It's not like Blizzard is short on resources to support a game like this and keep people engaged, so what happened?
What killed Overwatch?
Other urls found in this thread:
default voice chat with 12 year olds
It just got old. People move on.
People - including me - realized that they're actually just interested in the r34 and not the game itself.
The porn was more engaging than the actual game
>What killed Overwatch?
Diversity. In company as ingame.
Ultimates, tryhards, and a toxic community.
>Diversity kills games
>37 yo
Spoiled eggs
It's a soulless version of TF2
God I wish that were me
>from the top viewed game on Twitch to the 10th watched game
>even PUBG has more viewers right now
Terrible game balance
Awful competitive mode decisions
i-is there a more "movement" based version of this pic?
>Pic unrelated
everyone realized that the game is worthless
Lack of new diverse content. You are doing the same shit for years with minimal changes.
Only some permanent PVE with a lot of new stuff to unlock can save it now.
>twitch sponsored game for artificial hype
Yes Apex is "alive" but far from genuine and real "alive".
Game is what, 2 or 3 years old? it had a pretty long run
>implying it has something to do with diversity
/pol/tards are pathetic
mentally ill
They diverted all resources to making the game a gulag parody instead of content updates.
>top viewed game is full of women and minorities
stay mad polie
>has more viewers
I always thought that the success of a game is measured by the number of people playing it, not people watching.
It was only a fun game for the first year.
Then awful balance changes and poorly designed maps drove it into the ground.
Projecting dick chopped fag
Its a fact. Streamers even talked about it before the game released on 3 feb
Personally I thought map design and class balance was dogshit when the game released.
They have done pretty much nothing to fix either of these, just add in more useless or broken characters before slowly abandoning it.
ah looks like we got you
go back to your hugbox /pol/tard
>Top game has attractive pieces of ass
It's a multiplayer shooter, they don't tend to last very long.
>flavor of the month game
Good example
>rock paper scissors
>characters have black and white strengths and weaknesses
>can't beat a certain match up no matter your aim and sense
>can't possible lose a certain match up even if you are drunk at 4am
All the toxicity banning and LGBT character reveals. The consensus became "dude this game is ghey"
It's not customizeable . TF2 and arena shooters have map making communities that add new depth to the game. Blizzard doesn't want it's purchase playing the game any way other than the ways they thought of. It shuffles creativity, and makes the game incredibly stale. Hell, Halo had forge built in which added tons of variety.
>awful balancing and constant character retooling
>tried too hard to be e-sports focused game
>blizzard babying the community so players don't have their feelings hurt
>libtard talking about hugboxes
Almost the entire world is your personal hugbox, soon things will take a shift though and I can't wait to see you faggots cry.
Actually never mind, you will probably switch to the right as well since your entire political philosophy is based on what everyone else is doing.
Battle Royales usurped the multiplayer FPS market share.
There's something weird about this but I cant put my finger on it
A lot of things killed overwatch
buffing sombra, so that all of her abilities are the most annoying fucking things on the planet
buffing doomfist, so that he can be run long enough for his ult to automatically kill zen and ana
buffing symmetra, so that she can fucking paralyze you from behind by sending turrets through a fucking stealth teleporter
not understanding that making too many hybrid heroes, and letting the players play any combination of them, would lead to degenerate comps
blizzard's problem is that they have no exit strategy for when they release annoying heroes
Dropped like hot garbage when they made Soldier 76 a faggot.
Not because I particularly give a shit but it showed what they're using their creative efforts on.
Fucking autocorrect. Stifles not shuffles.
Jeff Kaplan
How old is she again?
welcome to nu-Yea Forums, where Twitch numbers are more important than actual player counts
That model's hair looks like cotton candy, so shit.
>gets called a mindless sheep
>responds with typical sheep meme
Thanks for proving my point.
Why do people keep making this thread? If you have played the game you would know
Time and goats. Mainly time. Overwatch has been out for about 2 years now. People just moved on to something else. That's the problem with multiplayer only games is they die after some time.
People just move on after awhile. Doesn't help it's pretty much the same game as it was 2 years ago just new characters.
Also goats sealed the deal. People are tired of seeing/watching/playing goats and it's a no fun allowed comp that's way too good not to run if you want to win.
post the preggo version
Making characters gay
>refuse to actually fix the game balance
>make x character gay instead
It target the wrong group of people. AKA more casual players, instead of competitive players who are willing to play the same game for thousand of hours and multiple years.
>hard counters everywhere
>there's almost no customization
>trying too hard to be a serious esport when it's clearly not
>virtue signalling everywhere
>reusing character designs in a company this size
>not actually listening to the fans
Gee i wonder.
>gets called out
>starts throwing memes and /pol/ agenda at everyone
Stay braindead /pol/tard
Why do poeple post like this? It's cringe as fuck.
but he needs to remind us every day until we finally kill the game and then we can dance on its corpse and say, "look, we told you it was dead!"
It's what triggers the /pol/tards the most.
go back to your hugbox /owg/ you dumb nigger. We don't take kindly to jew lovers here.
forced e-sport from the ground up. starcraft brood war, dota and counter strike were not designed around forcing or willing basically the NFL out of a videogame competition, the competitive community evolved naturally over time and with demand. incidentally this did NOT occur with team fortress 2 which was monetized via hats not esports and blizzard should have TAKEN A FUCKING HINT but nope. so, from the beginning, overwatch was infused with this rabid competitive spirit and every single player isn't a scrub but a "temporarily embarrassed nerd baller" and everyone fucking hates each other and the shitty fucking game. also LOL
I'm actually a centrist and I think libtards and /pol/acks are equally brain dead.
it was fucking staler than a game which has the same map for 2 decades and 2 heroes per year
>We don't take kindly to jew lovers here.
You're not in your hugbox /pol/tard you're on Yea Forums, just how low your intellect has to be to not realize that?
i agree on more of /pol/ stances than most modern libs stances but /pol has taken on the hysteria and outrage pill
They just kept giving the game more shields, more healing, more stuns, everything that makes the game not to fun to play.
Overwatch didn't just die, it was murdered
*Family Guy black and white cutaway*
*lo-fi beats for studying starts playing*
>What killed Overwatch?
Probably the same thing that kills most things.
Women and shitskins.
If an ability is truly balanced, it won't need a cooldown longer than a reload animation. Goes for both regular ability and ulti.
Forcing every player to wait potentially minutes so everyone can sync up and use their strongest abilities at the same time, just to get an even remotely useful push is cancer.
Good luck coordinating with 12 year olds.
Good luck carrying a team alone when the not even three full clips of perfect headshots are enough to guarantee a single kill due to shields, barriers, hp and 17 layers of healing sources.
With the elemination system, it's clear that the game is by design made to make everyone feel like they did something good rather than rewarding the actual MVP. Just think how many arguments could have been avoided, and how many matches could have been saved if they had an actual scoreboard during the match so that you never had to do detective work to find out who's the real shitter on the team. Focus on making the least useful player into an useful player before making the actual useful players fix what's not broken.
Too bad that showing scoreboards would hurt the terrible player's fee fees.
If overwatch's rank system took individual player skill more in account, you'd likely never end up with shitters that bad on your team in the first place. My guess is that Blizzard intentionally only take win rate into account because they don't wanna tear friend circles apart. If you play with friends that are clearly less capable, you'd quickly outrank them and soon be unable to play together due to the rank gap. It's an understandable design choice for a casual game, but incredibly infuriating for anything competitive.
Complete lack of content and the game getting worse every update. I stopped playing right around when they enforced the 1 hero per team in casual mode.
That's an interesting way to say EA not saying you are wrong tho
>I'm actually a centrist
Then you should already know that pol is as big of a hugbox as any leftist subreddit.
Good fucking lord the devs knew what they were doing when they created mercy.
I would breed that bitch so fucking hard.
If Overwatch were published by a small indie studio it would have been one of those "100 players on steam" games like lawbreakers or battleborn.
Blizzard is hauling this shit game around on its shoulders and eventually they couldn't hold it anymore
How do I become good at blender?
>Heroes changed for being shittier
>Lack of diversity in fun department
>CASUAAAAAAAAL mode monitored like a fucking competition game
>Typing anything in chat may warrant you a ban
>Make your own game isn't glorified with a make your own map workshop
I don't give a shit about gendered diversity or even the comics. Just make the game fun fuckers.
Hip movement is too fluid,
This flowchart is basically why I became a full time thrower when I still played. Making 5 teammates miserable 100% of the time is more fun than sometimes making the enemy 6 players miserable 50% of the time.
It's not about who has the better players wins, it's whoever has the worst player loses.
yes, please
It tried to please everyone, which is literally impossible. But marketing dictates thats how you sell the most product, for an entertainment artform this means stagnation and death.
It essentially tried to be casual and competitive at the same time and left everyone unsatisfied, its the same shit that happened with fortnite where it cant decide if it wants to be casual or esports and why people hopped on the apex bandwagon so quickly. Apex problems are a whole other shitpost though.
