Step aside,Sekiro.Let me show you how it's done.
Step aside,Sekiro.Let me show you how it's done
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dark Souls. But like, anime.
Yuri with Karnstein
>Dark Souls. But like, anime.
What is the name of the game ?
release date?
They posted this 3days ago,so nothing.
Code: Vein
I hope it doesn't have a stupid reviving system like sekiro.
That alone would make it a better game.
>Io fags btfo'd
A good day
no it's actually :
Code Never
Sekiro's release was pretty hype and I'm enjoying it but I'm way more excited for Code Vein
Code When
>Still no new news
Why are people comparing this to dark souls
It looks more like monster hunter/god eater to me
>this looks like MH
Whenever you're ready ;^)
The devs themselves said they took inspiration from Dark Souls. Hell, the teaser for it was call Prepare to Dine
DUDE, particle effects!
Sekiro is 100% anime desu
Also they're reworking Code Vein to be more action
delayed because sony needs to cover that up
Io will not be censored
>Hey guys here is our Dark souls anime with vampires
>there is far more interest than the devs anticipated
>holy shit! they liked this clunky shit? B-B-B-BOSS!
i really wish they used this time to polish the game instead of ruin it and Mega tits is better be fuckable you bastards
They said they were taking the time to polish it, didn't they?
How is Sekiro's combat, anyway? How does it add to the Souls formula?
It's nothing like souls.
Is it fun?
Yes, it's all about parry/counters instead of rollspam and much less clunky when it comes to movement.
Camera is still shit though.
you played E3 demo?
Very fun but a bit shallow
nevermind I was retarded
When does this game come out again? I literally bought new PC parts just to play this shit but forgot the release date.
>forgot the release date
So did the devs
I think the music for Code Vein is better, at least
Yea Forums must be the only place that cares about this game.
Dark Souls was already anime
The devs are japanese to begin with for fuck's sake
I'm sure it will become more popular once it comes out
>According to Bandai Namco marketing exec Eric Hartness, “Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback” from selected fans during hands-on testing over the past nine months. “Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title.”
Bamco mentality everyone
At least they aren't rushing it out for the holidays
The art style tells me there will be copious amounts of autistic grinding and that shit just doesn't float for me.
The level up system seems to be a combination of Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma
They'd better go absolutely insane with the story
Never ever
It has enough western influences to be a western game, weebcuck
I just want to play around with the character creator.
and mod custom outfits in
It's pretty extensive. These are a few of the stock options
I want to make femDante
As lewd as her proportions are, this is actually a god-tier design.
In the absence of official material, I began to theorize that her clothes correspond to the Successor bosses
>Bamco AA property
It's going to suck and will have trouble getting even a 75 on MC.
People that have played the demo have said that it's pretty good so far.
If only they released a public demo
That's what people said about God Eater and look where we are.
Isn't the main problem people have with God Eater that it's too weightless? The Code Vein devs have been adding more weight to the combat
How's that gonna address the technical problems and the boring level design?
I'll give you level designs, though I believe the devs have said that everything we've seen were demo exclusive. Not sure what you mean by technical problems.
Sekiro is not like Dark Souls, though.
weebs are subhuman
People like this make me embarassed to be a weeb bitch
>Pushing Mia
of course, good old god eater team, gotta always be a european with blonde or silver hair.
You'd think they'd also go for the silver haired autist who relies on the MC
It's a bit strange how little they're pushing Io in marketing, given her apparent prominence in the story and closeness to the MC
Dark Souls is anime.
Some Souls are more anime than others
This month for sure. They'll release something.
That's my kind of sip
I'm betting there will be a part where someone drinks blood the traditional way
>Come take a sip, user
Why are lap pillows so good?
Bukkake party with Io when?
Io is only for the MC
I want to fall asleep while Io watches over me.
Perfect squishiness and warmth.
Too bad it's the other way around most of the time.
I think this is after you get shot through the heart and die in the prologue
Wasn't this supposed to come out in February? Did it get another delay?
I agree, but you are still a faggot
No new release dates have been announced since the delay. Granted, we were suppose to hear new information "soon," but this was said in January
Reminder that this is the reason we've had no new info in forever and this is what the game will end up being like
I garuntee the PS4 version will be censored.
I was so hype for this game, then it got stuck in development hell and I haven't heard much since. I assume they realized it actually had hype and wanted to try and make it actually good so they could franchise it, but don't know how, so its never coming out.
How about Io in a plugsuit?
Sekiro is not a soulsborne game.
oh fuck i forgot about snoy's new censorship policies, i could totally see this causing a delay
I've just heard people say it's a lot better than Souls or a lot worse. Wanted to know how Code Vein's (revealed) combat would compare.
