that we will NEVER get a Mage game

What pronouns will you choose for your non-binary transsexual vampire in a character creator Yea Forums?

Troika says they are Caine. White Wold denies that. While White Wold might own the IP, Troika wrote the story so I think their cannon is correct.

I hate this theory, its so dumb I get visably mad and shake whenever I hear it.

>roleplaying as a dog

>Hunter games exist
you shut your mouth, that never happened

It's not a theory if you just consider the game.

Why are /pol/tards so mean to Rudi?

>The real fucking tragedy is that we will NEVER get a Mage game
End yourself.

To be fair, it's very much outside of the established behavior for Caine (ie not being a complete and monumental perpetual fuckup)

my favorite secret is unlocking clan Chocula.

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>Various Hunter games exist
those never happened

>we will NEVER get a Mage game
but you did get one, for mobile :^)
really though, mage doesn't suit itself well to a vidya game format


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get over it, caine can do whatever the fuck he wants

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>roleplaying as a dogfucker


>the left: vampire bloodlines 2 will have conservative and anti women political themes so it be destroyed
>game comes out, it has tranny blue haired vampires that drink vegan blood

dumb smelly PnPers

Shut the FUCK up.

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Dr. Freeman i presume?

I'm surprised they're making a sequel, the first one wasn't exactly successful

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>the first one

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the right: bloodlines 2 let's you choose pronouns? fuck this SJW agenda bullshit!
>game comes out, it let's you role-play however you want and whatever pronoun you choose it literally doesn't matter that much

How's the weather in opposite land? Going to assume rainy, from a look out my window.

it's a sleeper hit. Wasn't popular at release, but got super popular over the years. Similar thing happened to Psychonauts.

>the first one wasn't exactly successful
Yeah but Bloodlines was massively successful, it has a cult following that has kept it alive and selling for years.

The original has a cult following and probably sell to this day. So i'd say it's successful.

It was a cult classic, so it has a strong word of mouth install base. Second one will probably sell like hotcakes since they are going with a steady trickle of free new vampire tribes and more freedom of movement in gameplay.
No idea if the writing will be good or not though.


Same franchise, different series. It only shares the setting.

back to you diane

Stop replying you dumb fucking mouthbreathers. These fags are only going to keep it up if they get the (you)s they crave.

I think that's why it's taken as long as it has to make one. At the very least this new one will mean more people will play the original which is always good.

>Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)

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Is a cool game thought, the discipline tree was better.

i think everyone needs to chill and listen to some Deb lurk.moe/debofnight/

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He's made that mistake before so maybe he learned from it this time?

>Nebulation (creating and turning into mist)
>Chipoteran (hovering and maybe controlling bats)
>Mentalism (telekinesis)
Which one? Telekinesis always seems like the one for me

>Deb of Night is returning
>Housing is back, with customization
Going to be very comfy.

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I will murder every single leftie, trans and gay scum in this game. Also pirate the game. Also it won't actually be released.

Well good it's settled then. He is Caine.

Do a Malk run.

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That's just depressing.


>his sound files are literally labeled Caine
Are you retarded or baiting

>implying that extra pronouns won't be DLC


>VtM threads were always cozy and comfy
>T_D and /pol/tards are absolutely seething over a game they never played and never planned on playing

>that major fucking freakout as a Malk
It completely loses its edge if he's not Cain


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isn't there another version of this with rain effects and stuff?

I want this game so much and yet it's 1 year away.

kill who? himself?

I think you'd have to be a deluded hateful retard to have problems with anything written there.

Any normal person and anyone outside your REEEETARD circlejerk, you seething tranny.

dumb frogposter

I bet someone is going to make it

That is a polfag falseflaging, chump

Not working for me though. Try

I want them to make intimidation and seductive not useless shit this time.

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I wish they hadn't announced it so early, the wait is going to be so fucking hard.

>Any normal person and anyone outside your REEEETARD circlejerk, you seething tranny.
the ironing

>muh falseflag

I understand this reference

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So when did Beckett die? I know Jack dies before Gehenna but what about Beckett?

this shit accurate?

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yea that's it. i usually turn the effects off but it's nice to have sometimes

>not being a homewrecker is a bad thing

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if Gehenna happened EVERYONE should be dead.

mass effect interrupts
who am I kidding?
it won't be that good

>people actually think this game is going to be good

>90 dollars preorder

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Gehenna never happened, retard.


>last year White Wolf released the 5th Edition of VtM, how much does our game here share, what roots does it have in the pen & paper RPG game?
>one thing that was really exciting for us as developers was that V5 and Bloodlines 2 were actually kind of in co-development, a lot of the systems that we were working on for the video game were then translated for the table-top version and vice versa
>there's a lot of shared content, just different applications

this right here is the most concerning news of anything
I really hope Paradox and the devs aren't borrowing too much from this, because V5 is a fucking mess

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How long until this turns WoD with characters playing as werewolves as they promised a couple years ago?

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there is a much better one that tells us how powerful vampires can really be.

Imagine being this out of touch

Caine moves in mysterious ways.

so this is the level of writing we can expect from this game?

Werewolf dance party ending.

Gehenna never happened. Jack is in Africa

is it opposite day? Must be opposite day.


plus patch fanfiction.

>The real fucking tragedy is that we will NEVER get a Mage game
There is literally no way to translate arguing with a gm over what your paradigm allows you to do into a game

You are either ignorant to how the culture war works or you are a SJW trying to play dumb.

Hopefully they just means actual gameplay systems. Though I'm not massive on those either

I want a Wraith game.

Why is V5 bad lorewise?

ever thought that you might be the ignorant one?

fuck no
dynamic power sets are at the top
Changeling and Mages at the top, then wraiths, then werewolves then vamps, then hunters with humans at the bottom.
Never got into demon: torment, or whatever it's called, but they're around wraith level from memory.
Elder vamps and vamps with dynamic power sets like chimerstry, or expansive 'free' powers like thaumaturgy rituals could probably get bumped up a bit.
You can always make a gimp mage or changeling, too, bringing power level down.

As it stands, True Fae>mage>changeling>everything else

too weird and esoteric to translate into vidya.

Lol I talked to a stop sign. That was crazy.

it isn't necessarily bad from a lore perspective, it's just shit like pic related which is awful
if they have half a brain they'll steer very clear of this direction

considering Mitsoda is the lead writer and Avellone is involved, and Paradox are there to keep things in check I'm inclined to believe it'll be good, but who knows

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did Paradox keep Battletech in check?

Who's cain? Is he Able's brother? Did God turn him into a vampire for killing his brother, and he got a job as a taxi driver to make ends meet?

Yes gay muslim vampire have never existed before.
And certainly not signature characters for an entire clan

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oh shit; how bad was it?

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>but they're around wraith level from memory.
Demons are beings created at the very start of the universe. They are angels that rebelled against God. Only the weakest demons escaped the Abyss and they are still so strong that they can influence whole towns with their mental presence alone, they have amazing fantastical "true forms" and shit. If you think they are as weak as some fucking ghost of some random ass dude, you are wrong.

buggy broken mess and very cringeworthy

The populations of the four major metropolitan areas of the four most influential nations of the west don't define what normal is, they're outliers.

Any clue on the time period?
That late 90's early 2000's vibe the game had was amazing and I wonder if they'd be able to recapture that feeling with something more recent.

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look up the amount of people who identify as feminist you dumb tranny.

Thought that was Walter White in the back.

>Didja miss me?

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2019, it's fifteen years after the first game

I really want an nWoD hunter game that has a mission structure like Monster Hunter with areas being districts of a city. The big thing is that you have to track your target without alerting the populace to your presence and take down a being who's orders of magnitude stronger than you with your buddies. It'd have a focus on using guerilla tactics, gadgets, and when push comes to shove, melee weapons and guns.

