It's not a matter of gitting gud, the game is just broken. The hitboxes are trash, teleporting grab attacks all over the shop.
The core concept is good, but Fromsoft is at it again with its usual bullshit.
It's not a matter of gitting gud, the game is just broken. The hitboxes are trash...
Other urls found in this thread:
unironically get gud
Worked, seething, and btfo by a video game. Man your life must suck.
Isn't the game pretty clear that you're not supposed to dodge and weave like you're playing Souls? You're supposed to parry.
dude you can master it and kill bosses without even healing once, like a fuckin chad shinobi
>hitboxes trash
nah. maybe sometimes they fuck up but most of the time they are pretty accurate. Had a lot of hits miss me because i was ducking or using prostethics.
>this happening for ten years and six games straight is a matter of the player gitting gud
All from games have this issue because they can't program their game correctly, but it's a bigger problem here because sekiro is less of an rpg an more of an action game, so having hitboxes work correctly is pretty important
This has happened to me on every single one of the Ogre's grab attacks, every single fucking one. Apparently this is fair.
I'm stuck on lady butterfly and the bull. Honestly not having fun, I'm thinking about dropping this game and making a new bloodborne character instead.
bullshit. you panic dodged the second the red mark appeared and he grabbed you after. don't blame the game because you're bad please.
On a scale of normal to DaS2, how are the grab hit boxes?
The grab hitboxes are bad. Don't follow the game tips of dodging grabs. Always jump backwards away from them.
Jump you lazy ass faggot, this is not a soul game
I want a fucking Tenchu. Not this Souls inspired ninja shit with giant monkeys with fucking swords.
Fuck off.
Jump away from him instead of dodging when he tries to hit or grab you. His reach is insane but if you keep your distance he shouldn't be too hard.
just don't stop running and use firecrackers on the bull
butterfly is hard but fair, when she goes up to throw a triple shot of daggers at you zoom under them and hit her as shes coming down for some easy damage
and git gud
See for yourself. This has happened to me on every single one of his grab attacks, and apparently it's because I'm bad and the game is perfect as it is.
no one cares what you want faggot
fuck off
You dodged into his grab.
Jump away retard.
do i even bother trying to parry his shit like his drop kick?
>the ogres hand clearly comes down on sekiro before the "jump" in the animation
just because you get that chop doesn't mean the game has bad hitboxes you absolute tard, it just means that From didn't get their positioning into grabbing animation smooth enough to accommodate those hitboxes without looking janky.
Didn't happen to me on every grab but enough times that it felt unfair. His arm visibly missed me and then I was grabbed anyways
I think the hitboxes are pretty good but enemies have insane tracking, even at the end of a slow charge-up move they spin like 140 degrees in a split second to hit you in the face. They're also very aggressive and have brutal multi hit combos so fighting any group that has an elite in it is pretty much an automatic death sentence, you have to separate them.
Minibosses like Snake Eyes and that fat bandit guy with the pet monkeys are just absolutely fucking frustrating.
It's not a matter of getting good, it's a matter of the game being designed to be annoying in unfair ways. With stuff like MGR, Souls or Nioh I always felt the difficulty was fair and learning from my failures was fun. But with this game it just feels like a load of horseshit.
One of the most important things about Sekiro is that, unlike Souls games, you can't dodge towards the attacks. In fact, dodging in general is riskier than ever, due to just how gimped it is in comparison (no i-frames, short distance). I got my shit kicked in like 5 times fighting Gyobu (the horse rider boss) and I kept getting upset that dodging his attacks was impossible. When I changed tactics and, instead of dodging, just guarded or parried his attacks, the fight became a cakewalk, since he could barely get any hits on me.
>game is broken
>hitboxes trash
>whah aweh whah
git gud or fuck off you mouthbreating retard
Yeah man, just parry a grab idiot
>the ogres hand clearly comes down on sekiro before the "jump" in the animation
For the love of God someone give me a tip on how to kill the samurai that guards the raven feathers. I've tried kiting him but his moveset is unpredictable and relentless. I tried the axe but he blocks it with one hand like a fucking pro.
The hitboxes are retarded indeed, sometimes if seems like you did manage to dodge an attack, but the game decided to hit you anyway in your invisible body parts
sprint around him and bait his kick, dodge that then get free hits, that and spam fire cracker at his ass.
>It's not a matter of getting good, it's a matter of the game being designed to be annoying in unfair ways.
This has already started with Dark Souls 3. Fromsoft fell for their own meme. Anyone can see that they now design their games to be as bullshit as possible.
My main problem is how absolute garbage the camera/lock on is.
I swear Gyubu took me three tries because the camera decided to go full retard the previous two and didn't lock him on properly.
he has a habit or either doing an unblockable front kick or sweep out of his kick chains, both of which can be jumped easily
kick him in the head during the sweep for easy posture damage but other than that keep wailing on him when he's not doing flippy bullshit
try the flame or crackers otherwise if you need supplemental damage, and there's always candy to munch on for attack boosts
Hitboxes are actual garbage and shouldnt continue to be so after 5 games
>lel git gud
Camera and lock on is still janky as hell
>lel git gud
Parry mechanic is the most abusable thing in a fromsoft game since sorcerys
>lel git gud
It basically boils down to how low you lower your standards, and just 'deal with it' and learn what OP thing fromsoft accidentally left in this time.
Its not going to be GOTY.
why do you people try so hard to be as retarded as you can, your two screenshots are tens of frames apart yet you think that proves me wrong for some fucking reason.
If the hand never hit Sekiro then how in the fuck do these to frames exist
So how good is this compared to Dark Souls? Should I even pirate it?
>people STILL salty as shit about Chained Ogre
Hey, dumbasses, here's a thought: don't get caught standing directly in front of him after your ebin sword combo.
Protip for the drunk by the way: you can run infinitely. Stop playing this game like it's shackled to a damn stamina bar.
It's just Souls without
>character builds
>armor customization
but with
>15 times the difficulty
>being able to grapple but only to a very few carefully placed tree roots and roof ornaments
Stop getting mad and git gud.
Nah, you just suck and this is your first eye opener. Denial is common.
GIT GUD you fucking nigger
jump his long grab you dumb fuck. how are people like you able to live day to day without realizing your mistakes.
is the codex crack safe to get?
The game literally tells you to step dodge grabs.
>The hitboxes are trash
No, but enemies having hyper armor on almost anything is bad, especially when you die in two hits from anything that you don't just instakill, which doesn't matter either way.
>teleporting grab attacks
Yeah, but those aren't common at least.
>You're supposed to parry.
I've been hearing this since the crack came out and yet I barely ever guarded, killed Butterfly grandma without pushing L1 once, same for horse dude and the other minibosses so far, just dodge, jump and run.