Bamco aren't retarded, they know they won't be able to get away with making every version censored, only sonyfags will get fucked.
What do you guys think of the music so far?
Heres your new promo art, bro. No need to thank us.
I can still see her lewd legs!
uh, looks like my monitor is malfunctioning, there a big white bar on the picture.
*Buys the Xbox One version*
What censorship?
Bloodstaiend: Ritual of the Night of Revenge
We're sorry that the image has been troubling to you and we appreciate the feedback. Creating a game is always a learning process and we are always striving to improve ourselves and our products. Thank you.
Schonheidt is cute. But I'm already settled on another for my first playthrough.
Aradia so cute
Ah, is that who that is? I thought it was just Aradiafag making a joke about how Aradia and Io look similar
It's her mom, but the first picture posted is a costume in NoR
Wait, who's mom?
I need more sleep
just came from the future after beating the game to dab on you all
How's the final boss OST?
Who's the final boss
NoR is a sequel to Bullet Requiem, and seems to take place like 20 years after.
>because they liked it so much, we delayed it
This game is going to be complete ass. These soulslike knockoffs need to be stopped.
The original designs make it more obvious.
I hope the fashion is better than GE3
I hope it's good
Huh. Interesting
>two shitty genres come together in one horrible abomination
Oh god save us.
Man, what could they be adding/improving for this to take so long?
hat physics
Realistic cloth physics would be cool. I've heard that each weapon is suppose to have a unique moveset, so I'm hoping they keep that in.
I hope it's bigger bust for the slider maximum
Butt slider.
You can't be busier that Io for plot reasons
Hey comon, I can Still IMAGINE her armpits are there, and HER THIGH IS STILL SHOWING
Do something about this!
so many devs say that but don't really mean it. i hope they prove me wrong.
i highly doubt it won't, specially on PS4.
Please still be real
Gas masks are based
ranged looks like easy mode.
The Ichor system seems to make melee a requirement. Each shot takes one ichor, and they can only be restored by attacking/draining enemies. Drain attacks also increase your Ichor cap.
You can't shoot without meele though, even the rifle has meele, also doing the blood veil attack is important to get more charges and increasing the cap.
Where are her pants?
on my floor if you know what I mean
You stole them? Bastard!
Io doesn't wear pants
I fucking hope not, PS4 is the only thing I can get it on and there is no switch port
My wife!
jap amazon is showing 6/30 release date btw
MY wife
>almost a year after the delay was announced
it's 9 months after the original release date which was just enough time for io to give birth to our child
Shouldn't it be "But, like, anime."?
It's a low-effort clickbait title either way, but wouldn't that sentence structure make anime the addressee?
I like Io's anime butt
>Code Vein was delayed because Abe told the devs that the MC needed to have a child with Io
Code: Milk
God Eater released without any censorship lel
yeah but it's fucking Bandai, does sony seriously want to fuck with them?
based Abe-san
Guess Abe is going to make the Male MC official in this series too.
Still why always European girls though? well whatever, guess is his fetish.
Well the only times the japanese actually look similar to how anime characters are drawn are when they're halfus with white people.
There's a reason a fuckton/majority of tv show hosts that aren't comedians in japan have white genes in them, and it's because they got the job for how they looked.
It runs over 15fps, it looks nothing like MH.
too bad it looks like generic edgy anime shit
Can you play as a loli?
Imagine Io asking you to taste her milk.
This is from God Eater 3. There will be no censorship. Also, BAMCO is not a small publisher. Sony cannot push them around.
>Dark Souls. But like, anime.
I don't get it
Shes the queen of bad character design
yeah well too bad I already made all these snoy memes and have to post them in every thread like a retard
>magic swords are anime
They kind of are when your best weapons in the game are the more realistic and practical ones, along with how Berserk inspired most of your games.
>Berserk doesn't have magic swords
I'm not crazy about Sekiro, but that game is gonna suck dick.
>complains about anime being generic
>wants to play as a loli
>t. expert on sucking dick
I LOVE anime!
That's some quantum soý right there
Why is she dressed like a prostitute?
this game will be anime kusoge and STILL be better than Sekiro
>actually being excited for Code: Gay-n
Code Geass
There is nothing straighter than exploring the wastelands with your mommygf
Array Artery
You must be German.
Here is something more up your alley.
She's literally dressed like a cheap whore, user
>wanting to fuck big breasted women is gay
Sorry Ahmed, I can't read persian
What's the lore reason behind Io's attractiveness?
Much better without gasmask
>Implying that Snoy's anti-japanese policy would effect games that were in development for a while
>Implying that Snoy's anti-japanese policy wouldn't effect big publishers in the future
>Implying that japanese devs wouldn't make every version of their game a PS4 version as in it's censored by default going forward
>Implying it's ok to give Snoy your money just because of a few big japanese publishers aren't effected by Snoy's anti-japanese policy for now
Give it a few years and you won't see a difference between western & japanese games because they all have to please the California overlords by making sure that all of their games have to go with the neopuritan standards of Californians.