Depending on what sect you grouped with, you'd get different stuff. TFV would be armed to the teeth, Lucifuge would have some of their powers, and Network Zero would have a stronger focus on intel gathering and tracking.

they kind of do in a sense when they control media and therefore influence culture in a large way.

I was a homosexual in vtmb, so I guess that's fine.

This is too superficial. When i talk lorewise i mean actual lore. Not some whatever character in whatever city. Clans politics and stuff.

>defending gay Muslim vampires
resetera is that way ->

it's 2019, 15 years after the original which was set in 2004
weird, because the game releases in 2020 so you'd think they'd make it set in 2020

>you should fuck other womens husbands because feminism

Not him but can you shut the fuck up about the tranny thing? I know you polfags are homophobic but not everybody on the internet is trans.

if you asked normalfags on the street if they believed in equality for women, 9 out of 10 would say "yes, of course". Be free to try this shit.
>inb4 feminism is a front for female supremacy or other gg bs.

Just started the first game because I don't want to look like a fucking secondary when the sequel comes out

Can I bait this hospital guard into attacking me and then bash his head in without incurring a humanity penalty?

>considering Mitsoda is the lead writer and Avellone is involved, and Paradox are there to keep things in check I'm inclined to believe it'll be good
>implying Avellone is a good thing
You hear about his original plans for Joshua Graham? It was shit.

Fuck off triggered tranny.

Yes, we absolutely do. Fuck envious third worlders thinking they're relevant.

>waaah, why do people decide to fuck everything up, just to spite those above them

The REAL real fucking tragedy is that we will NEVER get a promethean game.

How fucking STRONG is Caine? I don't know much about Vampire lore, just that a 3rd generation woke up for a few days and wrecked absolutely everything.

Mythical original vampire
might not even exist since elder vampires predate judaism by thousands of years
could just be a ruse to keep fledglings in line with the 'vampire laws' or traditions he laid down
or maybe he was real and got added to human religions later
never revealed in the books

ehh, who cares?

>Feminism just means equality for women
Hasn't been for over a hundred years
>If you ask any normie 9/10 would say they're feminists
Want to know how I know you're some sheltered bourgie westerner?

World ending tier

Just admit that you don't actually care about the game

Nah, that would be a humanity penalty.

I'm not a lore buff or anything but in V5 the Second Inquisition (secret service, NSA vampire hunters) hack Schreknet and BTFO the Tremere, Nosferatu look like shit as a result and it fucks vampire relations up, people dislike the Camarilla more than usual for failing to prevent it
the Brujah leave and join the Anarchs, the Lasombra join the Camarilla after purging a lot of their less desirable members
Assamites (vampire Muslims) join the Camarilla because the Sabbat are fucking up their homelands in the East, and Followers of Set (brown drug lords) change name to the Ministry and join the Anarchs
also all of the Elder vampires have been 'Beckoned' and go to the East for some unknown reason

here is his character sheet in case you try to attack him.

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yeah, but they're wracked by torment which fucks them up and corrupts them
you're as likely to play a real earthbound in a game as you are an antediluvian in a vampire game

Maybe if you pick a lock in front of him or something. But why not just pick the lock when he's not looking? Or be persuasive enough to convince him or somebody else you're meant to be there?

I think in OWoD under the header "rules for fighting Caine" it said
>You die.

>How fucking STRONG is Caine?
Think strong. He's stronger.

How do Hunters get so powerful?

Also where do Promes fit?

Abels brother (probably). Lore goes that the mark of Caïn that God cursed him with is vampirism, hence the unkillable thing and cursed to wander. Might just be Camarilla propaganda, might be real, who knows.

look up the amount of people who identify as feminist you dumb tranny

>defending feminism
Kill yourself resetera..

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tell me exactly how you know faggot. Especially since I lived all my life in Serbia.

nu-WoD > boomerWoD

>Shit graphics
>Shit FXS
>Shit combat
>Shit rpg elements
Yet Yea Forums sucks it cock, why?

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I'll admit I don't care about queer vampire shit in the tabletop.

Just admit you're a resetera loser.

>horrible parenting skills
Every time

Edge aside he just want to implement his faction/consequence systems like he does in everything.

So he's stronger than demons and Lucifer?

>If you don't think being openly gay and Muslim is a major contradiction then you hate this video game featuring this character.

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So the Anarchs gets stronger, Camarilla, Nosferatu and Tremere got shaken up. I'm okay with it.

I rolled a gangrel, neither my lockpicking nor my persuasive skills are exactly great. I just figured if he attacked me first, he might qualify as no longer innocent.

>I know you polfags are homophobic but not everybody on the internet is trans
I'll stop hating gays when they stop touching kids.

Post proof for all your claims, reddit.

1. VtMB again (obviously)
2. Legacy of Kain
3. The tabletop
4. Vampyr
5. Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
6. Sacrosanct and Ordinator (Skyrim)

1. Interview with a Vampire (1994, Film)
2. World of Darkness (2017, Documentary)
3. Kindred: The Embraced (1996, TV Show)
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula
5. Blade series
6. Only Lovers Left Alive
7. Underworld series
8. What We Do in the Shadows
9. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, Film)
10. 30 Days of Night
11. Dracula: Untold

1. Deb of Night (debofnight.andcuriouser.com/)
2. Chinatown theme (VtMB)
3. Hollywood theme (VtMB)
4. Downtown theme (VtMB)

1. Dracula
2. Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition

what else niggers

>tfw no Hunter game
There's like four of them dude.

White Wolf fucked themselves over with an international scandal and do not handle the creative license anymore.

>assamites are vampire muslims
you what? they predate islam by about 9000 years
only their retarded footsolders are muslim

than your average demon, yes? Stronger than Lucifer? I dunno. If Lucifer had a character sheet it would also be unkillable.

Pedophobia belongs in the 00s. Fuck off pol

Feminism was never about equality. The fucking sufferagettes wanted all the rights and none of the responsibilities.

And they got them. Hope you didn't vote as a man. You signed up to be drafted.

Stronger than normal demons probably, Lucy is pretty weakened since the escape from the Abyss but who knows

Дa ли јe oвo дoвoљaн дoкaз фeгeтy?

>8. What We Do in the Shadows
That is gay shit


>If you don't think being openly gay and Muslim is a major contradiction
No one cares, m8. It even fucking says in the description that it's contradictory and he doesn't even care. The character is meant to be contradictory. He's a vampire. He's holding on to his humanity through faith and interpersonal relationships. But it's all a veneer because vampire concerns are much more important now.

I'll take nWoD over this trash heap.

Besides, Prometheans were one of the good things about it.

Wasn't there like three, and each one was released on the Gamecube, Xbox, and PS2 so you literally had to have all three to play them?

You can stop now.

You can afford to take a few Humanity hits. You can restore it through certain dialogue, quest choices or by dancing in a club for like 5 minutes straight

Vampires are supposed to be contradictions. The entire premise of the humanity system is that your character is fighting the beast within yourself and trying to remain a facade of what is no longer there. Every single character in VtM is flawed and cursed.

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Read Carmilla.
Also don't play Vampyr it's meh

It probably depends on God mood's against Lucifer.
Caine curse is to suffer forever until he say "i'm sorry dad". Until then, you'll lose against him.

so no proof, gotcha

they're lesser magicians that use a type faith magic
way less powerful than real magic, which can do whatever the fuck you want, so long as it fits in some vague category of effect

>then you hate this video game featuring this character.
Oh, forget the second half

He's not even from the video game you twat

demons yes, lucifer would be more on par, but neither of them can die so it is sort of moot in terms of strength

caine is gen 1
god, which is in a super reductive description is a machine, is gen 0

First one was Gamecube and Xbox, sequel was PS2 only, then the final was Xbox only. Why they decided to do this is beyond me.


