This is the face of the Final Fantasy franchise. You may not like it but this is what literal perfection looks like.
This is the face of the Final Fantasy franchise. You may not like it but this is what literal perfection looks like
Other urls found in this thread:
nice bellybutton
is it toblerone time yet?
Any good porn of her?
No, it's nature valley time
Fuck off Toriyama
Hey, I actually haven’t seen OP’s image before, nice going.
Those truly were dark times.
Please let us forget about them.
I've got over 1,000 images categorized in the directory
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
>ywn tickle Lightning's belly button
Just look on e hentai
More please
That's because the game was decent and there was a demand for XIII-2 and therefore Lightning Returns.
Which is more than I can say for the last two games (FF11 and FF12), FF8, FF5, FF3, FF2, and FF1.
Plus it's more complete than Final Fantasy XV.
But is it the midriff of Final Fantasy?
it's a very cute face
I like Lightning
>google thinks this is art
Well that's very fucking helpful
She has to safeguard her ticklishness for fear of losing her stoic nature at any point.
She's the cutest, bar none
tfw nomora was paid to create his waifu
It's Toriyama dumbass
who the fuck is "nomora"
>advent children
>it's actually dirge of cerberus
this filename bothers me for some reason
I love Lightning very much, but its a purely platonic kinda love. Even though she single handledly made armpits a thing for me.
So I think this is all degenerate, and it should be deleted. Leave that all to Mercy or Mitsuru from Persona.
Right now there is a Square Enix sale on the Microsoft store......should I play FFXIII if I have never played a Final Fantasy game before? If I were to only play one should I play XIII, XIII-2, or Lightning Returns? Tbh i just think Lightning is cute and I noticed these titles are X enhanced so I can play in native 4k, so I am curious.
I sincerely love everything about her character design. So beautiful and regal. I want her to choke me
>A demand for XIII-2
Nobody asked for it. The game was autoconclusive and the world was pretty much done with, but Square blowed so much money in the engine that they needed more sales to make profit.
So they rehashed the assets and made a new game that, on top of that, ended on a cliffhanger to sell you another game.
At least, in gameplay terms, FFXIII-2 was better than XIII, but story is a mess and totally unneeded
>Nobody asked for it.
there was actually
but it was in hopes of one like ffx-2
it was not like that at all
and unfortunately lr chopped off her ass
Play the 3 of them nigger.
imagine licking that belly
imagine how stinky she gets from running around everywhere
Anything related to Final Fantasy 13 is garbage and if you like anything related to Final Fantasy XIII you need to fucking kill yourself
I cannot believe that 9 years later people are still defending this entry in Final Fantasy franchise. I would rather play Final Fantasy 8 .
You're both right. Nomura designed her, Toriyama waifued her.
it's like she has a pussy inside her bellybutton
I thought, it was Cloud or Sephiroth?
I wish she was my big sis and bully
She's a Goddess
XIII was hot trash and likely did irreparable damage to the series name but the music and artstyle was pretty kino
>a goddess will literally never torture me
Lightning is a loving Goddess, not a bully
I love lightning's design so I really wish her character was a little more interesting.
I love the atmosphere and worldbuilding in XIII in general, but the characters and story are pretty irredeemable.
Even the combat system comes really close to being great but still misses the mark.
I heard XIII-2 and LR are actually pretty good though, can any anons confirm/deny this? I'm thinking of jumping in next time I get 5 seconds of free time.
The gameplay in Lightning Returns is some of the best in the series and that's no joke
and to think the gameplay took a step back with FFXV's shitty combat
Best ship
Everything except Lightning is way too low poly
Mercy is pure too wtf
>not bothering to hide the tumblr filename
Imma take a real hard stance here: /ss/ is a shitty fetish.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
>The face
>Cloud and Terra still exist
no it's not
it's just that lightning herself has nothing to offer physically and hope is a piece of shit
the latter shows why someone on this board identifies with him though
/ss/ requires an ara ara nice bodied mature woman and lightning is far from that
with hope and lightning it hardly even qualifies
it looks more like an 18 year old fresh into college stickbodied female with some whiny highschool 11th grade boy
Why did any semblance of tits and ass disappear after she was in FF13, someone explain that shit to me.
Literally killed the franchise.
