Design a Roman era vidya. Bonus points for being fun

Design a Roman era vidya. Bonus points for being fun

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Ok lets try this:

Killstreaks gets you things (like COD): 3 kill steak gets arrow attacks, 5 gets you a lion, 7 flaming arrows, 25+ seige tower

Tacticool insertion via trojan horse.

Vehicles: horse and chariot, elephants if you play as Carthage.

i thought the guy in the pic was holding a cigar
im not much into roman history but didnt they have gladiatorial arenas or am i thinking of something else?
make a game about becoming the most famous & skilled gladiator or a tycoon about running it

>gladiatorial arenas
Yeah. Romans loved that shit. They even had STR vs DEX arguments over which type of gladiators were best. A tycoon game for that sounds fun.

FPS/RTS battles with other fags around during the era, hub city where you can patrol or just visit the many shops, libraries, scholars, merchants,etc. mini game about fighitng in the arena with humans and animals. secret quests that involve you or some friends tackling mythical creatures and even some myths from other surrounding cultures



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A game where you play as a rank and file roman soldier with actually good first person combat would be great.

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It's called Domina. It exists.

a rhytm game where you have to synchronize your legion with the marching tune

>ywn live in peak Rome
why live bros


We'll just have to make a new Rome. Go get started on Wheelock's, my boy.

Roman Kingdom Come but you play as somebody with the personality as Based Centurion from FH.

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A game where you are a senator in Rome and you plot the assassination of Caesar. You need to get support of all of the other senators by doing various missions.

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Rome wasn't that good compared to today

>HBO's Rome was so kino.
>tfw no season 3

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In fact, it's the same...

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why does every advanced society ultimately degenerate into Weimar?
It couldn't have been Jews back then.

You'll get it next year with Assassin's Creed 2020: Rome Edition.

first person melee combat is almost always terrible

(((They))) had already started using their (((Talmudic))) practices back then despite them not being codified into a book yet.

The Bible talks about cyclical cycles of prosperity and decadence. It's all a part of history.

Secret ceaser

Something similar to thisSetting during Tiberius's Principate(the game start in 23 A.D).
You play as a new soldier recently entered the Praetorian Guard.
During the game you can choose whether to side with Tiberius or Sejanus and what kind of ending you will get depending on what choices you will take(up to four; two bad and two good) with minors changes for the side quests
Open world map from the southern part of Regio VII Etruria to Capri

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You should play this game.

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>planned for 6 or so seasons
>told they are cancelled halfway through writing s2
>No interest from the consumer
>rush to finish 3 seasons of plotline in 1
>DVDs for s2 sell well after release
>HBO shrugs "oh well"
>goes on to make GoT using the experience from Rome

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Read Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler.

goddamn. this hbo series was amazing. torrenting it brb.

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It's always been the jews, somehow somewhere

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Total War: Rome 3
Mount & Blade Bannerlord Rome mod

>Trojan horse
Hard yikes

>It couldn't have been Jews back then.
>Gets Jesus killed


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bretty kino


Greeks were also toptier. Classical civilisation can't be topped.

Obelix rolling over Rome destroying everything in his path, growing larger and larger like a Katamari

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>Know season 2 is the last
>End it on a cliffhanger
What did they mean by this? did Lucius die?

Actual Greeks never used this formation

You play as a velites and scout out carthaginian and barbarian forces before directing the legion toward them, kind of like an artillery apotter

Why would I plot to assassinate the saviour of Rome?

Greeks talk a whole pile of nonsense. Fuck 'em.

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I hate the "TESTUDO!!!" meme so much

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To maintain the timestream

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Mount and Blade clone, work your way up from killing bandits to killing barbarians to killing greeks to starting a civil war, marching into Rome itself, and declaring yourself dictator.

>>Mount & Blade Bannerlord Rome mod
I never even considered the mods we would get for Bannerlord, I was just excited for Bannerlord as is.

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multiplayer 1st person war simulator, where you and a few buddies have to fight in formation against the enemy

Roma invicta, X.

