Joost in Spacelords


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is she desperate for money or something?

Man it must be easy being pretty. Does she even voice act in this one?

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Why the fuck do companies hire joosten as a model?? She's bland as fuck personality and face wise
she speaks

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Is this game good? The character designs had me interested before. Is it like Borderlands or Destiny? Did they scan Joost's feet again?

>why hire as a model.
>she has bland as fuck personality.

I think you forgot your meds, user.

More like for attention

Why are Western character designs so bad

Why would a dumb horsefaced roastie do this?

The fuck is Spacelords?

Holy shit you anglos really have no standards at all. She looks just.. Weird. Like non-human

My question exactly.

Figures an autistic friendless loser wouldn't know, but you can actually radiate your personality.

a dead multiplayer game
I dont even know how its still alive at this point

shut the fuck up faggot

Oof. That line delivery.
It is actually pretty fun but it's dead and multiplayer.

Isn't this the girl that sleeps with arab men for money

Not this one, she sleeps with fat elderly corporate japanese men for money

When do so many manchildren get off to being mean to pretty women?

*Tips fedora*

Just go on her streams and give her money if you want to whiteknight so much, you filthy whoremonger.

I dont watch streams cause im not a fag
and i dont talk in memes like a fag

So tell me, why do you fags like to talk shit about pretty women so much? From the little ive seen posted of her on here she seems really nice too.

Actually, answer me this: Why in your opinion pretty woman should be shielded from getting shit in the internet like literally everyone else, you filthy whoremonger?

>It is actually pretty fun but it's dead and multiplayer.
That's disappointing. Oh well.

Because they are mean to us.

They shouldnt, what reason do you have to shit on them though? Cause you are jealous that they get attention and your disgusting asses dont? It sure appears that way.

When was joost mean to u, user?

I am in favor of equality to all people. Everyone should get shit on the internet, regardless of appearance, race, or gender.

The only reason you think they should be the exception, is because you are a filthy whiteknight.

Off camera she called me a faggot for not sucking her dick.

Because pretty women have inflated egos, which must be brought down. It's not only manchildren that do this but physically attractive men too. Most of these women are used up and discarded in the end, the ones that do get discarded and they find out society only used them because of their physical appearance and now they've lost all benefits they turn into hyper-feminists. The other ones that manage to marry Chad or marry a man out of the spectrum of alpha/beta, but those men are hard to find for females that have never taken the time to developer their personality. There is a reason why female depression skyrocketed after female emancipation.

So everyone should be shit on merely for existing? Without any rhyme or reason? Why did you randomly choose her out of 7 billion?
Is it because you are infatuated with her? And you have the mental capabilities of a 5 year old so you start being mean to her?

A game no one plays

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What is wrong with this image? It's so jarring. Is her head too small maybe?

Holy shit, kill yoursefl

I asked her for marriage on twitter and she never replied. The fucking whore, all of them. Dad was right, all they deserve is a good beating.

>hit the wall
>still unmarried
>eggs are dying every month
damn, white women have it tough. imagine being a professional attention whore and then waking up one day to the sheer horror of finding the hint of crow's feet when you look in the mirror.

Ain't that all of us? Except we are not even capable of becoming professional attention whores.

I believe eggs start to become bad after 16, it goes into overdrive at 21 and older. There is a reason most females used to breed around that age in the past. But somehow in our retarded "progressive" society, they know better.

Do you think I go out of my way to talk shit about her? I saw a thread and I clicked, faggot. The only special thing about her is that she may have had sex with Kojima.

Your attempt to defend this thot is so pathetic, that I really don't doubt you are one of her twitch fanboys. Once again, go fanwhore that slut there, you filthy whiteknight.

>Do you think I go out of my way to talk shit about her? I saw a thread and I clicked, faggot.
And then went out of your way to talk shit about here. You could click it and not talk shit. But you chose to because... what? im still trying to understand your manchild brains.

Wtf how is this game is still going, it has like no playerbase to speak of.

The body is an aberration, is like something from a house of mirrors. Arms, legs, torso, hips, legs, head, they are all in different sizes. It's like a doll made from the parts of six different dolls.

why didn't you suck, are you gay?

Is this a shooter? A MMO?

Dios mio.... la goblina del lago

Nu-uh. Girls are in their prime around 12 and it all goes downhill from there.

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Because it is fun to talk shit about people.