It’s not free to play and people that the game way too seriously also they keep making people gay for attention
low skill ceiling games have short lifespans
>what killed OW
It's still alive.
>what killed Battleborn
It's still alive.
>what killed TOR
Again, it's still alive.
You guys have a weird definition of something being dead.
>every map design is useless space>choke>checkpoint
>the only way to play is to bruteforce through the choke by spamming ults
i liked when it was released but blizz cant balance
it's dead if I don't like it
TF is dead user, get over it
During the short time I actually tried to like OW, I can't be thankful enough that I solo queue'd ranked.
>roommates always want to play ranked OW with me
>can't play with them due to skill gap
>placed in gold and worked my way to masters
>they're placed in bronze and barely get to silver
Its hilarious how cliched the character designs in that game are. Wraith is probably the worst offender. Lifeline and Bangalore are just weird looking, Wraith's design and backstory looks like it was copied from about a thousand deviant art portfolios.
You don't.
Sweeeeet JESUS.
Thank you, user!
I don't agree with OW being "dead", but it's active playerbase has shrunk by an enourmous amount.
A recent comp season for OW had less players doing their placement matches than there are active tf2 users on an average day.
I know it's not fair to compare OW comp playercounts to tf2 casual, but it still speaks alot about how much the playercounts have gone down. Especially when most people do placement matches only, just to get the points at the end of the season. That and TF2 is 10 years older.
>few new game modes
>few new game maps
>Can't think of a way to make healing fun so they flood the roster with them
>Mercy's kit flips from OP to useless each patch
>lore clashes with the game play. Compare to TF2 where the joke in the story is that it doesn't matter what they fight over
>All the unique character kits don't matter when you have to have a rigid 2-2-2, or 4-0-2 structure
>Can't think of a way to make tanks fun so they just made tanks better dps than most dps heroes
>community was fractured from the beginning between the tumblr people who liked the lore and character design over the actual game, the tryhard toxics, average gamers who play for fun
>Blizzard is too focused on making people play nice instead of just realizing that online gaming is and always will be full of assholes, actually admitted to pulling dev resources from gameplay to community management
Good fucking lord the devs knew what they were doing when they created mercy.
I would breed that bitch so fucking hard.
Post the QoS edit. Shits hot
>Gee our shitty game is sucsessful
>Perhaps we should fix it problems?
>Nah. Just add skins and events so suckers would continue playing in hopes of improvement
>Good idea, boss
>Yeah and esports! Almost forgot about that one
>But esports requiere properly working game
>Nah, forget this shit. I am telling you - fire developers right now and JUST SPEND ALL MONEY or marketing. It would be cash
And then 3 years passed
>>what killed Battleborn
>It's still alive.
Is 29 players on steam alive?
I love you, OP!
man i love sexy women
It never lived
>What killed Overwatch?
Battle for Azeroth. All the time is being spent trying to make that shitshow good again that they have no more people to fix OW.
It was murdered..
>too insecure to actually try and win
big oof
man i wish my cock was white and pale
holy shit user, you too?
>Not enough mechanical complexity
>Over-reliance on teamwork/ultimates/chokepoints
This is pretty much it for me. In the last few months that I played (I quit around the time Doomfist was added) I almost exclusively played Deathmatch. I found it quite fun when characters were forced into skirmishes instead of lobbing damage at barriers until the while team is ready to press Q at the same time.
They nerfed the original Roadhog, that shit was fun
>no BBC
And dropped
I wish I was Mercy,, or Mei...
Yeah. overwatch is too restrictive wth it's characters and the counter game meta kinda ruins it.
overly pc bullshit that is infesting the majority of vidya.
I can't even make my clan tag in division 2 "sux" because of a profanity filter. Pretty retarded shit
me too
>be me
>pick zen
>3 dps instalock
>okay maybe they're goo-
>its sombra, hanzo/genji and widow
>Exception that proves the rule
You ideological sheep can't even think for yourselves which is a damn shame.
How many cocks would you take user?
Stop bringing this up like people care. Yea Forums and gamers literally worships women. I'm convinced the anti-women posts - especially when grouped with "minorities" - are made by the same people who claim to defend these groups. Anti-women posters troll themselves, but try to blame it on everyone else to create their boogeyman. Clearest example of this is that batman gamer webm which was clearly made by people who fall under the discord tranny umbrella.
>Make MOBA shooter
>Not enough complexity to engage MOBA players
>Not enough skill ceiling to engage shooter players
Those who seek to please everybody please nobody.
Also worth mentioning that the Tumblr crowd that was really into the lore got fucked hard. Overwatch is almost 3 years old and none of the big questions they teased have been answered. We don't even know why the characters are fighting.
dead game
Most anti-women aren't on Yea Forums. They are people who got fucked in marriage, got cheated on, the state fucked, etc.
Dirty Pair was great.
This. To use a non-Yea Forums example, everyone is eager to wave Captain Marvel's success in the faces of "incel misogynistic gamergators from Yea Forums".
What they conveniently ignore is that those same "incels" fucking loved Battle Angel Alita. Both movies released around the same time, and both feature a strong female protagonist. But people never bring that up because that would involve actually trying to learn about the boogeyman that they've spent over half a decade building up.
>so what happened?
Blizzard used to make great, complete games, with a campaign, a multiplayer mode, tons of replayability...
They fell for the multiplayer-only craze, then for the LGBT trend, and now they're scratching their heads wondering why Diablo 2 sales are above zero.
Apex isn't the only game that's popular despite having diverse cast of characters.
So instead of having an open mind you simply fell for the ideology of loud minority who tells you that diversity ruins video games.
Yes I know, that's why all the anti-women posts here are done by same type of peopel who write articles on how people who play games don't like women which is clearly false lol seeing all the women worship from gamers.
Time. Games are just fads now, but it probably would have lasted longer if not for esports.
I like the overwatch universe and the characters, but after so many matches doing the same it gets boring. I wish they would add some sort of story mode, maybe small missions designed for each character, who knows, but it's really late now and I lost hope for this game.
Why does anyone watch anything? Play games yourself holy shit.
>work extremely hard to impress the higher ups that you invented the next MMO to rival WOW
>they shit on your idea and tell you to build something based around loot boxes
>bitter and angry developers spend the least amount of time and resources to develop this "live service" game
>its a total fucking hit, even more bitter because the original creators know that the MMO would have been a hit too
>get non stop complaints from your playerbase but you have no idea what the fuck your doing because a FPS/MOBA hybrid game is uncharted territory
>your jew overload higher ups tell you to do an esports to get big bucks from advertising
>your relatively grateful you can spend less time on your half breed abomination
>esports starts slowly failing as more and more fans realize how ludicrous it is to make an unbalanced game competitive
>6 of the 30 characters get picked 80% of the time on esports, meanwhile the player base slowly dies
It was doomed from the start. If the "Blizzard" name wasn't attached and they didn't make the characters borderline bimbo/Disney level of attractive, this game would have flopped
Also they payed big money for R34 to be spread across the internet
People like the "interaction" with the streamer. Or they suck at the game so pretend to be good by watching a pro play instead.
>People like the "interaction" with the streamer
Why? They don't give a shit about you. They just want your money. Make some friends.
This. It'll still have a player base for the next decade but the masses move from multiplayer game to multiplayer game at a rapid pace.
>you can literally choose your look from a extremely diverse pool of skins
This is the opossite of forced
Too bad /pol/ is right and libtards aren't
No one is forcing you to play games with minorities in them.
>Battleborn is still alive.
They stopped updating battleborn in 2017 and dropped all support, and it has around 20 players on Steam being F2P. You're smart.
>I don't understand what I'm arguing against
fucking kek
I'm just explaining to you that you are the sheep.
Alive and kicking on PS4.
No, you are both wrong and are only perpetuating the pendulum from swinging from left to right to left again.
fortnite artstyle and animation is really fucking garbage
It's legitimately fucking amazing how badly Blizzard has fucked up Overwatch. I mean it was the most hyped thing when it was revealed, rest of you remember that to? Hell, there's so much fucking overlap for people to be annoyed about the game. From the top of my head (Probably missed a bunch) Shame I really enjoyd the game/porn
>Snail pace for adding in meaningful content (Heroes, maps, & game modes. Skins do not count under this)
>All maps center around chokepoints
>Constantly buffing/nerfing heroes in extremes
>Constantly changing or removing heroes’ abilities
>Few newly released heroes (once in a blue moon) that have been coming out broken in some capacity (be them OP or trash)
>Their designs steadily decreasing in quality with each new addition.