Sure, you're gonna die a couple of times since you won't get all of their attacks down so easily, but nothing really hard, and again, you end up dying easily simply because everything kills you in two hits regardless of your upgrades, I can't even tell if memory upgrades make a difference since I'm still chipping away at bosses when my attacks connect, questionable balance all around, made to appeal to try hards, to be sure.
>Protip for the drunk
What does that have to do with the drunk
>g-git gud!!
git gud this game is easy
where the fuck was that npc in the beginning level in a tent that sells shit? want to use my gold before i eat shit
lmao someone died, got butthurt, and made a thread on Yea Forums
Didn't the tutorial say to use O to avoid grabs?
Bought this game and already Platinum'ed it and returned it to Gamestop for a FULL refund, lol.
He brickwalls people able to bumble past el goblino.
>I can't use my own brain to figure out things
Holy fuck you actually wrote that unironically. If the game told you to kill yourself, you would do it.
By where you fought the ogre. He's squatting in some little shithole corner.
I actually really like it but it is difficult. The combat is way different. You move faster, can jump and parrying is a huge component. Boss fights are insane but the runs to bosses are generally short.
How the fuck do I give Kuro the Sakura Droplet?
I beat Geneshiro and it's not giving me the option to give it to him and every guide I've read says this is when you give it to him. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
If you played the game you'd know that only the Ogre has this problem
>It's not a matter of gitting gud
yeah it is. you simply suck. I hate souls games, but I'm having a blast with this one.
>what the fuck am i doing wrong
reading guides instead of figuring out the game by yourself
I'm literally only on the guide because of this specific purpose. The item description says to give it to him, I'm at him and he won't give me the option which is why I looked it up. What am I doing wrong?
ogre is designed to be countered by fire tool. it's a joke with that one. I wasted hours on him, and then I used it and killed him first try.
Died against him 20 times, took one hour break and defeated him first try after that.
thank you
i got sidetracked by the memory in the estate now lel
wait until you get to butterfly.
The game is more about timing than anything else. You literally have to prioritize timing over positioning every time. The fact that they even experimented with an i-frame stat on DaS 2 should make it clear.
Not him but this really is a good sleep-on-it game. The shinobi hunter was a cunt until I realized the game really wants you to learn how to use that thrust counter move.
I like that the game's forcing me to think about how the bosses are moving and attacking instead of just running in there and spamming R1 and Circle as I'm wont to do in souls games.
don't miss the fire prosthetic.
real enemy is those jumping ninjas, they are harder than most bosses.
git gud soulsissy
there is literally one "broken" grab in the game (ogre) and it looks broken because the animation corrects itself in a funky way.
every instance of a webm showing these "broken" hitboxes is of some shitter who is very clearly in the hitbox
yeah just bought the firecrackers from the npc dude with the crows. hopefully that will help with the ogre
Try jumping during fights you retards. You can step on enemies heads and slash at them in the air...
nono, the fire vent tool, it's in the fire on estate level.
the only thing that makes me mad is the hyper armor on most trash enemies, it's fucking retarded
I gave the white spinwheel to the fatty and used my fan on him, where is he now?
literally just run away from everything he throws at you, same with bull and giant ape
How the fuck do you spend hours on one of the easiest minibosses?
>people actually defending this
you need to unlock skill for that, makes butterfly a moderately easier fight
I'm starting to have fun, guys. Was getting raped by the ogre but the bosses after that have been pretty easy, so maybe I actually got gud. The Bull has got to be one of the worst designed fights in the series, right?
How do I get the snake to eat the monkey?
Game gives you:
>a jump
>a dodge
>a block
>a parry
And people are still getting smashed. I love it.
folding screens monkeys area
how do you get that item in the cliffs below the gun fort shrine?
I just got there from the well. Where, exactly?
A lot of bosses get shutdown with the right technique at the right time.
How do I get the fire tool? I found a blueprint or something but nobody says anything about it.
puppeteer ninjutsu his ass
grab fucks me up, butterfly took only an hour or so, horse first try, hunter 3rd try, juzou 4th try,bull 2nd
working on that miniboss ninja in reservoir now, they also mess me up
How do I apply this 3,000 shekel butterfly kunai to my shuriken arm? Is there some blacksmith I need to unlock or boss I need to kill first?
firecrackers stun him, he is easy just like horse
game is designed around tools
How do I get the big snake to eat the monkey?
Hirata Estate, where the soldiers are drunk around the bonfire
it's specifically in the bonfire
>no MLG-
>kiting the ogre around trying to find a good place and think of a strategy
>go to the ledge to left of the top of the stairs and go behind the fence
>he follows me there and his ai wigs out
>he keeps trying to walk away but turns back to me when i get close
>wail on him for any easy win
good meme
it was like my 10th try. i tried the fire thing and it wasn't nearly as effective as people say. most of the time he would tank through it and grab me anyway.
on the way to second area with houses, there are soldier around fire it's in the fire, I missed it too
How do people now know about disengagement? You can literally zipline away from an overwhelming fight or use the fucking statue to teleport back
I'll be damned, probably shouldn't have my head up my ass while I play. I know exactly where that is, thank you.
oh fuck it kinda worked but i kept fuckin eating a few grabs. going back to the memory again then. i think i just unlocked the shortcut near the huge tower and npc tryin to get in a place
I didn't find him hard, the fight itself is just rubbish. You just run circles around him and all he'll ever do is the turning-around animation while you get 1, maybe 2 hits in before he runs headfirst into another wall.
Yeah whatever OP. Anyway, i was wondering, is this a full fledged action game? Or is there moments of respite in calm "hubs" or such, like villages with NPCs etc.
>most of the time he would tank through it
what? it's a good 2-3 sec stun all the time, gotta time cast a bit, that's all
huh weird. i remember pickin up like gunpowder or some shit in a fire. but okay i got the fire vent tool which i confused for firecrackers??
Souls games with their locked fog gates have trained people that bosses are do-or-die oneshot engagements you can't easily Homeward Bone away from.
That means you dodged to the side which is already an unsafe move. You only side dodge if you are outside the grab but I reality you dodge backward to get out of a grab when you are too close
that's the point, it's a mad bull. at least they didn't give it 2 hp bars.
You know, I come to these threads wanting to discuss the game and not talk about the fucking ogre for 100 posts but you casuals can never stop talking about him. Are you that fucking bad? why is it always about a enemy that isn't even a fucking boss and has the simplest move set out of any mini boss in the game, what the fuck is wrong with you? Nobody gives a shit that you walked into the grab and feel like it was a bad hitbox, you shouldn't be dying to the ogre in the first place, FUCK THE OGRE, IM WAY PAST THE FUCKING OGRE BUT THAT'S ALL PEOPL WNAT TO FUCKIng TALK ABOUT.