An unpozzed Asscreed kinda game with good combat set in Rome at the time of the death of the republic

Gladiator game with motion controls through the kinect

>creators show some interest in making a s3
>set burns down

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do the nips like Rome too?

I'd love a 1st person RPG game inspired by old Doom set in ancient Rome, where you have to close the gates of Hades which were opened by Christian fanatics. You'd need to use your shield and gladius, so it would be a first person melee game, except you'd be able to use some long range and protective magic given you by Venus, Jupiter etc. Would be very difficult, with a souls-like system for getting back your exp points after you die by going back to your remains.
Game would be 18+, feature plenty of nudity and gore, and would be banned in Australia and Germany.

>all these fags wanting 1st person
Nigga, you won't get to see the sweet Roman gear, the hellsamata witchu

Even thousands of years earlier, jews were jewing in Egypt and Babylon.

>mount and blade / total war hybrid
in the "soldier to centurion" levels, the game plays as a mount and blade game. you start following orders and then end up giving them.
then, for some reason, you end up as a Legatus and the game turns into a RTS
now you need to take care of your men, logistics, etc. the game would give you a total understanding of how the roman army (post marian reforms) works, from the life of a Legionary to the life of the Legatus.

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They had no vidya in Rome.

one where my based persians dabbed on those flithy trash romans

>Roman era
Dude, Roman history spans over 2000 fucking years. Which era are you talking about?

>progressive Roman game
Strap yourself in.

>any roman film/tv show
>characters are speaking english

Are there any authentic Roman era film or tv show where the characters actually speak latin?

Thoughts on Ryse?

Pick one that interests you the most dipshit. That’s the point.

No, but I've fancied the idea of being rich someday and making a movie about Mark Antony's Parthia in Latin. No subtitles of course.

Combat is shit, story is basically a gladiator rip off.

The very intro to Eternal Darkness, the video game, shows a squad of roman soldiers in a desert speaking latin for a few moments before in a weirdly natural way switching over to speaking english.

fucked by a.....baboon?

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>tfw he tells the story of some invasion and comparing the feeling to Caesar crossing the rubicon in The Terror
>Ciaran Hinds, Caesars actor, sits right beside him

They fucking had to have known.

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sadly no
language is very much underutilized in movies/games

Why did Hitler think Germans were the master race when it was Greeks and Romans who created western civilization?

The romans promoted racemixing

And? The Germans were living in mudhuts and were barbarians when Rome had already created a true civilization.

and yet those mudhuts living barbarians beat that "true civilization"


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So what you’re saying is Germans are deceptive parasitic niggers who destroy cultures?

I wonder considering promoting racemixing and homosexuality as "culture"

Neither would I consider being barbarians and living in tribal communities being civilized.

neither would I.

>Rome had already created a true civilization
Nah Romans were niggers compared to Greeks. There is a reason why we still remember loads of Greek thinkers and only a handful of Romans can be mentioned in the same breath. They made almost zero advancements in mathematics.


Shadow of Rome 2

They were exceptional engineers and architects though

They were exceptional at engineering their own demise


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Classical Greco-Roman vidya might be uncommon relative to WW2 or modern day shit, but it's still one of the most common historical settings alongside fuedal japan, egypt, and norse shit in vidya

You want some actual creative, underused settings for ideas, try

>Mesopotamia, either during the Bronze age with Sumer, Babylon, etc, or the Iron age with Assyria, etc
>Mesoamerica, either during the Classical period with the Maya, Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, etc or the Postclassic with the Toltec, Mixtec, Aztec, Purepecha, etc; or even the Preclassic if you wanna be really special snowflake
>South/Southeast Asia, such as during ancient, classical, or medieval india, or Medieval southeast asian hingu kingdoms like the Khmer
>The Ande, technically any period from the early intermediate period forward has civilization, but due to lack of records, only the late intermediate to the late horizon with the Inca, Chimu, etc would be likely to work
>Bronze age Greece, with the Mycenaeans, Troy, etc
>West African kingdoms, like the Mali, Songhai, etc


Hell you could even do tribal settings like the rest of Africa, most of North America, etc, or Proto-civilizational tyime periods like the Germanic tribes/celts, The Mississippians, Preclassic Mesoamerica, Early Horizon Andes, etc.