Maybe the face of its death throes.
not him but i can't find it
>Frigid bitch
>Lindsay Lohan body
>Forced by a waifufag in a trilogy of boring interactive movies
Where's the piercing?
Its the best part
Mean Girls and Herbie Lohan or NuLohan?
>trilogy of boring interactive movies
The first one I'll kinda agree but 2 and 3 don't deserve the shit you're spouting
13-2 vastly improves on the core of 13. Lightning Returns has the best gameplay and sidequest stories
>mean girls lohan
I remember when I was a young lad and my mom and sister when to see that in theatres and I feigned boredom to go with them even though it was a girly movie just because I thought she was hot af. What went so horribly wrong.
Can we go back?
We can never go back user...
What's her best outfit?
I've personally always been a fan of the XIII-2 outfit
Back to Lightning, how the fuck did he think this was a good move? I'm not even trolling, what the actual fuck happened here?
this one for sure
Isnt right from Comrades? The fuck am I looking at?
Why is she covered in bird poop?
Thanks, I was thinking why I didn't remember that scene from the AC.
13 lacked T&A
14 lacked T&A
15 got both
The hottest character is Jihl. Too bad the sexy design is wasted on a character with no personality that appears for 5 minutes in a shit game.
To any faggot that likes this bitch, please tell me you didn't actually fap to her in-game.
Post more Jihl good man, preferably with smaller chest.
Unfortunately. I don't have much in the way of Jhill stuff
Remain on topic, please.
but i like her. She is goddess.
That's alright brother, thank you for sharing what you have.
Nigger, she’s not even medieval
Shut up twiggy.
nice pits
>not be a waifufag
>hate waifufags
>several hours into the game strongly dislike lightning, think she's a bitch
>finish game
>wtf I like lightning now!
>still not a waifufag but am totally pro waifushilling lightning
But seriously, she's unironically one of my favorite protags in vidya.
Unironically this one. It should've been rewarded to you after the ending for the NG+.
how old is claire again?
Mizuryu Kei's done at least one book with her.
>make a dull uninteresting stoic soldier character
>give him a short skirt, pink hair and body type that would never be able to open a pickle jar in real life
What the fuck did Japan mean by this? This is why I almost never play JRPGs
Lightning also acted like a man. There was nothing to distinguish her as a woman besides her look.
They got real obvious at times. Even in Dissidia NT when they pitted her against Sephiroth instead of Cloud.
>Lightning Returns.
Never forget
i remember playing that give with a trainer in the background giving me "game-time" because of some retarded system that makes you rush trough the game and not explore or enjoy the environments
FF fags are hard enough to understand, but XIII fags exists on a whole nother level of fuck. Lightning isn’t even the best waifu of her own game, let alone the franchise. She’s annoyingly edgy with tumblr hair.
Lightning isn't ugly but that complete lack of ass is very unattractive.
best girl
>likes 13
>hates 8
She looks so good in those CGI trailers,I wish she looked like that ingame.
>Lightningfags are so deluded they have to resort to praising her armpits
where's her piercing? it really elevates her slut level.
Bartz is the only good FF protag
While were talking about the games OBVIOUSLY, I always considered this track One Winged Angel 2.0
what was warm summer in Wutai smell like ?
>armpits a thing for me
>So I think this is all degenerate
>At least, in gameplay terms, FFXIII-2 was better than XIII
No, not when your options fully opened up in XIII. The only "subjective" thing it can be argued was better was linearity. One of the most annoying things are people that act like part 2 was this amazing upgrade when it felt more like a spin-off based on side characters who felt like side characters.
>Christmas Lightning still doesn't have sound
Remove the cape, shouder and armguards, and cling on gown.
Why the fuck is Lighting not drawn in a leotard more often
leotards are gross 80's shit that afro women wear to work out in front of a TV
>Shitting on leotards
Nigga you gay
Animal ears are the only time it's ok
XIII-2 is basically a fine tuning of XIII's gameplay (with pokemon) and is 200% sidequests until you get to the big fuck you ending
LR ties everything together and has modernized VP style gameplay
Leotards (and for others lingerie) are at the core of Final Fantasy. Rydia, Celes and Terra wear one.
Where's the Dokkan thread, lad
>Nomura designed her
The madlad still got it
she’s so mean because she’s an incel
>but the characters and story are pretty irredeemable.
