Who gives a fuck you just buy the other consoles or play on PC
Oliver Thomas
This is a copy pasta. I know this because you literally made this is in a thread before. The only differences is that you added Persona 5 Royal
Levi Thompson
Sony wins again
Alexander Ross
My wife May Sakaali is a princess
Brandon Wright
But I want to play them on the go
Grayson Lopez
>body is nice >face of an alien rip
Julian Wilson
the switch can't run most of those games you retard
Blake Adams
is this your first nintendo console since the N64?
John Martin
>these games barely run on the pissstation and xbone in the first place >expecting the Switch's hardware can handle them They'd have to lower resolutions down to 144p to get sub 20 framerates.
>Create a platform that doesn't lend itself to porting of multiplats >Be terrible to third parties since the ps2 era or earlier >REEEEEE Where is my 3rd party support? I don't know. I really don't know.
Sebastian Jones
Most of them can run on Switch
Eli Garcia
Shitch is dead. People only buy BING BING and Zelda
Dominic Ross
Why did Nintendo agree to put Joker in Smash, if Persona isn't coming to switch? It has one literally who game for 3DS and they get a character? P5 has to be coming for Switch, right?
John Cox
the only ones that could are Persona 5, Cold Steel and Last Remnant. We don't know yet whether P5 is coming or not, Falcom has a hate boner for Nintendo and who cares about Last Remnant. Also Compile Heart can't code for shit, if they could release the games listed there they would. Just look at Fairy Fencer on switch, it runs like absolute garbage.
Eli Rivera
I want to marry May Sakaali
Jason Howard
No? They brought Joker because Persona 5 is the most popular Persona character
It's the same thing that always happens with Nintendo consoles. Crazy rumors about how great it is going to be that aren't backed up by people in position to know. Disappointing hardware, but third parties do their trial balloons early on. Support fades when they don't sell and/or the system plateaus.
Jose Foster
To be fair I don't think the switch could even run a lot of those games
Robert Sullivan
ff7 releases in 3 days on the switch...
Ryan Jenkins
I wish sony or microsoft released a more powerful portable that could support all 3rd party games
Hudson Russell
>ff7 releases in 3 days on the switch...
Oh a PS1 port :O
Jaxon Hill
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force runs like absolute garbage on the PC too. It's single-threaded and even a 4790K has problems maintaining 60FPS in some of the dungeons, meanwhile it treats your GPU like some alien tech and barely uses it. Hell, it even drops frames on its native PS4 and PS4Pro so it's just horribly coded on every platform.
Caleb Ross
at this point FF7 remake is basically vaporware
Charles Moore
>at this point FF7 remake is basically vaporware
Nah, it's SE typical development game cycle
Alexander Ward
>source: dude trust me even if that were the case, then it's still like 4 or 5 years away, and by that point it will be a next gen title. How the fuck would the switch be able to run that?
the only thing that could potentially sell me the switch is pokemon. Gen 8 looks shit tho
Carter Watson
Half of games that you mention will eventually get Switch port sooner than you think
Some of them will be exclusive to new model while some of them is literally unplayable in old model
Ethan Ramirez
I wanna see that
Christian Rogers
Because they have to compete against nintendo's first party shit.
Nintendo needs to stop making and releasing games for about a year to give third party a chance to grow.
Hunter Brooks
Is the Switch your first Nintendo console? You buy a Nintendo console for the first party games. The rest is a neat extra you enjoy, if it happens to be.
Matthew Barnes
You know the defense protocol: "durr hurr, these games all the suxor"
Carter Bailey
nintendo haven't had good 3rd party support in decades. people buy nintendo to play nintendo games like always.
Logan Green
Because that worked out so well for the wiiu
Jordan Garcia
>people buy nintendo to play nintendo games like always That's not the reason, though, it's the result.
Aiden Reed
SNES had god tier third party support, but it was a different era
Kayden Ramirez
Christopher Jones
>Nintendo console sells well >Third parties take advantage of it by dumping all their old shit and shovelware on it >Overprice it to hell and back >People don't buy old scraps and trash >"WTF why didn't you buy them? I guess we'll take our games somewhere else" And you wonder why people only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games
i hope you're not pretending that octopath had any effort put into it. it sold well because it came out in the middle of a wii u-esque game drought. why is it never nintendo's responsibility to put effort into making hardware that can run modern third-party games?
Carter Anderson
Nintendo is not competing with PS$ and Xbox. You're not expected to ONLY have a Switch.