The Mesopotamians and Egyptians started Western Civilization, anons. Greeks got it from them. "The West" includes the Middle East, or at the very least it did initially during the Bronze Age and Iron age before diverging in the classical period: Up till then the Mediterranean and Fertile Crescent where very much a part of the same cultural sphere.

The romans had plenty of other advancements, though. They had a significant degree of military and administrative innovation, engineeering and archtectural progress, etc. You see a sort of (but not entirely, it's not actually analogous) similar progression between Classical and Postclassical Mesoamerica

>peak Rome
>senate robbed everyone of their land and gave out "free" bread to make everyone complacent (grown on stolen land)
>only thing worse than the senate was the batshit insane military dictators constantly warring in far off lands
>water supply was literal poison thanks to lead piping
>streets overflowing with piss and shit
>death rates were so far above birth rates due to filthy conditions that city had to constantly be flooded with rapefugees to keep population up
>people got taxed for being single if they didn't immediately find some roastie to marry
Take the Greek pill.

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Let's be honest, most anons are thinking fall of the Republic era.

>Pre Roman Republic cointing as "roman"
>Byzantine empire counting as "roman"

>alongside fuedal japan
It is weird that Warring States Japan gets more content than Warring States China.

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Classical Greco-Roman vidya might be uncommon relative to WW2 or modern day shit, but it's still one of the most common historical settings alongside fuedal japan, egypt, and norse shit in vidya

You want some actual creative, underused settings for ideas, try

>Mesopotamia, either during the Bronze age with Sumer, Babylon, etc, or the Iron age with Assyria, etc
>Mesoamerica, either during the Classical period with the Maya, Teotihuacan, the Zapotec, etc or the Postclassic with the Toltec, Mixtec, Aztec, Purepecha, etc; or even the Preclassic if you wanna be really special snowflake
>South/Southeast Asia, such as during ancient, classical, or medieval india, or Medieval southeast asian hingu kingdoms like the Khmer
>The Ande, technically any period from the early intermediate period forward has civilization, but due to lack of records, only the late intermediate to the late horizon with the Inca, Chimu, etc would be likely to work
>Bronze age Greece, with the Mycenaeans, Troy, etc
>West African kingdoms, like the Mali, Songhai, etc


Hell you could even do tribal settings like the rest of Africa, most of North America, etc, or Proto-civilizational tyime periods like the Germanic tribes/celts, The Mississippians, Preclassic Mesoamerica, Early Horizon Andes, etc

The Mesopotamians and Egyptians started Western Civilization, anons. Greeks got it from them. "The West" includes the Middle East, or at least it did initially during the Bronze Age and Iron age before diverging in the classical period: Up till then the Mediterranean and Fertile Crescent where very much a part of the same cultural sphere

The romans had plenty of other advancements: They had a significant degree of military and administrative innovation, engineeering and archtectural progress, etc. You see a sort of (but not entirely, it's not actually analogous) similar progression between Classical and Postclassical Mesoamerica

What if you play as a general in first person and get to dress up your troops instead?

based and redpilled

>Bronze age Greece, with the Mycenaeans, Troy, etc

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Hehe you sneeded.

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Looked up some more mycenian armor, some of that shit looks straight out of Conan and 80s fantasy


How would you make a historical fiction game series like Assassin's Creed, user?

Make a good character like Ezio, and end the series when his story ends.

Not really considering Japan makes a fuckton more games than China
Even the most notable games concerning Warring States China are made by the Japanese

Not really: You could just as easily ask why the equalvent of "warring states" periods in Mesoamerica, the Andes (which they were both just getting out of when the Spanish showed up), or Southeast Asia, Mesopotamia, etc don't show up.

The answer is Japan makes more mainstream global media then China does, so obviously it'll be more common. The real question is why vidya set during, say, the periods of warring between small european states such as in the HRE isn't common.

In any case, I wish instead of whining about stupid shit SJW's would encourage less eurocentric education and media: Rather then bitching about how X game or movie doesn't have enough black people or women, trying to encourage a wider apperciation and use of cultures and time periods.

