Is your vampire slut going to romance
1. Mommy Milkers
2. Daddy Ventrue
3. Ferris wheel Lestat
You can only pick one.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>he isn't playing a traditionalist Tremere that minds his own business

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Why are incels crying about this game being sjw?

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I don't want to romance anyone but I'll go Ventrue first time around probably.

didnt even know they were doing a second bloodlines, what doing sjw, is one of the writers a rageing dangerhair or something?

Fuck romace, I just want my cappadocians back

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Dark Ages game when?

I'll practice diablerie with daddy Ventrue ofc

yeah, they tried as hard as possible to get Hotline Miami 2 banned and praised Gone Home multiple times.

game's going to be shit


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you mean one writer?

You can bloodbend people to force them to refer to you by your preferred pronouns if they refuse, it's pretty awesome

yes, one who is writing a lot of the sidequests.

also they posted about how they love taking jobs from men

You can't romance in the sequel, it would be rape because you're from the oppressive sex.

Also, what are your pronouns?

Because they never played the first one and think it was never political.

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First half of Redemption

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you are going to be so disappointed by this game lmao

>SJW devs out to "subvert the male power fantasy"
>implying they'll let you fuck milkers

They wouldnt even have the milkers if they were SJWs, fool

She looks exactly like my friend would if she was in her 40s

But they are.
>">The other major faction from Bloodlines that is no longer around is the Kuei-Jin, who were known as the Kindred of the East.
>The Kuei-Jin were vampires from countries like China and Japan who were totally different from the Kindred. The perception of the Kuei-Jin is that there are a lot of aspects of their design that are considered problematic and stereotypical by modern tastes, so they are unlikely to return to the series, or at least, not in the way they existed before."

saving this image

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Cry harder incel.

It was fucking retarded for the Kuei-Jin to be there in the first place, so I really don't mind.

>t-they don't matter anyway
fucking lmao

well gives me a reason to only get it when the big summer sales are on then.
use to be an impulse buyer with games, but after so much shit, and specially in the last 5 years i cant even remember the last game i preorded from the local shop.

Was it really? It was clearly implied that Ming Xiao and her crew were outsiders.

They don't, especially when there's a very good storyline reason for them not being around.


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Why do people insist on making words meaningless?

So they can't be used against them anymore.

Why don't vampires look pale anymore? Is this something with new world of darkness? I think the Ferris wheel boy is the only one who is notably grey skinned from no sunlight.

No, now go fuck your sister Bruno

Rent free

It's called Blush of Life

Incel can't be used offensively in the first place.

with the inclusion of trannies in this game I hope there’s a way you can get pozzed by drinking thier blood

I always assumed the games forwent it as a stylistic decision to clue in the players who was kindred and who was kine.

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ah yes "meritocracy"

thanks, Yea Forums, you guys are invaluable.

Holy shit, thank you for saving me a purchase user

I'm going to make sure nobody is able to talk about this game on Yea Forums again

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Irl malkavian

A writers personal views wont necessarily affect their work if they have standards.

Yeah isn't it stupid with SJWs bring up a random developer's blog post from 6 years ago and use it to attack the game itself

Too bad they went full retard with the tranny shit. Literally unplayable.

yeah but i'm not trying to get her to lose her job or to attack her or whatever i'm just using it to prove how shit the game is likely going to be.

>mass embraced thin blood
Unless you are vying for a position in the extinct house goratrix, I don't think that would be possible. You probably can, however, play as a true aryan brujah seeking to kill non-huwites and lesser clans(Brujah is still a high clan).

Yeah, I fucking hate it when SJWs use a 6 year old blog post to try and judge the quality of a product

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

Nooooo stop it's totally different now that I am over 18!!!

>A writers personal views wont necessarily affect their work if they have standards.
lol no.

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we're talking about games writing here

using people's past work to judge their future works isn't some outrageous thing mate

yeah man that's so stupid haha who would ever do something like that.

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>an anti white safespace

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Me too. I'm so happy there is no such thing as cause and causation.

Apperantly Mitsoda took the bluepill and a game he worked on called Dead State was full of sjw shit.

it's a shame seeing these guys go full retard soon after twitter came into popularity.


I'm gonna play the first again, is this clan quest mod any good? Does it come with the patch already in it or do I need to install both, or do they conflict?
I wanna fuck your friend.

anyone got that big image guide for first time players of VTMB? I'm finally gonna try it in anticipation of this coming out

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>LGBT rights and mental illness representation
>implying the 2 aren't the same
but memes aside why would you want your mental illness represented?

Why are you malfunctioning and only able to repeat the same thing over and over?

Because their whole identity is based around their fetish for crossdressing.


really don't see how they could properly portray mental illness in what's guaranteed to just be a siequest or two or a few (under 5) characters, or why they would even want to.

Because these people craft their entire identity around their mental illness.

Just get GOG version, you won't need to worry with the unofficial patch or anything like that.
Also open it if you want to have a BLAST!

Attached: vtmb guide.jpg (1200x2268, 535K)

Why can't you lefypol subhumans answer a simple question?

Pretty reasonable outlook, personally I'm going to wait and see before I play this shit to see how bad it actually is. Gonna look into it myself though since I don't trust Yea Forums to be fair and either shill the fuck out of the game or post shit without context to shit on it.

Becasue you know nothing about WoD, yet keep sperging out about it.

Why is everyone who disagrees with you leftypol? Sounds like how a certain other group calls everyone who disagrees with them racist.

Grow up and sharpen your rhetoric.

Also this would imply that mental illnesses don't exist in other games/characters.
Which I doubt is true.

>leftypol still can't answer a simple question

I'd give her a pearl necklace

Out of the two, is Clan Quest or Final Nights better? Do I still need the patch?

because the game has tranny and mental illness themes

>damsel being a parody of college age commies
>spitting on bush
why do you think fascists the alleged enemy of the 5th ed which is the game based on will in any way or form be mad about these quotes you degenerate tranny kike?

