ITT: Games you know are good but can't get into it

ITT: Games you know are good but can't get into it

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just use mouselook, dumb zoomer

I am. I'm just having trouble with the maze-like map. I can forgive the combat but the interface is a mess

I thought it was fun until the later levels

The interface is perfect. It makes more sense than most modern games. You might be an actual brainlet.


Don't play it if you don't enjoy it.
Just because people are calling it a must play 10/10 experience doesn't mean it's for you.

Half Life
Deus Ex

They are good but outdated. Many other later games have implemented their good mechanics so they feel old (but well structured).
They just feel like bad games for modern standards.

Space station 13
fucking cant understand what the fuck is going on
every crpg with expectasion of fallout 1/2
I actually think that interface in og Fallouts its good if not better than in baldursgate/arcanum and dont understand when people say that thats the aspect that aged the worst

>I'm just having trouble with the maze-like map
it has some of the best level design ever conceived. maybe you don't like video games.

I had more fun with SS2. Even though I had to rebind all the controls

Still have never finished it

>They are good but outdated
how are they dated? they have controls and level design that exceed games made today in terms of quality.

I had the same feeling but with ss1
I can never finished a playthru on ss2 but enjoyed my time with ss1

I finished Half Life 2 but I got bored with Half Life 1 once I got to the alien planet.

Could never get past the first level of Deus Ex. Just got bored once I finished the first level. However, I still enjoy Deus Ex more than HR and MD. 100% of those two was just constantly hacking doors and shit combat

you're talking to a retarded zoomer user, what kind of answer are you hoping to get?

While it is quite good, the best part of Deus Ex was never the gameplay.

The two tricks to understanding System Shock 1, level design are:

>remembering to place and name map markers, they will show up on your hud
>realizing that most levels are actually laid out like a big circle

It takes some adjustment since it exists in a weird area between an RPG and an FPS. It's really good if you can get the hang of switching between shoot mode and point/click mode.

Here we have a rare case of the thoughtful Yea Forums user.
Instead of jumping at another user using buzzwords like "tranny", "zoomer" or "based" for not liking what they like, he instead calmly proposes a logical answer to the problem.
Let's get closer to it, unlike other anons he doesn't get triggered and it's quite sociable.

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Nice post fag, go cry in your safe space now

A fascinating case.
Here we have the "Triggered user". This particular species reacts violently at their enemies by emitting screeching noises and threats. Despite this however, they're completely harmless.

The cause of their trigger is generally someone with different ideas from them or sometimes people who mock them. Given their weak mental state and insecurity they cannot see pass irony and immediatly retaliate.

Maybe we can get closer to this one, although it won't be a pleasant experience.

Attached: Woah.jpg (1024x576, 139K)

OP, listen to this guyOnce you understand how the map is limited, it makes a lot of sense. Custom map markers for a first time playthrough help tremendously. Mark where elevators are, what floor they go to, where energy stations are, surgical beds, mark computer rooms, mark, mark, mark.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks

Resident Evil for the GameCube