Satisfactory is awesome, but the Epic launcher is absolute trash - it doesn't even have a screenshot function. This would be way better on Steam but instead we are getting fucked by Chinese capitalists.
Satisfactory is awesome, but the Epic launcher is absolute trash - it doesn't even have a screenshot function...
I was thinking about picking it up, how is it?
he said awesome
>baby can't take screentshots without steam
The game itself is GOTY, it's just the launcher is garbage, literally worse than Origin. At least Origin has profiles and avatars. Sweeny is a faggot.
I mean, I was hoping for something more substantial, he can't even take screenshots without steam helping him I'm not just going to take his word for it.
>Satisfactory is awesome
Satisfactory is to Factorio what Rimworld is to Dwarf Fortress.
Why play the babby version with infinitely less content when the real thing is right there for less cash?
>uninspired design of objects and world
>extremely ugly and generic art direction
>little content
>factorio exists
I took a screenshot as evidenced by the screenshot idiot
To be fair to Rimworld, it's a lot easier to actually play because it has a UI and I can click things with my mouse, and I'm afraid that if I memorized any more keybinds like I do for two subsims and two flight sims, I'll have to replace it with something important like my ssn.
Factorio has all those things though. Satisfactory would have to have the same amount of content to be worth it.
hows the amount of content compared to factorio? should i wait for full release to pirate?
I have 1000 hours in factorio, and while satisfactory is a puddle compared to it, it's still much more complex than I expected. I recommend it.
Just pirate it then you dumb nigger.
Epic gives the devs a minimum sales guarantee so they get paid either way. You're directly stealing from Tim Sweeneys wallet every time you pirate an EGS game.
*blocks your path*
The first person perspective seems like it'd be easy to get lost in the giant clusterfuck of your constructions.
DF's interface is fine though? I think you're just coping to hide the fact you dont want to put effort into learning something new.
>they made Epic better for developers
>zero incentive for players to use it, in fact it's a worse service than steam
amazing move lmao
It doesn't match Factorio's depth in terms of factory design.
-no grabber arms, belts go directly into machines
-no 2 sides to the belts
-aliens don't attack your base so you don't need turrets
But it's all worth it to play in first person 3D.
>Blatantly obvious the game will have additional features added over time
I can wait the extra year to get and play with friends
Firstly, it isn't, and secondly yes. I literally said I don't want to put in the effort into learning something new.
Because Satisfactory has Z-Levels.
I love DF. But there's loving something and accepting its flaws, and being a fuckhead like you who sees no fault in his favorite product, preventing it from getting better. DF's interface is trash, you need to go through hoops just to see basic information that should be displayed at all times. There's a reason 3rd party programs exist just for that reason.
3D spaghetti
>uninspired design of objects and world
>extremely ugly and generic art direction
That's also very well made and animated.
I'm somewhat optimistic about this.
How does Satisfactory compare against
>Minecraft w/ tech mods?
I hope the chinese money was for a year since people can buy the game, not a year since it leaves early access. Actually does Ebin even have an early access program? If it doesn't then would it mean the year long countdown has already started since people can buy and play the game right now?
it looks like a subnautica reskin
The only real problems DF has are two:
1. It doesn't support multiple cores
2. It's not finished yet
If you have any other complaints you're a fucking idiot
is this lawbreakers
And that it's UI is shit.
its* UI
And no, it's fine.
No, it's shit.
>I dont want to learn it therefore it's shit
Fuck off.
I know it by heart, I don't even use therapist because I'm an autistic purist. Its still shit and could be improved by a mile.
Its just too "unoptimized" after all this time and there is no need for it to stay that way. Maybe steam release will fix it a bit.
It says early access in the library, not sure what that means for the deal though.
Even though the game is good never forget Coffee Stain sold us out.
I like the selection because it let me do squares the size I want without having to count in a grid with a mouse, which I hate.
The hotkeys are fast too.
Shut the fuck up
Satisfactory is shallow and hand hold compared to factorio. It was made for brainlets who felt factorio was too challenging, while being unable to be immersed in 2d graphics and the meh combat.
W-why is this so arousing?
Because you're a samefagging brainlet who is impressed by cutscenes because you wouldnt know deep game mechanics if they slapped you in the face
Everything man creates is sexual in nature.
>new game I think looks cool comes out
>can't play it because my PC barely makes meets the minimun requirements
every time
Fun, but likes to crash sometimes for me
>I need steam for screenshots and save backups
>I only got into PC after 2010
>how do I pirate gaiz
ask your mom to buy you a new PC
So get factorio instead?
>I need steam to do things that should be baked into the game
satisfactory has a screenshot mode anyway
I don't think you know what the point of cloud saves are.
there is no point
You can just say you don't
You forgot
- Satisfactory devs said they are only making a single hand-made map and have no plans for any map generation, so once you know where everything is you can make one single build that will always work.