>No campaign, no meaningful expansion of lore
>Removal of single player modes after each event
>Only consistent additions to the game are skins (decreasing in quality)
>Having paid skins (that are also timed in some cases) in a game whose only in game progression is getting the next skin
>Removing tricks for heroes that allowed for more complex plays
>Loot boxes
>Making people gay on the fly
>Changing hero designs due to minority outcry & decreasing characters assists (1. Widowmaker/Mercy from trailers/beta footage before game release. 2. Tracers ass/poses due to 1 post)
>Too much focus on competitive play/creating an Esport (Alienating Casual/Quickplay only players)
>Not enough focus on competitive play/Esports (Investing huge amounts of work, time, & money into these while refusing to change its more casual elements.)
>Constant desire to babysit players activity, going to far as to spend more time dealing with perceived toxicity of players & banning them, rather than develop new content
>Virtue Signaling to SJW's
>Basic Rock, Paper, Scissor design philosophy for the game’s heroes. Even this they don’t bother following entirely
>Heroes reliance on Cooldowns & ultimate's
I miss any?
Watching Dead by Developer bullshit must be horrid.
She needs the BBC
Every addition and change after release was for the worse.
A shooter game want to be "family friendly"
There's countless game types they could release to the wild or if they are unsure custom games. I for one would appreciate officially implemented infection (become hero that killed you, same heroes are allies) and gungame (change heroes every kill until you've done a full rotation of the roster).
They're always so resistant to add game modes, when if we had the kind of mode variety and flexibility Halo custom games had. They're too guarded about maintaining DA BLIZZARD "QUALITY" EXPERIENCE to let the community do more niche and ambitious things like what could be done with WC3. I have to wonder if maybe they're scared of someone's homebrewed minigame taking on a life of its own and leading to a competing product (repeat of the DotA scenario)
I don't get it either. Those are just my assumptions.
No amount of sexy characters will make a game good if it's shit.
>even less violent than OW
>prints money
the game being mediocre from day 1 and them never improving upon it
some of the girls are ok but that's it
Me, user. I did it.
Who cares, you're all going to die someday and you are wasting your time talking about some game that won't be around in a decade. It won't fill the void of your crippling financial situation and the fact the people around you think you're a loser who is afraid to go outside.
I said their refusal to have alternate kits was going to be a massive problem for them and seeing as how many times they've given complete overhauls to symmetra i was proven right. too, to a lesser extent.
Thanks for letting me know that I was right about you.
Social Justice.
A few reasons:
>Severely lacking new content
The best it gets is very rarely a new map, some new arcade mode or meme event mode that's kind of fun for a week. The game hasn't done anything legitimately new in terms of gameplay to innovate or improve. It just keeps turning the tires.
>Long stretches of the same dull meta
With how infrequent and often ineffective balance patches are, the game goes several months at a time stuck in the same meta. If its one that isn't fun to play in it just sucks and is a chore to play for months. Things like Brig meta and Dive meta existing for so long just ruin the game for people.
it's funny that valve is really the only big company who wants games to be the way they were back in the 2000's, rather than this policed, no-community server "toxic ban" shit
vg is a fucking god
COD BR is dead, you point?
>is really the only big company who wants games to be the way they were back in the 2000's
which is why they banned sprays, mods, weapon skins, added a report player button, backstabbed workshop contributors, and killed off community servers with matchmaking.
Most of his work is trash honestly.
that's only because they haven't made any games since the 2000s
>doesn't understand post so just makes up some counter point to argue about
>then uses confirmation bias to justify their stupidity
please, keep going
Stagnation + incompetent balancing + every character added after Sombra being smfucking stupid.
I still play every once and a while as an excuse to talk to some old friends though.
This isn't true because it implies you are on a similar skill level. I never play against people on my skill level. They beat me with anything, any time.
> big companies want to lose money
that's not what's actually happening
You keep posting memes and trying to avoid argument, this only tells me that you have nothing else to add to conversation, sheep.
Heal sluts
how do I make Mercy pregnant? asking for a friend
don't know how you got that from my post, but yeah there are quite a few genuine SJWs in game companies now.
Got you.
You get in line and wait your turn.
>"I don't like black girls in my game!"
It's okay to be racist user. Just try to use a better excuse for why you don't enjoy the game next time.
overwatch doesn't seem dead to me
how come there's no art of mercy with her hair down
Apex Legends is already adding more white people onto the roster.
To be fair the announcement of his sexuality also came about during the GOATS meta where picking any DPS is considered throwing.
i want to mating press mercy so bad
overwatch killed itself
shame they are ruining a good game here
I will never understand the mentality of people who love flavor of the month fad games. Games like PUBG, APEX, etc are just fads. Why do you like something just because it's popular? It's the equivalent of listening to a shitty radio station.
Mercy belongs to black men!
have you considered the possibility that something is popular because people like it, and not the other way around?
Because some people want to be cognizant of the latest fads? Unless you’re a hermit or cemented in a subculture, it’s important to at least be aware of where society is looking.
it's popular because it's good
I was expecting a good creampie, but oh well
Nice strawman.
Because people dont want to play dead games
Dva, Mercy and Mei were the best things that came up of this piece of shit game
>posts ded game
go back to twitter user
Some of the most fun I’ve ever had was with fad games that got dumped like hot garbage the moment something better came along. Don’t stick your nose up at people in your ivory tower for liking glitz and glam.
It triggers a lot of racists here.
I liked the remake too.
That looks more like Ashe then Mercy
go back to plebbit fag
Except you mentioned nothing about what gameplay aspects made it inferior to OW. If we were talking about different looking characters by aesthetics I'd probably give that to Octane.
Also I'd rather play a black lesbian than a gay white dude.
Why is there a constant overwatch thread up asking the same shit? OW died because it has shallow gameplay, thats it. If they wanted it to live longer, then you shouldnt have pandered to casuals. Anyone who played it in that beta weekend knew it would be boring fast.
kek got one already
Its fun to shit talk games and all but its kind of sad when most normies in discord are playing Apex and have looooong ago stopped playing overwatch. Its not really funny anymore and this is the only place I see even mention this dieing game. If most of the characters were generic call of duty guys it would have died right away.
Sombra is my dirty mutt mistress
Part of it is the huge mob mentality, anons friends play it so they play it too even if just for a while. Fuck I'm so tired of BRs and don't ever play them alone but literally all of my friends wanted to play Apex and we clocked in about 80 hours before dropping it. Now if you're talking about singleplayer fad games like Undertale it's just autism at that point.
I'm hispanic but nowhere near as brown as her, whats up with that?
You take that back, Sombra is clean.
It just means she is more Hispanic then you
Got outside more often
Overwatch dominated the scene for over three years and made countless millions of dollars on skins and sales. It had a good run and the fact people think it’s a failure for dying are ridiculous.
I'm a broke neet with a shit pc so I can only watch stuff don't have money to upgrade my comp
These shitty fucking drawings of shitting fucking characters in a shitty fucking game with these shitty fucking threads that are just borderline shitty fucking porn threads killed Overwatch.
get a job and have sex
This is pollib/v/. If it isn't 90'/00's games, it's dead. If the playerbase isn't constant/increasing, it's dead. If the game is finally getting shutdown after whatever many years, it's dead.
ive had sex, but finding a job is hard
Have sex.
I want to have sex with you user.
That picture works with almost all team based shooters except for the character part.
If I okay something with friends I’m not going to stop playing with them because they or I suck. People thinking a name on a social box on the Internet is a friend is what’s wrong with the world.
nobody votes for hydro anyway
Competitive / ranked mode killed the game for me. The day Ana went live was the day I stopped playing almost entirely, safe only for a handful of times I had the itch for a game or two.
I admit to have had tons of fun during the open beta and reinhardtin' hard in quick play, but everything changed the day ranks and leagues became a thing. The atmosphere became completely different, the game was no longer about fun, winning became THE most important thing to everybody and if you wanted to just goof around a little with no worries or better yet, try to get better playing some other hero, people would yell at you for being a terrible player. I was pretty good with Reinhardt, he was my number one guy, but suddenly I needed to be able to play all these other tanks as well and just as good if not better, something I just didn't have to worry about before. I know the guy wasn't great on every map and you could counter him, but people weren't as smart about it in the beginning. Of course I did switch to Zarya or whomever if the situation called for it,
I just hated to be around all those elitist faggots who sprung up and thought they were the absolute pros and the rest should just eat shit and uninstall the second they made a small mistake or two. It was just quickplay you jackasses!
The game feels as stale and repetitive as it was at launch years ago. Still wanna be Mercy tho
Killing people's favorite heroes' to the point where they become entirely different ability-wise with zero unique identity to what they can do.
It's just people trying to do something together with their friends. The hot popular new thing tends to be something easy to agree on. Even if you're not that into it, you're playing it because your friends are.
yeah I'd say the worst point of apex is the charadesign
it's really bad overall
this nigger knows what's up
I would’ve been all over that game from release if the entire cast wasn’t an assortment of boring mystery meats and poorly pixelated cliches. I’m still going to play it, sure, but that was a serious turn-off for those first couple weeks.
this fuck /pol/ and fuck lefty/pol/
Post the BLACKED edit
>viewers are more important than online population
Game relies far too much on teamplay than individual effort, so matching in quickplay is essentially rolling the dice and when you lose despite individually doing well you are forced to blame your teammates
>trying to avoid argument
You're the only one arguing here because I'm not taking a counter position you moron. Which is the entire point you're missing and have been missing this entire time. How can you be so god damn stupid?!
