Its exactly 3/24 00:00 right now in Japan, Happy Birthday Honoka!

Its exactly 3/24 00:00 right now in Japan, Happy Birthday Honoka!

Attached: birthday.jpg (2560x1440, 583K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's celebrate with some milk




Paizuri cake.


is she 18 now?

She was always 18

Old enough to plow

Post some croppedpornwebms.

Even Marie is "18"

shes like 20 now

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190323_081149.jpg (3840x2160, 711K)

shes trash and is mentally disabled

t. Marieshiter

Eternally 18

Attached: 1521901136638.jpg (1920x1080, 697K)

Look at the size of this milk...

Is she now old enough for the DoA subreddit cucks to unban posting her? Fucking lol, I can't believe they apparently did that.

>This is pedo now
I'll be the first to admit that it's creepy as fuck that she's mentally like eight years old, but damn is that body 18+

Attached: b2bea02b5a8ad982a21832324c332da2.jpg (1080x1920, 174K)

I love her body but I don't like her babyface.

Yeah, it'd be better if she looked a bit more her age

Attached: FIG-MOE-9206.jpg (600x600, 82K)

Fuck, I forgot all about this dude

Attached: Local Sweaty Man.jpg (640x360, 90K)

Anyone have the song for this? I like it.

No, their officially stated age doesn't matter there. Someone jokingly asked if the mods wanted to see their ID's and they replied yes without a hint of irony. Also apparently even fully clothed Marie has been banned as porn.

I would understand if we were talking about dragon loli or something if we were discussing the anime subreddit. That bitch is like six tops, regardless of what her creator-stated age is. But fucking Honkers is supposed to be underage? Oh my god, this is some new levels of double-think.

Attached: 1523490632_idkc.jpg (666x640, 44K)

This is a legally protected underage animu

Do not lewd, it is against the law

Attached: image.jpg (1138x640, 78K)

This is not a lewd it is an in-game costume so I am protected fr-

Attached: QBOYRcH.jpg (2300x1800, 205K)

I want to motorboat her tits

She's my favorite Milk Dispenser

Attached: 1544572430759.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

How about uncropped?

Attached: 1550859417940.jpg (3840x2160, 1003K)

That's a lot of milk

>another 9 months until it's Christmas again

Thanks for the reminder.
Three quarters of the way to go!

She's still a growing girl

Attached: 1551949588677a.webm (556x600, 555K)

Why is she mentally eight? Childhood accident?

Woman here, you guys are pathetic.

how much milk can she produce?

Enough for a paizuri cake

>I won!
>a deal is a deal user, now you have to

Alien here, you humans are pathetic.


Anyone who is sheltered in DOA grows up semi-retarded. Miyako sheltered Kokoro, Honkers' grandmother raised her the same way.

Give alien gf

Honoka and NiCO's leotard are the only good things about DOA6.

Attached: 1552766695695.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

not even throwing me a bone to have some extra v-hearts because ive been using them all on the scarlet event. fuck you honkers i aint wasting my hard earned shekels on this shitty gacha for you

Attached: 1552766563571.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Attached: 1551793540336.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

What about Hitomi? She's pretty good.

Attached: 1552766615463.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

How can 3DPD even compete?

Attached: 1531663008718.jpg (3840x2160, 621K)

It can't

You know, that

Attached: 14xx.jpg (1167x1068, 425K)

She's no longer human (nor are any of the other DOAs) until they give her her navel back

Attached: 1ff7458bc3f48870e96e40dd78356df0.png (1080x1920, 3M)

They can't. That's why, in the true spirit of feminism, they're trying to restrict, censor, and outright ban anything they can't compete with on a level playing field.

Attached: 1528269237592m.jpg (576x1024, 47K)

>bunny suit
>that huge milk
This is nice.

Attached: 1534919587883.gif (320x240, 62K)

Reminder that Honoka is the latest addition to Eliot's harem

Attached: 1548259484547.png (1920x1080, 2.84M)


I think I understand what I have to do

Attached: 1549071438625.jpg (2200x1440, 189K)

Big breasts is a sign of lolicon fantasy.