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>no eternal Pisha gf


>Lived, as in past tense
Yep. Sheltered westerner who needs to travel more and actually talk to people detected. Even in the fucking Balkans which you lived in probably only half of people would say they support equality for women considering how many Muslims and devout Christians you have.

That either means you're a shut in loser who barely talks at all, and if you do to a select few people, or that you're so egocentric that you don't realize how many people actively don't like you

what the fuck do you want? A picture of my ID? Not gonna do that.

Probably the strongest thing running around. If he was ever to receive, by some miracle, a killing blow, then God would just resurrect his ass because Caine hasn't apologized yet

The Hunger 1983

Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
Salem's Lot by Stephen King

>no He Never Died which is like vtmb the movie

>no Book of Nod

The fuck is this blasphemy.

Let The Right One In

Being a taxi driver was god's punishment to Cain.

of all the roads they could have gone with
they picked the faggiest one

proof of your claim

I could see her turning up, asking for a couple artefacts and fucking off again same as the original.

>No one cares, m8
Why not make a vampire with w 4 foot long dick that he can swing around as a blood draining weapon then? You might as well if you just don't give a shit

>He's holding on to his humanity through faith and interpersonal relationships
>Therefore gay Muslim
Like I was saying, a vampire with a weaponized 4 foot blood draining cock. Do it. Petition for it.

No one cares about the draft. This is a disingenuous argument. Firstly, the idea that the draft is the one condition for suffrage is retarded. Secondly, you can be for universal suffrage and also think the draft should be abolished. Thirdly, the people peddling this argument also usually want to keep women out of the military, so de facto they are arguing that there are no conditions under which they'd allow women to vote.

how deluded can you get? People don't call themselves feminists because they don't even know what feminism is about, they don't read about it, they don't hear about it as it's not in the local news, but almost everyone actually does have egalitarian values if you asked them what they believe. And fuck your past tense, my English is not perfect, this very post is written from my hometown of Vršac.

stop spoonfeeding this moron every fucking thread

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Dont fall for bait, just fucking dont

>never revealed in the books
Doesn't Gehenna scenarios have him featured?

>Why not make a vampire with w 4 foot long dick that he can swing around as a blood draining weapon then? You might as well if you just don't give a shit
tzimisce can do that, probably need vicissitude 3 if you want your monster cock to have teeth though

>Why not make a vampire with w 4 foot long dick that he can swing around as a blood draining weapon then? You might as well if you just don't give a shit
I'm sure there's a Tzimisce like that.

Friendly reminder that the Camarilla and Anarchs were already insufferable retards, and the new writing doesn't change that; and that the Sabbat is the true path to mastering your inner beast.

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I'm a pretty high profile VtMB modder who also contributed a ton to the Dying Light Nexus

Seeing as how this game is going to be on that same engine, making mods should be peanuts.

Any wishes on what vtmb2 mods you guys want? I can pretty much do it all but total conversions are going to take a while obviously.

Personally I was thinking of recreating the whole VtMB game in VtMB 2's engine. What do you guys think?

>Why not make a vampire with w 4 foot long dick that he can swing around as a blood draining weapon then?
Yeah, well, why not? He'd probably have to be Tzimisce.

But as we've already demonstrated he's not even the first gay Muslim in the lore so if you started complaining now you were never a fan

Take the abominationpill, fuck humanity

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>You signed up to be drafted.
Yeah and when we used it for Nam it backfired so god damned hard the government will never use it again unless we're in some country ending scenario like this video.

>no one cares about the draft
half true, feminists never cared until they now can get drafted. Nice equality!

Sabbat are as good as gone in the new writing

>there are unironic avellone haters itt

the best writer working in video games today and arguably the best games writer of all time lol

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Do you honestly know or care about VTM?

>Any wishes on what vtmb2 mods you guys want?
mods that are not overhyped trainwrecks like Final Night or Antitribu.

Is it true that Caine trolled god by having him resurrect Abel to apologize then immediately killing him again, or was that just someone pretending to be the loreanon?

>No one cares about the draft
The ability to vote was predicated on the knowledge of the fact they'd have to die for their country.
>Firstly, the idea that the draft is the one condition for suffrage is retarded
No, it's to show that bitches got extra rights without the responsibilities required to get them.
>Secondly, you can be for universal suffrage and also think the draft should be abolished
They didn't give a shit back then, even as their sons, brothers and husbands went to die. There were women who would go to men and hand them a white rose of cowardice.
>abolished. Thirdly, the people peddling this argument also usually want to keep women out of the military
>so de facto they are arguing that there are no conditions under which they'd allow women to vote.
Absolutely. Women vote with feelings. The country started going down the shitter when they became the primary voter base.

If you want men to go die for your safety, you don't get a say. Ain't your blood that watered the soil.

Which is barely a step above an erotic novel writer lol

Gehenna also has scenarios where all the clan founders have a royal rumble in Central Park, New York.

Caine exists as an idea in VtM. He might be 'real' or not. Caine might not even be his real name.
>in b4 lillith fags inject that load of poz

That might work for player characters (since player mages struggle to get anywhere) but mages as a team are at the absolute top, the Technocracy can take out antediluvians.

>but almost everyone actually does have egalitarian values if you asked them what they believe.
M8, if you takes quick trip to Kosovo or Sarejevo you'll realize how wrong you are. Feminisn is mainly a western, bourgeois phenomenon that only became more international in the last few decades. After which hundreds of millions of people have come to discover that , even though they had never heard of feminism, they had already hated it's doctrine. The western egalitarian zeitgeist is ending

Or maybe the lore was never perfect, and gay muslims were retarded back then, too.

This is false, feminists opposed the draft in the Vietnam era too, because guess what, both are left-wing positions.

Obviously it's hard to say since we don't know any specifics about the game. Maybe new Havens and loads of outfits though, that would be nice.

yet this game starts with a Mass Embrace, a typical Sabbat tactic to gain quick cannon fodder

big tiddy goth gf

Waifu mods. Give me a mod where you deflower a virgin girl.

I don't know but that sounds hilarious, if incompatible with omniscience.

What I find annoying with the gay muslim meme is that it look like every US liberal believe muslim are more tolerant toward homosexuality than others.

>Only for people that actually played the first one

Is there anyone who didn't play the first one?

I only played the Demo but that is a totally different game.

>not piloting a vohzd bio-mecha
you call that an abomination?

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>Any wishes on what vtmb2 mods you guys want?

Attached: Bloodlines-Modding.jpg (426x438, 32K)

>I'm a pretty high profile VtMB modder
if it wasn't antitribu mod then it sucked

Avellone is overhyped, only good when Sawyer kept him in check. And Sawyer's gone off the deep end now.

I think that the God of oWoD is not a omniscient, omnipresent, omnisexual like in our real life religions. Some cosmic being of huge power that's not perfect.

They don't actually pilot them do they, they're just like golems.

>The ability to vote was predicated on the knowledge of the fact they'd have to die for their country.
>No, it's to show that bitches got extra rights without the responsibilities required to get them.
But that is, as I just said, retarded, because it's simply not true. There's nothing linking these two things except in the most general "the state provides privileges but also demands sacrifices" sense.
>They didn't give a shit back then, even as their sons, brothers and husbands went to die. There were women who would go to men and hand them a white rose of cowardice.
Yeah, surprise, nationalism was flaring during WWI, everyone got in on it.