The latter. There are lots of little spots to get away from constant fighting and chat up some NPC's, whose lives you may hold in your butterfingers.
show me a souls boss you can't homeward bone away from
wanna talk about butterfly? I liked the fight, did you? second phase made me cry though first time I saw it though
how much coins does a light coinpurse give? i'm scared to test how much one will give because i'm hoarding shit
Finished the game after around 19 hours played. It is an annoying, frustrating, poorly designed game and really not that much fun outside of the bursts of intensity that come once you’ve mastered a fight.
There are some good ideas here but overall it pales in comparison to BB and seems intentionally designed to annoy, frustrate and punish.
What is really boils down to is this: it’s short bursts of satisfaction surrounded by long stretches of annoyance and frustration. This is simply not good game design.
I got good and it wasn’t worth it.
100 and the bigger one gives 500
Excellent, i was worried it was pretty much going from one fight to another with nothing but fighting inbetween. While that can be fun too, i personally like a bit of world building development and times to kick back and plan stuff out
The good ones that are actually aggressive like Sekiro enemies. Fair point though, it's a bad example on my part.
what do I do with the two serpent hearts? also why does the second serpent lock me in the room when I grab the dried heart? do I miss anything if I just teleport back to a bonfire?
Did you platinum the game? No? Git fucking good faggot.
I completely missed temple arts skill tree, how do I unlock it?
sure ya did buddy
>mentioning MGR like it’s difficult in the slightest
It was the most difficult fight for me so far due to the fact I did it before killing any boss, I had no extra gourd seeds or prayer beads. Eventually I learned that I could abuse her with deflects and I was able to stop her illusion phase entirely by hitting her right as she spawned. Overall, good fight, helped me absolutely demolish all the fights after her.
The only "broken" hitbox is the ogre's grab. Everything else has been incredibly precise so far.
You're just incredibly weak at the start of the game. Once you get better prosthetic tools it becomes WAY easier. The umbrella and sabimaru specifically have been way, way stronger than any other tool I've found so far. Umbrella is literally a shield, you can just block enemy combos all day and parry only the most telegraphed hits to break their posture with no penalty for fucking up the parry timing. Sabimaru capitalizes on any opening you get by poisoning the enemy and annihilating their entire posture bar at once.
hidden area, senpou temple. cave after the last bonfire.
That's not "before" the animation you retards. He's clearly jumping already.
It’s insane to watch people defend this
So far the biggest annoyance to me is all the enemies around minibosses. I hate having to clear them all every time. So far the minibosses have given me much more trouble than the bosses
Not him but I liked butterfly too. After figuring out the first one was an illusion by her I was like, "oh fuck that's what the snap peas are for!" And completely fucking wasted them on the first fight.
there is too many skill trees, do not make me grind this shit, game!
>you can't dodge towards the attacks
That’s literally how you do one of the counters
I swear to god that fire boar is the new capra demon
Pretty much. DaS3 was From's way of taking what they learned in DaS2 and prettying it up with explosions and anime so that people wouldn't notice.
So far I have to say that Sekiro has fallen into the same pitfall DaS3 did: It's a bad action game with slapped on RPG elements that don't really work.
>spent hours on lady butterfly yesterday to no avail
>heard that you can dodge-R1-dodge-R1 to cheese her
>though not 100% reliable, it fucking works
>finally get through her second form after maybe another 5-10 fights
>fight blazing bull
>down in 3 tries
Have I gotten gud? The bull fight is literally just about deflecting. Are the people having trouble on that one trying to jump/dodge out of the way?
I died maybe 15 times in each souls game. Downloaded a trainer and beat this one after I got pissed dying over a hundred times. Fuck you niggers and fuck the unenjoyable combat of this game. Wait a waste of development time from Miyazaki
I wasted them trying to dispel little goblins she summons, it's a damn AoE and doesn't kill all of them! wasted 6 seeds.
yeah, there's 5 in total I think
the last one unlocks once you learn ashina cross
there is also a fire boar after bull?
It's a good game and worth $60 imo, and definitely worth the pirate if that's your bag. Fucking thing's only like 17 gb.
>fight the ogre without fire
>that motherfucker pivots midair to hit me
>grabs have crazy tracking and very little startup
fuck that motherfucker
The entirety of these games isn't 'getting gud' that's a fucking meme, it's learning how much you can bullshit your way through the enemy's moveset.
I beat Bull by chasing him running in circles. As long as you don't get cornered he can't do shit.
this game is too easy unironically, you could abuse mechanic like fireworks are good against animals, bull and horse rider are easy as fuck with them, shirukens does extra damage to jumping targets, lady butterfly isn't that hard with them, but still took me 6 attempts.
>that damage
Hahaha fuck this game.
funny how you can tell a poster is fat just from the things they said
you are trulty delusional
How accurate is pic related?
you can cheese the chained ogre if you let him out, then run away to reset him, then you can backstab him as he's walking away, but you can only do it once, if you run away after knocking off a red ball it replenishes.
that helped me with the fight, fire is helpful too.
Help am I fucking retarded? I got the mechanical barrel but the sculpture wont take it and upgrade shit. What do?
Already bought it on a gray site. Anyone know how that works? I presume the key sellers somehow has to buy/get the games, so some of the funds go to devs. I occasionally feel guily for not paying directly (though who knows, maybe gray sites gets more money bottom line to devs than steam's big chomp) but such is the life of an utter poorfag raising his own crops for food.
Nah. Sister Friede is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
people I never met, they ALL got dragonrot now.
6% aid chance.
ogres left hand clearly connected with the players body tho???
>guardian ape phase 2
excuse me, what the fuck
I think a lot of people don't read the abilities
>get to horse rider
>you can grapple to him while he turns
>buy skill to attack after grappling
>Play with the hard mode demon curse thing
>Can't even notice an increase in difficulty since you already died in two hits to everything anyway
>Enemies now drop a shit ton more materials
Why would you ever not use this this?
What's the secret to killing the treasure carp in the sunken valley lake?
Why the fuck is Emma so easy compared to Owl?
Fucking this. There's gotta be some easier way of clearing them out
Stop eating the true death.
Discretion is the better part of valor.
Run away and pray rike sneaky ninja, not stupid gaijin samurai stand and fight to death.
Your homo boner has literally infinite free uses.
I didn't figure out stealth cheesing by that point but I figured it out later on
come back later
You get the ability to dive
>he doesnt know
The Drunkard has some NPC hanging out before his fight that helped me kill assholes when I got tired of being sneaky. I could not get him to survive the fight though.
Where the hell is that corrupted monk boss from the Demos? isn't he at the temple?
to this day I still fail to understand how you can find CPU-inflated difficulty fun
these type of games are reduced to the "try over and over until you know the boss by hand" style of gameplay
they don't require skill, just memorization, what's the point?
Where can I find blackhat after meeting him in the sunken valley at his son's grave? He said he would go back to the castle.