That's a good point. I'll still fuck non human Hitomi.

its just because she sticks her belly out in her default stance. all the girls need a slightly more defined navel

Attached: DOA6 2019-03-23 12-09-00-51.jpg (1364x768, 143K)

I think there's something wrong with your Hitomi

Attached: HMMMMM.jpg (1917x1079, 458K)

Only Ayane is able to twist her spine and neck 280 degrees like that. 0/10 game.

that's just her stance ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ

Attached: Savior.png (1024x813, 729K)

honk honk

Attached: honkers1.webm (960x540, 313K)

Perfect breeding sow


at least i have that costume and pose in vv.
>can only use honokas b-day gacha with 5000 v-hearts at a time pulling 10 chances
>0.75% chance of getting the b-day costume
yea fuck you

Fucking cow.

>No malfunction
C'mon, it's not like it's on PS4


Attached: 1522810072825.png (289x259, 98K)

inb4 all it is is the straps falling off her shoulders

there's no malfunctions in the gachashit pc one

what would you do to honkers for her birthday?

bake her a cake and take her lingerie shopping

Breed her like the cow that she is.

Whatever she asked and then suck her tits

I thought if you got enough copies of a suit you could do malfunctions in VV?

actually i think you're right. i've never gotten enough copies to fully upgrade a suit


Grapple her?

Grab her and never let go.

Will PC only ever be stuck with the gatcha version of the beach volleyball stuff? Want pole dances.

Unironically, play wrestling with Honoka would be awesome. She's just so plush, I'd love putting her in a bear hug or being bear hugged by her. Assuming she could stop giggling from the huge boner I'd be sporting the whole time.

Attached: 1552655448733.png (1920x1080, 2.1M)

play doa5 then. mod for that added in pole dances and shit

Happy Birthday, Honoka!
DoA is cool game.

I'm sure they'll put the pole dancing in VV eventually. As a gacha, it's like a bottomless well of content they can put in and will continue to do so, albeit slowly, as long as whales keep paying for things. Expect to see every piece of DOA5 and 6 dlc in VV eventually, plus everything that currently is only in the console versions of Xtreme. You just have to wait because they don't want to blow everything too quickly and then have to come up with new stuff to keep people hooked and spending.

how would cuddling with honoka feel.

Anyone know where all the mods for that are? And also where to pirate the DLC maybe.


Attached: 1552744723742.jpg (3840x2160, 1.66M)

Check the /e/ thread. They have all the links posted in the OP.

I could stare at those tits the whole day

Attached: DOAX_VV_2018-11-18_19-48-44.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

Birth Day. . . . .

Attached: janitormarie.jpg (1920x1080, 371K)

how soft though?

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__2.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__68.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__116.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

Where are the fucking lobbies

Very soft. She's like a living breathing plush doll.

Attached: WATERMELON JUBBLING.webm (1342x592, 2.08M)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__1585.jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

That sounds like heaven

Indeed I imagine it would feel that way

Attached: 1525289861173.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

how do you get that scene ?

>Honoka will smush her tits against you while play wrestling

it would be hard to want to do anything else

Honkers is love. Honkers is life.

Attached: screenshot_2018-04-16_00-08-09_0.jpg (3840x2160, 607K)


so risky

Honoka is cute. CUTE!

Attached: 3 - r59ZjAX.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Attached: 1538849325579.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Turn the image 90 degrees clockwise, asshole

Attached: 1539378859005.webm (400x400, 437K)

those fat fucking tits need to have a cock between them


See the top answer here:

This is an imageboard.
WebMs are allowed here.
Therefore, WebMs are images.
>he has never heard of a motion picture

Is it just me or where her tits getting bigger?

Attached: tenor-7.gif (240x180, 642K)


Attached: screenshot_2018-03-22_04-54-24_0.jpg (3840x2160, 696K)

>Youtube is a video streaming site.
>Comments are allowed there.
>Therefore, comments are videos.

Post more Honkers...

so how do they make the real high quality stuff? blender?

It is a moving image, user. I have no idea how stupid you have to be to not understand that.

So post some moving honkers already,

I wish I could llive off her milk and nothing else.

Attached: 1537546598649.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Modder adds pepperoni nipples
Burn in hell.

I'm genuinely confused by your post because I consider pepperoni nipples to be too small but the image you're replying to clearly has nipples way bigger than pepperoni so I can't tell if you're saying the nips are too big or too small or if you're just retarded

I hate you kind of queers.

pretty sure that's called areolae, user

Making them JAV big on a young girl with a model’s body is abhorrent. You and your shit taste can fuck off.

