Have we reached PEAK realism, bros?
Have we reached PEAK realism, bros?
dios mio...
Do noses touch like that during kisses?
most be a little annoying
Looks like hot garbage
well yeah the things are smack in the center of the face
>same thread with same filename after it got deleted yesterday
Was it autism?
its the last of us 2, now hate it.
i got a chubby when this happened in E3 desu. shes a cute ugly, not a really ugly one.
They already showed off the nose deformation when Ellie's mother was recovering from being thrown on the floor. They are only showing off Neil's personal politics and fake gameplay here.
Yeah 2 years ago on the PC platform
Peak butthurt incels
Rubbing your nose playfully against your partner at the end of a kiss is the best part.
Do you think there are more polygons on Ellie's face than an entire N64 game?
>ywn have your dick between these lips
can someone logically explain to me unironically what's wrong with this?
romance has long been a thing in vidya. the witcher games were literally caked in sex. why are people riled up on this?
>homophobia isn't substantially heritable and beneficial to reproductive fitness
You're dumb
normalfag out
I've only fucked hookers. Never been on a date my entire life.
It's blatant SJW pandering. Name one straight video game kiss that has been the focal point of any trailer at any video game event.
presenting gay sex like its the most common thing is political propaganda
>putting all your resources into a dyke kiss
This is literally the Oscar bait equivalent for videogames
Very big
I asked for logic not amerimutt political reactions
Do they kill themselves at the end?
Just seething mutts who are butthurt over their Snoy games turning into jewish movies just like their Hollywood productions (which they still eat up like the gullible cucked retards they are btw).
>jewish lesbian pedophile
Too real
Gay shit is still contentious in burgerland, especially among those who will never get laid and smell like hotdogs
Mix between /pol/ and tendies screeching. If this was a japanese game on the switch and looked exactly the same, no one would complain.
>especially among those who will never get laid and smell like hotdogs
It should be contentious everywhere. They still haven't figured out what the definitive causes of it are.
we'll see
she is ugly, if i wanted to see someone ugly i would look in the mirror
The dialogue in this was PEAK cringe.
Without knowing anything about the characters the kiss is meaningless. It distracts from the "gameplay" . It comes across as pretentious. They sold this game as Ellie & Joel and instead keep showing us new characters that nobody gives a fuck about.
I'd be ok with it if it was two cute guys.
>Kissing hookers
It was beyond cringe. Should have spent less time having Dina's jew sweat and saliva show up on Ellie's face and more time coming up with dialogue that wasn't complete garbage. It's clear that Neil still has a raging hard on from Life is Strange and is jealous that those lesbians were better.
>can someone logically explain to me unironically what's wrong with this?
It's not multiplatform
The only right answer
madre de dios que chingawhat
Underage children engaging in sexual encounters. How can you be okay with this?
Oh, buddy, if you think having sex/a gf will make you normal then you're in for a surprise.
>be /pol/tard
>see 2 chicks kissing
>mfw i'm getting a boner instead
>Name one straight video game kiss that has been the focal point of any trailer at any video game event.
Hey, just because the gays did it first, that doesn't mean there's something wrong here. If straight people wanted to make a big deal about a kiss in a video game trailer, well they had 30+ years to do it.
if they really, REALLY wanted to be groundbreaking, they should feature two men kissing for several seconds instead.
They're adults in this scene.
Black men are far more homophobic.
The gay agenda, is of course being pushed by white women again. With the assistance of jews.
>Two girls kissing? ewww that's degenerate. Now if they had been two girls(male) kissing now that would've been based and redpilled!
>reproduction is the meaning of life
Just like with Xenoblade or Fire Emblem or Uncharted, I don't play video games for retarded romance subplots or cinematic cutscenes. I play them for gameplay, and if you shove cutscenes in my face left and right, I will instantly discard your entire game as bad, no matter what excuses you try and throw at me.
>n-no but there's some gameplay
Doesn't matter. You should've thought of that before opening up your E3 with cinematic filth.
>Underage children engaging in sexual encounters. How can you be okay with this?
Underage people kiss all the time in western media and literature.
Someone post the tweet with the nose.
>why are people riled up on this?
/poI/SIS is at it as usual, what do you expect?
It literally is, there can't be life without reproduction.
Fair enough but the same applies to any Uncharted game, nu-GoW, TLOU 1, and the plethora of other "cinematic" 3rd person action with some stealth and crafting type games. And those didn't get screamed at.
