Webm thread.
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Webm thread
Where are 1-5, user?
is this Tomb Raider 2? I think I had the demo for this from a PCGamer magazine disc
God what happened to good video games?
Yeah, it's still fun
RE3 remake when ....
I wonder what her shorts smell like.
>all that gameplay
why isn't there a hint of cinematic forced qte action sections? I don't get it
good thread
>VP8 webms with no sound
I'll see what I can do
Holy shit. old tomb raider animations look so ahead of its time. How did I never notice this
>yfw epic kills a game you like
I just want to be able to do shit like this in a modern Tomb Raider, is that too much to ask? I'm ok with the survival shit and stealth shit. But Lara needs to be able to move around like she used to, and dual wield pistols.
>holy crackers
f-fuckin w-weebs
Is that game worth playing?
>better graphics than GTA san andreas
HOW THE FUCK did they get away with it
Is that Mafia?
fuck I love tr2 and I love the venice levels and the fucking soundtrack is god tier
what game?
I miss the nimbe & super acrobatic Lara. Looking at this and comparing her to her 2013 counterpart makes her later incarnation come off as a wooden block.
People love to complain about the controls, but in reality the controls in classic TR are much more responsive, precise and smooth than the modern context sensitive magnet action trash which has a lot of stiched together transitions and total loss of control at times.
is this "based"? is pedophilia "based" on Yea Forums slash vee?
Yes yes
Is that Severance?
I mean if you are not a pedophile you should just go to reddit
Literally in the filename
And it works on a Pentium at 166Mhz with 16MB of ram.
would you like to watch me pee? I recorded myself peeing earlier
please do
I think it's also the fact people don't want to learn how to play anymore. If you spend an hour on Tomb raider you do get the hang of it and it clicks. But people if they can't play well in the first 2 minutes they'll blame the game instead of their own inabilities. When I was a child, I never complained or even thought to complain about tank controls and no else I knew did either, but apparently nowadays it's suddenly this big fucking issue people can never surmount.
based marphy being autistic about a shit game nobody liked
What happened here?
I always thought that the lighting under the water in Tomb Raider games looked cool as shit when I was a little kid.
this and the one on the oil rig are the best levels
The high mobility gameplay of the old Tomb Raiders and Jedi Knights gave me a false hope for the future.
cause the batman/Mordor slide mechanic feels more hands off and Mass effect is stupid
>tfw no co-op campaign
talk about missed opportunity. fun game though.
>nobody liked
zoom zoom
stadia? input lag already, yikes
are you for real?
the guy in the webm is just good and played the game for lots of fucking hours. The controls in that game suck. You can play the first game (and kind of the second one) in your browser without downloading anything, you can try it out and see for yourself
Classic tomb raider tank controls fucking sucked
This camera still makes me mad. I got used to it when I was kid but hot damn is it garbage. Half of the time you don't see anything so you just need to keep a mental map of the 3d space in your head.
I thought your not allowed post ryona let alone death videos on Yea Forums?
Spot the zoomer.
get gud.
PC exclusive. They ported it to consoles letter and it looked horrible.
Third person gundam games are a mistake.
>That fucking moment in The Taekwondo
Such an underrated gem on SuFami
I played them when they came out, it was never good. Games like THPS and Tekken could reach fucking perfection in terms of controls in 2-3 installments, you can emulate Tekken 3 right now and it plays almost exactly like Tekken 7, same with THPS2. tomb raider was just a series of shitty copypasted sequels up until legend
I still think it does. I really like the water in the old Tomb Raider games. It could be my nostalgia of course, but it does look cool. Not realistic obviously, but cool.
fucking weeb.
condemned is so fucking underrated.
Kinda funny how the NPCs still kinda rubber band even though you're clearly abusing the game
>it was never good
Yup, confirmed zoomer 100%.
>it was always worse than other games on the platform because A, B and C
>y-you are a z-zoomer!
Confirmed Mazda
TR2 was such fucking trash.
What braindead retard decide to turn a tomb exploration game with barely any enemies, let alone human ones into a fucking murder fest with dozens of them per single level?
This must be one of those ads for a phone game
This game is so good
>arms look super long and taper down to tiny hands
I get what they're trying to do with that but it bothers me tremendously.
This game is known to me as HOLY CRACKERS.
That magician girl moves just like Fuwaru, a really old game that from the looks of it is made from the same dev.
jesus christ this would be easier to do if I didn't have to make two versions of the same webm for /wsg/ and here.
Where are the black people, Vávra....
Holy mating press!
>not doing the handstand vault
i could hear this webm
Can you play this without VR?
Amazing combat. Didn't need i-frames or any of that shit.
>bully simulator
the fuck is this
Valuable lesson for any man.
well is legit , humanity needs to be wiped .
>Using the tazer.
Shame on you. It basically invalidates the game by making shit so easy.
Not that user but fucking cringe and bluepilled
Should you get it from gog, look in the forums for the links to get the missing music files.
Yabba my icing
Would also like to know, I can't remember what the title was.
So much OOMPH put in to these movements, it looks so sick.
Found it actually.
My dick
And yet we still haven't seen a third game, or even a PC port of the sequel.
get triggered tranny kike nigger faggot.
>nignog tears the door out of the hinges
I laughed way too hard at that.
tfw no nude mods
As a white grill... Kiryu is my weakness.
So handsome ^_^
See how close you have to get to hit them, and how they can hit you from much further away? That really bothered me about this game.
sauce please
It's a shame that this makes absolutely no difference in gameplay. AI interactions like this are what a Half-Life remake or sequel should have attempted to expand on.
>abusing the game
What? The car is just that fast lmao.
>muh slow tank simulator
This fills me with strange emotions... how can you want to protecc... but not want to dic?
I miss it so much, when did rockstar became a one trick pony?
If your first thought is to hug and protect then you're on the right path, but on the wrong website.