I want to make love and life with her

Everyone got a bit of an upgrade in X3. Some more than others

Attached: 1526499931399m.jpg (1024x571, 51K)


Even the skin looks better

Attached: 1543454625057.webm (853x480, 2.89M)

Is DOA6 multiplay alive?

>that webm where the penis shrinks as Honoka does paizuri
I never knew I had this fetish.



If she only knew.

Big tits truly are a lolicon fantasy.

Attached: 1551671046411.webm (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Fucking cow.

I wanna fuck that cow

You don't say?

Attached: 1547245612125.jpg (959x1002, 146K)

The thing is, Marie actually looks 18. She just doesn't look Hollywood 18 which is a short 24 year old wearing makeup to hide sun damage.

>honkers will never take a sloppy dump on your face

Attached: honoka.jpg (1076x1285, 128K)

you'd be a cow too if you were fearing being one year older and realizing you're going to age like milk
some girls eat to get them through those thoughts

Milk for all her puppies.

I'm pretty sure the first thing they thought when creating Honoka was her huge tits, the rest of the character came after.

>Kasumi is more beautiful
>Honoka is more curvy

Sucks for Ayane to lose the gene pool lottery.

Attached: NOT LIKE THIS.gif (450x338, 278K)

I tried

Attached: honkers_90.webm (540x960, 2.88M)

I'd let Ayane seduce me

do you have somewhere you actively share these other than threads

Never before has one game series been so irredeemably polluted by simply adding two characters

Happy Birthday, Honoka!

Attached: 105678097382.jpg (1080x1920, 771K)

I envy her so much, it's so good to be a curvy THICC girl.

Attached: I_wanna_be_her.jpg (702x674, 63K)

Considering who they based her on, I think they had a pretty complete idea

Attached: 1547756642545.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Ayane has the personality and the appeal of someone who wants to break an extremely fragile girl out of her sarcastic shell by letting her know how special she really is.

Attached: 1543314644941.jpg (1920x1420, 992K)

You'd let Ayane do anything to you really.

Attached: over.gif (320x180, 719K)

I want to honk Honoka's honkers so honking bad.

Happy birthday to my favorite cow.

Attached: 1552950905427.jpg (3324x2160, 2.48M)

Goodbye everyone.

Attached: 1552951001093.jpg (3330x2160, 1.65M)

I wanna fuck this cow day in day out till I die from dehydration

Your sacrifice won't be forgotten

It'll come more alive when lobbies are added.

Which platform is best?

we won't forget you user.

wonderful, thank you, user

Attached: 122998667209.jpg (600x705, 72K)

Beautiful eyes.


Cute tummy

Attached: 1552759600013.webm (584x1016, 2.38M)

Attached: 1498830918515.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

What's her cup size?

Attached: 095f284e65bf14ffbb2231f0156a078c-sample.jpg (562x1000, 71K)

Those are half-gallons.

This position give her a lot of easy money.

Nice. I'll get her a puppy.
She loves dogs so much.

Attached: 1552902054294.png (377x413, 287K)

Attached: 1541057229520.jpg (578x477, 35K)

G cup

Did they nerf the other girl's tits to make Honkers stand out more?
Only her measurements are known afaik

Attached: Hobbit.png (355x254, 81K)

they did it because of esports faggotry

>happy white day
what the fuck Japan?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1535x363, 93K)

She also have the biggest ass.

Attached: 1481192161396.gif (384x216, 874K)

Attached: 1538851532590.jpg (1080x1920, 84K)

Attached: 1533250634552.jpg (2160x1920, 1.83M)

As an oppai loli enthusiast, I agree

Which one of you just 2-1'd a Hitomi with Honkers?
Cause that was a fucking tense match.
High D - Low C rank

Attached: 1536812781242.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

I was playing BBTag desu

Attached: 1536812060710.jpg (1206x1080, 362K)

Shame. I wish more people actually liked and played DoA. Its speed and movement are fun as fuck in my opinion.

Attached: 1535838151895.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

Attached: 1537730002236.jpg (1920x1080, 94K)

Why is she so perfect, bros?

Attached: 4b278d5c224ad3be3be321df7250ab77.jpg (1215x2160, 547K)

I started playing a bit yesterday. I got Core Fighters for 5 but rarely played it and mashed like a retard. Trying to get decent in 6 though.