>is Clan Quest or Final Nights better?
Clan Quest, it's still pretty bad.
>Do I still need the patch?
Not with the GOG version, or mods like Clan Quest or Final Nights.

It literally only has some chick who's painted her hair pink or some stupid shit like as writer. Nothing but /pol/tards being /pol/tards

you'll have to sift throguht toreador shit to find the leftovers

yeah imagine thinking a person who writes shit like this might not write a good game

LaCroix confirmed

>there is no difference between 2000s leftist shit and today's mental illness

you guys can't even think at this point

Wow one person on the writing team has shit opinions

Time to boycott

wait a second
does that mean we'll get a canon ending to 1?
did they open it?

>wow a writer on the writing team is shit at writing
>this means nothing for the game

I'm not from freedom land though, keep seething please.

Idiot, a hundred years ago thinking women should be able to vote was mental illness.

>vampire was always about communism and trannies

top kek

We'll see what they come up with. But let's be real here. If this was someone with wearing a pepe shirt and having opinions you agree with this threads would be full of "Based and redpilled".

Trump derangement syndrome is worldwide.

what about this
the whole thing sounds pretty pozzed to me.

>But let's be real here. If this was ____ you'd be ____
jesus christ shut the fuck up idiot

I dont care about resetera

it is still mentall illness though you fuckwad

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And the first thing they voted for was banning alcohol.

Because newfags don't really know the VtM universe. In an actual session of the tabletop game you wouldn't deal with human, real-world politics, you'd be dealing with vampire world politics where the friendly neighborhood Tzimisce can turn you into a wheel if you look at him the wrong way, the Ventrue can make you murder your friends and the Tremere can kill you just with a sample of your blood. The exception to that might be some kind of Brujah heavy game where everyone would be jerking off to revolution and anti-establishment themes by the clan's very nature.

Stay obsessed.

those are quotes from interviews the developers gave to other sites like rps, kotaku, etc.

It's true. I personally can't even understand the mentaly of someone searching fucking articles of some person you disagree with on twitter to spam on Yea Forums for 14 year olds to eat up.

Do you literally just spend all day on /his/ and Yea Forums terrified out of your mind about leftypol?

How does this determine the quality of writing? This is literally just their opinion

I've never actually played the first game but all of these recent threads/posts about it have me REALLY intrigued.
Would it run on a rather standard laptop

not much, only they veiled their mental illness with rhetoric which was fucking dumb even back then instead of dilating all over the place

>their mentality and how they express their opinion isn't indicative of the quality of their writing

PLEASE tell me this isn't true. WHY did they have to make a sequel rather than just another game in the series. What was wrong with another VTM game instead of bloodlines 2? Now the name of the original will be soiled forever after this. Goddamn

Yeah, Grab the GOG version tho. The game is old so It should run good even on a toaster.

they seem pretty clear to me

Wow user, that's a smart way of saying "I dont agree with them so the game is shit"

yes, the game is 15 years old at this point. keep in mind even with the fan patch it's still kinda glitchy

It's not just a writer, it's a huge chunk of the game.
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer alongside Avellone and Cara Ellison (who in particular wrote a chunk of the side quests)

>incel can't understand a simple answer
Not even suprised.

>leftypol revealing the two boards it frequents the most

could you retards not shit up these boards thanks

You weren't going to buy it in the first place

why are you deluding yourself man?

cheers for immediately ruining the thread, faggot

probably we will be faggot forced so SJW will be happy

Lmao imagine being alive today looking at the world not still thinking it is

Why do you keep posting a shitty resetera thread instead of the quotes itself

I wonder what being unable to say more than 30 words is like.

I've been here since 2008 kiddo. You, on the other hand, are probably an electionfag.

I'm not. It sounds like you think because these dev's practiced wrongthink this reflects the overall quality of the game

Avellone apparently writes for every game, but pretty much writes like one character if that

One session of WoD would make your head explode if you really have a problem with what they said in the interviews.

I am not even the same guy you replied to but the amount of bait threads you guys make both here and that other board in question makes it quite obvious how you guys love these two places here the most
so I just kindly asked you to fuck off back to resetera and reddit and circlejerk there about being mentall deranged and inclusive to nigger kike trannies

>using wrongthink in defence of the woman who wrote an article about how a game is bad because you can kill women in it

here (You) go.

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Looking at Pillars he does write more, they just don't like his unbiased stuff and use as little as possible of it without breaking the contract.

don't use plus patch on your first playthrough. Just use the gog basic installer, without any extras activated.

Avoid all spoilers, also the guy posting the image you asked for may ruined the game for you because he was too stupid to use a spoiler tag.

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I came here in 2007 you rootless degenerate mutt

So what topics and mental illnesses have "matured"?

also dont play malk 1st run, as he is a walking spoiler. 2nd run through is awesome with him thought

Not making the Malkavian PC a Fishmalk I hope

Dude, I don't even visit reddit or resetera. Go to the doc and get some schizophrenia pills


>he didn't come here in 2006

Suuure you did, kid. MAGA and le epic pepe.

Come back when you fist went here in 1998

they will be hard pressed to tiptoe around the Word degenerate and crazy to make trannies feel safe within the gamespace


And now we know they were right.

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user, you are not gay, are you?

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The more I see this trailer the more I see a Starship Troopers effect.

Its going to be fine people. And UE4 just means tit physics and nude mods.

Trannies are just a passing trend on the way to the brave new world.

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Transsexual people are not mentally ill.

Putting in some political themes and advertising as "WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT POLITICAL" are two different things, user.

Generally speaking, most storytelling is political someway - whether it's the Romeo issue of "muh powerful elders forbidding muh luve", "muh third world shithole dictator with dah powah" or "muh evul old dudes with powah" doesn't matter.