I mean I want it, but every other setting I listed has as much or more potential then it. To comment to 's point, Even Mesoamerica has it matched in terms of funny, gaudy armor and uniforms.

Honestly, Asscreed is fine for what it does, whgich is applying neat historical settings to a generic gameplay template. It strikes a good balance between hiustorical accuracy and doing it's own thing, I feel. I'd try to drop the whole animus/assassin/templar shit just so it can focus even more on real people ands historical events but that's about it.


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Kenshi, but set in Punican wars timeline.

It was a meme back then too. Some people think there were Roman soldiers fighting in the Far East because a Chinese person describes a unit of soldiers using a “turtle” formation which made them distinct from anything they’d ever seen. Accounts of Romans by their enemies generally comment on their extreme discipline and fancy formations like the testudo, it’s what made them stick out on a battlefield.

>I mean I want it, but every other setting I listed has as much or more potential then it
Not really, just a game based on the Iliad alone would be fucking insane. Its called the age of heroes for a reason. The other cultures you listed are pretty boring and nigger tier.

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>mockery of Jews and their one god is to be kept to a respectable minimum
Almost made the whole Jews in Rome subplot worth it desu

>I'd try to drop the whole animus/assassin/templar shit just so it can focus even more on real people ands historical events
Go fuck yourself. That's the one thing that actually unites all Ass games into a coherent franchise and faggots like you have been asking to remove it for years. Ass games are becoming standalone magical history games, there's no story anymore, nothing is happening from one game to another, nothing you see on screen is important, all characters are disposable by the end of their game. I struggle to give the smallest amount of fuck now, I can't possibly care about a story that will be meaningless, it's just a monster of the week franchise now. Cunts like you need to fuck off

Is that dude harpooning angels?

An action RPG where you play as a gladiator during the time of Marcus Aurelius. You slowly garner allies, gain better equipment, and slowly develop a following.

The final boss is Commodus

Being a Roman commander in an 19th century alt history game where you try to make the empire stay united for as long as humanly possible, before fragmenting.

pretty much mountain blade warbutter but with Romans. It’s pretty much the perfect game just needs a reskin for whatever historical era

>trying this hard

Roman alt history could be amazing if done right.

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it's Eternal Darkness but you play throughout the entire game as Pious.

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lead pipes work fine assuming you have a proper water source that will provide mineral build up, if its acidic you're fucked though.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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a stealth rpg where you play a Christian hiding from roman persecution and convince people to convert to the one true faith

You only say that because you know nothing about them. You ever read the Epic of Giglamesh? What about the Indian epic Mahabharata? You heard about the intellectual, artistic and engineering feats of the Aztec king Netzahualcoyotl? etc

I was very particular with the settings I picked there: Every single one of those cultures and time periods is AT LEAST on par with Bronze age Mesoptiamia and Greece, if not Iron age, Classical anitquity, or Medivial europe. Indian/Hindu/Buddshist and Aztec/Maya/Mesoamerican shit in particular is absolutely fucking batshit. Regarding the Mahabharata:

>Warriors had their prowess measured by how many millions of normal soldiers they could solo
>A bow that dropped a mountain larger than Everest on whatever it hit
>Multiple galaxy-busting weapons, with several warriors and gods wielding more than one
>A slashing technique that generated a world ending attack no matter what you used to invoke it was frequently cast with "blades" of grass and got used to perform an abortion
>Bodycounts measured in the hundreds of millions after many major battles
>During Karna and Arjuna's final battle Krishna remained silent when Karna's chariot was pushed back three feet by Arjuna's arrows hitting it but apllauded when Karna's pushed Arjuna's back by only one. When Arjuna demanded to know the reason why Krishna revealed it was because Karna had a regular chariot but Arjuna's was being blessed to weigh as much as the rest of the universe combined and that was the only reason Karna hadn't already obliterated it.

And Aztec metaphysical philosophy band how it intersects with their moral and ethical codes is basically fucking quatnum thermodynamics mixed with lovecraftian cosmic horror and the investbaility of supnatural cosmic heat death and accepting one's meaninglessness and commiting (both literal and figurativer) self sacrifice to enhance the lives of others and sustain the beings that will live on after you die, etc, shit's crazy

at that time Christianity was a Sect of Judaism which is for Jews only.