>shits the bed with animations, combat and overall aesthetics
the surge is great in comparison to this weeb
>implying California won't be dead from a new plague of STDs
>tfw MHW runs at 85+fps on my PC
What are dirndls?
Here's your blacksmith for tonight.
That's the anvil, user
Why is she so flat?
>it's a woman with a backwards wolfhead and a wedding dress crab walking
For me.
The game would look much better without stupid gasmask, this isn't metro
I hope you'll be able to toggle them on/off
There are multiple lore reasons, you know
No wonder she's flat, she's a sword
Yeah, she should be more like the mamacat.
Able to feed a small african nation by herself.
>use Google Translate
>get Spotted Shark
Surprised Coco hasn't been posted yet
Nah, newspaper rules:
but like (and) anime
Know next to nothing about her.
All of the NPC clothing better be obtainable though.
So is Sony gonna censor the fuck out of this or not?
that's a good trick
>somehow has most of her memories in tact
>really nice girl
>wants you to buy her stuff
>has a nice body
That's pretty much it
I'd sniff Io's vapors if you catch my drift
Now this is podracing
Unlikely, considering God Eater 3
>tfw I want a regular wool sweater
At least we have the arctic jacket for comfy god eating.
Fukken saved
When it comes out
Io is the reason I'm paying attention to it.
Kaine ripoff.
Kaine was deliberately dressing like that to emphasize her femininity, wasn't she? I think Io is just an autistic hobo in ragged clothes and a cloak
This game is automatically better because it has waifus.
Emma is cute
a game needs only to sell well in japan and china to be a hit
Reminder that Io cares about you very much
I wonder if you can make Aradia in Code Vein
Finally have a reason to play one of these other than Bloodbourne
Shame you'll have to kill her after she becomes the final boss
If we can't, we riot.
So the chick with the hat doesn't have a malformed face. Why does she wear a mask then?
>Code Neverever
Literally just cancelled my preorder today and put it toward DB Heroes instead
If she took it off, it would be extremely painful
The setting has a bunch of areas filled with a red mist called Miasma. Inhaling this drives you insane and turns you into one of the Lost. The Blood Veils the Revenants use also have masks to feed them the blood that they drained.
I'm sure it will be announced soon
ok tyrone
Forgot to quote
Wake up to Io looking at me? Yes please.
At least my game is going to be released untouched and not suffer from the Duke Nukem Forever disease
nah raykwan
Forget to quote me there again m8? Hastiness is typically a sign of frustration and anger
Imagine going to sleep every night on Io's lap and waking up every morning to the sight of her beautiful face
d'kwanzaa enjoy your card game lmao
I will. Maybe by the time I'm finished, they will finally have released info to let us know when theyll be releasing info on when theyre expecting to release Code Vein
Perfect for paizuri
pce mah brotha
>still not on Steam so I can add it to my wishlist
I thought dragonball was a mexican series. Naruto is the nigger series isnt it?
nah blacks love it too
How I wish I could have that.
God, I just want to shove my face into them
Perhaps one day soon
I'd give it a 9/10. Ending was too sequel baity for my taste but the rest was excellent.
considering they pulled it back to refine it after unexpected popularity, i wouldn't count on that. it was probably going to be formulaic "rebels with attitudes ultimately save the world from a cosmic horror" with cookie cutter levels to be yet another flavor of the month quick buck sale, then they realized "oh shit, this may actually sell well and be popular" and pulled it to refine the gameplay and levels. the story probably won't be too stellar.
i want to be proven wrong though. i want this to go off the rails and embrace the edge so hard it'll transcend dimensions and cut the studio.
There seems to be something about opposing Silva's tyrannical government, but Mido's obsession with evolution and Io's connection to the Thorns give me some hope
I really like it
Why doesn't the MC just give her more clothes?
>why isn't he going through the effort to not see her tits when she isn't even complaining?
t. incel
But anime is gay tho
What's gay about wanting a loyal vampire gf with big tiddies?
Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone Complex
Anime ruins everything
2 nukes were not enough
Waugh souls
Will this game have a better production value than God Eater 3? GE3 got ridiculously small maps, PS2 textures, very low poly characters, etc.
From photos it looks a lot better, but I didn't see much actual gameplay videos.
There are a few gameplay videos on YouTube, but they are supposedly improving the game.
I always wondered what the GE3 protagonist's outfit would look like if it wasn't worn to shit and covered in tape
Thanks red haired guy
I like how the default male MC is already the edgiest looking character
He's just kind of depressed really
>Dark Souls. But like, anime.