What matters is they're advertising it as a political game which is a problem considering the writers and devs both back down if any sort of SJW bitches at them

>cancel werewolf game
>cancel WoD online
>but here have bloodmeme 2 since people still remember it being 7/10 - its alright

Goddammit i just want a good RPG thats not a TPS

Hedonistic Futa monsters are the future.

Didn't they say this game is running on the Dying Light engine?

Mommy Milkers is the best but unfortunately she's going to use you like Ming Xiao. You'll wind up tied to something and dumped somewhere and you'll never get to see her naked or suckle on her cold, dead, blood-dispensing teats.

Feels bad, bruh.

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Probably stuff like talking to a stop sign

>which is a problem
I disagree. They are giving us more information to make decisions for ourselves. unfortunately it also provides a good opening for trolling, even though they have already warned you about possible content you might find objectionable. it was a courteous trigger warning.

>cancel werewolf game

Wait really? Fuck.

WoD Online was barely anything and it probably would have sucked though.

misgendering is a thing in this game.

i just watched the trailer, what the fuck is this telekinesis shit?

>use you like ming xiao

You mean use you like every vampire with any seniority used you in the first game.

Is there any way to have wesps patch with nude skins?

True I mean it just makes it clear I'll pirate it since they don't want the money of people who don't want to be told "you need to hear our political opinions"

All in all it saved me $300~ (once you factor in the amount of DLC Paradox will put out)

What I'm saying is that Paradox and Avellone are both notorious for backing down - having misgendering a thing isn't an issue. The issue is them declaring that political issues will drive the story for them

Have sex

Can you tell me where she said men shouldnt be allowed to kill women in games

Some anons say UE4, some say Dying Light engine. Either way, we get acrobatic stuff.

it's a new discipline, i think it may have been introduced in V5? but not sure.

bitching about donald trump and right wing people sure is fun and vampire like
also xir people need attention too you are absolutely correct

>Mommy Milkers is the best but unfortunately she's going to use like every vampire

I just googled it, there's some Kineticism way back then, but nothing in the vein of "pick something up from far away", more like "make a spinning force field around you". You may be right, probably V5.

backing down on what? they're going full tilt with the politics and we know exactly what their politics are.
some people will love it i'm sure but i know that i'm not one of them.


Paradox actively bans players on their forums for "kebab meme" but let other memes stay, same thing with the fact you can (though a bug they refuse to fix) engage in incest and it's also forbidden to talk about it as incest - you can't use that word because it's "offensive".


Game is going to be shit, go home and stop caring everyone.

Which one will you get?

Attached: new_edition_comparison_chart.jpg (624x780, 86K)

>mfw WW are a bunch of retards and killed chronicles
>We are now stuck using the boring vampires
Just let me fight dirty chinese demon ghosts.

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the pirated one

N-no, some were nice. Like

>cancel werewolf game
didn't happen
>cancel WoD online
good move

Blood Moon ofc.

Thinblood Alchemy

Attached: file.png (282x311, 16K)

>using punching up and punching down
ye, the game will be shit

the pirate bay edition if the gameplay looks acceptable enough.

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Romance in games is fucking dumb.

Pirated First Blood of course.

How are they advertising it as a political game? The devs got asked a question and they gave a safe, corporate response?

Caine is the only "good" vampire, he just want to die.

not sure i like this thin-blood stuff.....

I'll be buying from Blackbeard's deep discount store
If it's good I'll buy the standard edition at a later date

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the one with the better writing

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>didn't happen
It's been radio silence since it was announced some years ago, VTMB2 jus got announced and already has a release date so it isn't looking good for Werewolf.


how do people like this get into game writing

there were tons of lefty leaning writers in game dev 10-15 years ago but they could actually fucking write.

Why do you anti white shills hate the white race?

None? Or I'll wait a few years, and get the complete edition ultimate edition game of the year definitive edition with everything all patched and fixed for $12 like I did with MGS5.

Wow, I can make my character a trap and decide what political opinions I want

This is so fucking horrible, user

>indie game pre-release
>lower price to encourage customers, build a base fund, and as a thanks to people for buying early
>get extra stuff on release for free

>AAA game pre-release
>base version twice the price of a released game
>pre-order content only available with special edition or expensive "upgrade" package
Greedy fuckers. Not that anyone would expect any different from Paradox.

Simple humanities were ruined.

And to be honest videogame writing is the lowest of the lowest.

art of pimp malkavian surfing the blood tsunami WHEN


A sentence they used gave people the idea of a political game, was something like "by the end we will be the ones defining what is wrong and what is right", I'm expecting more
>technology bad
>culture and tradition good.

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It's interesting I think.
Superior mechanics in every regard.
I only accept complains about the Hunger/Bloodpool change even if I like it

So Camarilla good?

just run around until something happens lol

nah that's comic book writing

i'd argue game writing is better than television writing now (which is even more infested by these untalented twitter lefty cunts)

>$100 for 24 hour early access that wont even work since nothing ever works on launch
Ahoy me hearties , yarr can have me doubloons when i see the complete edition

Attached: pirate-01.png (300x294, 151K)

One of the writers for this sequel is a literal SJW game journalist.

Here is your pre order content.

Attached: hope you like pain.png (616x484, 572K)

unironically have sex

Bloodmoon, because it's cheaper than the base triple-a games were I live and also I succumbed to hype and got the thing right after the trailer revealed the game existence.

Sure. But that just means how low we have gotten.
I dont have much contact with cape shit.

leftists are more likely to be incels

Attached: 1553254625351.jpg (1327x755, 324K)

>the Severed Arm is a sword
>the Stop Sign is a shield

seethe more roastie

Attached: roastie solo.jpg (768x800, 183K)

>have no problem with standing next to a brown person on the bus

Attached: 1536711133610.jpg (480x480, 38K)

>and decide what political opinions I want

you know that's not true.