>Without knowing anything about the characters the kiss is meaningless
What are you talking about? This is pretty major for Ellie's development as a character. After she lost Riley, she's been reluctant to open up to new people romantically. The whole scene sets up that Ellie is making herself emotionally vulnerable again. Only to have something inevitably go bad, which forces her to struggle with loss, or at least the fear of losing someone again.
>It distracts from the "gameplay"
The game was always story driven. And the trailer did have a display of "gameplay" after the cutscene.
> It comes across as pretentious
Maybe the only good point you have.
>They sold this game as Ellie & Joel
No they didn't. Joel was mysteriously unseen in the first trailer, which made everyone speculate if he was even there at all. And then they literally peppered us for 2 years with new material that has nothing to do with Joel.
Imagine wanting to give birth to someone in 2019. Why would you want to be that cruel? Being born nowadays is just about the worst fate imaginable unless you're mega rich. If you're not making at least $500k at least you shouldn't have children.
My biggest problem with it is that it feels like he's seems like he's going for "Life is Strange, but you can take it seriously", but his David Goyer wannabe writing style neuters any potential comedy that might inadvertently come from it.
>Feeling the puss and oil of your disgusting unwashed partner greasy nose feels good
>those didn't get screamed at
They still deserved hate for being low effort movies. I was screaming at them the whole way, for I don't hold bias.
Stop being a fag then.
Then go ahead and off yourself to leave space for another child.
>Western population is in a constant decline
>Go ahead and reduce it even further
>This will somehow solve everything
>muh great replacement
>totally not self inflicted
I didn't imply such. But it's a good thing and I know that much.
The thing wrong about is their lack of confidence in the game so they have to hide behind dyke Ellie and cry "homophobe" the second anybody doesn't like it. The reason why straights haven't done yet is because they recognize that nobody really gives a shit about romance in video games, especially when nobody knows who the characters are yet.
>satan loves LGBT
well at least they're correct on that one.
It is self-inflicted but that doesn't change anything.
Anyone born now will have to grow up in misery when the shit hits the fan in 10 years.
Then go ahead and have 2-3 white children you bipolar cunt.
>White people are destroying themselves, we have to save them!
Peak degeneracy
>(((self inflicted)))
>white children
But boypussy and stuffed animals can't get pregnant?
And then what, leave them at an orphanage? I sure as shit can't feed 2-3 extra mouths.
>white men opt for fucking dudes, dudes in drag, and stuffed animals
>white women resort to fucking the men that remain ie non-whites
>not self-inflicted
b-but it's the jews!
>only reason jews have any power is because they're supported by, you guessed it, more white people
>waaah why can't i live my coddled life forever
this is why you're going extinct
It is. Just go fuck a white woman three times and have her give birth to three babies and suddenly you won't be replaced anymore. Every other race on the planet has figured this out and yet you constantly call them subhuman or low IQ retards.
Isn't it ironic.
Ellie being a dyke was a natural progression of her character. did you really think her masculine demeanor and tombish behavior was just a phase? They even gave her a female romantic interest in the DLC of the first game. Should they just pretend they never wrote that, and hide it away?
>The reason why straights haven't done yet is because they recognize that nobody really gives a shit about romance in video games
That's bullshit. Half of video game plots are men trying to save women.
Hell, even Zelda 2 had Zelda and Link kiss in the end, despite there being zero indication that they liked each other. Due to the fact that Zelda was under a sleep spell, and had no idea who Link even was.
>i don't want more children in the world!
>i want more WHITE children in the world!
>no wait, I don't want to have the children
Make up your mind woman.
You're so naive, you're in the right path but need to go way deeper.
>blatant SJW pandering
maybe, if you're an edgetard who unironically uses the term 'sjw'. What a retarded hill to to die on.
He's not wrong.
>white men either stay at home jacking off or worse fucking other men
>cut their dicks off and pretend they're women
>let their women fuck other races and jack off to that
You only have yourself to blame.
I don't know, I don't know how kissing works
>I want more WHITE children in the world
I literally never said this. A poor white person is going to be just as uneducated and shitty for the world as a poor black or arab person.
Have sex
No, Cuckmann said that the main focus of the story is supposed to be Ellie & Joel.
You have no idea how reluctant Ellie is to "open up" to new people. The scene just looks like Dina is angry at her ex boyfriend and doing everything possible to make him jealous.
This is a post apocalyptic zombie game. Where are the infected?
Yep, we did! We hit the absolute peak of realism!