>If you want men to go die for your safety, you don't get a say.
I want you to go die in general, really. You, specifically.

yeah all those years of opposition ... oh wait, no.

>Is there anyone who didn't play the first one?
I bet the fuckers that now shit up comfy VTM threads never have

what actually happened to Sawyer

It was before radical islam, the Ottomans were as gay as fuck. They decriminalized homosexuality in 1858.

Attached: lolturks.png (1645x545, 147K)

I'll be completely straight(heh) with you here, user, and by that I mean I'm not meming.

They promote Islam because in their mind Islam = brown and brown = good.

Even if they'd oppose those same islamic values in a white christian.

Okay but the other parts of the Bible hold true? There was a great flood, Cain and Abel existed apparently etc?

>U-Um, I think everyone should just get along!! Morality is relative!!!


How about remaking Redemption in VTMB2's engine?
Then making the second half good?

Yeah, maybe, huh, kinda makes you think.

Attached: I Like Your Style.png (194x287, 17K)

Drank the SJW kool-aid, chugged that shit like it was going out of style.

Attached: 6f9ca7574f33af9e8ceae8be9d39e516.jpg (564x987, 41K)

The Bible has the broadest strokes but gets many finer details wrong, yes.

The muzzies used to love butt sex

Attached: An_ottoman_miniature_from_the_book_Sawaqub_al-Manaquib_depicting_Homosexuality.jpg (650x445, 111K)

technically no
but there is no reason why some voivode couldn't graft himself to a vohzd and give it orders from the inside, is there?

Basically everyone did.

Sawyer was always a cuck, he was just good at managing a decent team of staff.

Attached: jq8lm.jpg (403x500, 40K)

eh, kinda difficult to answer, especially since a lot of lore clashes with Werewolf lore.



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Well all the men at least

True but it seems almost as dangerous to be inside a vohzd as being in front of it, they don't really take orders usually

Well who would you expect? Women? what are you, gay?

I could really care less about all the autism in the tabletops desu, like, a gay Muslim is already such a major contradiction and Rudi is clearly an SJW power trip. I get that the vampire genre is usually filled with the most ridiculous and cringy bullshit imaginable but ffs this couldn't be a more clear sign of /pol/ tier bullshittery.

Like, reading through that guy's bio... just magine if there was a character, Arnold, he was just a 21 year old friendless loser until he gained magical powers through a vampire clan of white nationalist. Living in Detroit and preparing for the day of the rope, Arnold waits quietly. An ardent christian and defender of western civilization, the ancient SJW vampire elite fear his ultimate powers.

I've never bothered with the tabletop but I played through the Vidya a few times

I'm literally not playing if there's no Malk option. Not joking.

Attached: 1553245046463.jpg (600x665, 149K)

>But that is, as I just said, retarded, because it's simply not true.
How is it not true? They wanted sufferage, they got it, without the responsibilities it entailed.
>Yeah, surprise, nationalism was flaring during WWI, everyone got in on it.
It was in WW2 aswell. It has nothing to do with your 'nationalism' boogeyman, it was because those men had to die to keep them safe. Blaming it on 'nationalism' is fucking retarded and excusing what a vile action it was.
>I want you to go die in general, really. You, specifically.
And you wonder why I regret giving women votes. It lead to people like you. Even if you aren't a woman, you got that entitled, high on your own superiority attitude.

Interview with a vampire is gay
Blade doesn't hold up
the Underworld adaptations were terrible
Vampires are lame

>I could really care less about all the autism in the tabletops
Then fuck off and take your shitty grammar with you.

N-no user, I have never gay I swear

Tranny mutt vampires in Seattle of all places, imagine actually wanting to play this garbage

your characters is a thinblood, they don't even have clan characteristics.

It's constantly one of things the original is praised for. They can't drop it

I'll just wait for the Third Person mods

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The universes weren't meant to be meshed when Werewolf: the Apocalypse was first written. It's best to think that the Werewolves have some ultimate details wrong, and that the Triat are just massively powerful spiritual beings important to earth and not the greater universe, nor the all powerful gods the Fera perceive them as.
Every other module plays up God and abrahamic mythos, even Mages, only Werewolf plays up the Triat.

Honestly I'd be just as okay with a Breivik vampire as I am with Muzzie McNegro here, the ridiculously over the top shit is part of what I love.

Literally impossible for Malks not be in. They're basically the most famous clan from the first game.
There will be 6 clans in the base game.

>I could really care less
Not really material to your post, but you COULDN'T care less. COULDN'T

For the first third.

my point was every time I see a discussion about islamism or racism you alway have the american liberal talking about the "gay muslim" he knows like it was the common muslim.
In France when gay marriage was legalized, their were a lot of muslim talking about leaving France because of that. The Algerian also explained being gay mean being sent back asap to Algeria (and implyed to be murdered by the family)

We don’t know how many times he missed the player characters stop user.

If there's no playable Nosferatu they can fuck off as well.

how can you join a clan? Don't you have to be sired into one? Aren't all clan traits and disciplines tied to the blood that embraced you?

>It was before radical Islam because *the Ottoman Empire decriminalized it* in 1858
You have no idea why what you just said is retarded , do you? Sharia Law states that homosexuality be punished with death , Islam had been that way for centuries and the slow secularization of the Ottoman Empire (which is one of the reasons it collapsed btw) is not evidence that Islam is tolerant of homosexuality.

A lot of Muslims began to dislike the Ottoman Empire for what you just stated, fucks sake.

for the love of fucking god you have to stop posting hendricks

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

>people think a tiny team that never made an rpg or open world title before will suddenly recreate the whole of Seattle in 5 years time

look up Alan Watts lectures on Hinduism
you'll grasp WoD cosmology instantly
All the Yuga have been anthropomorphized
Kali Yuga/devolution = Wyrm
Krita, Treta and Dwapara Yuga's represent cosmic creation, order and destruction/old wyrm respectively
Then they add Gaia above that as a Brahmin stand in.

it LITERALLY says the exact opposite

that if you were a self-absorbed egotist who thinks they're the star of their own story, then you should fuck him. But you're a real normal person, not a character, so don't be a retard.

>7. Underworld series
Only the first Underworld and a prequel are worth watching

Also, you forgot Dark Shadows and first two Hotel Transylvanias, which are more of Vampire films than third of the shit you've listed, including utter horsecrap that is D:Untold

Diablerie. In V5 it's offered as a reward for good Thin Bloods. They've stated you're a Thin Blood for the first third of the game and then choose a clan. There's six clans according to the official website.

I'm only okay with nosferatu in if they make something interesting with it. It's the one clan i never enjoyed playing in the first game. Having to hide from content is awful.

This isnt even the worst of it. Someone post the Mpreg werewolf page

if you're powerful enough to create a vohzd, you're powerful enough to give it orders
took vicissitude 6 koldunic sorcery 6 from memory

It's proper grammar you fucking morons. I could care less. Think about the syntax for 5 minutes. I could *what* less?

>the responsibilities it entailed
This part. This part is tacked on. Tell me where it says that suffrage is contingent on the draft.
>It has nothing to do with your 'nationalism' boogeyman
Are you daft?
>Blaming it on 'nationalism' is fucking retarded and excusing what a vile action it was.
What the fuck, man. Are you so desperate to come to the defence of nationalism that you have to pull this retarded mental gymnastics? To fight, not necessarily to die, for King and country was seen as a moral duty. It wasn't a fringe idea held only by arrogant feminists, it was pervasive throughout society and both men and women got in on it. Women back home did their part for the war effort (actually one reason feminism became more popular, as women took over many positions back home that were previously held by men) and women in occupied regions most certainly also took up arms.