Just fuck a prostitute at that point geez.

>anti white shill is a bus rider
why do you worship niggers?

this whole image. jesus christ, leftism is a mental disorder, full blown.

>in-game art book
>we cannot be bothered to pint it but we are going charge you extra anyway
I fucking hate this, godamn jews i tell you

Honestly I'm surprised that people didn't see this coming.

White Wolf, the company that made the Vampire tabletop games which the video games are based on, are super fanatic SJWs. In all likelyhood the video game will actually tone down the level of SJW-ness compared to the tabletop game.

Attached: 1553090499980.jpg (640x426, 58K)

This. Not seen a second of gameplay and I already know this isn't going to live up to the original in terms of legacy. Sick of triple A jewry

>Sarchophagus table
does this mean we'll get customizable comfy havens!? I literally get the urge to replay from time to time just to chill around the Skyeline crib in the first game


It's not the woman, but "feminist" men that will cause the downfall of civilization.

We are so fucked

I saw it coming and it's precisely why i didn't want a sequel yet, though my concerns were more along the lines of them getting rid of the sexy elements and that they probably wouldn't be able to capture the tone.


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I liked all the places like the chantry, with those classical paintings.
Game had nice spots.
Now I bet its going to be a netflix adaption of Bloodlines.

Also no cringe Tiamat blasting while I listen to a depressed vampire actor trying to cope with undeath.

i fucking hope bloodlines 2 will keep these themes.


Now way. I am wiser now.

We cant do it, we think we can, but we cant.

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Either this is 100% fake or he is 100% gay and using her as a beard. Considering I know of several people like this, I'd say it's the latter.

As long they don't go all out like in pic related I'll probably buy it.

Attached: bloodlines2.png (1318x791, 260K)



learn all kinds of shit from Yea Forums

Daily reminder that the writer of pic related is a registered Republican.

They already have. Look at the other picrures in the thread.

You guys think Jack will be in this at all? Are we going to learn why him and Cain know each other? Do you think Cain is going to be referenced or even in the game at all?

>Smiling Jack outfit

Attached: 7c7.jpg (267x200, 13K)

Except the right deserved to be mocked, because they were ignorant and radical.
Now it's the left that's even MORE ignorant and radical by far, and it's way harder to criticize them because of that.

Maybe they'll mention Cain as part of fear-mongering. Jack's popular enough that we'll probably know what happened to him all these years.

uniparty meh

Why is so damn common among video game writers? I guess producers think that pretty much anyone can write for video games and thus use these positions to fill diversity quotas?

Let's not disregard the fact that the game was made in a completely different political climate. I know how people love to brush that important detail off.

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Jack's outfit is part of the pre-order bonus for deluxe. So he'll either be in it, or referenced.

Cain on the other hand I have no idea. Totally up in the air. At the end of the first game when we see him walk up behind Jack, it definitely seemed like there was some long term planning going on.
For what, I don't know. But maybe we'll see the effects of what they are doing in this one.

They may also take the route of introducing Cain as not Cain, like they did in VTMB with the taxi driver and the PC/other vampires having no clue while he just observes all the shit going down. Cain has every vampiric ability to the max, and hundreds of others that vampires don't have access to, so its likely he can change appearance at will.

So we wont have blood sex slaves because muh male fantasies?

Yeah, a climate where snowflakes didn't completely lose their shit the moment they read something that didn't agree with their politics.

It's Ken Hite, you goddamn secondary.

According to the people who make the rulebooks that wasn't actually Caine but a really, really old Malkavian who thinks he's Caine. But it's also clear the people who made the game intended for him to be Caine.

I wonder what direction they'll go.

they learned from the best

Kenneth Hite voted for Ted Cruz.

It would be fun if he was Saulot.

Fucker Christ Buddha Vampire clearly has a plan.
And I find the Tremere fascinating evil fuckers.

If they don't completely go overboard I imagine we'll have a number of possible ghouls to choose from. Probably both male and female.

If the people they got back have any love of Heather they might put in a ghoul that's a lot like her.

Attached: '-'.jpg (797x599, 26K)

They aren't familiar with the vampire genre I'm guessing.

if the modding is any similar to Bethesda, there's all kinds of companions.

Yeah, the rulebook slavs are fucktards, so I'm not buying that. He is specifically mentioned in the game files as being Caine.

I see their point. Caine should remain an obscure God.

>we'll finally have Todd Howard as a ghoul

>modded companion on the same level as inigo

I can only fucking WISH.

>I see their point. Caine should remain an obscure God.

He literally showed up in the next book they printed and bros it up with beckett for 80% of the book.

This, the base game of the GOG version has the unofficial patch already included.
Wesp has been adding a ton of "OC" quests and characters to the plus patch, largely influenced by the gaggle of retards he surrounds himself with. It's full of self-inserts and absolute trash tier writing. Even after completing the game it's not worth installing the plus patch, it's dogshit.

What the fuck happened to nerds?

They used to write this shit and focus on curious historical aspects and curiosities. The while WOD lore has parts of brilliance and parts shittness.

Until recently, people thought the antes were obscure gods and they were horribly wrong when that fucker woke up and rampaged through India until he got nuked by mages.

Also we know for a fact he is real, because he spends time with Beckett in one of the books.

Only retards didn't see this coming. They're gonna make the vampire politics into some Trump vs Hillary shit. We need to build a wall to keep the Vampires out of See-Attle

Nerds haven't changed. The Big Bang Theory fans just took over. -laugh track-

>bros it up with beckett for 80% of the book

>god curses you with immortality
>say fuck you god
>spawn a race of immortal beings to pal around with for eternity
>have a blast
>laugh at god seething powerlessly in the background
Based Caine.