If that was the low point for you, then you'll hate XIII-2. Also, people keep saying the combat is better, I always assume they didn't actually play endgame where all of XIII opens up. 3 characters that can use all jobs > 2 characters and a pseudo-pokemon, only a handful of which are useful and basically just glorified buffs/debuffs.
Only played a little of LR and I like it, total Lightning fan pandering, but it's very different from the other two.
>Good character stuck inside a shit game, a mediocre game, and a god awful game
I honestly believe she wasn't a virgin in XIII. (No serious relationship though, just letting off steam and relieving stress at times.) The navel piercing was the closest Square-Enix could get to showing it in modern otaku culture. Episode Zero also showed that Lightning had colleagues that were infatuated with her.
>jesus that idle animations
Sit still, you fucking cunt
For me, it's Reynn.
we must enhance
>Lightning isn’t even the best waifu of her own game
And who is? Fang is beyond overrated by the type of people who want to come across as unique. She's butch. Serah is more attractive than Lightning but beyond fucking boring. Vanille is actually underrated. She is also attractive and only gets hated on for her English voice when she is one of the best characters of the cast.
>Lightning > Vanille > Chocolina > that's it
Not the guy, but:
Serah (XIII-2 & LRXIII) > Lumina > Chocolina > Luka > Nora Estheim > Lebreau (XIII-2) > Lightning (LRXIII) > Alyssa > Vanille (LRXIII) > The rest > Fang > Nabaat > Lightning (XIII-2. Also known as the most evil protagonist in the franchise. "From Valhalla I can see everything" is incredibly damning.)
>Serah (XIII-2 & LRXIII)
Holy shit you have irredeemable taste. Didn't even read past that.
I suspected you wouldn't. She has lots of personality quirks. XIII-1 Serah was one of the worst girls as a character in the franchise though.
Literally the perfect female body.
But thats not pale tiny tummy goth
looks fuckable
>make a female character with zero personality
>put her in a bad game
>make 2 sequels no one wanted
>make her not the MC of the second
>make her the MC of the third
>try and make her the face of the franchise
Oh lightning
An image like that cant be trusted
>She has lots of personality quirks
Are you fucking kidding me? She has the worst personality. By far the worst girl of the trilogy. I'd even say the entire franchise if I played every game in it.
>unironically liking Final Fantasy for waifus when the husbandos are infinitely better
prove me wrong
you can't
>being gay
No way fag.
this gif is older than some of the people posting in this thread
As a biscum, meh
Those hips don't lie my man
>prove me wrong
You're here posting in one of like a dozen Lightning threads that's been posted over the past month instead of a FF husbando thread of which I've seen like maybe 2 in the past year
>Mr. 33 cm
a perfect fit for my peepee
Getting someone who has the worst qualities of Cloud and Squall wrapped up in a very unattractive woman?
Is this fanart? Lightning looks so much more attractive now.
Lightning is VERY attractive!
I wanna show Lightning my dick
I want to kiss Lightning if you know what I meam
I might actually play these games, god help me. I haven't touched a final fantasy since 10 on the ps2.
I don't follow.
Being a child is when you think Vanille is the worst character because she is the most annoying.
Being an adult is when you realize Lightning is the worst character because she is the most boring.
Imagine being Arnold during this scene
X bois represent
At last we're old enough to not be bullied by the 7 hivemind
The FF13 games have been out for ages, there has to be nude mods out there for it.. right? SFM stuff always makes Lightning look bad.
Childhood is mocking Tidus for his shitty laugh.
Adulthood is appreciating that he at least has a definitive character arc that makes his actual range of emotions have weight to them.
>but Square blowed so much money in the engine that they needed more sales to make profit.
If only they had another game planned near that time
Heavily narrative/story driven. There are a lot of stops for cutscenes. The meme about it being super linear is TRUE(although there is at least a story reason behind it and later in the game it becomes more open). But the combat is great, I never got bored. 5 starring battles is fun, especially all the missions late game. The characters are interesting, all of which have their own connected backgrounds. The story seemed like retarded stereotype JRPG nonsense at first, and while this might sound dumb, after reading the datalog which recaps and explains things and even has lore you can't find anywhere else I got totally engrossed in the story and what would happen in the future. too bad XIII-2 threw that all to shit from the opening scene and introduced convoluted different timeline tropes.