>ou end up dying easily simply because everything kills you in two hits regardless of your upgrades
because you're not guarding and deflecting you absolute brainlet. The fights will take hours if you're going to run away all the time, since their posture will recover. You need to press the attack, deflect their counters and if they run, you go after them. You only need to dodge grab attacks, or jump sweep attacks. If you're not using L1, then you're literally playing the game wrong.
how the fuck do i do the counter move against spear guys? timing is FUCKED so do i have to press dodge without a direction or what?
did you get the firecrackers?
So I assume the purple samurai above the tutorial hole is the guy to bring to abandoned dungeon? He’s got dragonrot do I need to cure it before I can say hey go there?
>cryptic nonsense advice
It comes down to reaction time and judgment. Souls games excel at presenting you with novel enemy patterns in an attempt to whip you into a frenzy and cause you to make mistakes/judgment errors. Some people are better at learning the patterns than others. Some have quicker reaction time than others. Don't tell people what amounts to "learn to play the game better", they already know that. This is "shoot at it until it dies"-tier advice.
am i retarded or are geckos invincible?
literally git gud
She's at *a* temple
Just spam B.
dodge forward, parry window is huge
3 tries poster here, I did and used the firecrackers maybe once or twice on the bull before running out of skill points, but I ended up beating him that time anyway.
>Beat ape at the lake
>Took me lik 20 tries
>Go exploring
>Find other ape
>Now I have to beat 2 of them at once
What the FUCK
Anyone got tips for headless? I'm combat 4 (just beat the lightning sensei, forgot his name), but I can't damage it. Plus, deflecting its attacks still damages me (although doesn't give terror). I'm pretty happy with all bosses so far, in that they're pretty fair, but this boss is just obnoxious. His fog prevents you from dashing, you can't damage him, 2 hits means you're dead to terror and deflecting eventually runs your health low. I must be doing something wrong, because this is just unfun.
hey retard. are you aware that most of the activities in human life, including professions, are merely patterns, muscle memory and memorization?
>play as a dickass shinobi
>game wont let you cheese enemies
why? whats more "ninja" than kicking fags off the cliffs or getting them stuck in terrain?
MGR is harder than any souls game minus Gael. Fite me.
Divine confetti.
How the fuck are you supposed to beat that shinobi hunter nigger back at the start of the game in that cave when he always pushes you next to a wall causing the camera to freak the fuck out
You're an idiot. I'm telling him to run away and warp out instead of just getting his ass kicked to death every time and dragonrotting his entire crew. My people are all 100% healthy because I know when to turn tail instead of your useless "tell him to learn the patterns better lol".
You have not even played Sekiro have you?
zoomer status: EXPOSED
Where can I fight the snake? just like the headless ape it seems to be optional
party hard, don't get grabbed
That move has probably the biggest parry window in any game ever. You can press B during their windup and you perform it. To be more safe, press it when they're actually lunging at you. It's really easy and does a shitton of posture damage. It's easily abusable.
I don't know how you can get passed Juzou and then have trouble with those. I beat Lady Butterfly on my first try and Blazing Bull on my second, but Juzou beat my ass.
Is it the true death, res death, or both that spreads the aids? I don't have much rot because I die, then res and run away like a little bitch.
you know that many of the times you are facing a problem some kind of improvisation is required?
This is a complete repeat of when blood borne came out. People were complaining that the game was too hard and then finally people got good.
Just like chess 'just' requires memorization. It's not a skill.
k apparently i dont press a direction. just practiced on the dummy dude. i only got frustrated because the first white ninja spear guy fucked me up near a fog door. maybe it was there to introduce dragonrot
This game seems really fucking short. I just beat the drunk guy and the anti shinobi dude, felt I would sneak peak at how many more zones there were. Im like halfway through the damm game already and it just started. Wtf?
its so short.
How the FUCK do I deal with the rooftop ninjas in Ashina Castle?
So ... how do i proceed with poison drunkard and his friend in the memory?
In a real skillgame, getting good means the skills you learn in one situation transfer to another. In Souls games the absolute skill ceiling is learning what your buttons do, and the rest is just memorizing specific enemy/boss mechanics and how to use a button to counter them.
true death. res doesn't affect anything so use it whenever possible
>at fountainhead palace
>lady says "oh there's a cave underwater to get into the palace grounds"
>there is no cave
am I....missing something? I've literally been searching for 30+ minutes now and there's definitely no fucking cave
What does that do?
>>cryptic nonsense advice
I'm guy he responding to and got what he meant, I hate that tactic, it wastes time, and I mostly die on bosses you can't run away from them.
the game specifically tells you dodge countering/direct HP damage will fuck up people like lady butterfly that have fast recovering posture since posture recovery is tied to how much health they have
protip for other people having trouble with her, shuriken her out of the air
sneak kill all the adds, running away etc.
Get the free backstab on drunkbro.
run back and get the old dude to help you
then just dont suck and do dmg to drunky.
which memory
Most of the deaths incurred are on bosses you either can't run away from or for which warping out is both risky and pointless. You're giving people bad advice by dropping Sun Tzu platitudes. It's unreasonable to expect dragonrot not to be incurred on your first playthrough. Not to mention you can literally buy an item later which alleviates the effects, so it doesn't matter.
Actually dying and reviving at the idols is a true death. Using your Resurrective Orbs to come back in the middle of a fight has zero consequences for dragonrot. Feel free to abuse the shit out of that ress Resurrection you get from Resting at an idol but try to avoid actually getting fully killed.
It's better to run and preserve some dragonrot instead of just tanking a boss out.
yeah, its like 2 hours long tops
grandma butterfly is actually the last boss
you can partially cheese (improvise) pretty much every boss and miniboss in the game with various prosthetic. is that good enough for you?
Yeah he fucked me up too, because I didn't know what the fuck those red things were. I didn't realise some attacks were unguardable. Died 10 times to his ass, until I realised I had to press B, not L1 to do the move, and that I needed to jump his sweep and then kick his face.
Killed him after I realised that.
i suck ass at this game and i beat ogre on the first try what the fuck
>teleporting grabs all over the shop
Didnt make it past gatekeeper chained ogre confirmed
came here to post this
>dodge to avoid grab
>you are actually supposed to jump
Yeah, git gud, am i right lads
Temporary buff that actually lets you deal damage to apparition type enemies
on the right with all the destroyed houses, don't just dive in the middle of the lake
If you are getting grabbed by the Ogre, you are dodging too soon. Consider dodging as another form of parrying and do it in the very last moment.
*abuse the shit out of that FREE Resurrection orb
The terminology's confusing in the game, sorry.
git gud dude thats a shockwave
does he respawn? because clearing out the dudes is a bit meh because i cant figure a good way to get rid of the 2 pack on the right without having to run away to reset
Get the Flame Vent. The merchant tells you about it. You need a key item from an NPC before the ogre to get to it.
>getting good means the skills you learn in one situation transfer to another.