God can just wipe them out whenever he wants

The tabletop canon and the video game canon are different. White wolf, for whatever reason, decided to make the video games canon but they didn't want Caine driving around in cab so they changed it around to fit their canon.
As far as the game is concerned, that cabbie is Caine but as far as the tabletops are concerned, it's just some random malk.

So why did Whitewolf go so woke anyway? Usually there's some controversy that spurs it.

Yeah but I like the idea of the past being conflicted and obscure. Its fun to speculate antediluvians controlling the world like lovecraftian gods.
I just prefer the shadow of gehenna hanging over forever.

We have really failed the world. We still have like another 20 years of these fags at the helm.

It doesnt take anything special. The same goes for every single game company.

Nothing really they are just the evolution of you hedonistic anarchist 90s kid.

Everything that is happening has nothing to do with politics, some people just power grab with it.

Its all about ego.

>consume nothing but human blood for 100 years
>still manage to be fat

pics or you're a lying faggot

>What the fuck happened to nerds?
Communities formed around them, some girls appeared, now they have "responsibilities", they can't make with some big tiddy goth girl wielding a samurai sword, fighting Chinese triads in a night club, while using blood magic to make people explode, its juvenile, its not for them, and they shame other people who try to make juvenile shit.

>Remember SiN Episodes E3 2006

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I recall some anons saying they did something or other that really triggered sjws, so they started pandering to them hard. Was involving gays or something?

According to TOJ theories, god could literally erase all of them the moment he wanted, including caine. caine and all the other supernaturals only exist because he allows them to.

>the right deserved to be mocked, because they were ignorant and radical.
They're smarter then the radical lefties, but that's not exactly saying much.

>We have really failed the world. We still have like another 20 years of these fags at the helm.
A lot of these woke games are starting to tank. It's only a matter of time user.

WW are bunch retards, just let people have fun.

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I still dont understand the pandering.

If you write about satanic vampire baby killers you cant make this palatable.

We are talking about a universe where a tzmisice can turn you into a living lamp if you look at them funny.

Or where a undead bishop has true faith and murders vampires while feeding off children.

I think I've outgrown /pol/. This autistic screeching over this game has exposed what childish pantshitters most "redpilled" race realists are. I suggest growing some mental constitution, faggots.

> i hate modern society and culture
bro just stop playing video games

Shouldn't a Muslim have a crisis of faith when they become a kindred, since Caine was the first vampire?

They have the audience who likes that shit. What they want is the untapped market AND the good PR that comes with it. Say what you will but pandering to the other side just gives a ton of hit pieces from the Game Journos which make investors flip the fuck out.

>If you write about satanic vampire baby killers you cant make this palatable.
Sjws don't care or know about that user, they care about homos and trannies fee fees.

That's what he says but he hasn't done it. Sounds like a baseless boast, to me.

Cain and Abel are also characters in Islam

They should, but not for that reason.

The thing is though, WoD lore behind vampires is kinda super retarded. Every fluid in their body is blood, everything, they sweat blood. Essentially, being a fat vampire just means you've drank a lot of blood and turned it into blood fat.

happens to everyone eventually my man

How long did the DnD = Satan thing last? How long will this SJW shit last?

>season pass
I'm excited, VTMB is one my favorites, but this one will be a pirated copy for me.

Really? Fuck, my bad, I don't know much about Islam.
What reason so?

I dont know why but it was immensely fun being a "good" vampire in Bloodlines. Like refusing heather, and turning you high school friend away.

No matter how many evil runs I did it felt really good.

I hope its the latter really, because holy fuck, i refuse to believe that a man like that exists

So why the fuck did that vampire turn you in the first game?

>You will be able to bang Vampire Christina Hendricks
God bless those glorious bastards.
God bless 'em

>DnD = Satan thing last?
Its still around in a feeble way.
But my bet is 10 more years until these people reach an age where their knees start to ache and start focusing on some other shit. Like becoming cat ladies.

Not anymore than Christians and Jews should.

Islam and Christianity are continuations of Judaism that believe their version is right. All three worship the same God.

There are no christian vampires, so definitely.

>DnD = Satan thing
Three and a half decades, I think. Let's say three decades. Some of those fellas moved on to saying "Dota = Satan"

Either machinations from Caine and Jack, or they just wanted to and didn't recognize the authority of the Camarilla.

You wish. She's gonna manipulate you and leave you with cold blue balls.

Imagine being mad at someone making fun of fucking George W. Bush. I'm sure this game will reference the orange retard in some way and the snowflakes will lose their shit even though everyone outside their bubble has zero respect for them, their orange leader and their values.

What engine is this being made on? I heard someone say last thread it's on Chrome Engine.

>She's gonna manipulate you and leave you with cold blue balls.

For shits 'n' giggles.
The one that died in the theatre probably wasn't the one that turned you.

> there are no christian vampires

source 2

Good Guy Malk is prolly my favourite run, also can't really say why.

unreal enginge 4

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Unpopular Opinion: That was a good idea that didn't work because people are too retarded to handle living life like a regular person.

>TFW you will be 68 when this ends

the game came out during his reelection year. had all kinds of stuff like this at the time too.

Sure, but Christianity became so infused with indo european shit and Greek gnostics that that "God" also became more different for Christians.

Its a tiny sect, orange man got there mainly because the new left is almost traitorous.
I agree they should be mocked, but it wont be good satire.


Are you a fucking retard or something?


>implying xir's not going to utilize the 2(FUCKING TWO!!!) separate gender sliders to reinvent zherself

Did you really assume my character's sexual preference?
What are you, a trumptard or something?

No, Islam recognizes most of the Testaments, save the part where Jesus is god, rather than a man.
Hell, Christ is venerated as the ideal Man on Earth.

I agree. Still alcohol is humanity friend, for good and ill.

Trannies on the other hand are just a passing ego fad. Gender fluidity is fun food for the mind, a nice exercise in sexual thinking, but reality has a way of sneaking up on you.