Mahabharata sounds like an anime.

But is there any character that can even TOUCH Karna?

I’m not just talking about charioteer lance wielding son of the Sun God Karna. And I’m not just talking about Karna capable of using all 15 Shastra’s, including Daarma Paasha,Naga Paasha, and Kaala Paasha. Hell, I’m not even talking about Karna after inheriting Vijiya’s Bow(Guaranteeing victory for the holder no matter what circumstance) from Lord Parashurama after training for years to become the greatest warrior and obtaining Brahmanda Astra(Which alone has the power to destroy our entire solar system).I’m talking about Suryalok abiding Karna barring all curses capable of using all Upasamhaara Astras including but not limited too Satyavanta,Satyakeerti, Dhristha,Rabhasa, Pratihaaratara, Paraanmuka, Avaanmukha, Dashaaksha, Shatavaktra, Dashasheersha, Shatodara, Padmanaabha, Mahaanaabha, Jyotisha, Vinidra, Daitya, Pramadhana, Suchibaahu, Mahaabaahu, Saarchirmaali, Dhritimaali, Vrittiman, Ruchira, Pitrya, Ssaumansa, and also thus Vidhoota, Makara, Karaveerakara, Dhana, Dhaanya, Kaamaroopa, Kaamaruchira, Moha, Aavarana, and thus Jrimbhaka, Sarvanaabha, Varana, wielding the Vasavi Shakti (Capable of killing even Gods with one stab), firing off every single Astra (Even Naga-Astra which delivers deadly poison upon impact), and receiving blessings from Bhumi, Agni, Varuna, Vayu, Surya, and Indra. I’m talking about Messiah Karna that has Mohini Astra as well which is capable of negating all magic and Maheshwarasta which can reduce even celestial beings to ashes; wielding multipurpose astras, which naturally includes Andhatamisr, Mahatarany, Chakshushmat, Shaktinash, Vishvavasumah, Antak, Mriitunjay, Sarvasmritinashan and Sarvasmitidharan, Bhay, Ahbayankaraaindr, Maharog, Namatraym, Ayurnash, Kalasamkarchan, Mahasur, Muladurg, Muk, Mahavagvidiny, Vedataskar, Hiranyaksh, Mahavarah, Hiranyakaship, Urganrisimh, Balindr,, Vasudev, Sankarshan, Pradyumn, Kalyastra and Kalkyastra, Mahamoh and Shambhav Astras.

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Does the bow shoot arrows too, or does it shoot the mountains?

>at that time
What time? Paul and Peter were preaching to gentiles in the 50s AD., and Rome wouldn't legalize Christianity til 313 AD with Constantine's Edict of Milan, at which point it comprised a substantial amount of the Roman empire's population, over 10%.

*teleports behind you and doesn’t accept your surrender*
pshh nothin personnel greekboi

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>You only say that because you know nothing about them. You ever read the Epic of Giglamesh? What about the Indian epic Mahabharata? You heard about the intellectual, artistic and engineering feats of the Aztec king Netzahualcoyotl? etc
I am well aware of all of these things, they are completely dwarfed by the Greeks. I really don't know what you are implying. Aztecs are just the Egyptians but 2000 years behind in technology. I don't know why you are sucking them off so hard.
That is Diomedes, who famously went on a super saiyan autistic rampage in the middle of a battle and stabbed the shit out of some gods.

a third-person RPG with an Open World that spans the entire empire with mechanics similar to Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Diomedes sounds like a great protagonist

That's because there hasn't been a game that has done it well yet
Multiplayer first person melee will always look terrible though

There's a reason Asura's Wrath is as crazy over the top as it is: If anything it's DOWNplaying how batshit Hindu myth actually gets

but yeah, those cultures absolutely have literary and actual historical tales that match the epics of ancient greece, as well as Grecean intellectual and artistic achievements in general. The problem is just nobody gets fucking taught about them, or in some cases, the historical sources are super limited due to them being lost: The Aztec and other Mesoamericans had libraries and books but the Spanish burned almost all of them so the only sources we have left are from the small handful of surviving ones, or from stuff that was later written down from oral interviews from the native people or by the descendants of/surviving native royalty who had elite educations who re-wrote stuff down