So like in Sekiro. I died 20+ times to butterfly, but not even once to lightning guy. Mainly because I learned how to deflect properly, how to dodge grabs and how to counter lunges/sweeps. He was a cakewalk, but if it was my first boss I would've probably died even more.
Push him against the wall so his camera freaks the fuck out obv
If you put their backs to a wall their backflip 'dodge' doesnt actually dodge your attacks and you can just wail on them.
True casual filtration at work.
>You're not supposed to dodge and weave
Yes you are supposed to do that. That's how you beat Butterfly and Genichiro on top of the fact you have to parry so you fuck up their posture and hit them from behind when they do an attack that presents them with an easy opening. You HAVE to use everything at your disposal aside from items.
Return to kuros room in the tower when he opens the library and then keep talking to him.
Oh neat. But I don't have that item. Where can I get it? It's kinda lame you need an item to do damage to this guy. Maybe to gate him until you progressed far enough that you unlock the item in a shop?
The normie invasion is transparent in the retards who can't handle their new game not being liked.
DaS3 or Sekiro?
Why are the review scores so high for this game but there are so many faggots on /v complaining about this game? Are you fags worse at this game than shitty game journalists?
Holy shit /v blown the fuck out.
Should I get this game for ps4 pro? Is there like an enhance for it? And also how's the fashion?
The fuck you talking about, it's easy mode souls. You can literally stealth kill most minions.
>It's not a matter of gitting gud, the game is just broken. The hitboxes are trash, teleporting grab attacks all over the shop.
its almost like fromsofts game all have shitty tech, you guys are just figuring this out now? why do you think dork souls plays like such shit? thats the only reason why its hard. cuckbourne is the only polished game they have.
Just jump, it opens them up for a deathblow
ok bois serious question here
the fuck is this teleport prosthetic and why it exists
Allows you to fight "apparition" enemies, i.e. those which inflict terror.
I "got what he meant" too, it's that that kind of advice means everything and nothing to everybody and nobody. If I had a friend who was having serious trouble defeating a tough boss/enemy, I wouldn't say, "Discretion is the better part of valor. Think like a shinobi, not like a samurai. :^)" I'd give pointed recommendations based on his situation/play style.
Nope. It's a miniboss. Every named enemy with their healthbar to the top left is a miniboss and won't respawn.
The hitboxes are accurate, this time also against the player so rollspamming casuls can get fucked. Honestly the game isn't for everyone but those of us looking to get challenged and actually having to sit down and learn the mechanics Sekiro is a godsend.
honestly now is this game fun? I have the feeling, that there is no variety in the levels, is this true?
The English VA is decent if anyone was wondering. Doomposting about it was wrong.
This game is just way too hard DS was so much easier I can't even get to the first boss
Exactly. You have mastered all of the skills in the game on lady butterfly. Which is one of the first bosses. Everything else from here is specific mechanics.
Remember when retards though ressurectio, jumping and stealth would make this game casual?
I'm just disappointed that every boss can easily be cleared by being a cheapo and running around until they do the attack with 100 billion frames of nothing afterwards, or by just running behind them and mocking them for not being able to spin fast enough.
>dodging INTO the attack
Are those people who say" how can you defend this" are being serious?
The same thing was true about the crash bandicoot remake and v defended that pos too. Thanks for the warning based poster
you don't change your clothes you only have the one outfit
thank you good to know then. about to attempt him round 2. fucking aye
how do I make the monkey dance?
>unblockable attack symbol
>keeps hitting
>try to dodge last minute
>gets caught
Holy shit is this the level of scrubbery this board has got to? Fucking hell
I like hard games and I like ancient Japan as a setting.
But all I've seen from this game is some Marvel tier jumping and loads of underwater bits (I hate water). Is the bulk of it on land or what? I'd need like 99% of it to be land based.
I beat Lady Butterfly but the ninja in the well is still raping me six ways from Sunday
I didn't even struggle that much against Butterfly, must only died like 10 times
I don't know. I died a FUCK ton without ressing and didn't get any dragonrot. Then I died 4 times more while using revive, and now I have 3 idols. The last one I got without using revive, but I think the chance of getting dragonrot might increase if you used a revive when you die. I wish there was more info on this. I have a compulsion to constantly cure the dragonrot, but I know the items are limited. It's making me anxious.
not based, seething, git gud
Can anyone explain a brainlet what is going on story wise? Who am I killing? I thought I was attacking samurais from the Ashina clan. I thought the Ashina clan had kindaped the prince or some shit but that doesn't seem to be the case. There are plenty of friendlies in Ashina. Is the Hirata Estate a part of Ashina clan or an enemy? I'm really at a loss.
>you don't change your clothes you only have the one outfit
well that sucks
You forgot to gid gud along the process. No surprises you had a bad time.
>dying several times on each boss
>hardstuck on drunkard man
I think I'm getting too old for this shit, I just can't react in time. Kill me, just end my life before I get even older and slower.
protip; you can sneak up on him to give him his first deathblow. Makes the fight a lot easier, since you only need to 'beat' him once.
ill land like 5 death blows on them but they still fucking get back up
Purple guy? I had to look up a good strategy for him. Deflect as much of his attacks as you can, and use mikiri counter on his perilous attack. His openings are after his spin, high kick, and perilous attack.
they're too different
Sekiro's combat has a different meta than souls because of how much faster paced the game is
Pretty hard when I’m surrounded by like 5. Can’t seem to sneak behind them
Ahem, fuck snakes, fuck ghosts but most importantly of all - fuck monkeys!
what a retard. whey regain posture while you busy running away and do 280 degree tracked hits if you try to spin them
Because you dodged too early. iframes activate early and you missed that window so yes that death is your fault
I think it's mostly the Capra Demon-tier arena that is fucking me up
die twiced and rotpilled
Anyone else seriously struggle against the shotgun guy in the depths? I ended up cheesing him with the poison water.
That's not supposed to happen
Juzou is ez, just kite and kill the mobs then run to the samurai and get him to help you. Then pound Juzou's butt when the samurai tanks him
It doesn't matter if you can just whittle away at their health.
Can I resurrect with the Lords meme ability all throughout the game or is there a cap to it?
Seems kinda broken
Then look around more. You can sneak around and kill 5-6 of them, and then fight the last 2 or so manually.
chill little zoomer
I was stuck on Juzou for at least two hours. Sneak into the building on the left of the courtyard. Kill the two bandits. Exit the way you came and sneak around to the other side; kill the archer with shurikens. Try to dispatch the rest while avoiding Juzou, and make sure you have the loaded axe so you can get rid of the shielded ones. Run out of sight and wait until things settle down. If all of the bandits are gone, Juzou should walk out into the courtyard a little with his back facing the door he's blocking. That's your chance to get in a free deathblow, which at least halves the duration of the fight.
too much effort for this nigger. just spam firecrackers at him and enjoy free hits on this nigger. or spam axe attack
you can cheese in this game, but niggers complaining don't even bother experimenting, they just whine
The game is balanced around your extra lifes
game bugged probably?