You’re just a shitter
The developers
I'm not a quickplay rager it's just something I realised before I quit ages ago
nail polish ruins it :/
Why are you looking at her nails user?
uhh source?
because they're in front of her tits duh
and because hands are sexy too
i really like sombras expression in this picture
her eyes have some sort of kindness in them
she's dead, user
see you in 6 months.
you need a good game to support before you start thinking about that
>Still no Sombra skin like this
Still mad
I'm watching this Overwatch League on tv right now. This is so cringe.
If every hour I put in urged someone to make one more bit of high quality Overwatch porn, it will have been worth it.
what is going on with her pelvis here
I've nutted on this picture.
why is this on fucking ABC right now
Pharah and animals, what could be better
this. they kept introducing no skill heroes to pull in zoomers which alienated people who wanted to put in time to get good on high skill ceiling characters, which are the anchor of the the game's player base.
Give it to me straight, doc. Am I completely wrong, or has every new hero been terrible?
What I initially loved about Overwatch was the cast, but with the possible exception of concept art Moira, I was highly disappointed with each and every addition to the roster. Fuck. Brigitte.
>Fuck. Brigitte.
I'd love to.
Unironically one of my favorite characters in the game, and I'm glad the game lived long enough to see her added before dying out.
t. nigger
yea thats it
really nice
surrogate friends
What's she doing?
I am racist. I have all manner of minority, particular niggers. I hate women as well. None of these things stop Apex Legends (or Overwatch) from being terribly-designed games shilled as hard as possible by corporations, who I assume are majority jewish or irish.
Back when Blizzard was on top the industry was smaller and they played to the niche market on UNIX based OSes by using Standard APIs that meant that even if you were using one of the unsupported UNIX-like OSes your game would still work with minimal compatibility tools.
This audience was small, but it was a die-hard community with few other choices for games, so while Windows users would go from one game to the next, the players in the UNIX would would keep playing games like Diablo or Warcraft.
With Overwatch Blizzard dumped the use of standard APIs, abandoned the UNIX player base they had enjoyed in the past and jumped in feet first to the Windows+Console environment. Unsurprisingly Overwatch became yet another title in the flooded market that users picked up, played for a while, and then discarded when the next new shiny thing came along.
Now TF2 and Dota2 are the evergreen games because they can be played anywhere on everything because they use standards.
CS: GO on top
They didn't know what to do with it. Started off in a pretty fun state, a lot of the early changes were good. Then they just didn't know how to expand it forward so it got stale. And instead of freshening it up, it was just more of the same. Doesn't help that they couldn't balance for shit but I don't think that was the nail in the coffin.
Porn is still top tier though
Being able to change heroes any time (and the hard counters that arise from balancing around that) make the game feel mindless and shitty to play
The game would benefit enormously from having a pick/ban system similar to an ASSFAGGOTS game at the start of each match (and balancing around having that, obviously)
I fucking cannot stand it when people draw muscular guys with saggy man tits. Who the fuck finds that attractive?
Issue is there weren't enough heroes at launch for that. Now, that would be a good idea potentially.
Apex failed on both account. Go woke go broke strikes again.
>You're not in your hugbox
And surprise humongous retard you're not in one either so get the fuck out you kike nigger
Also Overwatch died because of shallow FPS mechanic and sluggish updates.
No idea. I quickly switched it to some March Madness. I feel better now.
>Play Lucio a lot after the game is released
>He's super fun to play and has a pretty high skill ceiling
>Practice and get really good at wall riding
>Eventually get tired of the game and stop playing for awhile
>Come back after more than a year
>Wall riding has been completely dumbed down, now requiring literally no skill or thought whatsoever to wall ride indefinitely
>Has every new hero been terrible?
I love wrecking people's shit with new characters though.
She's trying to eat a hotdog but it's too hot and burns her mouth.
But forcing minorities in the game usually mean its shit so yes it is forcing the game to be shit thus repulse a lot of potential player.
The devs.
Game sucked
Boring after 10 hours
>which is why they banned sprays, mods, weapon skins, added a report player button, backstabbed workshop contributors, and killed off community servers with matchmaking.
When did any of that ever happened?
We have this thread every day
The game died because it had two game modes and the gameplay got boring
Its like Tf2 but with the same handful of maps and no mods
There's a total of 4 minutes of lore every April, and that's all the lore given in a year. Nobody is going to be interested if all they get every year is a weak ass PvE event saying "yeah this happened here's a short cinematic"
>We have this thread every day
Go outside
it's a fundamentally bad game. tiny maps, SLOOOOOOWWWWWW characters, press q to win, entirely balanced around constant massed team fights, meta always favors one or two heroes per class making the diversity redundant. people still like the porn, but that's all it ever really had going for it.
any other competent developer would have turned it into gold, but blizzard just has no idea what 'good gameplay' really is.
over reliance on characters in a team based objective arena shooter with boring, generic characters, bad arenas and poor shooting with lame "I win hur dur" buttons for everyone in the server. No mods, no private servers. TF2 was the best design document a dev could ask for and the only thing they learned from it was "retards will actually pay for skins if you play a flashy enough animation."
Nice female models though, advanced the stagnating animated porn sector quite considerably. Didn't even really need to make nude models for the earlier stuff, most of them were just barely clad in thin latex.
What's your rank or level whatever you want to call it? Generally curious.
Blizzard killed Overwatch when they decided to make it an FPS-MOBA hybrid instead of a quasi-MMO like Borderlands.
I don't feel like supporting an SJW company who blames made up terms like "toxicity" for their failures.
Not him but I agree with him. My girlfriend who plays on PC with a fucking xbox 360 controller who doesn't play anything but overwatch, the sims 3 and mass effect is actually capable of holding a ranked position. Somewhere around gold I think.
Getting matched with people who as assassins deal less damage than the tanks.
It makes me want to stop playing. This should be never happening.
DId they release the new demoman guy in overwatch already? How is he?
Yes with crappy and stereotyped char designs
anything is better than a white male
>Demoman guy
Uhh in the last 7 or so years? Where have you been?
It's the hair flowing that gets me
DP with two panthers facing up so you see the breasts bounce
artist is arhoangel btw they do pretty great shit
any slutty mercy around to help me cum?
Got stuck on being over-groomed to present the AAA++ facade for competitive play. Ironically under the hood it's a steaming pile of shit. Between the netcode, balance, and shitty behavior of the engine in hit resolution there's little in the way of redeemable.
Maps were few and far between, combine that with the equally sparse gamemodes. Top it off with zero community tools, including dedicated servers. It lost traction because they were trying to replace TF2's marketshare but they didn't even come close to offering anything that TF2 did. They lost traction because the focus groups they catered to were a pack of retarded normies with attention spans that parallel a housefly.
They try and reheat it every so often with content drops, but their designs didn't really improve, their balance didn't improve, and every step forward was acted on with opposite force. Eventually the majority of players dropped it.
Sure I am right here whatr do you want me to do uh... big boy~
you help me cum first I help you cum 100% guaranteed
Help me be happy
Overbabby here that has been playing the game since closed beta and still plays a match or two sometimes.
The game is not dead, but it will be in the next 5 months.
Because the last relevant piece of original game content they released was last summer.
Almost 8 months later, we're still playing recycled events\gamemodes with outsourced skins, with two new "heroes" and a new map that is pure visual gonorrhea.
They didn't fix shit.
Goats has been the meta for almost a year now.
They just don't care.
And when asked about, they reply with "we're working on a lot of new secret things that we cannot talk about".
This was 5 months ago.
The game is easily at its lowest since 2016 in terms of game balance and gameplay variety.
They just don't listen, or they don't care.
Or they listen but they do too little, too late.
I miss 2016-2017 Overwatch, easily the peak of the game.
the tiny bit of happy trail above the panties GOOD LORD
that baptiste guy that people here were comparing to demoman.
erp with me on discord or something Risa#2001
Chinese women look like this?!
>people here were comparing to demoman.
Because he's black and has a grenade launcher.
Wow, so unique.
It's like novacain of social interaction for some people.