Good job guys, we did it.
Guess there's nowhere to go from here in terms of realism. I suppose there's nothing to do but start using stylized art instead of realism. Let's all do that instead!
Yes, those eyes look as souless as homosexual "people"
Every other race suffers from overpopulation and decaying economies in their countries of origin, now they go to other countries without said issues and spread and fuck around like rabbits.
Not all tomboy's are dykes and she wasn't that masculine in the other games. Now they've taken away her femininity. But at least with Riley we got to see them meet and work out their relationship. This is just Dina has been dating the chink for 5 years and they just broke up tonight and now she's in love with Ellie.
Do you really think the reason why people like Zelda is because they are concerned about saving the girl? It's just there.
>Cuckmann said that the main focus of the story is supposed to be Ellie & Joel.
Source me.
>You have no idea how reluctant Ellie is to "open up" to new people.
Yes I am, because you can tell by Ellie's reluctance in the cutscene. She's acting like a shy wallflower, and needs to be cajoled to do anything.
>The scene just looks like Dina is angry at her ex boyfriend and doing everything possible to make him jealous.
This could also be the case. The two things are not mutually exclusive. Ellie can be reluctant, and Dina could be showing off.
Well, regardless if you believe Ellie is reluctant or not. Clearly, Dina means something to her. They're setting up the story. Everyone analyzing the trailer already pointed out that Ellie ends up wearing the bracelet that Dina was wearing during the dance.
>This is a post apocalyptic zombie game. Where are the infected?
Are you literally fucking braindead? Almost every zombie story is about how the uninfected are just as dangerous, if not more so than the infected. Much of the story of the first game is about the dangers of the uninfected. More time has passed, so it's likely that much of the infected has been killed, and new infections are being mitigated, as society becomes accustomed to dealing with them.
But to top it all off, they hinted at the infected in one of the previous trailers, when you hear them screaming in the woods. So they're still there.
How does this disprove the fact that other countries are suffering from overpopulation? If anything it reinforces it. Meanwhile western countries have declining populations meaning overpopulation is just about the last of their problems.
Wash your face user
Daily reminder that lesbians don't exist on account that having sex implies a dick.
overpopulation is a fucking myth. i've been hearing "we're overpopulated" for 20 years as quality of life has improved for 20 years. we don't have a population problem, we have an idiot problem and the war on schools that have been waged for the past 10 years hasn't helped
>Not all tomboy's are dykes
True, however, if you were going to sow the seed of the idea that a character is lesbian, then starting them off as a tomboy is a pretty good way to do that.
>she wasn't that masculine in the other games
Her favorite pastimes are throwing bricks, playing video games, and performing comedy. And she's totally unabashed when she finds porn. Where most girls would shay away, she openly views it, and comments on it. Not to mention the aggression.
>This is just Dina has been dating the chink for 5 years and they just broke up tonight and now she's in love with Ellie.
Well it's just a trailer. We don't really know what's going on between them. It could be that Dina had a thing for Ellie for a long time, but never acted on it, because she was dating the asian dude. Or, it could be that she was just showing off in front of the Asian dude. Or it could be that she's just kind of a ho, and felt like kissing someone. Whatever the case may be, it will likely be spelled out in the game. But for now, we only get this piece, that establishes this dynamic between the two. They can't give everything away in the trailer, now can they?
>Do you really think the reason why people like Zelda is because they are concerned about saving the girl?
Yes. I've played Wind Waker with my niece. She was only about 5 at the time. And her primary concern was saving Aryll. Literally every 15 minutes she like "we have to save our sister!" People buy into this stuff. Do you think the story of WW would be quite as impactful, if there was no relationship with the Aryll and Grandma established?
It doesn't end there buddy. I love eating pussy, giving rimjobs, tongue sucking. I make damn sure I get my money's worth when I'm paying for top shelf hookers. I don't give a fuck.
first game she was daugther character
dlc where jewish writer gets on and suddenly shes gay with a nigger
sequel and shes gay and ugly with jew
i predict the third game is where you have to collect enough non infected bilogical tissue to create a fake dick and then circumcise it
>The quality of life has imrpoved for 20 years
Only for the rich side of the population.
Education is getting more and more expensive and without it you're not going anywhere in life.
Lower middle class people aren't going to be able to afford good education for any child born now and the ultra-poor immigrants who each have 6 children are going to be even worse off.
>first game she was daugther character
Yeah, your gay daughter.