Can a spoilerfriend fill me in on the other endings? What happens if you choose the other choice before you fight Dad
The ones in twitch chat are even more hilarious, they keep grining saying "inb4 insert boss here", every single time and Lirik is breezing through them compared to Souls.
I'm mad that of the last 3 from games bloodborne still has the bestoverall aesthetic
jump or hold dodge, the dodge in this game is different, you can dodge slide by holding down the button to double your dodge radius
there's one later and you can't cheese that slut sadly
You clearly see his hand hitting the player mode. He did not dodge the attack, he literally 'dodged' into it. Dodge backwards immediately when you see the symbol, don't do an extra attack.
i sneak attacked him my first attempt but second attempt i fucked up on it but managed to down him. wew games fun. i can see how the parry window being abuseable as fuck.
This. The game's bosses are like those "unbeatable" bosses that games usually have. Except in Sekiro you get another life so they become beateable. Pretty good idea to ramp up the difficulty to ludicrous levels throughout the entirety of the game.
>17 insight
You were stabbed by invisible tentacles, you just need 60 insight to see them
Thanks m8s. So I guess I should never chose Die
You're a shinobi. Avoid them.
>well that sucks
You a tranny? Worried about how your in-game character looks or something?
Yeah, later there's some samurai who often lunge at you. Also some bosses. Learn to get it down and they're a cakewalk.
The one at gunfort? I managed to kill her with axe spam. She seemed slightly easier than the other one.
I got the deathblow heal ability and now I use the little guys as fodder so I keep them alive while I focus the big dude and use them to heal
there are no iframes on dodge anymore, they just made the hitboxes for the player incredibly black or white, so if the doge missed the hand completely he would of been fine, but if even your fringe hits the enemy hit box the attack connects
The worst part about this game is that there's no fog gates before the bosses, so you ACTUALLY have to redo the area before them every fucking time when you just want to fight the boss, you can't just assblast past all the mobs and enter the boss area like in Souls.
Debate me.
people heavily misunderstand how countering works in this game
there's an easy option for any perilous attack and then a harder option that presents a counterattack opportunity
if someone does an unblockable you're intended to parry it but you can just sidestep or mikiri counter
if someone does a sweep you're intended to jump and kick off their head for huge posture damage but you can just dodge away
if someone does a grab you're intended to sidestep at the last second and dodge counter but you can just jump
it's all up to whether you're choosing to take the high risk high reward or low risk low reward
Not to mention all the endings are complete garbage. But that's really par the course for formsoft. Fuckers can't make a satisfying ending if their life depended on it and STILL really on the ambiguous and bittersweet ending meme.
Sub 40 i.q post
I like some designs of samurai armor so I was hoping they'd be in
Not that guy, but seriously where do you get it? I want to beat headless. I got his attacks down pretty much, I just need to do damage.
Depends on the boss. Some bosses are inside their own little areas without any enemies so you can just sprint past everything and go straight to the boss. The ragin bull for example. You can reach it very quickly using stealth and the only enemies inside die almost instantly because of the bull raging out.
whos this purple fucker off the beaten path from the river?
hes kicking my ass dude
Move on and come back later
How the fuck do I fight the Ashina Elite after the REEEEEE kite ninjas? Dude hits like a train and he's so fast.
Fucking this. I learned all of this on the first samurai general. Stop trying to play like a souls game where you can't jump and zipline.
unlock the nightjar move, it turns her battle into a farce, literally stunlocks her, you can do both phases without a snap seed
That's one of the better additions honestly, incentivizing people to actually fight enemies. But generally you don't have to fight that many mobs or the area doesn't allow mobs to come in.
Anyone know the fastest way to get Divine Confetti?
I'm really having a problem with Headless even after killing Genichiro. I've been killing the blue samurai's in the antechamber but it takes a fuck long time for the Confetti to drop. Do I need to activate the bell as well to make it drop faster?
L1 L1 -> R1
ending spoiler:
i assume keeping the iron code is the bad ending because you kill everyone and the game just ends abruptly
that sucks, feel like I wasted 20hrs
So they took the “le prepare to die XD” meme to heart this time and made a QTE game out of it, where you git gud from practicing DDR? That...doesn’t sound fun. Why couldn’t they have made a real ninja simulator game with tons of weapons and tools that aren’t extremely situational in use?
Why did critics rate it so high? Most of them are shittier than average v players and quit games faster. The game is broken in so many ways
The way enemies turn toward you mid attack with no wind up is dark souls 2 tier
>tfw you hit a wall at the old man that guys super saiyan with fire aoes
everything else was easy compared to this
he's only the first one of that enemy type too, user
this game is excellent pleb filter
>charge r1
>charge r1
i beat him, but what is this firecracker everyone is talking about?
>Sub 40 i.q post
Found the tranny
i feel like i'm being punished for exploring because i've come across this kinda hard shit thinkin i'm clever and they give me a tough fucker.
A tool ou buy from the memorial boss, you can use it to stun the Bull and get some hits in
He's right
The game isn't very good, but not for the reasons your dumb ass made
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the hitboxes, they are very accurate, there's maybe like 2 instances of "teleporting grab attacks" which the devs could fix if you just complained about them enough
You're just incredibly fucking bad, the game isn't very challenging to begin with
500 gold purchased from the guy with crows and a tent. hes high up after the bell/buddha lady
you buy it from the merchant that sits in the little tent before you reach the ogre
oh...i already beat the bull with the crow feathers, suriken and axe...
I just button mashed this faggot to victory on my fifth try. I'm so done with this game. I can probably still beat it but it doesn't feel satisfying when i have no fucking idea what i'm doing. Everything in this game requires God level reaction time.
Should I just get Nioh instead?
I just did the ogre miniboss you were sperging about and the grab hitbox is fine.
>submitted a refund
>2.7hrs played
>There's an input option to switch from controller to keyboard/mouse
I'm so god damn SICK of nip games only having controller input guides like Nioh. Literally gave up because all inputs were controller based.
Finished the game, anyone up for a fight club in Genichiro's place (top of the castle)?
it took me like 15 tries and some tasty dragonrot before i finally got him, he's guarding a little treasure
the aged feather? to make the game even more casual than it already is
It actually does seem to unironically be about gitting gud
where can I buy confetti?
and still
>no PS4 buttons
>proceeds to dive down on a general and fuck his men within a minute
feels good not gonna lie
for real, mikiri counter skill is absolute horseshit. you basically need to be a robot to land that counter every time.
Play the game
the sprint+charged attack is easy mode man, i can clear all of that area without getting hit, simply by moving fast and doing hit and runs till everyone falls down from bloodloss
>having anger issues
>blaming a game
goddamnit I beat the ape as well. Just tell me how long before I get the option to buy that shit. Dont be an ass
>grab attack
>dodge into the hand
>get caught
To be honest it does seem like this game is massively overrated.