I don't see how he's even remotely like demoman besides he has a grenade launcer option thats used to heal. Other then that he's a lot different than the other healers for sure. I personally don't prefer him over the other healers as much but I can also see good strats using his immortal machine and regen ability. His jumping function is pretty much useless imo
oh I'm afraid I can't do that. Happiness comes from inside. Outside happiness only lasts for a very short while because iti s based on you know, stimulous response. If you want happiness that lasts, you need to voncine yourself that you're happy with yourself as a person. Love yourself. If you want my genuine advice, I'd say that you need to write. What you need to do is at the end of the day, do a little self-roeplay. Write out mercy telling you hyow much she loves the positive things you do, no matter how small and inconseuquiocntial they might seem to you. Conviunce yourself thorurgh these session s that you desrve love, you know. I think you can do it if you try hard enough during the day and dyuring that writing session. Okay? Can you promise me that you'll do that??
You didn't give your userbase enough control.
They couldn't make their own custom maps.
They couldn't make their own custom gamemodes.
They couldn't host their own custom servers.
They couldn't change the game's settings, such as its horrible tickrate of 20. Even a tickrate of 60 is low and yours is a third of that.
They couldn't use the language and playstyles they wanted. You banned them for offensive language or for off-meta picks, essentially saying "Use our software the way WE want you to, or don't use it at all"
Unsurprisingly, they opted not to use it at all.
Did you not learn your lesson from how you let DotA and Tower Defense slip out of your grasp? Did you learn nothing from how Team Fortress 2 is still alive?
You tried too hard to be control freaks. People do not like control freaks.
Ogh shit, was I tricked? whatever it doesn't matter, I don't do discord. A bad place, that place is. Man that actually makes me very uncomfortable because you share the same name as my very good friend but I know for a fact he would NEVER do shit like this my friend. sorz!
mad cause bad
Alot of this is pointless bitching. Are you seriously complaining that people shouldn't have to hear negative shit when playing a game? Life isn't stressful enough as it is for you?
To say that I'm a big lynch fan would be a ginormous understatement. You see, I'm a ginormous lynch fan to the core and I want everyone to know it. His new tv show has had me hypnotized for weeks!
But in all honesty my most favorite movie of all time is hot fuzz. It's fucking hilarious and has in my opinion some of the greatest camera work in the business. I'd put it up their in the top three movies ever made of all time.
Even my priest agrees. New orthodox bro here btw. Currently non practicing but it's so great to get back into the faith after years of being a degenerate agnostoshit. Now if only I could get my cathlocuck parents to stop being pagans!
That reminds me, am I the only one disappointed that stannis Baratheon is actually gone? Oh who am I kidding! Of course not! Sometimes I forget I'm so completely surrounded by intellectuals of mine own caliber This isn't Reddit after all!
And um, I'd have to say my least favorite movie is a Clockwork Orange. It's far to edgy for me
oh alright thats fine, i personally dont see the problem with it though since I just use it to keep track of friends. communities are a cesspool of autism I get that
I'm saying you're a hired Blizzard employee using standard company talking points, and that instead of listening to why I personally don't like your game, you're saying "No, you are wrong".
With an attitude like that, it's obvious why you're losing customers. You never cared about them to begin with.
Blizzard didn't do enough with it except sprinkle 1 or 2 new heroes and force an esport out of it. Nobody cares about Overwatch anymore. There are better games now.
Overwatch feels more like it was designed around a series of checkboxes and then dumped into the hands of people who hate video games.
>Attempt to make a MOBA/FPS hybrid in an attempt to garner both audiences
>No campaign mode/story so zero investment in any of the characters you're playing
>Poor map and level design, every map boils down to 'rush in a straight line to win'
>Wild balance changes and character kit changes that vastly change how the game plays on a near weekly basis, making it difficult for players to adjust to the change and making people mad when their favorites get kneecapped
>Make a big hullabaloo about not sexualizing characters, then proceeds to make half the cast gay/lesbian in a game with zero in-game story element
>Goes full gestapo on people making any vaguely saucy fan-art, going so far as to issue court orders to get art taken down/artists web pages closed
>Pours immense amounts of funding into making an esports scene in a game designed from the ground up as a casual game
>Put off professional, high competency players with balance changes, iron handed moderation and a comically high entry cost to actually get into the league as a team
>Lootboxes in a game you have to buy into in the first place
>More focus on combating 'toxic behavior' than attempting to balance glaring gameplay issues, resulting in hilarious things like them filtering GG
>Attempts to virtue signal the modern feminist/SJW crowd (that don't play their games, mind) backfire every time- making characters gay/bi/whatever sees them played less, ignoring their own rules and rapidly recruiting a never-before-seen pro 'girl' turns out to be a troll that exposes them for sexism, banning people for emotes and general banter sees less people playing, and so on
When has nail polish ever ruined anything?
Things have rapidly changed in the industry. If your game isn't f2p it's already going to be losing millions of players compared to other more accessible games. I'm sure even something as shit as Paladins has more active players than Overwatch just for that reason alone. The sooner AAA devs learn that nobody wants to shell out money for a multiplayer exclusive game, the better or worse
Even if these things were enhanced by your standards, it does not guarantee increased player base and risk of further profits due to the money and time it would take to implement more
Is this the mercy main thread ?
The gameplay was fun for the initial 40 hours or so but after that the gameplay becomes very stagnant and people are just meta whoring for it to be of any fun.
At the honeymoon phase it was super fun to play each new hero and learn how to play each and every one and find out the ones that I personally prefer to play, but the problem is that you can't stick with just 1, 2 or even 3 characters if you aim for the win. The game isn't very well balanced so there's going to be complete dead weight picks and people will judge you for them.
Can't even play the heroes you like because the whole team will scream at you in voice chat or just text chat. Then they report you and blizzard being the fucking cucks they are, actually cave in to these retards.
There were few cases of players playing in top 500 with single heroes and getting banned for it because you have to suck up to the meta whores.
People calling Overwatch shit game are fucking idiots. There's fundamentally nothing wrong with the game because it can be super enjoyable. The problem is the game's balance and the community. Also, the gameplay doesn't vary enough to make it eternally replayable. There's not enough heroes to pick from, if they had double or even triple the roster it currently has, it would give the game so much more replay value. The maps don't matter, it's the heroes that matter, and having so small roster with just 4 abilities on each makes it dry as fuck. If they had some sort of item system and far more heroes, it'd be more interesting.
But stop saying the game sucks, being a contrarian doesn't make you special and only comes off as ignorant.
the color is wrong, should've been white
post feet
It's a blue board user
Heroes are becoming bloated with skills
New heroes are mixes of other heroes or extremely bland and boring
Theyre slowly getting away from THIS CLASS DOES THIS and into THIS CLASS DOES EVERYTHING
As for how I know you're disingenuous, you'll notice that the vast majority of my complaints were about the lack of user customisation.
Offensive speech was less than 10% of my post.
Second, you completely ignore one side of the story. You have empathy for the offended player. But not for the speaking player. Do YOU not know how it feels to be pissed off at something and forced to remain silent?
No, of course you know how that feels. It feels terrible. Why make people suffer the pain of NOT saying what they feel?
Third, life should be stressful sometimes. That's how you know where you are going wrong and where you can improve. Hopefully Blizzard as a company knows this, because they sure are in some stress.
>it does not guarantee increased player base
Perhaps not. But for your upcoming game, and I know you have one, build it around the idea of users hosting their own bloody custom servers.
WC3's editor was amazing in both its simplicity and its potential.
Even though WC3's "Server browser" displayed nothing but a list of names with no sort feature.
If you had made WC3 with the same server browser that Garry's Mod has, and you secured the IP rights, then it wouldn't be Activision buying you. It'd be you buying Activision.
how can one player be so based
Can you all just stop arguing and agree that Sombra is best girl
worst thing of all of this is "it slowed the progress of the game"
if only they could balance for shit, people wouldnt have dropped it
Is this sped up?
Isn't this against the rules?
I don't think so. I let people play healer if they want but everyone is playing dps anyway...
>people shouldn't have to hear negative shit when playing a game
The "safe space" is a terrible idea for an adult, or even an adolescent. An adult needs to learn how to not let petty things like namecalling or trash talking affect them, so that they won't be hurt by them in the future anywhere they go. The best way to do this is with gradual exposure. When you put your adults into a sealed bubble where bad things are never ever said and their feelings are never hurt, you are severely hamstringing their ability to build up that immunity. It's literal babying - we go to great lengths to protect actual babies like this because they are physically incapable of fending for themselves, but when you've grown up and aren't being coddled by your parents any more, you need to be able to look after yourself.
You could maybe make this argument for single player games, but in multiplayer, engaging with other human beings is part of the deal. Other people aren't always going to treat you like royalty, and the best way to handle this is to develop that immunity to it so you don't have a mental breakdown and start crying or throwing a temper tantrum when someone says something that hurts your fee fees.
The game just feels very superficial. Playing it doesn't feel rewarding at all.
Unlike TF2, Overwatch was dead on arrival due to the lack of Community Servers.
impersonating OP
They could so easily save this game and DOTA2 if they added mod tools to create custom games like the old warcraft/starcraft bnet days . Valve got so close to this with dota2
I disagree with you.
Namecalling and trash talking SHOULD affect you, especially if you're a salty faulty mad bad.