Attached: 1540570371330.png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__3108.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Attached: 1538675974194.jpg (500x500, 154K)

Honoka can count to Potato

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20160811213928.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

>big veiny pompoms
she's going to be such a great mom

Attached: gottlieb-133458.jpg (350x490, 50K)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__3058.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Attached: 1538851594686.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__1703.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

I never did see more than episode 1 of this, but the ass is top notch.

Attached: DOAX_VV 2018-10-21 05-11-15-59.webm (880x540, 1.78M)

Attached: 1478020348363.jpg (1080x1920, 252K)

Where's her clothes, user?

Looking at Honoka i can only imagine how fucking hot her mother must have been. It wouldn't surprise if Raidou raped the shit out of her on sight.

I ripped them off

She doesn't need them.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180409_072454.jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

Honoka's quite used to being in this position.

Attached: 1481503612772.png (1080x1920, 2.31M)

It's a tropical island with nothing but other girls on it. Why wear clothes?

Attached: kEYjwEQ.png (1080x1920, 2.34M)

It's her favorite

how flexible is honkers?

>spreading her cheeks to air out her smelly, unwashed asshole

pretty hot desu senpai

Attached: 1552098247926.jpg (930x930, 74K)

Surprisingly much for a chunky girl

Attached: 144 - RhasOWW.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

hot damn, can she be any more perfect for breeding already?


Attached: 159 - 5215OyO.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181019_220254.jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

I love butts, buttholes, etc.
But I will never understand the appeal of bad smells and uncleanliness.

Attached: 235 - z6Euuv4.png (1080x1920, 1.4M)


she's already tailor made for being a breeding sow.
just looking at her works for triggering a man breeding instinct.

>put DOAX3 Scarlet on my Switch
>pick Leifang
>finish the first day of activities (aka Zack tutorials)
>whack off to Leifang's feet back at the hotel
>turn the game off
And that was my experience with DOAX3 Scarlet for the Nintendo Switch.

Attached: 1543103050157.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

>celebrating a fictional character's birthday

Attached: 1534120462920.gif (430x408, 908K)

>venus vacation
more like...

Degenerates. Thank god digital waifus don't smell.


Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181019_220352.jpg (1080x1920, 316K)

anons are weird, nothing new under the sun

I only want like 3 characters, but thats like 12-15$. Should I just buy the game at that point? Fuck me.

People still celebrate dead peoples' birthdays. How is that different?

Attached: 6 - BifwACV.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

Which game? DOA6 or Scarlet?

Depends on if you use the rest of the roster

she's wearing them, user

Attached: 129485120069841.jpg (1150x647, 591K)

You'll be buying the 3 characters and the Casino DLC.
Helena also has some seashell costumes that you can just buy and not have to play the game forever to watch them.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune__752.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

Attached: 49 - JUNRDNW.png (1080x1920, 1.44M)

Attached: 1521831323064.jpg (1920x1080, 92K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181212_041532.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Attached: 22 - tZqJGvG.png (1080x1920, 2.64M)

Attached: 1487247626703.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

Attached: 6 - PnyTsHe.png (1080x1920, 2.23M)

Honkers truly can't be beat.

Attached: 1550976165793.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

I sometimes like to dick around with other characters, but I mostly just wanna play Hitomi (free), Tina, Honoka, Jan Lee, and MAYBE Nico.

Attached: Djyd15zXgAEMSGE.jpg large.jpg (1024x576, 66K)

Why does Nonon wear that hat as a nudist beach member?

Personally, I'm gonna buy NiCO, Honkers, Marie, and Zack. My main Hitomi is already free and I never played anyone else.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180409_072616.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

Attached: The moment when Honoka realizes she has terribly miscalculated her positioning.png (1080x1920, 1.73M)

Invisible me behind her

>My main Hitomi is already free and I never played anyone else.
Thats exactly my issue.
Though I actually started to like Tina a lot in the beta, and I want to get good with Honkers.
I think Jan Lee is just fun as fuck and one of the only Bruce Lee's in fighting games who actually looks really bad ass too.
NiCO just got me on that Leotard, so I'm mostly resisting the urge to buy her.

Attached: 1492915190733.jpg (620x877, 93K)

Where is this picture from?

Four bucks ain't much. Just buy a character and use them to the max then fuck around with the next one.


