Thoughts on the new Steam library?

thoughts on the new Steam library?

Attached: steam 1.jpg (2005x1653, 593K)

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it is gay

It's not really what the company should be focusing on right now while Tencent is busy pushing its nose into the western gaming market.

looks awful but then again i only have it in small mode constantly

deviantart tier

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2017.05.31_22.20.20].jpg (1920x1080, 807K)

It's a cluttered mess.

It's new and scary. I hate change.


This guy gets it

I didn't even know it was updated. I just go straight to my library because I haven't bought a game since last year.

We have to go back

Attached: 1476015741_steam0.gif (774x586, 24K)

But that's the library user, the update is not here yet but will be in beta soon.

>Valve literally, literally does just one Steam update every year and almost nothing else
>it's not even a full UI overhaul but just a single element, like the wishlist, the storefront, or the library

I don't give a shit. If they aren't making games, buying exclusives or at least supporting their current games, then they should at least fix actual problems with the store. Who spends more than a couple seconds on their library screen anyways?

i dont like the random circles and curved lines but besides that its ok

there needs to be a better way to make categories or sort game
having it do yourself is annoying especially if you own a huge amount of games
by default it should put the not installed games in a not installed category and so on

But that's what I mean. Who cares about this? Do people really need a platform to tell them what's hot and what's not? Are people incapable of googling the latest in AAA, mid-budget, and independent gaming, checking out a longplay, and then quickly searching it up on Steam? This should affect literally no one.

doesn't look functionally

horizontal banners > vertical banners

also a lot of old and removed games will have blank vertical banners because devs won't bother updating those

that's in the OP pic is the library you retard, the thing you open when you want to play the games you bought

>we want the twitch audience

Looks like one of those frontends for emulation, but with social shit on top of it.
As long as the search function works, I really don't care about it, just like how I never cared about all the previous gimmicks.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-23 Welcome to Steam.jpg (1432x1297, 275K)