Gitting gud is painful. But if the shit talk is more painful, then you will git gud.
>game is literally on ABC right now
Not enough maps at launch, crzy balancing where multiple characters would be great, then next patch they'd be awful,or some would get a total rework and play as a totally new character. Beyond that I didn't want to play as a bunch of niggers, spics and fags.
>Do YOU not know how it feels to be pissed off at something and forced to remain silent?
This will be the only thing I'll comment on: If you can't be nice, you shouldn't be around others. It's a simple concept.
I don't agree, there's no need for anything that cannot be improved on. Telling someone how to do something is one thing, telling them they shouldn't be bothering pressing buttons at a time waster is another. You're worshipping negative reinforcement but refuse to think of the possible damages of it being used ineffectively.
What ""killed"" Apex Legends was that it's Team-based with Matchmaking (never a good combo), on a laggy as fuck engine with a 20 tickrate.
I say ""killed"" because it was never alive to begin with. EA hired streamers to play their game and flooded Yea Forums with the same copy-paste bullshit.
EA pretended to be ResetERA pretending to be /pol/ pretending to be Gamers in what I have to call a falseflag pileup and they shit up thread after thread with this garbage.
Unfortunately you could spot them a mile away because they don't know what "shill" and "based" mean, and they accused ANYONE who disagreed with them of being an idiot or mentally ill, but responded to absolutely none of their points.
The same fucking talking points "It's fun with friends" yeah, so's everything. "You just hate diversity" No, your netcode is garbage.
And my favourite
>Those armpits
>and rapidly recruiting a never-before-seen pro 'girl' turns out to be a troll that exposes them for sexism, banning people for emotes and general banter sees less people playing, and so on
What? I never heard of this.
Your points make a lot of sense imo when you think about it.
It's like they have no idea what they are actually doing.
just one armpit is visible though??
Lack of content. Shit was fun as fuck in the beginning but it gets stale when you play on the same maps over and over again. You also rely on your team a lot so if you get paired with retarded 12 year olds then you're s.o.l. pal. It'll be a long grueling match and you'll loose way to much ranking at the end of it.
>relevant outside of Christmastime
>even PUBG has more viewers right now
the game that refused to die
not with blackout
not with apex
>telling them they shouldn't be bothering pressing buttons at a time waster is another.
Not everybody can be astronauts, secret agents and movie stars.
Similarly, not everybody can press Q correctly.
You have to be a pretty fuckin top tier retard to fail at pressing Q correctly but people do manage it.
For these people, the best they can hope to contribute, is to suffer loudly and serve as a warning to others.
In encouraging the top 70% of players to get better, the bottom 30% have inevitable and inescapable pain. But better to improve the players you can improve, and not worry about the players you can't.
Nobody here like Overwatch though, the only reason some people are here is to shit on the game, shitpost and post porn! Idiot head!
>You also rely on your team a lot so if you get paired with retarded 12 year olds then you're s.o.l. pal. It'll be a long grueling match and you'll loose way to much ranking at the end of it.
That's literally any online game involving others.
Overwatch is great! I haven't played in over a year but it has the best SFM porn hands down. I get to cum buckets to the original cast and even newer bimbo characters I can't even fully appreciate because I haven't played as them and the shit is still hot as fuck
>If you can't be nice, you shouldn't be around others. It's a simple concept.
False. Being mean is a part of making other people less wrong.
If you want to stay wrong, you shouldn't be around others.
Nothing you said even goes against to what I said. You're being rude over a fun activity, you're a douche, stop justifying your shit behavior.
The community and matchmaking are absolutely terrible
Everyone wants to play DPS so you will often find people who have no idea what they're doing and blame it on support or tank even if they're running straight into a 1v6 or use characters who are countered
The matchmaking is just awful in competitive because they try to balance teams with levels but there are tons of smurfs or people who have played 2 or 3 heroes for over 100 hours and still suck at it
this guy spams overwatch threads for no reason
Niceness isn't something you're owed merely by existing.
It's something you EARN.
People who expect universal niceness use "nice" as an excuse to stay shit and not even try to improve.
I reject "nice" as a value.
>Being mean is a part of making other people less wrong.
That doesn't even make sense.
>If you want to stay wrong, you shouldn't be around others.
So far that logic doesn't seem to be working for you, considering you have yet to be right, at all, in anyway.
Its true, but not in the way you retards think
A pro player made a new account pretending to be female in order to get picked up by this idiot, the captain of Second Wind.
I find it funny that despite the horrific launch of TOR its constantly a top 5 money maker in the MMO world. But Battleborn is officially dead. The servers might still be up but Gearbox released a final update back in 2017 and pulled all development from it.
>You have to "EARN" niceness
Says who? You?
>People who expect universal niceness use "nice" as an excuse to stay shit and not even try to improve.
But giving constructive criticism and being nicer about it yields better results. People with shit behavior towards other is because it's inconveniencing them somehow, it's selfish.
I'm going to humor you, and assume you're just stubborn and not intentionally arguing in bad faith.
If someone is wrong and you are mean to them
And then you are nice to them when they are right
Then that motivates them to be right, because they want you to be nice to them.
>considering you have yet to be right
I know you are, but what am I. Also eat a bag of dicks you faggot.
>fucking garbage
look at her face, she wants to be fucked up the ass so bad. fortnite women are hot as fuck and I hate the game
So if you believe this, why have you yet to be mean towards me?
Your argument:
>You refuse to think of the damages
My argument:
>I think of the damages and they are an acceptable loss
Your argument status: REFUTED.
You status: BTFO.
Being rude is NOT shit behaviour. It's how you encourage others to improve. It's also fun.
Telling someone they're shit at a video game that involves socializing does not make everyone want to continue playing. You're just becoming a negative cancer and killing off the fanbases due to your elitism to be good at everything you pick up. You should learn to accept losses and accept that not everything is in your control despite your best efforts.
how is this thread still alive?
Well considering you just bumped it, that kinda explains itself doesn't it?
>You're worshipping negative reinforcement
No I'm not. I didn't say there was anything good about negative comments, I said people should be exposed to them in order to develop an immunity to them so that they won't be hurt by them.
>the possible damages of it being used ineffectively
This is what happens when someone is coddled by their environment and prevented from learning how to handle that kind of talk. Positivity and negativity are a part of everyone, and pretending that one of them doesn't exist isn't doing anyone any favors. I think learning how to handle negativity well is ultimately much easier and healthier than trying to force people to not be negative. Expecting the entire world to never hurt your feelings is a ludicrous expectation, while a single person just learning how to not be hurt is actually an achievable goal.
People love to talk how overwatch is dead
? But I am mean towards you. I guess it doesn't come across clearly in text. But I think you're a complete fucking faggot.
>Says who? You?
I have the right to be mean to other people and you literally cannot stop me.
I do this because my belief that being nice to someone who has not earned it encourages bad behaviour, and you should not encourage bad behaviour.
>But giving constructive criticism and being nicer about it yields better results.
That is a myth. Pain is a better motivator than joy.
Pretty much all this. Add in their blind insistence on basing the entire meta around shields.
>Reinhardt is a required pick on each team since he soaks up 1500 dmg for his team and every map has a million chokepoints
>you need a Reinhardt to counter Reinhardt's ult which is an automatic won fight for the team that lands it
>instead of fixing the maps, Blizzard focuses on creating more shield heroes
>everyone continues to play Reinhardt or stacks him with other shields to be even more obnoxious
>continues until the dive meta comes around to counter it, which is like fighting cancer with a bullet to the head
I'm not done yet, need more material
Better games existing
Designing sexy female characters in a shallow game where all the story takes place outside of it. No one wants to actually play the game. They just wanna masturbate to it.
Lack of tribadism SFM/Blender animations
Lack of doggy style tribadism SFM/Blender animations
Lack of catfight hairpulling SFM/Blender animations
>Still falling for the DIVERSITY IS BAD AND KILLS PRODUCTS meme
"Get Woke. Go Broke." will never be a thing no matter how many times you try to force it. Products don't fail because they have diverse casts or liberal messages. They fail because the product is bad and/or not fun.
>Telling someone they're shit at a video game that involves socializing does not make everyone want to continue playing.
Yes, that is the explicit point and the intent.
Did I not make this clear when I said that the role of the bottom 30% is to suffer loudly and serve as a warning?
What it DOES do is it means the 70% no longer has to tolerate that 30%. Those paint drinking retards are a bigger fanbase killer than elitists. See all the complaints about your players. See all the complaints about players for Smash brothers or Team Fortress.
What is the most common complaint about teammates?
Teammate was an asshole?
No, it's Teammate was incompetent. Teammate didn't even try. Teammate went brb smoke break.
To have a healthy fanbase, you must cauterise the sickness.
>You should learn to accept losses and accept that not everything is in your control despite your best efforts.
That doesn't mean I'll stop giving it my best effort though.