Attached: honk.png (680x680, 221K)

Deviantart I think

Attached: This is gonna hurt.png (2000x2000, 3.35M)

Fuck i hate Pigtails on Tina. Wish they'd give her another hair style.

>already fapped three times today because of this thread

Attached: 1456449202786.jpg (716x520, 54K)

Its really just after like 4 or 5 characters the price just might as well have bought the full game.

Attached: tables DOAs and chairs.jpg (3000x1500, 1.09M)

I hope they do limited time characters like in 5.
I could live just playin Core Fighters and buying costumes.

Wish there was stuff of Misaki. While I was playing Venus Vacation she was my favorite.

Looks like we go another live one here, fellas

Attached: 1551165266865.jpg (774x1032, 62K)

I can see that. If you really like fucking around with everyone then I'd probably just get the full game.

came 5 times today, wont mind another if you keep this up

This is a weird question, but how long do you go for? I tend to do like one obscenely long session, which I think is unhealthy compared to even just multiple times a day.

Not him but I fap once a day and it takes like an hour.

Depends on how horny I am, the hornier the quicker. If I'm lazy I can look at porn for hours till I finish

Attached: honoka_in_the_ring_by_thoughtbind2.jpg (3000x5277, 1.72M)

>PS4 Pro and PSVR
>Onahole, busty Aichan and Nui doll
Thank god I have my own apartment.

Attached: honkersvr.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: honoka_on_an_exercise_ball_by_thoughtbind2_dcrlaf7-fullview.jpg (1600x3200, 342K)

Imagine her smell after a boxing session

Attached: dumbbell honoka.png (843x1920, 2.27M)

Imagine showering with her afterward. Oh wait...

Attached: 1536616343511.webm (1248x720, 1.16M)

Gonna need more of this to get me to shoot for a 6th, got a contact?

Some quality honks to be found in this thread.

Attached: honk honk.gif (276x183, 170K)

Attached: 1552937400529.jpg (1080x1920, 310K)

Attached: 1551650908339.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

>install DoA HDM to 5
>now I can't get past the title screen
Fuck thsi shit

Wait... She's my favorite girl and I killed millions to her... But I only know learned that we share the same birthday?

Raidou raping Ayane in Kunoichi 3 got me hard as fuck. Honoka should meet Daddy in the next one.

Attached: 1549868196864.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

>get used to calling her honk
>get confused when the name honoka pops up

Kill more in her name

not him, but post more honkers for me to kill to

I know that feeling.

Attached: __leifang_01___2019___wallpaper_by_sreliata_dcw9yrh.png (1920x1082, 2.76M)

I have none. I'm just lurking.

Attached: 1553197293648.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

>Raidou's dick is normal sized
I can't begin to describe how disappointing that was. The guy is supposed to be a demonic rape machine. He should have a dick that suits that purpose.

Attached: 1544864060067.webm (712x400, 2.87M)


Attached: 1525412704793.jpg (3840x2160, 1.14M)

Anyone have some pics of the person Honoka is based on?

Attached: doa_honoka_blue_swimsuit_hs_by_makotoyuki90-dbkq8tz.png (1280x720, 993K)

That would be Ai Shinozaki

Attached: HonokAi.jpg (566x435, 75K)

Hi, I love Tina.

Attached: 1551755544909.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

Attached: 3dpd Honoka tennis.webm (140x198, 255K)

She also has regular threads over on /s/. I think they're over 100 now

Attached: 1537875733160.jpg (1065x1524, 624K)

Their models for the girls aren't great either. Imagine if they had X3 or VV Ayane in it.

Attached: 1550062073158.jpg (1080x1920, 306K)

spoonfeed me, which doa game do I get if I want to take screenshots like this thread

Attached: 1426030254801.png (280x246, 121K)

Is Ayane a size queen?

Venus Vacation for PC, Scarlet for Switch, Fortune for PS4.

DOA5LR, Venus Vacation, or Xtreme 3.

Attached: 3 - 4U0wH77.png (1080x1920, 2.42M)

I had hoped for the thicker X3/VV model, and she does look curvier in some of the later stuff. Early trailers and the first scene were made with the DOA5 models, I think.

Attached: 1544864144261.webm (712x400, 2.77M)

Her breasts are so big in VV she almost looks fat.

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190316_130841.jpg (3840x2160, 1.05M)

Im a once a dayer but triple that time. It cant be healthy, and my dick aches sometimes. I gotta cut this shit out.