>Interview with a vampire is gay
closet faggot detected

>one year left
>one year tolerating polfags

Attached: UpholdTheMasquerade.png (742x1010, 73K)

Homosexuality in Islam far predates the decriminalisation of it during the Ottomans, even the Ottoman Empire itself.
Medieval Christian writers put the Mohammedist acceptance of unnatural sexuality as casus belli during the first Crusade even.

eh, I wish you actually HAD to hide in Bloodlines. You don't, NPCs are so blind you can run in the streets and not worry unless you bump into someone. You can walk past people and you won't break the masquerade. You can talk to any NPCs and they will all think you're either some leper or you're into extreme body modding. Nosferatu were the most underwhelming clan to me, but that's because of my own expectations.

The real question is who the fuck cares?

Yeah, Americans like you butchering the language. You're trying to express a lack of caring.

>whole of Seattle
We just need some hubs representing specific districts and game levels. VTM:B isn't something technically impressive. It held itself together with writing, world building and atmosphere.

>There's six clans according to the official website.
Theres nothing official that's just a logical conclusion. There are 6 tabs under the Clan menu. For all we know each is going to have 2 clans in it.

Baali could induct other vampires into their 'clan'
they're more of a cult though
it's lore breaking shit, is what it is

I know right? Because no one who is right wing or political played OUR specific vampire tabletop rpg video game conversion.

Fuck racism, refugees welcome. If you disagree then you clearly haven't played the game

Are you fucking kidding me, buddy? Meditate a bit on the difference of could and couldn't

What a completely obtuse reply. Thank you.

Is that the malkav story writer?

The Bible also states that homosexuality should be punished with death, but that obviously hasn't been core to Christian beliefs for a very long time. The secularization of the Ottomans was in step with the secularization of European countries at the time. Radical islam is a very recent thing and before it Islam was much like any other religion.

swap vamps and mages and then yes, it is

all werewolf games devolve into dogfucking
you don't want modern vidya companies yiffing it up and bringing furry cancer into gaming

calm down, ackmed

>it's lore breaking shit, is what it is
How is thinbloods becoming real kindred through diablerie lorebreaking?

>Think about the syntax for 5 minutes. I could *what* less?
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.





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The point is that this amount of shitposting was never present before this game was announced. Did all those Bloodlines fans just suddenly appear from the woods?

Okay, you're retarded and need someone to highlight the issue. That's okay. I'll repeat myself. So you are trying to express a lack of caring?

>I could care less
Think about the syntax for 5 minutes. I could *what* less?
>I could x less
What is x? There is less of x. We are trying to express a lack of x.

>we will NEVER get a Mage game
And that's a good thing

>but that obviously hasn't been core to Christian beliefs for a very long time.
you got it upside down, retard - Christianity itself hasn't been core of European beliefs for a very long time, which is why homo is getting a pass.

replaying Bloodlines 1 for the 400th time and it's a bit stale, does anyone have any sick mods that mix it up a bit?

>open world
Fuck off, newfag.

I COULD care less implies that you have some amount of caring. I COULDN'T care less explicitly states that it's impossible for you to care any less than you currently do

>Haha, cool game where you play as a vampire and it's edgy urban modern day

>Argument about gays

I think we just didn't discuss our personal politics before, we just discussed who would win in a fight, a 6th gen vampire or an Egyptian mummy.

I know is bait but still there are idiots thinking you reply was honest.

Attached: 5eb.jpg (480x600, 22K)

gaining clans is bullshit
you're either caitiff or you're not

So, how would you like first-person combat, my dudes? From the video, which is totally gameplay as we all know, it reminded me of Dying Light the most.

Attached: dying-light-combat.jpg (1920x1080, 1.5M)

That's what whitewolf said and they're a bunch of thots and fags

Yea, but latest V5 WoD literally states you can have a pregnant Male werewolf if you want, because fuck you cis shits, or something

>open world

caitiff are something different from thinbloods.

how old is the 6th gen vampire?
did some 5th gen just embrace some peasant yesterday, or has he had a hundred years to develop superhuman abilities?

Read 5E. Thinbloods are their own faction now and basically have Alchemy of their own.

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>vampire 5th edition states you can be a ... werewolf
I kind of doubt that.

I thought the same. If a caitiff drinks malkavian blood and learns dementation discipline, he's still a caitiff, just a caitiff that now knows a malkavian discipline.

Attached: 1553305107031.jpg (1200x2268, 549K)

>Medieval Christian writers put the Mohammedist acceptance of unnatural sexuality as casus belli during the first Crusade even.
No they fucking didn't I can't even, oh god, give me a citation that isn't a blog for the love of God. They mass murdered pagans and homosexuals in the Quran. The Casus Belli for the first crusade was not that the Muslims were gay I can't even...

>The bible states that homosexuality be net with execution
No it doesn't. The absolute state of education holy fuck.

>I think we just didn't discuss our personal politics before
So why the fuck are we doing it now? Just stop.

I know. Read all the information we have on the game. You get a clan a third of the way through.

Did I say 5th ed vampire faggot? I said version 5 World of Darkness

you can do whatever you want in pnp. You can have dry water elementals if you want.

thinblooded is a flaw
you can be a thin blooded member of a clan
or is this some nWoD faggotry?
oWoD werewolf featured dogfucking as a matter of survival

Diablerie is not the same as just drinking their blood.
It's literally consuming their soul which also thickens your blood if they were a lower generation.
And for thinbloods it makes perfect sense that they'd become part of the clan the guy they diablerized was part of

But hey, as long as I can dropkick at will I'm happy.

5e sounds like cancer

Thin Bloods have had loads of lore additions since V5 came out. It's still cWoD.

>but latest V5
And that's literally the only 5th edition out so far. W5 or M5 aren't out yet.
You either mean W20 or Forsaken which is CofD

>oh god, give me a citation that isn't a blog for the love of God.

>No it doesn't.
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."
Leviticus 20:13

>friend badgers the shit out of me to play VTM:B even though i have zero interest, goes on and fucking on about how deep and intellectual it is like a rick & morty caricature
>basically imagine the guy who gets upset that you're not into his favorite anime
>buy it on a sale because it's cheap and the ISOLATED threads swayed my opinion enough to try
>friend tells me "you're not allowed to play malkavian or nosferatu on your first playthrough"
>"but nosferatu are my favorite kind of vampire"
>"if you want to ruin the fucking game for yourself fine i don't care"
>play Nosferatu
>have an absolute god damn blast playing a low humanity bondage-clad parasite that sneaks up to people and blows out their asshole with a shotgun
>holy fuck this game is fun
>go to friends list to talk to friend
>he actually removed me right after i said i would play nosferatu

Attached: 8183EA4E-2D2A-417F-A65C-C2B951042E0F.jpg (720x720, 35K)

Watch Shiki too.

Alright, I get it, you're still retarded and need me to repeat myself about why

Okay, you're retarded and need someone to highlight the issue. That's okay. I'll repeat myself. I'll continue

What is the goal? To express apathy.
>I could care less
Think about the syntax for 5 minutes. I could *what* less?
>I could x less
What is x? There is less of x. We are trying to express a lack of x. x = care. We are expressing that we care - less. A statement of apathy because we do not care. When you as
>Could not
To the equation it changes nothing but emphasis not the fact that you care less. Ffs

>give me a citation
Are you going to ignore his citation if he does? Because in the other thread you were literally ignoring it the other thread like nothing poltard.

Attached: son-this-is-bait.png (625x656, 57K)

since when could you use a handgun and a knife in dying light?

thinbloods have been greatly expanded on in v5.
Honestly it'd be faster if you skim the relavent pages in the book.