>Literally copying Dark Souls
>But it's anime!!!
Oh shit, this is ugly
holy fuck that's awful
She looks fucking photoshopped into that image
It's the lack of shadows.
Oh, I meant the default male MC of Code Vein
>and will have trouble getting even a 75 on MC.
Like I care?
This game isn't for most people, it was never going to get higher than an average score anywhere since attractive women makes modern normies cry.
okay but when tho
This year, I hope
she is
I photoshopped her in there
it was all me
You bastard. Is Io even an actual character in the game?
Why is Mia such a slut?
Gotta pay for those Blood beads some how
not for long
So is this cathedral just expanding outwards?
>Thought it was Code Geass the vidya
>It's just an anime version of Bloodborne based around vampires with a Fate Essie art style
Well damn.
Unrimited Brade Warks
lmao just shoot her like really jack haha
Could the Queen dodge bullets?
If she got merked by a blood veil attack with its ridiculous windup then probably not.
Maybe she was caught by surprise
>This is Silva's daughter.
>He had to organize and participate in the killing of his own daughter.
Unless he's secretly in league with Juzo "Morhpin' the Orphans" Mido then it's no wonder he went full Bane.
Your the queen of shit taste.
Cryptic Vessels
I'm betting she comes back to life somehow
Yes, and with a larger bust and paler skin.
I'm tired of all these slow-ass """action""" games. Shit should be AT MINIMUM 150% faster.
even worse
if you have under 300 anime completed you belong on reddit and not Yea Forums
Just record the gameplay and watch it at 150% speed, silly!
Did you mean to type game?
I think he meant 300 anime series watched
i like how you keep posting that while ignoring this
gayme will become burka vein
>Claire is still busty
>change happened before Sony's censorship policies
>Hilda wears even skimpier clothes
>ignoring the nerf
yep a shill indeed
with some luck burka vein will end up worse than dead on arrival 6
I'm saying that Sony's censorship stuff has nothing to do with Clarie's nerf and that even more sexual things got past
>Yea Forums
Why is face touching so intimate?
Friendly reminder the Lo is retarded
Pronounced EE-oh
And she is not retarded!
What happened to Code Vein? Vaporware?
Still delayed
>only delayed
im pretty sure the last annoucmenet they did was the delay
we didnt even hear a single word since then
neck all journalists
Reminder that this was supposed to come out March of last year, got pushed to late 2018, then to February 2019, then TBA. It's never coming out.
The most recent thing they said is that they'll give an update soon.
This was at the beginning of January
Where did you get March and February?
>latest one piece got its onsen scene removed
>suddenly i remember an onsen scene in one of the gameplay videos
>Duke Nukem Forever two: The Electric Boogaloo
I'm just going to buy it to experience the shit show
Seriously, if they're censoring bikinis, they're going to censor the SHIT out of all the gratuitous fanservice we already saw they put in this game.
Surely they won't remove something that the devs said was used to get to know your companions better, right?
when is it gonna come out, have they said anything?
Cant remember specifically but I remember reading these dates in a lot of articles after initial announcement
nah, soulslike games are usually better than fromsoft's own souls games anyway
>Lords of the Fallen
>The Surge
That's blatantly wrong
god i never make waifus in games but this might be the first time i do it
The character creator is apparently very extensive
One of you keeps bumping this shit on purpose
Yes, that's me
>Soulslike where you can AFFIX BAYONETS
But can I make a dfc? I remember there was no boob slider.
Cryptic Arteries
There are multiple gun types, too
You're thinking of GE3. There's a breast slider in Code Vein
code vein will be better than shit souls, shitborne, and shitkiro dont even compare them
let your thread die fagit
I'm going to sleep soon, user
There's a boob slider. It's the height slider that was missing, which is arguably even more important.
I love how quickly Straid goes from "Oh I'm just a misfortunate traveling wizard" to "i've lived a thousand years and your sorry ass isn't worthy of my sorcery you feeble cursed BITCH"
He's the fucking best
It's not even out yet, user
man I hope they redo the entire enemy design
Some of them look unique, but as a whole they all seem jumbled together and incoherent.
yeah that's basically how I feel about it
other than mido's underlings it's just a mess
I assume each level will have an enemy "theme" based on the demos, with the city being filled with basic Lost with cloth over their heads, that area with the pole dancing being filled with hobo polearm users, etc. Mido's guys seem to be the equivalent of Black Knights. If they're all going to look so different, I hope there is at least a reason
Why is the Executioner pole dancing?
Code: Next Year
paying her way through dental school
I thought her job as an idol would have paid that off
Don't say that!
Since Ishida isn't writing a thrid part of Tokyo Ghoul, I'm going to play this. I need this party.