The original WoD already had this shit decades ago and no one gave a shit, stop pretending to know shit
>Fatima was born into a family of Almohad Moorish warriors, who fought alongside the Defenders of Allah during the Crusades. Her passion and skill drew the attention of the Assamites. They were so impressed with her that, over much debate, they broke the age old precept of not Embracing a woman. Fatima was brought to Alamut, sired by the Egyptian Caliph Thetmes, and trained to become the ultimate assassin. During the Crusades, she fought the Lasombra Lucita de Aragón to a stalemate. They eventually became friends and lovers.[1]

She doesn't go around defending the poor cattle from the man.

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And yet, newfag, its shit like Rudi that gives people justified concern you fucking noncefaggot. Rudi is a Gangrel in the new edition who is a Black Muslim LBGTQ+ activist who goes out of his way to fight for the rights of Mortals. Constantly. Not Brujah. Gangrel. Constantly surrounding himself in cities with hordes of followers. Gangrel. Not Brujah. Prioritizing Kine over Kindred.

It's funny how retards like this guy ( ) defending retarded choices from developers always address their counter responses to either giant straw men, or to the lowest-common denominators of the perceived "right-wing", like I don't know, boomers, zoomers, kids, or dumbasses of the r/The_Donald kind

You're a dumbass, don't ever let anyone convince you're not

>scroll scroll scroll
>oh a VTMB 2 thread
>see pic related
perfect, Yea Forums is exactly how i left it!

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>getting mad at someone making fun of fucking George W. Bush

No one, like, no one
Where the fuck do you live?
People aren't worrying they'll make jokes about orange man (which will be I'm sure unfunny since he already is the joke without needing parody), people are worrying they'll make a cringefest with the writing no standard dude will like


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>see the political stuff in the previous game was forced and out of place
>that means if its forced and out of place this time to and you dont like it your a hypocrite
hows about not including forced and out of place political messages in my undead succ games

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>People aren't worrying they'll make jokes about orange man
There’s literally an entire thread whining about it and there have been posts accusing the devs of opposing drumpf


because the want to ride the wave of OMG VTMB2 and get all of the precious precious preorders bux off these gullible idiots

Obviously yeah, though since then I also read that mitsoda and avellone are involved, so I can at least hope that the game won't be a complete trainwreck that forever desecrates the name of the franchise. Whether it will be good though, is another thing altogether.

I honestly don't think Trump will get another 4 years, and I'm not a libtard who hates Trump.

Now THAT was a good novel to read.

I just want to play as an Ananasi

Mommy milkers

because video games have interaction and exploration. it is the second option of eery rejected writter. gameplay makes up for their lack of talent

>Gender fluidity is fun food for the mind, a nice exercise in sexual thinking, but reality has a way of sneaking up on you.
But it's literally black and white. XX or XY.

Mutations exist.

It's probably going to be Tumblr cancer like the VN. OPP are retards, so my expectations are low.

link, so I can insult them too

Point stands, jokes about orange man are cheap and pointless after 3 years straight of late night show hosts and the entire non-Fox media bashing on him

Because the last VN thing they did was

Yeah, and if a kid is born with six toes on one foot does that mean we have to "rethink feet"?

>a nice exercise in sexual thinking
What the fuck are you on?

Extremely rare.

By making 5 not the default? Sure. 6 is more common now.

>These people, Adam, they're like ghosts. Always in the shadows, always hiding behind lies and proxy soldiers

Turnabout is fair play

They've stated they're trying to "subvert male power fantasies" so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Will Hendricks sue?

Is this for ERP?

The way I see it, /pol/ isn't wrong, but the pollacks themselves aren't living their lives correctly. They spend all this time autisming over politics, but never any time on genuine self improvement. The difference in board culture between /ic/ and /fit/ compared to /pol/ is astounding. The (dare I say it) toxicity of /pol/ comes from a bunch of people proud of nothing more than their race and beliefs, without realizing it takes more to make a man

Yes, for ERP as a woman

what the fuck for?

Twitter really does ruin everything.

Not really. I would examine the root cause of the mutation, first.
Besides, a random mutation like an extra toe is natural. People's personal choices are not.

Heard it in his fucking voice

Some of the more retarded anons actually think that 3D model looks exactly the same as Christina Hendricks, instead of realising it's just a big titty redhead.

I'm gonna turn that milk tuck into a house wife!

She looks more like CH than Ellie looked like Ellen Page.

Shouldn't have been a sperg and killed his brother, then.

Gib Milkies mommy

There's a slight resemblance but not if you put them side-by-side, we really should have our eyes checked lads.

just bought the gog version of the first game and played a bit
the quiz picked a Tremere girl for me and I rolled with it, so far so good

>cringe Tiamat

fuk u

And it was shit then, too.

>Except the right deserved to be mocked, because they were ignorant and radical
Eat shit. Gays are bad and we see this time and time again.

Maybe God should have eat some fucking fruits and vegetables.

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Trememes aren't even real vampires

Tremere are fun and op.

I just wish clans in the original game had more clothing variety.

That's stupid, then.

Instead of inspecting the root of the mutation, this is like someone declared "feet" as being abstract and anything can be a foot, and if you try looking deeper you get called a bigot.

The library quest was okay last time I tried it.

More shit has been added?

Face like Cali Carter. tiddies

Look, Caine, Abel offered a fucking sheep. A sheep takes way longer to raise than planting some fucking seeds and pissing on them once a day.

Everyone deserves to be mocked. It's essential to keeping egos in check making sure people don't get full of themselves, thinking they can do no wrong.
Mockery is the cure to self-righteousness and extreme ideals.

She seems a bit fat and no ass.

Ridendo castigat mores

>declared "feet" as being abstract
Yeah, it starts with making larger shoes to accomodate people with mutated toes and quickly steps up to people wearing shoes on their hands and complaining about not being able to pick anything up and that things should be made shoe-shaped so they can pick things up.

