What is wrong with Switch owners? I've never seen this much port begging ever
What is wrong with Switch owners? I've never seen this much port begging ever
What is wrong with PS4 owner? Ive never seen so much faggotry before
god like
imagine giving your loyalty to faceless corporations but pretending you hate jews
Remember Bayo 2? Yeah that´s how it goes when you only have one console.
Idort Master Race.
>crying about sony in the first post
literally rent free
You would think the people old enough to remember when Nintendo wasn't a joke have already migrated to other platforms or stopped gaming, so I'm not really sure what is causing it.
Persona 5 would be better on Switch just like Persona 4 is better on Vita than it would be on console. If you don't want JRPGs on handheld when possible i.e. not real time action intensive games then it's you who is spiting yourself because the Switch isn't made by your precious Sony.
Idort here. You really don't remember PCfags whining about no GTA or Red Dead (or FFXV for whatever reason)? Or PSfags whining over Bayonetta? Or pic related?
Well I dont feel like buying a Switch just for SMTV so they should port that game to PS4 since I already bought one for some games I wanted and people who debate this are probably Nintendo loyalists
Nah. Something designed to be played in quick sessions, like the city-builder Atelier game, would be a better fit for portable. But a timesink JRPG like Persona is better on a big screen.
There must be reason as to why people only see one kind of port beggar, while always not remembering other platforms have port beggars too.
Don't you ever wonder why you're so bent on seeing one kind of port beggar all the time?
I own just a ps4, and to be honest it's weird and stupid beggin for a pokemon port, when everyone knows that that will never happen, pokemon it's nintendo money maker
>But a timesink JRPG like Persona is better on a big screen.
Even if you think this the Switch allows that too.
As someone who owned all three consoles this gen, I found that the most obnoxious fanbase was the one I was at the time. Each one is straight up terrible and if you happen to like 9 out of 10 popular games on the system but not one in particular they go fucking mental.
That said, when you're not actively trying to take part in the discussions then they're not too bad. They mostly keep to themselves. The ones I find the most straight up obnoxious are Sony fans. Somehow it always becomes about them.
>pokemon it's nintendo money maker
also GF already has troubles making games work since they are the laziest devs ever
>PSfags whining over Bayonetta?
>Majority of people played Bayo on 360
>Yea Forums especially took every opportunity to shit on the PS3 version and recommended/played the 360 version
>For some reason, all Bayo 2 complaints are attributed only to Snyggers
all sane 360 users bought a ps4, dumb snoy fag
With worse graphics and/or framerate. I love my Switch but it's not a good multiplat machine unless you really want to play a game undocked.
Because most 360 owners went to PS4. The few people who own an Xbone don't care about Bayonetta. Just look at DMCV.
360 players migrated to the PS4 when the gen turned.
Persona 5 is the same on PS3 and it would be on Switch. There is no excuse, it's just Atlus' arbitrary exclusive policy.
PS4 version runs at a higher resolution than PS3 I think. Regardless I'm not arguing against putting the game on Switch. I'm all for it actually. But it's silly to say it would be better there. Several PS3 games have been ported to Switch and look and run worse. It's powerful enough to run the game but the problem is it would require a version made from the ground up for the system. Which is not something Atlus would do.
>Several PS3 games have been ported to Switch and look and run worse
Dark Souls, Skyrim and Bayonetta are also three games that're higher fidelity and run better on Switch, substatially so. Allowing for a standard port you might get P5 on Switch at 720p as opposed to 1080p dicked but I have P5 and it's far less intensive than the three games I mentioned.
>2 hour battery life Shitch
No, thanks
All three of those were reworked for the Switch, not straight ports. Even Bayo was using Bayo 3 tech to get it running properly. Like I said if P5 got a similar reworking it could be comparable to the other versions, but I don't trust Atlus to do that. They'd likely do a quick and dirty port, which would be fine but not ideal.
>All three of those were reworked for the Switch
AKA ported.
>Even Bayo was using Bayo 3 tech
Who said this? Why would you for a digital pack-in with Bayo 2?
Why would P5 get less attention on Switch than Skyrim who Bethesda admittedly didn't think would be big.
SEGA already did acceptable Valkyria Chronicles, Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Shining Resonance ports which are all technically comparable to P5.
Do I even need to mention how Cathrine got a Vita port? P5 not being on Switch has as much excuse as SMTV does for not being on PS4.
VC1, VC4 and Shining Resonance are all lower framerate and resolution on Switch compared to PS4 you dope. Your original argument was Switch P5 would be the same as PS4 and PS3 P5 and I've been telling you that's bullshit. Stop moving the goalposts. P5 on Switch is doable but it would be downgraded. You just provided evidence of that yourself.
>PC Race screaming every day about bloodborne
>fans who have started getting a decent taste of 3rd party support for the first time since SNES
They like it and they want more. simple.
Oh yeah I don't know how I forgot that one.
How did you miss the years of pc port begging?
It's coming to switch whether you like it or not
>pokemon port
Are they high?
Just like it was coming out today wasnt it?
>VC1, VC4 and Shining Resonance are all lower framerate and resolution on Switch compared to PS4 you dope
Great. Good thing all the Switch has to do is run a PS3 game.
> Your original argument was Switch P5 would be the same as PS4 and PS3
My arguement was and still is that it would be better on Switch because of the handheld mode.
>Persona 5 would be better on Switch just like Persona 4 is better on Vita than it would be on console. If you don't want JRPGs on handheld when possible i.e. not real time action intensive games then it's you who is spiting yourself because the Switch isn't made by your precious Sony.
This is my first post for reference.
Bottom line: If you think Cathrine can get a Vita port and Dragon Quest XI can get a Switch port but Persona 5 can't get a proper Switch port then you're completely clueless.
In both cases it's because they're too invested in one particular platform and because they are part of the idort master race.