It rebooted the setting too much for my taste, but that is subjective.

>Second Inquisition happened and government is definitely aware of vampires now
>Vienna Chantry dusted and everyone thought that was a major blow to vampires
>Camarilla elders go all dark ages and shun all technology aka back to couriers for delivering messages, etc
>Sabbat elders are drawn to Middle East for unknown reasons
>Thin-bloods become more and more prominent as further blood degradation to 14 and 15 rank happens

It's just too different if you want to run a familiar Masquerade game.

Leviticus 20:13

>inb4 hurr durr old testament muh jews

Fuck that faggot monk

>Well mr. user, as your doctor, I recommend you cut back on drinking

>Yeah, I suppose I could drink less
>I really couldn't drink less, doc, I'm straight edge.

>Dying Light
>only it's an RPG
>a progressive RPG
>gender sliders and everything

You sound like a fascist. I dont thin I want you in my game. Afterall, we only allow consenting feeding

the vienna chantry from VTM: Requiem?

>Avellone is also working on Dying Light 2
>it will be more of an RPG

Attached: DG_caim knows a way.png (216x300, 95K)

sounds fucking gay
I'm glad I stopped playing TTRPGs with my friends to play vidya by myself

You know, it's one thing when people are just mindlessly repeating an expression they heard without stopping to think about what they're saying, but every one of you idiots has his own headcanon for why it actually totally makes sense to say it that way. It's so weird.

Nah, buddy. Could care less has become a synonym for couldn't care less because people fucking use them interchangeably. Just the meaning of the words themselves should clue you in to what is appropriate

>Second Inquisition happened and government is definitely aware of vampires now
Now that's personal taste but I very much like the second Inquisition. It gives me more avenues to punish players for fucking with the Masquerade.
>Sabbat elders are drawn to Middle East for unknown reasons
It's a very known reason why both Sabbat and Camarilla elders are drawn to the Middle East.
>Thin-bloods become more and more prominent as further blood degradation to 14 and 15 rank happens
Personally I have only had thinbloods as a nuissance or a ressource for my players. How much they matter depends entirely on the GM

Fuck vampires, that's what he did.

>actually played the first one
But Redemption is the first one

Technically that's just Sodomites

that would require giving money to progressive faggots
or stealing the book
it will give me leprosy, so I wont read it

They're actually pretty cool in my opinion, makes them a lot more interesting. You can still play VtM in a nineties setting if it's too different.

>game featuring themes like high societies, degeneracy, hedonism, sadism

Attached: 1480951880779.png (206x273, 87K)

>blood is so diluted you can barely be associated with a clan
>diablerize specific vampire
>thicken your blood into specific bloodline
Not really a stretch.

For melee DL dynamics are ok but I think it'd need a bit more refinement. In DL the fight during daytime were quick and dirty, since you had to face a lot of enemy that didn't require much effort to dispatch. I don't think this approach is valid for this game unless you can leave a literal trail of corpses in your wake. So I think it'll be something more like Bioshock if it had other melee weapons beside the wrench, or Dishonored.

There is no such thing as vampire the masquerade:requiem
VtM and VtR are different settings. And it's from VtM

Oh you're talking about *Leviticus*? It's always the OT with your types. Would you like to know how I know you haven't read the New Testament or understand thing first thing about the continuation of Mosaic law in Abrahamic Faiths?

Also your citation refutes your in idea that Islam was tolerant of homosexuality and calls the writings of medieval scholars a delusion

It's the dying light engine so....

He obviously meant Redemption


>Personally I have only had thinbloods as a nuissance or a ressource for my players. How much they matter depends entirely on the GM

I agree, but they're not the Inconnu equivalent, for example. Thin-bloods are much more difficult to ignore in 5E when a good chunk of the setting and new rules are now dedicated to them. You can just ignore them, but if I wanted to craft my own setting I'd be playing Requiem which was built for that.

Attached: Yaryan.png (299x311, 97K)

sorry i mean VTM: Redemption. The Videogame. You go to vienna at one point in that and there's some bad vamps and a tremere chantry

Dude I am not him but fuck off

Yeah, you're explaining the emphasis on the apathy or lacking.
>Yeah I suppose I could drink less
There of he is drinking less. Fucks sake I just explained this

Yeah, idk, some of us just know how to speak English better than others

>Modern VtM compares feeding to sexual assault and spends 2 pages warning you about the connotations of having it in your game and tries to implore you to use consent based options instead
Modern VtM is shit and Bloodlines 2 will be fucking awful

so why don't vampires with a clan change clan by diablerie?
fuck that. I only liked Dark Ages games. Did play a wild west vampire game once though. Played an injun and scalped everyone until another player ganked me for bounty money and for being a filthy savage. Fun times.

which is so weird to me. you ARE a monster. what gave people a different impression? talking about the roleplaying game here.

>old Yea Forums is excited as fuck about a sequel
>new Yea Forums(/pol/) is just shitposting

is this about right?

>oh you're talking about the Bible when I said there was no such thing in the Bible???
And why must you lie? Nowhere in the citation does it say they were delusional - and I'm sure you haven't read the followup citation it was referring to, either.

I like these changes, seems like the logical progression from a late 90s/early 2000s setting. Tech is only going to get more advanced and thinbloods are only going to spawn more thinbloods.

I mean I get what you're saying and in terms of how the game developed I hate that, but kink was consensual feeding makes me really fucking hot.

Because replacing 90s counterculture with modern counterculture ruins the setting, imagine if the whole game was hippies.

Dark Age vampire was peak WoD for a while. So of course v20 had to happen.

Attached: gangrel-dominque-blood-finaljpg-copy.jpg (612x792, 362K)

>Not listing "Blacula" & "Vampire in Brooklyn" as a mandatory watch

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>There of he is drinking less.
>some of us just know how to speak English better than others

The point is that the point where you actually couldn't care less is where you do not care at all. You cannot care less than zero. If you could care less, you would care at least somewhat. Which makes it kind of a weird thing to say.

>trailer shows you biting into somebody and draining them mid-combat
Obviously won't be an issue. I'm not even sure if that's what the consent page was referring to but I'm not certain

>I agree, but they're not the Inconnu equivalent, for example.
I try to ignore that the Inconnu exist entirely.
>Thin-bloods are much more difficult to ignore in 5E when a good chunk of the setting and new rules are now dedicated to them. You can just ignore them, but if I wanted to craft my own setting I'd be playing Requiem which was built for that.
Yeah they exist but they don't really play a central role in the setting. I'd be interested in doing a thinblood campaign because some of their stuff is nice especially the different merits and flaws but my players voted for the regular setup.

>so why don't vampires with a clan change clan by diablerie?
Because their blood are already thick enough. Thin Bloods are barely above human.

Then why are you speaking to me? Sharia Law is not the same thing as ancient Mosaic Law which hasn't been practiced for over a millennia now. Christianity does not approve of homosexuality but it's been far more tolerant towards it for a good reason. Sharia Law is a completely different issue

You'll probably have a Humanity drain for every forced feeding

Which is right and proper. It's not exactly a humanistic thing to do.

Pretty much yeah.

5E did some good things, like making feeding actually something memorable and important beyond just "I roll my hunting method and roll for blood acquired", but some shit like mandatory Touchstones can go fuck themselves. Now, I have nothing against certain vampires having a mortal who embodies something they value as an ideal, but to enforce that on EVERYONE is retarded beyond belief.

Attached: FF3_what.jpg (121x211, 6K)

Doubt it, that's not how it works in the tabletop even with that page on consent. You're going off nothing.

Yeah kind of talking to 5 fucking people at the same time sorry for the one autocorrect typo.