All when it would have been easier to lop the fleshy lump off in this case.

Seriously tho, you seem reasonable. Look up where the "abstract gender" shit came from, with John Money and David Reimer. It's hideous what that boy was put through and I hate that false information is still being used.

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Doesn't God in the setting literally abhors vampires
Why would Allah wanta afucking vampire follower

Is there any proof God acts on the world or even exists?

I think only true faith exists and its unexplainable except the fact vampires get really scared of it.

God most certainly exists in the setting.
Why do you think some vamps are literally Antediluvians and the fact Cain was literally cursed by God

I guess.
What little I read online about old WOD almost made it seem ambivalent and vague.

But looking now at the wiki okay.

"Vampire: The Masquerade opens up with Caine cursed by God for murdering his brother Abel. Cainite mythology holds up to a high degree, with the story of Caine and Abel recognized by vampires that predate Judaism, and in certain cases recorded by Vampires at some time before Judaism. Special mention of this is made in Demon: The Fallen, where the stories of a certain desert tribe turn out to be unusually accurate - if, from Lucifer's point of view, biased. Obviously, Demons believe in God as much as they believe in themselves. Demons knew God, but their interpretation of God is tied up in a complex love/hate relationship represented by, their Torment. Whatever Demons knew of God, however, they don't know what God is doing right now.

The Kuei-jin believe they know the answer to that one, however. According to the Wan Kuei, the "August Personage of Jade" turned His face on them when he cursed them, much like he did to the Yama Kings when he cursed them. The Wan Kuei believe in a god, they just don't necessarily believe that he's a forgiving god. They know this because they returned from their afterlife in the Yomi Hells. "

Ey niggers, I'm starting a new VtMB game, which mods should I download? I am basically new to the game.

I just came here to ask this, bump here for some essential/must have mods.

Also reading apparently Mages think of him like Aristotle Prime Mover.

But I dont think he acts on the world.

cause white people are dangerous and you need to go extinct.
not trolling.

No guess about it. OWoD is basically Christian mythology. God exists as a definite and there are angels and demons. Demon is actually a WoD supplement.
God basically leaves at some point and takes heaven with him, so no one goes to heaven hence Wraith.
The end times book has God returning with the angelic host which is one of the world ending scenarios.

I want to make a blood bond with her if you catch my drift

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Demon literally states that God is real, how the fuck is that vague and ambivalent? Not to mention Masquerade is pretty clear that the correct ones about everything is the fucking Sabbat.
See image.

The people of eradicated almost all diseases dangerous? Okay.

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Had more fun in mind being vague.

Now I really want a Hunter game.

It is World of Darkness so that is given.

It could be worse, it could be the Beast.

Just bought the first one. I dont know how to build my character.

Thats half the fun.

Like System Shock you CAN fuck up your build.

>before Judaism
Oy vey!

>Mommy Milkers
2 important questions:
1. Do vampires lactate?
2. If yes what does vampire milk taste like?

Nah, System Shock is easy enough to beat with wrench.

The only real "build" in the game is Psychic Hacker because there is only one way to make it work.

>always show up to threads after they have 400 replies

hecking work schedule

NO, pirate it, the money goes to activision.

I'm not even going to touch it, I already know nostalgia for the first one will make it a disappointment.

1. They could if the choose, vampires do bodily fluids on demand
2. Like blood. All bodily fluids are replaced with blood.


They can fake erections and moist vaginas with blood manipulation however. So maybe they can lactate blood. Best way to get sired now that I think about it.

If you're serious you're an idiot

Vampires have no bodily fluids except blood. Blood is it. No spit. No cum. No milk. Just blood.

Oh shit I made a new fetish for me.

As mommy Hendricks drinks me dry from my dick, I then drink heavily from her tits.

Stop these out of context quotations from retardera.

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My Vampire is gonna be the most dangerous incel of Seattle, bloodthirsty succubi begone.

4. Vampire Jeff Bezos

I'm playing VTMB right now, doing a Malkavian run. Super fun.
Anyway, is there a way that I can get an outfit that is not trashy whore, stripper or biker chick themed in the Unofficial Patch?

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I don't like this one.
>It's easy to say this is good and this is bad. But it's definitely taking some political stances on what WE think are right and wrong.
I'm the one who decide what is right or wrong in the game, and I say, Technocracy is the future.

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Why Seattle?

I hope you can visit other places.

Can I suck his dick?

The developers are based in Seattle, write what ya know

Texture mod.

If I buy this game I will play as Tremere. So far the plot makes it incredibly unlikely. They really really don't like mutts.

How good will the sex scenes be

Let me put in a way your simple mind can understand: back then we didn't have to suffer trannies and faggots shoving their their degeneracy down our throats.

One can pick their clan later.

You were never a part of /pol/, stop pretending, no one believes and you sound like those anti-gunners who love to claim they "grew up around guns".

So we all agree that she's best girl, right?

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They can use their vampiric powers to blush their skin.

>he wants to play as a cuck
>he likes a whole clan of fucking cucks
>not even real vampires

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They said the main story will be balanced and equally represented, so it's fine by me.

Malk and Gangrel are better.

Not that user but I just want people to explode in boiling blood in the middle of a dance club.

>You were never really fucking retarded like us.
What a hill to make a stand on.

>Trump derangement syndrome is worldwide.
it's true and it's fucking embarassing

t. snownigger

>not even real vampires
There is only one true vampire. All others are imitations made by him at the advice of some old hag.

Shouldn't have went Malk bro.

>Best way to get sired
Do you think her ghouls get it straight from the tap?

Put V.V. in the game and make her fuckable this time.


She was his pure waifu, be nice.

Because there is a certain expectation placed about you just because of your race. Like you being asian doesn't make you biologically better at math and if it does, it's not by a significant margin, but people expect that of you, consciously or not.