I get the impression they just don't want to be seen as casuals anymore, so rather than rate difficult games badly for being "too gamey", they now rate games that are hard too high.
Sekiro has a ton of massive problems and reviewers should have pointed them out.
Mikiri is quite forgiving
Shit people, Hanbei has a dedicated tutorial to that move, use it for fuck's sake
>He posted ds2
When is the right time to go into the Dungeon at Ashina Castle?
Wait what, fucking where?!
>the hitboxes are trash
it's really just some of the grab attacks
You'll have to okay again while avoiding the rot. To get a "better" ending your strategy involves only using your resurrection to run back to rest, and not to continue fighting.
So do you need some tool which I missed (still have only 3) to beat O'rin or is there some gimmick? I'm not making any progress in the bossfight. Couldn't get past phase 1
ninja tools were extremely situational in use irl for the most part. I see what you mean though.
i went right for the door and got the feathers with those delicious door opening i frames then ran away like a bitch.
whats a good strat for him?
How’s the fuck Have you put 19 hours into a game that’s barely been out for 24 hours? Good god man get a fucking life
Options dummy, there's an "input device option" where you can change from controller inputs to keyboard inputs.
This and Yakuza are the two only games i can think of that lets you change this.
i've had quite a lot of noticeable "holy shit" moments where in any other game I would've definitely gotten hit because of shitty hit boxes. Like you said a few of the grabs are fucked but pretty much any other attack is really impressive
He's about to be even madder when they deny his refund. Lmao Just Calm Down Haha Like Nigga Just Walk Away Hahaha.
Genechiro is a fun boss, but its the one that is making me drop the game. None of the advices that I see the user given to me are proven useful.
Divine Confetti
>Hurr if i hold up my sword, everything will just phase through me!
it's literally the loosest timing in the game
stop playing drunk
In General DS3 and BB have really great hitboxes
How many of those blood droplets are there? I consumed the first one I got straight from the inventory and it did nothing.
>mfw hitting cyclone attack skill on accident while someone was doing a sweep and wolf hopped over the sweep while attacking
I beat Juzou and now there's a locked door. I've looked everywhere in the house for a key but can't find it, did I miss something or do I need to get further in the castle? I'm stuck on the Bull so if it's past that then fugg.
if you use the dragon blood from the inventory it just regens some of your secondary (or tertiary) resurrection power.
Using it at a shrine gets rid of dragonrot on everyone who has it.
spoilers for a boss fight
but how to cheese lady butterfly:
it's in the memory.
you have to dodge backwards, retard
Hirata is just an optional area my dude
So I'm guessing the 4 endings are determined by Choice #1 + Dragonrot, Choice #1 no Dragonrot, Choice #2 + Dragonrot, and Choice #2 no Dragonrot?
I was getting my pooper pounded until I took advantage of jumping on his head when he does the sweep attack, that and you can mikiri counter his unblockable kick
If you can get those two down his posture takes a tanking
Yeah you missed a key. Make sure to explore the other part of the estate.
i like the setting too, so that's a plus.
You’re not supposed to consume them, retard. If an NPC is infected with Dragonrot, you talk to them, they will give you their blood sample, and if you have the teardrop equipped, talk to Emma to heal them
You need to find Owl in an area where buildings burn and talk to him, he gives the hidden temple door key. It's right next to Juzou's area, on a hill after the shinobi hunter spearman.
FUCK Snake Eyes
the fucker was harder than Genichiro jesus christ, why are some of the minibosses so goddamn brutal
Pretty sure there's another pathway you can take somewhere in the memory that leads to the key
Thanks, I guess I missed him somehow.
Yeah the game is not bad but i keep thinking that we could have a new tenchu with this quality instead of this parry simulator.
dodge right and r1 once, repeat
good thing it wasn't only me getting fucked at that one, she's a right cunt.
one ending you end the game early
one ending still hasn't been found
I don't know the difference between the other two but they just involve finishing the game
you need to kill that spear guy then proceed to go up the path to the very end, then talk to your dad, he gives you the key if i remember correctly
What's the early end?
Anyone else unable to upload images?
Sekiro has really exposed how bad most people on Yea Forums are.
holy shit fpbp
Twitchfags are absolute cancer
>can't kill the old lady and his always fucked up son in the flashback
Damn, I wanted to create a time paradox.
uh i somehow fucked up on the jumps right after burning santa claus samrai and now i tried to go back and its all on fire. wut do?
>sekiro sucks!! See??
>posts dark souls 2 webm
Parry fucking everything that doesn't make the red kanji show up
You join your dad
yeah after 18 hours the game is for me at least just not fun. Yeah its hard, but you can overcome the challenge, its just a fuckin slog fest.
nonmook enemies have far too much health and posture to be enjoyable, they hit like fuckin trucks, and i feel like a retard here but if I parry an attack and my posture bar is empty why the fuck am i getting staggered?
now i dont want an easy mode, I beat lady butterfly after my second try, but im just not enjoying myself.
I couldn't figure out where to go after this and ended up catching on fire. You basically head to Juzou after you get the key from dad.
The enemy variety is kind of shit, honestly.
get on the rooftops and look for a building with a hole in the roof. He's in there. It's near the grave
Up or down from ashina castle? Can't tell if one is optional or not.
I generally just keep the footsies so I will bait him to an attack, then close in, hit 3 times and back the fuck off. After first hp bar is gone, flame vent the shit out of him.
dodge doesn't have DaS iframes. stop being a mongoloid. if you run into someone's hands during a grab, you get grabbed.
Anyone know what Precious Bait does?
Or what the bell from the monkeys is for?
Also, I killed Hanbei and he dropped something that the game won't put a prompt on soni can't pick it up, is it anything unique?
The red symbol means get the fuck away. You are not gonna be able to just sit on it for a sec and be able to dodge it last second. It's a game design choice, not oversight. The symbol is there to help you
protip, you should always be holding block if you're not attacking to study enemy attacks, the only unblockables are clearly marked by kanji, jump or dodge way out of range so you can tell what animation is for what type of unblockable
you're doing parries way too early which is why you're getting staggered
i have no idea where the fuck i'm going backwards at this point. the fuck. do i have to go out of memory now?
Am i supossed to be getting red sparks each time or the yellow sparks?
Apparently there is a second carp scale merchant, does anyone know where?
And what are the hearts you get from the snake for?
>all the magic and shield shitters from souls getting BTFO
You can tell what the focus of game was when people alternatively bitch about difficulty or brag about it more than discuss lore down to autistic levels of detail and speculation. Months down the line, will we have still have Sekiro threads, or will the people who got gud just move on to other games because there’s nothing left to do?
Red sparks should indicate a good parry, orange means it's early
I might be getting it mixed up but there's clear visuals and animations to differentiate how well you timed your parry
Imagine Ninja Gaiden in the Souls engine.
