What are you playing bros? What are you planning to get next? Favorite system? Favorite game? How is vidya culture in your country?

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>What are you playing
Juggling between Skyrim, RE2 (those Claire mods man), DMC5 and Ace Combat 7 at the moment.
>What you planning to get
Man I have enough games and hentai to last me a lifetime, I dunno maybe Sekiro idgaf
>Favorite system
PC, but my favorite console will always be the PS2
>Favorite game
Ace Combat Zero
>How is vidya culture in Hueland
Shit man, I don't know because I don't really leave the house. Back when I was in school it was all about FIFA and PES, I don't know what the kids are into these days.

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>Vidya culture
The same as always my friend, the same as always

>What are you playing bros?

Sekiro, but gonna finish DMC V and other games first.

What are you planning to get next?

Final Fantasy VII on Switch

Favorite system?

Favorite game?
Final Fantasy IX

How is vidya culture in your country?
I am surprised that tons of Mexicans bought Sekiro, it got sold out on Amazon Mexico

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Tell me Latino bro, why the fuck does everyone who speaks spanish spam this and XD ?



>What are you playing?
Currently slay the spire, just beat the heart for the first time yesterdat, apart from that Nier Automata currently playing as 9S
>What are you planning to get next?
I would love to get Sekiro for ps4 but since i live in Venezuela that's almost impossible. Fuck this shithole
>Favorite console
Probably the n64 or gamecube. Also pc but some don't consider it a console
>Favorite game
That's hard, i have a lot. Shovel knight, banjo Kazooie, persona, touhou, bloodborne
>Vidya culture
Most just play the most popular game. Specially LoL, fortinite and CoD. luckily my friends play more niche games

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I can't escape LoL down here, it's the only game I hear about

What are you playing bros?
DMC3 and Armored Core 3.

What are you planning to get next?
Maybe Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Favorite system?
PS2, just soo much variety.

Favorite game?

How is vidya culture in your country?
No clue. Shits quite expensive tho.

Bro I love StS. I've been playing with mods and it's really fun, though I feel like most modded characters are broken as fuck.

>What are you playing?
Luna nights, Fire Emblem Gaiden and Fire Emblem Binding Blade (randomizer with a friend)
>What are you planning to get next
I think I'll try to finish Octopath or BotW, also going to play FE3
>Favorite System
Tie between GBA and DS, best things to ever happen in my game life
>Favorite Game
That's tough, but I think it's probably a JRPG
>How is vidya culture in your country
Just the same normalfag shit as always. Though I guess we do have an unique niche in playing Tibia to this day

What mods do you use? After beating the heart i want to relax before grinding to do it with the other 2 characters

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Lately people aren't playing league so much in Venezuela. But it is one of the most popular games, i played it for a long while because with friends it is tolerable. Gladly none of my friends played fortnite because battle royale is a genre i just can't get into. But again, most casual gamer just play what's the most popular (and free) game around

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Mexicans are also obsessed with Dragon Ball Z

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Here in Uruguay I tried many times to play league but I genuinely don't like it, it's just so repetitive for me

The 2hu ones are pretty good. Marisa is the most polished one, but Sakuya and Satori are also fun.
Slimebound is one of the best mods in the workshop, and other stuff like Witch, Guardian and Runesmith are also really well done.

I don't blame you, it can be repetitive. I guess the appeal is in the characters, what i did was just look for a character which caught my attention somewhat and then try to learn it. Again i don't really recommend league but that's how i started out.

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>Have a huge amount a resources
>Huge population
>Speak the same language(except for BRs and even then its similar latin)
>Similar culture and not as divided or retarded as Africa(inb4 you ree at me, the entire world looks at latin America the same, theres no difference so stop pretending)
>overlooked by everyone, thus having the element of surprise

>Too busy being tricked into killing each other and selling their own resources by the kikes

You guys could have been a legit super power you know and ya blew it.

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South America is pretty shitty m8, most of them live in the past or have different ideologies.

>Argentina economy and currency is collapsing
>Colombia is a narco shithole
>Chile is a shithole invaded by Haitians
>Peru is poor
>Uruguay is good but irrelevant
>Venezuela collapsed

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>Costa Rica
Got a Switch on Christmas, I've 100% BotW on master mode, been playing Smash since but I just downloaded Octopath Traveller and I'm planning to start with it in the evening.

It's a kind of "lol jk"

Kingdom Hearts, Quake and 428
>What you planning to get next
The rest of the KH series, for now
>Favorite system
PC because i can emulate and pirate everything
>Favorite game
Don't have one, i like many
>How is vidya culture
I'm from Brazil. It's as big as an expensive hobby can be, unfortunally. So most people only play free MMOs and mobile shit. Sometimes i see Switches and 3DS at malls, subways and unis, but i live in Rio and people are afraid of being robbed

Been playing master mode botw on Cemu, started playing Hollow Knight, clocked about 5 hours but I'm not really feeling it. Does it get better?

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>ya blew it
BR here, we never "blew it".
This country has been sucking America's cock ever since some fucking burger sympathizers managed to overthrow the last good leader we had, ending our empire and installing the failed republic that we live in to this day.
You burger fucks came here with a fucking naval fleet, aircraft carrier and all, and orchestrated a military coup backed by the CIA that lasted for over 20 years.
That coup was responsible for creating the most disgusting effects not only in the political enviroment but in the societal level as well. Wanted to break the law? Wanted to fuck little girls? Well if you were in the military, you could do any sort of shit and get away with.
That is only part of the root of all corruption that remains rampant in every level of BR society to this day, don't even get me started on our vast natural resources being sold off to the kikes. You turned into the world's most shameful prostitute.
Had Brazil remained a strong Empire, we would be dancing to a completely different tune, one that probably doesn't sound like complete bullshit.
Pic related. The first flag of the Republic, before we adopted our current one.

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Is there anything more gay than gringos and fucking leaves saying "Latinx"

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That looks like a bad parody of the US flag.

>Been playing master mode botw on Cemu, started playing Hollow Knight, clocked about 5 hours but I'm not really feeling it. Does it get better?

Yeah, game gets better when you unlock more abilities