>If you could care less, you would care at least somewhat
No, it means I'm apathetic but not virulently apathetic. Emphasis. I keep having to explain emphasis to you. Goddamnit this shouldnt be that hard to understand. It's the different between saying "meh" and "fuck off"

Ultraviolet was a decent tv series. Watch the british version.

Yeah I really hope there's no Touchstone shit in B2. I fully agree with you on it being a nice idea but it just doesn't need to be enforced or have a mechanical effect.

>do not take if male
good thing transwomen are female, then

>not gameplay footage
get used to disappointment
why don't caitiff get a clan though diablerie?

Have you read the touchstone example for the nossie in the Camarilla sourcebook?
I think that was a great for an elder/ancillae.

>you're not allowed to play malkavian or nosferatu on your first playthrough
I never understood that. Malkavian only really works as a first playthrough; when you actually know what happens you can’t question if bits of dialogue are a hint/insight or just delusion.

>why don't caitiff get a clan though diablerie?
Because their blood is already thick.
Thinbloods are 14th generation or below.

the so called 'people' in rural areas may as well not exist
all you contribute is heroin death statistics

When the fuck could you duel wield in dying light?

Thought that was coming. One of the journalists who played the demo mentioned it as being as in-combat execution animation like Human Revolution.

>Malkavian only really works as a first playthrough
This. Was my first and I loved it because I had to figure out what the fuck I was saying.

So it won't be like Vampyr where feeding on NPCs kills them, right? I understand that the masquerade requires to keep vampires existence hidden from humanity, so killing should be kept at a minimum but would you get any bonuses by draining completely a prey?

Sorry, I just haven't talked with fedoras in awhile who unironically bring up the old testament as if it has anything to do with Christianity beyond a few American protestant sects that try to LARP as ancient Jews.
>Why must you lie
Definitely not.
>I doubt you read the follow up citation
Your citation is about focusing on a psychological interpretation of otherizing leading to mass hysteria - no the Casus Belli for the crusades was not as simple as
>Lol u gay

yeah it is
until about humanity 3, then you have to get creatively evil to lose more humanity
losing humanity at 10 is seriously just thinking 'bad' or selfish thoughts
leaving the toilet seat up will fuck you over till about humanity 7

Stop sperging, jeez.

Get out of Yea Forums, your belong somewhere else.

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Mages at the top, werewolves way above vamps. Werewolves are ridiculously op in Owod. Even elder Vamps can't really contend with their equivalent werewolf and one thing people forget is that werewolves almost ALWAYS operate in packs of 3 or more.
There's a reason why werewolf packs and vamps don't really cross paths in good games because you really need bullshit to counter them.
Mages are the oppest.

>would you get any bonuses by draining completely a prey?
Embrace the beast within

vtmb is such a gem

Are all Ancient vamps world ending or just Caine cause he's daddy's boy?

Wtf is worng with this art lmao.

Attached: 1549137767348-2.png (671x671, 517K)

Zim zaba puddin pop

fake and gay
>trusting a journalist who played the 'secret demo'
I want to believe. But I've been hurt before. It's hard to trust.

Nice ad hom. You said the Bible doesn't state that homosexuals should be put to death. You got proven wrong. Pretty simple.
So you did not read the follow-up after all. Thanks for playing.

>leaving the toilet seat up will fuck you over
Guess I'll stay at 8

Caine is definitely the strongest but when some of the Antediluvians wake up its at least gonna kill off the majority of Kindred.

You're rejecting shit for the sake of it now. They're not going to drop feeding unless you sit down and have a "no means no" conversation with each victim.

>This part. This part is tacked on.
How? Fucking arguing "sufferage had nothing to do with the draft" is dumb because the draft was the reason they could vote.
>Are you daft?
Can you offer a fucking argument, you dumb cunt?
>What the fuck, man. Are you so desperate to come to the defence of nationalism that you have to pull this retarded mental gymnastics?
You blaming the actions of those bitches on 'nationalism' is what's mental gymnastics.
>To fight, not necessarily to die, for King and country was seen as a moral duty
Yeah, and so they were entitled to shame men who opted not to fight? Yet I imagine you probably think men shaming women back then for not being good mothers was bad, right?
>wasn't a fringe idea held only by arrogant feminists, it was pervasive throughout society and both men and women got in on it.
It was those vile bitches who shamed those non-conscripted men into fighting and dying.
>Women back home did their part for the war effort (actually one reason feminism became more popular, as women took over many positions back home that were previously held by men)
It's nice to know they were empowered while their husbands and sons were dying.
>and women in occupied regions most certainly also took up arms.
No they fucking didn't. They fucked their conquerors, that's what the loyalty of their men earned them.

Prophecy of Gehenna states that when the Antediluvians awajebm they will bathe the world in blood, Kindred and Human alike

VTMB as a VERY bad game, i mean, really, the only thing i remember being good about it was the facial expressions.

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Not sure what happened there

depends on the clan
Ravnos can just imagine a cloud of flying silver knives and make it real enough to kill a werewolf. Lasombra can rape them to death with tentacles made out of shadow. You have to be able to see a Nosferatu before you can rip it's head off. Exceptions don't prove the rule though. A starting werewolf character can easily fuck over a coterie of starting vampire characters.
All, pretty much. They have access to level 10 powers. Level 9 powers let you send an entire city insane or mind control all of your descendants. So more powerful than that.

Then one of them did wake up and the fucker got nuked.
Of course, the Technocracy is gonna run out of nukes eventually, so Gehenna is still going to be hard to get through alive.

>Interview with a vampire is gay
youtu.be/w7rVCeG3QqI This entire scene was cool as fuck, nothing gay about IWaV.

I was thinking something more along the lines of filling up your tank to the brim. If I can be honest I've always played on console, so I've not played VtMB. I'm not really sure of how the feeding mechanics works.

>refugees welcome

But they are not.

>You said the Bible doesn't state that homosexuals should be put to death.
No you're right, I forgot that Leviticus and ancient Mosaic Law that Christians never practiced doesn't just call homosexuality an abomination and does indeed call for the execution of the big gay.

You got me good, clearly, as you wanted to point out before, Christianity is just as intolerant of homosexuality as Islamic Sharia Law , also the Islamic world is clearly more tolerant of homosexuality because ancient Medieval Christians called them gay once and the Ottoman Empire decriminalized homosexuality before it broke apart 60 years later after a long trend downward.

You're totally right, man, if only I didn't misquote irrelevant mosaic law then clearly all those other points I made which you ignored would've been right. You fucking absolute moron. I called you a fedora because you're retarded and know nothing of either Islam or Christianity.

I just don't trust the reports of journalists with 'special access.' I hope I'm wrong.

>Werewolves are ridiculously op in Owod. Even elder Vamps can't really contend with their equivalent werewolf and one thing people forget is that werewolves almost ALWAYS operate in packs of 3 or more.
Vamps just start growing wildly in power by generation in a way that werewolves don't, garou just kinda grow linearly but vampires spiral off exponentially. Methuselahs kick elder werewolves around exactly the same way newborn werewolves slaughter neonates.

XY chromosomes, tranny.

>They've stated you're a Thin Blood for the first third of the game and then choose a clan.

source? I never once saw or heard them say anything about the third first, they just said later
joining a Clan that late would feel awful

Hey, when you know for certain that something is going to bring about the end of days, you take precautionary measures to make sure the fucker is nuked back to the ice age before it can happen

>trannies are female
untrue even by sjw standards

The film is cool, only the books are gay as fuck.

The technocracy tried to kill the fae by faking the moon landing.
All it did was trigger paradox, bring a bunch of fairy pizzagaters back to earth and spawn a bunch of Star Trek Fanfiction larps in the fairy realm.