So it's one half a fast-paced action game with punishing difficulty and requiring precise timing and fast reflexes. And one half controls where every action is fully committed and you can't cancel out of "dodges", attacks, jumps, etc. The hitboxes are kind of unfair, since games of this caliber usually give you a lot more leeway to account for player imperfection, but I could deal with them if the controls weren't so stiff. The combat is so risky and punishing that you're better off hitting enemies and running away until you're in stealth again, but that doesn't work on most bosses. There are some autists in this thread that like it, so give it a DL and see for yourself.
So are the secondary weapons completely useless or am i just not using them right? i use the axe whenever there's a shield, and i might use the flame to light a boss on fire once after the backstab. but they're way too slow to work into any sort of combo
>bloodborne made shield babies get good at dodging
>Sekiro then makes the infant dodge babies get good at parrying
The cycle is beautiful
I mean normies will eat up the difficulty meme regardless, but will the hardcore From fanbase, stick around as long and keep making generals on /vg/ solely for Sekiro?
Refighting the area was always a dogshit mechanic, it's just that you could ignore the mechanic in souls
>don't die enough at the beginning of the game to start dragonrot side quest
>the early npcs that give you the blood samples are all dead already
>no way to find more samples
Fuck me.
id kill for an ingame manual desu
I'm at lady butterfly, do bosses become less spongy later? The game is fun, but bossfights taking forever because they don't take damage isn't.
Any reason not to cure Dragonrot?
You can ignore it in Sekiro too, you just have to not die to everything to do it.
>hey this game's been pretty good so far about making boss fights 1v1-
>guardian ape
Its amazing how there are so many tutorial popups and people are still confused on shit. I predict heavy rewrites and changes via patch to how info is presented to the player.
The same merchant but in different form.
The fire one is amazing for bosses that recover posture too quickly becauze enemies on fire have a red posture bar even without being below 50% posture
>shitty hitbox
>same animations with different delays or range (not all of them, before some sperglod goes "achkually")
>some animations are too fast without having a distinctive weapon/armor positioning
>mob density too high around mini bosses for no reason, even worse than DaS 2 because it's not in your interest to skip mini bosses but it takes 60+ secs for each attempt because you have to do a mix of stealth kill and agro an individual mob like it's a fucking MMO
>360 no scope tracking
>you get 1 or 2 shotted by any relevant enemy, this is made worse by the eforementioned problems. Nioh had the same characteristic and it wasn't a problem. (finished 999 Abyss Floor without any annoyance)
I don't know if i somehow missed anything or you're supposed to grind like a cuck to learn some ability, but so far it's just time consuming mechanics + kaizo mario gameplay (repeat the same repetitive shit until absolute perfection)
>bro if you just kill everything again you'll avoid having to kill everything again when you die
Are you brain damaged, or implying a player should never die to a boss?
Fucking redditors. Half the fun in sekiro is reading threads about people dying to the ogre. If you don't like that, play some other game and gtfo.
Some are more spongy and some are less. With butterfly you should focus on breaking her posture with parries and dodge counters and finish with an early deathblow rather than actually chipping away all her health.
hell is there a way to reread previously given tool tips? because I skimmed over most of them
Better or worse than Nioh, and is Nioh more fun?
this and only this
This game will be dead in months and people will still be discussing Bloodborne.
That's my non-hyperbolic opinion. The game lacks any cohesion for all of its individual aspects, removes more than it adds, and is neither a good Souls nor Tenchu game.
The most it will provide is a good case-study on how developers can produce great games without actually understanding why they're good.
First off, most bosses have immediate access to their arenas upon death.
Secondly, yes, players should just get good and not die. That's the point.
>people chimping out over samurai souls
>some think you should just git gud
>others think it's total horseshit
>meanwhile I'm over here playing DMC5 and having blast
Samurai games always suck.
If you're having fun with DMC5 why are you on Yea Forums shitposting? Checkmate, atheist.
Add in that stealth is fucking brainlet tier and simply going to an area that's above an enemy will usually have them crawl back to their patrol, pretty frequently allowing you to stab them on their way back.
The boss lineup would be pretty shitty if it never killed the player, wouldn't it?
I don't know why I bother playing games anymore. I get much more enjoyment from just fapping all my free time instead.
Can you actually kill this nigger?
Game can be very kino, but it would honestly be better if default difficulty was hard and there was a slightly easier one for medium. Before you say git gud, I've completed the game.
How to beat horsie knight?
Even without being below 50% vitality*
No it's still in the memory of Hirata estate. Make sure you have explored the entire area.
I'm going to post this same thread about this same shitting ogre enemy every day until From git gud at making games.
kill yourself
No you just have to warp back to shrine
How does it compare with Nioh, which is actually made by Team Ninja?
hanbei drops a tooth that lets you kys
parry and use hook when possible to cancel his wind up moves
Why didn’t learn parrying all the way back in DS1? It’s really fun to parry, espedially with the parrying dagger.
>Secondly, yes, players should just get good and not die
I hear this alot but the main issue i've seen with doing this is that it's not fun.
That's the main takeaway with Sekiro. It has all these individual asks and demands, but none of them actually create a fun experience when put together.
In other games like Souls you might have a similar reaction but there's lots of weapons, armour, exploration and online activity to dilute that frustration.
If i'm finding this game more frustrating than Abyssal Gem Farming, that suggests that even at its most basic level it can't compete with Bloodborne's wonkiest difficulty curves. That's really discouraging.
>reach Mibu Village
>need to grind a shit ton Divine Confetti for O'Rin and Monk
That doesn't happen in Sekiro though.
But I need the location.
they're nothing alike since Nioh is all about creating the most broken build possible
No you don't, there's a ledge you can rope to above you.
eventually yes
he's the epic 500 foot plunging attack boss of this game
Eventually they become purchasable.
how many skill points do i need to use the dragon mask?
O'rin isnt a ghost and there's 5 confetti right before the monk
Literally the same spot brah.
You need to get to the giant carp location first, though.
That's actually a different snek.
What's the best combat art?
>mfw Guardian Ape phase 2
I get that, it's fucking boring is all. It takes forever and it seems like the best way is just to swing into her until she counters, pblock, repeat.
More based on skill and less on upgrades. Less options in combat, but game is more balanced around the options you do have. Less of a grind.
Sounds like a personal taste thing. Gem farming can be rewarding because you are PLAYING BB while doing it, fighting bosses and being rewarded for playing well (with RNG of course). Sekiro rewards you for doing well by opening itself up to you more.
If you're going into Sekiro for Souls/BB feeling you're probably going to end up disappointed. I think most people who approach from that mindset will be unhappy and this game will have a divisive reception after the honeymoon is over.
You don't need Confetti for them, though.
Oh well I have no idea where that thing is or that it exists.
Fuuuuuuck I'm going to miss out on so much shiiiit