If they were underage, we'd love it
not at all though
literally an ass pull from the dlc
Counted 8 soiboy faces. 4 tongue variants. And 1 female variant.
How do you practice kissing? I'm 24 and never kissed anyone. Its going to be super awkward when I finally do
Her sexuality was never thought to be either gay or straight in the first game. You can't call it an asspull, because there was no reason to assume she was straight to begin with. She was always like a boy with a vagina, and you know it.
it has improved massively. otherwise you'd be complaining that you only eat 1 meal a day and don't know how long until you
re evicted and not that immigrants are having too many babies or cultural marxism is the greatest ill
keep crying tranny
Don't overthink it. The fact that you made that post means that you most likely will your first time because you're a neurotic sperg. Just try to be in the moment, don't overthink it and just do what comes to you naturally, the only way you could possibly fuck it up is if you salivate too much, use too much tongue or you're too forceful.
Keep crying, tranny.
Wrong. She was in love with Joel. Besides, straight is normal, whereas being gay isn't normal.
>there was no reason to assume she was straight to begin with
Well, for all i know 99% of women are straight so yeah, i'd say it was fair to asume that.
>it has improved massively
wrong. Pic related.
And now add some 15 years when robots will take away all unskilled labour and you'll pretty much starve to death without a decent degree.
And there's no way I can pay for both food and education for one child, let alone 2-3.
Release date and multiplayer reveal on Monday
Back to Yea Forums with you.
Ellie never acted like 99% of women.
Besides, I meant narratively. It's not like in the first game she was *confirmed* straight. She doesn't say or do anything that establishes her sexuality. Until the DLC came out, and they explored that aspect of her character.
We've reached peak cuckoldry, that's for sure
>She was in love with Joel.
That's just your wishful thinking pedofag
>there's no way I can pay for both food and education for one child, let alone 2-3.
money != quality of life. here you are shitposting on the internet with knowledge at your fingertips and you potentially teach yourself so many life skills or get in contact with support structures within minutes.
when you have fucking kids you make it work. you're not going to live at your current standard with kids so stop crying like one and let reality sink in that you have to sacrifice your luxury for your kids otherwise they'll go up as retarded as you. millions of people do it everyday
So whenever you see a woman you immediatly asume she might be lesbian if she's not sucking a big fat cock at the moment?
That plot twist at the end!
>literal fresh-off-the-boat shitskins find a way to manage their 8-children broods
>user is too fucking retarded to figure out 2-3
I get that you can't afford like surgery to fix your face, but the tranny clearly attempted to put in some effort here. I feel like learning basic makeup shit from youtube tutorials must be one of the easiest parts of becoming a woman, why are its eyebrows so fucking terrible? I know some ugly motherfuckers that know how to layer makeup real nice, how hard can it be?
No. But if she's acting rather boyish, then I would suspect her of being a lesbian.
I have niece who is lesbian, and when she was growing up, she acted a lot like Ellie. I know other dykes as well. There are a number of them where I live.
money != quality of life
Money buys things or services. Having things makes your life better.
>teach yourself so many life skills
Even if you can teach yourself skills on the internet that's not worth shit without a degree. Skills aren't worth anything if you can't prove you have them and you'll be screened out before you ever get a chance.
For now you can flip burgers or work in whatever other unskilled field but that's not going to last for long.
Enjoy having your kids starve to death because you weren't able to pay for their education.
>sacrifice your luxury
I barely even have any fucking luxury.
>I barely even have any fucking luxury.
then stop smoking 2 packs a day? i was living on my own with a car and smoked weed daily on $12.50 an hr. maybe you can google how to fucking budget and find out how much money you save just by cooking your own meals
And to add, it's really besides the point what I think. The point is what the writers decided to write. You can't blame the writers, because you made assumptions about the character. They decided Ellie was going to be a lesbian. They don't need a justification to do this, as it doesn't conflict with anything we know about the character up to that point.
TIL: tomboys evolve into scissoring.
Never heard of my girlfriends sperm before
Why do people feel the need to share this sort of information?
Am I supposed to applaud that you ignored your doctor's advice?
Doctors are just a bunch of fat-shaming shitlords anyway
I cook my own meals.
I don't even smoke.
I budget all my spending.
I don't even have a car(a motorbike is much cheaper to run)
Housing prices are just that fucking stupidly high nowadays. That and paying off my student loan is where most of my money goes.
People don't expect the deepest characterization shit from Zelda because it's not a fucking movie game like TLOU. If you're going to make shit a movie game then do it right you Resetranny.