Source? I will have to rethink my entire stance on Honkers if she's legit based on Ai.


Thanks friends.

Attached: 1528135529511.jpg (516x497, 40K)

There's nothing official, but it's a combination of factors, just like Honoka's supposed connection to Raidou prior to DOA6 confirming it. Physically she's very similar, a slightly pudgy, stacked, doll-faced asian girl with shoulder length hair. Ai is the reigning queen of gravure, an industry that DOA has long taken a great deal of influence from. DOA also has a history of basing characters on real life celebrities like Hulk Hogan, Dennis Rodman, and the like. They're cashing in on Ai's popularity.

Attached: 1538778696976.jpg (1023x1391, 190K)

If she wasn't introduced alongside Marie, Honoka would be a lot more accepted by fans as a true DOA girl with a DOA body. Instead she's lumped in with the flat pedobait shitter.

Ayane is legitimately thicc in the latest Xtreme games

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20190322110328.png (1080x1920, 2.66M)

Then I withhold judgment until I hear official confirmation. That would insta-shoot her to unshakable best girl status, much like Ai.

She wasn't introduced with Marie. Marie was added in DOA5 Ultimate, before even Nyotengu was. Honoka wasn't added until after Last Round came out. The only connection is they were thrown together as friends/rivals because they were both dlc characters. Overall, Honoka is one of the most popular DOAs, along with Kasumi and higher than Marie Rose. Marie is nowhere near the top popularity wise outside of Japan, though the EU rankings may have changed with all the africans moving in.

Attached: bHhwRks.jpg (465x769, 188K)

That outfit is perfect for Ayane. Based Helena.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 164K)

I want to smack it.

They'll never give official confirmation on something like that because then her agency will begin looking at exactly how much of her likeness is in Honoka, in case they want to file suit for them ripping off her look. That's what happened with Rebecca between Resident Evil 0 and the HD remake of said game, because they'd lost the rights to use Ayumi Hamasaki's likeness anymore or something.

I love that fatty

How soft is this bumbum?

Makes sense, I guess.

She's actually fat unlike Ayane.

Attached: 1502458499268m.jpg (1024x576, 67K)


This is now an Ayane thread

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20170907000942.png (1080x1920, 2.19M)

Nothing wrong with that

Making rape babies with Ayane!

Fat in all the right places

Ayane is for soft love-making, user.

I'm going to rape Ayane and impregnate her with triplets!

Best big sis

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>Honoka will always stay 18
>no adult version who's lost a bit of weight but taller and curvier

She has to remain true to being a cow.

I want to HONK her KNOCKERS
Get it?


But it also means that I want to fondle with her breasts

How do I stop my cat from eating so much

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Oh shit, me too

>lost a bit of weight

You lost me. I want a bigger Honkers, not smaller.

Stop feeding her semen. She looks kinda weird.

You have to impregnate her breast pussy for that.

you don't, at best you must make her work out so she doesn't get fatter

What year was she born?

Even more curvier?

ho boy

she's legal if that's what you want to know

Are you enjoying the more realistic proportions of DOA6?

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What year was 18 years ago, obviously.


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Where the fuck is my new character release, venus vacation?

Making consensual babies with Ayane!

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I enjoy the better modeled asses on the girls for 6. Having played way too much DOAX3 to unlock everything for all the girls, the asses needed some improving.

Honoka is Ayane's big sis. She's several months older

i should get a vr

Probably '97 if we go off the release date for Last Round when she was added in 2015

what a tease

I'll let her feel what something growing is really like.

We don't know, Kasumi was supposed to be 17 back when the first DOA released in 1996 and she only became 19 after 5 released.

M-My butt isn't that fat.

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>celebrate "white" day
>doesn't release Tina
What the fuck Japan?

we can't see it like that very well, more direct please.

Absolutely disgusting.

I get the impregnation bit, that stands to reason, but I'm not seeing the correlation between the breast pussy and weight gain.

P-Please, don't bully me.

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I actually misinterpreted what you said lol. I thought you said you wanted her to get bigger boobs instead getting bigger herself.

its more plump than fat

Ah. But yes, I want the most honkable of honks.

It's fat.

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Something about her butt looks weird, Maybe because her buttcheeks are too high up and smaller than her upper thighs.