There's a time and place to build this psychological immunity as you call it, however, when you're just wanting to have fun should not become a stressful job ontop of everything else people have to deal with everyday.
You're not really being mean, you're just being spiteful and childish. Both are petty.
No one cares what you think, you're nobody.
>I have the right to be mean to other people and you literally cannot stop me.
Me? No, but eventually you'll either stop yourself or someone will stop you if you go too far. I doubt you're this mouthy in real life.
>Pain is a better motivator than joy.
Okay captain edgelord.
Blizzard is short on the most important resource of all: talent.
This entire post proves my point: You're cancerous.Games are meant to be leisure fun, not whatever win to fuel your I'm assuming gigantic ego no one cares about.
>top 500
>play with silver/gold friends
>treated like a god
fuck overwatch
I want to use Mei's healthy tummy as a pillow!
also the model never blinks
in which hole would you like to fuck her
Gonna need sauce on that img
brig ruined the game and the map design is generally shit
>Games are meant to be leisure fun
And having bad teammates is not fun.
This isn't about my ego.
This is about HELPING MY TEAMMATES you massive retard.
The #1 cause of frustration for people playing the game is bad teammates. I wish for them to quit playing, loudly complaining all the while in the hopes of driving away as many other brb smokebreakers as they can.
This means they no longer trouble me, they no longer trouble the other people on my team, AND they serve as a warning to encourage the other people on my team to improve.
Even if the other people on my team find literally no joy in getting good, they will at least appreciate the better teammates.
This is called having standards.
Having no fucking standards for your teammates and accepting the incompetent ones will kill the fanbase.
Having no fucking standards for people being correct and enforcing niceness for people who are wrong will kill a discussion.
Having no fucking standards for immigration and welfare and demanding everyone gets a slice will destroy a nation.
The bottom 30% is an lodestone that we need not carry. And by "We" I don't just mean "I". I mean We. As talkers, as Gamers, as a Society.
>No one cares what you think, you're nobody.
Says a Blizzard Shill in a thread explicitly asking me what they could do to attract me to your game.
If people didn't care what I thought, then they wouldn't take it so personally when I am mean to them. They care a great deal. I like that.
>eventually you'll either stop yourself or someone will stop you
I'm usually the one that stops others.
That's my job.
Someone would have to be (OMG) MEAN if they wanted to stop someone else.
Maybe if you're going to be mean, you should just stay home and let me have my way.
>Okay captain edgelord.
Edgelord is not an argument. You have lost.
>And having bad teammates is not fun
Having shitty attitude teammates is also not fun.
>The #1 cause of frustration for people playing the game is bad teammates
Citation needed. Since muting the mics I have enjoyed it a lot more.
Your entire argument is basically "Look you're bad and I don't want to play with bad people, go away and get good" but there's a flaw with that mindset: You're obviously not good enough to gather decent teammates. You know if you had friends (and let's face it, you don't) you could easily remedy this if you were NICE and had friends to make a better functioning team. But yelling at random people just makes you look like a loon who takes a video game way too seriously.
Yurifag away
You can ignore a shitty attitude, but you're forced to deal with lack of skill. faggot
You call me a shill yet you're here, arguing, over nothing. I'll let that sink in for a moment.
>you have lost
This was never a competition to begin with, there's nothing to lose.
Never. I want various webm of Tracer grinding her clit on Mei's fat ass.
it's literally nothing like tf2. like outside of having classes in an FPS they have nothing in common
Skill in a video game. A video game. A game that is designed to kill time, should not be taken seriously.
If this was some sort of job or career it'd make more sense, but a video game? Really?
it's not dead, it just had crazy hype
it's also 3 years old now, very very few games hold on to a massive player base since there's always new similar games that take over the hype
imagine having this level of delusion
I wanna marry and impregnate Mercy
>Having shitty attitude teammates is also not fun.
Fucking amen to that. I can't count how many people think that niceness is something they deserve even if they aren't good.
With an attitude like that, it's no wonder they ward off others.
>You're obviously not good enough to gather decent teammates.
Eh, I suppose you're right in that regard.
I'm like top 20%, but NOT top 5%. I can't deny that I am someone else's bottom 30% and someone else's cautious example.
It's better that way though. The alternative is what, forcing the top 5% to put up with me? that's unjust and I don't like it.
>if you were NICE and had friends to make a better functioning team.
This, though? I make friends with other assholes. I can't be friends with nice people, we're just too incompatible. But shared hatreds? Shared hatreds are amazing at building friendship.
Hell, I don't see how you could build a friendship on niceness alone. Without a shared enemy, what point do friends have? It can be an abstract enemy like "weakness" but you do have to share a struggle or there'd be nothing to co-operate for.
>But yelling at random people just makes you look like a loon who takes a video game way too seriously.
Really? I get far more people saying I don't take games seriously enough.
Thanks for keeping the stupid comment counter up
>Wild balance changes and character kit changes that vastly change how the game plays on a near weekly basis
you fucking wish
This is your brain on /pol/
I have to agree, the early concepts and previews had much more interesting character design. Outside of Ana, and maybe even DF, most of the designs have been lack luster and boring.
>and they accused ANYONE who disagreed with them of being an idiot or mentally ill, but responded to absolutely none of their points.
You dodged a very important fact: No one actually likes being around you, that's why you can't build a team.
>The same fucking talking points "You just hate diversity" No, your netcode is garbage.
Can we get a "It's fun with friends"?
Lack of depth.
Hard counters and hero swapping as a counter thereof limit the depth of matchup interactions. Ult charge as the only real resource also limits the depth of a given match.
Also this
lol you're a fucking idiot
get off my board you goddamn zoomer cunt
>No one actually likes being around you
Then they're very good liars and I'm a lot better at intimidating than I thought.
I bet they couldn't stand me if we were alone without an enemy to fight, but honestly I'd be fine with that. Conflict gives you purpose.
I know that this isn't your argument, and while I agree with you to an extent, your mentality is what kills online communities. A lot of people, myself included, would rather deal with taking a loss from a well-meaning incompetent player than deal with someone with your attitude.
I'm not taking up for the concept of "toxic players", but the fact is that even more than capable players won't pick up a game if the community is full of trolls and people with your opinion. Good players leave when the game is no longer fun. If part of the game encourages the player to socialize with others and that becomes a pain in the ass for rude players, no one will do it.
You can't really have your hypothetical all-star team when no one is playing to begin with. With that being said,
>I mean We. As talkers, as Gamers, as a Society.
Troll harder, nigger.
source on these?
What are you talking about?
A variety of brown qts is perfect fapbait
>using zoomer as a downvote... when I'm criticising a game popular amongst zoomers
>pretending to be a board native when you don't even understand board language
So if you believe this, why can't you use this so called social skills and recruit and befriend people to play the game with? Should be easy with your tackle box of skills right? You're not shit, everyone else is correct?
>no rope burn on the neck
>no tension on the rope
I've seen what dead, hanged people look like, this is nothing like it.
>becomes a pain in the ass for rude player
Because of rude players, rather.
your mom will die in her sleep tonight.
Honestly because we're busy playing other games.
Fuck Overwatch and its bans for toxicity.
>Should be easy with your tackle box of skills right?
Ironically, if I -try- to make friends then it doesn't work. I legit can't do it if I'm consciously trying. It's only if I STOP trying and just express who I am that people hop on board the rage train.
>Basking in air of Tracers fart
>however, when you're just wanting to have fun should not become a stressful job
I don't think this statement is necessarily wrong, but I don't think this really applies to Overwatch or competitive games at all because they are already inherently stressful. I think everyone would agree that Overwatch can be plenty frustrating even when no words are being exchanged between players. I understand wanting it to be less stressful, but at the same time it's worth acknowledging that this is not a game you should be playing to begin with if you're just looking to have some stress-free fun. You aren't "entitled" in any way to a stress-free, fun experience when you're interacting with other people. There are lots of single player or bro-op games that are great for this, instead.
Anyway: the underlying suggestion here comes with an expectation that other players acquiesce to your demands regarding their behavior. You are NOT simply logging on to any old game to have some stress-free fun - you are voluntarily engaging with other real people in a competitive environment. Expecting them all to change their behavior just because a complete stranger is asking them to, is a rather tall order. They are all their own people with feelings and opinions and desires just like you. What makes your wishes more important than theirs? Everyone's on a level playing field. You can certainly ask them to act nicer, but you have no grounds to demand it.
What you do have control over is yourself. You can get to the point where garden-variety negativity just bounces off of you. I don't just mean you won't react to it, I mean it actually won't make you feel hurt or angry or stressed in the first place, and you'll have solved your problem not only in one game but in many other things you do in life.
Literally me.
>Been fapping for months to OW
>play on a friend's account.
>Get bored 3 days later.
>Keep fapping to OW character up to this day.