>You could click it and not talk shit
What would I do in this thread then? Defend whores like you are doing? Sorry, but I am not a trenchcoat wearing fedora tipper like you.

>aiin manchild
Said the faggot who defends thots that will never have sex with him on the internet. I was just like you when I was 17, until I realize there's nothing more stupid than wasting time defending whores who are not in physical reach. Go defend your neighboor, the girl that sells you bread, your highschool friend. Stop wasting time with online whores, your filthy whiteknight.

>age 12
Biology says otherwise.

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I wouldnt defend someone merely for the expectation of sex, I'm not involuntarily celibate. You are calling her a whore and thot for no reason again. You are showing that you are a psychotic manchild. You despise pretty women because you will never have one.

literally what?

Those are good numbers. Double than back when i was still playing this.

I pity americans and their absurdly high consent age. It's like the law forced me to eat fruit only after the first rotten spot appeared.

>You despise pretty women because you will never have one
Prostitution is cheap and legal in my country, user. Only this year I banged more 9/10 girls than you will in your entire life.

After you have a few, you realize they are not that special, and the desire to defend thots in the internet go away.

>What would I do in this thread then?
Talk about the videogame on the videogame board.

so this is confirmed a shill thread right

That is not fun. And I am not here to entertain you, nigger, only to entertain myself.

I don't consider women or pretty women special, well pretty women are more special simply for being easy on the eyes and there are so many many many fat women nowadays. But you are shitting on pretty women not because they are bitches or mean or did something bad. You are doing it merely for them being pretty, that just means you are mentally retarded.


Is steam only?.
Anyways joost is oddly cute.

>that face
What were they thinking?

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Literally who?

>2017 release
>still invest to release new content
Why? Probably even Randy gave up on Battleborn at this point.

I can't tell what is meant seriously and what isn't anymore.

Not an incel here
Women are trash and leeches
pic related, the ideal woman

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the internet was a mistake. China has the right idea with real IDs and social credit

user, you don't hold the standards of what constitutes retarded behaviour or not. I don't shit just on pretty ladies, I shit on everyone. Joosten is not even that pretty to begin with. Would I bang? Sure, but I would bang even Amy Schumer before she got twice my weight, so that doesn't mean much. I shit on her because everyone deserves to get shitted on, nature says so and so do I.

Spacelords is the renamed free-to-play version of Raiders of the Broken Planet. It's not a bad game, but their character design is fuck awful.

I hope this is pasta, most incel shit I've ever read

One of these days I'm gonna give the game another chance.

Just to ruin it for the other three players, because I don't know what to do, while constantly dying to some level 50 antagonist.

Please give us the product name so I can see the price and change my mind.

This game looks interesting and it's even free, thanks OP I'll try it, if it's trash no money lost

So you shit on your mom and dad? A kitten walks by and you start yelling at the kitten? A baby kitten user? Seems like you might have a case of the retards.

the leader of the protectors of the galaxy


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My mom yes, but not my dad, as he deserves respect since he is not a woman. I don't mistreat kittens because I like cats, but I do mistreat dogs, as they deserve everything bad that come to then.

Would you eat a dog?
WM doll torso
1500 unfortunately. God I want one just to keep in my bed for fug and snug but the price is a bit much for something without arms or legs

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I wouldn't touch a dog with anything beyond the tip of my shoe. Eating one sounds as disgusting as eating maggots, only chinks eats stuff as disgusting as those.

>likes cats
>thinks dogs are filthy
Arab confirmed

Sure youre fapping to tranny porn

>that shit "design"

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I'm not arab, but knowing that is their mindset makes me dislike then a little less.

Thanks, user. You made me more aceptable to a group of people today.

>You made me more aceptable to a group of people
They will still hate you just like everyone else does, including your parents.

>Is this game good?
No. It looks great but the devs are like a horse with blinders because despite having shit tons of player feedback on how to improve their game, they refuse to listen to any of it. You can't even team up with a friend of two and play the game against bots because you have to have a full team to even play. So you'll sit in queue waiting to play hoping it will start. The last couple of times I've tried to play, I ended up just closing the game because it would never find a game to play in.


well the face is more accurate than in MGSV but oof

They hate everyone, including thenselves. That ain't something new.

But at least they hate dogs, that is a great thing.

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Poor sad little manchild.

You will need more than roastie tier bantz to make me mad, my sweet whoremonger.

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On that note

Why does every single fucking western class based shooter have the same aesthetic?