It's a low effort publicity grab while they don't show any actual gameplay
Because they know the gameplay is box standard and will create zero buzz
Aesthetics, they look like they consist of 65% shit.
Your expectations are unreasonable. They did everything right.
and yet you still have time to complain about immigrants online instead of working to make your life better and maybe pulling a second job like many of those lazy immigrants you complain about
its retarded
games gonna bomb lmao
The total time of the cutscene in the trailer is about 4 minutes. The remaining time dedicated to action is about 7-8 minutes.
But I guess the kiss was so triggering, that you blacked out, huh?
>making movie games is everything right
I'm sure you're an expert on living thing that are composed of poop.
immigration is objectively wrong though
You don't even believe that. Why would you say such a thing?
>lazy immigrants
Literally never said this. They're uneducated, not lazy. Their country never provided them with a proper education and they don't have the money to afford it now.
>You still have free time so you should just work 2 jobs
Yeah, fuck that. No amount of money is worth losing my free time and will to live. If it means the world goes to shit when I'm older so be it. But I'm not bringing even more people into that disaster.
Oh, so we're playing this game where you twist all meaning around? Like we're in middle school?
I feel like it's just this one guy on here arguing with you. I was surprised after the first game that shes les or bi, but from the DLC I didnt care/mind it, and I think most players didnt either.
If anything I can see the arguments for how its weird the way they are pushing the sexuality, having it be overemphasized with the announcement, like seeing a straight couple intimately kiss and zoom in on for advertising your game would also seem a bit out of place, but I think most dont care about the whole thing.
>waaaaah is this real???
No you gullible smooth brains.
The reason for the kiss is the change to angery Ellie on a rampage of revenge (she is carrying that girl's bracelet) and the juxtaposition of her angery state to her very happy state (a smile that will be lost).
everyone on every site already said how shit it looks
>my GF's sperm
I dont believe this post is real. It's too much personal information as well too much cuckoldry within just a few lines to feel real. Like I get there are cucks out there who are beta'd to this level, but the way it tells a whole story within a few lines is too good to be true.
If the matter was whether they over emphasized the kiss or not, then I would be on the side that they did. However, the original inquiry was what's "wrong" with this kiss. And I don't think it's wrong. A bit of pandering? Sure. But so is it pandering when in the Fire Emblem trailer the camera gets a tight panning shot of some purple haired sluts juicy tits. I wouldn't waste my energy telling fire emblem fans how wrong that is. I just see it for the pandering it is, and don't bother with it.
>like seeing a straight couple intimately kiss and zoom in on for advertising your game would also seem a bit out of place
Would it though? A lot of media advertises with a kiss. It's actually odd that video games don't do it.
Yea Forums and your discord buddies aren't everyone.
>jewish nose physics
It's just a prerendered scene and this pretty much proves that it is
literally every site says it though
Devil May Cry 5 unironically looks more realistic
I need some good porn of this. Sadly I haven't seen any
Have you really never kissed anyone before? Not even kissed your dad as a kid?
They look dirty, greasy and sweaty.
They specifically mention that they smell like shit.
One of them is ugly as all hell.
Disgusting things are disgusting.
They're ugly
>one of them
they are both hideous
>gameplay looks so realistic that pc beggars refuse to believe it's real
wew lad
>Believing any gameplay in any trailer for a AAA game in 2011 + 8
Imagine being this naive.
Are you fucking joking? Have you ever grabbed a woman before? Let alone a girl?
this is not actual gameplay
its a fake gameplay cutscene
notice how it doesnt specify its gameplay?
Aren't girls and women the same species?
Don’t fuck whales
No it's just like Uncharted's gameplay where if you're near certain objects it'll trigger "setpieces" like in the webms above. I think of them as the evolved version of QTEs.
Will Ellie kill Joel?
I was blown away by this trailer and then I remembered all the things cut from the first game that was also shown in a trailer that blew me away.
I have some concerns about the woman being shot into the face, the drop down is just too perfect but MAYBE it will happen. The way Ellie cocks her gun will probably not happen. The second woman dodging the bullet is questionable as well. The glass hitting Ellie and the entire way she is fighting off the big dude at the end looks like complete bullshit and will most likely not happen but I love to be positively surprised.
A woman is always legal.
