Can we finally admit there was some merit to the "violence in videogames" thing in the 90s?

Can we finally admit there was some merit to the "violence in videogames" thing in the 90s?

I mean, what is this shit? Why is this allowed?

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>Can we finally admit there was some merit to the "violence in videogames" thing in the 90s?
>I mean, what is this shit?
>Why is this allowed?
1st amendment.

>American laws are international

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Then why isn't rape and sex allowed by the exact same arguments?

NetherRealm Studios is an American video game developer. Ban it in your shitty 3rd world country, I don't care.
It is.

r*pe affects women so its a no-go zone

>It is.
What about cheese pizza


>graphs of gun violence in the US and violence in videogames would overlap
>compare gun violence in the US in 1700 to 2019 and it's like 10000%
>only difference is videogames

i wonder

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Sex is allowed, rape isn't. The difference is consent. That's if you mean in real life. In a video game rape is allowed.

I'm pretty sure Sub Zero here didn't 'consent' to a free facelift.

>people consent to being murdered so it's okay

t. christ cuck

consent is a meme. there is no legal way to prove consent in a court of law. a woman can claim rape against a male and win in all cases even if she was the one who initiated the sex. fun times coming in the next decade.


Imagine being this retarded

You could also say the same about gun violence and the rates of diseases like diabetes and autism


guns didnt exist in 1700, nor did America

>they didnt read his fucking post

If rape is allowed in a video game obviously murder would be too you tools

>Why is this allowed?
It isn't in Japan.

trolled, gottem

Imagine being this retarded. I will spell it out for you. Rape bad in life. Rape okay in game. Kill bad in life. Kill okay in game. Difference is game not real, life real. Is that simple enough?

I'm being trolled, aren't I?


The fuck are you talking about? Are you this retarded person, who thinks they HATE SPEECH and other utter shit are really exist in this violent world?
Pic related was usual thing just 50-100 years ago,

Attached: CKm7EjSUAAAixf0.jpg (1200x675, 183K)

It's allowed because if you don't like it then you can not look, and if you don't want your kids to see then you can parent properly and acknowledge the proper, legal documentation that indicates the graphic nature of the game.

It's also allowed because if fictional violence - or anything fictional, really - deeply upsets you then you're a pathetic baby bitch.

no you're just being retarded

KEK nice one

Oh hi King Crimson

>porn addicted Yea Forumsirgins now arguing for removal of violence from fighting games
Jesus Christ

You're an idiot.

The vast, vast majority of rape cases end up dragging the alleged victim's sexual and love life through the mud because the two people know each other, alcohol/drugs are involved with one or both parties, and it is a he-said/she-said situation where they ended up alone together because of some voluntary decision made by the victim that could imply consent.

The cases of a man in a dark alley grabbing some random woman and porking her at knifepoint is very very rare.

It is really, really hard to prove a rape case. However, the court of public opinion will shame you just for the allegation, you'll lose your job or be expelled from school, and that part is very unfortunate.

Sex is allowed in video games and has been used in several of them (GoW series, the Witcher 3, etc).

Rape is generally considered so evil that it isn't used as a plot device. In the cases when it is used, it's generally referred to and not shown.

That's just where our society places these crimes on the spectrum of evil.