Not necessarily. In something Rainbow 6 you need to work together to get the best results each round but it's also fairly easy to carry the shit out of your team because the ttk is so fast. I can't tell you how many times I've had to ace in order to win the match because my team all got spawn killed.
In Overwatch if you're a tank or a healer that's not really an option.
medic requires an actual skill to play so never gonna happen
>A lot of people, myself included, would rather deal with taking a loss from a well-meaning incompetent player
I understand and accept that your tastes are your own and that your tastes won't change merely based on my opinion, but I disagree strongly with your preferences.
>but the fact is that even more than capable players won't pick up a game if the community is full of trolls and people with your opinion.
Not if they're capable trolls with my opinion.
>Good players leave when the game is no longer fun.
You're right about that, you know. I suppose with a lot of games you're caught between a rock and a hard place with that. The good players make friends with the shit ones, so you're either driving the short bus or you're crashing the short bus and everyone's afk at the funeral.
The easy solution is to stop the good players from making friends with the bad ones, but I have no fucking idea how you'd combat something like that.
I guess you could just ask nicely for the good players to have some standards on who they keep as company, and give them constructive criticism on who is a productive and unproductive friend.
Actually I haven't tried that and I'm going to, to see if it works. If being nice and offering constructive criticism works here then I'll change my mind on it being useless
>If part of the game encourages the player to socialize with others and that becomes a pain in the ass due to rude players, no one will do it.
Now THAT's another rock and a hard place but that one's someone else's problem. Suffer the pain of assholes, suffer the pain of retards, or suffer the pain of no games.
Which confirms what I knew: You're actually socially inept. Correct? This is a team based game, you want to play better? Get better people recruited. Not rocket science. I have a buddy who plays competitively. He constantly has people he plays with casually as well. He has charisma and social skills, you need a better attitude and git gud at life.
There's a fine line between accepting the stress of idiots, newbies, trolls, spammers and handling losses. It's a whole different ballpark to be yelled at constantly like it's your second job. If I fuck up, I know I fucked up. I can see I don't have any gold medals in any of the fields, I see the loss, I see my low rank. I do NOT need to be told the obvious, I do not need to be told I need to "git gud", I see the loss, I see where I could of optimized my strategy and pick characters better suited. I know I needed adaptability and flexibility to extend my skills. Commentators on such things is just adding onto unneeded garbage I easily knew myself.
Since muting mics, I did become better. I didn't have to hear disgusting people, people screaming, shitty music and everything else inbetween. I was able to focus. I do not need background distractions and armchair generals pointing out what I did wrong. It's a video game, I'm an adult, pretty sure I can eventually figure things out on my own.
And I cannot, then I will ask for guidance. I don't need a legion of hind sighted 20-something year old college punks telling me what I did and did not do.
>In Overwatch if you're a tank or a healer that's not really an option.
Completely wrong, each character is unique. Just because there's only three classes does not mean they handle situations just as easily or as well in certain situations, locations and paired against the other team.
No cross-platform. They even disliked PS4 players being able to connect a mouse and keyboard to the console.
From what I heard the game got the Yu-Gi-Oh effect.
Every new character breaks the game and makes it unplayable without them
I suspect that basically every Attack character saw a drop off in this time due to 3 Tank + 3 Support meta. Feels more like a "reporter" trying to get a clickbait story going and create outrage.
>so what happened?
Literally three whole fucking years happened, user. You're a bit late.
Such a sweeet sensation!!
Got old two weeks after launch, maybe 1½. I dunno. Game was shite. Never bought anything on after that.
And they just buffed soldier now, which made him stupid broken.
>Never bought anything on after that.
As if there was anything to buy other than Blizzard shit or two Activision sponsored garbage games.
>You're actually socially inept. Correct?
Only when I try to be someone who I'm not.
The amount of people who can pretend to be someone else and still be socially apt are very few, and most of them are sociopaths.
I don't know how to be a sociopath and I'm not sure it's something you can learn.
>you want to play better? Get better people recruited.
But I already DO that. That's pretty much the #1 strat.
>He has charisma and social skills
I am fucking legendary at making enemies and I bet I make enemies faster and more thoroughly than he makes friends.
I have no idea what the point of this entire reply was. Just admit you're an asshole and your ways don't always work.
Your game is dying. It's good to be an asshole.
For me, it's the running mascara.
The porn is more overated then the game but its easily the most repetitive FOTM game out there, you played two matches you pretty much played them all
the maps are all bad and do not compliment the heroes at all, the heroes arent balanced what so ever, the new heroes which is everyone after Ana are garbage and poorly designed, the nerf and buffs make no sense, developers ignore any criticism so everyone just leaves, the over reliance on team play means nobody can solo carry and one person throwing means you instantly loose, the game still has no reg problems, damage scaling, and overall latency issues, none of the heroes require skill its just play whoever is the most braindead and win, there is no payoff to playing longer you only get a piss boarder and piss colored guns but still get matched with idiots etc
the only way they can fix this shit is fire Kaplan and make Overwatch 2 which changes everything
All games die and become forgotten, just like anything else in this world. Or are you impressed with your teenage level epiphany?
What's Sekiro? I haven't heard of it but it seems popular.
I don't get it, if these games are so popular, why are so many people choosing to watch it over play it?
That’s a pretty high tier kink. I like the blender feet and the 2D bimbo and fat fetish stuff.
Its not a good game, basically.
>All games die and become forgotten, just like anything else in this world.
That's true.
I suppose the best you can do is enjoy them while they last.
>What's Sekiro
Fuck off.
Exactly, meaning not having assholes ruin it for me.
What is the best mercy porn please
I'm going to have to disagree with you on that fat fetish stuff, on a respectful level. Please keep it in text if you respond in the defense of such an abhorrent thing.
Difference being Apex is a fine game that they slapped sexuality obsession on later. Blizzard realised their product is shit and tried to save it by catering to diversity after the fact.
Hey I have a plan.
Why don't you host a server
And I'll host a server
so I can play with assholes, and assholes can join my server, and we can all enjoy being assholes to each-other and not bother you
But you can just make custom matches, you do know that right?
Actually no I don't. I've never bought overwatch and never played it.
Oh most definitely, was just sharing what I’m into. No worries.
Not him, but if high potential for assholery is such a consistent part of the game you're playing and this is creating a bad experience for you, I probably wouldn't be playing the game in the first place if I were you.
I hear it's shit though. Players are too "toxic". :^)
Lazypurple is still making video about it and the servers are still full.
I bet tranniewatch will dies first.
except it still has 40 million players
how many players does your favorite weeb pedo dating sim have?
all the porn being vanilla shit
I still play it with my 30 year old boomer bros. Its the perfect game for us to pick up and play after the wives and girlfriends have gone to bed or the night before work.
I don't take the game seriously beyond doing my best as a team in competitive play. If I play solo, it's always quick play or arcade. It can take a minute or two to find a match, but it's not dead by any means.
Sombra is my wife.
Nothing "killed" Overwatch, you all just lost interest in it over time because no game without a modding community can stay interesting forever. Why are people still shocked when a game loses relevance, like do you guys expect every game to last forever and ever?
shit tier filter
This thread was supposed to be for lewds and shitposting why people having a serious conversation in it?
People still play games like OSRS and WoW which came out two decades ago so yeah they do.
Those games have huge modding communities user.
you are beautiful and you deserve to live
That is sound advice. I love the characters and the story they tell. They're like science made avengers or some shit. But playing games with others have always been unpleasant for me.
I just hope they expand on different genre games for this interesting series concept.
This. I'm disappointed.
>console niggers
Jesus fuck, you niggers should be lynched.
Got dabbed on Battleborn
Moira is fun to play but her default look is awful. Skins help with that. But people like Demoma- I mean Baptiste are just bland garbage.
fuck off to /trash/ then
Yeah, her blackwatch and banshee are the two best ones to make her look halfway decent or interesting.
bump is dead post porn
Iunno, I don't think mods have much to do with it. For my personal experience I became disinterested with Overwatch when I realized that I was only really enjoying myself about half the time I played. Not because of asinine "toxicity" or whatever, just the usual shit where you feel like sometimes you're matched into a good team and shitstomp, and sometimes you're matched into the other team and get shitstomped. I knew that I was hoping to have fun, but I also knew there would be a really good chance that wouldn't happen, so I gave up and move away to other games that I find more consistently enjoyable.
I didn't get nearly that much frustration from TF2, although I can't say why. Both games I played starting from their beta tests, but Overwatch I played for probably less than a year while TF2 held my interest for almost ten years and I still get a tiny itch once in a while to hop back in and play a match of Dustbowl or dick around on 2fort.
>Alot of this is pointless bitching
Every last iota of that is why games like CS and TF2 are still alive. You're a fucking retard.
this please I'm not done yet I just need more material hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
the simple explanation is overwatch is shallow; playing the game itself isnt fun because characters, maps and the game in general is not malleable
Wraith is literally Jack from Mass Effect.