Speaking of Factorio, how do I replay the game, everything feels so SLOW in the beginning
You can just admit you've never used them for anything.
You make it not slow by automating everything and using the now free time to make it go faster
If you don't care about achievements, get mods. There's several that will give you a decent starting inventory, and a few that even give you super limited bots for early game. (limited as in a custom tiny personal roboport that only does like 10x10 and like 10 construction bots, but that's still better than doing everything by hand for the 50th time.)
Cloud saves are for people who go different places and use different computers, you can't expect neet cave dwellers to give a shit
So you admit you've never used them.
I use them for switching between two pcs and a laptop seamlessly. I also used them when I had to reinstall windows on one and all my saves carried over as soon as I booted up steam.
Space Engineers and Factorio are better games
is legit one of the worst games I've ever played.
>Cloud saves are for people who go different places and use different computers,
so games "journalists" and....? Normal people have one or two computers max.
>ask your mom
most poor people are adults living on their own faggot. rich kids need not reply.
Go on
Reminder that you can pirate guilt-free (for you moralfags) since the devs got paid for the game by Epic anyways. Any sales of the game don't go to the dev, but to Epic
I bought it so I don't have to put my things in a box and hide my body every time I log out. Thought having a separate warehouse full of my clones would be neat.
Modded minecraft master race. The autism goes deep there.
Has nobody mentioned feed the beast yet?
How can one person have such shit tastes?
I like cloud saves because I tend to get bored before completing a game, then I come back after years and play the rest of the game.
This is Yea Forums. He most likely literally has no clue what Factorio is, he just reacts institively to a game that does not seem to be hated too often. It's literally a completely involuntary, spasm-like reaction to him by this point.
Literally the post above yours
>he started on grassy plains
Rocky Desert is the superior choice, you don't have to hike a kilometer to get to coal.
someone post pics of this desert
>the Epic launcher is absolute trash
Pirate the game then. Don't give them money.
this is near the desert start zone, it's next to 2 iron deposits, some copper and limestone, and it's not far from a spot with two coal deposits right next to each other.
Just wait til it's out of early access and you can get it anywhere else
I'm getting back to pirating myself too. I won't bother for X different launcher each requiring an account.
What can you do there? Is it all about conveyers or there are some mechanical parts that you can use to create something more complicated?
It's early access, isn't it? I expect no mid/late game yet like Factorio back when it was at that stage. Also is the world pregenerated or dynamic? Is there different biomes? My biggest issue with Factorio was that everything was either ocean or dirt. You seen one you'd seen them all and only explored just to get more minerals
building factories is clunky as fuck, they really need some kind of isometric view
also not having inserters and only relying on belts is a mistake imo
It's a pregenerated world with a couple different biomes.
build a lookout tower, it tells you when you get the blueprint that they are for getting a better view for building.
>I really enjoy this game
>Should i give them money for it, knowing some faggot chinks get a tiny percentage out of Epic's launcher that itself takes a tiny percentage, of the relative low price?
>Or just say fuck em because a certain powerful anglo said chinks are bad so i must punish every single one that in any singular way has as much as a passing relation to them?
Sure hope you don't look at stock holders of pretty much any company these days. Hell, your computer probably has some chink parts, better turn it off. And i wouldn't be suprised if your internet cabling has a bit of chink in it too
its fun but needs tweaks
splitters have to be fixed
screws being transported one unit at a time is dumb
They sold us out to a shit store with a shit launcher, fuck em.
If the issue is the store itself then my bad, i'm just so used to seeing the generic "b-but chinks!" in 95% of threads with any relation to epic launcher.
Epic is paying the developer for pirated copies, retard
>no inserters
>have to use 11 fucking splitters to split a mk2 belt of coal across 11 coal generators
it's not too annoying, because the splitters and mergers are so cheap, but still
Sekiro is the first game I pirated for many years. This platform exclusivity bullshit needs to stop.
What? You don't actually think they pay per pirated copy, do you? That's like walmart paying the farmer when some faggot steals milk from walmart
Is there any survival or enemy NPCs in this game?
I'm a bloat autist. I use Masterwork mod for DF, pretty much every mod for Kerbal, minecraft, Terraria, Starbounds, Space Engineers, anything craft/industry/engineering centric game besides Factorio which is bloated enough. How much different shit is there in this and how many tiers from primitive caveman punching rocks to whatever the top tier level is?
Wish it didn't run like utter shit.
Probably only the first 1000 copies or so, but that just means you'll need to be one of the early ones in a torrent to get a copy guilt-free
For everyone else who isn't a faggot, just pirate whenever because fuck tim sweeney
This. I started pirating more since Origin and Uplay got introduced. Their games generally aren't already great quality, but I could see myself pick them up in a sale on Steam one day. Now, I just pirate everything that's on those stores. Fuck em.