That's how we know what we do about Nezahucoyotl for example, and how he was instrumental in the foundation of the Aztec empire, how he revolutionlized the legal system of the specific city he controlled, caused a flourishing of the arts, culture, and philsophy via gathering circles of artists, musicians,s sculptors, ethicists, theologians, and poets, and how he designed a variety of dike and aquauduct systems around both his city and the Aztec captial (though some stuff, mostly stuff I didn';t mention, is likely BS by his decedents to make him look better, The Allure of Nezahualcoyotl is a great book on him and sorting through the records)

Mesoamerican history in general is in this weird spot where there's a fuck ton more records people realize (there's hundreds of Aztec-language documents thanks to stuff being re-recorded as I said), but still way less then we could have had if not for the Spanish: We could have had nearly roman tier records going back for at least 800 years for most of the region otherwise, and for some civilizations, we in fact still do, but a lot of these don't have English translations still.

>vermintide/l4d type
>egytian/mythical hordes

Yeah, Iliad has a lot of wacky stuff that would translate well into a video game, like when Diomedes and Odysseus were tasked with infiltrating a Trojan camp and gathering intel, but just decided to slaughter the entire camp instead.

>trojan horse.

Post history games you want:
>No game where you play as a Janissary during the 1500s and get to free roam missions in 16th century Constantinople.

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What if it's a battle royale but you enter from a Trojan horse

Aztecs or the Zulu

You very clearly don't know much about those things if you think the Aztec were only on par with the Ancient Egyptians. The Aztec are in fact, VERY comparable to the greeks, especially in terms of their political systems and complexity, how religion was handled, city population sizes (and the Aztecs even have an edge here), and a similar emphasis and fl0rushing of intellectualism, The Arts, and philsophy.

Mesoamerican civilizations from even 1500 years before the Aztec shit on Old Kingdom Egypt (pic related showing how so for urbanism, for example), even New kingdom egypt in some ways.

>but 2000 years behind

It's almost like people didn't arrive in the Americas for tens of thousands of years after they had already settled down in the fertile crescent and their version of the neolithic revolution and then thew founding civilization got delayed by a result. The Aztec came in around 3000 years after Civililization in Mesoamerica first popped up, and the Aztec and other cultures in that time period are most comparable to what you see in early classical anitquity, so they are actually right where they should be technologically, though obviouslt there';s a few ways they were outliers in in terms of behing both behind (Watercraft, Metallurgy, etc) and ahead (sanitation, botanical science, etc) due to geographic isolation

litterally anything in

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passion of christ
but it's passion latin

>on par with the Ancient Egyptians
No, I'm saying they were far worse. You are underestimating how advanced ancient civilizations were. Even Iron Age Greece was far ahead of the Aztecs, by the time Aztecs had gotten that far Greece had already worked out atomic theory. Just admit you're a biased taconigger deluded by modern historical revisionism so we can move on.

Bara VN that takes place in a gladiator ludus

chivalry would like a word with you

Chivalry is the worst example you could possibly give

retard detected, opinion discarded.

You're actually delusional. Even the autistic veteran fanbase can't tolerate the ballerina shit anymore, and are moving over to mordhau

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old captcha revamp when gookmoot

Mordhau is out?


This makes my benis the big benis

>death rates were so far above birth rates due to filthy conditions that city had to constantly be flooded with rapefugees to keep population up
Wasn't this the case for all cities in europe all the way into the 19th century?


After a Roman army under the command of Marcus Licinius Crassus decisively lost the battle of Carrhae in 54 BC, an estimated 10,000 Roman prisoners were dispatched by the Parthians to Margiana to man the frontier.

it's probably not true but it gets my dick harder than the last jav i fapped to

Wouldn't be surprised if they put out an assassins creed game like this

>all cities
Depends on where you draw the line on what is a city. I don't recall any tales of city-states being meat grinders unless under extraordinary circumstances like a siege, but they weren't nearly as congested either.

