What the f*ck did you just say about Bloodlines 2?
What the f*ck did you just say about Bloodlines 2?
Can you ever not laugh at this guy?
>he juiced for this
is he a dwarf with an oversized head & shitty beard?
Level 10 Halfling Approaches
>"It's normal for adults to buy child sized t-shirts, r-right?"
he looks like an action man
this looks like the big head mode from golden eye
He actually looks alpha w/o the specs
Has anyone seen this little boy's parents?
What the fuck am I looking at? There is something wrong with this guy's body, but I can't put my finger on it. Does he have a child's body?
he did roids and got shredded but judging by the door frame he'slike 5'4
I dunno if it's the angle/distance of the camera but it's his large head + necklet. It ruins the whole look, makes him look like a hairy toddler.
>"I'm just an old man with a skooma problem."
one request...lose the shorts
The virgin shitposter 4channler
The chad soiboi
He looks like the nerd from Tales from the Borderlands.
>my wife's boyfriend said it's my turn to play with the ouya
My fucking sides.
It's pretty disconcerting that despite the fact that this guy is in the best shape he can possibly be in and he's not at all unattractive to begin with, he's still fucking hilarious to look at on the basis of his size and proportions alone.
I'm now going to go and cry myself to sleep.
This is why I stopped working out. I know im gonna end up looking like this.
>use steroids
>still a manlet
what's the point desu?
When will they learn?
This is my problem + DiCaprio baby face.
>those fucking teeth
Jesus christ.
>It's pretty disconcerting that despite the fact that this guy is in the best shape he can possibly be in and he's not at all unattractive to begin with, he's still fucking hilarious to look at on the basis of his size and proportions alone.
It's the worst feel.
Does he wear that shirt to the gym? It’s bound to attract some attention.