Same with something like niggers having huge dicks, so niggers that don't have one can be scared of contact with women. Same with being super athletic, or tall or good at sports. You have some sort of expectation placed upon you which really shouldn't be here, because it doesn't really make that much of a difference for an average guy. So saying Asians are good at math is not really a compliment. We tumblr now. Inb4 everyone calls me a dicklet nigger

Is there a Linux release planned?

>Reseterafags still shilling this shit game.

niggers only self report big dicks
also, they're genetically predisposed toward crime
kind of like brujah, only real

Play sure, but I'm sure as hell not gonna pre order
Besides I'm getting a new card this year and if I end up going team green I'd be surprised if they aren't offering Bloodline codes with the cards

What happens if I make Caine sad? Would it trigger sevenfold curse?

Diglet nicker.

Couldn't make you any sadder than you already are, fren.

Give me you mothers number

>d-dont hurt me guys
>y-you'll get cursed sevenfold
Caine probably isn't even real.

Yep that's /pol/ for you, ruining every thread they enter. God forbid we discuss video games in this thread.

"Narrative designer?" So I guess he didn't write dialogue? I hope they have some of the dialogue writers from the first game back. And give the facial animations and body language some attention like they did in the first game, can't stand Bethesda stoneface shit.

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So what about that thing when the chat bot on tender app asked if you remembered that russkies hacked into facebook to support Trump on elections. Real strong political statement paradoxcucks.

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Really? He seemed rather content last time I saw him.

I killed that pussy.


i said "no" and she said I should pay closer attention to the news.

Mod skins, huh? Seems there is a cool goth one, at least. Thanks buddy, I'll try it.

You wouldn't also happen to know how to change which Unofficial Patch version I am on, would you? Basic or Plus, I mean.
I assume just reinstall it all, but I'd prefer not to do that if at all possible, since it seems like the sort of thing that would make my save incompatible.

Why? It's really amusing and I already did Toreador slut.

>That premonition off with the cute Gypsy woman that just straight up spoils the game.

this guy is literally in Copenhagen, Denmark, the chances of him being in Seattle are next to none

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>Daily reminder that the writer of pic related is a registered Republican
Just like John McCain, am I right?

oh you mean globalist shill cuckservatives
conservatism is a meme to boil the frog slowly, both wings fly in the same direction because they're attached to the same fucking bird

the game is rigged you idiot, 3rd option is the only way

if we starts as a thin-blood and can only join a Clan by Diablerie, how will they explain Nosferatu and Malkavians?

Nosferatu are disgusting and wretched, becoming one voluntarily doesn't make sense, and the Malkavian are insane

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MFW there's no God and they're all spawns of the Wyrm.

Do we have any images of the different vamps yet? What do the Nos and Gengrel look like this time around?

they say they're adding more clans after launch, but that is a good question

Here's your digital collectors edition options bro, they'll probably still be valid in 2020 after everything else is gutted for time.

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I hope he is.

You hang with the Nosferatu in your thin blood phase and in the end their head honco is impressed forces you to drain one of his own.

>they're adding more clans after launch
A DLC for every clan.


Attached: nosferatu.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

So does that mean she'll fuck us in the ass with a strap-on?

>join my clan where I feed my clanmates to random strangers
that's deep. Avellone write that?

This reminded me why did the protagonist in VTMB have a one night stand with a Nosferatu?

There was that weird orc looking vampire in the hoodie, that could have been a nossie. Nosferatu can have pretty varied appearances, they don't all look like schreck.

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they can disguise themselves as other people

I'm not that well versed in VTM lore and shit but I recall a user saying Nosferatu have a power that makes them look normal to humans or some shit. Could be wrong though.

they're all monstrous and inhuman
could be shrek, could be femmeshrek with colored hair and problem glasses

they said its free

That's literally what Obfuscation do, it's not about being invisible but changing the way people perceive you.

makes sense. I'm assuming they are still looked down on by most kindred, so maybe they use you as a agent to do jobs for them and not have to worry about getting spotted.

Nosferatu can create illusions, some males are turned because they wanted to bang that 11/10 super european model, but, during sex she rolls back to her normal form.
Someone post the emo nosferatu page.

I haven't playerd Vampire in nearly 20 yrs but I recall something like that too.

>Is your vampire slut going to romance
>1. Mommy Milkers
offensive and misogynist, will not be in vtmb2

>2. Daddy Ventrue
ventrue are capitalist chads and are basically nazis, not in vtmb2

>3. Ferris wheel Lestat
malkavians are problematic and a form of violence against the mentally ill. no inanimate objects in vtmb2

Why would they license an internal engine that's currently getting revamped to a completely different (and also indie) publisher?

>all her fluids are blood
>which means she lactates blood
Should I be concerned or aroused

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>Playing VTMB
>Can't fuck Therese

It's not fair bros

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Mfw when you just keep pumping.

they can't do 11/10
not even 10/10
only average
if they copy attractive people, then the copy is flawed and average looking
it doesn't effect smell or touch, either

Only the most faithful for sure.
From those big pacifier nipples.

It's called obfuscate. It varies in power. At low levels it makes you (sort of) invisible. You're not actually invisible, but people (mortals) just look straight past you.

At higher levels it works sort of like a disguise in the same way. You don't actually look any different, but people perceive you differently.

no, now it is different because it is about mentally ill faggots instead of worker rights.

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That's why her lad at the piano was so smug.

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That is the same for every clan, it is a problem with having to start as a thin blood in the first place.

That said it is easy enough to work around. Nosferatu are spies and where there are spies there are traitors. It has been such a long time since I played either VtM or VtR so I can't remember whether all the thin blooded turned the same no matter who Embraced them and whether their clan is decided by the diablerie or their original progenitor.

>that creeping urge to replay VTMB again
how do I make it go away lads

Play it till it’s gone

It's Paradox, user.