Fat ass

That's a very nice butt, i want to give it a slap and see how much it jiggles


Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190324_100528.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

i was about to post some new stuff but it seems that discord erp trannies took over the thread

I don't see what's stopping you from posting your stuff anyways.

I want to imagine that a thick bush is hidden.

>can't get DMM to confirm my email
>can't figure out how to properly mod honey select without fucking things up
help me bros....

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what kinda fucking coward you must be when someone wanting to be honoka scares you away.
especially when it's not even as blatant as usual.

How i install a nude mod in this game?

Just post them

Attached: LXdgsF7.png (1080x1920, 2.22M)

he's probably an actual tranny trying to start shit that doesn't even have pictures.

Sounds about right

I know erpfags are not well seen, and i get it there's a thread for that.
but they are not the scum of the earth to be called trannies.

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Shiny tits

This kills the redditer

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Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_181130_083545.jpg (3840x2160, 813K)

You're right, I apologize. Someone post more milk truck.

Wet tits. The sweat/water effects in X3 were miles above the stretch mark sweat in DOA5.

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fine, accepted.
however since you mentioned it first kinda want to see someone that wants to be honoka now

6 really needs more sweat. A few drops off the chin isn't enough.

Everyone's favourite slut, such a terribre waifu

What is that expression trying to convey?

what is happening there?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180131_232351.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)


is this HS?


i know user, what's causing it though
is it marie right?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_180120_202344.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

Me, my life would be so easy...
and funny.


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Why does she wear that glove?

Demon hand to consume your strength.

Honoka is built for breeding.



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There's so many custom porn games out there, but it's not DOAX3. The girls have no nipples, ahego face, asshole, or puffy vulva.

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Leave her alone, Shane Dawson.

That really doesn't answer my question as to what it is
I just want to fap to nude in-game models bros...

Then there's the people who extracted the model data from DOAX3 and injected it into other games.

Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune_20170128180144.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Forgive me, I'm Core Fighters only.
Could use more sweat.

Beats me, you've got custom maid, honey select, basically all by illusion but you'll have to cobble together the models needed.

Is Honoka dumber than Kokoro?

She's dummy thick.

It's modded Venus Vacation

There's no setting for blood and bounce in Core Fighters? Makes sense. The full game let's you turn on the sweat, bruising, and more bouncing physics with one switch in Options.

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>Mistaking naivete for lack of intelligence

>older then me
Mommies Milkies

Kokoro is. Her hot mom has all the brains.

Honoka is smart enough to have encyclopedic knowledge of the breeding habits of dogs and horses.

It's VV, dumbass.

Those are there, I think he means he doesn't have the revealing costumes in the full version.

Honkers is not a dumb piece of meat

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what would you like done to you?

me behind putting my baby in her

she is a breeding sow

So you're playing unaltered Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation?

Those tits are amazing

Obviously not, retard.

she's a dumb cow breed to be milked and eaten

I wanna lick Nico's booty sweat!

Doggie style huge load slowly deposited inside me then getting slapped across the ass and called a bitch as he pulls out

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>DUDE here is a diverse cast of sexy women with nice jugs, so feel free to pick one one you li-
>nah j/k we've shrunk all their tits and given the biggest tits to some dumb cow bitch with a generic japanese pop idol face that's only attractive to retarded otakus
>oh and here is the exact same bitch only with zero tits so pedophiles can enjoy her
>btw these two will now eclipse everyone else forever

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You guys think the developers have massive boners while developing DOA?

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Glad they finally added some variety


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If I had to let my dick buy one game, should it be the new DOAX or DOA6?

I like DOA5 but X probably has more fab bait, but X was so unfun to play last I checked.

>Yea Forums pic
you have to go back

Dude, just chill out and fap to the breeding cow

Both together are the complete package, I like switching between fighting and taking pics/playing volleyball. If you can only get one then DOA6, you get fanservice and gameplay instead of just fanservice.

Dumb cow bitch can stay but they should up everyone's cup size, including cow bitch.

post discord you fucking slut

X3 is more fappable, but I'd wait for Fortune to get an announcement when the Scarlet items are crossing over. You'll be able to get Fortune uncut on the PS4 for less than buying Scarlet for either platform. Meanwhile you can get DOA6.