>got nuked
Lost an arm and it still needed to be killed.

In vtmb, when you suck someone dry (dont release them before their blood pool dry out) you gain more blood obviously but you lose 1 humanity. The lower your humanity stat, the easier you frezy.
Gangrel though, is all about getting stronger when frenzied. Which basically means embracing the beast within. So, you could leverage playing with low humanity by letting yourself getting frenzied more often.

That pic should be up to 1.4 now

You're applying the skills that vamps can get but have no idea of the bullshit traits werewolves can get. Being able to leap into the umbra AT FUCKING WILL and then jump out wherever they want and other bullshit is beyond vamp shit. They literally get teleportation if you invest right.

werewolves reincarnate though
never neglect Past Life

This nigga blocks your path. What do you do?

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>Regular VTMB nostalgia threads start popping up on Yea Forums more frequently about a month ago
Huh, I wonder what has people interested in this game again. Guess I'll reinstall it.
>sequel announced March 21st
And they say viral marketers don't bother with Yea Forums.
...We're getting a new Sims game too, aren't we?

If you drain an innocent dry you lose a point of humanity, same as killing any innocent. Less humanity means it's easier for the Beast to take over making you temporarily a raving, blood hungry animal. Now play the game, it can be run on a toaster.

They did the killing too, though, with the orbital solar mirrors specifically created to kill vampires.

Seduction was godly, at least on the Plus Patch.

There are barely any methuselahs around and they're bordering on antediluvian power levels. Meanwhile there are a ton of elder werewolves running around. I don't think they are comparable levels.

Argue with the son of a bitch.

Your new is showing. VtMB threads show up on Yea Forums like this all time and we've known an announcement was coming because of the ARG for about a month.

No, YOU stop!

>werewolf gameplay

Don't open it

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What other mythological creatures are there in WoD?
There's mummys, fae and spooks but what about other iconic undead like Lich?

>umbra at will
if you're born human, you start with gnosis 1
hope you don't botch that roll
if you're born a wolf, gnosis 5, but why would an animal know about vampire mythology? not like they watched movies or have any cultural reference to go off.

A mage with Forces 1 can say 'fuck you' to both of them and make them fly off the planet at 40k miles/ph via Nail to the Sky. Werewolf burns up on exit, then hits the spiritual dead zone somewhere in low orbit. Can't cross the veil there and your regeneration shuts down because "fuck you, you don't have gnosis any more" so all your supernatural abilities disappear.

>“In the first game you start out by picking the clan. With Bloodlines 2 because you’re starting as a ‘thin blood’ we give you some backgrounds to what your human self was before being embraced. They don’t so much have a direct influence on gameplay, there are a few minor influences like dialogue options, but we were really interested in following the progression and having the roleplay experience for the player to get a handle on that side of the game before they get a handle on the political clan-oriented side of it. The gamplay becomes very different later in the game [because you’ve chosen a clan]. You grow into it and consciously choose your clan after you’ve explored them. So it’s an informed decision.”
>It’s roughly the first third of the game that can be described as the character creator

I hope this renewed interest also means another Hunter: The Reckoning.
I had a lotta good times with friends killing vamps and werewolves.

speaking of werewolves FUCK Troika for that werewolf bullshit
I got a flamethrower not long before it appeared and it does literally nothing to it, despite the fact it's covered in fur?
blow it out your ass

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Had it been made 10 years ago, maybe it could have been good. But this is unironically the single shittiest possible time there has ever been to make a video game, so it will be absolutely horrible. An unplayable mess of bad ideas, constant virtue signalling, forced diversity and dumb, awful bullshit like a million personal pronouns and total disregard for the setting and story in order to bring all this garbage to the forefront.

As if the lead writer implying that Malkavians are insensitive to the mentally ill isn't proof enough of all this already. It'll be softcore deadpool quirky campy lolrandumb shit.
Being that it is the mentally ill who are developing the game, it of course makes sense that they'd adopt this stance immediately. And really, what better way to try and indoctrinate people to their way of faulty, unhinged way of thinking than forcing it on them through the revival of a cult classic video game played mostly by people far too old to have any interest in this disgusting new culture that has taken over everything in the past couple of decades.

Nothing can save this game, at this point. It's a vanity project for SJW's and nothing else.

You're literally a fledgling you wouldn't do shit even to a relatively new werewolf.

>It'll be softcore deadpool quirky campy lolrandumb shit.
So like the original.

>Regular VTMB nostalgia threads start popping up on Yea Forums more frequently about a month ago
That's because they've been running an ARG for the last 3 months that has very clearly been for a new VtM game which culminated in the reveal for vtmb2.

how does being a fledgling have anything to do with it? it's a flamethrower, a toddler could use it to fuck a werewolf up

It had, get this, black people and you could pick "they" as a pronoun. Needless to say I left it quite the negative review.

Remember when the don't open it memes didn't outright spoil the game for anyone who hadn't played before

>Exalted game never ever

I looked it up, there's not a single faction that has a white person in it and you can't even make your character have blonde hair
luckily that was Hairbrained Schemes or whatever insects made Shadowrun, a shitty mobile RPG

>mundane fire
>against a motherfucking werewolf
Even if it ignites, it would literally heal faster than the fire damages it.
All fire would do is make it ANGRY.

Nigga the game is 15 year old. Samus is a girl and the princess is in another castle.

You ever think sometimes you're just an angry rent free crybaby who has been 'redpilled' so hard that you spot 'virtue signalling' and 'forced diversity' everywhere you see?

So your complaint is that you don't know how werewolves work but you're upset they don't work the way you though?

It's fine, we have Asura's Wrath.

Weird because my character is white and has blonde hair and I've seen numerous white characters leading factions.

Really makes me think.

Best clan coming through
>natural leaders
>no antediluvian
>strong internal support
>strong hierarchy without bonding
>makes Lasombra assravaged even in the shadow realm

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Liches are just wraiths that focus on re-animating their old body, or a new one. Risen. They used the name Revenant for families of vampire cultists/servants with lesser vampire abilities.

You could probably play some kind of nihilist/euthanatos Mage that does something similar.

I get that it's magic and you don't gotta explain shit, but it's still sort of ridiculous


It seems like a lot of people are in denial about what type of game VtMB was. They think the times have changed, but really its just them who has changed. They can't come to terms with the fact that they liked something that doesn't jive with their current ideology.

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>vampire using a flamethrower
Don't they have to roll a panic check just to light a cigarette?

If a werewolf sets himself on fire does he deal extra fire damage?

>Because replacing 90s counterculture with modern counterculture ruins the setting
Modern counterculture is neo-nazi, so they don't have the balls. They'll just do 90's counter culture by dialed to 11 for 'woke' points.

>No, it means I'm apathetic but not virulently apathetic.
Right, as I said, you care somewhat. It's an unintuitive way of saying you care, especially considering it's always used in a negative context. The actual, proper phrase simply expresses "I do not care at all" without requiring any mental gymnastics.
>I keep having to explain emphasis to you.
No, you keep completely misunderstanding the issue.
>It's the different between saying "meh" and "fuck off"

This is just a peculiar Americanism that has absolutely no logical basis and everyone trying to justify it resorts to some different far-fetched explanation. Everyone who understands the proper phrase has the same explanation, and it's simple English grammar.

Nice wall but all I'm hearing is "I was wrong and am too butt hurt to admit it".
And no, I never wanted to point out anything about Christianity. Just that you were wrong about the Bible. Which you were.

use the silver bat
no soak


I'm picturing some fucked up Tzimisce Master Blaster shit now.

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