So basically, if you don't like the combat and characters, you won't like the game. If you do, it's very worth seeing through until the end. My favorite part was actually "ng+" 100%ing everything. Nothing is missable so don't worry about that on your playthrough. It lets you keep playing after beating it.
>Off my throne jester, the king sits there.
Absolutely. At least he had an arc, and growth and change.
Now I'm just praying X 3 doesn't happen to undo it all.
both childish
How can you even reach either conclusion when Snow is both those things
Only child I see here is you.
Snow is very stupid, but at least he wasn't boring. At least he was driven compared to lightning, at least over finding Serah.
I agree, your arguement is weak. :^)
He's cool enough but he's pretty darn generic.
It still hurts.
It's her love hole.
>tfw not all of the líghtningfags killed themselves
Never been more disappointed, desu.
Didn't the audio drama or book do that?
it literally tells you your spelling is incorrect
Was this supposed to be a part of the "Nova Crystallis" nember or something? I wish that whole thing came to fruition. Could have been something pretty cool.
Yeah. Same with Type 0 as well. It was a very ambitious project and would have taken a lot of work to pull off successfully but I believe it could have been great if they managed it and a return to form. Unfortunately Square Enix shit the bed big time as we all know.
So... this is you then?
Even your image tells you the correct spelling, the absolute state.
Rumors go around they want to turn it into a full game.
Thanks for the detailed reply. That sounds perfectly enjoyable to me. Honestly, given that I play jrpgs to begin with, I'm very forgiving, and focus on the qualities of a game. I'm actually looking forward to XIII-3 because of tri-ace and what I've heard about it incorporating VP-style gameplay and times restrictions.
How good it Type-0 anyway? At first it seemed like it had a great reputation and then it seemed like it was forgotten/no one thought much of it.
Type-0 is a god damn SLOG
I still liked -2 but I mostly shit on it because -2fags are insufferable and think it's some amazing shit, when part 1 is better in the most important facets. I only played a few hours of Lightning Returns and it was very different but I quite liked it and as corny as the word sounds it was very cool. I only stopped playing because it's one of those time limit games and I spend all my time worrying about missing stuff, and it does have a few missable things(found out I missed something in the first 30 minutes like 5 hours in lol).
Oh, and like I said in the first post. Read the datalog in part 1, especially if you feel lost on the story. It's very comprehensive and again tells you things about the world you wouldn't have known otherwise.
Could you use a rifle in her game?
I suck at hack and slash and can't into controller so I never finished ff13-2
Were you the lad that posted the same type of ms paint comic on Yea Forums the other day with the caption "what does he listen to?"? If so, you're alright with me. If not, lol at your life.
>hack and slash
u wot
What is it then?
So hack n slash it is.
Do you know what a hack and slash is? What universe are you from? Literally just google the term.
Never played it sorry. Heard it was okay.
I just did.
The ones with red box around it is more or less the same as Lights game.
If I'm wrong correct me.
Don't post my beautiful wife in this trash thread.
Hey this is Rinoa's gimmick.
Not the guy, but I don't know where to place Lightning Returns gameplay. 13 and 13-2 are pure ATB JRPG. Lightning Returns is kind of ATB but even more active. It's far from hack and slash action oriented and responsive mechanics.
thats just aya brea with pink hair and multi million marketing
>favorite ff character isn't the best written character
>or from the best game
>its the best looking one
If that doesn't summarise modern ff-fan and square then I don't know what does.
Based Ultimecia working Squalletty into a seething shoot.
First of all you said 13-2, not LR. And even THEN you're wrong. Not even close. It's like saying any game with responsive combat is hack and slash.
Don't you ever DARE compare Lightning to the goddess that Aya is you slime.
>this is a bad thing
Yeah sorry we prefer characters with personality ITT.
Ok, My mistake. I divide games only in FPS, RTS, RPG and driving so I have no idea what I'm talking about.
The epitome of hack and slash is the Dynasty Warriors series. It's pure action.
i think she uses it once or twice in a cutscene and i remember her "army of one" combo has her using her gun to shoot someone in between some swipes - it's not really front and center, it's much more of a sword than a gun from how the game portrays it's use
i fucking love her
Episode Aranea getting cut is a crime.
That entire game was a crime.
Its pretty gross t b h
Is this post ironic
Such a pleb taste, Shitfa is fucking awful. Stop spamming shit waifus.
Not as much as I do.