>pre republic city still called Rome
>not Roman
You're one retarded ass bitch

Brotherhood (set in Renaissance Rome) had artifacts that mention Brutus being an Assassin
in Origins they made every single senator involved, not just Brutus, as an Assassin
Also they retconned that it wasn't Brutus that took the first stab but some roastie yass kangz slay egyptian girl who they also turned into the egyptian girl mentioned in AC2 who assassinated Cleopatra.

Secret Hitler-esque but with Roman politics.
> Major disputes are settled by gladiatorial combat
> Players select their gladiator from a pool, is AI-controlled
> Attempting to reveal someone requires hiring an assassin to kill them
> If you're discovered before it's carried out, you are killed instead


Class based Gladitorial fighting

Every single Gladiator type is a playable class even some fake ones that are inspired off of historical warriors that never encountered Rome like Berserkers and Ronin

Crowd pleasing is an integral mechanic. Staying as the people's favorite can make or break a life/death scenario. It could mean having bandages thrown to you when you're bleeding out or Lions sent in when you're being ganked. Being an arrogant cunt is encouraged. There's a ton of taunts/poses/flexes that you can do to please the crowd and doing them after certain situations like after a successful hit or a kill boosts their effect

1v1, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Objective based team modes, and BR modes

Animals, everything from lions, tigers, bears, elephants, buffalo, and even crocs in a flooded arena are bosses that are occasionally summoned during any mode except 1v1 and attack everyone. Killing them gives a huge boost to the crowd

In depth customization to make your very own Gladiator. Rules to what Gladiator type can wear what clothing is relaxed to improve customization and so that Gladiators that don't wear a helmet can cover their ugly faces with one now

Cestus and Retarius Gladiators are rigged from the start to be the best classes in the game

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>During Karna and Arjuna's final battle Krishna remained silent when Karna's chariot was pushed back three feet by Arjuna's arrows hitting it but apllauded when Karna's pushed Arjuna's back by only one. When Arjuna demanded to know the reason why Krishna revealed it was because Karna had a regular chariot but Arjuna's was being blessed to weigh as much as the rest of the universe combined and that was the only reason Karna hadn't already obliterated it.
LITERALLY "this is only 10% of my power"

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Cicero: The Ancient Rome Legal/Senate Simulator

You are a Cicero a big brained nibba and a minor patrician who needs money and wants to be elected to the senate. You are a lawyer so the gameplay consists of cross examining witnesses gathering evidence interrogating people hiring spies to steal information etc. Oratory and good speeches and rehtoric is a big deal you need to sway the plebs and the jury to your side when in court and the more cases you win the more popular you become the more chances for being elected in the senate. At the same time during your legal/senatorial career you will be involved in plots story missions you will have a lot of rivals and factions that you could side with or play off against each other in Roman politics you also get money you get money and upgrade your hosue, buy shit buy slaves buy bodyguards and spies buy mines governorships etc you will be aiming to be elected consul at one point also there will also be an open world ancient Rome and outskirts city where you can walk around and buy some shit

>tfw NV taught me Ceasar was pronounced Kaesar
>realized Cicero is pronounced Kikero

Now give me a game in which you guide alternative history roman empire though the ages

They have that it's called Crusader Kings 2 followed by loading the savegame to EU4 followed by Victoria 2

But we need the a e t h e t i c s

It's a Battle Royale in the Colosseum similar to Mountain Blade's arena but it's Rome. With as much aesthetic choices as possible from armors, weapons, decals, scars and shit you want on your character. Campaign/Missions include re-enactments

Basically a video game version of Gladiator

1v1 ELO/MMR system for competitive play AND spectators can sit on the stands to boo with voice-chat and toss garbage

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>Can't tell if /pol/ or /islam/

EU4 has got a Roman skinpack since Imperium is coming out soon

Buttmad Lybian detected, why don't you get eaten by a leo or some shit.

I spent way too much time on this game. It's a great time-waster.

>But we need the a e t h e t i c s
so a burger game

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