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Maximum cozy
Check out my set up Yea Forums
Maximum cozy
Your dresser looks so crusty
Cozy & comfy are codewords for degenerate
You win
i finally updated my setup.
>all that wood
Looks like a breeding ground for all sorts of spiders. Hard pass.
>Living in a place that can flood
LAMO from 2500'
I'm envious of your Neogeo. I just can't bring myself to buy in on the absurd pricing of it though.
Your room looks comfy af.
look up Nebraska flooding within the last week, this is far from normal.
within the last 50 years we never got more than 1-3 inches of sewer backup at worst and this is considered the most widespread flooding in the states history.
>wireless mouse
I'd rather take the spiders
>look up Nebraska flooding within the last week,
Yesh, that is fairly brutal. I've been though the state, with it being so flat the dispensation of that water takes even longer. That fucking sucks dude.
yeah, it's quite bad and has been officially declared a natural disaster and the government is in the process of trying to speed up FEMA
Cringe. Chair is extremely uncomfortable after a while and the TV is way to low, just fucks up your neck.
don't worry, that's perfectly normal - global warning is a meme anyway
global warming aside it was a freak combination of weather to make this happen.
tons and tons and tons of snow late into the season. rapid heat up and a bomb cyclone resulting in ice jams breaking pretty much ALL the dams and the accumulated snow melting rapidly.
Nebraska is a very flat place so flooding is extremely rare but if it ever does it has nowhere to go.
At least it looks like your basement mostly comprised of unfinished walls of brick and concrete. Could have been a whole lot worse for your if that basement was fully finished and had tons of water trapped behind walls.
i agree, my neighbor had a finished basement and i hear they had a wall collapse on them.
lol okay
My setup is not much, but it is comfy.
Wireless mouse is based, sir.
Logitech makes pretty good ones.
Mines getting there guys. Slowly but surely.
Other shelf. Needs organized though
>sort of poor
This is why people hates westerners.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>sort of poor
Fuck off, you're not rich or even middle. But you're definitely not poor
get a nice wooden stand for that TV, change the chair to a rocking chair, and you'd win the award for maximum SOUL