I bought the Vita DOAX3 for half price late last year. Still included the code for Marie's bonus outfit

It's retarded. If she physically looks like a loli while being 20+, it's pedo. If she's mentally underage while having boobs bigger than her head, it's still pedo.

moar huge honkers

I would love doing that to you then, of course not in here since this thread is not lasting for long...mind going to trash?


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No. They're all blistering homosexuals who self insert as Jann Lee

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One is Honoka (as this thread shows) and one is Luna (Venus Vacation exclusive)

Are you referring to Luna on the bottom there?

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we should keep the honokaposting going there once this thread dies too.


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I bet all devs have secret nude models

She looks so uncomfortable

I wanna slap her big ol titties around until they're red and then cum in between them

She's from the moon.

Guys I have only pleasured myself to DoA's DoAs for around two weeks straight. Is this normal?

enjoy playing doa6 all the mods are still going to 5

Attached: life10.gif (487x416, 3.75M)

Only 2 weeks. I used that severance video for a week straight

Pretty much. Try grinding suits out of DOAX3. It'll drain you in every way.

DoA threads are comfy-lewd. the best kind

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Honestly , something skimpier would be nice or short skirts

and that's why I can't tell because there's multiple things that have ripped the assets.

Really, how peaceful it gets makes enjoying the lewds so easy.
even ERPfags didn't want to disturb it and took it somewhere else, hopefully.

I want a sequel with that demon at the end so bad

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None of them look as clean as the real games, that's an in-game location too. The face mod has been all over DoA threads, and nudity is much older.

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This lot will drain you dry for years to come

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I wish. That and Momijis were the best ones

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I started playing Weenus Vacation just to play around with lewd mods. I also don't know moonrunes and have absolutely no intention to ever spend money on it.
Between the gachashit and my weenus and my patience, my life is going to be drained dry in more aspects than I should rationally be comfortable with but I can't stop myself.
Send help.

thread looks pretty calm now
i just cant deal with honokas hips, why is this allowed? if this is a female, everyone else may as well be a boy

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8 of those get me rock hard anytime. The newest is Leifang because of her new outfit in DOA6.

Shes short and fat

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Attached: Honoka shirt up.webm (1280x720, 1001K)

honestly prefer DOA in game lewds over SFM and the actual porn


The tease is the best part

Attached: Honoka Ryoubi warm up.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: Honoka physics.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

sadly a lot of newshits dont seem to understand this
i fucking hate those sfm/hs/deviantard shit some retards posts, you can even see youtube screenshots or smaller mobile versions of someonelses screenshot, why?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190324_003805.jpg (3840x2160, 1023K)

The VR helps too

Volleyball is a fun sport to watch especially with sexy girls playing, its literally made for maximum bouncing.

Beating them up is kinda hot too.

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I just like to have the jiggles and pantyshots during the fighting. I'm not convinced I would enjoy Xtreme.

How do you get close ups like this? My game does do it for anyone

>giant saucer nips

Attached: 1434764395585.gif (315x233, 1.93M)

Stop playing with Marie, Honoka, and NiCO

Attached: Honoka illusion shove.webm (584x718, 430K)

Attached: Honoka fortune butt brush.webm (378x574, 2.78M)

But I only play Kokoro

Attached: Kokoro1.png (1080x1920, 1.96M)

Attached: Honoka boob cradle.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)


Play as a male or Mila, Helena, or Phase 4.


Attached: 1551533237254.webm (800x450, 3M)

Attached: Honoka fortune flutter pov.webm (688x718, 1.52M)

I want to milk that cow. And by that I mean fuck her in her vagina until she becomes pregnant.

Attached: Honoka butt brush.webm (402x576, 833K)

Me behind her

Attached: Honoka gives the greatest gift.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

>wake up
>see this

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_190324_005213.jpg (3840x2160, 895K)

i impregnated her with mixed children btw

Put clothes on her then take them off and fuck

Um, I was holding the camera and I didn't see you there.

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Xtreme 4 needs to hurry up with DoA6 models

Warm my hands up and prepare to milk

god i wish i was honoka

Mating press her.

It was an illusion

i fucking love video games so much

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Attached: 4 - XjR07A4.png (1080x1920, 2.31M)

>someone took the time to model, rig, and animate this

Attached: 18 - GE9Keoy.png (1080x1920, 1.96M)

Hitomi and Kasumi get this. Are there really characters who don't?

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do you want to be a breeding sow?

she has the perfect body

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