>Is there any survival or enemy NPCs in this game?
They have a guaranteed sales policy. Meaning that they guarantee that if the game sells less that certain set minimum copies (the volume of which is probably agreed upon between the publisher and the store), the store will pay for the unsold ones regardless.
So if Satisfactory got say, 500k copies sold guarantee, and only sells 450k in the end on Epic Store, epic will pay the equivalent of 50k's copies worth to the Satisfactory devs / producters.
The volume of guaranteed sales is dependent on the title, obviously, but is probably around enough to cover the development costs, but not significant profits. It's more of an insurance policy, to give devs. some sort of guarantee that by betting on Epic store, they won't COMPLETELY shoot themselves in the leg.
If there's any truth to that, i'm actually positivly suprised by epic. Never heard nor would dream any storefront, whatever the products sold, would do something like that. It's basically "ensured income" for devs. Though i have no idea how they keep track of downloaded pirated copies.
Only time i can recall steam doing something that nice was when they refunded money from their own wallet to all customers after some russian scammer fucked off with the paycheck delivering broken garbage that was only found at the very end of the already buggy piece of shit. Some airport sim or such.
Vanilla factorio has a lot of core layers, but with some of the more extensive ovehaul mods like Bob+Angelo, the depth of the game grows exponentially, and so does the sheer volume of shit you can / have to deal with.
Anyone who signs up for free exclusivity shekels is telling me that they have no confidence in their product. They just want their payout and leave the game to rot
It's obviously not going to be a long-term policy. It is obviously something they only employ now, to get to critical user volume. Otherwise, they would NOT stand a chance against steam. And again, it is a flip side of the exclusivity deal.
That is really not true. I don't like Epic and I am not happy about the exclusivity policy, but I can fucking understand how this could appeal to a lot of developers trying to do go for more risky propositions than most.
Sure, it seems like a solid and easy scam. Just shit out some crappy shite, set a 5 bucks tag on it and reap "guaranteed sales" income. Though i'm sure there's clauses and securities in the contracts so it's "not that easy"
But for actual presumably hard working unknown poor devs, that's a nice gesture, even if time limited. Sure, maybe it's a 1 in a 100 games being good deal, but that's basically how Xeno Clash was made (the gubbament of Chile promised minimum income for finishing it) and why Bannerlords is still a theoretical possiblity.
If you think about it, waiting a year and buying on steam actually nets them two sales.
"risky propositions" = "want to make sjw shit that people don't want"
Stop self victimizing, faggot.
Kill yourself nigger
I asked thet ("human?") question on Statfrtoies facebook page.
Got this anerswer = "We haven't ever confirmed that we will be on Steam, but yes the exclusivity countdown begins on March 19th"
Why? My existence oppresses you?
I don't think it's nearly as easy scam as people think it is. First of all, Epic really, REALLY needs the attractive titles to start seeping away the Steam userbase, so they won't offer the deal to anything that does not look sufficiently appealing. Second of all, the guaranteed sales probably cover enough income to prevent the studio from going bankrupt, but not for them to fund next dev project. Finally, they do want Epic to offer that deal to them again with their next project. Again, scamming this system would probably be more effort than releasing cheap cash grab on Steam these days.
That all said, the deal is good for developers, but not for customers. Which is my main issue with this whole setup.
>inb4 something something TRANNY/NIGGER/SJW screaming
If you're a nigger it does
You are the definition of everything wrong with this board. More obsessed by identity politics than the worst fucking Tumblerina's. You literally cannot think about anything but this shit for more than one second.
It's become one of those games I can sink hours into without realizing it. It's crashy and buggy sometimes but even so I'm enjoying it.
Kill yourself chink epic shill
careful, i got banned on here not long ago for "being racist". this place ain't what it used to be that's for sure. it's over jim, the sjw's won.
Don't worry bro, muh dicc isn't even average. I'd have a hard time intimitating even a gook in the showers.
I travel a lot for work so it is a super useful to me.
Who knew games like Hotline Miami, SuperHot, Zeno Clash, Dwarf Fortress etc was "SJW" shit? Better stick to bing bing wahoos. Don't wanna try new ideas and concepts after all.
Not that i use cloud saves. But it could come in handy one day since i work 3 weeks at the sea (and two off). But i've alway just manually exported my local saves to my much shittier laptop (so i only play low demand games asea), and i'm sure it's useful for more casual gamers.
damn, we truly are the most oppressed people on the planet. when will we rise up?
cringe. y'know how i can tell you're a kid?
Look at you being brave standing up to the evil epic. Big clap for this guy.