>"In The Last of Us Part II, Ellie is now 19 and has found a semblance of peace and normality living in Jackson. She’s had a chance to be a teenager and forge lasting relationships. When that peace is disrupted by a violent act, Ellie is thrust into a brutal journey of retribution, fueled by a need to bring those that have wronged her to justice, pushing her to her very limits."
What do you think this "violent act" is, Yea Forums?
>wait for new updates
>10 min just to see them kissing
>just for these twitter faggots
I don‘t care about lesbians, I don‘t care about gay people and their struggle to shove everyone in the throat that they are gay. Just let me have a good time like in tlou. A game about the relationship between two people, a game about brutal surviving in a post apocalyptic world. Shit like these are great. Not look she is gay, and wow she kills people.
what game
TLOU is a generic third-person zombie shooter, and instead of doing anything to innovate gameplay they are putting all their effort into the presentation of cutscenes. It's made worse by the fact that any criticism of the game will be deflected as homophobia.
>Just let me have a good time like in tlou. A game about the relationship between two people, a game about brutal surviving in a post apocalyptic world.
And you're going to get that, except with two lesbians.
I kissed a girl and I smiled
and then they killed the girl I kissed
Misuse of pronouns.
i would be pleasantly surprised if the game ends with ellie dying and not doing whatever the game is about
And as long as the we are gay aspect isn‘t there 999% of the time I won‘t mind. I won‘t like it like tlou, because I can‘t relate to that, but I won‘t mind.
A bunch of straight while video game playing males came in with their toxic masculinity and mansplained about how women should be kept on a leash and only do what their husbands tell them to do.
We've hit a graphical plateau but they'll still try to convince us that we need to go further instead of focusing on better optimization and making games run smoother and at a higher FPS.
Pic unrelated. I just wanted to post Daisy because I love her.
bandits/splinter group killing half the settlement/ her lesbian.
But they are supposedly trying to do something with the AI in this game? Random name generator for NPCs they use to communicate together and the "whistle system" that will organically show you how the AI knowledge about you and communication spreads in the world.
>What do you think this "violent act" is, Yea Forums?
Murder, pillaging and maybe rape. The same shit it is every day. This is REEEEEEEEEE THEY KILLED MUH WOMAN nonsense again only difference is it's another woman who wants revenge.
That's great because graphics are done. There have been times when I've looked at games and had to do a double take because it looks near 1:1 with the real world. It's time for optimization and coming up with new aesthetics besides photo realism.
watch doogs 2
It's mostly weebs, because lesbians are fine in their animes but anywhere else and its SJW pandering
>other media does this way not vidya games
Outside of romance movies or magazine ads it's really not though. I can acknowledge it's a lot in marketing towards women, and games are now changing their marketing to fit that demographic in as well (they didnt at all in the mid to late 2000s), but it's not as dominant as your implying.
Movie trailers dont actually show kissing much outside of romance flicks, and sure theres romance in all genres of film but they always imply it if anything, it almost never takes up screentime. I'd be annoyed if games started doing this when theres not even a bug romance genre in games right now. I think you could argue stuff like anime games where the girls (or boys) are the object of the players attention, but romance is rarely the focus of the game, and its definitely not the focus of gameplay in mainstream games.
I'm fine with games changing or being different, but your right that its pandering to an audience. I dont really care about the lesbian angle, but I stand by the kissing seeming out place in the medium. Blatant cleavage also seems out of place to me, but at this point in time that's really just Japanese games and I dont think that market will ever not demand cleavage, I'd argue western games have cleaned up in that department compared to a decade ago (not that west is better than east I'm just comparing what they do for their markets).
>that disgusting skin
Looks like someone with diarrhea farted on her face.
>romance has long been a thing in vidya.
And it has always been cringy as fuck.
Uh, I hope your dad never kissed you like that.
The opposite end of the banner probably has the word "God"
Whats wrong with that?
I bet you are a negroid and just don't understand white culture.
Kissing passes as sex for these Yea Forumsirgins. No wonder they are obsolete. Go play your Dwarf Fortress or Space Station 13 obtuse retarded bullshit made for autists.
The fact that it's immensely hippocrite, seeing as snoy and any western company in general would censor it without a second thought if it looked more cartoonish.
Americans don't like cartoons. They want to sexualize real minors.
Jesus christ, white people are disgusting.
No race does this shit except whites, by the way.
sure bro lets ignore the dyke bullshit
a game's trailer main focus was a kiss during a dance instead of gameplay. But let's say it's just a teaser then, this teaser showed: no zombies, no rival factions, no weapons, no nothing but two fucking dykes kissing